poetic devices and forms

COLLECTION 7 POETRY UNIT Poetic Devices and Forms

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Poetic Devices and Forms. Collection 7 poetry unit. Free Verse. Free verse is poetry that does not use rhyme or structure to create its poetic effects, but relies solely on its words to create its emotional and aesthetic effect. Formal Verse. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Poetic Devices and Forms

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Free Verse

Free verse is poetry that does not use rhyme or structure to create its poetic effects, but relies solely on its words to create its emotional and aesthetic effect.

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Formal Verse

Formal verse is poetry that incorporates a pattern of some kind into its word choice and/or structure. 

The most common feature of formal verse is rhyme. 

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Blank Verse

Blank Verse is unrhymed iambic pentameter.

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Rhyme Scheme

A rhyme scheme is a regular pattern of rhyme, one that is consistent throughout the extent of the poem.

  Poems that rhyme without any regular

pattern can be called rhyming poems, but  only those poems with an unvarying pattern to their rhymes can be said to have a rhyme scheme.

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Rhyme Scheme

Rhyme schemes are labeled according to their rhyme sounds.  Every rhyme sound is given its own letter of the alphabet to distinguish it from the other rhyme sounds that may appear in the poem.  For example, the first rhyme sound of a poem is designated as A.  Every time that rhyme sound appears in the poem, no matter where it is found, it is called A. 

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Rhyme Scheme

In the long, sleepless watches of the night, A gentle face – the face of one long dead – Looks at me from the wall, where round

its head The night lamp casts a halo of pale light.Here in this room she died; and soul more

white Never through martyrdom of fire was led To its repose; nor can in books be read The legend of a life more benedight.


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Types of Rhyme

Exact Rhyme - refers to the immediately recognizable norm: true/blue

Approximate Rhyme - refers to rhymes that are close but not exact: lap/shape Also known as half rhyme, slant rhyme, or near rhyme

End Rhyme - all rhymes occur at line ends--the standard procedure

Internal Rhyme - rhyme that occurs within a line or passage

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Types of Poems

Lyric Poem – a poem that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet and is often set to music

Ballad – a type of lyric poem in the form of a narrative

Ode –an elaborately structured lyric poem praising or glorifying an event or individual, describing nature intellectually as well as emotionally

Sonnet – a fourteen line poem in iambic pentameter

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Stanza  - two or more lines of poetry that together form one of the divisions of a poem. The stanzas of a poem are usually of the same length and follow the same pattern of meter and rhyme.

Quatrain - a stanza or poem of four lines

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Rhythm - Rhythm is significant in poetry because poetry is so emotionally charged and intense. Rhythm can be measured in terms of heavily stressed to less stressed syllables. Rhythm is measured in feet, units usually consisting of one heavily accented syllable and one or more lightly accented syllable.

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Meter  - meters are regularized rhythms. An arrangement of language in which the accents occur at apparently equal intervals in time. Each repeated unit of meter is called a foot. 

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Iamb - a metrical foot of two syllables, one unstressed followed by one stressed syllable da DAH

Trochee - metrical foot of two syllables, one stressed followed by one unstressed syllable DAH da

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Anapest – metrical foot of three syllables, two unstressed followed by one stressed syllable da da DAH

Dactyl – metrical foot of three syllables, one stressed followed by two unstressed syllables DAH da da

Spondee – metrical foot of two stressed syllables DAH DAH

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Trimeter – a line of poetry that has three metrical feet da dum da dum da dum

Tetrameter – a line of poetry that has four metrical feet da dum da dum da dum da dum

Pentameter - a line of poetry that has five metrical feet da dum da dum da dum da dum da dum

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Iambic Pentameter - a line of poetry that contains five iambs da DAH da DAH da DAH da DAH da DAH

What would trochaic trimeter look like? DAH da DAH da DAH da

What would dactylic tetrameter look like? DAH da da DAH da da DAH da da DAH da da

What would anapestic trimeter look like? da da DAH da da DAH da da DAH

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Sound Devices

Consonance – the repetition of the same consonant sound

Alliteration – a phrase with a string of words all beginning with the same consonant sound

Assonance - the repetition of the same vowel sounds two or more times in short succession

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Sound Devices

Onomatopoeia– the use of words to imitate the sounds they describe

Repetition– the simple repeating of a word or phrase, within a sentence or a poetical line, for emphasis

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Other Devices Tone – a writer’s attitude toward the subject of a work

Mood – the overall emotion created by a work

Symbol– a person, a place, a thing, or an event that has meaning in itself and also stands for something beyond itself

Irony – what is said or what happens is the opposite of what is true or expected

Apostrophe - a figure of speech in which some absent or nonexistent person or thing is addressed as if present and capable of understanding

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Reading Poetry

Lines of poetry are either end-stopped or run-on

An end-stopped line has some punctuation at its end

In a run-on line the meaning is always completed in the line or lines that follow

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Reading PoetryDo not pause at the end of a line unless there

is a punctuation mark Short pause - comma Long pause – period, colon, semicolon, dash, or

question markRead from punctuation mark to punctuation

mark for meaning Punctuation marks define units of thought Periods, colons, semicolons, and question marks

mark the end of a thought

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Reading PoetryRead the poem aloud. The sound of a poem is

very important to its meaning. Then, read the poem a second or a third time. Each time you read a poem, you’ll get more meaning—and probably more pleasure—from it.

If lines of a poem are difficult to understand, look for the subject, verb, and object (if there is one) of each sentence. Try to decide what words the clauses and phrases modify.

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Poetry Project

1. Meet with group to analyze poem2. Create a PowerPoint3. Answer Focus Questions4. Present

A sample will be provided

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Plagiarism Reminders

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Intentional Misconduct

This includes any of the following actions: Cheating off another student Cutting and pasting from a

website Claiming another’s words

are yours Submitting the same work

in two classes Having someone else do

your work (this includes a family member)

Unintentional Misconduct

This includes any of the following actions: Incorrectly citing a

source Misquoting a source A paraphrase that is

too close to the original source with a citation

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Why Does This Matter to You?

Intentional plagiarism results in an 0% for the assignment.

It can also result in disciplinary action.

If the misconduct is serious enough, you can fail the course, especially if there is more than one episode.

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For the Poetry Project

Avoid going on the internet to get your information. I am more interested in what you think something means, not what Sparknotes says.

Its ok to be wrong as long as you are thinking about the work and you are thorough.

If you use a source, cite it – this includes pictures!

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PowerPoint Pointers

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Helpful Hints

Use a theme or color for all slides (make sure the text size and color are readable)

Avoid an abundance of text, you want to present not orate the PowerPoint

Avoid using a picture as the background of the slide, but feel free to use one as content

Limit to one font that is readableMake sure every group member has a copy of

the PowerPoint in front of them so you can present facing the class and not the board