primary school admissions 201011

closing date for applications is 29 Jan 2010 starting school in Lewisham 2010–11 information for parents of children starting primary school between September 2010 and July 2011

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closing date for

applications is 29 Jan 2010

starting school in Lewisham 2010–11information for parents of children starting primary school between September 2010 and July 2011

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Primary schools in Lewisham

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3please see page 14 for advice on completing the common application form


Foreword 4Important dates 5Applying for a community nursery school place 6–7Nursery schools and nursery classes – your questions answered 9Applying for a reception place 10The age at which children start primary school 10Community, Foundation and Voluntary schools and Academies 10The Primary Coordinated Admissions System 11Making an application 12–13Completing the Common Application Form 14–16Late applications for a reception place 17–18Reception – your questions answered 19–20Appeals procedure 21Applying for a place for a child already of statutory school age 22Applications to Lewisham’s Community schools: admissions criteria 23Information on oversubscription to Lewisham’s Community primary schools 24Last year’s application and appeal rates 25–26

Schools in Lewisham

Schools in Lewisham (list) 28–33Nursery and Early Childhood Centres in Lewisham 34Voluntary Aided, Turnham Foundation and Academy primary schools 35Churches Together in Britain and Ireland 69Membership of Ecumenical Bodies 69

Further information

Extended Services in Lewisham schools 71Payment of travelling expenses 71School meals, milk and clothing 71Lewisham’s Attendance and Welfare Service 72Special educational needs 73Kaleidoscope 74The School Health Service 74Medical programme 75Inclusion service 75New Woodlands School 75Out of school childcare 75Equal opportunities 76Complaints 76Useful contacts 77Term dates for the academic year 2010/11 78


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If your child is due to start at a Lewisham primary school between September 2010 and July 2011, then this booklet has been written for you.

We are proud of our vibrant, exciting and innovative schools in Lewisham and you can be assured that your children will flourish and be successful, whichever school they attend. Starting school is a very important milestone in every child’s life. As a parent or carer, you will be anxious to make the right decision about which primary school you want your child to attend.

I know that you will be able to find a primary school in Lewisham which will meet your child’s needs. All Lewisham primary schools have high expectations of their children. Our schools want all of our children to

achieve highly; to enjoy school; to develop as fully rounded individuals who have high aspirations and strong self-esteem; and who are motivated to learn and succeed. Lewisham primary schools are committed to working closely with parents and carers. Headteachers and teachers will be happy to talk with you about your child and how their school can offer the highest standard of education.

Once your child starts school, I urge you to talk to your child’s teacher or headteacher about the best way in which you can be involved fully in the education of your child. I do hope that you find this booklet helpful as you decide on your four preferences. I wish you and your child well as you both enter into this new important phase of his or her life.


Frankie SulkeExecutive DirectorChildren and Young People

Dear Parent/Carer

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Important dates

Applications to reception class 2010/11

Parents complete Common Application Form Mon 2 November 2009 – Fri 29 January 2010

Closing date for receipt of Common Application Form or online application at

Fri 29 January 2010

School supplementary information form (if required) to be returned direct to the faith school

Fri 29 January 2010

Lewisham writes to all applicants to confirm schools applied for

Mon 22 February 2010

Last date for accepting applications from those who have moved into the area since 29 January 2010

Mon 22 February 2010

Results of applications posted by first class mail to parents and carers

Tues 20 April 2010

Results available to those who made an online application Wed 21 April 2010

Parents must return acceptance slip for the place offered to the primary school

Wed 5 May 2010


Closing date for lodging Lewisham Community school appeals

Fri 28 May 2010

Appeal hearings for unsuccessful applicants June–July 2010




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From September 2010, every local authority must offer 15 hours of free early education to all 3 and 4 year olds over a minimum of 38 weeks. The offer will be made available flexibly, to meet parental demand over a minimum of three days. This provision will be available in nursery classes in schools and in private, voluntary and independent nurseries. If parents want full-time provision they will be able to pay for the additional hours. For more information, please call the childrens centres team on 0208 314 3686.

There are two nursery schools in Lewisham and most primary schools have a nursery class attached. To register your child for a place at a nursery school or nursery class you should complete and sign an application form issued by the nursery. You should do this when your child reaches the age of two. The length of time a child’s name is on the application list does not give the child priority over later applicants. If more parents want nursery places for their children than it is possible to provide at any particular school, the head teacher (in conjunction with the Executive Director for Children and Young People, if necessary) will make decisions and give priority in the following order to:

1. Children in Public Care (also called ‘looked after’). Details confirming the child’s status must be supplied by the allocated social worker. A looked after child is a child who is in care to a local authority or who is provided with accommodation by that authority.

2. In exceptional circumstances there is discretion to admit children on the grounds of their or their family’s acute medical or social need for that particular nursery school and who would not otherwise qualify for admission. The application will need to be supported by a letter from a hospital consultant, social worker or similar professional, setting out the reasons why the nursery school is

the only one able to meet the child’s needs, before an admission decision is made. The admission decision will be made by the Head teacher, who may consult with the Executive Director for Children and Young People, and supporting evidence must be provided with the application. In exercising their judgement on the medical and social needs of individual children, Head teachers will take into account each child’s particular stage of development.

3. Applicants whose brother or sister (i.e. a ‘sibling’) is on the roll of the main school when the application is made and is expected to be on the roll of the school, or of the junior school in the case of separate infant and junior schools, at the intended date of admission. If the school is oversubscribed entirely with siblings, priority will be given to those

i) with exceptional social and medical need, and

ii) living closest to the school

Children applying for a place at Clyde or Chelwood nurseries will only qualify for a place under the sibling criteria if their older sibling is on the roll of the nursery when the application is made and is expected to be on the roll of the nursery at the intended date of admission.

Siblings include all blood or adoptive siblings, half siblings, foster siblings of looked after children and step-siblings. Siblings must all be living at the same address as the child. Proof of the sibling relationship may be required.

4. Children who live closest to the nursery school. All distances will be measured in a straight line, using digitised mapping software or Ordnance Survey maps of the area, from the home to the nearest gate nominated by the school. If more than one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy building (eg flats), priority

Applying for a community nursery school place

Attendance at nursery school or nursery class gives children a valuable introduction to school, helping them to develop positive attitudes to learning and to mix easily with other children.

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will be given to the applicant whose door number is the lowest numerically and/or alphabetically. Proof of permanent home address will be required and will include current council tax statements, utility bills, residence orders or other court orders. If a false address has been given and an offer made on the basis of that information, the offer of a place may be withdrawn.

Lewisham is aware that some parents rent a property close to a popular school to increase the likelihood of their child gaining admission. To establish an applicant’s permanent rather than temporary home address the following is required;

1. closing accounts for the original property

2. official confirmation of the end of tenancy or house sale for the original property

a) tenancy agreement via a commercial letting agency for a period of 12 months or more. The period of the tenancy must extend beyond the start of the academic year in which the child is due to be admitted or b) solicitor’s confirmation of the completion of the purchase of the new property.

In establishing the permanent home address, Lewisham may also check records held within the Council as well as other external agencies.

Shared care arrangements: Lewisham is aware that some parents living apart share the care of their child. Lewisham will normally accept that the child lives with the parent who has parental responsibility and who is in receipt of child benefit and child tax credit. Documentary evidence may be required. Further advice is available from the Admissions Team.

continued over...




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Other arrangements

Head teachers have discretion over the balance of three and four year olds in their nurseries, and the ratio of part-time and full-time places offered.

Priority will be given to Lewisham residents.

An existing childminder’s address, instead of the home address, may only be used to determine ‘nearness’ if the child has a medical or social need for that particular school. The child’s home address must also be in Lewisham.

A period of three terms is regarded as the minimum time that children should spend in a nursery school or nursery class. The maximum is five terms. No child will be admitted to a nursery class or nursery school before their third birthday. Parents who have been offered a part-time nursery or early reception place at more than one school may only take up one place. Decisions will be made separately for both the September and January intakes.

Waiting lists will be held in the same order as determined by the admissions criteria. Applications to nursery schools or classes are not dealt with through a co-ordinated scheme and there is no set closing or decision date. Applications are made direct to the nursery.

Unsuccessful applicants do not have the right of appeal; however, the child’s name can be placed on the waiting list. You may wish to find out about what other early education places are available in the area. Lewisham’s Family Information Service can provide you with this information (telephone 0800 085 0606).

Other aspects of the policy

A place in a nursery class does not give a child a greater claim than any other applicant for a place in the reception class at that school. A separate application must be made for a place in the reception class at the school. You can also apply to schools and classes in other boroughs, but you should bear in mind that most of these will give priority to residents in their own area. Lewisham does not pay for children who live in Lewisham to attend nursery classes in other boroughs. Families who arrive in the area after the normal time of admission should apply through the Family Information Service, which will have details of current vacancies in each nursery.

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Nursery schools and nursery classes – your questions answered

Q Does admission to nursery guarantee a transfer to the attached primary school?

A No. Applications to the reception class of the primary school are considered from all the children who want places and the decision as to who should be offered a place is based on the admissions criteria for primary schools (see page 23).

Q Can I take up a part-time early reception, or nursery place in the morning at one school and the afternoon in another nursery class?

A You are only entitled to 12.5* hours of free nursery provision unless your child attends a school which has been selected by the authority to offer full time places and your child has needs which meet the criteria for such full time places.

* Some providers are moving to 15 hours free entitlement from September 2009. All providers should offer 15 hours from September 2010.

Q If my child is looked after by a relative/friend/ childminder, can I use their address when applying for a nursery place?

A Only your permanent home address at which you are registered for council tax will be taken into account. An existing registered childminder’s address instead of the home address may be used only if the child has a professionally supported medical or social need for a place and the home address is in Lewisham.

Q Can I appeal if my child is not given a nursery place at my preferred school?

A No. Nursery is classed as non-statutory education and there is no right of appeal.




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Applying for a reception place

The age at which children start primary school

Legally, children must receive full-time education from the beginning of the school term following their fifth birthday. However, Lewisham has a policy of offering a school place earlier as a ‘rising five’ and has a two stage entry to reception class.

Children qualify for admission to a reception class on a full-time basis in September – if they become five between 1 September and 28 February, and in January – if they become five between 1 March and 31 August.

St Matthew Academy and Haberdashers’ Aske’s Hatcham Academy – Temple Grove will admit all children to the reception class in September. St John Baptist CE School has an early reception class (see page 50).

If your child was born between 1 September 2005 and 31 August 2006, you must apply for a place at a primary school between 2 November 2009 and 29 January 2010. Offers will be posted to all on-time applicants on 20 April 2010. For those who make an online application the result can be picked up through the online system on 21 April 2010.

Community, Foundation and Voluntary schools and Academies

In Lewisham, primary schools are either Community, Voluntary Aided, Foundation, or an Academy. All primary schools are mixed and both boys and girls attend. Community schools are built, maintained and staffed by a local authority, the full cost falling on public funds. The local authority determines the admission arrangements and decides which applicants are offered a place in accordance with the published admissions criteria.

Voluntary schools are built by a voluntary body, usually a religious or charitable group, but maintained by a local authority. The governing body determines the admission arrangements and decides which applicants are offered a place in accordance with the published admissions criteria.

Foundation schools and Academies are directly funded by the Department for Children, Schools and Families and the governing body determines the admission arrangements and decides which applicants are offered a place in accordance with the published admissions criteria.

Applications for a reception class place in a Lewisham primary school are co-ordinated through Lewisham Local Authority and must be made either on Lewisham’s Common Application Form or online. For those applying under the religious criteria for a place at a faith school, a supplementary form will also need to be completed and returned to the school. Supplementary forms can be downloaded from Learning/Schools/SchoolAdmission/supplementaryinformationforms. This system has been developed to improve the way applications are made and makes the process more accessible for parents.

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The primary co-ordinated admissions system

The co-ordinated admissions system – Main points

1. Parents apply for a maximum of four primary schools in Lewisham on one Common Application Form (CAF) issued by Lewisham or online.

2. Applications to schools outside Lewisham must be made on a CAF issued by that borough.

3. Independent (fee paying) schools are not part of this system and applications should be made direct to the school.

4. More parents and carers will be offered a place at one of their preferred schools (but this cannot be guaranteed).

5. Fewer parents will receive no offer from a preferred school.

6. Provisional offers will be posted to parents on Tuesday 20 April 2010.

How it works:

Parents (or persons with legal parental responsibility for the child) must complete a single CAF listing the schools (up to a maximum of four) they are applying for in the order they prefer them. Applications can also be made online at

The application must be returned by post or submitted online to Lewisham by Friday 29 January 2010.

The admissions authority for each school will consider all applications for their school at the same time. If more applications are received than the number of places available, the published admissions criteria will be applied to determine which applicants qualify for a place.

If a child qualifies for a place at more than one of the schools s/he applied for, Lewisham will identify the highest of those possible offers from the order the parent ranked the schools on their Common Application Form.

If applying for a place at a faith school based on church membership or worship, parents must complete the school’s supplementary form and return it to the school by 29 January 2010.

All offers will be posted by first class mail on Tuesday 20 April 2010 or, if the application has been made online, the result can be accessed via the website on Wednesday 21 April 2010. Please note: results will not be given over the phone.




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Making an application

You do not have to be a Lewisham resident to apply for Lewisham schools. A maximum of four schools can be applied for and these must be listed in order of preference. Applicants may give reasons why the place is required. Applications made under the ‘special social or medical reasons’ criteria must be supported with professional evidence (a letter from a hospital consultant, social worker or similar professional) which clearly states why that school is the only school able to meet the child’s specific needs. Each case will be considered on its individual merits; therefore such applications will not necessarily be given priority over those of other children.

Many schools in Lewisham receive more applications than there are places available, so there is no guarantee that every parent will be offered the school that they most want. It is important to consider the admissions criteria for each school and decide whether your child is likely to be offered a place. For example, will your child be considered under the home to school distance criteria or is it a faith school which gives priority to children who are of the faith?

It is important that the permanent home address is given as this will be checked against council records before a provisional offer is confirmed. You will be required to provide proof of your permanent home address before you can accept an offer of a place (see information under ‘Completing the Common Application Form’). Families who have moved address during the admissions process will be asked to provide evidence that they are the owner or tenant of the new property as well as the closing accounts for the original address. A residence or court order may be requested if there is a query about where the child is residing.

Lewisham is aware that some parents share the care of their child. Lewisham will accept that the permanent home address is that which is held by the nursery/primary school. Lewisham will normally accept that the child lives with the parent who has parental responsibility and who is in receipt of child benefit and child tax credit. Documentary evidence may be required.

Applications made for a Catholic school, including St Matthew Academy, or a Foundation place at a Church of England school on religious grounds will need to be supported with a supplementary form issued by that school. This form will need to be signed by the priest, vicar or minister who will confirm your child’s church membership and attendance. The supplementary form must be returned direct to the school before the closing date – 29 January 2010. The school must also be one of the schools applied for on the Common Application Form or online. If it is not, then the application cannot be considered by the governors. Common Application Forms can be returned in a sealed envelope via any Lewisham primary or nursery school or handed in to the Access Point at Downham Leisure Centre or Laurence House. Please ask for a receipt from the school or Access Point. If you wish to post the form directly to the Admissions Team, it is advisable that you send it by recorded delivery. Please keep proof of posting safe and keep the carbon copy of the form. If the form goes missing in the post, this proof will be needed if the application is to be considered as an ‘on-time’ application.

