precision medicine in lmic: euromed network. · ott-dic 2014 colorectal jan-dic 2013 colorectal...

Precision Medicine in LMIC: EUROMED Network. Il caso dello screening del cancro della cervice uterina Nereo Segnan CPO Piemonte WHO CC Early Diagnosis and Cancer Screening Primo Summit Mediterraneo Sanità Napoli, 11-12 febbraio 2016

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Page 1: Precision Medicine in LMIC: EUROMED Network. · Ott-Dic 2014 colorectal Jan-Dic 2013 colorectal Jan-Dic 2013 Montenegro Tunisia colorectal Jun 2013-Jun 2014 breast 2013-2014 Programmi

Precision Medicine in LMIC:

EUROMED Network.Il caso dello screening del cancro della cervice


Nereo Segnan

CPO Piemonte

WHO CC Early Diagnosis and Cancer Screening

Primo Summit Mediterraneo Sanità

Napoli, 11-12 febbraio 2016

Page 2: Precision Medicine in LMIC: EUROMED Network. · Ott-Dic 2014 colorectal Jan-Dic 2013 colorectal Jan-Dic 2013 Montenegro Tunisia colorectal Jun 2013-Jun 2014 breast 2013-2014 Programmi

The Euro-

Mediterranean Cancer

Network for Women

A proposal to develop women’s empowerment in

the field of health promotion and cancer screening

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Euromed Cancer Network

Participating countries and parties: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Egypt, Jordan, UN interim Administration of Kosovo, Lebanon, Montenegro,

Morocco, West Bank and Gaza, Serbia, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.

Organisations and institutions: WHO, Italian Ministry of Health, The National

Cancer Institute of France (INCa), the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), the

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the United Nations

Population Fund (UNFPA), the Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL),

the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR), and the International

Association of Cancer Registries (IACR).

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Albania Morocco West Bank

and Gaza

breast Jan-Dic 2013 breast Jan-Dic 2013 breast Jan-Dic 2013

cervical Jan-Dic 2013 cervical Jan-Dic 2013

colorectal Jan-Dic 2014

Jordan Serbia Turkey

breast Jan-Dic 2013 breast Jan-Dic 2013 breast Jan-Dic 2013

Lebanon cervical Jan-Dic 2013 cervical Jan-Dic 2013

breast Ott-Dic 2013

Ott-Dic 2014

colorectal Jan-Dic 2013 colorectal Jan-Dic 2013

Montenegro Tunisia

colorectal Jun 2013-Jun


breast 2013-2014

Programmi attivi nei paesi che hanno risposto al questionario

Oltre all’Albania, il Marocco, la Serbia e la Turchia, il Montenegro avvierà un

programma sulla cervice entro la fine del 2016 utilizzando come test di

screening l’HPV.

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project (with Italian MoH, WHO support)

1° phase

• Context analysis

2° phase

• Pilots projects• Cervical cancer screening

HPV + lab.

• Breast cancer screening BCE

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1st Phase

Context analysisa) Infrastructures (presence and conditions)

b) Cancer-related health statistics

c) Human/instrumental resources

d) Professional education and training needs

e) Data management and analysis needs

f) Breast and cervical cancer diagnosis/care pathways

g) Breast and cervical cancer treatment resources (colposcopy , gynaecology, oncology , radiotherapy and chemotherapy )

e) Barriers and facilitators related to breast/cervical cancer screening implementation

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2nd Phase Piloting: Albania, Montenegro, Morocco

Two scenarios:• Cervical cancer screening HPV + lab.

• Breast cancer screening BCE

In both cases:

– Identification of area/areas where to run the pilot projects.

– Establishment of networking tools (website dedicated blogs, etc.) for the sharing and exchange of opinions , instruments, documents and products

– training

– Preparation and activation of the pilot

– Monitoring and evaluation

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Lo screening del tumore del collo dell’utero

(cervice) mira a individuare e trattare le lesioni

preinvasive, prevenendo così i tumori invasivi.

I papillomavirus umani HPV sono considerati causa

necessaria del carcinoma della cervice uterina.

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WHO guidelines (2013)

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Procedura invasiva che comporta un alto rischio di effetti negativi

sull’apparato riproduttivo

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Screening cervicale nei Paesi a basso/medio reddito:

situazione attuale

•In contesti elitari: screening combinato → esame

citologico (Papanicolaou test o Pap test) + test del DNA per la

ricerca dei ceppi oncogeni del Papillomavirus umano (test HPV-


La combinazione dei due test non aumenta la protezione, mentre

può portare a un eccesso di sovradiagnosi e sovratrattamento

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Cosa sappiamo• è più sensibile della citologia per le HGCIN.

