precise hybrid formula for electromagnetic mass differences

J. S. KANG 8 - This gives one the additional infrared-type behav- matrix elements. ior and is model-dependent. Therefore we conclude that to first order of pion We wish to thank Professor B. W. Lee, Profes- interactions renormalization does not change the sor H. Pagels, and Professor W. I. Weis- nonanalyticity of the S -matrix elements, while berger for their encouragement, stimulating there is a change in such behavior for the current- suggestions, and reading of the manuscript. *Work supported in part by the NSF under Grant No. GP-32998X. 'L.-F. Li and H. Pagels, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2, 1204 (1971). 'H. Pagels and W. J. Pardee, Phys. Rev. D4, 3334 (1971); R. Dashen, L.-F. Li, H. Pagels, and XI. Wein- stein, ibid. , 834 (1972); H. Pagels and A. Zepeda, ibid. 5, 3262 (1972). 3 ~ . N. Bogoliubov and D. V. Shirkov, Introduction to the Theory of Quantized Fields (Interscience, New York, 1959) ; K. Hepp, Commun. Math. Phys. 2, 301 (1966). 4 ~ . Zimmermann, in Lectures on Elementary Particles and Quantum Field Theory, edited by S. Deser, M. Grisaru, and H. Pendleton (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1970), Vol. I. 5~esides, the two pions become soft simultaneously. This removes the ambiguity due to the direction depend- ing upon the soft pions. 6 ~ . Adler and R. Dashen, Current Algebra (Benjamin, New York, 1968). 'This has already been pointed out by Li and Pagels for mesons (Ref. I), but the statement is also true for baryons. 8 ~ . Weinberg. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2, 616 (1966). 9 ~ . - ~ . Tsao, thesis, SUNY at Stony Brook, 1972 (un- published). Tsao shows that in the one-loop approxima- tion of the renormalizable CJ model the 7iN amplitudes do not have 0($lnP2) terms in the soft-pion limit. But this is not in contradiction with our statement. PHYSICAL REVIEW D VOLUME 8, NUMBER 2 15 JULY 1973 Precise Hybrid Formula for Electromagnetic Mass Differences Shalom Eliezer Department of Physics, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW 7, England Paul SingePt Department of Physics, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 (Received 22 January 1973). We present the derivation of a mass formula which relates electromagnetic mass differences of baryons and pseudoscalar mesons and is experimentally accurate within - 2%. The derivation reveals that the new formula is the appropriate hybrid analog to the Coleman-Glashow formula. It has been repeatedly emphasized ls2 that there is no analog in the pseudoscalar-meson system to the successful Coleman-Glashow formula for bar- yon electromagnetic mass difference^.^ In a re- cent letter2 Cicogna, Strocchi, and Vergara- Caffarelli have derived a formula for electro- magnetic mass differences of pseudoscalar mesons which contains also quantities expressing SU(3) and SU(2) noninvariance of the vacuum, namely F,, F, (FK IF,), and h3 (Olu,lO). Moreover, 17-17) mixing also appears in their formula. With suit- able values4 for the various additional parameters their formula is shown to hold to a high precision (1-1.5%). In this paper we present a formula relating elec- tromagnetic mass differences of pseudoscalar mesons and baryons and show through its deriva- tion that its physical content is partially the same as that which leads to the Coleman-Glashow for- mula. Our expression, unlike that of Ref. 2, in- volves only observable masses and is of the type called "hybrid" by Coleman and Gla~how.~ The formula reads and the high accuracy to which it holds (-2%) is most probably a manifestation of the physical as- sumptions necessary for its derivation (barring the possibility of an "accidental agreement," which we consider impr~bable).~ Throughout this paper we use the common wording of "electromag-

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Page 1: Precise Hybrid Formula for Electromagnetic Mass Differences

J . S . KANG 8 - This gives one the additional infrared-type behav- matrix elements. ior and i s model-dependent.

Therefore we conclude that to f i r s t order of pion We wish to thank Professor B. W. Lee, Profes- interactions renormalization does not change the so r H. Pagels, and Professor W. I. Weis- nonanalyticity of the S -matrix elements, while berger for their encouragement, stimulating there i s a change in such behavior for the current- suggestions, and reading of the manuscript.

*Work supported in part by the NSF under Grant No. GP-32998X.

'L.-F. Li and H. Pagels, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2, 1204 (1971).

