pramana shareera, sr


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Page 1: Pramana shareera, sr






Dissertation submitted to the

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, Bangalore.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of











2010 -11

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Abbreviations ….   

A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada Page III  

List of Abbreviations used

A mÉÑ : Agni Purana

A MüÉå : Amara kosha

A xÉÇ zÉÉ : Ashtanga Sangraha Shareera Sthana

A WØû : Ashtanga Hrudaya

A WØû zÉÉ : Ashtanga Hrudaya Shareera Sthana

A xÉÇ : Ashtanga Sangraha

pÉå xÉÇ C : Bhela samhita Indriya stana

cÉ xÉÇ : Charaka Samhita

cÉ ÍcÉ : Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana

cÉ zÉÉ : Charaka Samhita Shareera Sthana

cÉ¢ü : Cakrapani

MüÉ zÉÉ : Kasyapa Samhita shareera Sthana

MüÉæ A mÉë : Kutilya Arthashastra Prathama

U iÉ : Rasatarangini

zÉ Mü SØ : Sabdha Kalpa Druma

zÉÉ xÉÇ mÉë : Sharangadhara Samhita Prathama kanda

´ÉÏ iÉ xÉÉ : Shrimat Tantra Sarasangraha

xÉÑ xÉÇ : Susruta Samhita

xÉÑ zÉÉ : Susruta Samhita Shareera Sthana

xÉÑ xÉÑ : Susruta Samhita Sutra Sthana

uÉÇ…¡û xÉÇ : Vangasena samhita

SD : Standerd deviation

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A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada Page IV  


Science aspires at betterment of living. A scientific study is the radiance thrown

on facts in a matter of curiosity. It includes annotations, measurements of entities,

addition of data’s & lastly scrutiny of entire findings to arrive at a conclusion.

To unscrew the pathology of various diseases, thorough understanding of the

structural & functional built up of human physique is inevitable. Pramana Shareera is one

of such aspects which include the study of measurements of human body constituents. It

is of great significance as it helps to determine the life expectancy of an individual and it

proves the individualistic approach of Ayurveda. Charakacharya enumerates that a

person endowed with ‘Pramanavat Shareera’ will have longevity, strength, happiness,

power, wealth & virtues where as those with high or poor measurements will hold

qualities contrary to that which explained in the classics. Mentions supportive of the

above view can be seen in Susruta Samhita also. 

A reference from Ashtanga hrudaya shows that even in the olden days also there

was curiosity regarding the fact that different parts of the body have a definite relation

with the height of the person and can be useful in determining the same. Hence

estimation of the stature with the help of the measurement of different parts of the body

has been a topic for research since a long time.

Anthropometry is widely utilized in the forensic science with the help of the

dimensions of different parts of the human body & skeleton. It is utilized for establishing

the identity of a person for identification as well as estimation of stature, age, sex, race

etc from the body parts.

Hasta & Pada are considered one among karmendriyas. The ayama& vistara of

hasta are 12 & 4 angulas. Ayama, vistara & Utseda of pada are 14, 6, 4 angula


The study includes:

1) Comprehensive study of pramana shareera.

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A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada Page V  

2) Determination of stature with Anguli Pramana of Hasta & Pada

3) Evaluation of the relevance of swa-angula pramana from ayurvedic

texts in context with modern Anthropometry.

The Study is conducted on 100 healthy volunteers between the age group of 25-

35yrs, and the results show that there is positive relation between the stature of an

individual and the hand & foot measurements.

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Sl. No. Contents Page No.

1. Introduction 1-2

2. Objectives 3-4

3. Review of literature 5-29

4. Methodology 30-32

5. Observations & Result 33-73

6. Discussion 74-85

7. Conclusion 86

8. Summary 87-88

9. Reference 89-95

10. Bibliography 96-104

11. Annexure 105-107

12. Master chart 108-113

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Table No. Description Page No.


Measurements of lower limb (in Angula)



Measurements of upper limb (in Angula)



Measurements of trunk (in Angula)



Measurements of head & neck (in Angula)



Total measurement (in Angula)



Multiplying factor & constant factor for long bones



Multiplication factors of long bones (Indian population)


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No. Description



1 Surface Anatomy of Palmar aspect of Hand 28

2 Heads of metacarpal bones 28

3 Surface Anatomy of medial aspect of foot 29

4 Lateral malleolus 29

5 2nd, 3rd, 4th meta tarsao-phalangeal joints 29

6 Vernier calipers & measuring tape 32

7 Foot scale 32

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1 Height from hand length A-A1(Right) 39

2 Height from hand length B-B1 (Right) 40

3 Height from hand lengthC-C1 (Right) 40

4 Height from hand head length A-A1(Left) 41

5 Height from hand length B-B1 (Left) 41

6 Height from hand length C-C1 (Left) 42

7 Height with standing on toes with arms raised from hand length A-A1 (Right)


8 Height with standing on toes with arms raised from hand length B-B1 (Right)


9 Height with standing on toes with arms raised from hand length C-C1 (Right)


10 Height with standing on toes with arms raised from hand length A-A1 (Left)


11 Height with standing on toes with arms raised from hand length B-B1 (Left)


12 Height with standing on toes with arms raised from hand length C-C1 (Left)


13 Height from foot length A-A1(Right) 46

14 Height from foot length B-B1 (Right) 47

15 Height from foot lengthC-C1 (Right) 48

16 Height from foot length A-A1(Left) 48

17 Height from foot length B-B1 (Left) 49

18 Height from foot length C-C1 (Left) 50

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19 Height with standing on toes with arms raised from foot length A-A1 (Right)


20 Height with from standing on toes with arms raised from foot length B-B1 (Right)


21 Height with standing on toes with arms raised from foot length C-C1 (Right)


22 Height with from standing on toes with arms raised from foot length A-A1 (Left)


23 Height with standing on toes with arms raised from foot length B-B1 (Left)


24 Height with standing on toes with arms raised from foot length C-C1 (Left)


25 Stature from hand length (SI Unit) 54

26 Stature from foot length (SI Unit) 55

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Great scholars of Ayurveda put forth glorious concepts of human constitution;

estimation of Bala on the basis of its Pramana is one among such concepts. As early

as 1000BC Acharya Caraka and Sushruta made detailed exercise on the concept of

Pramana Shareera, later Acharya Vagbhata rearranged their perception1, 2, 3.

Before starting with the chikitsa which is considered as karya in the field of

medicine, the wise physician should perform the pareeksha of karyadesha i.e. Atura

shareera4. Acharya Caraka explained Dashavidha pareeksha vidhi, and Pramana

pareeksha is one among them. The basic goal behind Pareeksha is to get knowledge

regarding the bala of the rogi5, 6, where Acharya Sushruta considered it as the main

tool to get the information regarding Ayu along with that of bala7.

The subject of Shareera Rachana vijnana has been described in various aspects

of Ayurveda samhitas. Many hypothesis found in Samhitas and these are needed to be

reassessed and prove on modern parlance with the help of scientific observation,

parameters and experiments. The concept of Pramana Shareera is one such hypothesis

which is needed to be proved and rearranged. Pramana is mainly assessed by Swa-

Angula7, and some references available in modern Anatomy text book related with

hand breadth, later they used the cm, inch & so on. One example for this is

“Duodenum, its word meaning is the organ which has length equal to breadth of

twelve fingers”8.

It is evident that the ancient Ayurvedic authorities were fully convinced with

values of measurements in medical science, due importance is given regarding

measurement of different parts of body. They listed in detail regarding anthropometric

(somatometric) values of each part of the body; in addition they explained regarding

its clinical application1, 2, 3.

  Page 1 

Anthropometry explains about average height, breadth of person and his body

parts with the help of different measuring units like cm, inch etc9, 10, but it will not be

appropriate to use average in every condition because sex, race, place & time etc.

plays important role in determining the stature. Our Seers explained the concept of

Swa-Angula pramana11, 12 13. It can be ideal parameter irrespective of sex, race and

place. The growth of the body varies in different ages and gets ceased after a

A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada  

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particular stage14, though the average measurement of the body is fixed by random

study, the variation of measurement in growing age may take place.

In the classics angula pramana of different parts of the body is categorically

mentioned but their relation amongst each other has not been widely dealt with,

though we get a reference in Ashtanga hrudaya where acharya has quoted the relation

of the hasta and Ayama of the shareera15.

The concept of Ayurveda, i.e. measurements with individual parameter looks

more scientific method rather than fixing on average basis. But the individual

anthropometric points and criterion to measure are not mentioned in our classics,

hence with the help of modern science an effort is made to put light on concept of

Pramana Shareera.

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  Page 2 

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A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada  Page 3  


Determination of stature based on Hastha & Pada.

To evaluate the relevance of Pramana Shareera from ancient literature in context with


To standardize the Anguli Pramana.

To justify the existing knowledge of Pramana Shareera by taking measurement of Hastha

& Pada of different individuals.

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A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada  Page 4  


1. Yadav SS- Chest girth in anguli pramana relation with height-weight ratio, Faculty of

Ayurveda Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi, 1979.

2. Chate Chandra Kant-Vertical & horizontal Anthropometric measurements of adult human

volunteers suggested in Ayurvedic Samhita & study of differences in 3 Prakruti,

Ashtanga Ayurvedic MahaVidyalaya, Pune University. Pune.

3. Mishra P.C- A study of Dehika Prakruti w s r to Anguli Pramana, Lucknow state

Ayurvedic College, Lucknow, University of Lucknow -1983.

4. Alam-Ashraf Ali – Concept of Anthropometrics study in Charaka Samhita w.s.r. to

determination of age & sex from Clavicle, Institute of Postgraduate education &

Research in Ayurveda, university of Kolkota, Kolkota -2001.

5. Viswanath.K.Channappanavar- Concept of Pramana Shareera w.s.r. to determination of

the stature from Prabahu (brachium) under taken at S D M college of Ayurveda, Udupi, R

G U H S, Bangalore 2006.

6. Shyny Thankachan- Comparative study of anguli pramana & prakruti w.s.r. to bahu, S D

M college of Ayurveda, Udupi, R G U H S, Bangalore 2009

7. Amardeep Singh- A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determine the stature

from Shiras, S D M college of Ayurveda, Udupi, R G U H S, Bangalore 2010


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Historical review…  


A general inquiry regarding pramana was prevalence since time immemorial,

which can be traced even up to pre-historical era. This is evident from its notion in the

earliest literature like Vedas & oldest medical and other texts.


References regarding the angula pramana can be cited in yajurveda. Angula

pramana is utilized in homa kunda preparation. Another reference regarding the

length of darbha used for homa is available in yajurveda it is mentioned like dharba

should be cut in 6 angula pramana. In Rigvada a reference explains like Paramatma

takes ashraya in dasha angula pradesha.


In Varaha-mihikya, the ancient Brihat Samhita, a reference regarding 5types

of Purushas with their Anguli Pramana is available.

In Agni purana angula details regarding pramana of different parts like

hridaya, prishta, kati etc. available 16 and also reference regarding sama ayama vistara

is available17.

In Shrimat Tantrasara Sangraha by Shrimadananda thirtha in the context of

Pratima yoga lakshana various Pramanas of different body parts has been mentioned

for making statues which is based upon Swa-angula concept18.


Samhita period is considered as the golden period of ayurveda. Ayurveda

developed immensely during samhita period. Classical text books of samhita kala

given much importence to the pramana pareeksha.

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Historical review…  

Charaka Samhita:

Acharya Charaka has explained pramana shareera as one of the dasha vidha

pareeksha of the patient19.

He has categorically mentioned the anguli pramanas of anga-pratyangas of

human body in which hasta is said to be of 12 angula in length & pada is 14 angula in

length20. In patabheda it is mentioned like the hasta is of dasha angula in length21.

He has put forth the concept of Sama shareera. There by throwing light on the

fact that pramana concept can be a useful tool to assess the ayu of the aatura22.

Sushruta Samhita:

Sushrutacharya has explained the anguli Pramanas of different parts of the

body23. Regarding pramana of hasta he mentioned length of hasta as 24 angulas24.

According to him a person with appropriate Pramana of Anga-pratyangas is bestowed

with good health & long life25.

Acharya has explained pramana pariksha as one of the criteria for assessing the

ayu of the person. Acharya sushruta has further explained that before proceeding with

the treatment it is beneficial to examine the ayu of the patient26.

Kashyapa Samhita:

Acharya Kashyapa has explained about the anjali pramana but he has not dealt

with anguli pramana27.

Bhela Samhita:

Detailed description of pramana of different part body parts is not available in

Bhela samhita but in ‘Ayurlakshanendriya’ chapter he has mentioned that if lalata,

nasika and karna of a person are of 6 angulas each then he will attain the life span of

100 years28.

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Historical review…  


Ashtanga Samgraha:

Vruddha Vagbhata has also explained the pramana of different parts of the

body & also explained regarding Sama shareera concept3. Details regarding pramana

of different parts of body are available, and mentioned hasta is of 12 angula and pada

is of 14 angula29.

Ashtanga Hrudaya:

Detailed description regarding the pramana shareera is not found in ashtanga

hrudaya. But acharya has explained that the appropriate height of a person is

equivalent to 31/2 times the length of his hasta30.


Sharangadhara Samhita:

In the context of Maanaparibhasha reference of anguli pramana can be cited.

Anguli pramana has been mentioned while explaining about the kudava pramana31.

Anguli pramana of anga-pratyangas is not explained, different types of pramanas are

explained in detail though.

In the commentary description regarding the angula is available32.

Vangasena Samhita:

In the chapter named Nidanapanchaka Acharya has considered knowledge of

pramana as one of the key to achieve success in field of medicine33.

In the same chapter while explaining about the kudava mana, he has mentioned

about the anguli pramana34.


Many references regarding angula pramana is available in relation to preparation

of different Putas. In relation to mahaputa author explained like it should have ½

A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada  

  Page 7 

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Historical review…  

vyama depth & 2 hasta width 35. The word vyama is synonym for ayama which is of

84 angulas36.

Kautilya Arthashastra:

Anguli pramana has been used as the ‘unit measurement’ for measuring

lengths of different objects, depth, measuring land distances.

In ‘Deshakalamanam’ chapter definitions of ‘angula’ has been explained. We

found two opinions, one opinion states; one angula is that measurement which is

obtained by sewing 8 yavas in the middle37, and according to another; one angula is

the measurement of the madhyama prakarsha of the madhyama anguli of the

madhyama kaya purusha38.

In ‘Tulamanapautavam’ chapter, the concept of Anguli pramana has been

applied for preparing different types of weighing tools to measure the weight of gold,

silver etc39.

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Review of Literature….

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Pramanas are considered as the tool for gaining knowledge in Ayurveda40.

Angula pramana is the means to quantitatively expressing the dimensions of the human

body parts41, 42. Caraka considered it as one among the Dashavidha pareekshya

bhavas43. The patient should be examined by measuring anga-pratyanga by using Swa-

angula pramana as unit measurment44. It helps in the determination of the ayu & bala

of the patient45. The patient or an individual having appropriate pramana of different

anga-pratyangas mentioned is considered to attain deerghayu46.

There are basically two types of Pramanas that we find in Ayurvedic classics,

one is anjali pramana and the other one is the anguli pramana. The anjali pramana is

used for measuring other body constituents including fluids27. On the other hand

Anguli pramana which is based on swa-angula pramana is used for measuring the

dimensions (Ayama, vistara, and parinaha etc) of the different anga-pratyangas of the

body44, 47.

