portfolio carmen montejo

CARMEN MONTEJO PUIG DE LA BELLACASA Architect and researcher [email protected] +34 619 85 33 22 c/ Españoleto, 26, 3ºD 28010 Madrid Spain Spanish naonality Curriculum Vitae September 2013 Reference Leers Javier Maroto Ramos Cesar Bedoya Frutos Final Degree Project Centre for Scenic Arts at Lisbon’s Mayer Park ETSAM ABIO Vastu-Shilpa Foundaon, India. Internaonal Workshop. Habitat Design in Rapidly changing contexts Academic Semester Projects - Sea Studies, housing and commeral mul-centre. San Petri, Cadiz - Nursery School. Paris - Collecve Housing development. River surroundings. Madrid. Research work Patent P201031173 “Thermal condioning and energy storage system for technical floors” Other Skills Photorealisc images Prototype design

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Page 1: Portfolio Carmen Montejo


[email protected]+34 619 85 33 22

c/ Españoleto, 26, 3ºD28010 Madrid Spain

Spanish nationality

Curriculum VitaeSeptember 2013

Reference LettersJavier Maroto RamosCesar Bedoya FrutosFinal Degree Project

Centre for Scenic Arts at Lisbon’s Mayer Park



Vastu-Shilpa Foundation, India.International Workshop.Habitat Design in Rapidly changing contexts

Academic Semester Projects- Sea Studies, housing and commertial multi-centre. Santi Petri, Cadiz- Nursery School. Paris- Collective Housing development. River surroundings. Madrid.

Research workPatent P201031173“Thermal conditioning and energy storage system for technical floors”

Other SkillsPhotorealistic imagesPrototype design

Page 2: Portfolio Carmen Montejo

_EDUCATION 01-13 School of Architecture. Polytechnic University of Madrid. ETSAM Master’s Bachelor Degree in Architecture courses of special interest: Bioclimatic Architecture / Furniture Design /

Landscape Design / Rhino Feb 09 Vastu-Shilpa Foundation International Studio.

Ahmedabad, India. International Projects Workshop. 2 months 05-06 École Nationale Superiure d’Architecture Paris La Villette. France. ENSAPLV Erasmus program courses of special interest: Scenographie / Archicad 99-01 I.E.S. Ramiro de Maeztu. Spain International Baccalaureate, Spanish High School Degree. Selectividad 97-99 I.E.S. Ramiro de Maeztu. Spain E.S.O. Secondary School Degree 88-97 British Council School, Madrid. Spain E.G.B. Primary School Degree Additional IT courses 3D Studio / Photography_Delegation of Students ETSAM Revit_Astedeco IT center. Madrid NVU/ HTML / E-commerce/ Javascript _ Online Course AutoCAD_ Díaz Bellocq Architects, Madrid *ETSAM_ Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid *ENSAPLV_ École Nationale Superiure d’Architecture Paris-La Villette *ABIO_ Arquitectura Bioclimática en un entorno sostenible *UPM_ Polytechnic University of Madrid

_EXPERIENCE Jun 11 Solar Decathlon Europe. www.sdeurope.org Rosenheim’s university competition house

Supervisor. 08-11 ABIO Research group. UPM. Department of

Construction and Technology in Architecture. www.abio-upm.org

Researcher Presentations at conferences: CLIMA+ ’11. Madrid, Spain: “Combinación de sistemas

actives y pasivos para climatización de una vivienda sostenible”

PLEA ‘11. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: “PCM Analysis as a strategy in passive thermal conditioning in floors”

SEEP ’09. Dublin, Ireland. “Phase change material capsules for thermal storage purposes in housing”

Projects: INVISO (Scientific and Technical Singular Project with

Strategic purposes financed by the Science and Innovation Ministry)

I3CON (Industrialized, Integrated, Intelligent Construction)

Rivas-Vaciamadrid's Local Energy Agency. Patents: Patent P201031173

“Thermal conditioning and energy storage system for technical floors”

Apr 07 Via Tertia real state agency (Madrid) Intern and drafter. 1 month 06-07 Montejo-Herráiz Architectural firm (Madrid) Intern. 6 months. Residential projects Apr 06 Trevelo & Viger-Kohler Architects (Paris) tvk-architecture.tumblr.com Intern. 3 months. Urbanism and architecture projects,

competitions and model making. Apr 05 Montejo-Herráiz Architectural firm Intern. 3 months. Residential projects Apr 04 Javier Álvarez de Eulate, landscape designer Drafter. 3 months.

