portuguese empire

Portuguese Empire 1 Portuguese Empire Portuguese Empire Império Português Motto: "Vis Unita Maior Nunc et Semper" (Latin) "Now and Forever, United We are Greater" Anthem: O Hino da Carta  (18341911) A Portuguesa  (19112002) The Portuguese Empire and overseas interests. Capital Lisbon a Official languages Portuguese Government Monarchy (14151910) Republic (19102002)  - King (first) John I  - King (last) Manuel II  - President (first) Manuel de Arriaga  - President (last) Jorge Sampaio Conquest of Ceuta 1415  - Sea route to India 1498  - Discovery of Brazil 1500  - Court transfer 1807  - United Kingdom 1815  - Brazilian independence 1825  - Portuguese Republic 1910  - Loss of Indian colonies 1961  - Carnation Revolution 19741975  - Last colony (de facto) 1999 

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Page 1: Portuguese Empire

Portuguese Empire 1

Portuguese Empire

Portuguese EmpireImpério Português

Motto: "Vis Unita Maior Nunc et Semper" (Latin)"Now and Forever, United We are Greater"

Anthem: O Hino da Carta  (1834–1911)

A Portuguesa  (1911–2002)

The Portuguese Empire and overseas interests.

Capital Lisbon a

Official languages Portuguese

Government • Monarchy (1415–1910)• Republic (1910–2002)

 -  King (first) John I

 -  King (last) Manuel II

 -  President (first) Manuel de Arriaga

 -  President (last) Jorge Sampaio

Conquest of Ceuta 1415

 -  Sea route to India 1498 

 -  Discovery of Brazil 1500 

 -  Court transfer 1807 

 -  United Kingdom 1815 

 -  Brazilian independence 1825 

 -  Portuguese Republic 1910 

 -  Loss of Indian colonies 1961 

 -  Carnation Revolution 1974–1975 

 -  Last colony (de facto) 1999 

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 -  Last colony (de jure) b 2002 

a. ^ The capital was located at Rio de Janeiro from 1808 to 1821.

b. ^ Although Portugal began the process of decolonizing East Timor in 1975, Macau is generally considered to bePortugal's last colony as the Indonesian invasion of East Timor and resulting occupation were not officially recognized.East Timor's independence in 2002 ended the observed Portuguese sovereignty.

The Portuguese Empire (Portuguese: Império Português), also known as the Portuguese Overseas Empire(Ultramar Português) or the Portuguese Colonial Empire (Império Colonial Português), was the first globalempire in history.[1][2][3] In addition, it was the longest-lived of the modern European colonial empires, spanningalmost six centuries, from the capture of Ceuta in 1415 to the handover of Macau in 1999 or the grant of sovereigntyto East Timor in 2002. The empire spread throughout a vast number of territories that are now part of 53 differentsovereign states.Portuguese sailors began exploring the coast of Africa in 1419, using recent developments in navigation, cartographyand maritime technology such as the caravel, in order that they might find a sea route to the source of the lucrativespice trade. In 1488, Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and in 1498, Vasco da Gama reached India.In 1500, either by an accidental landfall or by the crown's secret design, Pedro Álvares Cabral discovered Brazil onthe South American coast. Over the following decades, Portuguese sailors continued to explore the coasts andislands of East Asia, establishing forts and factories as they went. By 1571, a string of outposts connected Lisbon toNagasaki along the coasts of Africa, the Middle East, India, and Asia. This commercial network brought great wealthto Portugal.Between 1580 and 1640 Portugal became a partner, with Spain, in a personal union of the two countries' crowns.Though the empires continued to be administered separately, Portuguese colonies became the subject of attacks bythree rival European powers hostile to Spain and envious of Iberian successes overseas: the Netherlands, Britain andFrance. With its smaller population, Portugal was unable to effectively defend its overstretched network of tradingposts, and the empire began a long and gradual decline.[4]

Significant losses to the Dutch in Portuguese India and Southeast Asia during the 17th century brought an end to thePortuguese trade monopoly in the Indian Ocean. Brazil became Portugal's most valuable colony until, as part of thewave of independence movements that swept the Americas during the early 19th century, it broke away in 1822.Portugal's Empire was reduced to its colonies on the African coastline (which were expanded inland during theScramble for Africa in the late 19th century), East Timor, and enclaves in India and Macau.After World War II, Portugal's leader, António Salazar, attempted to keep what remained of the pluricontinentalEmpire intact at a time when other European countries were beginning to withdraw from their colonies. In 1961 thehandful of Portuguese troops garrisoned in Goa were unable to prevent the numerically superior Indian troopsmarching into the colony. Salazar began a long and bloody war to quell anti-colonialist forces in the Africancolonies. The unpopular war lasted until the overthrow of the regime in 1974. The new government immediatelychanged policy and recognised the independence of all its colonies, except for Macau, which by agreement with theChinese government was returned to China in 1999, thereby marking the end of the Portuguese Empire. Currently,the Azores and Madeira archipelagos are the only territories overseas that remain politically linked to Portugal.The Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) is the cultural successor of the Empire.

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Origins (1139–1415)

The Conquest of Ceuta, in 1415, was led by Henry the Navigator, and initiatedthe Portuguese Empire.

The origins of the Portuguese Empire, and ofPortugal itself, lay in the reconquista: thegradual Christian reconquest of the Iberianpeninsula from the Moors.[5] Afterestablishing itself as a separate kingdom in1139, Portugal completed its reconquest ofMoorish territory by reaching Algarve in1249, but its independence continued to bethreatened by neighbouring Castile until thesigning of the Treaty of Ayllón in 1411.[6]

Free from threats to its existence andunchallenged by the wars fought by otherEuropean states, Portuguese attention turnedoverseas and towards a military expedition tothe Muslim lands of North Africa.[7] There

were several probable motives for their first attack, on the Marinid Sultanate (in present-day Morocco). It offered theopportunity to continue the Christian crusade against Islam; to the military class, it promised glory on the battlefieldand the spoils of war;[8] and finally, it was also a chance to expand Portuguese trade and to address Portugal'seconomic decline.[7]

In 1415 an attack was made on Ceuta, a strategically located North African Muslim enclave along the MediterraneanSea, and one of the terminal ports of the trans-Saharan gold and slave trades. The conquest was a military success,and marked one of the first steps in Portuguese expansion beyond the Iberian Peninsula,[9] but it proved costly todefend against the Muslim forces that soon besieged it. The Portuguese were unable to use it as a base for furtherexpansion into the hinterland,[10] and the trans-Saharan caravans merely shifted their routes to bypass Ceuta and/orused alternative Muslim ports.[11]

Age of Discovery (1415–1542)Although Ceuta proved to be a disappointment for the Portuguese, the decision was taken to hold it while exploringalong the Atlantic African coast.[11] A key supporter of this policy was Infante Dom Henry the Navigator, who hadbeen involved in the capture of Ceuta, and who took the lead role in promoting and financing Portuguese maritimeexploration until his death in 1460.[12] At the time, Europeans did not know what lay beyond Cape Bojador on theAfrican coast. Henry wished to know how far the Muslim territories in Africa extended, and whether it was possibleto reach Asia by sea, both to reach the source of the lucrative spice trade and perhaps to join forces with the fabledChristian kingdom of Prester John that was rumoured to exist somewhere in the "Indies".[8][13] Under hissponsorship, soon the Atlantic islands of Madeira (1420) and Azores (1427) were reached and started to be settledproducing wheat to export to Portugal.[14]

Fears of what lay beyond Cape Bojador, and whether it was possible to return once it was passed, were assuaged in 1434 when it was rounded by one of Infante Henry's captains, Gil Eanes. Once this psychological barrier had been crossed, it became easier to probe further along the coast.[15] In 1443 Infante Dom Pedro, Henry's brother, granted him the monopoly of navigation, war and trade in the lands south of Cape Bojador. Later this monopoly would be enforced by the Papal bulls Dum Diversas (1452) and Romanus Pontifex (1455), granting Portugal the trade monopoly for the newly discovered lands.[16] A major advance which accelerated this project was the introduction of the caravel in the mid-15th century, a ship that could be sailed closer to the wind than any other in operation in Europe at the time.[17] Using this new maritime technology, Portuguese navigators reached ever more southerly

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latitudes, advancing at an average rate of one degree a year.[18] Senegal and Cape Verde Peninsula were reached in1445.[19]

A 16th-c. map showing Portuguese claims toGuinea and São Jorge da Mina.

