please turn off cell phones and pagers ndms logistics working group ndms conference may 2005...

Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers

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Page 1: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Please Turn Off

Cell Phones

and Pagers

Page 2: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

NDMS Logistics Working Group

NDMS Conference

May 2005

Orlando, Florida

Bob Daley Chairman

Emile Delegram


Page 3: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

NDMS Logistics Working Group

R o b ert B ish opIn te rb ran ch L ia ison

R e v iew a fte r ac tionre p o rts

C a che C on fig ura tionfo r m o d u la r d e p lo ym e n ts

P a ck ing

L a be ling

L o ad P la ns

D e p loym e n t P la ns

B ro dy H ub b a rdL o g istic s A d m in

T ro ub le sh o o tin g G u ide

P a ck ingC o -ord in a te w ith Lo g A d m in

M a in ten a n ce (B io -M e d)

P ro cu re m e nt

S e lec tionC o -o rd in a te w ith O W G

C a ch e De ve lo p m e nt

K a y B ro o ksM e d ica l E q u ipm e nt

R e p a ir G u ide

P a ckin g co o rd in a tew ith Lo g A d m in

M a in te na n ce

P ro cu re m e nt

S e lec tion

C a ch e De ve lo p m e nt

T e rry T a cke tF ie ld E qu ip m e nt

D a v id H o lla nd

R ich a rd S a ss

M ich a e l S im m o ns

S h an no n D otson

D o n C a rte r

W a yn e B a ker

B e th R ich a rdsB illit ing /F o od

R e n ta ls


T ru cks C a re & M a in ten a n ce

E m ile D e le g ramT ra nsp o rta t ion

R a d io P ack ing

R a d ios

IT /C o m p u te rs

V a l D e u tchC o m m /IT

P ro cu re m e nt

S e lec tion

R o n P ra in itoU n ifo rm s /P P E

B o b D a leyC h a irm an

R e p o rts to M W G

Page 4: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

NDMS Logistics Working Group

• Support Teams for Deployment:


Identify training needs

Present needs to Training Working Group• Transportation:

Meeting concerns and needs of operational teams

Page 5: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Logistics Work Group Personnel

•Bob Daley MSuRT East

Logistics Chief

•Val Deutsch FL-5 DMAT

Communication Officer

•Brody Hubbard AR-1 DMAT

Logistics Chief

Page 6: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

•Terry Tackett

Cache Development (Field Equipment)

•Kay Brooks FL-1 RN

Cache Development (Medical Equipment)

Logistics Work Group Personnel

Page 7: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

•Ron Prainito NY-2 Logistics Chief


•Emile Delegram GA-3 Logistics

Trucks ( Storage, Equipment)

Logistics Work Group Personnel

Page 8: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Bob Daley - MSuRT Logistics Chief

Pharmacy cache


Page 9: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Goals Status

Ordering protocol Pending feedback

BoO Fire extinguisher Submitted to NDMS

In-transit Med Pack Moved to OWG for comments

Page 10: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Val Deutsch FL-5 Communication Officer


Truck radios


Page 11: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Goals Status

Radio compatibly Reprogramming format

Communication Tabled pending feedback

equipment packing

Commo Sub Group In Progress

Page 12: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Brody Hubbard AR-1 Logistics Chief

• Labeling

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Load Plan

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Goals Status

Cache Labeling Submitted to NDMS

Load plan In progress

Deployment checklist Presented to group for approval

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Kay Brooks RN, FL-1 DMAT

• Medical Equipment Development

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Medical Equipment Development

Page 17: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Goals Status

LP-12 Battery Protcol Company reps to present training at conf.

i-STAT maintenance Company reps to present training at conf.

Page 18: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Emile Delegram GA-3Logistics

Trucks:FEMA Rolls Out $6 Million New Truck Program To Enhance Disaster Response

Page 19: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

FEMA Truck Storage


These items are basic suggestions for the storage requirements of FEMA issued trucks for DMAT teams. The items can be adjusted to team’s needs and locations.

Page 20: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Goals Status

Building Requirements to MWG for review New Trucks Deliveries complete and

any problems addressed and corrected

Page 21: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Terry Tackett Cache Development (Field Equipment)



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Goals Status

Air conditioning units Purchased by FEMA

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Ron Prainito NY-2 Logistics Chief


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Color Khaki


Insignia NDMS Logo

Goals Status

Page 25: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Process•Conference calls monthly

•E-mail correspond with new information or updates


•Web Pages:

Meeting Place (

DisasterHelp (

•Set priority items

•Present ideas to Management Work Group

Page 26: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Priority Items•Labeling containers in cache

•DMAT vehicle load plan

•New trucks (storage, maintenance, radios and safety equipment)

•Fire extinguisher protocol

•i-STAT maintenance protocol

•Develop a communications sub-committee

Page 27: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT


•Bring ideas from working group to priority status

•Present ideas to Management Work Group for approval

•Recommendations from teams on needs

Page 28: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

FEMA Support Staff

•Robert Bishop

•Buddy Bell

•Jennifer Halpern

•Marc Tyler

Page 29: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Logistics Work Group Liaison

Send any correspondence to:

Bob Daley - Chair

E-mail Address:

[email protected]

Page 30: Please Turn Off Cell Phones and Pagers NDMS Logistics Working Group NDMS Conference May 2005 Orlando, Florida Bob Daley Chairman Emile Delegram GA3-DMAT

Invitation to Participate …

NDMS at-large members wishing to serve on a specific WG:

• Submit names with a short resume to their Team Commander for approval

• Forward list to MWG liaison

• Selection according to current needs

• Criteria for assignment may include: Region, team type, specific skill set

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