_SKILLS Languages Spanish Native English Fluent written and spoken French Fluent written and spoken German Basic knowledge Italian Basic knowledge IT & Graphics CAD: AutoCAD, Archicad, Revit Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, 3D: Rhino, SketchUp, 3D Studio Max, VRay, MS Office: Word, Excell, Powerpoint, Access Web: NVU, HTML, E-commerce, Javascript, Interests Sports (basketball, volleyball, swimming, horse riding, biking) Travel / Cinema / Politics / Music / Photography _PUBLICATIONS LO Límite y Ocupación 2011 DPA. ETSAM. UPM. Projects selection from first semester course P9 2010/2011. UD. Maroto ISBN: 978-84-92641-52-9 Clima + 2011 I Congreso. Climatización Eficiente Fundación de la energía de la Comunidad de Madrid ISBN: 978-84-614-7043-3 Architecture & Sustainable Development (vol.1) 2011 27th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. PLEA ‘11 Presses universitaires de Louvain ISBN: 978-2-87463-276-1 SEEP ’09 Conference Publication 2009 3rd International Conference On Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection.

Curriculum Vitae

Page 3: Portfolio Carmen Montejo


configurable theater

Final Degree Project

Centre for Scenic Arts at Lisbon’s Mayer Park

Rooftop Garden and surroundings

Section B

The Project site has an exceptional centric location in Lisbon. Limited inside a huge housing block that hosts as well the Botanic gardens, that border with this his-torical theatre site.The aim of the project, volumetrically and contextually, is to open up the site through the housing block and relate it with the surroundings, creating at the same time a rooftop urban garden. The Center for Scenic Arts has all the related programmatic spaces underneath a succession of “green” roofs at different levels, creating paths to connect both block sides. This way the fifth façade provides a main urban location for citizens and users in a public space related with the Botanic gardens, allowing all kinds of scenic activity.Three pyramidal-shaped theaters are scattered over the site marking this main program spaces and providing volumetric referral shapes to the ensemble.

Urban location

Page 4: Portfolio Carmen Montejo

Basement floor. 20.00m

Section B

Façade elements diagram

Acess floor. 25.00m First floor. 31.00m Second floor. 37.00m

Configuration options for


façade on slab side

façade on slab front

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D5 D3D3



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Page 7: Portfolio Carmen Montejo

Academic Semester Projects

Sea Studies, housing and commertial Multi-Center. Santi Petri, Cadiz

1 dorm house

2 dorms houses

2 dorms house

3 stories housing building








Sea Studies center and Commertial buldings






on sm

all g






The soft and rounded organic shapes of buildings and urban planning is based on the ero-sion concept in nature

Students residence Hotels

Teaching & Laboratories

Sancti Petri’s peninsula general plan proposal

Sancti Petri is a small peninsula south of Cadiz bay, located between the ocean and the marsh-lands. Land apears and desapears with tides, so erosion is a main partic-ipant in the definition of the site. The proyect assembles different pro-grams and uses that conctept to relate itself to the earth with organ-ic shapes. Wind, sea and human use define the erosion parameter that defines the construction density in the peninsula.

