presentation by alfred n. gichu kenya’s redd+ readiness

Presentation by Alfred N. Gichu Kenya’s REDD+ Readiness

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Presentation byAlfred N. Gichu

Kenya’sREDD+ Readiness

ContentsNational circumstancesObjectives of Kenya’s REDD+ StrategyPriority AreasReadiness activitiesKenya’s progress towards Readiness

Kenya Country ProfileProfile Item Statistic Remark

Area 582,650 KM2

80 % ASAL

Population 38 million 80% reside in 20 % area - high & medium rainfall areas

Dependence on agriculture sector

70% of population

Mainly subsistence

Forest cover 3.6 million Ha

5.9% ; 36% is closed canopy located in high population density areas, 50,000 ha lost every year thro’ D&D.

Wood energy Over 70% national energy demand

From unsustainable sources

Kenya’s Participation in REDD+

Kenya is voluntarily participating in REDD+ Readiness to support :Realization of Constitutional and vision 2030 objectives;Design of policies and measures to protect and improve

forest resources; realization of the NCCRS goals.Contribution to global climate change goals.

National REDD+ strategy and implementation framework to include activities that:

mitigate emissions, eligible for international finance in-line with national economic, social and

environmental priorities.

Priority Areas of Focus

1. Reducing pressure to clear forests for agriculture,

settlements and other land uses;

2. Promoting sustainable utilization of forests by

promoting efficiency, energy conservation;

3. Improving governance in the forest sector by

strengthening national capacity for FLEG , advocacy

and awareness ;

4. Enhancement of carbon stocks through forestry

extension, incentives for commercial forestry,

addressing the fire problems

REDD+ Readiness ActivitiesReadiness activities include

A national strategy for implementation and the institutional and legal implementation framework,

A Reference Emission Level and/or Forest Reference Level for greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from deforestation and/or forest degradation; and

A Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) and Monitoring system to assess the effect of the REDD strategy on GHG emissions, livelihoods and other benefits.

Kenya’s progress towards ReadinessKenya has an approved RPP that provides a roadmap of

activities that will ensure Readiness. These include:

National Management Arrangements

Stakeholder Consultation and Participation Programme

Assessment of Land use, Forest Policy and Governance

REDD+ Strategy and arrangements for implementation


A REL and/or Forest Reference Level

Design of a Monitoring system

Progress in ReadinessA National Steering Committee constituted ;

NRCO established and Coordinator recruited;

Sensitization and information sharing ongoing;

A Forest Governance assessment report prepared;

National Forest Programme under formulation;

Forest Policy and legislation alignment to the Constitution

and CC;

National Carbon Investment and Trading Policy ;

NCCRS Action Plans including a LCDS being developed;


Socialization of SESA

REL/ FL and MRV SystemReview of requirements and gap analysis of capability of the

key institutions in Support of Forest Mapping and REDD+;

Established reference systems and standards for mapping and resource classification;

Finalized our forest definition to support forest cover mapping;

Identified sources and accessed all existing forest, land use and map data ;

Identified and accessed all required archive satellite imagery;

Identified all equipment necessary to undertake satellite image-based creation and update of the forest resource map;

Currently undertaking satellite imagery interpretation.

REDD Management Structure

Thank You