pre-history to origin of filipinos and philippines

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  • 8/6/2019 Pre-History to Origin of Filipinos and Philippines


    PrePre--History to Theories on the origin ofHistory to Theories on the origin ofFilipinos and PhilippinesFilipinos and Philippines

  • 8/6/2019 Pre-History to Origin of Filipinos and Philippines


    period where the system of writing has not beeninvented.Words closely associated with the term:

    FossilsArtifactsMeasurements such as C14 etc.

    Emergence of Man


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    Absence of country and tribe.

    Man was a product of culture andcivilization.

    Pre-Historic Philippines

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    G eology Technology Culture

    MiocenePleistocene (23 6 m.y.a)

    Paleolithic Savagery(Kabangisan)

    Pleistocene ( 6 2 m.y.a)

    Neolithic Barbarism(Barbarismo)

    Holocene Metal Civilization(Kabihasnan)

    The relationship of G eology, Technology

    and Culture

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    What is Pleistocene?

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    Period by which man first emerged.

    It is synonymous with the term Ice AgeThere was a sudden shift of the physicalform of the environment: bodies of waterbecoming avenues for migration.The change in the temperature paved theway for the emergence of land bridges.

    Pleistocene is

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    25 m.y.a. 2 human like beings emerged :Pongidae ( great ap es) and Hominidae

    Miocene Period:

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    E arliest specie of man evolved.

    Made the physical appearancedistinct from hom inid ae / pon gid ae / hom inid

    Pliocene: 2 10 m.y.a.

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    Man is only secondary.

    Main focus is given to toolsDifferent periods (technical) ages are:




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    Biological E volution physical transformation ofhuman beings

    Prehistory Concepts

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  • 8/6/2019 Pre-History to Origin of Filipinos and Philippines


    Cultural E volution (refinement of

    culture)Civilized way of living (sibilis ad on g pamumuhay )

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    75 0,000 y.a. emergence of human like beings(hominid). The closest specie to human (of today) isHomo Erectus.From 75 0,000 12,000 y.a. emergence of PaleolithicAge. The utilization of stone tools began in thisperiod.

    After 12,000 (Neolithic Age)- man learned to settle tospecific places such as caves. It can be attributed toPleistocene ( I ce Age).

    Pre-historic man

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    Theories:Explosion of volcanoesExplosion of cometsShift of the earths axis

    Effects:Climate change

    Onset of pluvial periods in EuropeGrowth of pastures and swamps ( latian)Emergence of whole lot different species of animals such aselephants and cows

    How did Ice Age occur?

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    After Ice Age, the temperature and climatechanged.Forrest grewDevelopment of new species of plants andanimals

    Water level rose, sweeping over land bridges.M an settled in savanna and along side of theshores.

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    Man learned to become a producer.Became knowledgeable. He learned to plant seeds.Gone were the days of being nomadic. Sedentarybecame the in thing.

    In North and Central Asia - transhumanceGrowth of steppe ( damuhan) and dessert

    The change in climate affected significantly thehumanization of man.Development of farming ( agriculture), calendar,climatology

    During Neolithic

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    the humanization process lead to the

    growth of production (resources) thusalso the need to be organized.By being organized, it called forimposition of power hierarchy in thegroup in the society.

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    Tabon Man (23,000 y.o.) usedto be the oldest remains in thePhilippines.

    E mergence of Man in the


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  • 8/6/2019 Pre-History to Origin of Filipinos and Philippines


    Taong Tabon: Homo Sapiens

    Brain size: 1200cm2

    Used tools such as knife likeobjects (burin, flake, flint andobsidian)

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    The decrease of water level by 200 meters would ineffect show that the Philippines is a part of the biggerland mass Asia.Borneo, Palawan and MindoroLuzon would be connected (literally) with Samarand Leyte

    Bohol, Cebu, Negros and Panay would become thebigger islands.

    The environment

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    What do the evidences (elephant fossils and othertools) found in Cagayan suggest?

    Tools were used as a protection against animalsArtifacts served as an extension to man to his activitiessuch as foraging or even the act of eating (poking meatout from the bone)

    Artisan skills was primitive.Upon the discovery of fire, man learned to makeweapons.

    Culture and way of living

  • 8/6/2019 Pre-History to Origin of Filipinos and Philippines


    Signaled the development of communities( pamayanan)The main mode of transportion was boatThe migration of Austronesians (Proto-Mongoloid)began at 7 ,000 5 ,000 BCE.They came in contact with the Australoids that had aPaleolithic culture.

    Barbarism- Neolithic to Metal Ages

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    horticulture (root crops)AgricultureAnimal farming

    The results:boom in populationspread of Austronesian culture to other parts of Asia

    The Austronesians continued on in their journey andreached nations as far as Africa.

    Austronesians introduced

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  • 8/6/2019 Pre-History to Origin of Filipinos and Philippines


    Austronesians our ancestorsTowards the end of Neolithic Age, the Austronesianswere already at the southern part of China.China--- and its empire continued to expandespecially during the Chin and Han dynasties (221BCE - 222 CE).

    The point above was enough a reason for theAustronesians to look for more areas (territories)

    Who discovered the islands in

    the Pacific?

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    Since Austronesians relied on boats as means fortransportation, they observed the movement ofmonsoons

    H anging AmihanH anging H abagat

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