Page 8: Portfolio Carmen Montejo

e.: 1 : 100001 GUARDERÍA. Paris Situación y Emplazamiento

e.: 1 : 100001 GUARDERÍA. Paris Situación y Emplazamiento











e.: 1 : 20008 GUARDERÍA. Paris Alzados interiores

1 : 200081 Copia de Long. 2 patio

Alzado interior Sur

Alzado interior Norte











e.: 1 : 20008 GUARDERÍA. Paris Alzados interiores

1 : 200081 Copia de Long. 2 patio

Alzado interior Sur

Alzado interior Norte

Academic Semester Projects

Nursery SchoolParis







9.88 9.87


e.: 1 : 20006 GUARDERÍA. Paris Alzados Este y Norte

1 : 200062 Fachada Norte 2







9.88 9.87


e.: 1 : 20006 GUARDERÍA. Paris Alzados Este y Norte

1 : 200062 Fachada Norte 2

e.:10 GUARDERÍA. Paris Imagenes

Copia de Vista 3D 2

Vista 3D 3

e.:10 GUARDERÍA. Paris Imagenes

Copia de Vista 3D 2

Vista 3D 3

Cubierta Jardín

Sala de Juegos.1-2 años

Sala lactancia. 0-1años

Dormitorio. 2-3años






9.87 9.88




Cubierta Jardín

Sala de Juegos.1-2 años


Sala Juegos. 2-3años



Sala de Juegos











e.: 1/20

1 : 750091

Copia (2) de Planimetríageneral 1 : 20009

2 Copia de Trans 2

1 : 200093 Copia de Trans 3




Sección B

Sección A

1 : 20094 Detalle

Located in 19th arrondisement in Paris, this nursery school, is crusted in a small site, surrounded in an area of quite big and high buildings. Due to the security and specific program that requires this kind of schools, the building embraces with its two arms the interior space and gardens. Each age range group is distributed in different floors regarding the movility capacities each of them have. The void spaces relate fluent-ly from one floor to the other, separating at the same time the spaces asigned to diferent age ranges and programs. Each range needs a dormitory, a game area, changing area or bath-room and dining room or nursery. The administration and tea-chears space are located on the access floor to allow more control on the people entrance.

Location and RooftopsInterior north facadeTransversal SectionInterior South facade

Exterior North facade


Inside images

Exterior East facade

Level -1 & Playgrounds2-3 years old

Level 0 & Access0-1 years old

Level 1 1-2 years old

Level 2 Roof gardens and playgounds

Page 9: Portfolio Carmen Montejo

e.: 1 : 100001 GUARDERÍA. Paris Situación y Emplazamiento

Academic Semester Projects

Collective Housing developmentRiver surroundings. Madrid

Located on the Manzanare´s river bank, the site has a privileged condition to integrate the river, green areas and the city for the citizens. The main aim on this proyect was to create a dwelling system where each house may have a small garden despite the location of each. This concept produces an open and porous contructive system. The height difference between street and gardens level, allows a combination of a lower housing system, that doesn’t interrupt street views; and a higher block system, oriented perpendicular to the river and the main street, in such a way that it directs at the same time those views and relations.

General model

Transversal Section

Frontal section and facade

Lower housing combination system

Detail model

Concept diagrams

Garden floor 1/5 floor 2/6 floor 3/7 floorAccess/4 floor and street level

Page 10: Portfolio Carmen Montejo

Vastu-Shilpa Foundation, India.

Habitat Design in Rapidlychanging contextsInternational Workshop.

The present time population of Sanand is around 33.000 people, but with the new TATA Nano factory, that will be situated 8km to the west of the city, it’s expected a growth up to a 60%. As Sanand has a satellite situation in the west of Ahmadabad, the main developments is taking place in this east direction of the town, along the highway, where the proposed site is located.One of the main targets for the design is the maintenance of the natural rhythms of flowing water and agricultural fields. In this sense, the central axis for the project is a green pedestrian path that goes through the site, south to north, connecting highway and lake, creating a gradient of activity speed, leaving the intensity of the market, south, near the main streets and quieter spaces and activities, north near the lake.

Site plan

Typology Bgrowth possibilities

Typology B. First + Ground floors

Sanand. Site location and water flows

Page 11: Portfolio Carmen Montejo

Other Skills

Photorealistic imagesRhino exercise

Project for the extention of the Old Slaughter House Art Center.

