preschool reporting oaep conference

Preschool Reporting OAEP Conference Office of Early Learning & School Readiness May 2012

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Preschool Reporting OAEP Conference. Office of Early Learning & School Readiness May 2012. Data Accuracy for Preschool Special Education. Review EMIS Data Points and Common Errors Unit Reporting Key Indicator Measures EMIS Issues Kindergarten Transition Early Learning Challenge Grant. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Preschool ReportingOAEP Conference

Office of Early Learning & School Readiness

May 2012

Data Accuracy for Preschool Special Education

• Review EMIS Data Points and Common Errors

• Unit Reporting• Key Indicator Measures• EMIS Issues• Kindergarten Transition• Early Learning Challenge Grant

Communication• Work with preschool special education

supervisor to review data accuracy• ESCs or DDs

– District of residence responsible for the special education record

– If ESC is the district of instruction- responsible for assessment reporting

– If DD providing program, district of residence responsible for all reporting

PRESCHOOLData Collection Form

• For documentation of events • For communication between

program and EMIS personnel

• Cross-check program data with EMIS data to ensure accuracy of what is reported to ODE


Preschool Special Education


December Child Count HistoryDecember/Year Child Count December/Year Child Count

1992 7,691 2002 22,077

1993 9,837 2003 19,588

1994 11,671 2004 19,659

1995 12,251 2005 20,955

1996 13,741 2006 23,455

1997 14,127 2007 23,137

1998 14,566 2008 23,197

1999 15,860 2009 23,246

2000 17,941 2010 22,454

2001 19,075 2011 24,460

Things to Know

A child’s IEP must be in effect as of

December 1

How ReceivedScenario

How Received Code Subject Code Disability Code

ECE Entitlement funded child is in a regular preschool classroom.

E 180108 None

ECE Entitlement funded child in a preschool special education unit.

E 196095 None

ECE Entitlement funded child with a disability in a regular preschool classroom.

E 180108 Child has disability code

Child with a disability in a preschool special education unit.

N 196095 Child has disability code

Child with a disability in a regular preschool classroom.

N 180108 Child has disability code

Head Start funded child in a regular preschool classroom.

G 180108 None

Head Start funded child with a disability in a regular preschool classroom.

G 180108 Child has disability code

Head Start funded child as a non-disabled peer in a preschool special education unit.

G 196095 None

August 2010

Common Errors

• Districts not reporting children on itinerant services as “no classroom”

• District of residence not reporting preschool children on the special education record

• Ensuring that the IEP date is current as of December 1

UNIT FUNDINGOctober Report


• Entities complete the PSE Unit application on the web Aug - Sept

• Units are allocated by Nov 15 [usually same number as the previous year]

• Information on staff and students entered into EMIS October K reporting period

• Preschool students and staff AS OF DEC 1st

• Funding of allocated units depends upon data in EMIS for districts and ESCs

• Close of October K correction period determines the funding

Common Errors

• A child’s IEP must be in effect as of December 1– To count towards unit funding

• Otherwise child will be counted in the columns for nondisabled peers and funding may be reduced

Common Errors

• Staff with percent of time in preschool (assignment 99412)

• Connecting children to teachers• Combination teachers who do both

centerbased and itinerant need to be reported more than once

STF_ECE_Staff Units Report• Really should be called PSE Staff• Three sections to check regularly to

correct errors– Teachers– Related Services– Summary



Adapted PE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Audiologist 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Occupational Therapist 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 88.00 Orientation and Mobility 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Physical Therapist 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 67.00 Psychology Services 2.16 2.16 2.16 0.00 383.00 Speech & Language 5.70 5.70 5.70 0.00 290.00 PS Special Ed Supervisor 3.60 3.20 3.20 0.00 TOTALS 23.46 23.06 23.06 0.00

Unit Report

• Teacher section– Teachers– Centerbased and/or itinerant– Children by age and percent of time

