preliminary descriptive inventory record group...

/ J Preliminary Descriptive Inventory - Agency: Office of Planning and Budget Record Group NO. Sub-group: Records of the F a c i l i t i e s Management Division 22 Series No. - Series: Individual Capital Project Files Description of series and its contents: This series contains (1 ) original state department architectural program plans, (2) Facilities Management Division comments and memorandums directed at each respective department which submits plans for review, (3) state departmental revised architectural plans, (4) analyses and correspondence leading to approval of preliminary designs and (5) final contract documents. The series documents one of the prime missions of the F a c i l i t i e s Management Division, the reviewing and approving of architectural plans for capital improvements on state and local government property taking into consideration both architectural and engineering criteria with the chief goal being economy. The files are arranged chronologically by time span of two fiscal years, thereunder a1 phabetical ly by state department and thereunder numerically by project number. list below. The names of the projects are also indicated in the shelf 173-80 Box Contents Location ,---. . 1 1975-78 41 84-07 Administrative Services, Department of (DOAS) -Atlanta Housing Authority land acquisition -GBA-23, George L. Smith I1 Georgia World Congress Center -GBA-38, Parking deck -GBA-39-C, Central Energy Plant -GBA-39-Y, Foundation Work Twin Office Towers -GBA-43 (#4), Central Computer Center -GBA-43 (#3), Central Computer Center -GBA-43 (#2), Central Computer Center -GBA-43 (#1 ), Central Computer Center -GBA(M)-8, Addition to Building No. 18, State Farmers Market, Col umbus -Augusta Area Vocational -Technical School -Bill : For Capital Facility Improvements -Georgia Academy f o r the Blind, Macon (roofs) -Savannah Area Vocational -Technical School -SBE-2, Stage One of Campus Development Georgia School f o r the Deaf, Cave Spring -#1- SBE-2 (Food Service) -#2- SBE-2 (Middle School Dormi tory/Infirmary) -SBE-3, Central Services Building, Atlanta Area School f o r the Deaf Governor, Office of -0PB Renovations FY 1977 Human Resources -Ga. Mental Health Institute Atlanta "Inspection Agriculture Education Report-Roof" Georgia Department of Archives and History by: DAE date: 6/6/80 Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Form AR 9-70 (rev.) ~~~ ~

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/ J Preliminary Descriptive Inventory

- Agency: Office of Planning and Budget Record Group NO.

Sub-group: Records of the F a c i l i t i e s Management Division

22 Series No. - Series: Individual Capital Project Files

Description of series and its contents:

T h i s series contains (1 ) original s t a t e department archi tectural program plans, (2 ) Fac i l i t i e s Management Division comments and memorandums directed a t each respective department which submits plans f o r review, (3) s t a t e departmental revised archi tectural plans, ( 4 ) analyses and correspondence leading t o approval of preliminary designs and (5) f ina l contract documents. The series documents one of the prime missions of the Fac i l i t i e s Management Division, the reviewing and approving of archi tectural plans f o r capi ta l improvements on s t a t e and local government property taking in to consideration both archi tectural and engineering c r i t e r i a w i t h the chief goal being economy. The f i l e s a re arranged chronologically by time span o f two f i s ca l years , thereunder a1 phabetical l y by s t a t e department and thereunder numerically by project number. l i s t below.

The names of the projects a re a l so indicated i n the shelf

173-80 Box Contents Location


. 1 1975-78 41 84-07 Administrative Services, Department of (DOAS)

-Atlanta Housing Authority land acquisit ion -GBA-23, George L . Smi th I1 Georgia World Congress

Center -GBA-38, Parking deck -GBA-39-C, Central Energy Plant -GBA-39-Y, Foundation Work Twin Office Towers -GBA-43 (#4), Central Computer Center -GBA-43 (#3) , Central Computer Center -GBA-43 (#2), Central Computer Center -GBA-43 (#1 ), Central Computer Center

-GBA(M)-8, Addition t o Building No. 18, S ta te Farmers Market, Col umbus

-Augusta Area Vocational -Technical School -Bill : For Capital Fac i l i ty Improvements -Georgia Academy f o r the Blind, Macon (roofs) -Savannah Area Vocational -Technical School -SBE-2, Stage One of Campus Development Georgia

School f o r the Deaf, Cave Spring -#1- SBE-2 (Food Service) -#2- SBE-2 (Middle School Dormi tory/Infirmary) -SBE-3, Central Services Building, Atlanta Area