Applying online

Applications can be made online rather than by completing a paper Common Application Form. The website is active from early November 2009 and will close on 29 January 2010. Please note: if you apply online, you must not complete a paper Common Application Form as well. If we receive both a paper application and an online application, we will follow the applications made on the online application and ignore the applications made on the paper Common Application Form. Applying online offers the following benefits:

a secure and fast method of applying for schools – you will need to have an email account and will need to register with for which you will need to create a log-in and password. This is so that other people cannot access your information. It will take approximately five minutes to register.

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accurate quality of information – the online system offers a school and address search so mistakes are avoided

the ability to amend preferences and your information up until the site closes on 29 January 2010. After the closing date Lewisham will accept the last version of the submitted application.

If you do not have a computer at home to use, Lewisham council provides free computer access at its libraries. You will need a library membership card, and you may need to book, so we recommend calling the Library Enquiry Service on 020 8314 6399.

Submitting the online application

After you have selected your schools you must submit the application. When submitted, you will receive an Application Reference Number, which will look like this: 209-2010-09-E-001234. If you do not have such a number, then your form has not been submitted.

The completed application, along with the Application Reference Number, can be printed, and we recommend you keep a copy for your records.

If you are providing additional information to support your application, for instance a letter from a hospital consultant or social worker, or if you are applying for a school that requires a supplementary information form, make sure you submit these by post.

Important: After 29 January 2010, the online facility will close and it will not be possible to submit applications online.

If you experience technical difficulties with the e-admissions website or if you have forgotten your password, please contact the London Grid for Learning (LGfL), who administer the website, on 08700 63 64 65 and select option 4 for e-admissions help.




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Completing the Common Application Form

About your child

Please note that the person completing the application form must be the child’s parent (including adoptive parent) or the person with legal parental responsibility. We cannot accept applications from a grandparent or other family member unless they have legal parental responsibility. If you are applying for a school place but are not the child’s parent, please enclose a letter explaining what your relationship to the child is and why you are applying instead of the parent. Legal documentation may be required.

Complete all the sections with your child’s details. Ensure that your child’s permanent home address is correct. Lewisham makes provisional offers and each applicant is required to provide the primary school with proof of the child’s permanent home address before the offer can be accepted. This will include current council tax statements, utility bills, residence orders or other court orders. If a false address has been given and an offer made on the basis of that information, the offer of a place may be withdrawn.

Lewisham is aware that some parents rent a property close to a popular school to increase the likelihood of

Copies of Lewisham’s Common Application Form are available from every primary school in Lewisham, the Access Points or by calling the Admissions Team on 020 8314 8282.

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their child gaining admission. To establish an applicant’s permanent, rather than temporary, home address the following may be required;

1. closing accounts for the original property

2. official confirmation of the end of tenancy or house sale for the original property

a) tenancy agreement via a commercial letting agency for a period of 12 months or more. The period of the tenancy must extend beyond the start of the academic year in which the child is due to be admitted, or

b) solicitors’ confirmation of the purchase of the new property.

Until the tenancy or ownership of the original property has been surrendered, Lewisham will not accept the new address as the permanent home address.

In establishing permanent home address, Lewisham may also check records held within the Council as well as other external agencies.

If your child resides equally between parents, see page 12 for guidance. Other information about your child – inform us of any details that may affect your child’s application. If the child is in care (‘looked after’ by a local authority) or you are applying on medical or social grounds, please circle the appropriate response so that your application can be correctly considered

Preference ranking

School preferences – Apply for up to four Lewisham schools, taking care to write the full name of each school, in the order of your preference. Your ranked order will only be used if it is possible to offer more than one school that you have applied for. You will only receive an offer at ONE of those schools, and that will be the school you ranked highest of the possible offers. Please note that it is not possible to change your preferences once you have submitted your Common Application Form unless there are exceptional circumstances. You should be satisfied that your child qualifies for a place at the schools you apply for. It is important that you understand how admission

decisions are made – please refer to the admission policy for each school. Applying for only one school will not increase your chances of being offered a place at that school. Siblings – Write the full name, gender and date of birth of any sibling already attending the school. Reason for preference – It is essential that you tick this box and provide supporting evidence if you have a specific reason for wanting the school. Please ensure you read the declaration carefully before you sign the form. Lewisham is aware that some parents give false information to try to gain admission to schools in Lewisham and will not hesitate to withdraw any place offered as a result of false information.


Distance will be measured in a straight line from the child’s home address (including flats) to the gate nominated by the school, using a computerised measuring system. Those living closer to the school receive higher priority. If more than one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy building, e.g. flats, priority will be given to the applicant whose door number is lowest numerically and/or alphabetically.

Supplementary Information Forms

All parents who list their preferred school on the Common Application Form are regarded as having made valid applications. A Supplementary Information Form may also have to be completed for applications considered under faith criteria or for specialist places. Applications are not valid where only a Supplementary Information Form is completed for a school that is not listed on the Common Application Form.

Receiving the result of your application

Whether you applied online or completed a paper Common Application Form, the result of your application will be posted to you by first class mail on 20 April 2010. If you have applied online, you will also be able to view the result of your application from the morning of 21 April 2010. You will need your login




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details and secure password to access your child’s records. Please note that admissions staff will not be able to give you the result of your application over the telephone.

Visiting schools

Before deciding which schools you wish to apply for, you are advised to visit them to see the facilities and opportunities available. Head teachers will be pleased to arrange to show you around the school and answer any questions you may have. Please contact the school direct to arrange a convenient time.

How the decisions are made

Each application is looked at separately without consideration of other schools listed on the Common Application Form. Once all applications have been received, the admissions authority for the school will consider its complete list and if there are more applications than there are places available, the admission policy will be applied. In the case of Community schools, Lewisham will apply the admission

policy and decide which applicants receive a place. In the case of a Voluntary or Foundation school or an Academy, the governors of the school will make the admission decision and will use evidence provided on the supplementary form. The admission policy for Community schools is published on page 23 and the policies for each Foundation and Voluntary Aided school and Academy are published from page 34. Once all of the admission decisions have been made, these are fed back to the Admissions Team. Where a child can be offered more than one school they have applied for, the ranked order will be used to offer the child the highest of the possible offers. No child should receive an offer of more than one Lewisham school place.

Looked after children

Children in care are among the most vulnerable in society. All admissions authorities must give highest priority in their admission policy to such children. Looked after children are defined by Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 as children in the care of the local authority or provided with accommodation by them (e.g. children with foster parents).

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Applications made after the closing date – 29 January 2010

Late applications for a reception place

Applications received after the closing date of 29 January 2010 will still be considered but only after all on-time applications have been considered. An exception to this rule is where you move into the borough between 29 January and 22 February (and therefore could not have applied by the closing date). Providing that proof of the move is attached to the application form (including the occupation date), applications received up to 22 February will be accepted as on time. If you move into the borough after 22 February (and provide the necessary proof of the move), your application will still be considered after all on-time applicants but your child’s name can be inserted at the appropriate place on the first waiting list.

Change of address after submission of the application form

If you move house after submitting your application form, you must inform the admissions department immediately as the new home to school distance is likely to affect the outcome of your application. You may be able to change your preferences as a result of your move, depending on the date of the move. The Admissions Team will be able to discuss the options open to you.

Change of address between 21 April 2010 and your child’s start at school

If you move home after you have had your offer of a place confirmed, the offer of a place will still be honoured but you must ensure that the journey is reasonable and your child always arrives at school and is picked up on time. If you no longer require a place in Lewisham, please advise the Admissions Team in writing so that the place can be offered to another child. If you require a reception place in another part of the borough, then a list of schools with vacancies will be made available on request.

Deferral of a place

If your child is offered a place but you wish to defer taking the place, you may do so and the place offered will be held for your child. You cannot, however, defer entry beyond the beginning of the term after your child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the academic year that you have applied for. If you want to defer your child’s admission to a later academic year (for instance, Year 1), you will need to re-apply for that year.

Unsuccessful applications

Anyone who is refused a place may complete a form to request that the child’s name be held on a waiting list should a vacancy arise during the first year (reception) only. Lewisham can advise you of schools where




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there are vacancies so that further preferences can be expressed. You can appeal against the decision not to offer your child a place at a preferred school, although the legislation on ‘class size’ and the limited powers of the appeal panel should be considered (see page 21). Infant classes are restricted by law to a maximum of 30 children.

Confirmation of applications

If you have made an on-time application, Lewisham will write to you on 22 February to confirm the schools that you have applied for. If you do not receive this letter, please contact the Admissions Team as soon as possible as it may indicate that your application has not been received. In this case you will need to provide the carbon copy of your application and proof of postage or receipt from an Access Point or school.

Admission to schools in other boroughs

If you wish your child to attend a school outside the borough, you should obtain information about the admission arrangements in that area from that borough’s admissions section. See page 76 for contact details. Applications for schools in another borough must be made on that borough’s Common Application Form and returned directly to them. If you accept an offer of a place in another borough, please advise Lewisham Admissions Team in writing.

Further information

The Department for Children, Schools and Families website offers advice and information to parents on a wide range of school-related issues, and has links to both the School Admissions and the Appeals Codes of Practice. Website:

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Reception – your questions answered

Q When should I apply for a reception place for my child?

A You can obtain and complete a paper or online Common Application Form between Monday 2 November 2009 and Friday 29 January 2010. You will be sent a letter on Tuesday 20 April 2010 telling you the outcome of your application.

Q If I apply early, is my application more likely to be successful?

A No. All applications are considered after the closing date in accordance with the admissions criteria.

Q How many schools can I apply for?

A You can apply for up to four Lewisham schools and list them in preference order. If you wish to apply to schools in other boroughs, you are advised to contact the Admissions Team of the borough concerned, who will have their own admission forms and arrangements (See page 76).

Q What if I can not be offered a place at any of the schools of my preference?

A Lewisham residents will be offered a place at a school with a vacancy and may request a list of other Lewisham schools with vacancies. Residents of other boroughs will need to contact the Admissions Team in their own borough. You have the right of appeal under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. For more details see the section on the Appeals procedure (page 21).

Q Will my child’s name be kept on the waiting list if my application is unsuccessful?

A Every child who has been unsuccessful in gaining a place will be invited to apply to be added to the waiting list by completing a form. If a vacancy occurs during the reception year, the place will be offered to the next child who fulfils the published admissions criteria. The order of the list will change as families move in and out of the borough. Please note that if you have asked to be kept on the waiting list for a school, and a place can subsequently be offered, we will offer the place to you and automatically withdraw any place that you have already been offered if it was a lower preference. It is very important that if you decide that you are happy with a school you have been offered and no longer wish to be on the waiting list for a higher preference school, you inform the Admissions Team immediately.

Q What happens if I move after my child has been offered a place?

A You must be resident at your address when the provisional offer is made and provide acceptable proof of that address to the school by 5 May 2010. If you move after that time, the offer of a place will still be honoured but you must ensure that your child always arrives at school and is picked up on time and that the journey is reasonable.




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20 starting school in Lewisham 2010–11

Q Can my child transfer to another school if necessary?

A Yes, if there is a vacancy. Prior to the start of the school year, applications must be made through the Admissions Team. After September, applications are made direct to schools. If possible, transfers should be arranged so that your child can start at the beginning of a new term or following a half-term break.

Q Do I get priority in the reception class if my child is on the roll of the nursery in the same primary school?

A No. A place in a nursery class does not give a child a greater claim than another applicant for a place in the reception class at that school. A separate application must be made.

Q My child only has a sibling in Year 6. Will my child get a place based on sibling priority?

A No. Any older sibling must be attending the school at the intended date of admission of the applicant. Therefore, as the child in Year 6 will have left the school by the time the applicant will start, no sibling priority can be given.

Q I have twins/triplets; will they automatically be given places at the same school?

A No. Because of government regulations limiting class sizes to 30, it could be that, on distance, one child will be offered the 30th place. In this circumstance, the parent would be given the option of accepting the place for one child (the other child/children would be first on the waiting list) or considering an alternative school where they could both/all be guaranteed a place.

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21apply online at

Appeals procedure

You will be sent a letter from the school or Lewisham in the case of community schools, detailing why it was not possible to offer your child a place. The letter will also give you information about how and when to appeal. An independent appeal panel will consider all appeals for the same school and the hearing will be clerked by an independent appeal clerk. You will be able to attend the hearing. The School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (as amended by the Education Act 2002) limits the circumstances in which an appeal panel may allow a reception or infant class appeal where the child was refused a place on ‘class size prejudice’ grounds. For infant class size appeals, including reception appeals, the panel can only uphold the appeal where it is satisfied either:

1. that the child would have been offered a place if the admission arrangements had been properly implemented:

2. that the child would have been offered a place if the arrangements had not been contrary to mandatory provisions in the School Admissions Code and the School Standards and Framework Act 1998; and/or

3. that the decision to refuse admission was not one which a reasonable admissions authority would make in the circumstances of the case.

The legislation requires local authorities to limit the size of all infant classes to a maximum of 30 children. In the case of half form entry schools (i.e. those admitting 45 or 75 children) the reception class is likely to be smaller than 30; however, the independent appeal panel must take into account future prejudice in Year 1 and Year 2, when the classes are reorganised into groups of 30.

Appeal forms for community schools can be obtained from Lewisham’s Governance Team and returned by the closing date stated in the decision letter. Appeals relating to a Voluntary Aided or Foundation school or Academy should be obtained from and returned to that school by the date given on the decision letter. Parents who have appealed unsuccessfully may not appeal again for a place at the same school in the same academic year unless there are significant and material changes in the circumstances of the case. An information leaflet explaining the appeals procedure in more detail can be obtained from Lewisham Governance Team (Appeals) on 020 8314 8577.

If your child is not offered a place at the schools you applied for, you can appeal against the decision.




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22 starting school in Lewisham 2010–11

Applying for a place for a childalready of statutory school age

Year group Date of birth

Infants – Key Stage 1 Reception Admission in September 201001/09/05–28/02/06

Admission in January 201101/03/06–31/08/06

Year 1 01/09/04–31/08/05

Year 2 01/09/03–31/08/04

Juniors – Key Stage 2 Year 3 01/09/02–31/08/03

Year 4 01/09/01–31/08/02

Year 5 01/09/00–31/08/01

Year 6 01/09/99–31/08/00

Applications for places in Years 1–6 at Lewisham primary schools should be made directly to local schools. You may wish to contact the Admissions Team (020 8314 8282) for details of vacancies. The following table indicates the year group that children will be admitted to during the 20010/11 academic year.

Page 23: Primary School Admissions 201011

23apply online at

Applications to Lewisham’s community schools

Admissions criteria

Some community schools are able to admit all children who have applied for a place but if more parents want places for their children than there are places available, the local authority applies the admissions criteria listed below to decide which applicants are offered a place. Priority is given in the following order to:

1. Children in Public Care (also called ‘looked after’) – details must be supplied by the allocated social worker. A ‘looked after’ child is a child who is in care to a local authority or who is provided with accommodation by that authority.

