planning committee minutes 01 07 14 - exmoor · planning committee minutes of the meeting of the...


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Page 1: Planning Committee Minutes 01 07 14 - Exmoor · PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Exmoor National ... Julie Notley, Monksilver resident

1 July 2014




MINUTES of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Exmoor National Park Authority held on Tuesday, 1 July 2014 at 2.00pm in the Committee Room, Exmoor House, Dulverton.

PRESENT Mr R C Edgell (Chairman)

Dr J Wibberley (Deputy Chairman) Mrs L Blanchard Mr F J Bray Miss A V Davis (to Minute 5) Mr J Freeman Mr J Gurney Dr S Head Mr N Holliday Mrs C Lawrence

Mr C Morgan Mrs F Nicholson (to Minute 7) Mr S J Pugsley Mr T Taylor Mr R J Webber (to Minute 7) Mr Y Yabsley Mr A L Wright

Apologies for absence were received from Mr R Brown, Mr W J Dyke and Mr R Milton. 1. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN: Mr R C Edgell was reappointed as Chairman of the

Planning Committee for the ensuing year.

2. APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Dr J Wibberley was reappointed as Deputy Chairman of the Planning Committee for the ensuing year.

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: The following interests were declared:

In relation to Item 7.1 – Application No. 6/23/14/102 – Proposed two storey extension to north elevation to provide additional dining and drinking spaces, toilets, a kitchen extension, village shop and two guest accommodation bedrooms, a small patio for an outdoor dining space together with the demolition of the existing outdated toilet extensions to also include changing the access bridge to the first floor and adding photovoltaic and/or solar panels to the roof valley (Full) – Notley Arms, Front Street, Monksilver, Taunton, Somerset and Item 7.2 Listed Building Consent for proposed two storey extension to north elevation to provide additional dining and drinking spaces, toilets, a kitchen extension, village shop and two guest accommodation bedrooms, a small patio for an outdoor dining space together with the demolition of the existing outdated toilet extensions to also include changing the access bridge to the first floor and adding photovoltaic and/or solar panels to the roof valley (Listed Building) – Notley Arms, Front Street, Monksilver, Taunton, Somerset:

Mrs C Lawrence declared a personal interest as the Somerset County Councillor for the Dunster Division.

In relation to Item 7.3 – GDO 12/07 – Prior approval required for proposed depositing and spreading of topsoil (Full) – Land at Armour Lane, Exton:

Miss A V Davis declared being lobbied.

Mrs F Nicholson declared a personal interest as a former employee of the applicant company and on the grounds of public perception indicated she would withdraw from the meeting when this item was considered.

Page 2: Planning Committee Minutes 01 07 14 - Exmoor · PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Exmoor National ... Julie Notley, Monksilver resident

1 July 2014


Mr R J Webber declared a personal interest as the applicant was his brother and on the grounds of public perception indicated he would withdraw from the meeting when this item was considered.

In relation to Item 7.4 – Application No. 6/15/12/102 – Proposed re-surfacing of agricultural track – Drift Lane, land at Goosemoor Farm, Wheddon Cross:

Mrs F Nicholson declared a personal interest as a former employee of the applicant company and on the grounds of public perception indicated she would withdraw from the meeting when this item was considered.

Mr R J Webber declared a personal interest as the applicant was his brother and on the grounds of public perception indicated he would withdraw from the meeting when this item was considered.

In relation to Item 7.6 – Application No. 6/34/14/105 – Proposed variation of conditions 4 and 5 of approved application 6/34/13/103 (proposed conversion of store and stables for use as 2 holiday lets). Re-submission of withdrawn application 6/34/12/104 to alter the visibility splays (Alteration/Lift Condition) – East Harwood Farm, Timberscombe, Minehead, Somerset:

Mr R J Webber declared a personal interest as he leased an area of land adjacent to the application site as grass keep and in the interests of public perception indicated he would withdraw from the meeting when this item was considered.


(1) Confirmation: The Minutes of the Committee’s meeting held on 3 June 2014 were agreed and signed as a correct record.

(2) Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.


(1) Mrs M Groves, Exmoor Uprising

As the public speaker raised a matter which was due to be considered later in the meeting as Any Other Business of Urgency, with the permission of the Chairman, this item was brought forward. The Head of Planning and Sustainable Development advised that following the report to the Committee in May 2014 and the concerns raised about outstanding planning matters at Caffyns Farm, Lynton, a planning application for use of land for camping and associated facilities had been submitted by the owner of the site and registered by the Authority. Registration of the application had taken place subsequent to publication of the agenda and therefore the recommendation of Planning Officers that a site visit be arranged was to be considered as a matter of urgency. The meeting was advised that a site visit would provide opportunity for Members of the Planning Committee to fully understand the issues prior to consideration of the application in due course. It was proposed that a site visit be held on the next Site Visit Reserve date of Friday 11 July 2014.