Ayu pareeksha is an important procedure before starting with the treatment.

Ayurvedic principles state the pramanataha pareeksha as one of the criterion to

ascertain ayu of the patient48. The person who have appropriate pramana of his anga-

pratyangas will attain deergayu and the person with moderate and poor measurements

attain madya and alpa ayu respectively49.

An expert physician should understand that a man at the age of 25years and a

woman at the age of 16 years attain samatva and gataveeryata50, and Dalhana says at

this stage the individual will have the shareera pramanas as mentioned in the classics51.

According to Ashtanga Sangraha full growth of individual takes place at the end of 2nd

decade of his life52, 53.

In Ashtanga Hrudaya, it has been mentioned that a person having height equal

to 31/2 of his own hasta will have a happy life54, but it is not applicable for ashtanindita


There is some difference of opinion between Sushruta and Charaka. Sushruta

has mentioned the height of man as 120 angulas56. Commenting on that Dalhana opines

that; height given by Sushruta is to be measured by making the person stand on his toes

with arms raised above the head57. While Chakrapani comments that the angula

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pramana taken by sushruta is smaller than taken by charaka and there is actually there

is no difference between the two58.

Both Charaka and Vagbhata considered 84 angulas as the height of an

individual59, 60 according to Chakrapani; height is to be measured from padatala to

shirahparyanta that is the top of the head61.

Caraka gave a glorious concept of ‘SAMA SHAREERA’ Later it was

supported by acharya vruddha vagbhata. This concept gives an idea that the individual

having equal height and arm span is considered to have sama shareera and will attain

deergayu, bala, sukha, aishvarya, ojas, etc62.

According to Bhela individual with Lalata, Nasika & Karna of length 6

Angula each will attain Shatayu63.


Anguli- These are the terminal members of both upper and lower limb. They are

twenty in number and of five types64.

1) Angushtha

2) Pradeshini

3) Madhyama

4) Anamika

5) Kanisthika


Pramana is a tool through which valid knowledge is obtained40. Mana is the

act of measuring different items which comprises different branches like tula, Anguli,

prasta. Anguli pramana is a unit of measure followed in olden days to denote the

Ayama, vistara, parinaha, utsedha etc65.


1) Width of the madhyama parva of the madhyama angula66.

2) Measurement obtained by taking the length of the madhyama angula and

dividing it by five67.

3) Measurement obtained by taking the width of the palm and then dividing by


4) Nakha tala bhaga of angushtha69.

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Hasta has the synonyms like Pani, Sama, Shaya70, 71. It extends from manibhanda to

the tip of the madyama angula72.

It is one among karmendria which does the karma of adana73, 74.

Hasta & Pada are the first angas to develop, because garbha chesta depends on Hasta

& Pada75, 76.

There are five anguli in each Hasta. These Anguli are considered among pratyangas77.

There are two kurchas78, four khandaras79, twenty-six asthis80, fourteen sandhis81,

sixty snayus 82& fourty five mamsa peshis located in located in Hasta83.

Kshipra, Kurcha, Talahridaya, Kurchashira, Manibandha are Hasta gata Marmas84.

Acharya Sushruta has considerd Hasta as the Pradhanatama yantra85.

Indra is considerd as adidevata of Hasta86.

Different measurements related to Hasta, like ayama, vistara are available in Brihat

trayee1, 2, 3. In Sushruta we get details regarding ayama of individual fingers also2.

Ayama of Hasta is 12 angula but in patabheda it is mentioned that it is of 10

angulas21. Vistara of hasta is 4 angula. Ayama of middle finger is 5 angula, that of

ring and index finger is 4½ angula where as little and thumb is 3½ angulas2.


Pada have synonyms like Anghri, Carana87.

Pada consists of following parts like Prapada/Padagra (distal part of foot) 88, 89,

Parshni/Padamula (proximal part of foot) 90, 91.

It is one among karmendria which does the karma of Viharana73, 74.

According to Acharya Markandeya & Acharya Badisha, Hasta & Pada are the first

angas to develop, because garbha chesta depends on Hasta & Pada75, 76.

It is formed in the 2nd month of garbha92.

There are five anguli in each Pada. These Anguli are considered among pratyangas77.

There are two kurchas78, four khandaras79, twenty-six asthis80, fourteen sandhis81

sixty snayus82 & fourty five mamsa peshis83 located in located in Pada.

Kshipra, Kurcha, Talahridaya, Kurchashira, Manibandha are Pada gata Marmas84

Lord Vishnu is considerd as adidevata of Pada86.

Different measurements related to Pada available, which includes Ayama, Vistara and

Utseda 1, 2, 3.

Ayama, vistara & utseda of Pada is mentioned as 14, 6, 4 angula respectively2.

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Review of Literature….

A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada   Page 12 

In Sushruta & Ashtanga Sangraha details relted to ayama of individual angula along

with that of prapada, padatala, parshni available2, 3.



1) An individual with anga-pratyangas having proper measurements is endured

with longevity, wealth, prosperity, happiness, ojas, strength etc.

2) The measurements mentioned in the classics for each part of the body are

appropriate and desirable where as the less or more of these are abnormal and


3) Useful in the measuring different measurements of different parts of the body.

4) It is one among the ten folds of examination and also useful in assessing the

ayu of the patient.

5) It helps to understand the prognosis of the disease.

6) With the study of Anguli Pramana health of an individual can be assessed.

7) Helps to identify the Nindita Purusha explained in Ayurvedic classic. It helps

in determining Atideergha & Atihrasva Purushas.

8) It is useful in assessing the bala of the person.

9) Helps in assessing the age of an individual.

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Table No 1: Measurements of Lower limb (in Angula)                  








mÉÉSÉÇaÉѸ   2                  2       

mÉëSãÍvÉÌlÉ   2                  2       

qÉkrÉqÉÉ  9/5                 9/5       

AlÉÉÍqÉMüÉ  8/5                 8/5       

MüÌlÉ̹MüÉ 7/5                 7/5       

mÉëmÉS  4    5               4  6     

mÉÉSiÉsÉ  4    5               4  5     

mÉÉÎwhÉï  5    4              4    4  4     

mÉÉS 14    14     14    6      4  14     14   4 

eÉÇbÉÉ  18    14     18     16    18    14   

eÉÉlÉÑ     14      4    16     4       




aÉÑsTü     14              14    14   

FÂ 18    32      18    30     18  6  30   




A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada  

               Page 13 

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Table No 2: Measurements of Upper limb (in Angula)                 




AÇaÉѹ 3 ½                3 ½       

mÉëSãÍvÉÌlÉ 41/2                4 ½       

qÉkrÉqÉÉ 5                5       

AlÉÉÍqÉMüÉ 41/2                4 ½       

MüÌlÉ̹M 3 ½                3 ½       

mÉëmÉÉÍhÉ         15        15       

mÉÉÍhÉ                 12       

WûxiÉiÉsÉ 6  4                     


mÉëSãÍvÉÌlÉ 5                       


MÔümÉïUxÉÇÍkÉ 16                       

WûxiÉ 24        12               

mÉëoÉÉWÕû          16        16       

pÉÑeÉ 32                       

xMülkÉ         8        8       

AÇxÉ         6        6       

Mü¤ÉÉ         8        8       



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Table No 2: Measurements of Upper limb (in Angula)






qÉÍhÉoÉlkÉ     12                   

mÉëMüÉå¹     12                     

ClSìoÉÎxiÉ     16                     

















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Table No 3: Measurements of Trunk (in Angula)



uÉ×wÉhÉ (qÉÑwMü) 

2        6    8    6    5   

qÉãWûlÉ (qÉãRíûì)  4                6    5   

pÉaÉ      12        12           

qÉãWûlÉ-lÉÉÍpÉ  12                       

lÉÉÍpÉ-¾ûSrÉ  12                       

¾ûSrÉ-aÉëÏuÉÉ  12                       

mÉÑÂwÉ-EUÈ            24    12    24    12 

MüÌOû    18        16        16  50   

oÉÎxiÉÍvÉUÈ          10        10       

ESU          12  10      12       

mÉÉμÉï          12  10      12  10     

xiÉlÉ (xiÉlÉmÉrÉïliÉ) 

        2        2       

xiÉlÉÉliÉU    12        12        12     

x§UÏ-EU    18                      

¾ûSrÉ          2        2       

̧ÉMü                12        12 

zÉåTü           6    5           

mÉ×¹               18        18 





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Table No 4: Measurements of Head & Neck (in Angula)          




ÍcÉoÉÑMü  2          4      4       

SvÉlÉ  2                       

AÉlÉlÉ  2            24  12       24  12 

lÉÉxÉÉmÉÑOû  2                1/3       

MühÉïqÉÔsÉ  2                       

pÉëÑlÉrÉlÉÉliÉU    2                     

uÉSlÉ  4                       

lÉÉxÉÉuÉÇzÉ  4        4        4       

MühÉï  4        4        4       

sÉsÉÉO  4        4        4       

aÉëÏuÉÉ  4    24                   

lÉã§É                  2       

AͤÉqÉkrÉ           4             



qÉÑZÉ  12    24                   


  11/3              1\3       

iÉÉUMü  1/3 OF NAYANA                     



MühÉÉïuÉOèuÉliÉU    14                     

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Table No 4: Measurements of Head & Neck (in Angula)




ÍvÉUÉãkÉU             24  4      32  4 

AÉxrÉ           5          5   

AÉã¹         4        4       

qÉxÉiM-AuÉOÒû MåüzÉÉliÉ


ÍzÉU             32  16      32  6 

SØ̹rÉliÉU 4                4       

SØ̹   1/9th of taraka




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Table No 5: Total Measurements (in Angula)






120 84 84


84 84


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Review of Literature-anthropometry……

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‘Anthropos’ means man and the science deals with man are known as

anthropology, and the science of measuring the body parts constitutes Bertillon’s

system or anthropometry, introduces by Alphonse Bertillon, a French police officer.

This system was used in United States in early 1900s93. The anthropometry is the

means of quantifying variation in the body size and shape. It is also one of the

fundamental techniques of human biology as most of the biological functions are in

some way related to one or the other aspect of the physical dimensions of the body94.

Anthropometry can be defined as “A systemized body of techniques of

measuring and taking observations on man, his skeleton, the skull, the limbs and trunk

etc as well as the organs, by the most reliable means and scientific methods94.

For the sake of convenience anthropometry may be subdivided into95

1) Somatometry: - Measurements of body morphology.

2) Osteometry: - Measurement of skeleton and its parts.

3) Physiometry: - It deals with measurement of physiological functions of the body

and constitutes important adjunct of anthropometry.

4) Anthroscopy: - An analog of anthropometry, is the visual observation and

description of physical traits not capable of exact measurement. E.g., form &

character of hair, skin color etc.

Measurements and its types96

The term measurement generally refers to the act of measuring, and in context

of anthropometry it refers to a definite measure between two clearly defined

landmarks, and the term measure refers to dimension of a clearly defined distance

between two specified points, and in the context of anthropometric work landmarks

or points is always related to bony points.


1) Linear measurement- It is the measure of vertical distance between the surface

land marks. E.g. Hand length, foot length, facial height,

2) Transverse measurement- It is the measure between two land marks

perpendicular top linear axis. E.g. Head breadth, biorbital breadth,

3) Circumferential measurement- these measure the circumference of different

parts of the body. e.g. Upper arm circumference, head circumference,

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4) Angular measurement- These measure the profile of a particular part of the body

with respect to two landmarks linearly distanced from each other. E.g. Facial

profile angle,

5) Skin fold measurement- these measure the thickness of the fold of subcutaneous

fat. E.g. Skin fold thickness at biceps, triceps.

Few recommendations which put forth in order to take accurate

measurements97: -

1) All instruments should be absolutely clean and their precision duly verified by a

reliable verificator.

2) While taking measurements the subject should be with minimal clothing,

because that may interfere with the procedure.

3) Land marks for each measurement should be fixed very carefully.

4) All paired measurements should be taken on left side; so as to avoid any

occupational deformities.

5) While taking measurements with calipers no pressure should be applied on

points of landmark.

6) Only normal healthy individual range 25-50 year of age should be included as

adult sample.

7) For sake of clarity all measurements should be taken in same unit.

8) The measurements should be read perpendicularly and inclination should be


Principle: -

It is assumed that after the age of 21yr the skeleton stops growing and hence

the measurement of various parts of the body remains constant. It is also assumed

that no two people will have bones of identical dimensions98, 99.

Disadvantages100: -

• Only applicable in adults.

• Chances of error in taking measurements by instruments.

• Needs measurements of various parts of the body.

Stature: -

Stature provides one aspect of an individual’s physiognomy and one piece of

information that may be an aid in individual’s identification. The stature can be

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measured by taking the distance between the vertex to the floor, when the subject in

standing erect with heel touching the wall101.

There are few factors which have influence on stature like102,

1) Age factor-Stature or height of a person will be maximum at the age between

21 to 25 yr. for every 25 yr stature is shortened for about 2.5cms. It is due to

thinning of inter-vertebral disc of spinal column as a result of osteoporosis,

secondly the spinal column cannot be put straight & erect as a result of

reduced tone of muscles.

2) Diurnal variation- Height varies in an individual at different time of a day. It

is maximum in the morning and it is less by 1.5 to 2 cm in the evening. This is

due to reduction of elasticity of intervertebral disc and muscle tone.

3) Posture- The length will be maximum in recumbent posture, which is due to

relaxation of muscles and increase of intervertebral space. The approximate

length between the outstretched tips of middle finger is approximately equal to

the stature of an individual.

4) It is said that cadavers increase their length after rigormortis due to loosening

of the intervertebral discs and slackening of vertebral curvature. The increase

in length may be from 2 to 2.5 cm.

Estimation of stature from mutilated or dismembered remains:

The stature can also estimated when the part of the skeleton such as the long

bones are available103.

1) If the entire skeleton is available then by adding 2.5cm to its length to allow for

the thickness of the soft tissue gives the height of the person.

2) Stature can be estimated from one arm by multiplying by 2 and adding 30 cm for

two clavicle and 4cm for sternum.

3) Stature is twice the length of vertex or heel to the top of symphysis pubis.

4) The length from the sternal notch to the pubic symphysis is 1/3 of the stature.

5) The length of the forearm measured from the tip of the olecranon process to the

tip of the middle finger is equal to 5/19 of the stature.

6) Stature is equal to the length measured from tip of middle finger to the tip of the

opposite middle finger when the arms are fully extended.

Many workers have devised different mathematical formulae for the purpose

of estimating stature from long bones. Usually used bones for this purpose are

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humerus, radius, ulna, femur, and tibia. The long bones are measured by osteometric

board and Pearson’s formulae or Trotter & Gleser’s formulae are applied to

calculate stature104. Pearson’s formula is a regression formula put forth by Karl

Pearson in the year 1889. According to formulae, to estimate the stature from the

bone, the length of the bone is to be multiplied by a multiplying factor which is

different for different bones and then a constant factor which is also different for

different bones. It also different for males & females and even then it is different for

dry & humid specimen. This is to be added to the length of the bone with the

multiplying factor. This gives the stature of the person105.