2. In exceptional circumstances there is discretion to admit children on the grounds of their or their family’s acute medical or social need for that particular school and who would not otherwise qualify for admission. The application must be supported by a letter from a hospital consultant, social worker or similar professional, clearly setting out the reasons why the school is the only one able to meet the child’s needs. The admission decision will be considered in consultation with sub-groups of the Admissions Forum, which includes teaching and medical professionals. Medical professionals provide advice on applications made under medical conditions and teaching professionals advise on applications made for social or special reasons. Supporting evidence must be provided before the closing date for applications. Please note that applications for admission on the grounds of acute medical or social need must be made by the closing date for applications.

3. Children whose brother or sister (a sibling) is on the roll of the school on the closing date for applications and is expected to be on the roll of

the school, or of the junior school in the case of separate infant and junior schools*, at the intended date of admission. If the school is oversubscribed entirely with siblings, priority will be given to those living nearest and to those with exceptional social and medical need. Siblings include all blood or adoptive siblings or half siblings, foster siblings of ‘looked after’ children and step-siblings. Siblings must all be living at the same address as the child. Proof of the sibling relationship may be required. Older children on roll in Year 6 and who will have transferred to secondary school by the time the younger child is due to be admitted to school do not qualify.

* This applies to children attending Sandhurst Infant and Junior schools, Stillness Infant and Junior schools and Torridon Infant and Junior schools.

4. Children living nearest to the school. All distances will be measured in a straight line, using digitised mapping software or Ordnance Survey maps of the area, from the home to the nearest gate nominated by the school. Proof of permanent home address will be required before an offer can be accepted, and will include current council tax statements, utility bills, residence orders or other court orders (see page 14 for more information). In some circumstances, Lewisham Authority will rely on other information held or accessed by the Council to confirm the permanent home address.

If more than one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy building, e.g. flats, priority will be given to the applicant whose door number is the lowest numerically and/or alphabetically.

If a false address has been given and an offer made on the basis of that information, the offer of the place may be withdrawn.




Page 24: Primary School Admissions 201011

24 starting school in Lewisham 2010–11 please see page 14 for advice on completing the common application form

Information on oversubscription to Lewisham’s community primary schools

It should be noted that small schools that have only one class of 30 children will admit from a much closer distance than larger schools admitting 90 children and that each Voluntary Aided or Foundation school or Academy will have its own admissions criteria. To avoid disappointment, special attention should be paid to the published criteria. Any exceptional medical or social claim should be submitted with the CAF by attaching up to date professional documentation.

Although it is not a requirement that you name your nearest school as one of your four preferences, you should be aware that if you do not do so, and it is not possible to offer you one of your preferred schools, you may be allocated a school much further away. However, there can be no guarantee that any of your preferences will be met.

The following information is provided to help you consider whether your child is likely to be offered a place at a community school in Lewisham. It tells you about the number of applications made to each primary school by the closing date for the 2009/10 academic year. Please use this information as a guide, as Lewisham cannot guarantee that application rates will be the same for this year. Note also that the information about home to school distances for previous years is intended as a guide only.

Lewisham uses straight-line measurement to calculate home to school distance by using an electronic measuring system. Parents are advised that websites such as will not give an accurate measurement and cannot be relied on for school admission purposes. In addition, the ‘find your nearest’ facility on the Lewisham website gives approximate distances to schools based on postcodes alone and cannot be relied on to give exact distances to schools. It will also only give details of Lewisham borough schools. There may be closer schools to your address in neighbouring boroughs.

Parents are invited to express up to four preferences for Lewisham schools and as a result many schools are oversubscribed when the closing date for applications is reached in January. However, in 2009, when the community school admissions criteria had been applied and decisions had also been made by Voluntary Aided and Foundation schools and St Matthew Academy, 96.3% of parents received an offer of one of their four preferences. When re-offers were made in May of places which had become available from parents who had also applied for and accepted places in another borough, the success rate was even higher.

Page 25: Primary School Admissions 201011

25apply online at

Last year’s application and appeal rates – community schoolsThe application figures relate to the offers made on 27 April 2009. They do not take account of subsequent movement or late applications. The figures for appeals relate to all appeals heard in June and July 2009, including appeals by late applicants.


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Page 27: Primary School Admissions 201011

27apply online at

Schools in Lewisham

Page 28: Primary School Admissions 201011

28 starting school in Lewisham 2010–11

Schools in Lewisham

AAdamsrillHead teacher Mrs V ForbesAdamsrill Road, SE26 4AQ020 8699 8548Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Possible short term increase to 90 dependent on feasibility study.Nursery 50 (part-time only)

All Saints’ CE Primary SchoolHead teacher Mrs D TompkinsBlackheath Vale, SE3 0TX 020 8852 6136Age range 5–11 Places available 2010/11 30No nursery

AshmeadHead teacher Mr D CollenAshmead Road, SE8 4DX020 8692 6081Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 50 [part-time only]

AthelneyHead teacher Mrs I CleaverAthelney Street, SE6 3LD020 8697 2945Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 37 (full and part-time)

BBaringHead teacher Ms D BrewerLinchmere Road, SE12 ONB020 8857 5637/020 8857 0662Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 35 (full and part-time)

BrindisheExecutive Head teacher Vicki PatersonAssociate Head teacher Diane SpaldingWantage Road, SE12 8NA020 8318 4626Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 35 (full and part-time)

BrockleyHead teacher Ms Evelyn IgbinigieBrockley Road, SE4 2BT020 8692 2762Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 50 (part-time only)

CChildericHead teacher Ann ButcherChilderic Road, SE14 6DG020 8692 3453Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 76 (full and part-time)

Christ Church CE SchoolHead teacher Mrs G ConstablePerry Vale, Forest Hill, SE23 2NE 020 8699 5127Age range 3–11 Places available 2010/11 30Possible short term increase to 60 dependent on feasibility study. Nursery 35 (full and part-time)

Coopers LaneHead teacher Mr S DaviesPragnell Road, SE12 OLF020 8857 7680Age Range 3–11 Places available 2010/11 60 Including admission to the Hearing Unit Possible short term increase to 90 dependent on feasibility study. Nursery 80 (full and part-time)

This section contains information about the nursery and primary schools in Lewisham. Community schools are listed in dark blue. Admissions criteria for these schools are set out on page 23. Voluntary Aided, Foundation and Academy schools are listed in light blue. Admissions criteria for these schools are set out on page 35 onwards. A map showing all the schools can be found at the front of this book.

The figure for places available 2010/11 refers to the total number of children that may be admitted to the reception class. Nursery – some places may be offered as full-time and some as part-time places.

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DDalmainHead teacher Mrs E BoothGrove Close, SE23 1AS020 8699 2675Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 45Possible short term increase to 60 dependent on feasibility study. Nursery 50 (part-time only)

Deptford ParkHead teacher Mr K JohnsonEvelyn Street, SE8 5RJ020 8692 4351Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 90Possible short term increase to 120 dependent on feasibility study. Nursery 50 (part-time only)

DownderryActing Head teacher Mrs T LewisDownderry Road, Downham, BR1 5QL020 8698 5768Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 70 (full and part-time)

EEdmund WallerHead teacher Brian SmithWaller Road, SE14 5LY020 7639 0436Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Possible short term increase to 90 dependent on feasibility study. Nursery 50 (part-time only)

ElfridaHead teacher Mr L MurphyElfrida Crescent, SE6 3EN020 8698 5755Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 50 (part-time only)

Eliot BankHead teacher Mrs K PalmerThorpewood Avenue, SE26 4BU020 8699 0586Age range 3–11 Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 100 (full and part-time) Dependent on funding arrangements

FFairlawnHead teacher Mr R BosherHonor Oak Road, SE23 3SB020 8699 7948Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 90 (full and part-time)

Forster ParkHead teacher Ms J ChivertonBoundfield Road, SE6 1PQ020 8698 5686Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Possible short term increase to 90 dependent on feasibility study. Nursery 75 (full and part-time)

GGood Shepherd Catholic Primary SchoolHead teacher Mr P MoriartyMoorside Road, Downham, BRI 5EP 020 8698 4173Age range 3–11 Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 25 (full-time only)

GordonbrockHead teacher Sue BlythGordonbrock Road, SE4 1JB020 8690 0704Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 75Nursery 40 (full and part-time)

Grinling GibbonsHead teacher Mrs C EubankClyde Street, SE8 5LW020 8692 4907Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 50 (part-time only)

HHaberdashers’ Aske’s Hatcham College – Temple GrovePrincipal Mrs Penny JonesHunsdon Road, London SE14 5RD 020 7652 9500Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 30 part-time and 10 full time

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30 starting school in Lewisham 2010–11 please see page 14 for advice on completing the common application form

HaseltineHead teacher Ms T JarvisHaseltine Road, SE26 5AD020 8778 6536Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 50 (part-time only)

Hither GreenExecutive Head teacher Vicki PatersonAssociate Head teacher Sarah GorbuttBeacon Road, SE13 6EH020 8852 7245Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 90Nursery 90 (full and part-time)

Holy Cross Catholic Primary SchoolHead teacher Mrs P PetersCulverley Road, SE6 2LD 020 8698 2675Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 50 (part-time only)

Holy Trinity CE Primary SchoolHead teacher Mrs M CrowDartmouth Road, Sydenham,SE23 3HZ 020 8699 9023Age range 4–11Places available 2010/11 30No nursery

HolbeachHead teacher Colleen BoxallDoggett Road, SE6 4QB020 8690 4713Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Possible short term increase to 90 dependent on feasibility study. Nursery 50 (part-time only)

HornimanHead teacher Ms J ClarkHorniman Drive, SE23 3BP020 8699 3190Age range 5–11Places available 2010/11 30No nursery

JJohn BallHead teacher Mr M RoachSouthvale Road, SE3 0TP020 8852 1601Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 50 (part-time only)

John StainerHead teacher Sue Riddle-HarteMantle Road, SE4 2DY020 7639 0482Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 40 (full and part-time)

KKelvin GroveHead teacher Mr A MathiesonKirkdale, SE26 6BB020 8699 6300Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Possible short term increase to 90 dependent on feasibility study. Nursery 100 (full and part-time)

KenderHead teacher Keith BarrKender Street, SE14 5JA020 7639 4654Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Possible short term increase to 60 dependent on feasibility study. Nursery 50 (part-time only)

KilmorieHead teacher Juliet CooperKilmorie Road, SE23 2SP020 8291 1250Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 45Nursery 50 (part-time only) Possible short term increase to 60 dependent on feasibility study

LLauncelotHead teacher Mr C ChildsLauncelot Road, Downham, BR1 5EA020 8697 2304Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 50 (part-time only)

Lee ManorHead teacher Ms A Carter-MooreLeahurst Road, SE13 5LS020 8852 0852Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Possible short term increase to 90 dependent on feasibility study. Nursery 33 (full and part-time)

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Lewisham BridgeActing head teacher Bridget GoodrichElmira Street, SE13 7BN020 8852 5647Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30See footnote below Nursery 50 (part-time only)

*This school is planned to be in temporary accommodation at Mornington Centre, Stanley Street, SE8 4BG, from January 2011. Children will be taught at this site until July 2012 to enable the construction of a new, all-age school on the Elmira Road site.

Lewisham Bridge

The Leathersellers Company, which supports the Prendergast Colleges, will run the new all-age school, scheduled to open in September 2011 in temporary accommodation. Children on roll of Lewisham Bridge primary school at that date will have automatic right of entry to the new school. The school will be called Prendergast - Vale College. A Head teacher will be appointed to lead the College from September 2010. The Executive Head teacher of the federation, Erica Pienaar, will be giving strategic and operational support to the current primary school and to the development of the new College. Further information will be available from the school.

Lucas ValeInterim Head teacher Barry ClarkeThornville Street, SE8 4QB020 8692 4660Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 35 (full and part-time)

MMarvels LaneHead teacher Mr E DoveRiddons Road, SE12 9RA020 8857 3904Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 50 (part-time only)

MerlinHead teacher Ms S CrinnionBallamore Road, Downham, BR1 5LW020 8697 2804Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 45Nursery 50 (part-time only)

Myatt GardenHead teacher Mrs G InghamRokeby Road, SE4 1DF020 8691 0611Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 100 (part-time only)

OOur Lady and St Philip Neri Catholic Primary SchoolHead teacher Mr R Sullivan208 Sydenham Road, SE26 5SE 020 8778 4386Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 45 Nursery 52 (part-time only)

PPerrymountHead teacher Ms Christine KeenSunderland Road, SE23 2PX020 8699 4522Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30 26 + 2 wheelchair usersNursery 35 (full and part-time)

RRangefieldHead teacher Mrs S HasanGlenbow Road, Downham, BR1 4RP020 8698 3112Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 50 (part-time only)



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32 starting school in Lewisham 2010–11

RathfernHead teacher Mrs N MaharasingamRathfern Road, SE6 4NL020 8690 3759Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 50 (part-time only)

Rushey GreenHead teacher Ms Y MorrisCulverley Road, SE6 2LA020 8698 5001Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60 including admission to the Hearing UnitNursery 70 (full and part-time)

SSt Augustine’s Catholic Primary SchoolHead teacher Mrs M McCaughanDunfield Road, SE6 3RD 020 8698 6083Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 50 (part-time only)

St Bartholomew’s CE Primary SchoolHead teacher Mrs Tricia DysonThe Peak, Sydenham, SE26 4LJ 020 8699 8537Age range 4–11Places available 2010/11 45No nursery

St James’ Hatcham CE Primary SchoolHead teacher Ms S E McFarlaneSt James’, SE14 6AD 020 8692 4937Age range 3–11 Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 35 (full and part-time)

St John Baptist CE Primary SchoolHead teacher Mr John GoodeyBeachborough Rd, Bromley BR1 5RL 020 8698 3059Age range 4–11 Places available 2010/11 30Early reception – no nursery

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary SchoolHead teacher Mrs Patricia ChantreyCrossfield Street, Deptford, SE8 3PH 020 8692 4836Age range 4–11Places available 2010/11 30No nursery

St Margaret’s Lee Church of England Primary SchoolHead teacher Mrs D PoveyLee Church St, SE13 5SG 020 8852 3151Age range 3–11 Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 50 (part-time)

St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary SchoolHead teacher Mrs C WinstonHowson Rd, Brockley, SE4 2BB 020 8692 5055Age range 4–11 Places available 2010/11 30No nursery

St Mary’s Lewisham C of E Primary SchoolActing Head teacher Mrs M Williams-Pinnock329 Lewisham High St, Lewisham, SE13 6NX 020 8690 2613Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 50 (part-time only)

St Matthew AcademyPrincipal Mrs M CrossSt Joseph’s Vale, Blackheath, SE3 0XX 020 8853 6250Age range 3–16Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 50 (part-time)

St Michael’s CE Primary SchoolHead teacher Tabitha WhiteChampion Road, Sydenham, SE26 4HH 020 8778 8407Age range 4–11 Places available 2010/11 30No nursery

St Saviour’s Catholic Primary SchoolHead teacher Mrs J Spittles10 Bonfield Road, SE13 6AL 020 8852 4283Age range 3–11 Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 35 (full and part-time)

St Stephen’s CE Primary SchoolHead teacher Miss F HollandAlbyn Rd, Deptford, SE8 4ED 020 8692 1898Age range 3–11 Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 40 (full and part-time)

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St William of York Catholic Primary SchoolHead teacher Mrs S LynchBrockley Park, SE23 1PS020 8690 2842Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 50 (part-time)

St Winifred’s Catholic Infant SchoolHead teacher Mrs M MillerEffingham Road, SE12 8NS020 8852 0187Age range 3–7Places available 2010/11 45Nursery 40 (part-time)

St Winifred’s Catholic Junior SchoolHead teacher Veronica MaherNewstead Road, SE12 0SJ020 8857 8792Age range 7–11Places available 2010/11 for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 45Please note there is an automatic transfer from St Winifred’s Infant School for Year 2 children.