•Lo screening basato sull test HPV-DNA permette

di individuare precocemente HGCIN che la

citologia avrebbe individuato più tardi

• lo screening basato sul test HPV-DNA previene

più cancri rispetto alo screening basato sulla

citologia (rischio di cancro ridotto del 60/70%)

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Cosa sappiamo

• Il periodo di basso rischio per HGCIN e per cancro

invasivo dopo un test HPV-DNA negativo è più lungo che

per una citologia normale (ciò consente un allungamento

dell’intervallo di screening)

• È necessario un triage per le donne positve al’HPV

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Risk of invasive carcinoma after a negative entry test

(HPV- in HPV arm and cytology- in cytology arm)

3.5 years 5.5 years

cytology 15.4 (CI 7.9-27.0) 36.0 (23.2-53.5)

HPV 4.6 (1.1-12.1) 8.7 (3.3-18.6)

observations censored 2.5 yrs after CIN2

or CIN3 detection, if any

Solid lines: HPV


Dotted lines:

cytology group

Pooled RR

0.30 (0.15-0.60)

Ronco et al. Lancet 2014 modif.

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Supplements to EU guidelines for quality

assurance in cervical cancer screening Eds: A.Anttila, M.Arbyn, H.De Vuyst, J.Dillner, L.Dillner, S.Franceschi,

J.Patnick, G.Ronco, N.Segnan, E.Suonio, S.Tornberg, L.von Karsa

• S1 Screening for cervical cancer with primary testing for

human papillomavirus

– G.Ronco, M.Arbyn, CJLM Meijer, PJF Snijders, J. Cuzick

• S2 Organisation of cytology-based and HPV-based cervical

cancer screening

– A.Anttila, G.Ronco, F.Nicula, P.Nieminen, M.Primic Zakelj

• S3 Implementation of vaccination against human

papillomavirus in Europe.

– H.DeVuyst, R Howell-Jones, D. Levy-Bruhl,P.Giorgi Rossi,


Guidelines can be downloaded at:


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Screening cervicale costi

Ronco G, et al. Ricerca del DNA di papillomavirus umano (HPV) come test

primario per lo screening dei precursori del cancro del collo uterino. HTA Report.

Epidemiol Prev 2012; 36 (3-4) suppl 1: e1-72

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Screening cervicale nei Paesi a basso/medio reddito:


Lo screening basato sul test HPV permette di superare le difficoltà

relative alla necessità di personale altamente qualificato che si

presentano nello screening citologico. Inoltre, se si ricorre a strategie

di telemedicina, è potenzialmente sostenibile in contesti a basso-

medio reddito

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Grazie per l’attenzione

Nereo Segnan

[email protected]

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Anno di implementazione ed estensione geografica

Albania Morocco West Bank

and Gaza

breast OPP 2011 N breast ORG 2010 N breastORG /

OPP2011 CA

cervical OPP 2011 CA cervical ORG 2010 CA

colorectal OPP

ORG2014 N

Jordan Serbia Turkey

breast OPP 2007 N breast ORG 2012 CA breast ORG 2004 N

Lebanon cervicalORG

OPP2012 CA cervical ORG 2004 N

breast OPP 2004 N colorectal ORG 2012 CA colorectal ORG 2012 N

Montenegro Tunisia

colorectal OPP

ORG2013 N breast OPP 2000 N

OPP: opportunistic

ORG: organizedN: national

CA: certain areas

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Età, test utilizzati, intervallo ed esami diagnostici

screening test interval diagnostic test

age VIA Pap LBC HPV VIA-I HPV Colp. Biopsy


Morocco 30-49


Serbia 25-64


Turkey 30-65


VIA: Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid

Pap: Pap smear

LBC: Liquid-based cytology


VIA-I: Visual inspection with Lugol

(Schiller test)

Colp.: Colposcopy

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Copertura e partecipazione

pop. size invited tested test + cancer


Morocco 1 708 569 53 476 (3,0%) 5 373 (10,0%) 3 528


86 (16,0‰)

Serbia 169 883 99 875 (58,8%) 6 342 (6,3%) 45 (0,5‰)

Turkey 16 045 550 3 209 110 (20%) 2 450 019 (76,3%)

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• Stand-alone HPV as primary (organised programmes)

• Start HPV at 30-35 years

• Stop as with cytology

• 5-year interval

• Cytological triage of HPV+ women

• Validated tests

• Self sampling just for non responders

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Screening cervicale nei Paesi a basso/medio reddito:

situazione attuale

•Test di screening utilizzato prevalentemente: Visual

Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA): inserimento di uno

speculum vaginale e tamponamento della cervice con soluzione al

3% al 5% di acido acetico, per poi procedere a un’ispezione della

cervice. Le lesioni CIN diventano bianche un paio di minuti dopo l'applicazione di acido acetico.

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• LMIC new technologies: cervical cancer screening in

the lab (HPV + biomarker triage), clinics only for


• Implement primary prevention and screening with pilot


• Screening and vaccines

• Mitigate overdiagnosis and control overtreament

• Consortium of research on cancer screening and natural

history research

• review and evaluation of screening scientific evidence as

basis for screening policies and guidelines