The first feitoria trade post overseas was established in 1445 on theisland of Arguin off the coast of Mauritania, to attract Muslim tradersand monopolize the business in the routes travelled in North Africa. In1446, Álvaro Fernandes pushed on almost as far as present-day SierraLeone and the Gulf of Guinea was reached in the 1460s.[20][21]

Expansion of sugarcane in Madeira started in 1455, using advisersfrom Sicily and (largely) Genoese capital to produce the "sweet salt"rare in Europe. Already cultivated in Algarve, the accessibility ofMadeira attracted Genoese and Flemish traders keen to bypassVenetian monopolies. Slaves were used, and the proportion ofimported slaves in Madeira reached 10% of the total population by the16th century.[22] "By 1480 Antwerp had some seventy ships engagedin the Madeira sugar trade, with the refining and distributionconcentrated in Antwerp. By the 1490s Madeira had overtaken Cyprusas a producer of sugar."[23] The success of sugar merchants such asBartolomeo Marchionni would propel the investment in futuretravels.[24]

In 1469, after prince Henry's death and as a result of meagre returns ofthe African explorations, King Afonso V granted the monopoly of trade in part of the Gulf of Guinea to merchantFernão Gomes.[25] Gomes, who had to explore 100 miles (160 km) of the coast each year for five years, discoveredthe islands of the Gulf of Guinea, including São Tomé and Príncipe and found a thriving alluvial gold trade amongthe natives and visiting Arab and Berber traders at the port then named Mina (the mine), where he established atrading post.[26] Trade between Elmina and Portugal grew throughout a decade. In 1481, the recently crowned JoãoII decided to build São Jorge da Mina in order to ensure the protection of this trade, which was held again as a royalmonopoly. The Equator was crossed by navigators sponsored by Fernão Gomes in 1473 and the Congo River byDiogo Cão in 1482. It was during this expedition that the Portuguese first encountered the Kingdom of Kongo, withwhich it soon developed a rapport.[27] During his 1485-86 expedition, Cão continued to Cape Cross, in present-dayNamibia, near the Tropic of Capricorn.[28]

In 1488, Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope on the southern tip of Africa, proving false the view thathad existed since Ptolemy that the Indian Ocean was land-locked. Simultaneously Pêro da Covilhã, traveling secretlyoverland, had reached Ethiopia, suggesting that a sea route to the Indies would soon be forthcoming.[29]

As the Portuguese explored the coastlines of Africa, they left behind a series of padrões, stone crosses engraved withthe Portuguese coat of arms marking their claims,[30] and built forts and trading posts. From these bases, theyengaged profitably in the slave and gold trades. Portugal enjoyed a virtual monopoly on the African seaborne slavetrade for over a century, importing around 800 slaves annually. Most were brought to the Portuguese capital Lisbon,where it is estimated black Africans came to constitute 10 per cent of the population.[31]

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Tordesilhas division of the world (1494)

The 1494 Treaty of Tordesilhas meridian divided the world between the crowns ofPortugal and of Castile.

In 1492 Christopher Columbus's discoveryfor Spain of the New World, which hebelieved to be Asia, led to disputes betweenthe Spanish and Portuguese.[32] These wereeventually settled by the Treaty ofTordesilhas in 1494, which divided theworld outside of Europe in an exclusiveduopoly between the Portuguese and theSpanish along a north-south meridian 370leagues, or 970 miles (1,560 km), west ofthe Cape Verde islands.[33] However, as itwas not possible at the time to correctlymeasure longitude, the exact boundary wasdisputed by the two countries until 1777.[34]

The completion of these negotiations with Spain is one of several reasons proposed by historians for why it took nineyears for the Portuguese to follow up on Dias's voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, though it has also been speculatedthat other voyages were in fact taking place in secret during this time.[35][36] Whether or not this was the case, thelong-standing Portuguese goal of finding a sea route to Asia was finally achieved in a ground-breaking voyagecommanded by Vasco da Gama.[37]

Portuguese enter the Indian Ocean (1497–1542)

Vasco da Gama opened Portugal to the East andgave way for its monopoly there.

The squadron of Vasco da Gama left Portugal in 1497, rounded theCape and continued along the coast of East Africa, where a local pilotwas brought on board who guided them across the Indian Ocean,reaching Calicut (the capital of the native kingdom ruled by Zamorins)in south-western India in May 1498.[38] The second voyage to Indiawas dispatched in 1500 under Pedro Álvares Cabral. While followingthe same south-westerly route as Gama across the Atlantic Ocean,Cabral made landfall on the Brazilian coast. This was probably anaccidental discovery, but it has been speculated that the Portuguesesecretly knew of Brazil's existence and that it lay on their side of theTordesillas line.[39] Cabral recommended to the Portuguese King thatthe land be settled, and two follow up voyages were sent in 1501 and1503. The land was found to be abundant in pau-brasil, or brazilwood,from which it later inherited its name, but the failure to find gold orsilver meant that for the time being Portuguese efforts wereconcentrated on India.[40]

Profiting from the rivalry between the ruler of Kochi and the Zamorinof Calicut, the Portuguese were well received and seen as allies, getting

a permit to build a fort (Fort Manuel) and a trading post that were the first European settlement in India. In 1505King Manuel I of Portugal appointed Francisco de Almeida first Viceroy of Portuguese India, establishing thePortuguese government in the east. That year the Portuguese conquered Kannur where they founded St. Angelo Fort.Lourenço de Almeida arrived in Ceylon (modern Sri Lanka), where he discovered the source of cinnamon.[41]

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In 1506 a Portuguese fleet under the command of Tristão da Cunha and Afonso de Albuquerque, conquered Socotraat the entrance of the Red Sea and Muscat in 1507, having failed to conquer Ormuz, following a strategy intended toclose the entrances to the Indian Ocean. That same year were built fortresses in the Island of Mozambique andMombasa on the Kenyan coast. Madagascar was partly explored by Tristão da Cunha and in the same year Mauritiuswas discovered.[42]

In 1509, the Portuguese won the sea Battle of Diu against the combined forces of the Ottoman Sultan Beyazid II,Sultan of Gujarat, Mamlûk Sultan of Cairo, Zamorin of Kozhikode, Venetian Republic, and Ragusan Republic(Dubrovnik). The Portuguese victory was critical for its strategy of control of the Indian Sea.

The Santa Catarina do Monte Sinai carrack exemplified the might and the force ofthe Portuguese Armada.

Turks and Egyptians withdrew their naviesfrom India, leaving the seas to thePortuguese, setting its trade dominance foralmost a century, and greatly assisting thegrowth of the Portuguese Empire. It alsomarked the beginning of the Europeancolonial dominance in Asia. A second Battleof Diu in 1538 finally ended Ottomanambitions in India and confirmedPortuguese hegemony in the IndianOcean.[43]

Under the government of Albuquerque, Goawas taken from the Bijapur sultanate in 1510 with the help of Hindu privateer Timoji. Coveted for being the best portin the region, mainly for the commerce of Arabian horses for the Deccan sultanates, it allowed to move on from theguest stay in Kochi.

Despite constant attacks, it became the headquarters of the Portuguese state in India, with its conquest triggeringcompliance of neighbor kingdoms: Gujarat and Calicut sent embassies, offering alliances and grants to fortify.Albuquerque began that year in Goa the first Portuguese mint in India, taking the opportunity to announce theachievement.[44]

Initially king Manuel I and his council in Lisbon had tried to distribute power in the Indian Ocean, creating threeareas of jurisdiction: Albuquerque was sent to the Red Sea, Diogo Lopes de Sequeira to South-east Asia, seeking anagreement with the Sultan of Malacca, and Jorge de Aguiar followed by Duarte de Lemos were sent to the areabetween the Cape of Good Hope and Gujarat.[45] However, such posts were centralized by Afonso de Albuquerqueand remained so in subsequent ruling.[46]

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Southeast Asia and the spice trade

A depiction, from 1639, of the Macau peninsula, during the golden age ofcolonization of Portuguese Macau.