'H. Pagels and W. J. Pardee, Phys. Rev. D 4 , 3334 (1971); R. Dashen, L.-F. Li, H . Pagels, and X I . Wein-

stein, ibid. , 834 (1972); H. Pagels and A. Zepeda, ibid. 5, 3262 (1972).

3 ~ . N. Bogoliubov and D. V. Shirkov, Introduction t o the Theory of Quantized Fie lds (Interscience, New York, 1959) ; K . Hepp, Commun. Math. Phys. 2, 301 (1966).

4 ~ . Zimmermann, in Lec tures on Elementary Par t i c l e s and Quantum Field Theory , edited by S. Deser, M. Gr isaru , and H. Pendleton (MIT P r e s s , Cambridge, Mass., 1970), Vol. I.

5 ~ e s i d e s , the two pions become soft simultaneously. This removes the ambiguity due to the direction depend- ing upon the soft pions.

6 ~ . Adler and R. Dashen, Current Algebra (Benjamin, New York, 1968).

'This has already been pointed out by Li and Pagels for mesons (Ref. I ) , but the statement is also t rue for baryons.

8 ~ . Weinberg. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2, 616 (1966). 9 ~ . - ~ . Tsao, thesis, SUNY at Stony Brook, 1972 (un-

published). Tsao shows that in the one-loop approxima- tion of the renormalizable CJ model the 7iN amplitudes do not have 0($lnP2) t e r m s in the soft-pion l imi t . But this i s not in contradiction with our statement.

P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W D V O L U M E 8 , N U M B E R 2 1 5 J U L Y 1 9 7 3

Precise Hybrid Formula for Electromagnetic Mass Differences

Shalom Eliezer Department of Physics, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW 7, England

Paul SingePt Department of Physics, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213

(Received 22 January 1973).

We present the derivation of a mass formula which relates electromagnetic mass differences of baryons and pseudoscalar mesons and is experimentally accurate within - 2%. The derivation reveals that the new formula is the appropriate hybrid analog to the Coleman-Glashow formula.

It has been repeatedly emphasized ls2 that there i s no analog in the pseudoscalar-meson system to the successful Coleman-Glashow formula for bar - yon electromagnetic mass difference^.^ In a r e - cent l e t t e r2 Cicogna, Strocchi, and Vergara- Caffarelli have derived a formula for electro- magnetic mass differences of pseudoscalar mesons which contains also quantities expressing SU(3) and SU(2) noninvariance of the vacuum, namely F,, F, (FK IF,), and h3 (Olu,lO). Moreover, 17-17) mixing also appears in their formula. With suit- able values4 for the various additional parameters their formula i s shown to hold to a high precision (1-1.5%).

In this paper we present a formula relating elec- tromagnetic mass differences of pseudoscalar mesons and baryons and show through i ts deriva-

tion that i ts physical content i s partially the same a s that which leads to the Coleman-Glashow for- mula. Our expression, unlike that of Ref. 2, in- volves only observable masses and i s of the type called "hybrid" by Coleman and G l a ~ h o w . ~ The formula reads

and the high accuracy to which it holds (-2%) is most probably a manifestation of the physical a s - sumptions necessary for i t s derivation (barring the possibility of an "accidental agreement," which we consider i m p r ~ b a b l e ) . ~ Throughout this paper we use the common wording of "electromag-

Page 2: Precise Hybrid Formula for Electromagnetic Mass Differences

8 - P R E C I S E H Y B R I D F O R M U L A F O R E L E C T R O M A G N E T I C MASS . . . 673

netic mass differences." Nonetheless, this i s not meant to imply a commitment a s to the origin of the mass differences within isotopic-spin mul- tiplets, a s our derivation cannot exclude the pres- ence of an SU(2)-breaking interaction in addition to electromagnetism if it fulfills all our require- ments.

