present simple or present continuous 2

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Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/18/2019 Present Simple or Present Continuous 2


    Present simple or present continuous?

    1. María ____________ (work) for a TV station.

    2. At the moment she ____________ (travel) in the Sahara Desert.

    3. Dan ____________ (love) wild animals.. !e ____________ (not visit) Alaska at the moment.

    ". Marta ____________ (not live) in Afri#a.

    $. She ____________ (sta%)

    in Afri#a at the moment.

    &. Dad 's'all% ____________ (#ook) dinner.

    . M% arents ____________ (*o) to +tal% ever% %ear.,. M% sister ____________ (walk) to s#hool ever% da%.

    1-. e ____________ (have) l'n#h now.

    11. + never ____________ (sta% in) on Sat'rda% evenin*.

    12. + ____________ (*o) to the #inema now.

    13. M% m'm ____________ (not work) toda%.

    1. /eter ____________ (not like) ra m'si#.

    1". !e ____________ (listen) to o m'si# at the moment.

    1$. Donna 's'all% ____________ (*o) shoin* on Sat'rda%s.

    1&. 0et  s *o o't. +t ____________ (not rain) now.

    1. !'rr% ' ver%4od% ____________ (wait) for %o'

    1,. The s'n ____________ (rise) in the east.

    2-. ater ____________ (4oil) at 1-- de*rees.

    21. The water ____________ (4oil). 5an %o' t'rn it off622. + m'st *o now. +t ____________ (*et) late.

    23. + 's'all% ____________ (*o) to work 4% #ar.

    2. +t ____________ (not rain) ver% m'#h in the s'mmer.

    2". The moon ____________ (*o) ro'nd the earth.