In 1505, Portuguese traders reached Ceylon;their initial forays were against Kotte, whichenjoyed a lucrative monopoly on the spicetrade, which was also of interest to thePortuguese.[47] Although Cankili I of Jaffnainitially resisted contact with them, theJaffna kingdom came to the attention ofPortuguese officials soon after for theirresistance to missionary activities as well aslogistical reasons due to its proximity withTrincomalee harbour among otherreasons.[47] In April 1511 Albuquerquesailed to Malacca in Malaysia,[48] the mostimportant east point in the trade networkwhere Malay met Gujarati, Chinese,Japanese, Javanese, Bengali, Persian and

Arabic traders, among others, described by Tomé Pires as of invaluable richness.

The peninsula of Malacca became then the strategic base for Portuguese trade expansion with China and South-eastAsia, under the Portuguese rule with its capital at Goa. To defend the city was erected a strong gate which, called theA Famosa, still remains.[49] Knowing of Siamese ambitions over Malacca, Albuquerque sent immediately DuarteFernandes on a diplomatic mission to the kingdom of Siam (modern Thailand), where he was the first European toarrive, establishing amicable relations between both kingdoms.[50] In November that year, getting to know thelocation of the so-called "Spice Islands" in the Moluccas, he sent an expedition led by António de Abreu to findthem, arriving in early 1512. Abreu went by Ambon while deputy commander Francisco Serrão came forward toTernate, where a Portuguese fort was allowed.

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Afonso de Albuquerque established Portuguesedominance in South Asia.

That same year, in Indonesia, the Portuguese took Makassar, reachingTimor in 1514. Departing from Malacca, Jorge Álvares came tosouthern China in 1513. This visit was followed the arrival inGuangzhou. From 1516 on Portuguese traders established inShangchuan Island, until in 1557 the Ming court gave consent for apermanent official Portuguese trade base at Macau.[51][52]

The Portuguese empire expanded into the Persian Gulf as Portugalcontested control of the spice trade with the Ottoman Empire. In 1515,Afonso de Albuquerque conquered the Huwala state of Hormuz at thehead of the Persian Gulf, establishing it as a vassal state. Aden,however, resisted Albuquerque's expedition in that same year, andanother attempt by Albuquerque's successor Lopo Soares de Albergariain 1516, before capturing Bahrain in 1521, when a force led byAntónio Correia defeated the Jabrid King, Muqrin ibn Zamil.[53] In ashifting series of alliances, the Portuguese dominated much of thesouthern Persian Gulf for the next hundred years. With the regularmaritime route linking Lisbon to Goa since 1497, the island ofMozambique became a strategic port, and there was built Fort SãoSebastião and an hospital. In the Azores, the Islands Armada protectedthe ships en route to Lisbon.[54]

In 1525, after Fernão de Magalhães's expedition (1519–1522), Spainunder Charles V sent an expedition to colonize the Moluccas islands,claiming that they were in his zone of the Treaty of Tordesillas, since there was not a set limit to the east. GarcíaJofre de Loaísa expedition reached the Moluccas, docking at Tidore. The conflict with the Portuguese alreadyestablished in nearby Ternate was inevitable, starting nearly a decade of skirmishes. An agreement was reached onlywith the Treaty of Zaragoza (1529), attributing the Moluccas to Portugal and the Philippines to Spain.[55]

In 1534, Gujarat was occupied by the Mughals and the Sultan Bahadur Shah of Gujarat was forced to sign the Treatyof Bassein with the Portuguese, establishing an alliance to regain the country, giving in exchange Daman, Diu,Mumbai and Bassein.[56] In 1538 the fortress of Diu is again surrounded by Ottoman ships. Another siege failed in1547 putting an end to the Ottoman ambitions, confirming the Portuguese hegemony.[43]

In 1542, Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier arrived in Goa at the service of King John III of Portugal, in charge of anApostolic Nunciature. At the same time Francisco Zeimoto and other traders arrived in Japan for the first time.According to Fernão Mendes Pinto, who claimed to be in this journey, they arrived at Tanegashima, where the localswere impressed by firearms, that would be immediately made by the Japanese on a large scale.[57]

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St. Francis Xavier requesting John III of Portugal for an Catholic expedition andinquisition in Portuguese India.

The Portuguese explorer Simão de Andradestarted bad relations with China, due to hispirate activities, raiding Chinese shipping,attacking a Chinese official and kidnappingsof Chinese. He based himself at Tamaoisland in a fort. The Chinese claimed thatSimão kidnapped Chinese boys and girls tobe molested and cannibalized.[52] As aresult, the Chinese posted an edict banningmen with caucasian features from enteringCanton. [58]

The Chinese responded by killing multiplePortuguese in Canton and drove thePortuguese back to sea.[59] After the Sultan

of Bintan detained several Portuguese under Tomás Pires, the Chinese then executed 23 Portuguese and threw therest into prison where they resided in squalid, sometimes fatal conditions. The Chinese then massacred Portuguesewho resided at Ningbo and Fujian trading posts in 1545 and 1549, due to extensive and damaging raids by thePortuguese along the coast, which irritated the Chinese.[58] As Portugal increased its presence along China's coast,they began trading in slaves. Many Chinese slaves were sold to Portugal.[60][61] Since the 16th century Chineseslaves existed in Portugal, most of them were Chinese children and a large amount were shipped to the Indies.[62]

Chinese prisoners were sent to Portugal, where they were sold as slaves, they were prized and regarded better thanmoorish and black slaves.[63] The first known visit of a Chinese person to Europe dates to 1540, when a Chinesescholar, enslaved during one of several Portuguese raids somewhere on the southern China coast, was brought toPortugal. Purchased by João de Barros, he worked with the Portuguese historian on translating Chinese texts intoPortuguese.[64]

Chinese children were kidnapped in China, and through Macau were brought to Portugal and sold as slaves either inMacau or overseas.[65][66][67]

Portugal was the first European nation toestablish trade and routes with Japan.

Mocquet noted that a lot of the Chinese in Portuguese India wereslaves from Macau, since the Portuguese preferred Chinese asdomestic household workers.[68][69] Goa, Manila, and Malaccareceived slaves from Macau.[70] Many different peoples were found inGoa, among the slaves, including those from Macau.[71]

Most slaves from Macau sent to Goa or Malacca were children. TheKing of Portugal in 1624 issued a decree forbidding people to takeChinese as slaves.[72] A 1571 law was passed by Portugal banningpeople from having Chinese slaves.[73]

The Portuguese viceroy of Goa in 1595 issued a law which punishedPortuguese who traded in Chinese slaves by making them pay 1,000cruzados/ducats if they bought or sold Chinese.

After he issued a decree stating that Chinese were lodging complaintsto him about Chinese slaves being traded by many Macao Portugueseeither to be sold abroad or to be used domestically asservants.[74][75][76][77] The price for one girl or boy from China was 15or 20 ducats.[78][79]

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The King of Portugal again banned slavery for Chinese in 1724, forbidding the purchase of Chinese children asslaves.[80] Most Chinese in India were slaves concentrated in Portuguese Goa[81]

In 1557 the Chinese authorities allowed the Portuguese to settle in Macau through an annual payment, creating awarehouse in the triangular trade between China, Japan and Europe. In 1570 the Portuguese bought a Japanese portwhere they founded the city of Nagasaki,[82] thus creating a trading center for many years was the port from Japan tothe world.A first expedition, led by Viceroy Dom Constantino de Bragança in 1560, failed to subdue Jaffna, but capturedMannar Island.[83] By June 1619, despite sharp resistance from Cankili II of Jaffna, there were two Portugueseexpeditions. The first expedition was a naval expedition that was repulsed by the Malabari corsairs. The second wasled by Phillippe de Oliveira and his land army of 5000, which defeated Cankili and conquered Jaffna, strengtheningPortuguese control of shipping routes through the Palk Strait.[84]

Portugal established trading ports at far-flung locations like Goa, Ormuz, Malacca, Kochi, the Maluku Islands,Macau, and Nagasaki. Guarding its trade from both European and Asian competitors, Portugal dominated not onlythe trade between Asia and Europe, but also much of the trade between different regions of Asia, such as India,Indonesia, China, and Japan. Jesuit missionaries, such as the Basque Francis Xavier, followed the Portuguese tospread Roman Catholic Christianity to Asia with mixed success.[85]

Colonization efforts in the Americas

A map, from 1574, that shows the 15 hereditarycaptaincy colonies of Brazil.

