presentation eldas infrared zeolit dan clay


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Page 1: Presentation ELDAS Infrared Zeolit Dan Clay
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Regions of the electromagnetic spectrum

Representation of an electromagnetic wave

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Pentaammine isothiocyanatocobalt(III) ion

Pb2+ EDTA complex[Co(en)3]3+

complex ion

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Pokok Bahasan

1.Review Infrared Spectroscopy2.Infrared Spectroscopy of Inorganic Molekul3.Infrared Spectroscopy of Zeolite

Identification of dealumination process Identification of isomorphous reaction

process4.Infrared Spectroscopy of Clay

Identification of pillarization process5.Infrared Adsorbed Molecule on zeolite

structureand metal oxide

6. Conclusion

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Regions of the electromagnetic spectrum

Representation of an electromagnetic wave

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Change in the dipole moment of a heteronuclear diatomic molecule

A molecule that has infrared absorptions it must possess a specific feature, i.e an electric dipole moment of the molecule must change during the vibrations

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Normal modes of vibration of linear and bent XY2 molecules

+ and – denote vibrations moving upwards and downwards, respectively,in direction perpendicular to the palne of the paper

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Normal modes vibration in CO2

Normal modes vibration in H2O

1 is Raman-active2 and 3 are Infrared-active

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Frequency vibrations of Various Inorganic Molecules (1/cm)

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Infrared spectra of (a) dihydrate, (b) hemihydrate, and (c) anhydrous CaSO4

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Jenis isotop unsur-unsur logam menentukan frekwensi vibrasi inframerah molekul anorganik

Spektra inframerah molekul NiF2

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CompoundCompound StructureStructure 1 (cm-1) 2 (cm-1) 3 (cm-1)

BeFBeF22 linearlinear (680)(680) 345345 15551555

BeClBeCl22 linearlinear (390)(390) 250250 11351135

BeBrBeBr22 linearlinear (230)(230) 220220 10101010

BeIBeI22 linearlinear (160)(160) (175)(175) 873873

MgFMgF22 linearlinear 550550 249249 842842

MgClMgCl22 linearlinear 327327 9393 601601

MgBrMgBr22 linearlinear 198198 8282 497497

MgIMgI22 linearlinear 148148 5656 445445

(680) frequencies Raman-active or Infrared-inactive

Vibrational Frequencies of XY2 – Type Metal Halides

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Normal modes of vibration of planar (a) and pyramidal (b)of XY3 molecules

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Frequency vibrations of Various Molecules of planar and pyramidal of XY3 (1/cm)

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Raman Spectra of the SnX3- ions in diethyl ether extracts from SnX2 in HX solution

Daerah near infra red

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Normal modes of vibration of tetrahedral (a) and square planar (b) of XY4 molecules

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Frequency vibrations of Various Molecules of tetrahedral and square planar of XY4 (1/cm)

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Vibrational Modes of NH4Cl

55 and and 66 are lattice vibrational modes

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Infrared spectra of KClO3 (solid line) and KIO3 (dash line)

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Primary and Secondary Building Unit Zeolites Structure



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(1)Garis tebal : Tetrahedral internal(tidak sensitif struktur, sensitif

komposisi kimia, rasiio Si/Al)

(2) Garis putus-putus : Jalinan Eksternal(sensitif struktur, tidak sensitifkomposisi kimia)

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Tetrahedral InternalTetrahedral Internal Jalinan EksternalJalinan Eksternal

Jenis vibrasiJenis vibrasi (cm(cm-1-1)) Jenis vibrasiJenis vibrasi (cm(cm-1-1))

Regangan asimetrisRegangan asimetris 1250-9501250-950 Regangan asimetrisRegangan asimetris 750-820750-820

Regangan simetrisRegangan simetris 720-650720-650 Regangan simetrisRegangan simetris 1050-11501050-1150

Bend T-OBend T-O 420-500420-500 Cincin gandaCincin ganda 650-500650-500

Pori terbukaPori terbuka 300-420300-420

Assignment infra merah Zeolite

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IR spectra of OH groups in Mazzites Zeolite of Si/Al = 4,4 ; 10 ; 30

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(a)activated mazzite, (b) ammonia adsorption, (c) pyridine adsorption, (d) reacting with pyridine (a minus c)

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IR spectra of OH groups MAZ 4,4 (a), 10 (b), 30 (c) after benzene adsorption

IR spectra of OH groups MAZ 4,4 (a), (b) after benzene adsorption, (c) a-b

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(1)Garis tebal : Tetrahedral internal(tidak sensitif struktur, sensitif

komposisi kimia, rasiio Si/Al)

(2) Garis putus-putus : Jalinan Eksternal(sensitif struktur, tidak sensitifkomposisi kimia)