We outline now the derivation in a way which makes transparent the similarity to the Coleman- Glashow formula for baryon electromagnetic mass differences. Let us express the Hamiltonian to first order in the SU(3)-breaking couplings (g,) and the SU(2)-breaking couplings ( a , , p i , y,) a s follows:

The baryon electromagnetic mass differences a r e given by

nzp -m, = -(+)'12p8D: + ($)ll2p8Dj + ($)112fi270127,

( 3 4

%- -%a = -(&)112p8D; - (+)112p8i7j

+ ($)112p2,~27, (3b)

v"F(m,- -mZo)= - (i)112fi8Dj + ($)112Y2,i727, (3c)

f i (m,+ -mZo) =($)'I2p8Dj + ($)112y270127, (3d)

where Di a r e the appropriately normalized r e - duced matrix elements with the convention of de Swart,

D ~ , A ~ ~ ( ~ ~ ) 1 ' 2 ( 8 1 1 ~ l i 8 ) s , A . (4)

The electromagnetic mass differences in the pseudoscalar-meson system a re given similarly by

2 - Li 112 z8 - ($)llzpz,~z7, m K ~ 2 -mK+ - ( l a ) ( 5 4

mn+' -mno2 = (&6)y2,ZZ7 , (5b)

In order to derive the Coleman-Glashow formula we isolate the p8Dj term in (3) and thus obtain (without any further assumption)

the accuracy of which i s within the accuracy of the measured mass differences.

In order to isolate the isovector contribution to the electromagnetic mass differences of pseudo- scalar mesons we relate y,, to p,, by assuming U-spin invariance for the 27 component of the Su(2)-breaking interaction7thus requiring


A formula involving only meson masses i s un- obtainable and if we wish to relate (6) to (8) we must obviously make some assumption about d8 and Dj. To this end, neglecting the weaker SU(2)- breaking interaction, we first derive

g 8 ~ j = a ( m N - mZ), (gal

gads= ($)112(2m,2 + m q 2 - 3mT2) . (9b)

Making now the crucial identification - Dj=Dj , z 8 = d 8 , (10)

we obtain from (6), (8), (9), and (10) our new for- mula (1). Using for the masses in the denomina- tors of (1) the average multiplet masses, one finds remarkably

left-hand side of Eq. (1) =3.07 X lo-', (11)

right-hand side of Eq. (1) = 3.13 x low2 . We should like now to put forward some com-

ments on the implications of (1) and its derivation: (1) Hybrid mass formulas have been obtained

previously by Coleman and Glashow with their tad- pole model.5 The difference between their hybrid formula for electromagnetic mass differences [Eq. (10) of Ref. 51 and (1) i s obvious. Coleman and Glashow do not have 27 contributions to the mass differences (in the pure tadpole model mnt= m,o) and therefore their formula cannot take into account the cancellation of the p2, and y2, con- tributions evident in (8) and (1). Moreover, Eq. (lo), which i s necessary for deriving (I), requires tadpole-type universality for the specified tran- sitions only.

(2) The requirement (10) is of relevance to the approach assuming 5110 a universal tadpole to con- tribute to the isovector mass differences in K+-KO and baryon mass differences. Our derivation can be interpreted a s showing that only the f -type part of the isovector contribution to the baryon mass differences is universally related to the contribu- tion to the K + K 0 mass difference. This i s thus reflected in the limited success of the attempt1" to "obtain" the tadpole contribution to K'-KO from the baryon mass differences. It appears therefore that any future model for electromagnetic mass differences must embody the interesting realiza- tion of Eq. (10).

(3) Our mass formula implies that the cancella- tion of the fi,, and y,, contributions in (8) i s quite accurate. This is a hint that models l1 which can account for the a+-no mass difference a r e also suitable for calculating the appropriate 27 part in the K+-Kn mass difference.''

Page 3: Precise Hybrid Formula for Electromagnetic Mass Differences

674 S . E L I E Z E R A N D P . S I N G E R - 8

(4) It i s easy to t race now under which conditions the "bad" formula of Dashen1 for pseudoscalar- meson mass differences, %+2 -mK0 = m,,2 -m,02, would appear. A consistent treatment of the meson system to order e2 should also take into account to this order the electromagnetic mixing in the states, i.e., 7-no mixing. Thus, a third equation in addition to (5a) and (5b) exists, namely,

A detailed perturbation treatment of the complete system i s presented in Ref. 7. Here we only cal l attention to the fact that the neglect of mixing, i.e., putting $J =0, imposes the (undesirable) condition o8Z8 = -($)1/2p27Z27, which when supplemented by Eq. (7) leads directly to Dashen's formula. This confirms Dashen's suspicion1 that the "bad" for- mula i s a result of neglecting nondiagonal t e rms .