Within a few years after Cabral arrived from Brazil, competition camealong by means of France. In 1503 an expedition under the commandof Gonçalo Coelho reported French raids on the Brazilian coasts,[86]

and explorer Binot Paulmier de Gonneville traded for brazilwood aftermaking contact in southern Brazil a year later.[87] Expeditionssponsored by Francis I along the North American coast was in directviolation of the Treaty of Tordesilhas.[88] By 1531 the French hadstationed a trading post off of an island on the Brazilian coast.[88]

The increase in brazilwood smuggling from the French led João III topress an effort to establish effective occupation of the territory.[89] In1531, a royal expedition led by Martim Afonso de Sousa and hisbrother Pero Lopes went to patrol the whole Brazilian coast, banish theFrench and create some of the first colonial towns, among them SãoVicente, in 1532.[90] Sousa returned to Lisbon a year later to becomegovernor of India and never returned to Brazil.[91][92] The Frenchattacks did cease to an extent after a retaliation that led to thePortuguese paying the French to stop attacking Portuguese shipsthroughout the Atlantic,[88] but would continue to be a problem well

into the 1560s.[93]

Upon de Sousa's arrival and success, fifteen longitudinal tracks, theoretically to span from the coast to theTordesillas limit, was decreed by João III on 28 September 1532.[94][95] These vast lands were donated in form ofhereditary captaincies (Capitanias Hereditárias) to grantees rich enough to support settlement, as had been donesuccessfully in Madeira and Cape Verde islands.[96] Each captain-major was to build settlements, grant allotmentsand administer justice, being responsible for developing and taking the costs of colonization, although not being theowner: he could transmit it to offspring, but not sell it. Twelve recipients came from Portuguese gentry who becomeprominent in Africa and India and senior officials of the court, such as João de Barros.[97]

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Of the fifteen original captaincies, only two, Pernambuco and São Vicente, prospered.[98] Both dedicated to the cropof sugar cane and the settlers managed to maintain alliances with Native Americans. The rise of the sugar industrycame about due to Crown taking the easiest sources of profit (brazilwood, spices, etc.) that led the settlers to createnew revenue.[99] The establishment of the sugar cane industry demanded intensive labor which would be met withnative American and, later, African slaves.[100] Deeming the capitanias system ineffective, João III decided tocentralize the government of the colony, in order to "give help and assistance" to grantees. In 1548 he created thefirst General Government, sending in Tomé de Sousa as first governor and selecting a capital at the Bay of AllSaints, making it at the captaincy of Bahia.[101][102]

Tomé de Sousa built the capital of Brazil, Salvador at the Bay of All Saints in 1549.[103] Along de Sousa's 1000 manexpedition were soldiers, workers, and six Jesuits led by Manuel da Nóbrega.[104] The Jesuits would have anessential role in the colonization of Brazil, including São Vicente, and São Paulo, the latter which Nóbregaco-founded.[105] Along with the Jesuit missions later came disease among the natives, among them plague andsmallpox.[106] Subsequently, the French would resettle in Portuguese territory at Guanabara Bay which would becalled France Antarctique.[107] While a Portuguese ambassador was sent to Paris to report of the French intrusion,Joao III appointed Mem de Sá as new Brazilian governor general, and Sá leaves for Brazil in 1557.[107] By 1560, deSá and his forces dispell the combined Huguenot, Scottish Calvinist, and slave forces from France Antarctique, butleave survivors after burning their fortifications and villages. These survivors would settle Gloria Bay, FlamengoBeach and Parapapuan, with the assistance of the Tamoio natives.[108]

The Tamoio were allied with the French since the settlement of Frarnce Antarctique and despite the French loss in1560, the Tamoio were still a threat.[109] The Tamoio launched two attacks in 1561 and 1564 (the latter event wasassisting the French), and were nearly successful with each.[110][111] By this time period, Manuel de Nóbrega, alongwith fellow Jesuit José de Anchieta took part as members of attacks on the Tamoios and as spies for theirresources.[109][110] From 1565 through 1567 Mem de Sá and his forces eventually destroyed France Antarctique atGuanabara Bay. He and his nephew, Estácio de Sá, then established the city of Rio de Janeiro in 1567, after Mem deSá proclaimed the area "São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro" in 1565.[112] By 1575, the Tamoios had been subdued andessentially were extinct,[109] and by 1580 the government became more of a ouvidor general rather than theouvidores.[113]

Iberian Union and rivalry with the Dutch (1580–1663)

The Luso-Hispanic (or Iberian) Empire in 1598, during the reign of Philip I and II,King of Portugal and Spain.

In 1580, King Philip II of Spain invadedPortugal after a crisis of succession broughtabout by King Sebastian of Portugal's deathduring a disastrous Portuguese attack onAlcácer Quibir in Morocco in 1578. At theCortes of Tomar in 1581, Philip wascrowned Philip I of Portugal, uniting the twocrowns and overseas empires under SpanishHabsburg rule in a dynastic IberianUnion.[114] At Tomar, Philip promised tokeep the empires legally distinct, leaving theadministration of the Portuguese Empire toPortuguese nationals, with a Viceroy of Portugal in Lisbon seeing to his interests.[115] Philip even had the capitalmoved to Lisbon for a two year period (1581-83) due to it being the most important city in the Iberian peninsula.[116]

All the Portuguese colonies accepted the new state of affairs except for the Azores, which held out for António, aPortuguese rival claimant to the throne who had garnered the support of Catherine de Medici of France in exchangefor the promise to cede Brazil. Spanish forces eventually captured the island in 1583.[117]

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The union with Spain entailed both benefits and drawbacks as far as the Portuguese Empire was concerned. Spanishimperial trade networks were opened to Portuguese merchants, which was particularly lucrative for Portuguese slavetraders who could now sell slaves in Spanish America at a higher price than could be fetched in Brazil.[118] Inaddition to the access with Spanish asientos, the Portuguese were able to solve their bullion shortage issues withaccess to silver mining in Peru and Mexico.[119]

The Tordesillas boundary between Spanish and Portuguese control in South America was then increasingly ignoredby the Portuguese, who pressed beyond it into the heart of Brazil,[115] allowing to expand the territory to the west.Exploratory missions were carried out both ordered by the government, the "entradas" (entries), and by privateinitiative, the "bandeiras" (flags), by the "bandeirantes".[120] These expeditions lasted for years venturing intounmapped regions, initially to capture natives and force them into slavery, and later focusing on finding gold, silverand diamond mines.[121]

The Recovery of São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos, by Philip III ofPortugal, from the Dutch Republic.

However, the union meant that Spaindragged Portugal into its conflicts withEngland, France and the Dutch Republic,countries which were beginning to establishtheir own overseas empires.[122] Theprimary threat came from the Dutch, whohad been engaged in a struggle forindependence against Spain since 1568. In1581 the Seven Provinces gainedindependence from the Habsburg rule,leading Philip II to prohibit commerce withDutch ships, including in Brazil whereDutch had invested large sums in financingsugar production.[123]

In 1592, during the war with Spain, anEnglish fleet captured a large Portuguesecarrack off the Azores, the Madre de Deus,which was loaded with 900 tons of

merchandise from India and China estimated at half a million pounds (nearly half the size of English Treasury at thetime).[124] This foretaste of the riches of the East galvanized English interest in the region.[125] That same year,Cornelis de Houtman was sent by Dutch merchants to Lisbon, to gather as much information as he could about theSpice Islands.[126] In 1595, merchant and explorer Jan Huyghen van Linschoten, having traveled widely in the IndianOcean at the service of the Portuguese, published a travel report in Amsterdam, the "Reys-gheschrift vandenavigatien der Portugaloysers in Orienten" ("Report of a journey through the navigations of the Portuguese in theEast").[127] This included vast directions on how to navigate between Portugal and the East Indies and to Japan.Dutch and English interest fed on new information led to a movement of commercial expansion, and the foundationof the English East India Company, in 1600, and Dutch East India Company(VOC), in 1602, allowing the entry in ofchartered companies in the so-called East Indies.[128][129]

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The Portuguese victory at the Second Battle of Guararapes, ended Dutch presencein Pernambuco.