Male Female

Dry Humid Dry Humid

Humerus *2.894 + 70.614 *2.894 + 70.714 *2.754 + 71.475 *2.754 + 72.046

Radius *2.271 + 89.925 *3.271 + 86.465 *3.343 + 81.224 *3.343 + 82.189

Femur *1.880 + 81.30 *1.880 + 81.231 *1.945 + 72.844 *1.945 + 73.163

Tibia *2.376 + 78.664 *2.376 + 78.807 *2.352 + 74.774 *2.352 + 75.369

Table No 6: Multiplying factor & constant factor for long bones There are some multiplication factors devised by Indian scientists for

estimation of stature of Indians of certain states like Bengal, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh,

Punjab, and these formulae are in use in India. These factors are based on the results

obtained by dividing the average height of the body by the average length of the


Bihar, Bengal and Orissa Uttar Pradesh and Punjab

Length of Male Female Male Female

Humerus 5.31 5.31 5.30 4.97

Radius 6.78 6.70 6.90 6.43

Ulna 6.00 6.00 6.30 5.93

Femur 3.82 3.80 3.70 3.57

Tibia 4.49 4.46 4.48 4.18

Fibula 4.46 4.43 4.48 4.35 Table No 7: Multiplication factors of long bones (Indian population)

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Stature estimation: -

The stature of an individual is estimated by different methods, but the easiest,

reliable and most widely used method is the regression equation method. Different

scientists have used different parts of the body to measure the stature. Lengths of

long bones, short bones, skull etc. have been used for the estimation of stature107.

Applications of Anthropometry

The technique of anthropometry has application in many areas of human

concern and welfare. It is proposed to enlist some of more important applications of

the science of anthropometry108.

1) Morphological differences within and between populations may be

demonstrated by comparing anthropometric results statistically.

2) It provides opportunity for identification of individuals and departed

populations i.e. helpful in understanding the ethnic affinities between


3) To study the evolutionary changes, inter-population and intra-population


4) It forms a basis for a clear understanding of comparative anatomy of

primates particularly those closer to man.

5) Has major application in the field of forensic science for identification of

an individual also helpful in determination of age, sex.

6) The study of the processes and patterns of human growth and development

is another area where anthropometric techniques are basically used.

7) The general standards of health can be evaluated by using composite

measurements like height and weight.

8) Found quite useful in the field of orthopedic surgery, particularly in the

preparation of artificial limbs.

9) It has definite application in the field of Eugenics, in which promotion of

better trait in future generation is mainly considered.

10) Extremely helpful in evaluating the physique and the constitution suitable

in different sports specialty.

11) In the field of genetics it is helpful in evaluating the zigosity of twins.

12) In recent years anthropometric measurements and standards are being used

in industry- dress designing, shoes, gloves, seats in aero planes, railway,

buses, helmets, manufacture of artificial limbs etc.

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Importance of Hand & Foot in anthropometry:

Growth – the vital process is measured by measuring the height of a person,

which itself is a sum of the length of certain bones and appendages of the body,

represent certain relationship with form of proportions to the total stature. This

relationship is very useful anthropologically to find racial differences and medico-

legally, when only parts of the deceased body are available109.

The hand & foot can be used as an alternative measure to estimate stature

when the later cannot be measured directly due to deformity like khyphosis, lordosis

& scoliosis, contracture or missing legs etc. In these cases the original stature of these

people can be estimated by multiplying the dimension of hand or foot lengths. The

multiplying factor can be obtained by making ratio of stature to the hand length110.

Length of hand and foot plays a major role in determination of race. The sex

can also be identified by them like women have a longer or narrower hand and

broader or shorter feet than men111.

The multiplication factors obtained by these can be applicable in

reconstructing artificial limbs proportional to individual’s body.

This can also be applicable in industries like glove, hand tool, shoe etc112.


Hand113, 114:

Styloid process of ulna: - Its tip is felt on postero-medial aspect of wrist, and lies

about 1.2cm above the level of the tip of the styloid process of radius. (fig 1)

Styloid process of radius: - It can be traced to the lower end of anterior border of

radius and is felt in the floor of anatomical snuff box. Its tip is about 1.2cm lower than

the styloid process of ulna. (fig 1)

Anatomical snuff box: - It is a hollow space at the back of root of the extended

thumb and lies just below the styloid process of radius. The space is bounded laterally

by tendons of extensor pollicis brevis & abductor pollicis longus and medially by

extensor pollicis longus.

Dorsal tubercle of radius: - It is felt near the middle of the posterior aspect of the

lower end of radius, when the wrist is slightly flexed. It lies in line with the lateral

border of middle finger.

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Tubercle of scaphoid: - It is a bony prominence felt above and medial to the front

of thenar eminence when the wrist is extended.

Pisiform: - It is the first bony prominence felt when the tendon of flexor carpi

ulnaris traced downwards. It is felt on the palmar aspect of wrist at the medial part of

the base of hypothenar eminence.

Crest of trapezium: - It is felt on deep palpation below and lateral to tubercle of


Hook hamate: - It is felt on deep palpation about 2.5 cm below and lateral to

Pisiform bone.

Prominence of knuckle: - Formed by the heads of the metacarpal bones. (fig 2)

Creases of wrist and fingers (fig 1)

A) These are transverse creases on the front of wrist.

1) Proximal: - This crease corresponds roughly to the level of radiocarpal joint

(wrist joint).

2) Distal: - This crease corresponds to proximal border of flexor retinaculum.

B) There are three transverse creases on the palmar aspect of finger.

1) Proximal: - Lies 2cm distal to metacarpophalangeal joint.

2) Middle: - It corresponds to proximal interphalangeal joint.

3) Distal: - It lies just proximal to the distal interphalangeal joint.

Foot115: -

Lateral malleolus & medial malleolus: - The lateral malleolus is narrow and

elongated while the medial malleolus is broader and stumpy. (fig 3, 4)

They are subcutaneous and can be both seen and felt. The lateral malleolus lies

more distally and further back than medial malleolus.

Peroneal tubercle: - It is felt as a prominence on the lateral surface of the calcaneus,

about 2cm below the lateral malleolus.

Sustentaculum tali: - It is felt as a thickened ridge on the medial surface of the

calcaneus, about 2cm below the medial malleolus. (fig 3)

Head of the talus: - It can be felt about 3cm in front of lower end of tibia when the

foot is inverted. If the head of the talus is difficult to feel, draw a line between the tip of

the medial malleolus and the tuberosity of the navicular, bisect the line, the head lies

directly under your fingers. In flat foot, the head becomes prominent on the medial

side. (fig 3)

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Tuberosity of navicular: - It is the most marked bony prominence on the medial

side of the foot and lies about 2.5cm in front of the medial malleolus. (fig 3)

Tubercle on the base of 5th metacarpal: - It is easily felt on the lateral side of the

foot, about 2.5cm in front of the peroneal tubercle. It lays half way along the lateral

border of the foot. It lies halfway along the lateral border of the foot.

Prominence of heel: - It is formed by calcaneum. The tendocalcaneus (Achillis

tendon) is visible proximal to the heel.

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Methodology ……

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METHODOLOGY For the present study minimum of 100 apparently healthy individuals in and

around the S.D.M.C.A. & H. campus were selected for taking measurements.


Measuring tape

Vernier calipers

Foot scale

Inclusion criteria

Healthy individuals ranging from 25-35yrs are considered in this study.

Exclusion criteria

o Individuals with congenital deformities. o Individuals with deformities like fracture, Pathologies pertaining to bone and

other metabolic disorders. o Individuals who had undergone amputation of limb.

Assessment criteria

Angula Pramana

o Width of Madhyama Parva of Madhyama anguli or Width of proximal Inter-

phalangeal joint of middle finger.

o Width of the palm at the level of metacarpophalangeal joints (2nd -5th) and

dividing it by four.

o Length of the middle finger i.e. from tip of middle finger to metacarpo-

phalangeal joint of middle finger which is then divided by five.

Stature:- a) It is measured from heel to the vertex. Subject stands erect, heels together,

with head oriented in ear-eye plane (Frankfurt plane). Measurement is taken at

vertex with hair compressed.

b) It is measured from the tip of the toe to the tip of the middle finger, when the

person stands on his toes & arms are raised.

Arm span-

This is the horizontal distance between the two dactylia with the two hands fully

stretched laterally

Hand: -

a) Hand length: - Measured by using Vernier calipers, measurement is taken

between the stylion (A point in the distal margin of the styloid process of

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radius) to tip of the middle finger without nail. While taking measurement

palm position should be fully extended.

b) Hand breadth: - This measurement is taken between the heads of 2nd & 5th

metacarpals, using their most projecting point.

c) Palm length: - It is measured between stylion and 3rd metacarpo-phalangeal


d) Fingers: - From metacarpo-phalangeal joint to tip of each respective finger the

length is measured

Foot: -

a) Foot length: - It is the distance from pternion (The most backward projecting

point of the heel) to the extremity of longest toe (Acropodian). While taking

measurements subject should stand erect and sustaining the full weight on the

two feet.

b) Foot breadth: - It is the distance between the heads of the 2nd & 5th metatarsals,

while the subject is standing erect.

c) Foot height: -It is measured from spherion (Tip of medial malleolus) to the

floor, while the subject is standing erect.

d) Toe: - It is measured from metatarso-phalangeal joint to tip of respective toe.


The study was conducted on 100 volunteers in the age group of 25-35yrs. The

stature, stature with arms raised, arm span and the measurements related with length,

width, height of pada and their anguli were taken, these measurements were taken

from the left side of the body and then converted in to angula unit by above

mentioned three parameters which are collected from both right & left hand. The

measurements were taken in the morning. The measurements were taken in

centimeters for standardization as per metric system & then converted into Anguli

Pramana based on Swa-Anguli Pramana according to three direct and indirect

references mentioned in the classics. Pramana of one angula was obtained by

measuring the width of Madhyamaparva of middle finger, by measuring the width of

the palm and dividing it by four and measuring the length of the middle finger and

dividing it by five.

Then these measurements are compared with the stature and analyzed statistically.

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Observation & Results….  

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Pramana of Anguli measured from:

A) Width of proximal Inter-phalangeal joint of middle finger varies from 1.5- 2.1 cm with the mean 1.83 & SD 0.1392 cm.

B) Width of the palm at the level of metacarpophalangeal joints (2nd-5th) and dividing it by 4 varies from 1.7 - 2.3cm with the mean 1.9826 cm & SD 0.137 cm.

C) Length of middle finger and dividing it by 5 varies from 1.6- 2.1cm with the mean 1.84cm &SD.12 cm.


A) It varies from 76.8-101.1 angula with the mean 89.6& SD 4.8 angula.

B) It varies from 72-92.7 angula with the mean 83 & SD 4.04 angula.

C) It varies from 75.5-102 angula with the mean 89.4 & SD 4.7 angula.

Height with standing on toes and arm raised

A) It varies from 99.9-137.8 angula with the mean 118.3& SD 6.2 angula.

B) It varies from 98.1-134.5 angula with the mean 110.6 & SD 6.4 angula.

C) It varies from 105.6-139 angula with the mean 118.17 & SD 5.7 angula.

Arm span

A) It varies from 79.1-109.5 angula with the mean 92.6& SD 5.5 angula.

B) It varies from 72.8-107.2 angula with the mean 86.7 & SD 5.3 angula.

C) It varies from 80.5-106.8 angula with the mean 92.3 & SD 5 angula.

Hasta (length)

A) It varies from 8.8-12.7 angula with the mean 11.3& SD 0.8 angula.

B) It varies from 8.6-12.7 angula with the mean 10.31 & SD 0.92 angula.

C) It varies from 8.8-12.9 angula with the mean 10.9 & SD 0.8 angula.

Hasta (width)

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A) It varies from 3.2-4.9 angula with the mean 4.2& SD 0.2 angula.

B) It varies from 3.5-4.5 angula with the mean 3.9 & SD 0.12 angula.

C) It varies from 3.5-4.9 angula with the mean 4.2 & SD 0.2 angula.

Hasta Tala (length)

A) It varies from4.4-7.5 angula with the mean 6.24 & SD 0.5 angula.

B) It varies from 5.1-7.3 angula with the mean 5.8 & SD 0.4 angula.

C) It varies from 5.1-7.3 angula with the mean 6.2 & SD 0.4 angula.

Hasta - Angusta

A) It varies from 2.3-4.1 angula with the mean 3.1& SD 0.2 angula.

B) It varies from 2.4-6.1 angula with the mean 2.9 & SD 0.5 angula.

C) It varies from 2.5-4.5 angula with the mean 3.1 & SD 0.2 angula.

Hasta - Pradeshini

A) It varies from 3.6-5.1 angula with the mean 4.3& SD 0.3 angula.

B) It varies from 3.5-4.7 angula with the mean 4.07 & SD 0.2 angula.

C) It varies from 3.3-5.1 angula with the mean 4.3 & SD 0.2 angula.

Hasta - Madhyama

A) It varies from 4.2-5.7 angula with the mean 4.9& SD 0.2 angula.

B) It varies from 4-5.6 angula with the mean 4.6 & SD 0.2 angula.

C) It varies from 4.4-5.4 angula with the mean 4.9 & SD 0.1 angula.

Hasta - Anamika

A) It varies from 3.7-5.3 angula with the mean 4.5& SD 0.3 angula.

B) It varies from 3.1-4.8 angula with the mean 4.2 & SD 0.2 angula.

C) It varies from 3.7-5.1 angula with the mean 4.5 & SD 0.2 angula.

Hasta - Kanishtika

A) It varies from 3.1-4.3 angula with the mean 3.6& SD 0.28 angula.

B) It varies from 2.8-4 angula with the mean 3.3 & SD 0.2 angula.

C) It varies from 3-4.1 angula with the mean 3.6 & SD 0.23 angula.

Pada (length)

A) It varies from 11.5-15.5 angula with the mean 13.4& SD 0.7 angula.

B) It varies from 11.06-14 angula with the mean 12.5 & SD 0.7 angula.

C) It varies from 11.5-15.1 angula with the mean 13.4 & SD 0.7 angula.

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Pada (width)

A) It varies from 4-6.5 angula with the mean 5.08& SD 0.4 angula.

B) It varies from 3.7-5.7 angula with the mean 4.7 & SD 0.2 angula.

C) It varies from 3.8-6 angula with the mean 5.05 & SD 0.3 angula.

Pada (height)

A) It varies from 3-5.2 angula with the mean 4.1& SD 0.38 angula.

B) It varies from 3.1-4.6 angula with the mean 3.9 & SD 0.31 angula.

C) It varies from 2.9-5 angula with the mean 4.1 & SD 0.39 angula.

Pada - Angusta

A) It varies from 2.5-4.1 angula with the mean 3.1& SD 0.29 angula.

B) It varies from 2.4-3.9 angula with the mean 2.9 & SD 0.25 angula.

C) It varies from 2.6-3.8 angula with the mean 3.1 & SD 0.24 angula.

Pada - Pradeshini

A) It varies from 2.5-4.5 angula with the mean 3.1& SD 0.3 angula.

B) It varies from 2.4-3.9 angula with the mean 2.9 & SD 0.27 angula.

C) It varies from 2.3-4 angula with the mean 3.1 & SD 0.26 angula.

Pada - Madhyama

A) It varies from 2-3.4 angula with the mean 2.67& SD 0.27 angula.

B) It varies from 2-3.1 angula with the mean 2.48 & SD 0.22 angula.

C) It varies from 2-3.3 angula with the mean 2.65 & SD 0.25 angula.

Pada - Anamika

A) It varies from 1.3-3.1 angula with the mean 2.2& SD 0.3 angula.