(50% or 100%)– Nondisabled peers– Age 6 as of 12/1– Error messages

Teacher Information Type PSSE <-- Student Head Counts --> Stud Stud Units

of Unit FUND <-50% Time-> <-100% Time-> FTE FTE Non Per

State ID# Name Unit FTE Srce 3 4 5 3 4 5 3-5 Age 6 Disab EMIS Comments

MK100 SUSIE D8 1.00 Z 0 0 0 0 1 5 6.00 0.00 2 1.00

OH13 MARY D8 Z 1 2 3 0 0 0 3.00 0.00 1

ITR 1.00 Z 0 3 1 0 0 0 2.00 0.00 0

.90 Too few FTE

OS100 SAMUEL . D8 1.00 Z 6 2 5 0 0 0 6.50 0.00 13 1.00

WV100 KAREN ITR 1.00 Z 3 5 4 0 0 0 6.00 0.00 0 1.00

WV100 JUDY ITR 1.00 Z 4 6 1 0 0 0 5.50 0.00 0 1.00

Related Services

Student RELATED SERVICES PSSE Fund Count Funded Pos Code Unit Srce Used Units Comments State ID# Name Type of Unit Area FTE (EMIS) OH142 LEA Occupational Therapist 327/999412 1.00 Z 40.00 1.00

OH145 RACHEL. Occupational Therapist 327/999412 1.00 Z 40.00 1.00

OH123 CARTER. Psychology Services 318/999412 1.00 Z 75.00 1.00

OH125 BRUCE Psychology Services 318/999412 .16 Z 12.00 .16

OH150 DAVID Psychology Services 318/999412 1.00 Z 75.00 1.00

AR100 VALERIE Speech & Language 326/999412 .20 Z 10.00 .20



Adapted PE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Audiologist 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Occupational Therapist 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 88.00 Orientation and Mobility 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Physical Therapist 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 67.00 Psychology Services 2.16 2.16 2.16 0.00 383.00 Speech & Language 5.70 5.70 5.70 0.00 290.00 PS Special Ed Supervisor 3.60 3.20 3.20 0.00 TOTALS 23.46 23.06 23.06 0.00


Preschool Special Education

• Indicator 6 Preschool Educational Environments• Indicator 7 Preschool Child Outcomes• Indicator 12 Early Childhood Transition from Part

C to Part B

Are young children with disabilities entering

kindergarten ready to learn?

• Indicator 3 Statewide Assessment• Indicator 4 Suspension/Expulsion• Indicator 5 School-age Educational Environments

Are children with disabilities achieving at

high levels?

• Indicator 1 Graduation• Indicator 2 Dropout• Indicator 13 Secondary Transition• Indicator 14 Postsecondary Outcomes

Are youth with disabilities prepared for life, work and postsecondary education?

• Indicator 8 Facilitated Parent Involvement• Indicator 9 Disproportionate Representation- Child with a Disability• Indicator 9 Disproportionate Representation- Eligibility Categories• Indicator 11 Child Find• Indicator 15 Timely Correction of Noncompliance Finding• Indicator 20 Timely and Accurate Data

Does the district implement IDEA to improve services and

results for children with disabilities?


PRESCHOOL LREIndicator 6 in the State Performance Plan

LRE Settings 2 Major Categories

52%48% EC Setting Total

Not an EC Set-ting Total

Preschool LRE Settings IE 51 Regular Education Early Childhood

Program At Least 10 hours per week and receiving the majority (more than 50%) of their special education and related services in the general early childhood setting

IE 53 Regular Education Early Childhood Program Less than 10 hours per week and receiving the majority (more than 50%) of their special education and related services in the general early childhood setting

IE60 Special Education Program – Separate Class -A special education program in which a child with a disability is in a class with less than 50% non-disabled students. Do not report if student is also enrolled in a Regular Early Childhood Program

IE 55 Regular Education Early Childhood Program At Least 10 hours per week and receiving the majority (more than 50%) of their special education and related services in some other location other than the general early childhood setting

IE 56 Regular Education Early Childhood Program Less than 10 hours per week and receiving the majority (more than 50%) of their special education and related services in some other location other than the general early childhood setting

IE62 Special Education Program – Separate School-A special education program in which a child with a disability receives all of his/her special education and related services in an educational program in public or private day schools designed specifically for children with disabilities. Do not report if student is also enrolled in a Regular Early Childhood Program

IE72 Service Provider LocationA program in which a child with a disability receives all of his/her special education and related services from a service provider and did not attend an early childhood program or special education program provided in a separate class, separate school or residential facility. For example, speech instruction is provided in private clinicians’ offices, clinicians’ offices located in school buildings, hospital facilities on an outpatient basis, libraries and other public locations.