School f o r the Deaf Governor, Office of

-0PB Renovations FY 1977 Human Resources

-Ga. Mental Health I n s t i t u t e Atlanta "Inspection



Report-Roof" Georgia Department of Archives and History by: DAE date: 6/6/80 Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Form AR 9-70 (rev.)

~~~ ~

Preliminary Descriptive Inventory

Agency: O f f i c e o f Planning and Budget Record Group No. _I 93



Pgae 2

Sub-group: Records o f t h e F a c i l i t i e s Management Sub-group No. _I

D i v i s i o n


Series: I n d i v i d u a l Cap i ta l P r o j e c t F i l e s Seriee No.

Description of aeries and its contents:

- Box Contents Locat ion

1 (cont inued) 41 84-07 1975-78 (cont inued)

Human Resources (cont inued) -Georgia Warm Springs Hosp i ta l , Renovation o f

East Wing -A-2, A l l e n B u i l d i n g Renovations, Centra l S ta te

Hosp i ta l , M i l l e d g e v i l l e -BHR-1, Renovation o f Boone and Boland Bu i ld ings ,

Centra l S ta te Hosp i ta l , M i l l e d g e v i l l e -6HR-4, F i r e Code Remodeling, Gracewood S ta te

School and Hosp i ta l -GBA (H)-6, West Centra l Georgia Regional Hosp i ta l ,


Col umbus -GBA (HI-7, Northwest Georqia Reqional Hosp i ta l , -


-FSU-M-79-02, Renovations t o Mechanical System RC Bu i ld ing , A t l a n t a YDC

-FSU-M-79-08, Repair and Replacement o f Roofs, Bu i l d ings 100, 204, 206, Steam Plant , N. W. GA. Regional Hosp i ta l

-FSU-M-79-10, Repair and Renovation o f HVAC System, G a i n e s v i l l e RYDC

-FSU-M-79-11, Repair and Renovation o f HVAC System, Rome RYDC

-FSU-M-79-19, Replacement o f K i tchen F loor ing , Georgia Retarda t ion Center

-FSU-M-78-20, F loo r ing Replacement, Georgia Regional Hosp i ta l a t A t l a n t a

-FSU-M-79-22, Replacement o f K i tchen F loo r ing , Sandersv i l l e RYOC

-FSU-M-79-23, Replacement o f K i tchen F loo r ing ,

- - I n s t i t u t i o n a l Repairs & Maintenance ( f o l d e r conta ins t h e f o l l o w i n g )

Augusta RYDC -GBA (HI-1 5, Mult i -Geoqraphic F a c i l i t y a t Southwestern - .

S ta te Hosp i ta l , Thomasvi l le

S ta te Hosp i ta l , M i l l e d g e v i l l e

S t a t e School and Hosp i ta l

Northwest Georgia Regional Hosp i ta l , Rome Youth Development Centers

-GBA (H)-16, School f o r Special Education, Cent ra l 41 84-08

-GBA (H)-17, L i m i t e d Services Hosp i ta l , Gracewood

-GBA (H)-18 & 19, Services Center B u i l d i n g and Landscaping,

Georgia Department of Archives and Hietory by: DAE date: 6/6/80 Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Form AR 9-70 (rev.)

~- ~ _ _

Preliminary Descriptive Inventory

93 v

Agency: Office of Planning and Budget Record Group No.

Sub-group: Records of the F a c i l i t i e s Management Division

10 Sub-group NO. -

Series NO. 22 - Series: Individual Capital Project Files

Page 3

Description of ser ies and its contents:

41 84-09

Box Contents Location

2 (continued 41 84-08 1975-78 (continued)

Human Resources (continued) -CD-1, Youth Center (RYDC) Macon -CD-2, Youth Center (RYDC) Griff in -CD-3, Youth Center ( R Y D C ) Eastman -CD-4, Regional Youth Development Center,

F i tzgerald -DHR-2, RYDC, Muscogee County -DYS-MC-78-01, At1 anta Youth Development

Center Warehouse -Georgia Retardation Center, Fire Marshal -

Sprinkler Project, Macon Regional Health Building, Improvements

3 -CD-5, Vocational Rehabilitation Center,

-GBA-27, Renovations i n Laboratory f o r Drug

-GBA-36, She1 tered Workshop, Clayton County -GBA (H)-36, Sheltered Workshop, Clayton

Legislative Budget Office -General (Atlanta Internationale Hotel )

Merit System of Personnel Administration -GBA-40, Renovations t o Offices of S ta te Merit