B) It varies from 1.3-2.8 angula with the mean 2.1 & SD 0.2 angula.

C) It varies from 1.3-3 angula with the mean 2.2 & SD 0.2 angula.

Pada - Kanishtika

A) It varies from 0.6-2.9 angula with the mean 1.9& SD 0.37 angula.

B) It varies from 0.6-2.4 angula with the mean 1.78 & SD 0.31 angula.

C) It varies from 0.6-2.6 angula with the mean 1.91 & SD 0.34 angula.


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Pramana of Anguli measured from:

A) Width of proximal Inter-phalangeal joint of middle finger varies from 1.5- 2.2 cm with the mean 1.88 & SD 0.13 cm.

B) Width of the palm at the level of metacarpophalangeal joints (2nd-5th) and dividing it by 4 varies from 1.7 - 2.3cm with the mean 1.9826 cm & SD 0.13 cm.

C) Length of middle finger and dividing it by 5 varies from 1.84- 2.1cm with the mean 1.84cm &SD .13 cm.


A) It varies from 76.5-92.5 angula with the mean 84.9 & SD 3.2 angula.

B) It varies from 75.3-100.9 angula with the mean 85.6 & SD 4.8 angula.

C) It varies from 75.5-102 angula with the mean 89.5 & SD 4.8 angula.

Height with standing on toes and arm raised

A) It varies from 102.1-137.8 angula with the mean 116.9 & SD 6.2 angula.

B) It varies from 98.1-134.5 angula with the mean 111.8 & SD 6.3 angula.

C) It varies from 104.5-139.1 angula with the mean 118.2 & SD 5.8 angula.

Arm span

A) It varies from 80.7-103.6 angula with the mean 89.5 & SD 4.8 angula.

B) It varies from 74.6-107.2 angula with the mean 87.87 & SD 5.1 angula.

C) It varies from 79.6-108.8 angula with the mean 92.4 & SD 5.07 angula.

Hasta (length)

A) It varies from 8.8-12.2 angula with the mean 10.8& SD 0.8 angula.

B) It varies from 8.8-12.1 angula with the mean 10.4 & SD 0.8angula.

C) It varies from 8.8-12.9 angula with the mean 11.04 & SD 0.8 angula.

Hasta (width)

A) It varies from 3.5-4.7 angula with the mean 4.1& SD 0.2 angula.

B) It varies from 3.4-4.5 angula with the mean 3.9 & SD 0.1 angula.

C) It varies from 3.4-4.9 angula with the mean 4.2 & SD 0.2 angula.

Hasta Tala (length)

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A) It varies from 5.2-7angula with the mean 6.5 & SD 0.36 angula.

B) It varies from 5.2-6.8 angula with the mean 5.9 & SD 0.36 angula.

C) It varies from 5.1-7.3 angula with the mean 6.2 & SD 0.4 angula.

Hasta - Angusta

A) It varies from 2.5-4.1 angula with the mean 3.03& SD 0.28 angula.

B) It varies from 2.5-4.1 angula with the mean 2.9 & SD 0.26 angula.

C) It varies from 2.5-4.75 angula with the mean 3.1 & SD 0.2 angula.

Hasta - Pradeshini

A) It varies from 3.7-5 angula with the mean 4.2& SD 0.2 angula.

B) It varies from 3.6-4.7 angula with the mean 4.1 & SD 0.2 angula.

C) It varies from 3.6-5 angula with the mean 4.3 & SD 0.2 angula.

Hasta - Madhyama

A) It varies from 4.2-5.95 angula with the mean 4.9& SD 0.3 angula.

B) It varies from 4-5.6 angula with the mean 4.7 & SD 0.2 angula.

C) It varies from 4.4-5.25 angula with the mean 4.9 & SD 0.1 angula.

Hasta - Anamika

A) It varies from 3.9-5.3 angula with the mean 4.5& SD 0.3 angula.

B) It varies from 3.7-4.8 angula with the mean 4.2 & SD 0.2 angula.

C) It varies from 3.7-5 angula with the mean 4.5 & SD 0.2 angula.

Hasta - Kanishtika

A) It varies from 2.8-4.4 angula with the mean 3.5& SD 0.29 angula.

B) It varies from 2.8-4 angula with the mean 3.4 & SD 0.22 angula.

C) It varies from 3.1-4 angula with the mean 3.6 & SD 0.22 angula.

Pada (length)

A) It varies from 11.9-15.5 angula with the mean 13.4& SD 0.71 angula.

B) It varies from 11.3-14.5 angula with the mean 12.7 & SD 0.72 angula.

C) It varies from 11.3-15.1 angula with the mean 13.4 & SD 0.74 angula.

Pada (width)

A) It varies from 3.7-6 angula with the mean 5 & SD 0.36 angula.

B) It varies from 3.7-6 angula with the mean 4.8 & SD 0.3 angula.

C) It varies from 3.8-6 angula with the mean 5.07 & SD 0.37 angula.

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Pada (height)

A) It varies from 3-5.2 angula with the mean 4 & SD 0.37 angula.

B) It varies from 3.1-4.6 angula with the mean 3.9 & SD 0.32 angula.

C) It varies from 3.1-5 angula with the mean 4.1 & SD 0.36 angula.

Pada - Angusta

A) It varies from 2.5-3.9 angula with the mean 3 & SD 0.27 angula.

B) It varies from 2.4-3.7 angula with the mean 2.9 & SD 0.26 angula.

C) It varies from 2.6-3.9 angula with the mean 3.1 & SD 0.23 angula.

Pada - Pradeshini

A) It varies from 2.5-4.4 angula with the mean 3 & SD 0.31 angula.

B) It varies from 2.4-4 angula with the mean 2.9 & SD 0.26 angula.

C) It varies from 2.6-4 angula with the mean 3.1 & SD 0.24 angula.

Pada - Madhyama

A) It varies from 2-3.4 angula with the mean 2.58& SD 0.28 angula.

B) It varies from 2.05-3.2 angula with the mean 2.51 & SD 0.23 angula.

C) It varies from 2-3.1 angula with the mean 2.64 & SD 0.24 angula.

Pada - Anamika

A) It varies from 1.3-2.9 angula with the mean 2.21& SD 0.29 angula.

B) It varies from 1.4-2.8 angula with the mean 2.14 & SD 0.27 angula.

C) It varies from 1.3-3 angula with the mean 2.26 & SD 0.29 angula.

Pada - Kanishtika

A) It varies from 0.6-2.5 angula with the mean 1.86 & SD 0.35 angula.

B) It varies from 0.7-2.4 angula with the mean 1.81 & SD 0.3 angula.

C) It varies from 0.8-2.6 angula with the mean 1.92 & SD 0.33 angula.


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Right side A-A1

A- Measurement of height

A1- Length of hand

Col 1 = 85.207 + (0.402 * Col 2)

Y= 85.207 + (0.402 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 4.823

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 85.207 6.189 13.768 <0.001

Col 2 0.402 0.559 0.718 0.474

2D Graph 1

X Data

8 9 10 11 12 13










Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X- Length of the hand, Y- Stature

Rt side B-B1

Col 1 = 82.379 + (0.0624 * Col 2)

Y= 82.379 + (0.0624 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 4.062

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 82.379 2.734 30.127 <0.001

Col 2 0.0624 0.267 0.233 0.816

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2D Graph 2

X Data

8 9 10 11 12 13

Y Dat








Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X-hand length, Y-Stature

Rt side C-C1

Col 1 = 83.567 + (0.533 * Col 2)

Y= 83.567 + (0.533 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 4.757

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 83.567 5.991 13.949 <0.001

Col 2 0.533 0.544 0.980 0.329 2D Graph 3

X Data

8 9 10 11 12 13 14











Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

x- Hand length, Y- Stature

Left dide A-A1

Col 1 = 86.314 - (0.131 * Col 2)

Y= 86.314 - (0.131 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 3.216

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Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 86.314 4.073 21.194 <0.001

Col 2 -0.131 0.376 -0.347 0.729 2D Graph 4

X Data

8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5














Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X- Hand length, Y- Stature

Lt Side B –B1

Col 1 = 85.828 - (0.0165 * Col 2)

Y= 85.828 - (0.0165 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 4.861

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 85.828 5.783 14.842 <0.001

Col 2 -0.0165 0.552 -0.0299 0.976 2D Graph 5

X Data

8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5

Y Dat










Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

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X-Hand length, Y-Stature

Lt side C_ C1

Col 1 = 80.156 + (0.848 * Col 2)

Y= 80.156 + (0.848 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 4.812

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 80.156 6.398 12.528 <0.001

Col 2 0.848 0.578 1.467 0.146 2D Graph 6

X Data

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Y Dat










Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X-Hand length, Y-Stature

Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli)

Rt side A-A1

Col 1 = 123.333 - (0.454 * Col 2)

Y= 123.33 - (0.454 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 6.283

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 123.333 8.062 15.298 <0.001

Col 2 -0.454 0.729 -0.623 0.535

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2D Graph 7

X Data

8 9 10 11 12 13









Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X-Hand length, Y- Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli)

Rt Side B-B1

Col 1 = 120.868 - (0.988 * Col 2)

Y= 120.868 - (0.988 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 6.420

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 120.868 7.250 16.670 <0.001

Col 2 -0.988 0.700 -1.411 0.161 2D Graph 8

X Data

8 9 10 11 12 13

Y Dat








Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X-Hand length, Y- Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli)

Rt Side- C-C1

Col 1 = 121.306 - (0.285 * Col 2)

Y= 121.306- (0.285 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 5.731

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Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 121.306 7.218 16.807 <0.001

Col 2 -0.285 0.655 -0.435 0.664 2D Graph 9

X Data

8 9 10 11 12 13 14









Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X-Hand length, Y- Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli)

Lt Side- A-A1

Col 1 = 129.580 - (1.168 * Col 2)

Y= 129.580 - (1.168 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 6.225

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 129.580 7.883 16.437 <0.001

Col 2 -1.168 0.727 -1.607 0.111 2D Graph 10

X Data

8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5












Col 2 vs Col 1 X-Hand length, Y- Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli)

Lt Side- B-B1

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Col 1 = 123.228 - (1.091 * Col 2)

Y= 123.228 - (1.091 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 6.282

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 123.228 7.473 16.490 <0.001

Col 2 -1.091 0.714 -1.528 0.130 2D Graph 11

X Data

8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5









Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X-Hand length, Y- Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli)

Lt Side C-C1

Col 1 = 116.106 + (0.196 * Col 2)

Y= 116.106 - (0.196 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 5.918

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 116.106 7.868 14.757 <0.001

Col 2 0.196 0.710 0.276 0.783

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2D Graph 12

X Data

8 9 10 11 12 13 14









Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X-Hand length, Y- Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli)


Rt side A-A1

Col 1 = 78.863 + (0.799 * Col 2)

Y= 78.863 + (0.799 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 4.795

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 78.863 8.301 9.501 <0.001

Col 2 0.799 0.614 1.300 0.197

2D Graph 13

X Data

11 12 13 14 15 16

Y Dat









Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X- Foot length, Y- Stature

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Rt sidet B-B1

Col 1 = 77.930 + (0.404 * Col 2)

Y= 77.930 + (0.404 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 4.053

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 77.930 7.196 10.829 <0.001

Col 2 0.404 0.571 0.707 0.481 2D Graph 14

X Data

10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5









Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X- Foot length, Y- Stature

Rt side C-C1

Col 1 = 75.015 + (1.070 * Col 2)

Y= 75.015 + (1.070 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 4.719

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 75.015 9.015 8.321 <0.001

Col 2 1.070 0.669 1.600 0.113

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2D Graph 15

X Data

11 12 13 14 15 16











Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X- Foot length, Y- Stature

Lt side A-A1

Col 1 = 98.484 - (1.010 * Col 2)

Y= 98.484 - (1.010 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 3.135

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 98.484 5.946 16.563 <0.001

Col 2 -1.010 0.441 -2.287 0.024 2D Graph 16

X Data

11 12 13 14 15 16














Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

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X- Foot length, Y- Stature

Lt side B-B1

Col 1 = 90.231 - (0.359 * Col 2)

Y= 90.231 - (0.359 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 4.854

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 90.231 8.623 10.464 <0.001

Col 2 -0.359 0.675 -0.531 0.596 2D Graph 17

X Data

11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0











Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X- Foot length, Y- Stature

Lt side C-C1

Col 1 = 86.143 + (0.250 * Col 2)

Y= 86.143 + (0.250 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 4.861

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 86.143 8.825 9.761 <0.001

Col 2 0.250 0.653 0.383 0.703

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2D Graph 18

X Data

11 12 13 14 15 16











Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X- Foot length, Y- Stature

Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli) Rt Side A-A1

Col 1 = 93.044 + (1.874 * Col 2)

Y= 93.044 + (1.874 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 6.120

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 93.044 10.594 8.782 <0.001

Col 2 1.874 0.784 2.391 0.019 2D Graph 19

X Data

11 12 13 14 15 16









Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

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X- Foot length, Y- Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli)

Rt Side B-B1

Col 1 = 57.955 + (4.187 * Col 2)

Y= 57.955 + (4.184 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 5.742

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 57.955 10.165 5.701 <0.001

Col 2 4.187 0.806 5.195 <0.001

2D Graph 20

X Data

10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5









Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X- Foot length, Y- Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli)

Rt Side C-C1

Col 1 = 84.046 + (2.535 * Col 2)

Y= 84.046 + (2.535 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 5.444

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 84.046 10.402 8.080 <0.001

Col 2 2.535 0.772 3.285 0.001

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2D Graph 21

X Data

11 12 13 14 15 16









Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X- Foot length, Y- Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli)

Lt Side A-A1

Col 1 = 101.572 + (1.144 * Col 2)

Y= 101.572 + (1.144 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 6.253

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 101.572 11.859 8.565 <0.001

Col 2 1.144 0.880 1.299 0.197

2D Graph 22

X Data

11 12 13 14 15 16












Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X- Foot length, Y- Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli)

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Lt Side B-B1

Col 1 = 66.281 + (3.574 * Col 2)

Y= 66.281 + (3.574 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 5.802

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 66.281 10.308 6.430 <0.001

Col 2 3.574 0.807 4.428 <0.001 2D Graph 23

X Data

11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0









Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X- Foot length, Y- Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli)

Lt Side C-C1

Col 1 = 80.401 + (2.807 * Col 2)

Y= 80.401 + (2.807 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 5.531

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 80.401 10.041 8.007 <0.001

Col 2 2.807 0.743 3.777 <0.001

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2D Graph 24

X Data

11 12 13 14 15 16









Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X- Foot length, Y- Height with standing on toes with arms raised (Anguli)

Determination of stature by following SI Unit

Hand length

Col 1 = 120.582 + (2.207 * Col 2)

Y= 120.582 + (2.207 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 7.885

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 120.582 8.853 13.620 <0.001

Col 2 2.207 0.434 5.082 <0.001

2D Graph 25

X Data

16 18 20 22 24 26










Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr X- Hand length, Y- Standing Height

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Foot length

Col 1 = 77.814 + (3.508 * Col 2)

Y= 77.814 + (3.508 * X)

Standard Error of Estimate = 6.439

Coefficient Std. Error t P

Constant 77.814 9.377 8.298 <0.001

Col 2 3.508 0.375 9.362 <0.001

2D Graph 26

X Data

20 22 24 26 28 30










Col 2 vs Col 1 Plot 1 Regr

X- Foot length, Y- Standing Height




A) Height measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from76.8-101.1 angula

with the mean 89.6& SD 4.8 angula. This does not satisfy the measurement

mentioned in the classics.