IE70 Pre-School-Home -A program in which the child with a disability receives all of their special education and related services in the principle residence of the child’s family or caregivers and who did not attend an early childhood program or a special education program provided in special class, separate school, or residential facility. Included are children who receive special education BOTH at home AND in a service provider location.

IE64 Special Education Program – Residential Facility -A special education program in which a child with a disability receives all of his/her special education and related services in a publicly or privately operated residential school or in a residential medical facility on an impatient basis. Do not report if student is also enrolled in a Regular Early Childhood Program

LRE Definitions for an EC Setting

IE 51 Regular Education Early Childhood Program At Least 10 hours per week and receiving the majority (more than 50%) of their special education and related services in the general early childhood setting

IE 53 Regular Education Early Childhood Program Less than 10 hours per week and receiving the majority (more than 50%) of their special education and related services in the general early childhood setting

IE 55 Regular Education Early Childhood Program At Least 10 hours per week and receiving the majority (more than 50%) of their special education and related services in some other location other than the general early childhood setting

IE 56 Regular Education Early Childhood Program Less than 10 hours per week and receiving the majority (more than 50%) of their special education and related services in some other location other than the general early childhood setting

EC Setting

• At least 50% of the enrollment in the classroom are nondisabled– ECE Entitlement– Head Start– Child Care

• Team Teaching– Children with IEPs may be on one

teacher’s roster but a class within a class = EC Setting

Preschool LRE

• Class Composition– Number of children on IEPs and

number of children not on IEPs• Facility

– Residential– Home– Service provider location

• Point in time= 12/1



Top section

Child School Year 2011-12 Copies: EMIS Coordinator, Student File

DATA COLLECTION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL EDUCATION Beginning in 2007-2008, all preschool children with disabilities ECOSF scores reported regardless of the type of services provided.

Child’s Name

Student ID#

IEP Begin Date

IEP End Date



October K Reporting Period

Yearend Reporting Period

ECOSF Progress Element




MEET NEED TEST DATE (GM 210) Year ______ Month_____ Day______

TEST DATE (GM 210) Year ______ Month_____ Day______

TEST DATE (GM 210) Year ______ Month_____ Day______

PROGRESS ELEMENT (GM 245) Progress Element (GM 245) Progress Element (GM 245) * - NA-Not

applicable – child not assessed

N- Child has not shown any new skills or behaviors

* - NA-Not applicable – child not assessed

N- Child has not shown any new skills or behaviors

* - NA-Not applicable – child not assessed

N- Child has not shown any new skills or behaviors

F- First assessment (can be used only once) so progress not noted

Y- Child has shown new skills or behaviors

F- First assessment (can be used only once) so progress not noted

Y- Child has shown new skills or behaviors

F- First assessment (can be used only once) so progress not noted

Y- Child has shown new skills or behaviors

Scores not Reported Reasons

SCORE NOT REPORTED (GM235) SCORE NOT REPORTED (GM235) SCORE NOT REPORTED (GM235) * Not Applicable A Medical Reasons B Parent Refusal D Suspension/Expulsion F Other (reason not listed) J Student moved in or out of district

before summary completed

* Not Applicable A Medical Reasons B Parent Refusal D Suspension/Expulsion F Other (reason not listed) J Student moved in or out of district

before summary completed

* Not Applicable A Medical Reasons B Parent Refusal D Suspension/Expulsion F Other (reason not listed) J Student moved in or out of district

before summary completed

“J” Issue

• J is a code in the “scores not reported” section of the assessment records (GM235).

• This code should only be used if a child withdraws during the current reporting period before an ECOSF was completed.


TEST TYPE (GM215) STR Standard

TEST TYPE (GM215) STR Standard TEST TYPE (GM215) STR Standard

SCORE (GM240) SCORE (GM240) SCORE (GM240) Circle One

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Circle One

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Circle One

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

* NA-Not applicable – child not assessed

* NA-Not applicable – child not assessed

* NA-Not applicable – child not assessed

P Parents requested results not reported to state

P Parents requested results not reported to state

P Parents requested results not reported to state

Common Errors-Accuracy Checks

• There are 3 ratings (E, K T)• Each outcome has a rating.