(5) It i s of obvious interest to speculate on the origin of Eq. (10). Firstly, (10) i s typical of sev- e r a l c lasses of models like tadpole models, pole- dominance models [including the PCVC (partial conservation of vector current) formulation6]- which a r e known, however, to be of limited va- lidity. Bypassing the possibility of a dynamic ac- cident, a very appealing explanation for (10) would lie in a fundamental operator identity, namely H and H"' belonging to the same octet. A realization could be with a current-current Hamiltonian, which can possibly include Ne'eman's fifth-inter - action scheme.13 Such a fundamental identification requires, however, also D,8 = Bi to hold, while the mass formula to which i t leads [Eq. (4.3) of Ref. 71 fails by a factor of 2. One i s thus led to contem-

plate a picture in which (10) supplemented by D,8 = D: holds only a t a certain level (possibly even with D,8 = Dz = O ) . The latter equality then breaks down a t the next level (higher-order terms?), while a t the same time the equalities of (10) a r e practically unaffected. We have no clear idea a t present how this can happen. Interestingly enough, D: and D: a r e indeed smaller than D j and @ by factors of 4 and 2.5, respectively, a hint in the direction mentioned here.

(6) Finally, we s t r e s s that our formula (I), un- like that of Ref. 2, contains only measurable quan- tities, and no assumption concerning 7j-q' mixing i s necessary for i t s derivation. The accuracy of the formula i s a t the level a t which higher-order contributions a r e expected. In this connection, it is worth emphasizing that the contribution of the (AT)' t e rm in the left-hand side of (1) i s approxi- mately 15% of the ( h ~ ) ' term, anorder of magnitude larger than the precision of the formula itself. This fact underlines the unlikeliness of an acci- dental agreement.

Note added in proof. Radicati e t al . [ ~ h y s . Rev. Lett. 14, 160 (1965) and Nuovo Cimento 37, 187 (1965)Thave also derived hybrid mass f o ~ m u l a s by using a perturbation formalism. Their basic a s - sumptions and appropriately their mass formulas a r e generally different from ours. Their best mass formula, relating mass differences of mesons and baryons, i s off experimentally by -30%,. Thus, it belongs to the domain in which (hn)' mass dif- ferences a r e essentially negligible compared to ( i l ~ ) ~ mass differences [see comment (6) above].

One of us (P.S.) i s grateful to Pe ter Herczeg and Lincoln Wolfenstein for helpful discussions.

*Research supported in part by U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.

?On leave from Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel .

'R. Dashen, Phys. Rev. 183, 1245 (1969). 'G. Cicogna, F. Strocchi, and R. Vergara-Caffarelli,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 2, 1702 (1972). 3 ~ . Coleman and S. L. Glashow, Phys. Rev. Lett. g,

423 (1961). 4 ~ . Cicogna, F. Strocchi, and R. Vergara-Caffarelli,

Phys. Rev. D 5, 301 (1972). 5 ~ . Coleman and S. L. Glashow, Phys. Rev. 134, B671

(1964). 'several mass relations including (1) a r e derived with

a PCVC model in Ref. 7. However, all other relations, having also different physical basis, have no com- parable degree of experimental validity. The same holds true for the hybrid mass formulas derived in the tadpole model of Ref. 5.

7 ~ . Eliezer and P. Singer, J. Phys. A 5, 661 (1973).

'5. J. de Swart, Rev. Mod. Phys. 2, 916 (1963). h here i s only an 8-symmetric contribution for the

mesons. "s. Coleman and H. J. Schnitzer, Phys. Rev. 136, B223

(1964); R. H. Socolow, ibid. 137, B1221 (1965). "s. K. Bose and R. E. Marshak, Nuovo Cimento 25,

529 (1962); T. Das, G. Guralnik, V. Mathur, F. Low, and J. Young, Phys. Rev. Lett. 18, 579 (1967); L. M. Brown and H. Munczek, ibid. 20, 680 (1968). See, however, G. C. Wick and B. Zumino, Phys. Lett. z, 479 (1967); I. S. Gerstein, B. W. Lee, N. J. Nieh, and H. J. Schnitzer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2, 1064 (1967).

"M. B. Halpern and G. SegrB, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2, 611 (1967); L. W. Brown, H. Munczek, and P. Singer, Phys. Rev. 180, i474 (1969).

I3y. Ne'eman, Phys. Rev. 134, B1355 (1964); G. SegrB, Phys. Rev. Lett. 20, 2 9 (1968); F. Bucella, M. Cini, M. DeMaria, and B. Tirozzi, Nuovo Cimento 58, 435 (1968); S. Nussinov, A. Schorr, and Y. Ne'eman, Phys. Rev. D 3, 229 (1971).