Sandhurst Infant SchoolHead teacher Ms M OsbaldestonMinard Road, SE6 1NW020 8698 5810Age range 3–7Places available 2010/11 75Possible short term increase to 90 dependent on feasibility study. Nursery 100 (part-time only)

Sandhurst Junior SchoolHead teacher Mrs V HughesMinard Road, SE6 1NW020 8698 1846Age range 7–11Places available 2010/11 for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 75Children will transfer from Sandhurst Infant School

Sir Francis DrakeHead teacher Ms Christine BarnesScawen Road, SE8 5AE020 8692 4321Age range 5–11Places available 2010/11 30No nursery

Stillness Infant SchoolHead teacher Ms A McClelland MABrockley Rise, SE23 1NH020 8690 1208Age range 3–7Places available 2010/11 90Nursery 50 (part-time only)

Stillness Junior SchoolHead teacher Ms S SharpeBrockley Rise, SE23 1NH020 8690 1416Age range 7–11Places available 2010/11 for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 90Children will transfer from Stillness Infant School

TTidemillHead teacher Mr Mark Elms MAFrankham Street, SE8 4RN020 8692 3470Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60 including admission to the Speech and Language Resource Nursery 25 (full and part-time)

Torridon Infant SchoolHead teacher Mrs L PearsonTorridon Road, SE6 1TG020 8698 5822Age range 3–7Places available 2010/11 90Nursery 50 (part-time only)

Torridon Junior SchoolHead teacher Mr L RobertsonHazelbank Road, SE6 1TG020 8697 2762Age range 7–11Places available 2010/11 for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 90Children will transfer from Torridon Infant School

Turnham Foundation Primary SchoolHead teacher Miss D DanceSt Norbert Road, SE4 2HH020 7639 0440Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 66Nursery 60 (part-time)This school acquired Foundation status in September 1999.



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34 starting school in Lewisham 2010–11

Nursery and Early Childhood Centres in Lewisham

Chelwood NurseryHead teacher Ms N OldhamsChelwood Walk, Turnham Road SE4 2QQ020 7639 2514

Age range 3–5Nursery 60 (part-time), 60 (full-time)

Clyde Early Childhood CentreHead teacher Mr D WestmoreAlverton StreetSE8 5NH020 8692 3653

Age range 3–5 Nursery 21 (part-time), 66 (full-time)

Information about other pre-school education providers is available from the Family Information Service on 0800 085 0606.

Page 35: Primary School Admissions 201011

35please see page 14 for advice on completing the common application form

In line with government legislation, all schools will participate in Lewisham’s Coordinated Admissions System for reception pupils and follow published timescales. The following pages contain information about the Voluntary Aided, Foundation, and Academy admission policies in Lewisham. The main points of each of the schools’ admissions criteria are listed but parents are advised to contact schools individually about:

1. Information about parish areas from which priority of admission may be given.

2. Written verification of religious commitment and practice of worship from the parish priest or vicar of the church regularly attended by the applicant/family.

3. Application to the nursery (not all schools have a separate nursery class).

4. Admissions criteria in full, together with information on definitions of siblings, regular attendance, etc.

Under each school’s entry there is a chart of the applications received for admission in 2009/10. The number of applications relates to those who applied to the school as one of their four preferences. Therefore, in some cases a school received more applications than there were places available but all applicants were either offered a place at the school or a higher preference. Please use this information as a guide, as a similar pattern of application for 2010/11 cannot be guaranteed.


Distance will be measured in a straight line from the child’s home address (including flats) to the main entrance of the school, using a computerised measuring system. Those living closer to the school receive higher priority. If more than one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy building, e.g. flats, priority will be given to the applicant whose door number is lowest numerically and/or alphabetically. A supplementary form must be obtained and returned to each faith school if a place is sought based on religious commitment. The school must also be named as a preference on Lewisham’s Common Application Form (CAF), which should be returned to Lewisham Admissions Team by 29 January 2010. The information is correct at the time of printing but minor amendments may be made on the direction of the DCSF. A copy of the full admissions criteria for 2010/11 is available from each school.

Voluntary Aided, Turnham Foundation and Academy primary schools’ admission policiesThese schools have their own criteria for deciding which children to admit. Each school’s admission policy, the annual intake and other information about the school are included in the school’s prospectus, which can be obtained from the Head teacher.



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36 starting school in Lewisham 2010–11

All Saints’ Church of England Primary School

Entry into reception

There are three broad categories of entry into the reception class:

looked after children

foundation places

open places.

The school has a one form entry with a capacity of 30.

If it is necessary to choose between otherwise equal applicants of any category, a straight-line measurement from the child’s home to the school’s main entrance will be taken by or under the supervision of the local authority and applicants ranked in distance order with priority given to the shortest distance between home and school. In the unlikely event of an exact tie, the governing body will draw lots to decide between applicants.

Proof of qualifying address will be required; for example, recent utilities bill, council tax statement or telephone bill, at time of entry to the school.

This policy has been agreed by the full governing body of the school and is reviewed annually.

The school participates in Lewisham’s co-ordinated admissions scheme.

Looked after children

Looked after children will have priority over all other applicants. In the event that one place is offered under this category, the number of foundation places the governing body is able to offer will be reduced by one. If two places are offered, the number of open places the governing body can offer will also be reduced by one. If more than two places are offered under this category the number of other places offered will be reduced at the discretion of the governing body.

All Saints’ Church of England Primary SchoolBlackheath Vale, SE3 0TX

Head teacher Mrs D Tompkins

Telephone 020 8852 6136

Age range 5–11Places available 2010/11 30No nursery

All Saints’ CE SchoolNumber of Foundation places available


Number of on-time Foundation applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Parents are regular worshippers at All Saints’ Church and there is a sibling on roll


Parents are regular attendees at other churches and there is a sibling on roll


Parents are regular attendees at All Saints’ Church


Parents are regular worshippers at other Christian churches


Number of Open places available 8

Number of on-time Open applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Sibling on roll 2

Known special educational, medical or social needs


Live within the parish of All Saints’ 3

Other children in order of proximity of home to school


There were no appeals heard

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Foundation places

Subject to the priority granted to looked after children, the governors have designated 21 places as foundation places for admission to reception class to be offered to pupils whose parents/carers are regular practising worshippers in an Anglican church or other Christian church.

Written evidence of applicants’ commitment to their place of worship supported by the priest or minister will be required at the time of application on a separate supplementary form. Attention is drawn to the process below for the consequences of failure to return the supplementary form in due time.

If there are less than 21 qualified applicants for foundation places, any unfilled places will become additional open places.

If there are more than 21 qualified applicants for foundation places, spaces will be allocated according to the following criteria in order of priority:

1. Children whose parents/carers are regular practising worshippers at All Saints’ Church, Blackheath with a sibling at the school who will be on the school roll at the proposed date of entry of the applicant.

2. Children with a sibling on the school roll at the proposed date of entry of the applicant whose parents/carers are regular practising worshippers at neighbouring parish churches or at churches that are members of Churches Together in Blackheath.*

3. Children whose parents/carers are regular practising worshippers at All Saints’ Church, Blackheath.

4. Children whose parents/carers are regular practising worshippers at neighbouring parish churches or in churches that are members of Churches Together in BIackheath.*

5. Children whose parents/carers are regular practising worshippers at other Christian churches, being those who are full members of CTBI, the Evangelical Alliance and the African and Caribbean Evangelical Alliance.

* Contact school for details of Churches Together in Blackheath

Open places

Subject to the priority granted to looked after children, the governors have designated nine places as open places for all other applicants for admission to reception class. If there are more than nine qualified applicants, consideration will be given to the following criteria, which are expressed in order of priority:

1. The presence of a sibling in the school who will be on the school roll at the proposed date of entry of the applicant.

2. Children with an exceptional and professionally supported medical or social need for a place at this school. This must be supported by written evidence at the time of application, e.g, from a specialist health professional, social worker or other care professional. The evidence must set out the reasons why this school is the most suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school.

3. Children who live within the parish of All Saints’ Church, Blackheath.

4. Other children in order of proximity of home to the school.

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Christ Church CE School

Foundation places

In exceptional circumstances children who have a personal or family acute medical or social need for a place at this school and who would not otherwise qualify for admission. The application must be supported by a letter from a hospital consultant, social worker or similar professional, setting out the reasons why this school is the only one to meet the child’s needs.

The governing body has designated 18 places to be offered to pupils who have one or more parents who are faithful and regular worshippers in a Christian church. To determine a right to a place the following criteria will be applied:

1. Children who have an exceptional personal or family acute medical or social need.

2. Children who have one or more parents who are faithful and regular* worshippers at St George, Christ Church & St Paul’s.

3. Children who have one or more parents who are faithful and regular* worshippers at any Anglican church for whom this is the nearest church school and who live within the parish of St George with Christ Church & St Paul’s, in home to school distance order.

4. Children who have one or more parents who are regular* and faithful worshippers at one of the churches included in the membership of the Ecumenical Bodies in Churches Together in Britain and Ireland as determined by the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education** and who live within the parish of St George Christ Church & St Paul’s in home to school distance order.

Christ Church CE School Perry Vale, Forest Hill, SE23 2NE

Head teacher Mrs G Constable

Telephone 020 8699 5127

Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 35 (full and part-time)

Christ Church CE SchoolNumber of Foundation places available


Number of on-time Foundation applications received


Number of on-time Foundation places offered


Number of Open places available 12

Number of on-time Open applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Sibling on roll 11

Home to school distance 15

There were no appeals heard.

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please see page 14 for advice on completing the common application form

If the school is oversubscribed with applicants at this stage, the following criteria will be used to determine priority:

a. A sibling*** on roll at the school on the date of entry of the applicant and who is expected to be on the school roll at the intended date of admission (i.e. Year 6 children will not qualify as a sibling).

b. Home to school distance order.

If the governing body consider that your application does not fully meet the criteria for a foundation place, they will transfer it and consider it for an open place.

Unsuccessful applicants for foundation places will be considered for an open place only after those applying for open places have been considered.

A letter of reference from the parish priest or minister will be required to support an application for a foundation place. If you have moved within two years, a letter from your previous priest or minister may be taken into account.

Open places

Open places are for those pupils whose parents have chosen the school although they do not qualify for a foundation place.

Parents applying for an open place do so knowing that the school aims to provide an education based on Christian principles.

In exceptional circumstances children who have a personal or family, acute medical or social need for a place at this school and who would not otherwise qualify for admission. The application must be supported by a letter from a hospital consultant, social worker or similar professional, setting out the reasons why this school is the only one to meet the child’s needs.

The governing body has designated 12 places to be offered to pupils. If there are more applications than places, consideration will be given in the following order of priority:

1. Looked after children.

2. Children who have an exceptional personal or family, acute medical or social need.

3. Children who have a sibling*** on roll at the school on the date of entry of the applicant and who live within the Parish of St George with Christ Church & St Paul’s.

4. Home to school distance order.

NB ‘Looked after child’ has the same meaning as in Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 and means any child in the care of the local authority or provided with accommodation by them (e.g. children with foster parents).

*Definition of ‘regular’

Regular attendance at worship in the parish for at least two years before the closing date for application: this is understood to mean at least fortnightly and there is involvement of the family in the church community life.

**Membership of Ecumenical Bodies

A list is available from the school office on request.

***Definition of sibling

A sibling is defined as a blood or adoptive sibling, or half sibling, plus foster or step-siblings living at the same address as the child. Proof of sibling relationship may be required.

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Admission policy

Where the number of applications exceeds 30, the governors will offer places using the following criteria in the order stated:

1. Looked after Catholic children or looked after children in the care of Catholic foster carers.

2. Baptised Catholic children.

3. Children enrolled in the catechumenate.

4. Other looked after children.

5. Children who are members of Eastern Orthodox Churches.

6. A child who is baptised in another Christian denomination that is part of Churches Together in England*.

7. Children of other faiths.

8. Any other children.

* Contact school for details of Churches Together in England

A supplementary form completed by a priest or minister demonstrating religious commitment along with evidence of the child’s baptism or dedication will be required.

The following order of priorities will be applied when applications within any of the above categories exceed the places available and it is necessary to decide between applications.

1. For category 2 above – the strength of evidence of commitment to the faith as demonstrated by the level of the family’s Mass attendance on Sundays. This evidence must be provided by the parents/carers and be endorsed by a priest at the church(es) where the family normally worship.

2. A sibling on the school roll at the time of admission (siblings include all blood or adoptive siblings or half-siblings, and foster or step-siblings. Siblings must all be living at the same address as the child. Proof of the sibling relationship may be required). Older children on roll in Year 6 and who will have transferred to secondary school by the time the younger child is due to be admitted to school do not qualify.

3. Social and medical needs which make the school particularly suitable for the child in question. Strong and relevant evidence must be provided by an appropriate professional authority (e.g. qualified medical practitioner, education welfare officer, social worker or priest).

4. Distance from home to school. Evidence of residence may be required. Distance from the school measured in a straight line on a map from the home to the main school gate. Lewisham LA provides distances from their mapping system.

In the event of two or more children being equidistant, the governing body will draw lots.

Children attending the nursery school must make a separate admission application for reception class. The reception places are offered using the published criteria.

Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School Moorside Road, Downham, BRI 5EP

Head teacher Mr P Moriarty

Telephone 020 8698 4173

Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 25 (full-time only)

Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School Number of places available 30

Number of on-time applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Baptised catholic children resident in the parish of Good Shepherd, for whom Good Shepherd is the closest Catholic school


Number of appeals heard 4

Number of successful appeals 0

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On 1 September 2008 Haberdashers’ Aske’s Hatcham College became a 3–18 Academy. The primary phase of the Academy is known as Temple Grove Hatcham. A prospectus is available from the Temple Grove Hatcham school office in Hunsdon Road, SE14 5RD, or can be downloaded from the Federation website:

Arrangements for admission to nursery provision

The Academy has an agreed admission number of 40 pupils. The Academy will accordingly admit at least 40 pupils (aged 3 – 4 years) each year if sufficient applications are received. The nursery school day will be split into two sessions (morning and afternoon) – There are 30 part-time places and 10 full-time places.

Arrangements for admission to 5-11 provision

The Academy has an agreed admission number of 60 pupils. The Academy will accordingly admit at least 60 pupils (age rising 5) each year if sufficient applications are received.

Admission policy

The primary school has a provision for children with Statements of Special Educational Needs (autistic spectrum disorder).

Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admission number, and after the admission of pupils with Statements of Special Educational Need where the primary school has consented to be named in the statement, priority for admission will be given to those children who meet the criteria set out below, in priority order:-

1. Children who are looked after by a local authority in accordance with Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 at the date of the relevant application for admission is made and who the local authority has confirmed will continue to be looked after by it in accordance with the said section at the time they are admitted to the Academy.