– October– Yearend

•  Each outcome has “yes” or “no” recorded for progress. – F would apply only to initial entry ratings.– In almost ALL cases there should be a Y for


Biggest Data Problems

1. Timely assessment and reporting of the entry ECOSF

2. Progress question errors at exit

Biggest Data Problems1. Timely Assessment and Reporting of Entry


• Children entering PSE services in one assessment window had entry ratings reported in a later assessment window

Assessment Windows

Beginning of school year to December 1 for children entering PSE services in the Fall


December 2 to May 15 for children entering

PSE services during this window

Biggest Data Problems2. Progress Question Errors at Exit

• Impossible answers provided to the progress question.

• Progress question at exit marked F.

• Not answering the progress question on the exit ECOSF.


• Your Help is Needed – if you see things that are out of line – send back to the program supervisor.



SSID- for tracking C to B Transition

• Children exiting Help Me Grow will have an SSID assigned

• Local quarterly reports from Help Me Grow will have the SSID

• Check data to avoid duplicates

Special Ed Record

• Preschool Transition Conference (PSTC)= Trigger

• If a PR01 indicates there is no suspected disability, the child should be reported in the aggregate and not have a special education record in EMIS

Anticipated change after FY 2012

• Preschool Transition Conference (PSTC)= Trigger

• If the conference is 6-9 months before the child’s 3rd birthday, a PR01 may be used to begin the evaluation/timeline later

• Child will have an IEP implemented by 3rd birthday

• EMIS will indicate a noncompliance• OEL&SR will investigate to verify


Common Errors

• Data Entry– Based upon monitoring, results in noncompliance

in • Indicator 12- Transition from Part C• Indicator 20- Accurate Data

• PSTC only– Aggregate reporting instead

• Missing dates on special education record• Only entering records in compliance- cross

check for 3 year olds

When to report

• If – PSTC is in the spring– The child will be 3 in the summer– Events cross school years

• Report in the year the IEP was implemented and child received services

EMIS Issues

EMIS Issue - 1LRE coding for two groups of childrenA. In KG and 5 years old on Dec 1

B. In PS and 6 years old on Dec 1– An appropriate LRE code for above children

will cause unable to “translate LRE error- must report FN270”

– Error will show in December Child Count for children above

LRE Coding Correction

• To correct district must add an FN270 element with LRE the is most accurate for environment the child is receiving services

EMIS Issue – 2Percent of Time Greater than 100%

• Children in a class with ECE funding and PSE itinerant services could have 150% FTE

• FTE over 100% causes a “critical error for both ECE and PSE educational entity

• Records with a “critical error” are still accepted by EMIS and funding will not be effected



Re-evaluation for Kindergarten

• Re-evaluation is required for kindergarten transition

• Re-evaluation is required every three years

Re-evaluation for Kindergarten

• Date of re-evaluation is entered into EMIS in the school year in which it occurs

• Date of new IEP is entered into EMIS in the school year in which it is completed.

• If these events occur after June 1st they are entered in the October K reporting period.

• New LRE code must be considered once child enters kindergarten.

IEP Extension

• There is no such thing• An IEP is for a maximum of one year• An annual review is required at one

year and a new IEP is developed or the child exits special education

Ohio’s Race to the TopEarly Learning Challenge Grant

Voluntary, competitive federal initiative

Partnership between U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services

Addresses needs of most vulnerable children• Low income• Children with Disabilities• English Language Learners

What is the Early LearningChallenge?

Five Areas to be Addressed

Measuring Outcomes and Progress

High Quality, Accountable Programs

Promoting Early Learning and Development Outcomes for Children

Successful State Systems

Great Early Childhood Education Workforce

Ohio’s Goals for Results

1,300 newly rated, high quality settings

37,000 additional high needs children in highly rated programs

Closing the kindergarten readiness gap by 5% for high needs children.

By 2020, Ohio will only purchase services in high quality settings.

Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System (TQRIS):

Single Framework for Quality

All publicly funded early learning and development programs participate (districts, child care & family child care)

Expanded program standards and move from 3 to 5 tiers with cost study and validation of new tiers

Test incentives for rated programs and co-pay elimination for families

Expand Teacher Education and Compensation Helps (T.E.A.C.H) Scholarships

Timeline for Implementation2011-12

Standards will be developed in all Essential Domains of School Readiness


Early childhood programs will align adopted curriculum to the new standards


New standards should be fully integrated into early childhood programs