priority areas - angela guzman icsu rolac

March 9-10, 2015, Panama, Panama Workshop of ICSU Focal Points in Latin America and the Caribbean

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March 9-10, 2015, Panama, Panama

Workshop of ICSU Focal Points in Latin America

and the Caribbean

2010-2015: Four priority areas

1. Sustainable energy

2. Disaster Risk Reduction

3. Biodiversity

4. Mathematics education

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Sustainable Energy: Follow-

up Meeting

Global-Regional Workshop on Sustainable


First Workshop on Sustainable Energy

10 Apr

“Sustainable Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean:

Potential for the Future”

“Sustainable Energy Systems for Universal Energy Access and to

mitigate Global Climate Change"

15 Dec - 2 Jun

Creation of an ICSU ROLAC Steering Committee on Sustainable Energy

Sustainable energy

Mission:- to be the scientific advising body for ICSU ROLAC- to propose and promote international cooperative strategic actions on SE- to foster initiatives on SE with global and trans- disciplinary perspectives

ICSU ROLAC Steering Committee on Sustainable Energy (SE)

Main objectives and lines of actions1. Research, Development, Demonstration and Knowledge Management2. Capacity building3. Outreach and advocacy

Proposed research topics on SE

1.Improving efficiency in energy conversion, transportation, and consumption as well as in energy planning and management in order to resolve the problems of climate change while meeting the need for energy security. Energy efficiency research requires the introduction and adaptation of the latest available technologies for efficient buildings, efficient illumination, energy saving devices, etc.

2.Expanding and strengthening regional knowledge management capabilities for sustainable energy in cooperation with CODATA and relevant regional organizations, e.g., OLADE.

Proposed research topics on SE

3. Development of optimized energy matrixes that maximize the use of renewable energy sources at the local, national, sub-regional and/or regional levels to provide decision makers with scientific tools for sustainable energy planning and policies.

4. Development of micro-grid case studies together with vulnerable communities to improve local energy generation and distribution, and appropriate training for local management and maintenance of the micro-grid.

5. Efficient expansion planning, operation, and management of Latin America power systems, including the updating of energy generation facilities, the integration of significant renewable power capacity, and feasibility analyses and research towards the implementation of smart grid technologies.

6. Design of regulatory frameworks to remunerate renewable generation in order to meet renewable targets in a timely manner while preserving the overall economic efficiency of the power sector.

7. Research on the positive environmental impact of interconnecting the power systems of neighboring countries and integrating national electricity markets.

Proposed research topics on SE

1. Develop a series of training institutes on sustainable energy for young social and natural scientists and engineers from the LAC region, where the participants will be faced with a real community in need of energy solutions. After attending lectures by leading experts and representatives of energy agencies and power utilities on the scientific, social, political, technical, and economic aspects of sustainable energy, the participants will be asked to design a project that provides a solution for the energy needs of the community. The proposal should include the analysis of local energy resources, the evaluation of the energy needs of the community, and the contemplation of specific cultural issues and possibilities of local engagement in the project. The best proposals will be presented to the authorities of the community and national science agencies in search of co-funding for the solution to be implemented.

Capacity building projects on SE

2.Develop a series of workshops on micro-grid and smart-grid technologies as building blocks of the energy grid of the future.

Capacity building projects on SE


2010 2012 2013

Regional Workshop on Disaster Risk Management in LAC, Argentina.

1st Meeting of the ICSU ROLAC SC on DRR

Preparatory Meeting for the establishment of the Steering Committee

ICSU ROLAC Steering Committee

on Disaster Risk Reduction


Inter- Institutional Committee, Ministry of S&T of Argentina

Participation of young scientists

Regional Preparatory Meeting for Hyogo2, Chile

Agreement on the establishment of the ICSU ROLAC Steering Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction7 Sep

“Understanding and managing risk associated with natural hazards: A

comprehensive scientific approach for LAC”


Disaster RiskReduction




Consultant: V. Jimenez


Results to be presented at WCDRR, Sendai, Japan, March 2015

Work programme for the SC on DRR: a)Publish online the results of the consultancy. b)Expand the set of data including Brazil and keep the

information updated.c) To hold annual activities starting with FLACSO activities in

2015. d)To plan an Education activity for the end of 2015. e)To outline the structure of an integrated workshop on science,

policy and practice, to be held as an annual activity. f) To follow up on WCDRR in an electronic meeting in April.

Work programme for the SC on DRR:

g) To establish contacts with the organizers of “Understanding risk” (GFDRR) to allocate the ICSU ROLAC capacity building activity with their conference.

h) To recommend to the representatives in the meeting of the ICSU ROLAC with focal points to promote the creation of national committee of IRDR, showing the successful cases of Argentina, Colombia, and/or Panama.

i) Discuss possibilities for FORIN in the next meeting: Training workshop and study cases.

j) Meeting on sensitizing policy-makers will be discussed for 2017.

2010 2013 2014

“Biodiversity and human well-being in LAC: A multi-sectorial

contribution to the science-policy


“Biodiversity in LAC: an assessment of

knowledge, research scope, and priority


Workshop on Biodiversity

Science-Policy Workshop: Access and Benefit-Sharing for non-commercial academic research

Book with recommendations to facilitate the exchange of biological resources for their scientific research and identification.


Capacity & Networking Project (CANP)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

II Taller sobre Enseñanza de las Matemáticas en América Latina

ICSU-ROLAC Meeting on Mathematics Education in Latin America and the Caribbean

Mathematicians and school math education

Regional Workshop in mathematics education

“Mathematics Education in LAC: a reality to be


Massive Olympiads 13 May - 14 May

Teacher training 14 May - 15 May

Continued education for teachers 15 May - 16 May

Repository of materials for Math Education

17 May - 18 May


27 Jun - 29 Jun


Math Education

Health and Wellbeing

• Over half of the World’s population lives in urban areas• Urban population is increasing 2% annually• Urbanization presents opportunities and risks, and

challenges for maintain and improving human health and wellbeing.

• Systems analysis, which is explicitly designed to deal with complexity, and which draws on insights and inputs from diverse scientific disciplines, is an approach that has unique potential to address these issues.

Health and Wellbeing

• An international scientific 10-year programme approved by the ICSU 30th General Assembly in Rome, October 2011

• In response to the interest of a number of its Members• Was included as a new priority in the 1st ICSU Strategic Plan,

2006-2011. • Build an ICSU interdisciplinary programme

Health and Wellbeing

• Stimulating specific research projects• Developing new methodologies• Identifying data needs and knowledge gaps• Building and strengthening scientific capacity• Facilitating communication and outreach

Co-sponsors: the United Nations University (UNU) and the InterAcademy Medical Panel (IAMP)

International Programme Office: the Institute of Urban Environment (IUE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Xiamen, China.  Dr Franz Gatzweiller is appointed as  the new Executive Director.

Launch of the International Programme Office: December 2014.

Interdisciplinary science programme on Health and Wellbeing in the Changing Urban Environment: a Systems Analysis Approach.


1. Sustainable development

1.1 Sustainable Energy

1.2 Disaster Risk reduction

1.3 Biodiversity & Indigenous knowledge

1.4 Health and wellbeing

2. Mathematics and Science education