Haberdashers’ Aske’s Hatcham College – Temple Grove

Haberdashers’ Aske’s Hatcham College – Temple Grove Hunsdon Road, London SE14 5RD

Principal Mrs Penny Jones

Telephone 020 7652 9500

Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 30 part-time and 10 full time

Haberdashers’ Aske’s Hatcham College – Temple GroveNumber of places available 60

Number of on-time applications received 174

Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Sibling on roll 14

Home to school distance 46

Distance of last child offered 582.42m

Number of appeals heard 2

Successful appeals 0



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2. Pupils for whom it is essential to be admitted to the primary school because of special circumstances to do with significant medical or social needs. The application will need to be supported by a letter from a hospital consultant, social worker or similar professional. The information should demonstrate why the primary school is the only school able to meet the child’s specific needs.

3. Pupils who, on the date of admission, will have a sibling (i.e. a natural brother or sister, or a half brother or sister, or a legally adopted brother or sister or half-brother or sister, or step brother or sister who will be living with them at the same address at the date of their entry to the Academy) on the roll of the nursery or primary school (proof of the sibling relationship will be required if a place is offered).

4. The remaining places will be offered to pupils who live nearest to the primary school on the basis of proximity; i.e. pupils who live the nearest radial distance to the school on the close of the Lewisham LA admission late application date. Home to Academy distance will be measured as the direct line distance between the pupil’s home to the Academy’s main building entrance of the primary school on Camplin Street. Where a pupil lives for a part of each week at different addresses, the “home” address will be the one taken from the Common Application Form (proof of residency will be required if a place is offered).

If false or misleading information is used to gain entry to the Academy, the offer of a place may be withdrawn.

Children in Year 6 of the primary school are entitled to transfer to the secondary school without applying further.

Tie break

Sibling (nursery and primary school)

If there are more siblings than there are places available, the places will be offered to the siblings living nearest to the primary school.


In the event of a tie break under the distance criterion, random allocation will be used.

Haberdashers’ Aske’s Hatcham College – Temple Grove (continued)

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43please see page 14 for advice on completing the common application form

Admission policy

1. Looked after Catholic children and those children being looked after within practising Catholic families.

2. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families and those enrolled in the catechumenate from practising Catholic families who are resident in the Parish of Holy Cross, Catford.

3. Other baptised Catholic children from practising families who are resident in the Catholic Parishes of Lewisham, Brockley, Beckenham, Downham and Lee for whom Holy Cross is the nearest Catholic school.

4. Other baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families and those enrolled in the catechumenate from practising Catholic families.

5. Other baptised Catholics based on their level of practise.

6. Other looked after children for whom Holy Cross is the nearest school.

7. Those children from orthodox churches not in union with the See of Rome.

8. Christians of other denominations whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school and whose application is supported by a minister of religion.

9. Any other applicants whose parents wish their child to attend Holy Cross School including those who have not completed a supplementary form.

The following order of priorities will be applied when applications within any of the above categories exceed the places available and it is necessary to decide between applications.

1. Practising Catholics will be considered first when applying the over-subscription criteria.

2. The attendance of a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission will increase the priority of an application within each category with applications from practising Catholic families being considered first.

3. The governing body may increase the priority of an application within a category where evidence is provided at the time of the application of an exceptional social, medical, pastoral or other need of the child, which can most appropriately be met at this school. Written proof from a professional should outline why Holy Cross School is the only school able to meet the child/family’s specific need. The school may ask for a recent certified update at the time of considering applications.

4. Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any one of the sub categories listed above will lead to over-subscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest to the school.

Please note that admittance to the nursery does not guarantee admission to Holy Cross School.

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Culverley Road, SE6 2LD

Head teacher Mrs P Peters

Telephone 020 8698 2675

Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 50 (part-time only)

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Number of places available 30

Number of on-time applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Baptised Catholic children living in Holy Cross parish and for whom Holy Cross is the closest Catholic school


Other baptised Catholic children from practising families


Children with SEN statements 1

Number of appeals heard 2

Number of successful appeals 0



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Foundation places

The governing body has designated 17 foundation places for those families who are faithful and regular worshippers in a Christian church recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance. Where the school is oversubscribed places will be allocated in the following order of priority:

1. Looked after children

2. Pupils whose parents/legal guardians/foster carers are faithful and regular worshippers at Holy Trinity Church or another Anglican church.

3. Pupils whose parents/legal guardians/foster carers are faithful and regular worshippers of other Christian denominations, as recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and the Evangelical Alliance, who do not have a church school in their neighbourhood and for whom this is the nearest Anglican church school.

If the school is oversubscribed in any of the above criteria the following criteria will be used to determine priority.

a. A sibling on roll at the school on the date of entry of the applicant.

b. Nearness of the home to the school will be measured as the crow flies from the door of the home to the main school gate.

The completion of a supplementary form by the vicar, minister or religious leader will be required as proof of church membership and attendance in support of a foundation application. (Supplementary forms are available from the school office or can be downloaded from the school’s website).

If the governing body considers that your application does not fully meet the criteria for a foundation place they will consider it for an open place.

If all the foundation places are not filled, these will then be allocated under the open place criteria.

Open places

Open places are for those pupils whose parents/legal guardians/foster carers have chosen this school even though they do not qualify for a foundation place.

Parents/legal guardians/foster carers applying for an open place do so knowing that the school aims to provide an education based on Christian principles.

The remaining 13 places, together with any unallocated foundation places will be allocated in the following order of priority:

1. Looked after children.

2. Pupils who will have a sibling in the school at the time of their admission.

3. Pupils for whom this is the nearest school measured as the crow flies from the home to main school gate.

Please contact the school for definitions of ‘regular’, ‘sibling’ and ‘looked after’.

Holy Trinity CE Primary School

Holy Trinity CE Primary School Dartmouth Road, Sydenham,SE23 3HZ

Head teacher Mrs M Crow

Telephone 020 8699 9023

Age range 4–11Places available 2010/11 30No nursery

Holy Trinity CE Primary SchoolNumber of Foundation places available


Number of on-time Foundation applications received


Number of Open places available 13

Number of on-time Open applications received


All applicants were offered a place at this school or at a school parents ranked higher.

There were no appeals heard.

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45apply online at

Admission policy

Where there are more applications for places than the number of places available, places will be offered according to the following order of priority:

1. Looked after Catholic children from Catholic families.

2. Baptised Catholic children from Catholic families who have siblings in the school at the intended date of admission.

3. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families who are resident in and worship at the parishes of Our Lady & St Philip Neri and Church of the Resurrection.

4. Other Catholic baptised children from practising families.

5. Other baptised Catholic children.

6. Other looked after children

7. Children who are members of Eastern or Orthodox churches.

8. Christians of other denominations whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school and whose application is supported by a minister of religion.

9. Any other applicants.

Maps showing the parish boundaries of both parishes can be viewed in the main school office.

Tie break

Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any one of the sub-categories listed above will lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest to the school as measured in a straight line from the home to the main school gate.

Our Lady and St Philip Neri Catholic Primary School

Our Lady and St Philip Neri Catholic Primary School 208 Sydenham Road, SE26 5SE

Head teacher Mr R Sullivan

Telephone 020 8778 4386

Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 45 (possible increase to 60 dependant on Primary Capital Programme)Nursery 52 (part-time only)

Our Lady and St Philip Neri Catholic SchoolNumber of places available 45

Number of on-time applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Baptised Catholic children with a sibling on roll


Baptised Catholic children from families resident in and worshippers at the parishes of Our Lady and St Phillip Neri and the Church of the Resurrection


Other Catholic children 1

Number of appeals heard 5

Number of successful appeals 1Sc


s in




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46 starting school in Lewisham 2010–11 please see page 14 for advice on completing the common application form

Admission policy

All applicants will be considered by the governing body according to the following criteria

1. Looked after Catholic children and looked after children in the care of Catholic families.

2. Baptised Catholic children of practising Catholic families who are resident in the parish of the Annunciation and St Augustine, Beckenham Hill.

3. Baptised Catholic children of practising Catholic families who are resident in other parishes

4. Other baptised Catholic children (a) resident in the parish of The Annunciation and St Augustine (b) resident in other parishes.

5. Other looked after children

6. Children who are Catechumens

7. Children who are members of Orthodox Churches

8. Christians of other denominations whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school and whose practice is supported by a minister of religion. The order of precedence will be a) baptised and b) dedicated.

9. Non baptised children where one or both parents are baptised Catholics.

10. Children who are members of other faiths. Evidence of membership provided by a priest, minister or faith leader of a designated place of worship will be required.

11. Any other applicants

Oversubscription Criteria

Whenever there are more applications than places available, priority will always be given to Catholic applicants according to the order of priority.

In the event of oversubscription within each of the above categories, further priority will be awarded as follows:

(a) The attendance of a sibling in the school at the time of the application who is expected to be on roll at the time of admission.

(b) A child’s exceptional educational, medical, social or pastoral need which can best be met at this school. Evidence from a relevant professional must be supplied at the time the application is made.

(c) Distance from the school as measured by the local authority’s school mapping system, i.e. a straight line from the school gate to the front door of the home property.

A Common Application Form (CAF) should be completed and sent to the local authority by the published date.

Applicants who submit an application on the local authority’s Common Application Form must also complete the “Catholic Primary Schools in Lewisham” supplementary form.

St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School

St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School Dunfield Road, SE6 3RD

Head teacher Mrs M McCaughan

Telephone 020 8698 6083

Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 50 (part-time only)

St Augustine’s Catholic Primary SchoolNumber of places available 30

Number of on-time applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Baptised Catholic children living in the parish


Baptised Catholic children not resident in the parish


Number of appeals heard 3

Number of successful appeals 0

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Admission policy

Foundation places

The governing body has designated 30 places to be offered to pupils whose families are faithful and regular worshippers in a Christian church. Written evidence of applicants’ commitment to their place of worship (in the form of a clergy reference) will be required. If there are more than 30 applicants, places will be allocated according to the following criteria. These are stated in order of priority:

1. Looked after children.

2. Children with an exceptional and professionally supported medical or social need for a place at this school.

3. Children whose families are faithful and regular worshippers at St Bartholomew’s Church or St Philip’s Church.

4. Children whose families are faithful and regular worshippers at any CE church and who live within 2.5km of the school measured by a straight line between home and the nearest school gate.

5. Children whose families are faithful and regular worshippers at one of the churches included in the membership of Ecumenical Bodies in Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or The Evangelical Alliance and for whom this is the nearest Church of England school.

If the school is oversubscribed with applicants within any of the above criteria the following will be used to determine priority:

(i) a sibling on roll at the school on the date of entry of the applicant.

(ii) nearness of the home to the school measured in a straight line between the applicants’ home and the nearest school gate.

St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School

St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School The Peak, Sydenham, SE26 4LJ

Head teacher Mrs Tricia Dyson

Telephone 020 8699 8537

Age range 4–11Places available 2010/11 45 (possible increase to 60 dependant on Primary Capital Programme)No nursery

St Bartholomew’s CE Primary SchoolNumber of places available 45

Number of on-time applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Foundation places

Regular worshippers at St Bartholomew’s or St Philip with sibling in school


Regular worshippers at St Bartholomew’s or St Philip, in distance order


Regular worshipper, any CE church, with sibling


Regular worshipper, any CE church, distance order


Regular worshipper at church listed in Starting School with sibling


Regular worshipper at church listed in Starting School in distance order


Open places

Sibling at school 14

Other applicants, in distance order 13

There were no appeals.



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If the foundation places are oversubscribed, unsuccessful applicants who qualify for a foundation place will be considered for any open places remaining unfilled at the end of the allocation procedure. If the governing body considers that the application does not fully meet the criteria for a foundation place they will transfer it and consider it for an open place. If there are fewer than 30 qualified applicants for foundation places, any unfilled places will become additional open places.

In assessing commitment and practice, the governing body will take regular attendance to mean those families who have worshipped at their church for at least one year before the closing date for application: this is understood to mean at least fortnightly and there is involvement of the family in the church community life.

Some examples of involvement are given below.

participation in church activities

membership of church committees

responsibilities in the church e.g., steward, sidesperson, youth leader, Sunday school teacher

leading worship.

Open places

Open places are for those pupils whose parents have chosen the school although they do not qualify for a foundation place. Parents applying for an open place do so knowing that the school aims to provide an education based on Christian principles.

The governing body has designated 15 places to be offered to pupils. If there are more applications than places, consideration will be given in the following order of priority.

1. Looked after children.

2. Children with an exceptional and professionally supported medical or social need for a place at this school.

3. Children who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of their admission to school.

4. Nearness of the home to the school measured in a straight line between the applicant’s home and the nearest school gate.

Tie break

Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any one of the open place criteria listed above will lead to over subscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest to the school.

For foundation and open places, in the event of two or more applicants having equal right to a place and living equidistant from the school, the governing body will allocate the place by drawing lots.

Please contact the school for definitions of ‘regular’, ‘siblings’ and ‘looked after’.

St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School (continued)

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49apply online at

Admission policy

Foundation places

The governors have designated 20 places each year as foundation places to be filled by pupils whose families are committed and regular Christian worshippers.

Preference will be given to children of committed Christian families who have been worshipping for the preceding twelve months. A minimum attendance of twice a month is expected.

(Applicants recently having moved to the area and attending one of the churches for criteria 3 – 6 will be asked for a reference from their previous minister).

If there are more than 20 applicants for foundation places, consideration will be given to their admission according to the following criteria in order of priority.

1. Looked after children, whose carer fulfils the foundation place commitment. (Looked after child has the same meaning as in section 22 of the Children Act 1989 and means any child in the care of the local authority or provided with accommodation by them e.g. children with foster parents).

2. Children, whose brothers and/or sisters are attending the school on the intended date of admission, who had obtained a foundation place, and whose families continue to be committed and worshipping Christians.

3. Children whose parent (s) is a committed and regular worshipper in one of the churches of St James Hatcham or St Michael’s United Church, New Cross.

4. Children of committed and regular worshippers on the grounds of their or their family’s exceptional medical or social need for this particular school and who would not otherwise qualify for admission. The application must be supported by a letter from a hospital consultant or similar professional setting

St James’ Hatcham CE Primary School

St James’ Hatcham CE Primary School St James’, SE14 6AD

Head teacher Ms S E McFarlane

Telephone 020 8692 4937

Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 35 (full and part-time)

St James’ Hatcham CE Primary SchoolNumber of Foundation places available


Number of on-time Foundation applications received


Number of Open places available 10

Number of on-time Open applications received


All applicants were offered a place at this school or at a school parents ranked higher.

There were no appeals heard.



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out the reasons why the school is best able to meet the child’s needs and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school.

5. Children, whose parent(s) are committed and regular worshippers in a Church of England Church within the Deanery of Deptford.

6. Children, whose parent(s) are committed and regular worshippers in a Christian Church within the Deanery of Deptford (who are full members of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland).

Unsuccessful applicants for foundation places will be automatically considered for any open places remaining unfilled at the end of the allocation procedure. If the governing body considers that the application does not fully meet the criteria for a foundation place, they will transfer it and consider it for an open place.