The Dutch took their fight overseas,attacking Spanish and Portuguese coloniesand shipping, allying in turn with rival localleaders, and dismantling the Portuguesetrade monopoly in Asia. The PortugueseEmpire, consisting primarily of exposedcoastal settlements vulnerable to beingpicked off one by one, proved to be aneasier target than the Spanish Empire.[130]

The Dutch–Portuguese War began with anattack on São Tomé and Príncipe in 1597and lasted until 1663. The war was wagedby the Dutch East India Company(established in 1602) and its West India counterpart (1621), commercial ventures whose aim was to take over thetrade networks that the Portuguese had established in Asian spices, West African slaves and Brazilian sugar[131] InAsia, the Dutch captured the Spice Islands (1605), Malacca (1641), Colombo (1656), Ceylon (1658), Nagappattinam(1660), Cranganore and Cochin (1662).[132]

Although Goa, the capital of Portuguese Asia, Diu and Macau were successfully defended, the expulsion of thePortuguese from Japan in 1639 excluded Portuguese merchants from the highly profitable China-Japan trade. Havingsuccessfully prevented the French from gaining a foothold in Portuguese Brazil at France Équinoxiale in 1615,Salvador da Bahia was lost to the Dutch in 1624 (though recaptured by a joint Spanish-Portuguese force thefollowing year) and Pernambuco in 1630.In need of slaves for the sugar producing regions they had captured in Brazil, the Dutch began attacks on thePortuguese trading posts on the west coast of Africa, successfully taking Elmina (1637), Luanda (1641) and Axim(1642).[133] By 1654, Portugal had succeeded in expelling the Dutch from Brazil and Luanda, though its preeminentposition in Asia had been lost forever.[134]

Imperial recovery and decline (1663–1825)

Bandeirantes were crucial in Portuguese exploration, colonization, and pacificationof the Brazilian interior.

The loss of colonies was one of the reasonsthat contributed to the end of the personalunion with Spain. In 1640 John IV wasproclaimed King of Portugal and thePortuguese Restoration War began. In 1661the Portuguese offered Bombay and Tangierto England as part of a dowry, and over thenext hundred years the English graduallybecame the dominant trader in India,gradually excluding the trade of otherpowers. In 1668 Spain recognized the end ofthe Iberian Union and in exchange Portugalceded Ceuta to the Spanish crown.[135]

At the end of confrontations with the Dutch,Portugal was able to cling onto Goa and

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several minor bases in India, and managed to regain territories in Brazil and Africa, but lost forever to prominence inAsia as trade was diverted through increasing numbers of English, Dutch and French trading posts. Thus, throughoutthe century, Brazil gained increasing importance to the empire, which exported Brazilwood and sugar.[121]

From 1693 the focus was in a Brazilian region that become known as Minas Gerais, where gold was discovered.Major discoveries of gold and, later, diamonds in Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso and Goiás led to a "gold rush", with alarge influx of migrants.[136] The village founded in 1696, became the new economic center of the empire, with rapidsettlement and some conflicts. This gold cycle led to the creation of an internal market and attracted a large numberof immigrants. The population grew 750% between 1650 to 1770 and quickly became the largest in Brazil,contributing to the settlement of the interior. 78% of this population being of black people and mestizos, and alsoNew Christians from the north of Portugal and the Azores and Madeira, who settled as important trade agents in thevillages around Ouro Preto and Mariana.

The Portuguese Cortes sought the disbandment ofthe United Kingdom.

The gold rush considerably increased the revenue of the Portuguesecrown, who charged a fifth of all the ore mined, or the "fifth".Diversion and smuggling were frequent, so a whole set of bureaucraticcontrols were instituted. The gold production would have increasedfrom 2 tonnes per year in 1701 to 14 tonnes in the 1750s but thenbegan to decline sharply until exhausting before the end of the century.Gold surpassed the earnings of other products from the colonies andthis trade brought prosperity to Rio de Janeiro and the kingdom.[137]

In 1755 Lisbon suffered a catastrophic earthquake, which together witha subsequent tsunami killed between 40,000-60,000 people out of apopulation of 275,000.[138] This sharply checked Portuguese colonialambitions in the late 18th century.[139]

Unlike Spain, Portugal did not divide its colonial territory in America.The captaincies created there were subordinated to a centralizedadministration in Salvador which reported directly to the Crown inLisbon. The 18th century was marked by increasing centralization ofroyal power throughout the Portuguese empire, with the power of theJesuits, protective of the Indians against slavery, brutally suppressed by the Marquis of Pombal, leading to thedissolution of this religious order under ground Portuguese in 1759.[140] In 1774, the two states of Brazil and theGrão-Pará and Maranhão merged into a single administrative entity.[141]

The settlers began to express some dissatisfaction with the authorities in Lisbon as the decline of mining made itdifficult to pay the taxes demanded by the Crown. In 1789, when it announced a tax of 20% of the gold removed,revolt broke out in Ouro Preto.

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Brazilian Independence crippled the Portuguese Empire, both economically andpolitically, for a long time.

Encouraged by the example of the UnitedStates of America, which had won itsindependence from Britain (1776–1781), theattempt centred in the colonial province ofMinas Gerais was made in 1789 to achievethe same objective. However, theInconfidência Mineira failed, the leadersarrested and, of the participants of theinsurrections the one of lowest socialposition, Tiradentes, was hanged.[142]

In 1808, Napoleon Bonaparte invadedPortugal, and Dom João, Prince Regent inplace of his mother, Dona Maria I, ordered

the transfer of the royal court to Brazil. In 1815 Brazil was elevated to the status of Kingdom, the Portuguese stateofficially becoming the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves (Reino Unido de Portugal, Brasil eAlgarves), and the capital was transferred from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro, the only instance of a European countrybeing ruled from one of its colonies. There was also the election of Brazilian representatives to the CortesConstitucionais Portuguesas (Portuguese Constitutional Courts), the Parliament that assembled in Lisbon in the wakeof the Liberal Revolution of 1820.[143]

Although the royal family returned to Portugal in 1821, the interlude led to a growing desire for independenceamongst Brazilians. In 1822, the son of Dom João VI, then prince-regent Dom Pedro I, proclaimed the independenceof Brazil on September 7, 1822, and was crowned Emperor of the new Empire of Brazil. Unlike the Spanish coloniesof South America, Brazil's independence was achieved without significant bloodshed.[144][145]

Consolidation in Africa (1822–1951)

In the 19th century, Portugal launched campaignsto solidify Portuguese Africa.

At the height of European colonialism in the 19th century, Portugalhad lost its territory in South America and all but a few bases in Asia.During this phase, Portuguese colonialism focused on expanding itsoutposts in Africa into nation-sized territories to compete with otherEuropean powers there. Portugal pressed into the hinterland of Angolaand Mozambique, and explorers Serpa Pinto, Hermenegildo Capeloand Roberto Ivens were among the first Europeans to cross Africa westto east.[146][147]

The project to connect the two colonies, the Pink Map, was thePortuguese main objective in the 1880s.[148] However, the idea wasunacceptable to the British, who had their own aspirations ofcontiguous British territory running from Cairo to Cape Town. The British Ultimatum of 1890 was imposed uponKing Carlos I of Portugal and the Pink Map came to an end. The King's reaction to the ultimatum was exploited byrepublicans.[148]

In 1908 King Carlos and Prince Luís Filipe were murdered in Lisbon. Luís Filipe's brother, Manuel, became KingManuel II of Portugal. Two years later Portugal became a republic.[149]

In World War I German troops threatened Mozambique, and Portugal entered the war to protect its colonies.[150]

Portuguese territories eventually included the modern nations of Cape Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe,Guinea-Bissau, Angola, and Mozambique.[151]

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Turmoil and Decolonization (1951–1999)

In the 20th-c., Portugal no longer called itself an empire, but a pluricontinentalnation with overseas provinces.

In the wake of World War II, decolonizationmovements began to gain momentum in theempires of the European powers. Theensuing Cold War also created instabilitiesamong Portuguese overseas populations, asthe United States and Soviet Union vied toincrease their spheres of influence.Following the granting of independence toIndia by Britain in 1947, and the decision byFrance to allow its enclaves in India to beincorporated into the newly independent

nation, pressure was placed on Portugal to do the same.[152] This was resisted by António de Oliveira Salazar, whohad taken power in 1933. Salazar rebuffed a request in 1950 by Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, to returnthe enclaves, viewing them as integral parts of Portugal.[153] The following year, the Portuguese constitution wasamended to change the status of the colonies to overseas provinces. In 1954, a local uprising resulted in theoverthrow of the Portuguese authorities in the Indian enclave of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. The existence of theremaining Portuguese colonies in India became increasingly untenable and Nehru enjoyed the support of almost allthe Indian domestic political parties as well as the Soviet Union and its allies. In 1961, shortly after an uprisingagainst the Portuguese in Angola, Nehru ordered the Indian Army in to Goa, Daman and Diu, which were quicklycaptured and formally annexed the following year. Salazar refused to recognize the transfer of sovereignty, believingthe territories to be merely occupied. The Province of Goa continued to be represented in the Portuguese NationalAssembly until 1974.[154]

António de Oliveira Salazar sought thepreservation of a pluricontinental Portugal.