Sys tem Natural Resources

-DNRV-1, Additions t o Albany Game and Fish Building

-GBA-29, Air Qua1 i t y Laboratory

-Cannery and Meat Processing, Ga. S ta te Prison a t

-Lee Correctional In s t i t u t e , Comprehensive Sewage

-Public Works Bil l - Round 2 -Study of New General Hospital a t Central S ta te -GBA (P)-6, Macon Area Cornunity Correctional Center -GBA-(P)-9, Additional Housing, West Georgia

Pub1 i c Safety -GBA-37, Renovations t o Police Academy, Atlanta

Regents -2-29, Vocational Technical B u i l d i n g , Dalton Junior

Gwinnett and Rockdale Counties

Testing Program

Offender Rehabili tation



Comuni t y Correctional Center

Col 1 ege Georgia Department of Archives and History by: DAE date: 6/6/80 Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Form AR 9-70 (rev.)

- ~- ~~ -~ ~ ~~ - ~~~

Preliminary Descriptive Inventory

93 - Agency: O f f i c e o f Planning and Budget Record Group NO.

10 Sub-group NO. - Sub-group: Records o f t h e F a c i l i t i e s Management

D i v i s i o n 22 - Series: I n d i v i d u a l Cap i ta l P r o j e c t F i l e s Series No.

Page 4

Description of series and its contents:

- Box Contents Locat ion

3 (cont inued) 41 84-09 1975-78 (cont inued)

Secretary o f S ta te

Veterans Serv ice -GBA-34, Vau l t f o r M i c r o f i l m Storage

-VSB-10, F i r e Safe ty Improvements, Georgia War

-VSB-11, A i r Cond i t ion ing o f Cafeter ia, Georgia

-GBA-35, Remodeling f o r Workmen's Compensation Board

-Appl icants, F a c i l i t i e s Management Engineer -Federal Grants Awarded Under t h e Emergency

Veterans Nurs ing Home

War Veterans Nurs ing Home Worker's Compensation

F a c i l i t i e s Management

Pub l i c Works B i l l


143-82 5

-SBE-1 School P lant , Georgia Academy f o r the B l i n d 41 84-1 0 Macon

-SBE-2 Stage One o f Campus Development, Georgia School f o r t h e Deaf, Cave Spr ing

-SBE-3, Centra l Services Bu i l d ing , A t l a n t a Area School f o r t h e Deaf

1978-81 M i s c e l 1 aneous

- A t h l e t i c H a l l o f Fame, S ta te o f Georgia 4404-01

. - Cyc 1 orama -Georgia M i l i t a r y Col lege

-General -Georgia B u i l d i n g A u t h o r i t y - General -Macon S t a t e O f f i c e B u i l d i n g (proposed) -Space A l l o c a t i o n Study - OPB -P ro jec t No. GBA-39, "Twin O f f i c e Towers" -P ro jec t No. GBA-41 (#3), "Renovations t o S ta te C a p i t o l " -P ro jec t No. GBA-41 ( # 2 ) , "Renovations t o S ta te C a p i t o l " -P ro jec t No. GBA-41 (#l), "Renovations t o S ta te Cap i to l " -Renovation o f S t a t e Cap i to l , A r c h i t e c t ' s Recommendations,

-P ro jec t No. GBA-45, " A l t e r a t i o n s t o Heat ing & A i r Cond i t ion ing Systems, A g r i c u l t u r e & Veterans Bu i l d ings "

-"Twin Towers ,I' Completion/Occupancy



5 19/82 / r e v . WHS Georgia Department of Archives and History by: DAE date: 6 6/80 Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Form AR 9-70 (rev.)

Preliminary Descriptive Inventory . - Agency: Office of Planning and Budget Record Group No. 93

Sub-group: Sub-group No. Records of the Fac i l i t i e s Management Division

Series: Individual Capital Project Files 22

Series No. - - Page 5

Description of ser ies and its Contents:

Box Contents Location

143-82 5 (continued) 4404-01 ___ 1978-81 (continued)

Agriculture -Project No .GBA (M)-9, "Addition to Administration Bldg . " -Project No.GBA (MI-10, "Produce Dealers' Bldg. ," Atlanta

Defense -General -Armory Maintenance and Repair


Atlanta Farmer's Market

Farmers ' Market (Cross-reference GBA(M)-9)


-General -Georgia School f o r the Deaf, Cave Spring -North Georgia Tech/Voc School, "Heating and Air Conditioning