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IR Spectra in the region lattice vibrations of hydrated Faujasite type Zeolitesbefore and after dealumination

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Dealumination process

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Infrared spectra padatan hasil reaksi isomorphous abu layang dan (NH4)2HPO4

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Diambil dari IR Spectroscopy in catalysis, Catalysis today 68 (2001) 263-281EBOOK-IR Review, halaman 312

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In faujasite zeolites, the cations in the beta-cages and the double six-ring(SD6R, the hexagonal prism) (i.e., at sites SI, SI, and SII) are sterically inaccessible to nitrogen, and so only the supercage cations (i.e., those at SII andDiambil dari Adsorbent Fundamental and Application, EBook, Chapter X, hal 287

Unit cell of faujasite-type (X and Y) zeolites, including cation sites.

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(Top) Site II cation on six-membered oxygen ring as the basic unit on A and X zeolites. T denotes Si or Al. (Bottom) Geometry-optimized cluster model to represent the chemistry of Ag-zeolite.

Diambil dari Adsorbent Fundamental and Application, EBook, Chapter VII, hal 174

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(a) Extra-framework cation sites in X- and Y-type zeolites. (b) Far- infrared spectrumof Na-Y with band assignments to cation sites according to [232]. (c) Experimental IR spectrum in comparison to simulated spectra calculated according to the shell model and occupancy of different cation sites. (d) Experimental spectrum in comparison to power spectra simulated by MD at occupancy of different cation sites (parts c and d from [79] with permission) halaman 67

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Far-infrared (FIR) spectra of alkali-metal cation-exchanged faujasites and H-Y zeolite

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IR Spektra Montmorillonit yg di treatment dgn asam 6 M HCl pada variasiWaktu (a) 0, (b) 2, (c) 4, (d) 6, (e) 8, (f) 10, (g) 12, (h) 18, (i) 24 dan (j) 30 jam

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Pita yg paling intensif didekat 1048 cm-1 diindikasikan sbg vibrasi stretching Si-O dari lapisan tetrahedral. Pita 524 cm-1 adalah vibrasi Si-O-Al ( dimana Al adalah kation oktahedral) Pita 466 cm-1 adalah vibrasi bending Si-O-Si. Pita serapan pada 621 cm-1 ini sesuai dgn vibrasi tegak lurus dari kation oktahedral (M-O-Si) dimana M adalah Al, Mg dan Li Tiga puncak pada daerah bending OH adalah :

(a) 917 cm-1 (Al2OH)(b) 886 cm-1 (AlFeOH)(c) 850 cm-1 (AlMgOH)

Al oktahedral disubstitusi oleh Fe dan Mg. Intenditas yg rendah dari puncak pita MgAlOH mengindikasikan kandungan Mg yang rendah. Puncak doublet pada 799 dan 779 mengindikasikan adanya campuran mineral lain dalam hal ini adalah mineral kuarsa.

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Pita 524 cm-1 adalah vibrasi Si-O-Al ( Al adalah kation oktahedral) Intensitas puncak 524 berkurang dgn kenaikan waktu Pita doublet 799 dan 779 indikasi adanya mineral kuarsa, Intensitas puncak 799 bertambah dgn kenaikan waktu (dealuminasi kuarsa) Tiga puncak pada daerah bending OH adalah :

(a) 917 cm-1 (Al2OH)(b) 886 cm-1 (AlFeOH)(c) 850 cm-1 (AlMgOH)

Ketiga puncak berkurang dgn kenaikan waktu (dealuminasi, penukaran kation) Pita 1048 cm-1 diindikasikan sbg vibrasi stretching Si-O (tetrahedral) Puncak makin membesar indikasi terbentuknya amorphous silika

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IR Spektra Hectorite yg di treatment dgn asam 0,25 M HCl pada variasiWaktu (a) 1, (b) 3, (c) 5 dan (d) 8 jam

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Hectorite adalah trioktahedral smectite yg berisi Mg dan Li sebagai kation oktahedral Puncak 654 cm-1 bending OH

Puncak 1012 cm-1 stretching Si-O Puncak 701 cm-1 bending Si-O tegak lurus bidang Puncak 467 cm-1 bending Si-O dlm bidang Pita 524 cm-1 adalah vibrasi Si-O-Al ( Al adalah kation oktahedral) Intensitas puncak 524 berkurang dgn kenaikan waktu Tiga puncak pada daerah bending OH adalah :

(a) 917 cm-1 (Al2OH)(b) 886 cm-1 (AlFeOH)(c) 850 cm-1 (AlMgOH)

Ketiga puncak berkurang dgn kenaikan waktu (dealuminasi, penukaran kation) Pita 1048 cm-1 diindikasikan sbg vibrasi stretching Si-O (tetrahedral) Puncak makin membesar indikasi terbentuknya amorphous silika