B) Height measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of the

palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

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by 4, varies from 72-92.7 angula with the mean 83 & SD 4.04 angula. To a certain

extent only it satisfies the measurements mentioned in our classics.

C) Height measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of the

middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 75.5-102 angula with the

mean 89.4 & SD 4.7 angula. This does not satisfy the measurement mentioned in

the classics.


A) Height with standing on toes and arms raised measured by using the angula

pramana measured by taking the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the

middle finger varies from 99.9-137.8 angula with the mean 118.3& SD 6.2 angula.

This is comparable to the measure mentioned in the ancient classics.

B) Height with standing on toes and arms raised measured by using the angula

pramana measured by taking the width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th

metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value by 4, varies from 98.1-

134.5 angula with the mean 110.6 & SD 6.4 angula. This does not satisfy the

measurement mentioned in the classics.

C) Height with standing on toes and arms raised measured by using the angula

pramana measured by taking the length of the middle finger and dividing the value

by 5, varies from 105.6-139 angula with the mean 118.17 & SD 5.7 angula. To a

certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature. But

the stature measured when standing on toes and arms raised with angula pramana

measured by taking the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle

finger is more accurate.


A) Hand length measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width

of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 8.8-12.7

angula with the mean 11.3& SD 0.8 angula. This is comparable to the measure

mentioned in the ancient classics.

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B) Hand length measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width

of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the

value by 4, varies from 8.6-12.7 angula with the mean 10.31 & SD 0.92 angula. To

a certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Hand length measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length

of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 8.8-12.9 angula with

the mean 10.9 & SD 0.8 angula. This is also comparable to the measure mentioned

in the ancient classics. But the hand length measured with angula pramana

measured by taking the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle

finger is more accurate.


A) Hand width measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 3.2-4.9 angula

with the mean 4.2& SD 0.2 angula. To a certain extent only it satisfies the

measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Hand width measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4, varies from 3.5-4.5 angula with the mean 3.9 & SD 0.12 angula. To a certain

extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Hand width measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 3.5-4.9 angula with the

mean 4.2 & SD 0.2 angula. To a certain extent only it satisfies the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.


A) Hasta tala (length) measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from4.4-7.5

angula with the mean 6.24 & SD 0.5 angula. To a certain extent only it satisfies the

measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

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B) Hasta tala (length) measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing

the value by 4, varies from 5.1-7.3 angula with the mean 5.8 & SD 0.4 angula. To a

certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Hasta tala (length) measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 5.1-7.3 angula

with the mean 6.2 & SD 0.4 angula. To a certain extent only it satisfies the

measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.


A) Angusta measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 2.3-4.1 angula

with the mean 3.1& SD 0.2 angula. To a certain extent it satisfies the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Angusta measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4, varies from 2.4-6.1 angula with the mean 2.9 & SD 0.5 angula. This is not

comparable with the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Angusta measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 2.5-4.5 angula with the

mean 3.1 & SD 0.2 angula. To a certain extent it satisfies the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.


A) Pradeshini measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 3.6-5.1 angula

with the mean 4.3& SD 0.3 angula. To a certain extent it satisfies the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Pradeshini measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4, varies from 3.5-4.7 angula with the mean 4.07 & SD 0.2 angula. To a certain

extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature. But the

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pradeshini measured with angula pramana measured by taking the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger is more accurate.

C) Pradeshini measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 3.3-5.1 angula with the

mean 4.3 & SD 0.2 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in the

ancient classics.


A) Madhyama anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 4.2-5.7

angula with the mean 4.9& SD 0.2 angula. This is comparable to the measure

mentioned in the ancient classics.

B) Madhyama anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing

the value by 4, varies from 4-5.6 angula with the mean 4.6 & SD 0.2 angula. To a

certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature. But the

Madhyama anguli measured with angula pramana measured by taking the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger is more accurate.

C) Madhyama anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 4.4-5.4 angula

with the mean 4.9 & SD 0.1 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in

the ancient classics.


A) Anamika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width

of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 3.7-5.3 angula

with the mean 4.5& SD 0.3 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in

the ancient classics.

B) Anamika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width

of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the

value by 4, varies from 3.1-4.8 angula with the mean 4.2 & SD 0.2 angula. To a

certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature. But

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the Anamika anguli measured with angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger is more accurate.

C) Anamika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 3.7-5.1 angula

with the mean 4.5 & SD 0.2 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in

the ancient classics.


A) Kanishtika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 3.1-4.3

angula with the mean 3.6& SD 0.28 angula. This is comparable to the measure

mentioned in the ancient classics.

B) Kanishtika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing

the value by 4, varies from 2.8-4 angula with the mean 3.3 & SD 0.2 angula. To a

certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature. But

the Kanishtika anguli measured with angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger is more accurate.

D) Kanishtika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 3-4.1 angula with

the mean 3.6 & SD 0.23 angula. To a certain extent it satisfies the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature. But the Kanishtika anguli measured with angula

pramana measured by taking the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the

middle finger is more accurate.

PADA (length)

A) Pada length measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 11.5-15.5 angula

with the mean 13.4& SD 0.7 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in

the ancient classics.

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A) Pada length measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4, varies from 11.06-14 angula with the mean 12.5 & SD 0.7 angula. This is not

comparable with the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Pada length measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 11.5-15.1 angula with the

mean 13.4 & SD 0.7 angula. This is also comparable to the measure mentioned in the

ancient classics.

PADA (width)

A) Pada width measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 4-6.5 angula with

the mean 5.08& SD 0.4 angula. To a certain extent it satisfies the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Pada width measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4, varies from 3.7-5.7 angula with the mean 4.7 & SD 0.2 angula. This is not

comparable with the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Pada width measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 3.8-6 angula with the mean

5.05 & SD 0.3 angula. To a certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in

the ancient literature.

PADA (height)

A) Pada height measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies 3-5.2 angula with the

mean 4 & SD 0.37 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in the

ancient classics.

B) Pada height measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4, varies from 3.1-4.6 angula with the mean 3.9 & SD 0.32 angula. To a certain

extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

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C) Pada height measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies 3.1-5 angula with the mean 4.1

& SD 0.36 angula. To a certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the

ancient literature.


A) Angusta measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 2.5-3.9 angula with

the mean 3 & SD 0.27 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Angusta measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of the

palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value by

4, varies from 2.4-3.7 angula with the mean 2.9 & SD 0.26 angula. This is not

comparable with the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Angusta measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of the

middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 2.6-3.9 angula with the mean

3.1 & SD 0.23 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements mentioned in

the ancient literature.


A) Pradeshini measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 2.5-4.4 angula

with the mean 3 & SD 0.31 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Pradeshini measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4, varies from 2.4-4 angula with the mean 2.9 & SD 0.26 angula. This is not

comparable with the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Pradeshini measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 2.6-4 angula with the mean

3.1 & SD 0.24 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements mentioned in

the ancient literature.

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A) Madhyama anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 2-3.4

angula with the mean 2.58 & SD 0.28 angula. This is not comparable with the

measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Madhyama anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing

the value by 4, varies from 2.05-3.2 angula with the mean 2.51 & SD 0.23 angula.

This is not comparable with the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Madhyama anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 2-3.1 angula with

the mean 2.64 & SD 0.24 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.


A) Anamika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width

of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 1.3-2.9 angula

with the mean 2.21& SD 0.29 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Anamika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width

of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the

value by 4, varies from 1.4-2.8 angula with the mean 2.14 & SD 0.27 angula. To a

certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Anamika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length

of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 1.3-3 angula with the

mean 2.26 & SD 0.29 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.


A) Kanishtika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies 0.6-2.9 angula

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with the mean 1.9& SD 0.37 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Kanishtika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing

the value by 4, varies from 0.6-2.4 angula with the mean 1.78 & SD 0.31 angula.

This is not comparable with the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Kanishtika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 0.6-2.6 angula

with the mean 1.91 & SD 0.34 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.



A) Height measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies 76.5-92.5 angula with the

mean 84.9 & SD 3.2 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in the

ancient classics.

B) Height measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of the

palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value by

4, varies from 75.3-100.9 angula with the mean 85.6 & SD 4.8 angula. To a certain

extent only it satisfies the measurements mentioned in our classics. But the stature

measured when standing on toes and arms raised with angula pramana measured by

taking the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger is more


C) Height measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of the

middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 75.5-102 angula with the mean

89.5 & SD 4.8 angula. This does not satisfy the measurement mentioned in the



A) Height with standing on toes and arms raised measured by using the angula pramana

measured by taking the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle

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A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada  Page 65  

finger varies from 102.1-137.8 angula with the mean 116.9 & SD 6.2 angula. To a

certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Height with standing on toes and arms raised measured by using the angula pramana

measured by taking the width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal

joints and then dividing the value by 4, varies from 98.1-134.5 angula with the mean

111.8 & SD 6.3 angula. This does not satisfy the measurement mentioned in the


C) Height with standing on toes and arms raised measured by using the angula pramana

measured by taking the length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies

from 104.5-139.1 angula with the mean 118.2 & SD 5.8 angula. To a certain extent it

satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.


A) Hand length measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width

of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 8.8-12.2 angula

with the mean 10.8& SD 0.8 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in

the ancient classics.

B) Hand length measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width

of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the

value by 4, varies from 8.8-12.1 angula with the mean 10.4 & SD 0.8angula. This is

comparable to the measure mentioned in the ancient classics.

C) Hand length measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 8.8-12.9 angula with the

mean 11.04 & SD 0.8 angula. To a certain extent only it satisfies the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.


A) Hand width measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 3.5-4.7 angula

with the mean 4.1& SD 0.2 angula. To a certain extent only it satisfies the

measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

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B) Hand width measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4, varies from 3.4-4.5 angula with the mean 3.9 & SD 0.1 angula. To a certain

extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature. But the width

of hasta measured with angula pramana measured by taking the width of the proximal

interphalangeal joint of the middle finger is more accurate.

C) Hand width measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 3.4-4.9 angula with the

mean 4.2 & SD 0.2 angula. To a certain extent only it satisfies the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.


A) Hasta tala (length) measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 5.2-

7angula with the mean 6.5 & SD 0.36 angula. To a certain extent only it satisfies the

measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Hasta tala (length) measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing

the value by 4, varies from 5.2-6.8 angula with the mean 5.9 & SD 0.36 angula. This

is comparable to the measure mentioned in the ancient classics.

C) Hasta tala (length) measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 5.1-7.3 angula

with the mean 6.2 & SD 0.4 angula. To a certain extent only it satisfies the

measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.


A) Angusta measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 2.5-4.1 angula

with the mean 3.03& SD 0.28 angula. To a certain extent it satisfies the

measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Angusta measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

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by 4, varies from 2.5-4.1 angula with the mean 2.9 & SD 0.26 angula. To a certain

extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Angusta measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of the

middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 2.5-4.75 angula with the mean

3.1 & SD 0.2 angula. To a certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in

the ancient literature.


A) Pradeshini measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 3.7-5 angula with

the mean 4.2& SD 0.2 angula. To a certain extent it satisfies the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Pradeshini measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4, varies from 3.6-4.7 angula with the mean 4.1 & SD 0.2 angula. This does not

satisfy the measurement mentioned in the classics.

C) Pradeshini measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 3.6-5 angula with the mean

4.3 & SD 0.2 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in the ancient



A) Madhyama anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 4.2-5.95

angula with the mean 4.9& SD 0.3 angula. This is comparable to the measure

mentioned in the ancient classics.

B) Madhyama anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing

the value by 4, varies from 4-5.6 angula with the mean 4.7 & SD 0.2 angula. To a

certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature. But

the Madhyama anguli measured with angula pramana measured by taking the width

of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger is more accurate.

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A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada  Page 68  

C) Madhyama anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 4.4-5.25 angula

with the mean 4.9 & SD 0.1 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in

the ancient classics.


A) Anamika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width

of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 3.9-5.3 angula

with the mean 4.5& SD 0.3 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in

the ancient classics.

B) Anamika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width

of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the

value by 4, varies from 3.7-4.8 angula with the mean 4.2 & SD 0.2 angula. To a

certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature. But

the Anamika anguli measured with angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger is more accurate.

C) Anamika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 3.7-5 angula with

the mean 4.5 & SD 0.2 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in the

ancient classics.


A) Kanishtika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 2.8-4.4

angula with the mean 3.5& SD 0.29 angula. This is comparable to the measure

mentioned in the ancient classics.

B) Kanishtika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing

the value by 4, varies from 2.8-4 angula with the mean 3.4 & SD 0.22 angula. To a

certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature. But

the Kanishtika anguli measured with angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger is more accurate.

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C) Kanishtika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 3.1-4 angula with

the mean 3.6 & SD 0.22 angula. To a certain extent it satisfies the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature. But the Kanishtika anguli measured with angula

pramana measured by taking the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the

middle finger is more accurate.

PADA (length)

A) Pada length measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 11.9-15.5 angula

with the mean 13.4& SD 0.71 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned

in the ancient classics.

B) Pada length measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4, varies from 11.3-14.5 angula with the mean 12.7 & SD 0.72 angula. This is not

comparable with the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Pada length measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 11.3-15.1 angula with the

mean 13.4 & SD 0.74angula. This is also comparable to the measure mentioned in the

ancient classics.

PADA (width)

A) Pada width measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 3.7-6 angula with

the mean 5 & SD 0.36 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in the

ancient classics.

B) Pada width measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4, varies from 3.7-6 angula with the mean 4.8 & SD 0.3 angula. To a certain extent

it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

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C) Pada width measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 3.8-6 angula with the mean

5.07 & SD 0.37 angula. To a certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in

the ancient literature. . But the padatala (width) measured with angula pramana

measured by taking the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle

finger is more accurate.

PADA (height)

A) Pada height measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies 3-5.2 angula with the

mean 4 & SD 0.37 angula. This is comparable to the measure mentioned in the

ancient classics.

B) Pada height measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4, varies from 3.1-4.6 angula with the mean 3.9 & SD 0.32 angula. To a certain

extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Pada height measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies 3.1-5 angula with the mean 4.1

& SD 0.36 angula. To a certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the

ancient literature.


A) Angusta measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 2.5-3.9 angula with

the mean 3 & SD 0.27 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Angusta measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of the

palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value by

4, varies from 2.4-3.7 angula with the mean 2.9 & SD 0.26 angula. This is not

comparable with the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Angusta measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of the

middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 2.6-3.9 angula with the mean

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3.1 & SD 0.23 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements mentioned in

the ancient literature.


A) Pradeshini measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 2.5-4.4 angula

with the mean 3 & SD 0.31 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Pradeshini measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width of

the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4, varies from 2.4-4 angula with the mean 2.9 & SD 0.26 angula. This is not

comparable with the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Pradeshini measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length of

the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 2.6-4 angula with the mean

3.1 & SD 0.24 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements mentioned in

the ancient literature.


A) Madhyama anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 2-3.4

angula with the mean 2.58& SD 0.28 angula. This is not comparable with the

measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Madhyama anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing

the value by 4, varies from 2.05-3.2 angula with the mean 2.51 & SD 0.23 angula.