MadridFinal Degree Project Center For Scenic Arts in Lisbon

Page 12: Portfolio Carmen Montejo

Prototype design of a toy train in methacrylate. Design in two joyful col-ors apropiate for kids. Easy to assemble and disassemble.Measures in mm.

Other Skills

Prototype Design

Page 13: Portfolio Carmen Montejo

Short exercise to de-sign a jacket proto-type for one semes-ter course. The aim of the design was to develope a one sin-gle piece Jacket that could be taken off eas-ily only using brackets to hold it.

Other Skills

Prototype Design

Page 14: Portfolio Carmen Montejo

Research work

Thermal conditioning and energy storage system for technical floors. Patent P201031173

Thermal conditioning and energy storage system for technical floors, that has at least one quadrangular base sheet (1) located under the technical floor (7) of a building, were exists air flow. On this base sheet (1) multiple number of hermetic metal cans will be disposed, contain-ing each of them phase change materials, based on paraffins, which store heat when the material changes from solid to liquid phase and releasing that same heat when it goes back from liquid to solid phase. This way the energy from natural heat and cold cycles can be used as passive thermal conditioning and minimize energy consumption from active air conditioning systems.

Metal cans under technical floor at Rivas Vaciamadrid Local Energy Agency

Plastic foam base sheets were metal cans are located.

PCM releases energy



Solid PCM Solar radiation

PCM absorbs energy



Liquid PCM Night ventilation

Page 15: Portfolio Carmen Montejo

Reference Letters

Javier Maroto Ramos PhD Architect and Teacher Dept. of Architectural projects Superior Technical School of Architecture  Polytechnic University of Madrid Telephone: +34 686927418 Email: jmar@solid‐arq.com    To Whom It May Concern:     I am hereby glad to provide a written reference for Ms. Carmen Montejo Puig de  la Bellacasa  in support  of  her  candidacy  for  any  future endeavours as an architect.  I am  currently a PhD Architect at  the School of Architecture  of  the  Polytechnic  University  of Madrid  (ETSAM)  where  I  have  been  teaching since  1989.  I  co‐founded  Solid Architecture firm and Maremoto Landscape company  where  we look  for  partnership  among  architecture,  city and  territory.  We  have  projected  cultural buildings,  sports  facilities,  offices,  private  and social  housing  and  the  rehabilitation  of  various buildings  to  suit  new  functions.  We  obtained several Awards of Architecture and Urbanism of Madrid,  the  Architecture  Prize  of  the  Madrid Association  of  Architects  and  the  FAD  prize  of design,  alongside with more  than 50  awards  at national and international competitions.  I  have  been  Carmen’s  tutor  in  her  final architectural  project  at  the  Escuela  Técnica 

Superior  de  Arquitectura  de  Madrid.    As  her supervisor,  I  have  been  able  to  ascertain  the quality  of  her  work  and  her  qualifications  to undertake extremely complex projects.  Her final project  consisted  of  a  Centre  for  Scenic  Arts located  in  Lisbon,  Portugal.  She  resolved  the issues  imposed by the site of the project and  its surroundings  (an  enclosed  area  next  to  the Botanical garden circled by a residential area and historical  theatrical  relevance)  in  an  intelligent fashion  by  extending  the  garden  through  the rooftops  of  the  centre,  creating  a  fluent  public itinerary connecting all site  levels. She managed to  solve  all  scale  approaches with  great  effort and  success,  showing  thoroughness and  care  in her work.  Carmen  is  a  very  talented  and  resourceful architect  as  well  as  a  personable  and  trustful individual,  demonstrating  perseverance  and pride  in her work.   She  is a hard worker, open‐minded and curious, proven by her record at the ETSAM  and  her  involvement  in  research  and other  academic  activities  organized  by  the university.   Within the framework of her studies at the ETSAM, she has pursued studies abroad in France  and  in  India  where  she  was  able  to explore other areas and courses.   Carmen  has  demonstrated  in  her  studies  an unconditional  commitment  to  her  work  and  a profound  interest  in  architecture  and  design.  She is a good decision‐maker and she is keen on developing  new  ideas  no  matter  how  difficult 