The outbreak of violence in February 1961 in Angola was thebeginning of the end of Portugal's empire in Africa. Portuguese armyofficers in Angola held the view that it would be incapable of dealingmilitarily with an outbreak of guerilla warfare and therefore thatnegotiations should begin with the independence movements.However, Salazar publicly stated his determination to keep the empireintact, and by the end of the year, 50,000 troops had been stationedthere. The same year, the tiny Portuguese fort of São João Baptista deAjudá in Ouidah, a remnant of the West African slave trade, wasannexed by the new government of Dahomey (now Benin) that hadgained its independence from France. Unrest spread from Angola toGuinea, which rebelled in 1963, and Mozambique in 1964.[154]

The rise of Soviet influence among the Movimento das ForçasArmadas's military (MFA) and working class, and the cost andunpopularity of the Portuguese Colonial War (1961–1974), in whichPortugal resisted to the emerging nationalist guerrilla movements insome of its African territories, eventually led to the collapse of theEstado Novo regime in 1974. Known as the "Carnation Revolution", one of the first acts of the MFA-led governmentwhich then came into power – the National Salvation Junta (Junta de Salvação Nacional) – was to end the wars andnegotiate Portuguese withdrawal from its African colonies. These events prompted a mass exodus of Portuguese

citizens from Portugal's African territories (mostly from Angola and Mozambique), creating over a million Portuguese refugees – the retornados.[155] Portugal's new ruling authorities also recognized Goa and other

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Portuguese India's territories invaded by India's military forces, as Indian territories. Benin's claims over São JoãoBaptista de Ajudá, were also accepted by the Portuguese, and diplomatic relations were restored with both India andBenin.Civil wars in Angola and Mozambique promptly broke out, with incoming communist governments formed by theformer rebels (and backed by the Soviet Union, Cuba, and other communist countries) fighting against insurgentgroups supported by nations like Zaire, South Africa, and the United States.[156]

East Timor also declared independence in 1975 by making an exodus of many Portuguese refugees to Portugal,which was also known as retornados. However, East Timor was almost immediately invaded by neighbouringIndonesia, which later occupied up until 1999. A United Nations-sponsored referendum of that year resulted in amajority of East Timorese choosing independence, which was finally achieved in 2002.[157]

The transfer of the sovereignty of Macau to China on December 20, 1999, under the terms of an agreementnegotiated between People's Republic of China and Portugal twelve years earlier marked the end of the Portugueseoverseas empire. Nevertheless, the Portuguese language remains co-official with Cantonese in Macau.[158]

LegacySeven of the former colonies of Portugal have Portuguese as their official language. Together with Portugal, they arenow members of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries, which when combined total 10,742,000 km², or7.2% of the Earth's landmass (148 939 063 km²).[159] Equatorial Guinea, which adopted Portuguese as its thirdofficial language in 2007, is currently an associate observer of the CPLP, along with Mauritius and Senegal.Moreover, twelve candidate countries or regions have applied for membership to the CPLP and are awaitingapproval.[160]

Today, Portuguese is one of the world's major languages, ranked sixth overall with approximately 240 millionspeakers around the globe[161] It is the third most spoken language in the Americas, mainly due to Brazil, althoughthere are also significant communities of lusophones in nations such as Canada, the USA and Venezuela. In addition,there are numerous Portuguese-based creole languages, including the one utilized by the Kristang people in Malacca.In cyberspace, Portuguese is estimated to be the seventh most widely used Internet language, and on Wikipedia itcurrently has the ninth largest number of articles published.[161][162]

In light of its international importance, Portugal and Brazil are leading a movement to include Portuguese as one ofthe official languages of the United Nations.[163]

Member states and associate observer states of the Community of Portuguese LanguageCountries (CPLP).

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Region States Countries with Territories part of the Portuguese Empire

Africa 26 States

Dark Blue: Countries with at least one Territory (anachronistic) part of the Portuguese Empire.Light Blue: Countries with at least one Claimed territory (anachronistic) part of the PortugueseEmpirePale Blue: Countries with at least one Christian Mission of the Portuguese Empire

North America 3 States

Central and South America 4 States

Asia and Oceania 22 States

The Portuguese empire spread over time throughout a vast number of Territories that are now part of 53 differentSovereign States.

References[1][1] Melvin Eugene Page, Penny M. Sonnenburg, p. 481[2][2] Liam Matthew Brockey, p. xv[3][3] Richard M. Juang, Noelle Anne Morrissette, p. 894[4] leep (1997), Structural dynamics: theory and computation (http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=njRlswNf92wC), Springer,

ISBN 978-0-412-07461-5, , retrieved 12 August 2011[5][5] Diffie, p. 301[6][6] Newitt, pp. 15-17[7][7] Newitt, p. 19[8][8] Boxer, p. 19[9][9] Abernethy, p. 4[10][10] Newitt, p. 21[11][11] Diffie, p. 55[12][12] Henry, a product of 15th century Portugal, was inspired by both religious and economic factors. Diffie, p. 56[13][13] Anderson, p. 50[14][14] Coates, p. 60[15][15] Diffie, p. 68[16][16] Daus, p. 33[17][17] Boxer, p. 29[18][18] Russell-Wood, p. 9[19][19] Rodriguez, p. 79[20][20] Diffie, p. 469[21][21] Kup, p. 1[22] Godinho, V. M. Os Descobrimentos e a Economia Mundial, Arcádia, 1965, Vol 1 and 2, Lisboa[23][23] Ponting, p. 482[24][24] Davis, p. 84[25][25] Bethencourt; Curto, p. 232.[26][26] White, p. 138[27][27] Gann; Duignan, p. 273[28][28] Diffie, p. 156[29][29] Anderson, p. 59

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Chinese+ slaves+ and+ domestic+ servants+ were+ for+ the+ most+ part+ kidnapped+ from+ their+ villages+ when+ they+ were+ young,+

and+ sold+ to+ the+ Portuguese+ by+ native+ pimps. + The+ French+ traveller+ Mocquet,+ writing+ in+ the+ second+ decade+ of+ the&

dq=These+ Chinese+ slaves+ and+ domestic+ servants+ were+ for+ the+ most+ part+ kidnapped+ from+ their+ villages+ when+ they+ were+

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young,+ and+ sold+ to+ the+ Portuguese+ by+ native+ pimps. + The+ French+ traveller+ Mocquet,+ writing+ in+ the+ second+ decade+ of+the& hl=en& ei=J1q8TvusKIL50gHTwtHIBA& sa=X& oi=book_result& ct=result& resnum=1& ved=0CC4Q6AEwAA) (2, illustrated,reprint ed.). Oxford U.P.. p. 223. . Retrieved 4th of November, 2011. "These Chinese slaves and domestic servants were for the most partkidnapped from their villages when they were young, and sold to the Portuguese by native pimps. The French traveller Mocquet, writing in thesecond decade of the"(the University of Michigan)

[69] Asia in the Making of Europe: A Century of Advance : East Asia (http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=W0fBhqb1kdkC& pg=PA1629&dq=Moc-+ quet+ claims+ that+ his+ Chinese+ hostess+ in+ Goa+ had+ been+ kidnapped+ in+ Canton+ and+ sold+ to+ the+ Portuguese+when+ she+ was+ eight+ years+ old. & hl=en& ei=HUe7TuTAGcro0QHZ1q3eCQ& sa=X& oi=book_result& ct=result& resnum=1&ved=0CDIQ6AEwAA#v=onepage& q=Moc- quet claims that his Chinese hostess in Goa had been kidnapped in Canton and sold to thePortuguese when she was eight years old. & f=false). Volume 3, Book 4 of Asia in the Making of Europe: Volume III, the Century ofAdvance (illustrated ed.). University of Chicago Press. 1998. p. 1629. ISBN 0-226-46769-4. . Retrieved 4th of November, 2011. "Some ofthese are taken out of China by the Portuguese and Spanish at Macao. Mocquet claims that his Chinese hostess in Goa had been kidnapped inCanton and sold to the Portuguese when she was eight years old. The Portuguese, he reports, prefer Chinese slaves because they are so faithfuland industrious."