This is not comparable with the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Madhyama anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 2-3.1 angula with

the mean 2.64 & SD 0.24 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.


A) Anamika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width

of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies from 1.3-2.9 angula

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with the mean 2.21& SD 0.29 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Anamika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the width

of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the

value by 4, varies from 1.4-2.8 angula with the mean 2.14 & SD 0.27 angula. To a

certain extent it satisfies the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Anamika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the length

of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 1.3-3 angula with the

mean 2.26 & SD 0.29 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.


A) Kanishtika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger varies 0.6-2.5 angula

with the mean 1.86 & SD 0.35 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.

B) Kanishtika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing

the value by 4, varies from 0.7-2.4 angula with the mean 1.81 & SD 0.3 angula. This

is not comparable with the measurements mentioned in the ancient literature.

C) Kanishtika anguli measured by using the angula pramana measured by taking the

length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5, varies from 0.8-2.6 angula

with the mean 1.92 & SD 0.33 angula. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature.


1) Comparison of hand length with stature- The hand length ranges from 16.9-25.4cm

with mean 20.3cm and SD - 1.8cm. Comparison of hand length ranges from 13.82-18.01

cm, mean 16.34cm and SD -0.8cm. The stature ranges from 147.4-189 cm with mean

165.39cm and SD – 8.1cm. Comparison of stature ranges from 145.45-177.50 cm, mean

156.02cm and SD -6.13cm.

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2) Comparison of foot length with stature- The foot length ranges from 21.4-29.2 cm

with mean 24.9 cm and SD - 1.7 cm. Comparison of foot length ranges from 21.2-27.4

cm, mean 24.44 cm and SD - 0.99 cm. The stature ranges from 147.4-189 cm with mean

165.39cm and SD – 8.1cm. Comparison of stature ranges from 155.7-183.5 cm, mean

170.9cm and SD – 5.13 cm.


In relation to estimation of stature on the basis of angula pramana

On an average the stature is 8.12 times the length of the hand when stature is

measured from the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the right middle finger

and it is 7.8 times the length of the hand when stature is measured from the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint of the left middle finger. On an average the stature is 6.27

times the foot length when stature is measured from the width of the proximal

interphalangeal joint of the right middle finger and it is 6.31 times the foot length when

stature is measured from the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the left middle


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Ayurveda followed swa-angula pramana as the unit of measurement for

measuring different parts of body which is the prime step in assessing patient before


Charaka & Vagbhta stated 84 angulas as the height of an individual. Chakrapani

while commenting on it has given the criterion to measure the stature as “it should be

taken from padatala to shirahparyanta”. Vagbhata has given the idea regarding

assessment of stature from hasta of individual and mentioned height of the person is

equal to 3½ hasta. Sushruta has stated the stature of an individual should be of 120

angula. Dalhana while commenting on this has stated that while measuring the height the

individual should be standing on the toes and he should raise his arms above the head.

Assessing the individual height of all body parts & adding them to ascertain the

whole body measurement is not feasible as it exceeds 84Angula. Because in the usual

built up the height of each individual parts of body at times submerges into the height of

another part.

Ayama, parinaha, vistara and utsedha are the four dimensions of pramana which

followed in the context of pramana shareera. Ayama is used for length (ayamo

dairghyam), Parinaha is used for circumference (parinaha parivartulata), Vistara is used

for width (vistara vyasah), Utsedha is used for prominence, elevation, height (Utsedha



The swa-angula pramana concept is explained in the context of pramana shareera.

This concept of measuring the individual with individual specific unit seems to be more

scientific & applicable rather than measuring one’s body with some other standards.

Ayurveda in its principles has given importance to individualistic approach rather than a

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generalized. Application of this principle can be clearly seen like even though two

patients suffering from same disease, the treatment modality may change depending upon

the results of Dashavidha pareeksha. Application of this swa angula concept can be seen

in different contexts like in preparing the different shastras, yantras related to shalya,

shalakya and pancha karma, and probably these are prepared by assessing the swa-angula

pramana of rogi who is under treatment.

Specificity is the characteristic property of swa-angula pramana. This can be

applicable in present era. If a person loses both his legs then rather than using the present

anthropometric knowledge to make average based artificial limbs we can utilize the swa-

angula based pramana shareera concept and prepare proportionate artificial limbs. Swa-

angula concept can also be utilized in the field of sports and designing industries etc.


Ayama and Vistara of Hasta is 12 and 4 angula respectively as mentioned by

Caraka and Vagbhata but in patabheda of Caraka Samhita it is mentioned that ayama is of

10 angulas. Whereas Sushruta explained the ayama of hasta as 24 angulas but this is the

distance between kurpara sandhi to the tip of the finger whereas according to caraka

samhita it is the distance between manibhanda sandhi to tip of finger which is again

supported by shabda kalpadruma. Dalhana explaines manibhanda as the panimula; this

indicates towards the proximal transverse crease of the wrist which corresponds roughly

to the radio-carpal (wrist) joint. The parameter which has been selected for measuring the

length of hand is from stylion (A point in the distal margin of the styloid process of

radius) to tip of the middle finger. The stylion corresponds to proximal crease of wrist

joint. So, the anthropometric parameter to measure the length of hand, selected for the

study matches with that of Caraka, Vagbhata & Shabda kalpadrumas opinion. Although

Sushruta has quoted the hand length to be 24 angulas, as it is the distance between

kurpara sandhi to tip of finger it is not considered here.

Regarding the width of the hand and length of individual finger Sushruta &

Vagbhata have the same opinion. Sushruta & Vagbhata have opinion like middle finger is

5 angula, ring & index fingers have 4 ½ angula and thumb & little finger have 3 ½

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angula in length and width of hand is 4 angula. No landmarks have been mentioned,

neither by the authors nor the commentators so the modern anthropometric procedure and

technique were used.


Ayama Vistara and Utseda of Pada is 14, 6 and 4 angula respectively as

mentioned by Caraka, Sushruta and Vagbhata. No landmarks have been mentioned,

neither by the authors nor the commentators so the modern anthropometric procedure and

technique were used.

Regarding the length of individual finger Sushruta & Vagbhata have the same

opinion. Length of great toe and 2nd toe is 2 angula, that of 3rd, 4th & 5th fingers are 9/5,

8/5, 7/5 angula respectively. No landmarks have been mentioned, neither by the authors

nor the commentators so the modern anthropometric procedure and technique were used.


There is a definite relationship between ayu & pramana; pramana pareeksha is

considered one among the Dashavidha pareeksha and the ultimate goal of this tenfold of

examination is to get an idea regarding the ayu. Observatory study of Ayu, Pramana &

their relation is beyond the scope of this work as it is time bound.


Anthropometry is a systemized body of teqniques for measuring and taking the

observations on man, his skeleton, the limb and trunk etc. by most reliable means and

scientific methods. It concentrates on the observations and measurement of the physical

variations both within and between human populations seeking to understand the origins

and mechanisms of survival of the variations.

In view of the fact that no two individuals are ever alike in all their measurable

characters and that the later tend to undergo change in varying degrees, hence person

living under different conditions and members of different ethnic groups frequently

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present interesting differences in body form and proportions. The anthropometry forms a

means of giving quantitative expression to the variations exhibited by such traits.


The study was conducted on 100 healthy volunteers in the age group of 25-35

years. As according to Sushruta the man attains vitality and maturity at the age of 25 yrs

and female at the age of 16 yrs and that of Vagbhatas opinion stating by the end of 2nd

decade the individual attain full growth. In modern anthropometry also the sample is

selected between 25-50 yrs of age. This verifies the viability of Sushruta & Vagbhata’s

opinion. As the age progresses there is a slight decrease in the stature, this is generally

regarded to be approximately 6 mm per decade after the age of 30 yrs which is resulted

from decrease in the elasticity & water content of intervertebral disc and decrease in

muscle tone.

There is tendency of the stature to reduce during the period of getting up to going

to bed. This variation is due to diurnal variation in the water content of the disc.

Generally the reduction is 1.5-2 cm. But it may be up to 10 cm also if heavy loads are

carried, usually seen in laborers. The height usually diminishes in the day time and

increases in the morning after rest at night. So, all the measurements were taken in the


All the measurements are taken on the left side so as to avoid any occupational




For the three parameters used for measuring the angula pramana, the angula

pramana ranges from 1.5-2.3 cms with SD 0.12- 0.13.

Height by all the three parameters ranges from 72-102angulas with SD between

4.04-4.8 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the width of

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the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value by

4 was found to be more accurate of the three.

Height with standing on toes with arms raised from all the three parameters

ranges from 98.1-139 angulas with SD between 5.7-6.4 angulas. Measurement taken with

angula pramana measured from the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint was found

to be more accurate of the three.

Arm span by all the three parameters ranges from 72.8-109.5 angulas with SD

between 5-5.5 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the

width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the

value by 4 was found to be more accurate of the three.


Hand length by all the three parameters ranges from 8.6-12.9 angulas with SD

between 0.8-0.9 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Hand width by all the three parameters ranges from 3.2-4.9 angulas with SD 0.12-

0.2 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Length of hasta tala by all the three parameters ranges from 4.4-7.5 angulas with

SD 0.4-0.5 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the width

of the proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Ayama of Angusta by all the three parameters ranges from 2.3-6.1 angulas with

SD 0.2-0.5 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the width

of the proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Ayama of Pradeshini anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 3.3-5.1

angulas with SD 0.2-0.3 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured

from the length of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5 was found to be more

accurate of the three.

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Ayama of Madhyama anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 4-5.7

angulas with SD 0.1-0.2 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured

from the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the


Ayama of Anamika anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 3.1-5.3 angulas

with SD 0.2-0.3 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Ayama of Kanishtika anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 2.8-4.3

angulas with SD 0.2-0.28 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured

from the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the



Foot length by all the three parameters ranges from 11.06-15.5 angulas with SD

0.7 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Foot width by all the three parameters ranges from 3.7-6.5 angulas with SD 0.2-

0.4 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Foot height by all the three parameters ranges from 3-5.2 angulas with SD 0.32-

0.37 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Ayama of Angusta by all the three parameters ranges from 2.4-3.9 angulas with

SD 0.23-0.27 angulas. This is not comparable with the measurements mentioned in the

ancient literature. This difference may be due to difference in considering the

anthropometric points.

Ayama of Pradeshini anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 2.4-4.4

angulas with SD 0.24-0.31 angulas. This is not comparable with the measurements

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mentioned in the ancient literature the difference may be due to difference in considering

the anthropometric points.

Ayama of Madhyama anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 2-3.4

angulas with SD 0.23-0.28 angulas. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature. This difference may be due to difference in

considering the anthropometric points.

Ayama of Anamika anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 1.3-3 angulas

with SD 0.27-0.29 angulas. This is not comparable with the measurements mentioned in

the ancient literature the difference may be due to difference in considering the

anthropometric points.

Ayama of Kanishtika anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 0.6-2.9

angulas with SD 0.31-0.37 angulas. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature the difference may be due to difference in considering

the anthropometric points.


For the three parameters used for measuring the angula pramana, the angula

pramana ranges from 1.5-2.3 cms with SD 0.13.

Height by all the three parameters ranges from 75.3-102angulas with SD 3.2-4.8

angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Height with standing on toes with arms raised from all the three parameters

ranges from 98.1-139.1 angulas with SD 5.8-6.3 angulas. Measurement taken with angula

pramana measured from the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be

more accurate of the three.

Arm span by all the three parameters ranges from 74.6-108.8 angulas with SD

between 4.8-5.1 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the

width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the

value by 4 was found to be more accurate of the three.

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Hand length by all the three parameters ranges from 8.8-12.9 angulas with SD 0.8

angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Hand width by all the three parameters ranges from 3.4-4.9 angulas with SD 0.1-

0.2 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Length of hasta tala by all the three parameters ranges from 5.1-7.3 angulas with

SD 0.36-0.4 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the width

of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints and then dividing the value

by 4 was found to be more accurate of the three.

Ayama of Angusta by all the three parameters ranges from 2.5-4.75 angulas with

SD 0.2-0.28 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the length

of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5 was found to be more accurate of the


Ayama of Pradeshini anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 3.6-5 angulas

with SD 0.2 angula. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the length

of the middle finger and dividing the value by 5 was found to be more accurate of the


Ayama of Madhyama anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 4-5.6

angulas with SD 0.1-0.3 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured

from the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the


Ayama of Anamika anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 3.1-5.3 angulas

with SD 0.2-0.3 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

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Ayama of Kanishtika anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 2.8-4.4

angulas with SD 0.22-0.29 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured

from the width of the proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the



Foot length by all the three parameters ranges from 11.3-15.5 angulas with SD

between 0.71-0.74 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the

width of the proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Foot width by all the three parameters ranges from 3.7-6 angulas with SD 0.3-

0.37 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Foot height by all the three parameters ranges from 3-5.2 angulas with SD 0.32-

0.37 angulas. Measurement taken with angula pramana measured from the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joint was found to be more accurate of the three.

Ayama of Angusta by all the three parameters ranges from 2.4-3.9 angulas with

SD 0.23-0.27 angulas. This is not comparable with the measurements mentioned in the

ancient literature. This difference may be due to difference in considering the

anthropometric points.

Ayama of Pradeshini anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 2.4-4.4

angulas with SD 0.24-0.31 angulas. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature the difference may be due to difference in considering

the anthropometric points.

Ayama of Madhyama anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 2-3.4

angulas with SD 0.23-0.28 angulas. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature. This difference may be due to difference in

considering the anthropometric points.

Ayama of Anamika anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 1.3-3 angulas

with SD 0.27-0.29 angulas. This is not comparable with the measurements mentioned in

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the ancient literature the difference may be due to difference in considering the

anthropometric points.

Ayama of Kanishtika anguli by all the three parameters ranges from 0.6-2.6

angulas with SD 0.3-0.35 angulas. This is not comparable with the measurements

mentioned in the ancient literature the difference may be due to difference in considering

the anthropometric points.


1) Height measured with angula pramana measured from the width of the proximal

interphalangeal joints of both the hands satisfies the measurement mentioned in the

ancient literature.

2) Height with standing on toes with arms raised measured with angula pramana

measured from the width of the proximal interphalangeal joints of both the hands satisfies

the measurement mentioned in the ancient literature.

3) Hand length measured with angula pramana measured from the width of the proximal

interphalangeal joints of both the hands satisfies the measurement mentioned in the

ancient literature.

4) Hand width measured with angula pramana measured from the width of the proximal

interphalangeal joints of both the hands satisfies the measurement mentioned in the

ancient literature.

5) Length of hasta tala with angula pramana measured from the width of the proximal

interphalangeal joints of right hand and width of the palm at the level of 2nd-5th

metacarpophalangeal joints and dividing the value by 4 in the left hand satisfies the

measurement mentioned in the ancient literature.

6) Angusta (hasta) angula pramana measured from the width of the proximal

interphalangeal joints of right hand & length of the middle finger and dividing the value

by 5 satisfies the measurement mentioned in the ancient literature.

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7) Pradeshini (hasta) measured with angula pramana measured from the length of the

middle finger and dividing the value by 5 of both the hands satisfies the measurement

mentioned in the ancient literature.

8) Madhyama (hasta) measured with angula pramana measured from the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joints of both the hands satisfies the measurement mentioned in

the ancient literature.