Modifications, Rubye J. Franklin Bldg.", Clarkesville -Relocatabl e Instructional Space Project, S t a t e of Florida -Renovations to Existing Buildings -Project No. SBE-1, "School Plant," Georgia Academy for

-South Georgia Vocational -Technical School


-Project No. GBA-44, "General GBI Complex," Atlanta

-General -Governor's Emergency Fund Requests

-General -Central S ta te Hospital, "Compliance with Fire Code" -Central S ta te Hospital, "Util ization of Excess S ta te

-Georgia Regional Hospital a t Savannah, "Report on Fire

-Gracewood S ta t e School and Hospital, ICF/MR Regulations -Project No. BHR-2, "Renovations of Gracewood Cottages,"

-Project No. BHR-3, "Fire Code Remodeling," NW Georgia

the Blind, Macon

Forestry Conmission

6 Georgia Bureau of Investigation 4404-02

( 3 folders) Office of the Governor

Human Resources


Code Deficiencies"

Gracewood Sta te School and Hospital

Regional Hospital , Rome

DHR-3, "SW Regional Hospital ," Thomasville 4404-03 7 -P[F6F&-NB I Georgia D e p r t m e n t of A r c h f w s and Hietory by: WHS date: 511 9/82 Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Form AR 9-70 (rev.)

Preliminary 11 c: LI c riptive Inventory

Agency: Off ice o f P lanning and Budget Record Group No. - 93

Sub-group No. 10 Sub-group: Records o f t h e F a c i l i t i e s Management - D i v i s i o n .



Series: I n d i v i d u a l Cap i ta l P r o j e c t F i l e s Series No. j

Page 6

Description of s e r i e s and its contents:

Box Contents Locat ion - 7 (cont inued) 4404-03

1978-81 (cont inued) Human Resources (continued)

-P ro jec t No. DMH-ATL-78-01, "Report on F i r e Code Def ic ienc ies , " Ga. Regional Hosp i ta l , A t l a n t a

- P r o j e c t No. DMH-ATL-78-02, " F i r e Code Renovations," Georgia Regional Hosp i ta l , A t l a n t a

-P ro jec t No. DMH-78-02, "Outdoor Therapeut ic Center," Helen -P ro jec t No. DMH(GW)-78-03, "Renovations t o In f i rmary , ' '

Gracewood S ta te School and Hosp i ta l - P r o j e c t No. DMH-SWSH(BSH)-79-01, "Bainbr idge S t a t e Hosp i ta l ,"

Campus o f SWSH, Southwestern S ta te Hosp i ta l -P ro jec t No. DMH-SWSH-80-6, "Sewage Treatment F a c i l i t y , " SWSH -P ro jec t No. DVR(WS1-78-03, "Add i t iona l Renovations and

Improvements ,I' Warm Springs Hosp i ta l -P ro jec t No. DYS-LW-78-01, "Regional Youth Development Center",

Gwinnett County (Lawrencevi l le) -P ro jec t No. GBA(H1-37, "Work on Mechanical Systems," NW

Regional Hosp i ta l , Rome -P ro jec t No. GBA(H)-38, "Remedial Design on Mechanical Systems",

NW Regional Hosp i ta l , Rome -Youth Development Center -A t l an ta S t a t e YDC -Other P ro jec ts

-FY79, I n s t i t u t i o n a l Repairs '& Maintenance (FSU p r o j e c t s i n

- F i r e Marshal 1 Requirements (Medicare/Medicaid) -P ro jec t No. BHR-5, "Acqu is i t i on o f DHR F a c i l i t y , Albany" -P ro jec t No. CD-5, "Vocat ional R e h a b i l i t a t i o n Center,"

-P ro jec t No. DHR-1, "Shel tered Workshop," Dougherty County -P ro jec t No. DYS-CLN-79-01, "Renovation & Addi t ion,"

chrono log ica l o rder )

Gwinnett and Rockdale Counties

Clayton County RYDC -P ro jec t FSU-M-80(s), "Various Replacements a t Various

LoEat i ons"

8 I n d u s t r y and Trade -Welcome Center, P l a i n s -Welcome Center, Savannah

-General -Her ty Foundation - J e k y l l I s l a n d A u t h o r i t y - Corsa i r and Carr iage I n n Hote ls -Lake Lan ie r I s lands A u t h o r i t y

Natura l Resources

Georgia Department of Archives and Hietory by:WHS date: 5120182 Atlanta, - . Georgia 30334 Form AR 9-70 (rev.)