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IR Spektra Smectite yg di treatment dgn asam 6 M HCl pada variasi suhu(a) asli, (b) 60oC dan (c) 95oC

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IR Spektra Hectorite yg di treatment dgn asam HCl pada variasi konsentrasi(a) 0, (b) 0,1, (c) 0,25 dan (d) 0,5 M

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Surfactan~ 3 % b/b

Acid Leaching



Natural Bentonite


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Infrared Spectra Natural Bentonite and Leached bentonite resulted from nonswelling leaching in various concentrasion of Hydrochloride Acid,

(a) Natural Bentonit

(b) 7M (c) 8 M,(d) 9 M

and (e) 10 M

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Difractogram Spectra Natural Bentonite and Leached bentonite resulted from nonswelling leaching in various concentrasion of Hydrochloride Acid,

(a) Natural Bentonit

(b) 7M (c) 8 M,(d) 9 M

and (e) 10 M

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Infrared Spectra Natural Bentonite and Leached bentonite resulted from swelling leaching in various concentrasion of Hydrochloride Acid,

(a) Natural Bentonit

(b) 4M (c) 5 M, and (d) 6M

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Difractogram Spectra Natural Bentonite and Leached bentonite resulted from swelling leaching in various concentrasion of Hydrochloride Acid,

(a) Natural Bentonit

(b) 4M (c) 5 M, and (d) 6M

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Difractogram Spectra of Composed Bentonite prepared from Leached bentonite resulted by swelling method in various concentrasion of Hydrochloride Acid and C14TMA

(a) 4M

(b) 5M and (c) 6M

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Spectra Infrared of Heksagonal Mesopore Clay

a) before calcination

b) after calcination

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Difraktogram Spectra of Heksagonal Mesopore Clay

(a)before calsination

(b) after calcinations

d001 2,10o, 42,03 Å



d110 3,88o, 22,73 Å

d200 4,42o, 19,94 Å

d110 3,93o, 21,83 Å

d200 4,46o, 19,04 Å

d001 2,14o, 41,13 Å

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t = 6-12 A



d = basal spacing ~ 41,31 Å

a = distance between center pore

t = pore wall thickness, for MCM-41

~ 6-12 Å


a 49,473



30cos Å


Pore diameter = a – t = 47,49 Å – 12 Å = 35,49 Å

Two dimension Ilustration of HMC pore

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Isoterm Adsorpsi-desorpsi HMC









0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


V (c




Isoterm Adsorption-Desorption

SBET = 614,647 m2/g

dpore = 36,49 Å

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Pore Size Distribution








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

rP rata-rata





13,2 Å

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The XRD patterns of Cp sample (Fig. 1) showed that the main crystalline phases correspond to clinoptilolite. The FTIR spectrum of Cp is shown in Fig. 2. The peaks at 3600, 3440 cm-1 are related to stretching mode of H-O-H, the peaks at1080 and 1150 cm-1 belong to antisymmetrical stretching and peaks at 680 and 740 cm-1 are symmetricall stretchings of SiO4 and AlO4, respectively

The FTIR spectrum of Clinoptilolite

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(Top) Site II cation on six-membered oxygen ring as the basic unit on A and X zeolites. T denotes Si or Al. (Bottom) Geometry-optimized cluster model to represent the chemistry of Ag-zeolite.

Diambil dari Adsorbent Fundamental and Application, EBook, Chapter VII, hal 174

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Diambil dari IR Spectroscopy in catalysis, Catalysis today 68 (2001) 263-281EBOOK-IR Review, halaman 312

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, VibrationalSpectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 51

Zeolite framework vibrations according to the interpretation of Flanigen et al. (adopted from[112]); 1, solid lines: intra-tetrahedral vibrations; 2, broken lines: inter-tetrahedral vibrations

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Wavenumbers of various framework vibrations as a function of the mole fraction of aluminum in tetrahedral (T) sites of the zeolite framework; s indicates the slope, i.e., the decrease of the wavenumber (cm–1) per 0.1 atom fraction of Al ion substitution (adopted from [112]). D6R means double six-membered ring, ns and nas stand for symmetric and asymmetric stretching modes, respectively (cf. text and list of abbreviations)

Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 52

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Approximate assignments of observed lattice vibrational frequencies of Na-X zeolite [246] based on calculations [113]

Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 53

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 59

Raman spectra of zeolites (a) Na-Y (nSi/nAl = 2.6) and (b) Na-X (nSi/nAl = 1.18)

Raman spectra of ion-exchanged Y-type zeolites (nSi/nAl = 2.6), viz. (a) Na-Y, (b) K-Y, (c) Rb-Y, (d) Cs-Y

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 65

Far-infrared (FIR) spectra of alkali-metal cation-exchanged faujasites and H-Y zeolite