[70] Atlas of languages of intercultural communication in the Pacific, Asia and the Americas (http:/ / books. google. com/books?id=oCx0D0iE2QoC& pg=PA323& dq=Teixeira+ (1961c:+ 237-238)+ notes+ that+ from+ the+ sixteenth+ century+ Macao+ Japanese+and+ Chinese+ slaves+ were+ exported+ to+ Manila,+ Malacca+ and+ Goa& hl=en& ei=0Va8TvTtG4nt0gHj9YXwBA& sa=X&oi=book_result& ct=result& resnum=1& ved=0CDEQ6AEwAA#v=onepage& q=Teixeira (1961c: 237-238) notes that from the sixteenthcentury Macao Japanese and Chinese slaves were exported to Manila, Malacca and Goa& f=false). Walter de Gruyter. 1996. p. 323.ISBN 3-11-013417-9. . Retrieved 4th of November, 2011. "Teixeira (1961c: 237–238) notes that from the sixteenth century Macao Japaneseand Chinese slaves were exported to Manila, Malacca and Goa"

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[76] Japan and Africa: the evolution and nature of political, economic and human bonds, 1543–1993 (http:/ / books. google. com/

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promulgated+ a+ preamble+ to+ a+ decree+ that+ stated+ that+ the+ Chinese+ had+ made+ many+ grievous+ complaints+ against+ the+ . . .

+ or+ buying+ Chinese,+ both+ for+ use+ as+ domestic+ servants+ as+ well+ as+ for+ export+ as+ slaves& q=domestic+ servants). HSRC. 1993. p. 30. ISBN 0-7969-1525-3. . Retrieved 4th of November, 2011. "In March 1595 Mathias de Albuquerque promulgated a preamble to a decree that stated that the Chinese had made many grievous complaints against the Portuguese of Macao for being in the habit of kidnapping or buying Chinese, both for use as domestic servants as well as for export as slaves. The Viceroy in Council, with the High Court of Justice in

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concurrence, henceforth decreed that the purchase or sale of any male or female slave of Chinese nationality would be forbidden on pain of afine of 1 000 cruzados,"

[77] International Association of Historians of Asia (1962). Conference proceedings. "In 1595, the Viceroy of Goa, Matias de Albuquerque,forbade, under pain of a fine of 1000 cruzados, the buying of Chinese slaves in Macao either to remain there or to be exported; besides thisfine the guilty ones would be taken to gaol for two years in the"

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• Russell-Wood, A.J.R. (1998). The Portuguese Empire 1415–1808 (http:/ / books. google. com/books?id=JTVH7PZU1hUC). Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-5955-7.

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• Scammell, Geoffrey Vaughn (1997). The First Imperial Age, European Overseas Expansion c. 1400–1715 (http:// books. google. com/ books?id=G5DGygQdNp0C). Routledge. ISBN 0-415-09085-7.

• Scarano, Julita (2009). MIGRAÇÃO SOB CONTRATO: A OPINIÃO DE EÇA DE QUEIROZ (http:/ / www.anpocs. org/ portal/ index. php?option=com_docman& task=doc_view& gid=4795& Itemid=357). Unesp- Ceru.

• De Souza, Teotonio R. (1990). Goa Through the Ages:an economic History, Issue 6 of Goa Universitypublication series Volume 2 (http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=dwYDPnEjTb4C& lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage& q=& f=false). Concept Publishing Company. ISBN 81-7022-259-1.

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• Subrahmanyam, Sanjay (2012). The Portuguese Empire in Asia, 1500-1700: A Political and Economic Historyd(http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=K7RlmNEzqf4C& pg=PA102& lpg=PA102& dq=Afonso+ de+Albuquerque+ centralizing& source=bl& ots=XjFOOB71Zg& sig=LQLI0sKmUmj0fk2q_fqE30NjK-Y& hl=en&sa=X& ei=RtX-T-eXAYnA8ATtlanvBg& ved=0CEMQ6AEwBDgU#v=onepage& q=Afonso de Albuquerquecentralizing& f=false). Wiley-Blackwell, 2nd ed.. ISBN 978-1-1182-7402-6.

• Treece, Dave (2000). Exiles, Allies, Rebels: Brazil's Indianist Movement, Indigenist Politics, and the ImperialNation-State (http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=s50JnG7BzLAC& pg=PA31& dq=Rio+ de+ Janeiro+ Mem+de+ Sa+ 1565+ 1567& hl=en& sa=X& ei=5uC6UPe1KYOs9ATswYGYAQ&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAg#v=onepage& q=Rio de Janeiro Mem de Sa 1565 1567& f=false). Praeger.ISBN 978-1-85109-549-0.

• White, Paula; Maurice Isserman; John Stewart Bowman (2005). Exploration in the World of the Middle Ages,500-1500 (http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=k6IcwmDG3cAC& pg=PA138& lpg=PA138& dq=Fernão+Gomes& source=bl& ots=DgGLZeWBTf& sig=R1_Yj7Nx4Z7UljckRF8df3F-pdU& hl=en& sa=X&ei=jWr6T4KTJIqs9ATS1KDtBg& ved=0CEAQ6AEwAg#v=onepage& q=Fernão Gomes& f=false). Facts onFile, Inc.. ISBN 3-87294-202-6.

• Whiteway, Richard Stephen (1899). The Rise of Portuguese Power in India, 1497-1550 (http:/ / books. google.com/ books?id=jM4NAAAAIAAJ& pg=PA339& dq=Simão+ de+ Andrade+ kidnapping& hl=en&ei=XPgOTb7eH8H88AbQvOHsDQ& sa=X& oi=book_result& ct=result& resnum=6&ved=0CD0Q6AEwBQ#v=onepage& q& f=false). A. Constable. ISBN 8120605004.

• Yamashiro, José (1991). Choque Luso No Japão Dos Séculos XVI e XVII (http:/ / books. google. com/books?id=l2qSNQnlQGcC& pg=PA103& dq=sul+ portugal+ chineses+ escravos& hl=en&ei=UtcOTaO7HYOB8ga54uXUDQ& sa=X& oi=book_result& ct=result& resnum=10&ved=0CE8Q6AEwCQ#v=onepage& q=sul portugal chineses escravos& f=false). Ibrasa. ISBN 1-74059-421-5.

External links• Portuguese Empire Timeline (http:/ / www. timelines. info/ history/ empires_and_civilizations/

portuguese_empire/ )• The First Global Village by Martin Page (http:/ / www. amazon. com/ exec/ obidos/ tg/ guides/ guide-display/ -/

1QKIU4ZIT0XLI)• The Portuguese and the East (http:/ / purl. pt/ 711/ 1/ ) (in Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Thai) with English

introduction.• Dutch Portuguese Colonial History (http:/ / www. colonialvoyage. com/ ) Dutch Portuguese Colonial History:

history of the Portuguese and the Dutch in Ceylon, India, Malacca, Bengal, Formosa, Africa, Brazil. LanguageHeritage, lists of remains, maps.