Open places

Governors have designated the remaining 10 places as open places. In the case of applications for these places, no consideration is given to active membership of a Church of England Church, but parents applying for such open places do so accepting that the school provides an education based on Christian principles and that pupils take part in Christian worship as well as in lessons in the curriculum for religious education. If there are more than 10 applicants for these open places, then consideration will be given to them according to the following criteria in order of priority.

1. Looked after children. (Looked after child has the same meaning as in section 22 of the Children Act 1989 and means any child in the care of the local authority or provided with accommodation by them e.g. children with foster parents).

2. Children who have brothers and/or sisters attending the school on the intended date of admission.

3. Children on the grounds of their or their family’s exceptional medical or social need for this particular school and who would not otherwise qualify for admission. The application must be supported by a letter from a hospital consultant or similar professional setting out the reasons why the school is best able to meet the child’s needs and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school.

4. Places will be offered to children solely on the grounds that they live locally to our school and priority is given to those whose permanent home address is nearest, measured in a straight line from the home to the school gate. In determining where a child lives we cannot accept the address of grandparents, other relatives or child minders unless the parents themselves also live at the same address. Proof of permanent address will be required by production of current council tax and utility bills.

If any one criterion is oversubscribed in either foundation or open categories, places will be offered to the children living closest to the school, measured in a straight line from the home to the main school gate.

St James’ Hatcham CE Primary School (continued)

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An early reception class means there is a 30 pupil intake in September. Pupils born between September and February are full time and those born between March and August will be part-time mornings only until the spring term.

Admission policy

Allocation of the 15 foundation places(supplementary form required)

Foundation places are offered to those parents who are faithful and regular worshippers in an Anglican or other Christian church that is a full member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. If there are more applicants than places available, places will be offered in the following order of priority:

1. Looked after children (children in the care of the local authority).

2. Children with an exceptional and professionally supported medical or social need for a place at this school.

3. Children with brothers or sisters already attending the school; the applicant’s brother or sister must be on the roll of the school on the intended day of admission.

4. Faithful and regular worshippers at St John the Baptist Church Bromley Road SE6.

5. Faithful and regular worshippers at the other churches in the parish – St Lukes & St Marks.

6. Faithful and regular worshippers at other churches that are full members of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.

If any one category is oversubscribed, places will be offered to applicants living closest to the school, measured in a straight line from the applicant’s home to the nearest school gate, otherwise known as ‘as the crow flies’.

Unsuccessful applicants for foundation places will

St John Baptist CE Primary School

St John Baptist CE Primary School Beachborough Rd, Bromley BR1 5RL

Head teacher Mr John Goodey

Telephone 020 8698 3059

Age range 4–11Places available 2010/11 30Early reception – no nursery

St John Baptist CE Primary SchoolNumber of Foundation places available 15

Number of on-time Foundation applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Sibling on roll 5

Attends local church 4

Attends other church 6

Number of Open places available 15

Number of on-time Open applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Children with exceptional medical or social needs


Sibling on roll 9

Home to school distance 4

Home to school distance of last person offered a home to school distance place in metres


Number of appeals heard 2

Number of succesful appeals 0



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automatically be considered for any open places remaining at the end of the allocation procedure. Any unfilled foundation places will become additional open places.

Allocation of 15 open places

The governors have designated 15 places as ‘open’ for those families from other faiths, or no faith, that have chosen the school for the type of education and ethos it provides.

When there are more applicants than places available, places will be allocated according to the following priority order:

1. Looked after children (children in the care of the local authority).

2. Children with an exceptional and professionally supported medical or social need for a place at this school.

3. Children with brothers and sisters already attending the school; the applicant’s brother or sister must be on the roll of the school on the intended day of admission.

4. Nearness of the home to the school, measured in a straight line from the applicant’s home to the nearest school gate, otherwise known as ‘as the crow flies’.

Siblings (foundation and open places)

In some years, when there are more siblings (brothers/sisters) than places available (15 places in each category), places will be allocated to those families living nearest to the school. It may not always be possible to offer siblings a place at the school.


St John Baptist CE Primary School (continued)

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Admission policy

Places will always be offered according to the following order of priority:

1. All looked after children.

2. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families who are resident in the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption.

3. Other baptised Catholic children who are resident in neighbouring Catholic parishes.

4. Siblings of children attending the school at the time of admission.

5. Applications made under special, medical or social need.

6. Christians of other denominations whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school and whose application is supported by a minister of religion.

7. Any other applicants whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the school.

NB: Catholicity is assessed by the parish priest.

All applicants must complete Lewisham’s Common Application Form together with the school’s supplementary form, obtainable from the school office.

Tie break

Where the offer of places to all applicants in any one of the categories listed above will lead to over subscription, the places will be offered to those living nearest to the school, as measured in a straight line by Lewisham.

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Crossfield Street, Deptford, SE8 3PH

Head teacher Mrs Patricia Chantrey

Telephone 020 8692 4836

Age range 4–11Places available 2010/11 30 No nursery

St Joseph’s Catholic SchoolNumber of places available 30

Number of on-time applications received


All applicants were offered a place at this school or at a school parents ranked higher

There were no appeals heard



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starting school in Lewisham 2010–11

Admission policy

St. Margaret’s Lee Church of England School is a Voluntary Aided Church School linked to the parish church, St. Margaret’s Lee, which welcomes children from the local community into a caring Christian environment.

The school has a single form entry, which means that there is one class of 30 children for each year group. Children with birthdays between 1 September and 28 February enter in September. Children with birthdays between 1 March and 31 August enter in January.

Parents of pupils who have a statement of special educational needs are required to apply for school places separately through the local authority from whom advice is available. If a child with a statement is placed in the school by the local authority before the normal admission round, the number of places available to other applicants will be reduced.

When more than 30 applications are received, the places are allocated according to criteria which are listed below in order of priority:

1. Children in public care.

2. Children with an exceptional medical or social need for this particular school. This must be supported by written evidence from a relevant professional: specialist health professional, social worker or educational psychologist. This evidence should include reasons why St. Margaret’s is the most suitable school and the difficulties that would arise if the child were to attend another school.

3. Brothers and sisters of children who attend the school and who are due to continue to attend the school until after their sibling has been admitted.

4. If there are any places remaining then up to 10 places may be offered each year on the grounds of church membership. Where this criterion is oversubscribed, once parental commitment is established for all applicants being considered,

St Margaret’s Lee Church of England Primary School

St Margaret’s Lee Church of England Primary School Lee Church St, SE13 5SG

Head teacher Mrs D Povey

Telephone 020 8852 3151

Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 50 (part-time)

St Margaret’s Lee Church of England Primary SchoolNumber of Foundation places available 10

Number of on-time Foundation applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Parents are committed and regular worshippers at St Margaret’s Church


Number of Open places available 20

Number of on-time Open applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Sibling on roll 13

Acute medical or social reasons 2

Children living nearest to the school 19

Home to school distance of last person offered a home to school distance place in metres


There were no appeals heard


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distance from school will also be taken into consideration. Such places will be allocated to:

(a) The children of parents who are regular and committed worshippers at St. Margaret’s, Lee (wherever they may live)

(b) The children of parents who are regular and committed worshippers at another Anglican church who also live within our wider area.

(c) The children of parents who are regular and committed worshippers at another Christian church (list available from school) who also live within our inner area.

By regular and committed worshippers we mean those who have attended their church at least fortnightly for a year or more before the closing date for applications. Where there are more than ten applicants for this criterion we will also consider evidence of the involvement of one or both parents in the life of the Church community. (Please see supplementary form.)

Applications for places under 4a, 4b and 4c must be supported by a completed minister’s reference form.

If the total number of applicants in categories 1 – 3 exceed the 30 admission limit, places within each criterion will be offered according to nearness of the child’s home to the closest school entrance measured by the shortest straight line route.

In the event that two or more applicants have equal right to a place under any of the above criteria and there are insufficient places, the governing body will use distance, in the first instance, to decide between applicants; if applicants live equidistant from the school the governing body will draw lots to decide between applicants.

5. Children living nearest to school. The school wishes to remain what it has always been, a community or neighbourhood school. Where possible, places will be offered to children solely on the grounds that they live locally to our school and (subject to what follows) priority is given to those who live nearest. Nearness is determined by the shortest straight line route from the child’s home to the closest entrance in Lee Church Street.

In determining where a child lives, we cannot accept the address of grandparents, other relatives or child-minders, unless the parents themselves also actually live at the same address. Proof of residence is required before the definite offer of a place is confirmed.



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Admission policy

Places will always be offered according to the following order of priority:

1. Looked after baptised Catholic children and those children being looked after by practising Catholic families.

2. Siblings who have a brother or sister on roll at the school on the date of entry of the applicant.

3. Baptised Catholic children from practising families and those who are preparing for a Catholic baptism.

4. Other baptised Catholic children.

5. Other looked after children.

6. Members of an Eastern Orthodox Christian Church. Evidence of baptism or reception from the authorities of that church will be required.

7. Children of families who are committed members of other Christian denominations. Evidence of baptism, (or dedication) and of religious commitment provided by a priest or minister where the family regularly worship, will be required.

8. Children of other faiths. Evidence of religious commitment provided by a priest, minister or religious leader where the family regularly worship, will be required.

9. Any other applicants.

Special consideration

The governing body may increase the priority of an application within a category where evidence is provided at the time of the application of an exceptional social, medical, pastoral or other need of the child which can most appropriately be met at this school.

Tie break

Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any one of the sub-categories listed above will lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest to the school. Distances will be measured from the home to the main entrance of the school in a straight line on a large-scale map.

St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary School

St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary School Howson Rd, Brockley, SE4 2BB

Head teacher Mrs C Winston

Telephone 020 8692 5055

Age range 4–11Places available 2010/11 30No nursery

St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary SchoolNumber of places available 30

Number of on-time applications received 102

Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Baptised practising Catholics with siblings on roll


Baptised practising Catholics resident in the Catholic parishes listed in Starting School


Committed members of other Christian denominations


Child with SEN statement 1

Home to school distance of last person offered a home to school distance place in metres (Tie-break)


There were no appeals heard.

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Admission policy

The governors will admit pupils in the following way.

Foundation places

The governing body has designated 20 places to be offered to pupils whose families are faithful and regular worshippers in a Christian church. Written evidence of applicants’ commitment to their place of worship (in the form of a clergy reference) will be required. If there are more than 20 applicants, places will be allocated according to the following criteria. These are stated in order of priority:

1. Looked after children whose families are faithful and regular worshippers at a Christian church.

2. Children with an exceptional and professionally supported medical or social need for a place at this school whose families are faithful and regular worshippers at a Christian church. This must be supported by written evidence, e.g. from a specialist health professional, social worker or educational psychologist which sets out the reasons why this school is the most suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school.

3. Children whose families are faithful and regular worshippers at St Mary’s Church.

4. Children whose families are faithful and regular worshippers at any CE Church for whom this is the nearest church school.

5. Children whose families are regular and faithful worshippers at one of the churches included in the membership of Ecumenical Bodies in Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or The Evangelical Alliance and for whom this is the nearest church school.

If the school is oversubscribed with applicants at any stage, the following criteria will be used to determine priority:

(a) A sibling on roll at the school on the date of entry of the applicant.

St Mary’s Lewisham C of E Primary School

St Mary’s Lewisham C of E Primary School 329 Lewisham High St, Lewisham, SE13 6NX

Acting Head teacher Mrs M Williams-Pinnock

Telephone 020 8690 2613

Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 50 (part-time only)

St Mary’s Lewisham C of E Primary SchoolNumber of places available 30

Number of on-time applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Attends St Mary’s Church 1

Attends other Church of England church 1

Attends other church 5

Sibling on roll 14

Home to school distance 9

Home to school distance of last person offered a home to school distance place in metres


Number of appeals heard 4

Number of successful appeals 2

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(b) Nearness of the home to the school measured in a straight line from the door of the home to the nearest school gate.

In the event that two or more applicants live the same distance from the school and there are insufficient places to admit all applicants, the places will be allocated by drawing lots.

In assessing commitment and practice the governing body will

1. Take regular attendance to mean those families who have worshipped at their church for at least one year before the closing date for application: this is understood to mean at least fortnightly.

2. Will look at the involvement of the family in the church community life.

3. Look at if the child is baptised (baptism certificate will be required). If the denomination does not practice infant baptism then proof of thanksgiving or dedication to be provided.

4. Review if the family is on the electoral roll (Anglican) or church members list (other denominations).

Some examples of involvement are given below.

(a) Participation in church activities

(b) Membership of church committees

(c) Responsibilities in the church e.g., steward, sidesperson, youth leader, Sunday school teacher.

(d) Involvement in Sunday worship e.g.’ reading, leading intercessions, administering Holy Communion.

Family is defined as meaning parent or legal guardian. Regular attendance would include both adult and child.

If there are fewer than 20 qualified applicants for foundation places, any unfilled places will become additional open places. Unsuccessful applicants for foundation places will be considered for any open places remaining unfilled at the end of the allocation procedure.

If the governing body consider that the application does not fully meet the criteria for a foundation place, they will transfer it and consider it for an open place.

Open places

Open places are for those pupils whose parents have chosen the school although they do not qualify for a foundation place. Parents applying for an open place do so knowing that the school aims to provide an education based on Christian principles. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from religious education and collective worship, in school and in church, and must notify the school in writing. Parents should note that they are responsible for the care of their child when withdrawn from religious education and worship.

The governing body has designated 10 places to be offered to pupils. If there are more applications than places, consideration will be given in the following order of priority.

1. Looked after children

2. Children with an exceptional and professionally supported medical or social need for a place at this school. This must be supported by written evidence, e.g. from a specialist health professional, doctor, social worker or educational psychologist, which sets out the reasons why this school is the most suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school

3. Children who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of their admission to school

4. Children in order of nearness of home to school, measured in a straight line from the door of the home to the main school gate.

Tie break

Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any one of the categories listed above will lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest to the school. In the event of two or more applicants having an equal right to a place and living equidistant from the school, the governing body will allocate the place by drawing lots.

St Mary’s Lewisham C of E Primary School (continued)

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Reception places for September 2010

1. Children who will be 5 years old between 1 September 2009 and 31 August 2010 will be admitted together in September. The closing date for application will be in line with the closing date set by the London Borough of Lewisham.

2. Children who attend a nursery class attached to a primary school frequently transfer to the main school but this cannot be guaranteed. In the event of oversubscription, admission to the reception class will be decided on the basis of the criteria set out below. Parents of children attending the nursery must apply for a place in the reception class and will be considered with other applicants at the appropriate time. All applications for Reception places, whether from Lewisham or elsewhere, are co-ordinated through Lewisham council and parents must complete the Common Application Form (CAF) issued by the London Borough of Lewisham and the academy’s Supplementary Information Form.

Admission policy

Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admission number, applications will be considered against the criteria below. After the admission of pupils with statements of special educational needs where St Matthew Academy is named on the statement, places will be allocated in the order in which they are set out below:

1. Catholic children in public care and children looked after by Catholic families.

2. Baptised Catholic children.

3. Other children in public care.

4. Baptised Eastern Orthodox children.

5. Children of other Christian denominations whose applications are supported by a minister of religion.

St Matthew Academy

St Matthew Academy St Joseph’s Vale, Blackheath, SE3 0XX

Principal Mrs M Cross

Telephone 020 8853 6250

Age range 3–16Places available 2010/11 60Nursery 50 (part-time)

St Matthew AcademyNumber of places available 60

Number of on-time applications received


All applicants were offered a place at this school or at a school parents ranked higher

There were no appeals heard

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6. Children of other faiths whose applications are supported by a religious leader of a designated place of worship.