Preliminary Descriptive Inventory

Record Group NO. 93 - Agency:

Sub-group: Records o f the F a c i l i t i e s Management Sub-group NO. I_ 10

O f f i c e of Planning and Budget


D i v i s i o n Se ria a :

I n d i v i d u a l Cap i ta l P r o j e c t F i l e s Series No. 22 - Page 7

Description of s e r i e s and its contents:

143-82 Contents Locat ion

8 (cont inued) 1978-81 (cont inued)

Natura l Resources (cont inued) -State parks - major maintenance -P ro jec t No. JISPA-1, J e k y l l I s l a n d Au tho r i t y , "Environmental

P r o t e c t i o n Improvements" Offender R e h a b i l i t a t i o n

-General - F a c i l i t i e s Development Plan -Georgia S ta te Pr ison -Prototype Cor rec t iona l Housing P r o j e c t -S ta te Crime Comnission Cr imina l J u s t i c e Standards and

-P ro jec t No. DOR-1, Augusta Cor rec t iona l & Medical Center -P ro jec t No. DOR-213, "A t l an ta Women's Cor rec t iona l Center",

-P ro jec t No. OOR-4, "Central Georgia Cor rec t iona l Center,"

-P ro jec t No. DOR-5, " D r i l l e d Water Well ," Dodge Cor rec t iona l

-P ro jec t No. GBA(P)-5, "Metro Cor rec t iona l Center," A t l a n t a

-P ro jec t No. GBA(P)-8, "Savannah Cor rec t iona l I n s t i t u t i o n " -P ro jec t No. SBC-1, "Din ing H a l l ," W.Ga. Cor rec t iona l

Goals Study

"A t l an ta Men's Cor rec t iona l Center" (2 f o l d e r s )


I n s t i t u t e

Area Community Cor rec t iona l Center

I n s t i t u t i o n

9 Por ts A u t h o r i t y -General

Pub1 i c Safe ty -Georgia F i r e Academy, M a r i e t t a -Pub l ic Safe ty T ra in ing Center

Regents -General -Regents - Ga. Tech Advanced Technology Center

Secretary o f S t a t e -General -S ta te Records Center (Move from Archives B u i l d i n q )

Transpor ta t ion -General


Veterans Serv ice -P ro jec t No. VSB-12, "Renovation o f Vinson Bu i ld ing , " Ga.

War Veterans Nursing Home Special P ro jec ts US Post O f f i c e , Waycross



Georgia Department of Archivae and Hietory by: WHS date: 5120182 Atlrntr, Georgia 30334 Form AR 9-70 (rev.)

Pr aliminar y De B c ri pt ive Inventory

93 I_

Agency: Office of Planning and Budget Record Croup NO.

10 _I_

Sub-group: Records of the Facilities Management Sub-group NO. P

Division 22

Page 8 - So ries : Individual Capital Project Files Series No.

Description of s e r i e s and its contents:

143-82 Box Contents Location

9 (continued) 4404-05 1978-81 (continued) Facilities Management -AIA - American Institute of Architects to 1980 -American National Metric Council (Metric Planning Forum, April 1978)



-Annual Report ;Budget, 1980 (FM) -Budget, 1981 (FM) -Capital Outlay Administration (Recomnendations from House &

-Capital Outlay Appropriations Status Reports -Capital Projeet Administration - Architect's Recomnendations -Consolidated State Laboratories -Correspondence -General -With Governor's Office

-Energy Conservation -AIA Conference

-Facilities Inventory -Handicapped Accessibility Section 504 Compliance -Leased Space - State Agencies -Organization in Other States -Originals - hold for copies -Policies and Procedures -Hi story -Professional

-Professional Services -Fee Schedule -Procurement

-Programing -Revolving Fund -New Projects

-Roofing -Site Visit, Record o f (copies/chronological) -Southeastern States Conference on Capital Outlay and Construction Administration (SSCCOCA)

-Space Management -State Contracts -Working Papers

Senate Comnittees to Governor & General Assembly

Georgia Department of Archives and History by: WHS date: 5/20/82 Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Form AR 9-70 (rev.)

~ ~~

Georgia Department of Archives and History

91 -83