they  may  be.  Carmen  has  an  interest  and sensitivity  for  architectural  integration  and  she has  stood  out  among  other  students  for  the insertion of her designs in their specific location.  Carmen is also a natural team player and a team leader.    She  has  always  shared  and  promoted the  sharing  of  information  with  colleagues, taking  leadership  in  times  of  difficulty  and volunteering  to  help  other  colleagues  by facilitating the communication and managing the blog  for  the  tutorials  group where  information and work of each student could be shared.  I believe  that Carmen will have  a  bright  career ahead in the world of architecture and whenever it might be needed I would be pleased to answer any further questions about it.  Yours sincerely,    Javier Maroto Ramos PhD Architecture Tenant Professor UPM ETSAM www.solidarquitectura.com  


 Madrid, 21 October 2013 

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Reference Letters

Prof. César Bedoya Frutos Professor in Architecture and Construction Technology [email protected]

To Whom It May Concern: I am very pleased to provide a reference for Mss. Carmen Montejo Puig de la Bellacasa, in support of any future candidatures or endeavours as an architect. I am currently Professor at the Department of Architectural and Construction Technology (DCTA) at the Superior Technical School of Architecture. PhD Architect since 1985, architect specialized in Urbanism and Building construction by the Technical University of Madrid, where I teach since 1979 and I am principal Teacher since 1987. I have participated in the Commission of Technologic Affairs of the Professional Architects Association of Madrid and I represent the Spanish National Council of Professional Architects Associations in several technical committees. I have carried out duties as Vice director and Secretary of the DCTA during different laps of time and I am currently Secretary of the “Master of Environmental and Bioclimatic Architecture” since 2001. Apart from teaching and lectures in

and out of Spain I have a long career as researcher, among others at ABIO research group (Bioclimatic Architecture in a sustainable environment). I have supervised several PhD Thesis. I have been coordinator and main researcher in different projects, developing patents, lectures and research papers for national and international reviews. Carmen was my pupil in 2004 during the Environmental Comfort techniques and Equipment courses. In 2008 she enrolled at ABIO research group as a research student. During the three years she worked in the group I had the opportunity to collaborate with her in several projects, participating directly or indirectly. At the INVISO project (Scientific and Technical Singular Project with Strategic purposes financed by the Science and Innovation Ministry) she was assigned to the Energy Storage research branch, specifically in the development of construction systems incorporating Phase Change Materials (PCM). Carmen and her direct supervisor presented some of the projects developed at different national and international Conferences, with very positive results. One of the projects ended on the registry of the Patent “Thermal conditioning and energy storage system for technical floors” (Ref P201031173), of which I am co-author. As a researcher, Carmen took part representing our group at the Spanish Thematic Network of PCM. As a member of the ABIO group she participated too in the development and monitoring of the project of the Local Energy Agency of Rivas-Vaciamadrid, through site visits and technical solutions research.

As a researcher, Carmen showed herself as a resourceful person, hard worker, proactive and resolute. As a proof of her commitment with the group and organization abilities she assumed internal managing tasks of ABIO group. She supported too with collaboration initiatives and helped in parallel projects with translations and all kinds of organization and administrative tasks, necessary for the group functioning. Carmen has always demonstrated to be a trustworthy professional that accomplishes her work with exceptional motivation. She has great capacity to learn and research in depth with accuracy. It is worth pointing out her skills to work individually as in groups, as well as her availability and commitment with her colleagues. I consider that Carmen would be a great addition in any organization. Her academic and research performance are a proof of it. I will be pleased to answer any additional questions you may have. Yours Sincerely,

César Bedoya Frutos University Professor

Madrid, 17th October 2013

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Reference Letters