print screens for contents

Keeping the continuity I decided to have the orange colour and green stroke. I got the idea of splitting the word ‘Contents’ from the magazine ‘Vibe’ I think its very different, and makes the page look more interesting I used the ‘Cropping Tool’ to cut out my main image and the' Blur Tool’ to smoothen his skin to show better quality, and I also used the ‘Hue Tool’ to slightly lighten his skin. Placing the image on the left hand side will allow me to place my text next to/around him and creates enough space for me to add addition pictures

Upload: anniieanna1

Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Keeping the continuity I decided to have the orange colour and green stroke. I got the idea of splitting the word ‘Contents’ from the magazine ‘Vibe’ I think its very different, and makes the page look more interesting

I used the ‘Cropping Tool’ to cut out my main image and the' Blur Tool’ to smoothen his skin to show better quality, and I also used the ‘Hue Tool’ to slightly lighten his skin. Placing the image on the left hand side will allow me to place my text next to/around him and creates enough space for me to add addition pictures

With my sell lines I decided to use a orange box and place my writing on top. I’m keeping with block sharp fronts, shapes and colours to give my contents a better look and to fit the type of audience I’m aiming for, which are teenagers

I decided to use the three most noticeable symbols from my masthead in the top corner of the page to show that its an arbitrary sign for my music magazine which my audience will be able to recognise

After placing all my sell lines and text onto my page I see that it works well because the layout looks good and its easy to read and it doesn’t look cluttered

After looking at my old contents page I decided that I didn’t like the layout and composition because it’s simplistic and I wanted to show that I can be original. So I placed my additional images on the right hand side and changed the direction in the way they’re were place to add a different effect, and I also added a dark green stoke around it for them to stand out more. Then I moved my sell lines to different places on the page rather than having them under each other. I reduce the size of my main artist to add more space to the page for extra information, but he’s still noticeable and the layout and composition works better than the old one because it looks more appealing to the eye