Record Group: O f f i c e o f P ldnning and Budget Record G r o u p : L .

Subgroup: Recovds uf t h e F a c i l i t i e s Management D i v i s i o n Sub-group: 10

Series:Individual Cap i ta l P r o j e c t F i l e s Series: 22

Classification: Open Records Page: 9 - Box Contents Locat ion

10 1978-81 (cont inued) 4459-09 DOAS-GBA ___

-General -P ro jec t No. GBA-45 - 1980, A l t e r a t i o n s t o Heat ing & A i r

-Twin Towers, CompletiorllOccupancy 1980 Cond i t i on ing Systems, Ag r i c . & Vets. Bldgs.


DEFENSE -General

EDUCATION -Generdl -Georgia Academy f o r t h e B l i n d , Macon -Georgia School f o r t h e Deaf, Cave Spr ing -North Georgia TechIVoc. School, C l a r k e s v i l l e


GEORGIA BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION -General -P ro jec t No. GBI -44 , Cent ra l G B I Complex, A t l a n t a 98


HUMAN RESOURCES -General 1980 -Centra l S ta te Hosp i ta l , U t i l i z a t i o n o f Excess S ta te

-Georgia Regional Hosp i ta l a t Savannah, F i r e Code

-Gracewood S ta te School and Hosp i ta l , ICF/MR Regulat ions -Report on F i r e Code E Handicapped De f i c ienc ies , West

Proper ty

De f i c ienc ies

Centra l Ga. Regional Hosp i ta l

By: MLLMIEB D ~ ~ ~ : 3/29/83 Rev: Date: Rev: Date:

Form Ar-9-70 (rev. 19831 Georgia Daoanmsnt of Archives and Hislory

Atlanta. Georgia 30334

Georgia Department of Archives and History


Record Group: O f f i c e o f P lann ing & Budget Record G r o u p : L

Subgroup: Records o f t h e F a c i l i t i e s Management D i v i s i o n Sub-group:

Series: I n d i v i d u a l Cap i ta l P r o j e c t F i l e s Series: 73

Classification: Open Records Page: IL Box - Contents Locat ion

91-83 10 (cont inued) 4456-09 1978-81 (cont inued)

HUMAN RESOURCES (cont inued) - F i r e Code D e f i c i e n c i e s , Georgia Regional H o s p i t a l ,

- P r o j e c t No. Augusta, Georgia

-BHR-3. F i r e Code Remodeling, Northwestern Georgia

-DHR-3, Southwestern Regional Hosp i ta l , Thomasvi l le -DMH-ATL-73-01, Report on F i r e Code De f i c ienc ies -DMH-ATL-80-3, F i r e Code Renovations, Georgia Regional

Regional H o s p i t a l , Rome 1980


a t A t l a n t a -DMH-CSH-30-1, Renovation o f Powell Bldg., Cent ra l S t a t e

Hosp i ta l , M i l l e d g e v i l l e , Georgia -DVR(WS)-78-03, Warm Springs, A d d i t i o n a l Renovations &


-A t l an ta S t a t e -Augusta S t a t e -Macon S t a t e

-Youth Development Center (YDC)

INDUSTRY AND TRADE -General -Georgia World Congress Cerlter.

-General -S ta te Parks i n Georgia

- G w e r a l -A1 t o Wood Energy -Georgia S t a t e Pr ison, R e i d s v i l l e - P r o j e c t No. DOR-7, Women’s P r i son Expansion-Phase I - P r o j e c t No. DOR-8, Corec t iona l T r a i n i n g F a c i l i t y ,



Forsyth, Monroe County


B,:MLLM/EB oate: 3/29/83 Rev: Date: Rev: Date:

Form Ar-9-70 (rev. 19831 Georgia Department of Archives and History

Ailants. Georgia 30334


Georgia Department of Archives and History


Record Group: O f f i c e o f P lanning and Budget Record Group: 93

Subgroup: Records o f t h e F a c i l i t i e s Management D i v i s i o n Su b-grou p : 10

Series: I n d i v i d u a l Cap i ta l P r o j e c t F i l e s Series: 22

Classification: Open Records Page: 11 Box Contents Locat ion

91 -83 11 (cont inued) 4459-1 0 1973-81 (cont inued)

PUBLIC SAFETY -General -Pub l ic Safe ty T r a i n i n g Center 1980

REGENTS -General


VETERANS S E R V I C E -General -Energy Conservat ion Measures, Georgia War Veterans

Nursing Home, Augusta

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - A r c h i t e c t s i n Government Committee. American