7. Other applicants.

If it is necessary to distinguish between applicants within any of the above categories, places will be allocated first to those applicants who have a sibling who will be attending the academy at the proposed date of admission of the applicant. After siblings, the remaining places will be allocated to those whose home addresses are closest to the academy, as measured by straight-line distance from the main entrance of the academy to the main entrance of the child’s normal place of residence. If it is necessary to distinguish between two applicants with a sibling connection, this will be done on the basis of closeness to the academy as determined by straight-line distance as described above.

Operation of waiting lists

Subject to any provisions regarding waiting lists in Lewisham’s coordinated admissions system, the academy will operate a waiting list. Where in any year St Matthew Academy receives more applications for places than there are places available, a waiting list will operate until a month after the normal annual admission date. This will be maintained by St Matthew Academy and it will be open to any parents to ask for their child’s name to be placed on the waiting list, following an unsuccessful application. Children’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out in the previous section. Where places become vacant, they will be allocated to children on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.

please see page 14 for advice on completing the common application form

St Matthew Academy (continued)

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Admission policy

Foundation places

Twenty places are reserved as foundation places to be filled by children whose parents are full and frequent attenders of a Christian church recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. If there is oversubscription for Foundation places, then consideration will be given according to the following criteria:

1. Looked after children.

2. Children whose parents have been full and frequent attenders of St Michael’s or All Saints’ churches for at least one year.

3. Children whose parents have been full and frequent attenders of any CE church for at least one year and who live within 2.5 km of the school measured by a direct line between home and school.

4. Children whose parents are full and frequent attenders of other Christian denominations,as recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, who live within 2.5 km of the school measured by a direct line between home and school.

(NB: As there is a Catholic school in the locality, Catholic children would not be given a foundation place unless there were exceptional circumstances.) In assessing commitment and practice the governors will take into account frequency of church attendance. Full and frequent attenders must attend church worship at least once a month. A higher priority will be given where attendance is weekly.

Unsuccessful applicants for foundation places will be considered for open places after these have been allocated. The completion of a form by the vicar, minister or religious leader will be required as proof of church membership in support of foundation placement.

St Michael’s CE Primary School

St Michael’s CE Primary School Champion Road, Sydenham, SE26 4HH

Head teacher Tabitha White

Telephone 020 8778 8407

Age range 4–11Places available 2010/11 30No nursery

St Michael’s CE SchoolNumber of places available 30

Number of on-time applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Foundation places

Children whose parents or carers have been full, frequent and active attendees of St Michael’s or All Saints’ Churches for at least a year


Children whose parents or carers have been full, frequent and active attendees at any CE church for at least one year, and live within 2.5 km of the school


Children whose parents or carers are full, frequent and active attendees of other Christian denominations, and live within 2.5 km of the school


Open places

Sibling on roll 7

Home to school distance 8

Home to school distance of last person offered a home to school distance place in metres


There were no appeals heard

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Open places

The remaining 10 places, together with any unallocated foundation places, are to be allocated to children whose parents apply for open places, accepting that the school provides an education based on Christian principles and that pupils take part in Christian worship as well as in lessons in the curriculum for religious education. If there is over subscription for open places then consideration will be given according to the following criteria:

1. Looked after children.

2. Those children who have older blood brothers and sisters, step-siblings, fostered or adopted children living at the same address and attending the school who will be on the school roll at the applicant’s intended date of entry.

3. Places may be given to children with known special medical or social needs. Written supporting evidence must be supplied at the time of application from a relevant professional such as a doctor, social worker or educational psychologist. Such evidence should set out the particular reasons why St Michael’s is the most suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school.

4. Remaining places are allocated to children on the basis of nearness of their home to the school measured by a direct line from home to the school.

Note 1: It may happen that there are insufficient places to admit all applicants meeting any one criterion. In this case the governors will allocate places to those qualifying on the basis of nearness of home to school measured by a direct line from home to the school.

Note 2: If you have moved churches within a year, a letter of support showing active communicant or regular attendance at the previous church will be taken into account.

St Michael’s CE Primary School (continued)

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Admission policy

After the admission of pupils with a statement of special educational needs where St Saviour’s Catholic Primary School is named on the statement, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below:

1. Looked after Catholic children (in public care) and children looked after by Catholic families.

2. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families (as demonstrated by the family and verified by the parish priest) and who are resident in the Parish of St. Saviours.

3. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families (as demonstrated by the family and verified by the parish priest) and who regularly attend St. Saviours Catholic Church (Lewisham) but are resident outside the Parish.

4. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families (as demonstrated by the family and verified by their parish priest) and who are resident in other parishes.

5. Other baptised Catholic children.

6. Non catholic children in public care.

7. Children of Roman Catholic Catechumens.

8. Baptised Eastern Orthodox children.

9. Christians of other denominations whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the School and whose application is supported by a minister of religion.

10. Children of other faiths whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the School and who can provide evidence of regular practice of their faith.

11. Other applicants.

If it is necessary to distinguish between applicants within any of the above categories, places will be offered first to those applicants who have a sibling who will be attending the school at the proposed date of admission of the applicant and who is expected to be on the roll of the school after the intended date of admission. After siblings, the remaining places will be allocated to those whose home addresses are closest to the school, as measured by a straight line distance from the main entrance of the school to the main entrance to the child’s normal place of residence.

St Saviour’s Catholic Primary School

St Saviour’s Catholic Primary School 10 Bonfield Road, SE13 6AL

Head teacher Mrs J Spittles

Telephone 020 8852 4283

Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 35 (full and part-time)

St Saviour’s Catholic Primary SchoolNumber of places available 30

Number of on-time applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Catholic children resident in the parish 20

Catholic children resident in other parishes


There were no appeals heard

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64 starting school in Lewisham 2010–11 please see page 14 for advice on completing the common application form

Admission policy

Applications will be considered in the following order of priority:

1. Looked after children.

2. Children with an exceptional and professionally supported medical, social or special educational need.

3. Children whose parents are faithful and regular worshippers at St. Stephen’s Church.

4. Brothers and sisters living at the same address as children already attending the school, whose sibling(s) will still be on roll when they join.

5. Children whose parents are faithful and regular worshippers at any C of E Church who live within 1.61km (1 mile) of the school measured by a straight line between home and the school’s main gate.

6. Children whose parents are faithful and regular worshippers at one of the churches included in the membership of Ecumenical Bodies in Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance and who live within 1.61km (1 mile) of the school measured by a straight line between home and the school’s main gate and who do not have a denominational school.

7. Children whose parents are of other faiths and who wish their child to be educated according to the school’s religious tradition, who live within 1.61km (1 mile) of the school measured by a straight line between home and the school’s main gate.

8. Other children in proximity to their home measured in a straight line between home and the school’s main gate, up to the agreed admission number.

Tie break

In the event that two or more applicants have an equal right to a place under any of the above criteria and there are insufficient places, the governing body will use distance, in the first instance, to decide between applicants; if applicants live equidistant from the school, the governing body will draw lots to decide between applicants.

St Stephen’s CE Primary School

St Stephen’s CE Primary School Albyn Rd, Deptford, SE8 4ED

Head teacher Miss F Holland

Telephone 020 8692 1898

Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 40 (full and part-time)

St Stephen’s CE Primary SchoolNumber of places available 30

Number of on-time applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Children whose parents are full communicant members of any other Anglican church and are in regular attendance and for whom this is the nearest church school


Siblings on roll 6

Children whose parents are committed members of other Christian denominations, who do not have a denominational church school, who are in regular attendance


Other faiths 3

Other children 6

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Admission policy

1. Looked after children.

2. Siblings who have a brother or sister on roll at the school on the date of entry of the applicant.

3. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families resident in the parish of St. William of York.

4. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families.

5. Baptised Catholic children from Catholic families.

6. Children who are members of an Eastern Orthodox Church.

7. Christians of other denominations whose application is supported by a minister of religion.

8. Any other applicants from other faiths, whose application is supported by a minister of religion.

9. Any other applicants.

Special considerations

In exceptional circumstances, the admissions committee will reserve the right to exercise discretion to admit a child on the grounds of an acute medical or social need, when those needs can be best met at this school, provided that such an application is submitted with appropriate evidence or reports from a relevant professional e.g. social worker, doctor or other similar agency. The supporting evidence must be recent and current to the child at date of application. The supporting evidence must clearly set out the reasons why the school is the only one able to meet the child’s needs. Further evidence may be requested by the school at a later date.

Tie break

Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any one of the sub-categories listed above will lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest to the school and measured in a straight line – the distance provided by the local authority’s digitised mapping software.

St William of York Catholic Primary School

St William of York Catholic Primary School Brockley Park, SE23 1PS

Head teacher Mrs S Lynch

Telephone 020 8690 2842

Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 30Nursery 50 (part-time)

St William of York Catholic Primary SchoolNumber of places available 30

Number of on-time applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Looked after Catholic children 1

Baptised Catholic children who have siblings attending the school


Baptised Catholic children resident in the parish of St William of York


Other baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families


Other baptised Catholic children from Catholic families


Number of appeals heard 6

Number of successful appeals 0

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Admission policy

1. Looked after Catholic children or non-Catholic looked after children in the care of Catholic families.

2. Children who have a brother or sister at either St Winifred’s Infant School or St Winifred’s Junior School at the intended date of admission.

3. Catholic children from practising Catholic families who are resident in the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, Lee.

4. Other Catholic children from practising Catholic families.

5. Other Catholic children.

6. Other looked after children.

7. Children who are members of Eastern Orthodox churches.

8. Children of families who are members of other Christian denominations that are part of Churches Together in England. Evidence of baptism (or dedication) provided by a priest or minister of a designated place of worship will be required.

9. Children of other faiths.

10. Other applicants.

Tie break

Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any one of the sub categories listed above will lead to oversubscription, the places will be allocated up to the admission number according to the following criteria:

Evidence of an exceptional social, medical, pastoral or other need of the child, supported by a statement from a relevant professional body which sets out the reasons why this school is the most suitable for the child in question and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school.

Frequency of Mass attendance, with those who attend more often being ranked higher.

Those living nearest to the school.

St Winifred’s Catholic Infant School

St Winifred’s Catholic Infant School Effingham Road, SE12 8NS

Head teacher Mrs M Miller

Telephone 020 8852 0187

Age range 3–7Places available 2010/11 45Nursery 40 (part-time)

St Winifred’s Catholic Infant SchoolNumber of places available 45

Number of on-time applications received


Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Sibling on roll at St Winifred’s Infant or Junior School


Practising Catholic, living in the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes


Other Catholic children from practising Catholic families


There were no appeals heard

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Admission policy

1. Looked after Catholic children or non-Catholic looked after children in the care of Catholic families.

2. Children who have a brother or sister at either St. Winifred’s Catholic Junior School or St. Winifred’s Catholic Infant school at the intended date of admission.

3. Catholic children from practising Catholic families who are resident in the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, Lee.

4. Other Catholic children from practising Catholic families.

5. Other Catholic children.

6. Other looked after children.

7. Children who are members of Eastern Orthodox churches.

8. Children of families who are committed members of other Christian denominations.

9. Children of other faiths.

10. Other applicants.

Tie break

Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any one of the sub-categories listed above will lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest to the school.

The governing body may increase the priority of an application within a category where evidence is provided at the time of application of an exceptional social, medical, pastoral or other need of the child which can most appropriately be met at this school.

St Winifred’s Catholic Junior School

St Winifred’s Catholic Junior School Newstead Road, SE12 0SJ

Head teacher Veronica Maher

Telephone 020 8857 8792

Age range 7–11Places available 2010/11 for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 45Please note there is an automatic transfer from St Winifred’s Infant School for Year 2 children.

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68 starting school in Lewisham 2010–11 please see page 14 for advice on completing the common application form

The governing body is the admission authority for the school. The nursery admits children after their third birthday during the autumn and spring terms. The criteria for admission to the nursery are the same as to the school. No guarantee of a place in the reception class of the school can be given to parents of children who are attending the nursery. Admission to the reception class is decided on the application of the criteria listed below and the eligibility of each individual child along with any other applicant.

Admission policy

1. Children in public care.

2. Where the child has a brother or a sister currently attending the school. If the school is over subscribed entirely with siblings, priority will be given to those living nearest and to those with exceptional social and medical needs; siblings include all blood or adoptive siblings or half-siblings, and foster or step siblings. Siblings must all be living at the same address as the child. Proof of sibling relationship may be required.

3. Where there are medical grounds (supported by a doctor’s certificate) or social reasons (supported by professional documentation) for admitting the child.

4. Proximity of the child’s home to the school, with those living nearer being accorded the higher priority. The distance will be measured in a straight line from the child’s home to the main school entrance. To avoid any fraudulent applications, proof of permanent home address in the form of a current council tax or utilities bill will be required.

Turnham Foundation Primary School

Turnham Foundation Primary School St Norbert Road, SE4 2HH

Head teacher Miss D Dance

Telephone 020 7639 0440

Age range 3–11Places available 2010/11 66Nursery 60 (part-time)This school acquired Foundation status inSeptember 1999.

Turnham Foundation Primary SchoolNumber of places available 66

Number of on-time applications received 123

Number of places offered under each admissions criterion

Siblings 18

Home to school distance 48

Home to school distance of last person offered a home to school distance place, in metres


There were no appeals heard

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Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

(Please contact individual schools)

Baptist Union of Great Britain

Cherubim and Seraphim Council of Churches

Church of England

Church of Ireland

Church of Scotland

Church of Wales

Congregational Federation

Congregational Union of Scotland

Council of African and Afro-

Caribbean Churches

Council of Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches

Greek Orthodox Church

Independent Methodist Churches

International Ministerial Council of Great Britain

Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches

Lutheran Council of Great Britain

Methodist Church

Methodist Church of Ireland

Moravian Church

New Testament Assembly

Presbyterian Church of Wales

Religious Society of Friends

Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales

Roman Catholic Church of Scotland

Russian Orthodox Church

Salvation Army (British Territory)

Scottish Congregational Church

Scottish Episcopal Church

Serbian Orthodox Church

Undeb yr Annibynwyr Cymraeg (Union of Welsh Independents)

United Free Church of Scotland

United Reformed Church

Wesleyan Holiness Church

Membership of Ecumenical Bodies

Apostolic Church

Assemblies of God

Baptist Union of Scotland

Church of God (Europe and UK)

Church of Nazarene

Countess of Huntingdon’s Connexion

Elim Pentecostal Church

Free Church of England

Free Church of Scotland

Free Methodist Denomination

Ichthus Christian Fellowship

Kings Church

London Baptist Association

New Testament Assembly

Old Baptist Union

Salvation Army

Wesleyan Reform Union



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The Evangelical Alliance – full members

Full members

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Additional information

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Extended services in Lewisham schools

The Government’s agenda for extended service provision is that by 2010 all children should have access to a range of extended services in and around their school. Extended schools provide a range of services and activities which will help to meet the needs of pupils, their families and the wider community.

Extended schools also give parents and carers the opportunity to become more involved in the life of their school and support their children’s education and have the potential to raise pupil achievement.