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(a) Extra-framework cation sites in X- and Y-type zeolites. (b) Far- infrared spectrumof Na-Y with band assignments to cation sites according to [232]. (c) Experimental IR spectrum in comparison to simulated spectra calculated according to the shell model and occupancy of different cation sites. (d) Experimental spectrum in comparison to power spectra simulated by MD at occupancy of different cation sites (parts c and d from [79] with permission) halaman 67

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 69

Calculated and experimental FIR spectrum of Ba-ZSM-5 (nSi/nAl = 13), adopted from [363] with permission

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 73

Comparison of far-infrared spectra of zeolites Na-Y and K-Y before and after adsorption of pyrrole [371] and pyrrolidine (from [372] with permission)

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 79 dan 83

Infrared spectra in the OH stretching region of Y-type zeolite after dealumination via steam treatment. Calcined in A: moist air at 813 K; B: self-steam at 813 K; C: moist air at 1033 K; D: self-steam at 1033 K [411]

Wavenumbers and intensities of the OH stretching bands of a homologous series of zeolites, viz. mordenites ion-exchanged with alkaline earth

cations [443]

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 85

Correlation between the absorbance of the OH stretching band produced on sorption of H2S into faujasite-type zeolites and the population of the SIII sites (cf. Fig. 16a) by Na+ cations [454]

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 89

Gmelinite cage, hexagonal prism and cancrinite cage of the offretite structure and indication of crystallographically different oxygen atoms and corresponding OH groups therein [487]

Infrared bands of OH groups in hydrogen offretite (a: with 2.3 K+ cations per unit cellleft after exchange; b: with 0.6 K+ cations per unit cell left after exchange): Left: before (full line) and after (dotted line) adsorption of pyridine. Right: before (full line) and after (dotted line) adsorption of ammonia [487]

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 98

Diffuse reflectance IR spectra of H-ZSM-5 (adopted from [546])

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 100 dan 104

Near-infrared spectra of H-ZSM-5 with combination bands, n˜(OH)+d(OH) on increasing activation temperatures (adopted from [557])

Calculated power spectra of zeolites H-Y and D-Y in the mid-infrared frameworkregion in comparison with the experimental INS spectrum of H-Y (from [577])

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INS spectra of bulk pyrrole obtained with the spectrometers (a) TFXA and (b) IN1BeF and of pyrrole adsorbed in (c) Na-Y and (d) Rb-Y; the asterisks indicate the most intense peaks, cf. text (from [585])

Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 105

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 107 dan 108

Infrared fundamentals of molecular deuterium, nitrogen and oxygen adsorbed on A-type zeolites [587]

Supercage of zeolite A with the main cation positions and symmetry axes [588]

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 113

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 113

IR spectra of CO adsorbed at 0.13 mbar on autoreduced Ru, Na-Y in the temperaturerange 75–298 K [624]

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Schematic representation of the fundamental vibrations of carbon dioxide, CO2; the mode n2 is twofold degenerated (n2a, n2b)

Schematic representation of the fundamental vibrations of nitrous oxide,N2O

Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 119 dan 121

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 120

Top : Sorption geometries of (a) CO2 and (b) N2O in zeolite Na4Ca4-A. Bottom :Observed fundamental vibrations n3 (a) of CO2 and n3(b) and n1 (c) of N2O in zeolite Na4Ca4-A (adopted from [596])

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 123 dan 124

Infrared spectra of methane,CH4, adsorbed on Na-A; the spectra obtained at 10–4 and 10–5 mbar (adopted from [599])

Schematic representation of the fundamental vibrations of the bent triatomic molecules of sulfur dioxide, SO2, hydrogen sulfide,H2S, and water, H2O

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 113

Infrared spectra of water vapor adsorbed on H-ZSM-5 at low pressures (10–5–1 mbar); the spectra obtained at 10–4 and 10–5 mbar were expanded by the factors 5 and 10, respectively (adopted from [127])

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, Vibrational Spectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 128 dan 129

Calculated potential energy surface for the adsorption of a single water molecule on azeolitic Brønsted site (bridging OH group); AD: adsorption energy,PT: proton transfer energy (in kJ mol–1), showing the hydroxonium ion as a transition structure and not in an energy minimum [655, 656]

Hydroxonium ion on a zeolite surface stabilized by a second water molecule where both surface species, (H2O)2 and (H3O+◊◊H2O) become stable [655, 656]. For the meaning of AD and PT see caption of Fig. 43 or list of abbreviations

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Diambil dari Molecular Sieves, Sciences and Technology, Characterization I, VibrationalSpectroscopy, EBOOK halaman 36

Scheme for the quantitative evaluation of zeolite spectra using integrated or maximum absorbance [128]

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