I n s t i t u t e o f A r c h i t e c t s ( A I A )


-Cap i ta l Out lay Appropr ia t ions Status Reports -Cap i ta l P r o j e c t Admin i s t ra t i on - A r c h i t e c t ' s

-Consol idated S ta te Lab -Construct ion Management Doing Business w i t h S ta te -Correspondence - tieneral -Correspondence w i t h Governor's O f f i c e -Hand icapped Accessi b i 1 i ty - O r i g i n a l s -Roof ing -Southeastern States Conference on Cap i ta l Out lay

and Const ruc t ion Admin i s t ra t i on (SSCCOCA) -Space Management

ENERGY CONSERVATION PROGRAM - B u i l d i n g Inventory-Energy Data Base 1979-80 -Cornouter V e r i f i c a t i o n o f Enerqy Budqet/Code Compliance -Correspondence -Energy Aud i ts

By: MLLM/EB Date: 3/30/83 Rev: Date: Rev: Date:

F O , ~ ~ ~ 9 . 7 0 IW. 19831

Georgia Oepanmsnf of Archives and History Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Georgia Department of Archives and History


Record Group: O f f i c e o f Planning and Budget Record G r o u p : L ,--

Subgroup: Records o f t h e F a c i l i t i e s Management D i v i s i o n Sub-group: -lIL

Series: I n d i v i d u a l Cap i ta l P r o j e c t F i l e s Series: 37

Page: 12 Classification: Open Records Box Contents Locat ion

91 -83 11 (cont inued) 1978-81 (cont inued)

ENERGY CONSERVATION PROGRAM (cont inued) -Enerav Conscious Desian Workshoo -Energy Conservation G&eral/Budget -E. C. Manual Preparat ion

62-84 12 1975-81 Georgia M i l i t a r y Col lege 1981-80

DOAS-GBA -General, 1980 -Twin Towers, CompletionIOccupancy, 1981

AGRICULTURE -General , 1980

-General, 1980 DEFENSE

EDUCATION -General , 1980 -A t lan ta Area School f o r the Deaf, Clarkston, 1980 -Georqia School f o r the Deaf, Cave SDrina, 1981-80 -S ta te L i b r a r y f o r the B l i nd , 1981


FORESTRY COMMISSION -Wood Energy, 1981 -80

GEORGIA BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION -General. 1981 -Project-No. GBI-44, Centra l G B I Complex, A t l an ta , 1981

HUMAN RESOURCES -General , 1981 -General -- Mental Health/Mental Retardat ion. 1981-80 -Centra l S ta te Hosp i ta l , Compliance w i t h F i r e Code,

-Georgia Regional Hosp i ta l a t Savannah, F i r e Code M i l l e d g e v i l l e , 1980

De f i c ienc ies , 1980 ERB 3/20/84

BY: MLLM/EB Date:- Rev: Date: Rev: Date:


4581 -1 7

Form Ar-9.70 (rev. 19831 Georgia Depanment of Archives and Hinorv

Atlanta. Georois 30334

Georgia Department of Archives and History


RecordGroup: Office of Planning and Budget Record Group: 93

subgroup: Records of the Facilities Management Division Sub-group : 10

sries: Individual Capital Project Files Series: 22

Classification: Open Records Page: 13 - Box Contents Location

62-84 12 (continued) 4581-17 '1 975-81 (continued)

1981 -An

HUMAN RESOURCES (continued) -Gracewood State School and Hospital, ICF/MR Regulations,

.- _ _ -Report on fire Code, Handicapped Law Deficiencies, West Central Gerogia Regional Hospital, 1981-80

-Fire Code Deficiencies, Georgia Regional Hospital, Augusta, 1981

-Project No. DHR-3, Fire Code Remodeling, Northwest Regional Hospital, Rome, 1983-82-81

-Project No. DHR-3, Southwestern Regional Hospital, Thomasville, 1981-80

-DHR-5, Renovation of North Wing of Warm Springs Hospital, 1981

-DHR-6, Central State Hospital, Wood Energy Steam Plant, 1980

-Project No. DMH-CSH-80-1, Central State Renovation Poiel 1 Building, Milledgeville, 1981

-General -- Youth Development Centers, 1981 -Atlanta State YDC, 1981-80 -Augusta State YDC, 1981-80 -Macon State YDC, 1980 -Milledgeville YDC, 1981-80

INDUSTRY AND TRADE -Georgia World Congress Center, 1981

