poster mind map

OCR Media Studies – A2 Level Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio Mind Map and Research Name: Phoebe Regnault Candidate Number: 1212 Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School Center Number:64135 Generation of Ideas for Ancillary Product 2) – Poster

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Page 1: Poster Mind Map

OCR Media Studies – A2 Level

Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio

Mind Map and Research

Name: Phoebe RegnaultCandidate Number: 1212Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number:64135

Generation of Ideas for Ancillary Product 2) –


Page 2: Poster Mind Map

Mind Map

Park Rise

Theme Ideas- Stalking theme- Pregnancy theme- Domestic abuse theme - Adultery theme

Tagline IdeasEach tagline will be positioned in the middle of the poster because it is one of the main focuses which will intrigue the audience - What do you want

now…?- Positive! What do I

do now?- When will this end?- But how long will this

secret last? Shhhh…

Image Ideas- A man lurking behind a

woman- Everyone looking down

on the pregnant girl- A man holding a

woman's arm up aggressively

- A man kissing a woman's cheek, with her putting her finger up to her lips like she's whispering

Synergy with social media ideasThis highlights that the soap is available on different platforms. This is appealing as social media like twitter is very popular.

Point of callThis tells the audience when and where they can find your soap. This is vital information as no matter how appealing your soap is to the consumer, they need to know where they can watch it.

Page 3: Poster Mind Map

Image Ideas- A man lurking behind a woman will connote the theme idea of stalking. The woman will have direct

eye contact at the camera, as if she was directly looking at the audience. The man could be looking down at the woman almost hiding his face, to connote his mysterious, creepy personality. This should be a mid shot because it will be far enough out to show their body position and language, but close enough to show their facial expression. The man and the woman should be wearing the same outfit as they were wearing in the soap trailer so the audience can make a clear connection between both products. It is important for the audience to recognize that they are the same characters from the trailer, magazine front cover and poster because this is a new soap and it will make the story line easier to understand.

- Everyone looking down on the pregnant girl will reinforce the idea that the pregnant girl is feeling very venerable. By lots of people surrounding her will connote that she feels under pressure and that everything is getting on top of her. Everyone will be looking down at her, as she likely fees that this pregnancy is a mistake. The pregnant lady will be looking up as if she's looking up asking for help.

- A man holding a woman's arm up aggressively will ‘signify’(De Saussure) the theme of domestic abuse. This picture will be taken from the locker abuse scene in the soap trailer. The photo will demonstrate a very aggressive man holding a scared women's arm, which will suggest the abuse. This will also be a mid shot, which will give the audience the opportunity to see the scared woman's facial expression and the aggressive body language.

- A man kissing a woman's cheek with her putting her finger up to her lips like she's whispering. This image would represent the theme of adultery as the student and teachers affair would be a secret. The mans hand could be place near her face to show his wedding band which will help demonstrate that he is married and she is not as her whispering finger will be bare.

Page 4: Poster Mind Map

Image Ideas

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Theme Ideas - Stalking theme; This story line is very eerie theme and different to the other story lines. Stalking would

play upon a mysterious character which would intrigue the audience to question why is he stalking her? And what he's he want form her? This theme would encourage the audience to watch the soap because they would want these questions to be answered.

- Pregnancy theme; The theme of pregnancy is relatable to the many women in my target audience, as they are highly likely to have a friend who has been pregnant, or they have been themselves. This means they can ‘personally identify’ Katz and relate to the situation which the girl is going through. It is important for the audience to feel as if they can relate because they become move involved with the soap and get an attachment with the characters.

- Domestic abuse theme; A popular, stereotypical theme used in many soaps is domestic abuse. This theme is regularly used because it involves shocking scenes which will surprise the audience making the soap more interesting to watch.

- Adultery theme; Adultery itself is a very shocking and frowned upon situation. This story line could build upon the character roles of a villain as adultery is a horrible thing to do. By the affair being with the teachers student makes the story line very shocking to the audience, as in day to day life this would’t normally happen.

Page 6: Poster Mind Map

Tagline Ideas-What do you want now…?This tagline suggests that this is a reoccurring event with the stalking. This give an insight to the audience about the characters background and history, revealing that this stalker has been around awhile. The ellipse at the end of the tagline that she doesn't’t know what is going to happen next or hat to expect.-Positive! What do I do now?By using the verbal code ‘positive’ directly links with the pregnancy test as that’s what it has told the girl. ‘Positive’ is a clear message to the audience to what situation the girl is in. The tagline then goes on to ask a rhetorical question of ‘what do I do now?’ suggesting that the girl is in need of help and is unsure of what the future is going to be.-When will this end?With the theme of domestic abuse, a thought the lady getting abused may be thinking “when will this end?”. This gives the audience a clear insight and ‘informs’ (Katz) of how the lady would be feeling which gives an opportunity to the audience to make an emotional connection. With soaps, consumers become regular watchers when they make connections with the characters and by including a personal thought would help encourage this.-But how long will this secret last? Shhhh…This tagline will go along side the theme of adultery between the teacher and student. Using the word ‘secret’ connotes that what they are doing is bad and nobody can find out. This makes the story line more exciting as the audience will constantly be waiting to see if anyone realizes what's going on. By including ‘Shhhh’ at the end detonates why in the image the girl is putting her finger up to her lips like is is going ‘Shhhh’.

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Mind Map - Conclusion-What will I do next? What do I need to arrange?In order to complete my poster I will need to organize when and where I will take my photos. When we are filming I will try and take some so that my characters are wearing the same outfit as in the trailer and on the poster. If theses pictures are not successful then I will have to arrange a day when my characters and myself are free to take a variety of pictures which I can select the best from.

-What will I need to research?I am going to look on ‘Dafont’ which is a website with multiple font styles for me to download and use. I will look at other soap posters and look at the font styles they have used as inspiration.

-What software will I use?The software I will use is Photoshop as I have used it a couple of times before making Magazine front covers. I am familiar with the program and know how to use the tools which will speed up my work flow rather than learning how to use an new editing program.