An interim government target required that 50 per cent of primary schools meet the core offer by September 2008. Lewisham schools exceeded this target. Currently 93% of our primary schools meet the core offer.

While many schools may choose to develop an even richer mix of services and activities, the core offer for mainstream primary schools is:

Primary schools provide access to high-quality childcare, 8am–6pm, five days a week, 48 weeks a year, in accordance with their communities’ needs, combined with a varied menu of activities (study support) to enhance achievement and broaden interests.

Schools provide access to parenting support, including information sessions for parents of pupils transferring to secondary school; signposting to national and local sources of information, advice and support; access to parenting groups using structured, evidence-based parenting programmes; and family learning sessions to allow children to learn with their parents, where consultation has shown there is a demand.

Swift and easy access: Working closely with other statutory services and the voluntary and community sector, schools ensure that children with additional needs are identified as early as possible, and are well supported through integrated working with other services.

Schools ensure they provide community access to appropriate facilities, such as ICT suites, sports and arts facilities, and also provide access to adult learning.

In Lewisham, a central Extended Services Team supports schools in developing services, following consultation with pupils, parents, staff and governors, that meet the needs of pupils and families and support raising the achievement and attainment of young people.

Payment of travelling expenses

All children aged up to 16 years can travel free on London buses. Children under 10 do not need a photocard.

School meals, milk and clothing

School meals are available for a standard charge. If parents are in receipt of Income Support, income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance or Employment Support Allowance, Child Tax Credit (without any entitlement to Working Tax Credit and with an income below £16,040), Guarantee Element of Pension Credit or payments from NASS, their children are entitled to free meals.

The head teacher can arrange for suitable meals to be made available for children needing special diets for religious or health reasons.

At an increasing number of school’s break-time milk is available free of charge for pupils under five years of age, and for children over five whose parents qualify for free school meals. For other children over five, European Commission subsidised milk is available at a cost set by participating schools. This tends to be about 15–16p per carton, and is widely recognised as a healthy form of nutrition for a young child. Subsidised milk is also available at some schools as part of the pupil’s lunch.

Clothing grants are available for families entitled to free school meals or whose main source of income is Incapacity Benefit, contribution-based Employment Support Allowance, Severe Disability Allowance,



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Standard Rate State Pension or Widowed Person’s Allowance. Grants are paid in the form of a cheque.

Applications should be made at least six weeks before the start of term. Parents should not wait until the start of term to apply for free meals or clothing grants; to do so may leave your child without a meal or finances towards a uniform. Free school meals cannot be backdated. Application forms are available from schools, AccessPoints in Catford, Downham or Deptford, or by calling Pupil Support on 020 8314 6221 (lines open 1.30pm to 3.45pm Monday to Friday.)

Lewisham’s Attendance and Welfare Service

Lewisham’s Children and Young People’s Directorate is committed to raising standards and improving the academic achievement of all the pupils in Lewisham schools. There is a very close link with attendance and achievement. Schools will work in partnership with parents to ensure that pupils achieve their full potential. Pupils can only reach their full potential if they attend school regularly. Regular attendance means attending schools every day and achieving at least 95 per cent attendance over the school year. This allows for nearly two weeks’ absence for medical reasons.

The service’s motto is: Every child matters. Every day matters. If you want your child to do well at school, you should ensure that they attend every day.

The service works with schools in order to raise attendance and with families where there are concerns about poor attendance. Every primary and special school in Lewisham has an Attendance and Welfare Officer who visits the school regularly to monitor and review attendance. If there are concerns about a pupil’s attendance, the school will raise their concerns with the parent. However, if the attendance does not improve, the school will refer the pupil to their Attendance and Welfare Officer, who will make contact with the family in order to help resolve any difficulties preventing the child from attending school regularly.

Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure that their children attend school regularly. School attendance is now such an important issue that parents can be prosecuted and fined, given a parenting order or even imprisoned for failing to ensure that their child attends school regularly.

The Attendance and Welfare Service operates a morning duty service where Lewisham residents can call at Laurence House and speak to an Attendance and Welfare Officer to discuss any problems relating to attendance. The duty telephone number is 020 8314 6272.

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Give your child the best start to their education and make sure they attend school every day.

Special educational needs

All pupils with special educational needs (usually known as SEN) have a right to a broad and balanced education and to attend a mainstream school alongside their peers. Lewisham provides a range of services to local schools to help them support pupils who have special educational needs. All mainstream schools maintained by Lewisham have resources allocated to them specifically to support children with SEN. By targeting resources into the early years of education and into early intervention strategies, Lewisham aims to ensure that all children with additional needs will be supported in their local mainstream school. School staff identify pupils with special educational needs and

differentiate the curriculum to suit the child’s pace and style of learning. Once identified, the school will record targets for achievement and the support that has been made available for that child. The school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is responsible for monitoring progress against the child’s targets. Advice can be taken from an educational psychologist or specialist teacher if a child does not make the progress expected. Children with severe, complex and enduring special educational needs may require a statutory assessment of their special educational needs. On completion of the statutory assessment, Lewisham will issue either a Statement of Special Educational Needs or a Note in Lieu of a Statement of Special Educational Needs. A Note in Lieu is issued if, on completion of the statutory assessment, it is decided a child’s needs can be met from resources already available to schools. If a Statement is issued, this will

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set out the special educational provision for that child. Most children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs are able to remain in mainstream schools with extra support. A small number of children may require placement in a special school or a mainstream school with a specialist resource.

Admissions of statement pupils to mainstream schools, mainstream schools with resource bases and special school are decided through consideration at the special educational needs panel. Parents of children and young people may request a placement in a mainstream, resource base or special school, either during the statutory assessment process (when the decision has been made to issue a statement) or at the annual review meeting of the pupil’s progress and statement of special educational need.

Parent Partnership – Parent Partnership is an independent service that provides information to parents of children with special educational needs.

The service can be contacted at: The Kabin, Forster Park School, Boundfield Road, London SE6 1PQ. Telephone 020 8695 5955.

SEN Team

If you would like to speak to someone in the SEN Team, you can contact them on 020 8314 7453 or email [email protected].


In the summer of 2006, Kaleidoscope, a brand new £13.3 million centre for children and young people, opened in Lewisham. This exciting new centre provides integrated specialist services for children and young people in Lewisham for the first time. The centre is situated on Rushey Green, on the corner of Hawstead Road, Catford.

With over 250 staff working at Kaleidoscope, including practitioners and support teams who specialise in working with children, it is the first centre of its kind providing such a comprehensive range of integrated

services for children and young people who have specialist child health or mental health, social care or educational needs.

This means that children and young people’s various health, social and educational needs will be diagnosed in one place by doctors and specialists who are experienced in working as a team. It also means that treatments will be carried out in one building, which reduces travel time and scheduling difficulties. For further information please contact 020 7138 1100.

The school health service

The school health service works closely with schools and other agencies and the school nursing service covers every Lewisham school. In addition, school age children may be seen by a community paediatrician if a health need arises. Every child entering the school will have their health assessed by the school nurse through a questionnaire sent to parents, screening of Health Visitor records (or transferred school health records for later entrants), discussion with school staff, and growth measurements. Health interviews may be requested and will be offered to children with identified health needs. Parents are always invited to attend health interviews and medical appointments. Every child entering reception will be offered a hearing and vision test. Dental examinations are available for primary school aged children in schools, and hearing and vision tests may be requested. Speech therapy intervention is available for children with communication difficulties. Additionally, the School Health Service will arrange immunisation programmes to protect against infectious diseases as and when necessary. If at any time a parent, teacher or other professional is concerned about the health of a child, advice should be sought from the school nurse. Parental consent is required for children having contact with the School Health Service. The school administrator will be able to give you the name and contact number for your school nursing service. For children of school age not attending school, your GP can refer you to the Community Child Health Services at Kaleidoscope Children’s Centre.

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Medical programme

This service provides education for pupils who are unable to attend school due to medical needs, both the physically ill and injured and those pupils with clinically defined mental health conditions. Education may be provided within Lewisham Hospital, at the pupil’s home or at the Outreach classroom based at John Evelyn Centre. The main aims of this service are to: minimise as far as possible the disruption to normal schooling by continuing education as normally as incapacity allows and to reintegrate pupils back into full-time education at the earliest opportunity.

Inclusion Service

The Inclusion Service in Lewisham comprises multi-disciplinary locality teams which include educational psychologists, CAMHS health worker and early intervention workers. The teams offer a consultation service to schools settings, families and children in Lewisham. All settings have a link Inclusion Worker who can advise on a range of issues relating to learning and special educational needs. The aim of the service is to promote children’s development, well being and learning, especially for those children who are experiencing difficulties in learning in the widest sense. The service works with parents/carers and school and setting staff where there are concerns about the development, learning and behaviour of children and young people.

New Woodlands School

New Woodlands School is a school for children and young people aged 5–14 years who have exhibited problematic behaviour in mainstream schools. It also admits students with Statements for social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. New Woodlands also has a Behaviour Outreach Service with a team of teachers who support children and young people in Lewisham’s mainstream primary and secondary schools at Key Stage 1, 2 and 3. It has a highly successful record at integrating and supporting students and schools and was judged as ‘outstanding’ by HMI in its Ofsted inspection in March 2006. The school puts children and parents first and strongly believes in its mission statement, which is to provide the same standard of education and care for all our young people as we wish for our own children.

Out of school childcare

Lewisham’s Family Information Service provides a range of childcare provisions before and after the school day for children who attend Lewisham schools. This service caters for children aged four and a half to twelve years old. Some centres also cater for three and four year olds. During the school holidays a number of schools and centres offer full-day care. A charge is made for these services.

For further information please contact the Childcare Play and Recreation Officer on 020 8314 3685, or contact the Family Information Service on 0800 085 0606.

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Equal opportunities

Lewisham Authority acknowledges the right of every pupil to receive the best possible education. It is committed to providing equal opportunities for all pupils in its schools and seeks to eradicate discrimination in all its forms. Each school will have its own policies and practices which take account of this commitment and the particular needs of the local school community. However, certain elements will be common to all schools. These include: aiming to ensure that all pupils of equal ability, girls and boys, from all ethnic groups, achieve comparable results in all subjects and make choices free from traditional prejudices and stereotyping, opposition to any form of racism or sexism, acknowledgement and valuing of every pupil’s cultural and linguistic background, the promotion of respect between cultures.


Lewisham and its schools are committed to offering high quality education and services. As a user of the service, you have the right to complain if you are not happy about the services we provide or your contact with us. For school complaints you should contact the Head teacher and ask him or her to investigate. If you wish to take the complaint further, you can ask the governing body of the school for a copy of their complaints policy.

If you have a complaint about a service provided by the council there is a complaints leaflet available from libraries, neighbourhood offices and voluntary groups in the borough and will explain how you can make your complaint. Help and advice about making a complaint and completing the form is available from the Children and Young People’s Directorate, Executive Director’s Office, on 020 8314 8221. All complaints will be investigated promptly and fairly.

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Useful contacts

London Borough of Lewisham

The following services are currently based at Laurence House Catford, SE6 4RU.

Primary Admissions TeamTelephone 020 8314 8282

Family Information Service(under 5s provision and information about extended day)Telephone 0800 085 0606

School Benefits(Clothing Grants and free school meals)Telephone 020 8314 6221

Attendance and WelfareTelephone 020 8314 6272Special Educational Needs TeamTelephone 020 8314 7453

Local authorities in neighbouring boroughs

London Borough of BexleyHill View Drive,Welling DA16 3RYTelephone: 020 8303

London Borough of BromleyCivic Centre, StockwellClose, Bromley BR1 3UHTelephone 020 8313

London Borough of CroydonRoom 10/13, Taberner House,Park Lane, Croydon CR9 1TPTelephone 020 8686

London Borough of GreenwichRiverside House, Woolwich HighStreet, Woolwich SE18 6DFTelephone 020 8854

London Borough of LambethChildren and Young People’sService: International House,Canterbury Crescent, SW9 7QETelephone 020 7926

London Borough of SouthwarkSouthwark Children ServicesPO Box 64529, SE1P 5LXTel no 020 7525 5000

London Borough of Tower HamletsThe Town HallMulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent,Isle of Dogs E14 2BGTelephone 020 7364

London Borough of Westminster1st floor 215 Lisson GroveNW8 8LFTelephone 020 7641 1816/

Other useful contacts

Advisory Centre for Education (ACE)1C Aberdeen Studios22 Highbury Grove, N5 2DQTelephone 080 8800 5793General Advice LineMon, Tues 9-5Wed – Fri

Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)Sanctuary Buildings, Great SmithStreet, SW1P 3BTTelephone 0870 000 2288

Diocesan Boards of Education Church of EnglandSouthwark Diocesan Board ofEducation: 48 Union Street,SE1 1TDTelephone 020 7234 9200

CatholicSouthwark Schools CommissionSt Edward’s House, St Paul’sWood Hill, Orpington BR5 2SRTelephone 01689 829 331

Independent Schools CouncilInformation and Advice Service (ISCIAS)St Vincent House30 Orange Street, WC2H 7HHTelephone 020 7766 7066

Kaleidoscope Lewisham Centre for Children and Young People32 Rushey Green, Catford,London SE6 4JFTelephone 020 7138 1100

London Government Ombudsman10th Floor, Millbank Tower,SW1P 4QPTelephone 020 7217 4620

The Office of Schools AdjudicatorMowden HallStaindrop RoadDarlington DL3 9BGTelephone 0870 0012468

Useful websites apply online advice for parents on matters relating to schools and www.upmystreet.comfor approximate home to school measurements.

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Term dates for the academic year 2010/11

Bank Holidays

Bank holiday in lieu of Christmas Day 27 December 2011Bank holiday in lieu of Boxing Day 28 December 2011New Year 3 January 2011Good Friday 22 April 2011Easter Monday 25 April 2011May Bank Holiday 2 May 2011Spring Bank Holiday 30 May 2011Summer Bank Holiday 29 August 2011

First day Last day

Autumn term

Wednesday 1 September Friday 22 October

Half-term holiday Monday 25 October Friday 29 October

Monday 1 November Friday 17 December

Spring term

Tuesday 4 January Friday 18 February

Half-term holiday Monday 21 February Friday 25 February

Monday 28 February Friday 8 April

Summer term

Tuesday 26 April Friday 27 May

(May Bank Holiday will be taken on 2 May 2011)

Half-term holiday Monday 30 May Friday 3 June

Monday 6 June Friday 22 July

These are the term dates determined by the London Borough of Lewisham. Please note that the governing body of a Voluntary Aided, Foundation school or an Academy may decide to vary the dates for its school. Children should attend for 190 days (or 380 sessions) each academic year. Each school will decide which dates will be allocated for teachers’ in-service training. You will be informed of those dates by the school when your child starts in September 2010, or January 2011

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Return by 11 December2009 to:The Admissions Team3rd FloorLaurence HouseCatfordSE6 4RU

For other formats, including Braille, large print, audio tape or computer disc contact: The Admissions Team Tel: 020 8314 8282 Email: schooladmissions@

Publication number 042-1aCommunications Unit

Visit for furtherschools information or to apply online.

The Admissions Team3rd FloorLaurence HouseCatfordSE6 4RU