NATURAL RESOURCES -General. 1981 -80 -Lake Lanier Islands Authority, 1981 & 1975 -State Parks: General, 1981 -State Parks -- Major Maintenance, 1980


~~I - - ~ ~ ~~ .~ ~ ~~ ~~

-State Crime Commission, 1981 -Project-6 Wood Energy Heating System, GII, Alto, 1981 -Project-7 Middle Georgia C. I. Women's Prison Expansion. 1982-81

By: ERB D ~ ~ ~ : 3120184 Rev: Date: Rev: Date:

Form Ar-9-70 Irev. 19831 Georgia Depsnrnent of Archives and History

Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Georgia Department of Archives and History


Record Group: Of f ice of Planning & Budget Record G r o u p : x

Su b-group : 10 Subgroup: Records of t he F a c i l i t i e s Management D i v i s i o n

Series: I n d i v i d u a l Cap i ta l P r o j e c t F i l e s Series: .23

Classification: Open Records Page: 14 - Box Contents Locat ion

62-84 12 (cont inued) 4581 -1 7 1975-81 (cont inued)

PUBLIC SAFETY -Pub l i c Safe ty T r a i n i n g Center, 1981

REGENTS -General, 1981 -Georgia Tech Advanced Technology Center, 1981

13 TRANSPORTATION -Genera! 1981

VETERANS SERVICE -Enerqv Conservat ion Measures. Georaia War Veterans

Nur;;ng Home, Augusta, 1981180 -

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT -General, 1981 - A r c h i t e c t s i n Government Conunittee, 1981 -F. Y., 1982, Budget -Cap i ta l P r o j e c t Admin i s t ra t i on - A r c h i t e c t ' s

Recommendations, 1981 -Consol idated S ta te Lab, 1981 -Const ruc t ion Management -- A r c h i t e c t s Doing Business

w i t h State, 1981 -Correspondence w i t h Governor 's O f f i c e , 1981 -1982, L e g i s l a t i o n -1981, L e g i s l a t i o n -Planned Maintenance, 1981 - S i t e V i s i t Record, 1981-80 & 78 -Southeastern Sta tes Conference on Cap i ta l Out lay and

Const ruc t ion Admin is t ra t ion , 1981 -80

ENERGY CONSERVATION PROGRAM -General Technical Ass is tance Pro.iects. 1981 - B u i l d i n g Inven to ry and Energy C r o s s Reference T r a i n i n g

-Energy Audi ts , 1981 -Energy Conscious Design Workshop, 1981 -Energy Conservat ion General /Budget, 1981 -80

Sessions, 1981

4581 -1 8

By: ERB nate: 3/20/84 Rev: Date: Rev: Date:

Form Ar-9-70 (rev. 19831

Georgia Department of Archiver-snd History

Atlanta. Georgia 30334

Georgia Department of Archives and History


RecordGroup: O f f i c e o f Planning & Budget Record Group: 93

subgroup: Records of the F a c i l i t i e s Management D i v i s i o n Sub-grwp: 10

22 Series: I n d i v i d u a l Cap i ta l P r o j e c t F i l e s Series:

Page: 15 Classification: Open Records - Box Contents Locat ion

4581 -18

-Energ i Conservat ion Program Correspondence, 1981 - F a c i l i t i e s Inventory lEnergy System, 1981 - F a c i l i t i e s Inventory/Energy System I & C S RFDPS & B i l l s ,

- O r i g i n a l s -- Forms, 1980 -TRS-80 Software, 1981 -B lake ly Ward, Stuckey and Associates

- F a c i l i t y Management Consul tants, Inc. :


Nor th Georgia Tech/Voc School, C l a r k e s v i l l e , 1981

-A t l an ta Area School f o r the Deaf, DOE, 1981 -Energy Audi ts, 1981 -Gerogia School f o r the Deaf, DOE, 1981 -Georgia Southern College, 1981 -Roosevel t Warm Springs I n s t i t u t e f o r R e h a b i l i t a t i o n ,

-Groover Engeneering Company, Inc. : -Centra l S ta te Hosp i ta l , 1981 -Clayton and Columbus Jr. Colleges, 1982-81 -Energy Audi ts /Guidel ines/Procedures, 1981 - S i t e / B u i l d i n g Inven to ry Forms, 1982-81

-South Georgia Tech/Voc School, DOE, 1981

-Georgia Academy f o r the B l i nd , Macon, 1981


-Kayar Services:

-Nottingham, Brook, & Pennington, P. C.

By: ERB D ~ ~ ~ : 3/20/84 Rev: Date: Rev: Date:

Form Ar-9-70 (rev. 1983) Georgia Ownment of Archives and History

Atlanta. Georgia 30334