9) Anamika (hasta) measured with angula pramana measured from the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joints of both the hands satisfies the measurement mentioned in

the ancient literature.

10) Kanishtika (hasta) measured with angula pramana measured from the width of the

proximal interphalangeal joints of both the hands satisfies the measurement mentioned in

the ancient literature.

11) Foot length measured with angula pramana measured from the width of the proximal

interphalangeal joints of both the hands satisfies the measurement mentioned in the

ancient literature.

12) Foot width measured with angula pramana measured from the width of the proximal

interphalangeal joints of both the hands satisfies the measurement mentioned in the

ancient literature.

13) Foot height measured with angula pramana measured from the width of the proximal

interphalangeal joints of both the hands satisfies the measurement mentioned in the

ancient literature.

14) The length of toe doesn’t correspond with that of the ancient literature this may be

because of difference in fixing the anthropometric points for the measurement. In the

present study anthropometric points available in the modern text is followed as no

Ayurvedic texts specified this point. But it is observed in the study that madyamanguli is

0.42 angula less than pradeshini, Anamika is 0.37 angula less than madyama and

Kanishtika is 0.35 angula less than Anamika which satisfies ancient literature.

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The methods mentioned for determining stature of an individual according to modern

science have been satisfied in the study:

1) The height was found to be approximately equal to 8.12 times the hand length.

2) The height was found to be approximately equal to 6.27 times the length of the foot.

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The present study includes 100 healthy volunteers between the age group of 25-

35 years. The maximum numbers of the volunteers are being in between the age group of

25-30 years.

There is a positive relation between the stature and the length of hand and foot,

the stature is 8.12 times of the hand length and is 6.27 times of foot length. The hand &

foot can be used to determine the stature by using the equations in the observation.

The angula pramana is calculated by following three procedures. For the right

hand the angula pramana by using first method ranges between 1.5-2.1cms with a

standard deviation of 0.13 cms. For the second method it ranges from 1.7- 2.3 cms with a

standard deviation of 0.13 cms. Then for the third method it ranges from 1.6- 2.1 cm with

a standard deviation of 0.12 cms. For the left hand by first method it ranges from 1.5-2.2

cms with a standard deviation of 0.13 cms. By second method it ranges from 1.7- 2.3 cms

with a standard deviation of 0.13 cms. By third one it ranges from 1.84-2.1 cms with a

standard deviation of 0.13 cms. Difference was noticed between three procedures but not

much difference between corresponding procedures in right & left hand hands.

The measurements taken with the help of angula pramana measured by measuring

the width of the proximal inter-phalangeal joint (madhyama parva of the madhyama

anguli), is found to be more accurate than the two other parameters used for measuring

the angula pramana.

The measurements of toe are not found to be exactly matching with the classical

references like angushta was 3 angula in length, this is probably because of the

evolutionary changes in human anatomy or probably the landmarks used in the present

study are not matching with those used by our Acharyas. In the present study though,

where 100 healthy volunteer were involved, the result to a greater extent proves the

viability of the concept of swa-angula pramana shareera as the mean stature ranges

between 83-89.6 angulas which is matching with classics. Further studies with a larger

sample size may give a better picture.

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The study entitled “A comprehensive study on pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada” comprises of 8 chapters namely Introduction, Objectives, Review of literature, Methodology, Observations & Result, Discussion, Conclusion & Summary.

Chapter-1: Introduction

It gives compact idea of the subject of discussion namely pramana shareera. The

relevance of this topic especially based on their anatomical importance also highlighted.

Chapter-2: Objectives

It gives an idea about Aims & Objectives of the study.

Chapter-3: Review of literature

Review of literature is sub divided into Historical review, Ayurvedic review, and

Modern review. 

Historical review – It consists of references pertaining to Pramana in various

ancient literatures of Vedic period, Samhita period and Sangraha Kala.

Ayurvedic Review- It elaborates the details & importance of Pramana in various

ancient Ayurvedic texts, it also detailed regarding available references related to hasta &

pada. This chapter also contains the table which details the pramana of different parts of


Modern Review- It deals with details of Anthropometry and its utility.

Chapter-4: Methodology

This chapter explains method of Data collection, Inclusion criteria, Exclusion

criteria, Assessment criteria and methodology.

Chapter-5: Observations & Result

It embraces the inference drawn based on the studies conducted.

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A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada  Page 88  

Chapter-6: Discussion

It is subdivided in to discussion on conceptual study, discussion on methodology,

discussion on observation and comparison with ancient and modern literature. It

comprises the details of the collected data and comparison with those mentioned in the

ancient literature & contemporary science, also dealt with the relevance in this era.

Chapter-7: Conclusion

It consists of conclusion drawn from the work carried out.

Chapter-8: Summary

It summarizes the entire work.


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rÉl§ÉqÉÑpÉrÉiÉÈ ÍvÉYrÉÇ uÉÉ | (MüÉæ.A.mÉë.35A.19)

40) mÉëqÉÏrÉiÉå AlÉålÉåÌiÉ mÉëqÉÉhÉÇ ¥ÉÉlÉqÉɧÉqÉÏÎmxÉiÉqÉç | (cÉ¢ü. cÉ.ÌuÉ 8/7)

41) mÉëqÉÉhÉÇ SåWû mÉËUhÉÉWûÉå| (zÉ.Mü.SìÓ)

42) qÉÉlÉqÉç | (cÉ¢ü cÉ. vÉÉ. 7/15)

43) iÉxqÉÉSÉiÉÑUÇ mÉUϤÉåiÉ mÉëM×üÌiÉiɶÉ, ÌuÉM×üÌiÉiɶÉ, xÉÉUiɶÉ, xÉÇWûlÉlÉiɶÉ, mÉëqÉÉhÉiɶÉ, xÉÉiqrÉiɶÉ,

xÉiuÉiɶÉ, AÉWûÉUvÉÌ£üiɶÉ, urÉÉrÉÉqÉvÉÌ£üiɶÉ, uÉrÉxiɶÉåÌiÉ, oÉsÉmÉëqÉÉhÉÌuÉvÉåwÉaÉëWûhÉWåûiÉÉå È ||94||

(cÉ.ÌuÉ. 8/94)

44) SåWûÈ xuÉæUXÒûsÉæUåwÉ rÉjÉÉuÉSlÉÑMüÐÌiÉïiÉÈ |

rÉÑ£üÈ mÉëqÉÉhÉålÉÉlÉålÉ mÉÑqÉÉlÉç uÉÉ rÉÌS uÉÉÅ…¡ûlÉÉ || 14 || (xÉÑ. xÉÔ. 35/14)

45) mÉëqÉÉhÉiɶÉåÌiÉ zÉUÏUmÉëqÉÉhÉÇ mÉÑlÉrÉïjÉÉxuÉålÉÉ…¡ÓûÍsÉmÉëqÉÉhÉålÉÉåmSå¤rÉiÉå..... | (cÉ. ÌuÉ. 8/117)

46) iɧÉÉrÉÑoÉïsÉqÉÉåeÉÈ xÉÑZÉqÉæμÉrÉïÇ ÌuɨÉÍqÉwOûɶÉÉmÉUå pÉÉuÉÉ pÉuÉlirÉÉrɨÉÉÈ mÉëqÉÉhÉuÉÌiÉ vÉUÏUå |

(cÉ.ÌuÉ. 8/117)

47) iɱjÉÉ- SvÉÉåSMüUxrÉÉgeÉsÉrÉÈ vÉÉUÏU xuÉålÉÉgeÉÍsÉmÉëqÉÉhÉålÉ,…… LiÉcNûUÏUiɨuÉqÉÑ£üqÉç ||

(cÉ. vÉÉ.) 7/15)


xÉirÉÉrÉÑÌwÉurÉÉkrÉ×iuÉÎalÉuÉrÉÉåSåWûoÉsÉxɨuÉxÉÉiqrÉmÉëM×üÌiÉpÉåwÉeÉSåvÉÉlÉç mÉUϤÉåiÉç | (xÉÑ.xÉÔ.35/3)

49) rÉÑ£üÈ mÉëqÉÉhÉålÉÉlÉålÉ mÉÑqÉÉlÉç uÉÉ rÉÌS uÉÉÅ…¡ûlÉÉ || 14 ||

SÏbÉïqÉÉrÉÑUuÉÉmlÉåÌiÉ ÌuɨÉÇ cÉ qÉWû¬cNûÌiÉ ||

qÉkrÉqÉÇ qÉkrÉqÉæUÉrÉÑÌuÉï¨ÉÇ WûÏlÉæxiÉjÉÉÅuÉUqÉç || 15 || (xÉÑ.xÉÔ. 35/14-15)

50) mÉgcÉÌuÉÇvÉå iÉiÉÉå uÉwÉåï mÉÑqÉÉlÉç lÉÉUÏ iÉÑ wÉÉåQûvÉå |

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xÉqÉiuÉÉaÉiÉuÉÏrÉÉæï iÉÉæ eÉÉlÉÏrÉÉiÉç MÑüvÉsÉÉåÍpÉwÉMç || (xÉÑ.xÉÔ. 35/13)

51) xÉqÉiuÉ AÉaÉiÉuÉÏrÉïrÉÉåÈ LuÉ rÉjÉÉ E£Çü mÉëqÉÉhÉÇ pÉuÉÌiÉ| (QûsWûhÉ, xÉÑ.xÉÔ. 35/13)

52) oÉÉsrÉÇ uÉ×ήmÉëpÉÉ qÉåkÉÉ iuÉMçü zÉÑ¢üÉÍ¤É ´ÉÑiÉÏÎlSìrÉÉlÉç|

SzÉMåüzÉÑ ¢üqÉɲåÌiÉ qÉlÉÈ xÉuÉåïÎlSìrÉÉÍhÉ cÉ|| (A.xÉ.zÉÉ 8/25)

53) ̲iÉÏrÉå uÉ×ήÈ| (ClSÒ, A.xÉ.zÉÉ 8/25)

54) xuÉÇ xuÉÇ WûxiɧÉrÉÇ xÉÉ®ïÇ uÉmÉÑÈ mÉɧÉÇ xÉÑZÉÉrÉwÉÉåÈ | (A.WØû.vÉÉ.3/106)

55) lÉ cÉ rɱѣüqÉÑÌSì£æüU¹ÉÍpÉÌlÉïÎlSiÉæÌlÉïeÉæÈ || 106 || (A.WØû.vÉÉ.3/106)

56) xÉÌuÉÇvÉqÉ…¡ÓûsÉvÉiÉÇ mÉÑÂwÉÉrÉqÉ CÌiÉ ||12|| (xÉÑ.xÉÔ. 35/12)

57) mÉÑÂwÉÉrÉÉqÉÈ mÉÉSaÉëÎxjÉiÉxrÉÉåkuÉïoÉÉWûÉåÈ mÉÑÂwÉxrÉ SækrÉïqÉç | (Qû. xÉÑ.xÉÔ. 35/12)

58) iÉålÉ iɧÉÉ…¡ÓûÍsÉ qÉÉlÉqÉåuÉÉsmÉÇ ¥ÉårÉqÉç | (cÉ¢ü. cÉ.ÌuÉ. 8/117)

59) MåüuÉsÉÇ mÉÑlÉÈ vÉUÏUqÉ…¡ÓûÍsÉmÉuÉÉïÍhÉ cÉiÉÑUvÉÏÌiÉÈ | (cÉ.ÌuÉ. 8/117)

60) xÉuÉïÇ mÉÑlÉÈ vÉUÏUqÉ…¡ÓûsÉÉÌlÉ cÉiÉÑUvÉÏÌiÉÈ | (A.xÉÇ.vÉÉ. 8/36)

61) MåüuÉsÉÍqÉÌiÉ mÉÉSiÉsÉÉiÉç mÉëpÉ×ÌiÉ ÍvÉUÈ mÉrÉïliÉÇ cÉiÉÑUvÉÏirÉ…¡ÓûsÉqÉ pÉuÉÌiÉ | (cÉ¢ü.cÉ.ÌuÉ. .8/117)

62) iÉSÉrÉÉqÉÌuÉxiÉÉUxÉqÉÇ xÉqÉÑcrÉiÉå | iɧÉÉrÉÑoÉïsÉqÉÉåeÉÈ xÉÑZÉqÉæμÉrÉïÇ ÌuɨÉÍqÉwOûɶÉÉmÉUå pÉÉuÉÉ pÉuÉlirÉÉrɨÉÉÈ

mÉëqÉÉhÉuÉÌiÉ vÉUÏUå | (cÉ.ÌuÉ. 8/117)

63) sÉsÉÉOÇû lÉÉÍxÉMüÉ MühÉÉæï rÉxrÉæiÉÉÌlÉmÉ×jÉMü mÉ×jÉMü |

wÉQû…¡ÓûsÉmÉëqÉÉhÉÉÌlÉ xÉ eÉÏuÉÌiÉ zÉiÉÇ xÉqÉÉ È || 15 || (pÉåsÉ.xÉÇ.C.1/15)

64) mÉgcÉ zÉÉZÉÈ zÉrÉÈ mÉÉÍhÉÈ| (A. MüÉå 2/6/76)

65) qÉÉlÉÇ iÉÑsÉÉ…¡ÓûÍsÉ mÉëxiÉÉåÈ| (A. MüÉå 2/9/85)

66) MåüÍcÉiÉç qÉkrÉqÉÉXÒûÍsÉMüÉrÉÉxiÉÑ qÉkrÉqÉmÉuÉïÍqÉiÉÉXÒûsÉÍqÉÌiÉ | (AÉRûqÉssÉ vÉÉ.xÉÇ.mÉë. 1/35-36)

67) qÉkrÉqÉÉ…¡ÓûsrÉÉæ mÉgcÉÉXÒûsÉå | (xÉ.xÉÑ. 35/12)

68) iÉsÉÇ wÉOèûcÉiÉÑU…¡ÓûsÉÉrÉÉqÉÌuÉxiÉÉUqÉç| (xÉ.xÉÑ. 35/12)

69) AXÒûsÉvÉoSålÉɧÉÉ…¡Óûû¸lÉZÉiÉsÉpÉÉaÉÇaÉ׺ûÎliÉ | (AÉRûqÉssÉ vÉÉ.xÉÇ.mÉë.1/35-36)

70) mÉgcÉ zÉÉZÉÈ zÉrÉÈ mÉÉÍhÉÈ| (A. MüÉå 2/6/76)

71) iÉiÉç mÉrÉÉïrÉÈ mÉgcÉzÉÉZÉ zÉÔrÉÈ xÉqÉÈ WûxiÉÈ MüUÈ| (zÉ.Mü.SìÓ)

72) xÉcÉ qÉÍhÉoÉlkÉÉiÉç A…¡ÓûÍsÉ mÉrÉïliÉ pÉÉaÉÈ| (zÉ.Mü.SìÓ)

73) LMüÉSzÉ CÎlSìrÉÉÍhÉ iɱjÉÉ, ´ÉÉå§É iuÉMçü cɤÉÑ ÎeÉÀûÉ bÉëÉhÉ uÉÉMçü WûxiÉ

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CiÉUÉÍhÉ mÉgcÉ MüqÉåïÎlSìrÉÉÍhÉ EpÉrÉÉiqÉMÇü qÉlÉÈ|| (xÉÑ.zÉÉ 1/4)