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Article Sources and Contributors 29

Article Sources and ContributorsPortuguese Empire  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=535733348  Contributors: [email protected], Aaronbrick, AdjustShift, Aenariel, Ahoerstemeier, Al-Andalus,AlanUS, Alansohn, Alarbus, Alex S, AlexanderKaras, Alvaro pacheco, Alvesgaspar, Andrelvis, Andres, Andrewman327, Andrewrp, Andrwsc, Angel ivanov angelov, Angusmclellan,Anotherclown, Arigato1, Arjayay, Astrotrain, Avoided, Bahar101, Barkeep, Bawantha, Belligero, Bigfamine, Blacksqr, Blue102, Bluedenim, Bodnotbod, Bogdangiusca, Bourquie, BrainyBabe,Brianyoumans, Bryan Derksen, BurgererSF, CalJW, Califate123!, Capricorn42, Cdc, Chamal N, Chanakyathegreat, CharlotteWebb, Chhoro, Chiwara, ChrisHodgesUK, Ciga, Ck lostsword,Ckatz, Cleduc, Cobaltcigs, Commander Keane, CommonsDelinker, CouchTurnip, Cristiano Tomás, CsDix, Cyfal, Câmara, DMacks, DO'Neil, DabMachine, Dadofsam, DanMS, Dantadd, DarianJon, Darth Molo, Datiusnerva, David Stewart, Dawn22, Deepak D'Souza, Dekimasu, Deltabeignet, Dentren, Deor, Dewritech, Dhoom, Diazcooper, Dilmun, Doctor Boogaloo, Docu, Dogaroon,Domaleixo, Domino theory, Donama, Douglas the Comeback Kid, Dpecego, Dr Gangrene, DragonflySixtyseven, Drahgo, Eastlaw, Eboracum, EdJohnston, Eddiewalsh25, Egpetersen, El0i,Elcobbola, English Bobby, EoGuy, Euchiasmus, EuroHistoryTeacher, Evercat, Excelsior Deo, Exir Kamalabadi, FF2010, Fastifex, Faunas, Fernandoe, Fkehar, Flopsy Mopsy and Cottonmouth,Frandius, Freedomlinux, GUllman, Gadfium, Gaius Cornelius, Geosultan4, Gilderien, Gimferrer, GirasoleDE, Good Olfactory, Goustien, Graham87, Greenshed, Ground Zero, Gryphon044,Hajor, Halwinter, Headbomb, Hemlock Martinis, Hephaestos, Herostratus, Hmains, Holycharly, Hro'nyewachu, Husond, Hydriotaphia, IANVS, Ihcoyc, Iman0613, Improv, Inomyabcs,Instantnood, Inwind, J. Patrick Fischer, J.P.Rallizgard, JDubman, JKBrooks85, JVerber, JW1805, Jagged 85, Jake Wartenberg, Jam01, JamesAM, Janneman, Jeff3000, Jetman, Jim Sweeney,JimVC3, Jimp, JoDonHo, Joaopais, Joe Kress, Joey Profit, John Hill, John K, John of Reading, JohnOwens, Jooler, Joseph Solis in Australia, Jpbowen, Jsobral, Kaihsu, Karan Kamath,Kennercat, Kierancrotty, Kinneyboy90, Koavf, Kotiwalo, Kozuch, Kvasir, Lacobrigo, Lacrimosus, Lapsed Pacifist, Lar, LeftAire, Legoktm, Licor, LilHelpa, Limongi, Llywrch, Lokal Profil,Look2See1, Lowe4091, Luis wiki, LuzoGraal, Maahmaah, Macanese馬 交 人, Mafmafmaf, Malerhia, Males, Marashie, Marco Neves, Marcsin, Markvigil1, Martin H., Mathiasrex, MatthewFennell, Mattis, MayerG, Mddake, Mensch, Merbabu, Merhawie, Mic, Michael Hardy, Miguel in Portugal, MiguelNS, Mikaey, Mild Bill Hiccup, Mister Nice Guy, Mizunoryu, MosheConstantine Hassan Al-Silverburg, Mouramoor, Movementarian, Mr.StateOfShock, MrPMonday, MrRhythm, Muhandes, Muhends, NTK, NawlinWiki, Neo139, Newone, Nicholassharland,Nidator, NielsenGW, NorCalHistory, Nuno Gabriel Cabral, Nuno Tavares, O Rei do Frango Assado, Olivier, Orangechoc, Orayzio, Osarius, Page Up, Parkjunwung, Pascal.Tesson, Patxi lurra,Paul Benjamin Austin, Pavel Vozenilek, Pcpcpc, Pearle, PedroPVZ, Pedrocas8, Pedrogomes93, Pgoncalv, PhnomPencil, Picaroon, Pigman, Pleahy1, Popotão, Provocateur, Quiensabe, R'n'B,RA0808, Rahurk, Ramirez72, Rande M Sefowt, Red4tribe, Renata3, Retireduser455656, Ricardo monteiro, Richard Weil, Richard asr, Rjwilmsi, Robertolyra, Rockero, Rund Van, Salih,Sandover, Sangjinhwa, Sannse, Secfan, Secretlondon, Shogartu, Silly rabbit, Silverhelm, Sir Gawain, SkyrimWhiterun, SlackerMom, Smettems, Speciate, Speedboy Salesman, SpookyMulder,Sridhar10001, Stephensuleeman, Steven J. Anderson, Sunderland06, Sverdrup, Sympleko, Synchronism, T L Miles, THEN WHO WAS PHONE?, Tait123, Tanketz, TashkentFox, Tassedethe,Taxiboy277, Tdadamemd, That-Vela-Fella, Thayts, The Moose, The Ogre, The Red Hat of Pat Ferrick, ThePedanticPrick, Thedalek79, Thiseye, Thorius Maximus, Tide rolls, TintininLisbon, ToaNidhiki05, Tom Radulovich, Tonyjeff, Tpbradbury, Trafalgar678, Travelbird, Trek011, Tugaworld, Unobjectionable, Uxbona, Valentinian, Vegaswikian, Velho, Victor falk, Vonones, WAS4.250, Walrasiad, Wavelength, WereSpielChequers, Weregerbil, Wik, Wiki13, Wikitza, Willhsmit, Woohookitty, XPTO, Xaxafrad, Xyzt1234, Yodaki, Yosy, Zeorymer, Zinoviev, 477anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and ContributorsFile:Flag Portugal (1640).svg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Flag_Portugal_(1640).svg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: myself, based on ancient nationalsymbol.File:Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Portugal (1640-1910).png  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Kingdom_of_Portugal_(1640-1910).png License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0  Contributors: User:Zulske heraldryFile:Portugal Império total.png  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Portugal_Império_total.png  License: Copyrighted free use  Contributors: Original uploader was TheOgre at en.wikipedia Later versions were uploaded by The Red Hat of Pat Ferrick at en.wikipedia.Image:Conquista de Ceuta.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Conquista_de_Ceuta.jpg  License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0  Contributors:User:LumastanFile:Amina.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Amina.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Ahanta, AnRo0002, JMCC1, Katharinaiv, Väsk, WikitzaImage:Spain and Portugal.png  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Spain_and_Portugal.png  License: GNU Free Documentation License  Contributors: LencerFile:Retrato de Vasco da Gama.png  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Retrato_de_Vasco_da_Gama.png  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Bukk, Lumastan, MattesFile:Portuguese Carracks off a Rocky Coast.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Portuguese_Carracks_off_a_Rocky_Coast.jpg  License: unknown  Contributors:Ariadacapo, Bukk, Darwinius, JotaCartas, Mattes, Peter Isotalo, Spellcast, Thib PhilFile:Macau oldmap.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Macau_oldmap.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: 9old9, ArséniureDeGallium, KongShaoLong, 2anonymous editsFile:Afonso de Albuquerque.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Afonso_de_Albuquerque.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Dantadd, Poccil, Rbraunwa,Samulili, Xhienne, 1 anonymous editsFile:Joao III Francisco Xavier.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Joao_III_Francisco_Xavier.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: LumastanFile:NanbanGroup.JPG  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:NanbanGroup.JPG  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Binabik155, Epiq, Kaba, UxbonaFile:Capitanias.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Capitanias.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Luís TeixeiraFile:Philip II's realms in 1598.png  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Philip_II's_realms_in_1598.png  License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0 Contributors: Trasamundo.File:La recuperación de Bahía, Maíno.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:La_recuperación_de_Bahía,_Maíno.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Juan BautistaMaínoFile:Meirelles-guararapes.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Meirelles-guararapes.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: User:TetraktysImage:Periplo A. Raposo Tavares.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Periplo_A._Raposo_Tavares.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Teodoro BragaFile:Portuguese Cortes 1822.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Portuguese_Cortes_1822.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Dornicke, LecenFile:Independence of Brazil 1888.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Independence_of_Brazil_1888.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AFBorchert, Centpacrr,Dornicke, Lecen, 1 anonymous editsImage:Chaimite.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Chaimite.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Barbe-Noire, Garsd, 1 anonymous editsImage:Portuguese Empire 20th century.png  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Portuguese_Empire_20th_century.png  License: Public Domain  Contributors: en:User:TheOgreFile:Antonio Salazar-1.jpg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Antonio_Salazar-1.jpg  License: unknown  Contributors: UnknownImage:CPLPmap.png  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:CPLPmap.png  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Felipe FontouraImage:Countries with Historical Portuguese Territories.svg  Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Countries_with_Historical_Portuguese_Territories.svg  License: PublicDomain  Contributors: Luis wiki

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