74) WûxiÉÉæ mÉÉSÉæaÉÑSÉæmÉxjÉÇ uÉÉÌaÉÎlSìrÉqÉjÉÉÌmÉ cÉ| MüqÉåïÎlSìrÉÉÍhÉ mÉgcÉæuÉ mÉÉSÉæ aÉqÉlÉ MüqÉïÍhÉ|| mÉÉrÉÔmÉxjÉÇ ÌuÉxÉaÉÉïjÉïÇ WûxiÉÉæ aÉëWûhÉ kÉÉUhÉå| (cÉ zÉÉ 1/25)

75) mÉÉÍhÉ mÉÉSÍqÉÌiÉ qÉÉMüÉïhSårÉ|

iÉlqÉÔsÉiuÉÉiÉç cÉã¹ÉaÉpÉïxrÉ|| (xÉÑ.zÉÉ 3/32)

76) WûxiÉ mÉÉSÇ CÌiÉ oÉÌSzÉÈ, iÉiMüÉUhÉiuÉÉiÉç mÉÑÂwÉxrÉ|| (cÉ.zÉÉ 6/21)

77) wÉOèû mÉgcÉÉzÉiÉç mÉëirÉ…¡ûÉÌlÉ. . . . . cÉiuÉÉËU mÉÉÍhÉmÉÉS. . . .| (cÉ.zÉÉ 7/11)

78) wÉOèû MÔücÉÉïÈ, iÉå WûxiÉ mÉÉS aÉëÏuÉ qÉãQíåûwÉÑ, WûxiÉrÉÉåÈ ²Éæ, mÉÉSrÉÉåÈ ²Éæ|| (xÉÑ.zÉÉ 5/13)

79) wÉÉåQûzÉ MühQûUÉ iÉÉxÉÉÇ cÉiÉxÉëÈ mÉÉSrÉÉåÈ iÉÉuÉirÉÉå WûxiÉ aÉëÏuÉ mÉ×¹åwÉÑ| (xÉÑ.zÉÉ 5/11)

80) LMæüMüxrÉÉÇ iÉÑ mÉÉSÉ…¡ÓûsrÉÉÇ (WûxiÉÉXÒûsrÉÉÇ) §ÉÏÍhÉ §ÉÏÍhÉ iÉÉÌlÉ iÉÉÌlÉ mÉgcÉSzÉ|

iÉsÉMÔücÉï aÉÑsTü (qÉÍhÉoÉlkÉ) xÉÇÍ´ÉiÉÉÌlÉ SzÉ| mÉÉÎwhÉïÇ LMÇü|| (xÉÑ.zÉÉ 5/19)

81) LMæüMüxrÉÉÇ mÉÉSÉ…¡ÓûsrÉÉÇ (WûxiÉÉXÒûsrÉÉÇ) §ÉrÉx§ÉrÉÈ, ²ÉuÉ…¡Óû¹å, iÉå cÉiÉÑSïzÉ| (xÉÑ.zÉÉ 5/26)

82) LMæüMüxrÉÉÇ iÉÑ mÉÉSÉ…¡ÓûsrÉÉ Ç(WûxiÉÉXÒûsrÉÉÇ) wÉÎhlÉÍcÉiÉÉxiÉÉÈ Ì§ÉÇzÉiÉç,

iÉÉuÉirÉ LuÉ iÉsÉMÔücÉï aÉÑsTåüwÉÑ|| (xÉÑ.zÉÉ 5/29)

83) LMæüMüxjÉÉÇ iÉÑ mÉÉSÉ…¡ÓûsrÉÉÇ (WûxiÉÉXÒûsrÉÉÇ) ÌiÉxÉëÈ ÌiÉxÉëÈ iÉÉÈ mÉgcÉSzÉ, SzÉ mÉëmÉSå,

mÉÉSÉåmÉËU MÔücÉï xÉͳÉÌuɹ iÉÉuÉirÉ LMü|| (xÉÑ.zÉÉ 5/37)

84) iÉ§É xÉÎYjÉqÉqÉÉïÍhÉ Í¤ÉmÉëiÉsÉWØûSrÉ MÔücÉïMÔücÉïÍzÉU aÉÑsTü (qÉÍhÉoÉlkÉ). . . .| (xÉÑ.zÉÉ 6/6)

85) rÉl§ÉÇ zÉiÉqÉåMüÉå¨ÉUqÉç, A§É WûxiÉÇ LuÉ mÉëkÉÉlÉiÉqÉÇ rÉǧÉÉhÉÉÇ AuÉaÉcNû|| (xÉÑ.xÉÔ 7/3)

86) WûxiÉrÉÉåËUlSìÈ, mÉÉSrÉÉåÌuÉïwhÉÑÈ| (xÉÑ.zÉÉ 1/7)

87) mÉÉSÈ mÉSÇÍbÉë¶ÉUhÉÉåÅÎx§ÉrÉÉqÉç|| (A.MüÉå 2/6/71)

88) mÉÉSÉaÉëÇ mÉëmÉSÇ| mÉëM×ü¹Ç, mÉëÉUokÉÇ mÉëaÉiÉÇ uÉÉ mÉSqÉç| (A.MüÉå 2/6/71)

89) mÉÉSÉaÉë-mÉÉSrÉÉå AaÉëqÉç| cÉUhÉÉaÉëpÉÉaÉÈ| (zÉ.Mü.SìÓ)

90) mÉÉSqÉÔsÉÇ aÉÉãÌWûUÇxrÉÉiÉç mÉÉÎwhÉïxiÉÑ bÉÑOûrÉÉå AkÉÈ| (UÉqÉÉrÉhÉ 2/78/25)

91) mÉÉSrÉÉåqÉÔïsÉÇ, cÉUhÉÉkÉÉæpÉÉaÉÈ| (zÉ.Mü.SìÓ)

92) mɱiÉå aÉqrÉiÉå AlÉålÉ CÌiÉ mÉÉSÈ| xÉxiÉÑ aÉpÉïxjÉxrÉ oÉÉsÉMüxrÉ qÉÉxɲrÉålÉ pÉuÉÌiÉ|| (zÉ.Mü.SìÓ)

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Page 108: Pramana shareera, sr

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64) Amarasimha. Haragovinda Shastri,editor. Amarakosha. Varanasi: Choukambha

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65) Amarasimha. Haragovinda Shastri,editor. Amarakosha. Varanasi: Choukambha

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71) Radakant dev. Varada Prasad, editor. Shabda kalpa druma. Vol 5. ed. Delhi: Naga

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Sangraha of Dalhanacharya. 8thed. Varanasi: Choukambha Orientalia; 2008. Pp-824,

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Sanskrit. 5th ed. Varanasi: Choukambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2008. Pp-738, p- 289.

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Sanskrit. 5th ed. Varanasi: Choukambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2008. Pp-738, p- 334.

77) Agnivesha. Vaidya Jadhavji Trikamji Acharya, editor. Charaka Samhitha revised

by Charaka and Dridhabala with Sri Chakrapanidatta Ayurvedadipika Commentary in

Sanskrit. 5th ed. Varanasi: Choukambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2008. Pp-738, p- 338.

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p- 365.

79) Sushruta. Yadavji Trikamji Accharya, editor. Sushrutha Smhitha with Nibandha

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Scholar: Dr.Seetharama Mithanthaya I Guide: Dr. U Govindaraju

Name of the Person: Address: Age: Date: Sex: Male / Female Religion: H / M / C / Others Habitat: Urban / Rural Education:-UE/PR/H/HS/G/PG. Occu: Stud /Empl /H w /Labors Socio Economic Status: U/ M/L Place of Birth: Jangala/Aanupa/ sadharana Marital status: Married/Unmarried

Present illness (if any): -

Past illness (if any): -

Measurement of Anguli (in cm): -

Right hand -

A) Width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger ₌

B) Width of the palm at the level of metacarpophalangeal joints (2nd -5th) ₌ /4

C) Length of the middle finger ₌ /5

Left hand -

A’) Width of the proximal interphalangeal joint of middle finger ₌

B’) Width of the palm at the level of metacarpophalangeal joints (2nd -5th) ₌ /4

C’) Length of the middle finger ₌ /5

Page 114: Pramana shareera, sr


Conversion of cms into anguli pramana(right hand) 

Conversion of cms into anguli pramana(left hand) 

Name of the body part         A           B          C          A’          B’          C’ 


Hasta (Length)             

Hasta (Width)             


















Page 115: Pramana shareera, sr


Conversion of cms into anguli pramana(right hand) 

Conversion of cms into anguli pramana(left hand) 


       A           B          C          A’          B’          C’           Standing  


 Standing on the toes with arms raised 


         Arm span 



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A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada    Page 109 



(conversion from right sided parameters)





Ayurvedic reference

Hasta (Length) 11.3& SD 0.8 angula.

10.31 & SD 0.92 angula.

10.9 & SD 0.8 angula.

12 angula(cÉ.xÉÇ, A.xÉÇ)

Hasta (Width) 4.2& SD 0.2

angula. 3.9 & SD

0.12 angula. 4.2 & SD 0.2

angula. 4 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Hastatala (Length)

6.24 & SD 0.5 angula.

5.8 & SD 0.4 angula.

6.2 & SD 0.4 angula.

6 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Angushta 3.1& SD 0.2

angula. 2.9 & SD 0.5

angula. 3.1 & SD 0.2

angula. 3 ½ angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Pradeshini 4.3& SD 0.3

angula. 4.07 & SD 0.2 angula.

4.3 & SD 0.2 angula.

4 ½ angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Madhyama anguli

4.9& SD 0.2 angula.

4.6 & SD 0.2 angula.

4.9 & SD 0.1 angula.

5 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Anamika 4.5& SD 0.3

angula. 4.2 & SD 0.2

angula. 4.5 & SD 0.2

angula. 4 ½ angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Kanishtika 3.6& SD

0.28 angula. 3.3 & SD 0.2

angula. 3.6 & SD

0.23 angula. 3 ½ angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Pada (Length) 13.4& SD 0.7 angula.

12.5 & SD 0.7 angula.

13.4 & SD 0.7 angula.

14 angula (cÉ.xÉÇ, xÉÑ.xÉÇ, A.xÉÇ) 

Pada (height) 4.1& SD

0.38 angula. 3.9 & SD

0.31 angula. 4.1 & SD

0.39 angula. 4 angula (cÉ.xÉÇ, xÉÑ.xÉÇ, A.xÉÇ) 

Padatala (width) 5.08& SD 0.4 angula.

4.7 & SD 0.2 angula

5.05 & SD 0.3 angula.

5 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ, A.xÉÇ) 

Angushta 3.1& SD

0.29 angula. 2.9 & SD

0.25 angula. 3.1 & SD

0.24 angula. 2 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

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A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada    Page 110 


Pradeshini 3.1& SD 0.3

angula. 2.9 & SD

0.27 angula. 3.1 & SD

0.26 angula. 2 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Madhyama anguli

2.67& SD 0.27 angula.

2.48 & SD 0.22 angula.

2.65 & SD 0.25 angula.

9/5 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Anamika 2.2& SD 0.3

angula. 2.1 & SD 0.2

angula. 2.2 & SD 0.2

angula. 8/5 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Kanishtika 1.9& SD

0.37 angula. 1.78 & SD

0.31 angula. 1.91 & SD

0.34 angula. 7/5 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Standing 89.6& SD

4.8 angula.

83 & SD 4.04 angula

89.4 & SD 4.7 angula.

84 angula (cÉ.xÉÇ, A.xÉÇ) 

Standing with arm raised

118.3& SD 6.2 angula.

110.6 & SD 6.4 angula.

118.17 & SD 5.7 angula.

120 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Arm span (stretched)

92.6& SD 5.5 angula.

86.7 & SD 5.3 angula.

92.3 & SD 5 angula.

84 angula (cÉ.xÉÇ, A.xÉÇ) 















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A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada    Page 111 




(conversion from left sided parameters)





Ayurvedic reference

Hasta (Length) 10.8& SD 0.8 angula.

10.4 & SD 0.8 angula

11.04 & SD 0.8 angula.

12 angula(cÉ.xÉÇ, A.xÉÇ)

Hasta (Width) 4.1& SD 0.2

angula. 3.9 & SD 0.1

angula. 4.2 & SD 0.2

angula. 4 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Hastatala (Length)

6.5 & SD 0.36 angula.

5.9 & SD 0.36 angula.

6.2 & SD 0.4 angula.

6 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Angushta 3.03& SD

0.28 angula. 2.9 & SD

0.26 angula. 3.1 & SD 0.2

angula. 3 ½ angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Pradeshini 4.2& SD 0.2

angula. 4.1 & SD 0.2

angula. 4.3 & SD 0.2

angula. 4 ½ angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Madhyama anguli

4.9& SD 0.3 angula.

4.7 & SD 0.2 angula.

4.9 & SD 0.1 angula.

5 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Anamika 4.5& SD 0.3

angula. 4.2 & SD 0.2

angula. 4.5 & SD 0.2

angula. 4 ½ angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Kanishtika 3.6& SD

0.28 angula. 3.4 & SD

0.22 angula. 3.6 & SD

0.22 angula. 3 ½ angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 



13.4& SD 0.71 angula.

12.7 & SD 0.72 angula.

13.4 & SD 0.74 angula.

14 angula (cÉ.xÉÇ, xÉÑ.xÉÇ, A.xÉÇ) 

Pada (height) 4 & SD 0.37

angula. 3.9 & SD

0.32 angula. 4.1 & SD

0.36 angula. 4 angula (cÉ.xÉÇ, xÉÑ.xÉÇ, A.xÉÇ) 

Padatala (width) 5 & SD 0.36

angula. 4.8 & SD 0.3

angula 5.07 & SD

0.37 angula. 5 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ,


Page 119: Pramana shareera, sr



A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada    Page 112 


Angushta 3 & SD 0.27

angula. 2.9 & SD

0.26 angula. 3.1 & SD

0.23 angula. 2 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Pradeshini 3 & SD 0.31

angula. 2.9 & SD

0.26 angula. 3.1 & SD

0.24 angula. 2 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Madhyama anguli

2.58& SD 0.28 angula.

2.51 & SD 0.23 angula.

2.64 & SD 0.24 angula.

9/5 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Anamika 2.21& SD

0.29 angula. 2.14 & SD

0.27 angula. 2.26 & SD

0.29 angula. 8/5 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Kanishtika 1.86 & SD

0.35 angula. 1.81 & SD 0.3 angula.

1.92 & SD 0.33 angula.

7/5 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Standing 84.9 & SD 3.2 angula.

85.6 & SD 4.8 angula.

89.5 & SD 4.8 angula.

84 angula (cÉ.xÉÇ, A.xÉÇ) 

Standing with arm raised 

116.9 & SD 6.2 angula.

111.8 & SD 6.3 angula.

118.2 & SD 5.8 angula.

120 angula (xÉÑ.xÉÇ) 

Arm span (stretched) 

89.5 & SD 4.8 angula.

87.87 & SD 5.1 angula.

92.4 & SD 5.07 angula.

84 angula (cÉ.xÉÇ, A.xÉÇ) 













Page 120: Pramana shareera, sr



A comprehensive study of pramana shareera w.s.r to determination of stature from hasta & pada    Page 113 









Angula measurement by parameters obtained from the

right hand

1.83 & SD 0.1392 cm

1.9826cm &SD 0.137 cm.

1.84cm &SD

0.12 cm.

Angula measurement by parameters obtained from the

left hand 

1.88 & SD 0.13 cm.

1.9826 cm & SD 0.13 cm


0.13 cm.