RESOLVED: To hold a site visit (the details of the site visit are set out in Minute 16 below).

Page 3: Planning Committee Minutes 01 07 14 - Exmoor · PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Exmoor National ... Julie Notley, Monksilver resident

1 July 2014



6. Application No. 6/23/14/102 Location: Notley Arms, Front Street, Monksilver, Taunton, Somerset Proposal: Application No. 6/23/14/102 – Proposed two storey extension to north elevation to provide additional dining and drinking spaces, toilets, a kitchen extension, village shop and two guest accommodation bedrooms, a small patio for an outdoor dining space together with the demolition of the existing outdated toilet extensions to also include changing the access bridge to the first floor and adding photovoltaic and/or solar panels to the roof valley (Full)

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development.

Public Question Time:

(1) Jane Gay, Monksilver resident (2) Mary Jacobs, Monksilver resident (3) Carol Maney, Monksilver resident (4) Anna Thomas, local resident (5) Mervyn Orchard-Lisle, Monksilver resident (6) Tony Goldsmith, Monksilver resident (7) John Notley, Chairman of Monksilver Parish Council but speaking personally as Monksilver resident (8) Julie Notley, Monksilver resident (9) Tom Daniels, Applicant’s agent (10) Simon Murphy, Applicant (11) Caroline Hykiel, Applicant

RESOLVED: To grant planning consent subject to the conditions set out in the report.

7. Application No. 6/26/14/104 Location: Notley Arms, Front Street, Monksilver, Taunton, Somerset Proposal: Listed Building Consent for proposed two storey extension to north elevation to provide additional dining and drinking spaces, toilets, a kitchen extension, village shop and two guest accommodation bedrooms, a small patio for an outdoor dining space together with the demolition of the existing outdated toilet extensions to also include changing the access bridge to the first floor and adding photovoltaic and/or solar panels to the roof valley (Listed Building)

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development.

RESOLVED: To grant Listed Building consent subject to the conditions set out in the report.

8. Application No. GDO 12/07 Location: Land at Armoor Lane Proposal: Prior approval required for proposed depositing and spreading of topsoil (Full)

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development.

RESOLVED: To grant planning consent subject to the conditions set out in the report.

Page 4: Planning Committee Minutes 01 07 14 - Exmoor · PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Exmoor National ... Julie Notley, Monksilver resident

1 July 2014


9. Application No. 6/15/12/102 Location: Drift Lane, Land at Goosemoor Farm, Wheddon Cross Proposal: Proposed re-surfacing of agricultural track as per amended plans 19.11.12 and 15/01/13

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development.

RESOLVED: To grant planning consent subject to the conditions set out in the report.

10. Application No. 6/15/14/102 Location: Triscombe Farm, Wheddon Cross, Minehead, Somerset Proposal: Proposed function room (Full)

The meeting was advised that the applicant had requested that determination of Application No. 6/15/14/102 be deferred.

RESOLVED: To defer determination of Application No. 6/15/14/102.

11. Application No. 6/34/14/105 Location: East Harwood Farm, Timberscombe, Minehead, Somerset Proposal: Proposed variation of conditions 4 and 5 of approved application 6/34/13/103 (proposed conversion of store and stables for use as 2 holiday units. Re-submission of withdrawn application 6/34/12/104) to alter the visibility splays (Alteration/Lift Condition)

The meeting was advised that the applicant had requested that determination of Application No. 6/34/14/105 be deferred.

RESOLVED: To defer determination of Application No. 6/34/14/105.

12. Application No. 6/9/14/113 Location: Exmoor House, Dulverton, Somerset TA22 9HL Proposal: Application under Regulation 3 of Town & Country Planning General Regulations 1992 for the proposed installation of ceiling insulation in committee room together with installation of an air source heat pump to heat committee room (amended description)

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development.

RESOLVED: To grant planning consent subject to the conditions set out in the report.

Page 5: Planning Committee Minutes 01 07 14 - Exmoor · PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES of the meeting of the Planning Committee of the Exmoor National ... Julie Notley, Monksilver resident

1 July 2014


13. Application No. 6/9/14/114LB Location: Exmoor House, Dulverton, Somerset TA22 9HL Proposal: Listed Building Consent for the proposed installation of ceiling insulation in committee room together with installation of an air source heat pump to heat committee room (amended description).

The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development.

RESOLVED: To refer the application to the Planning Casework Unit with a resolution that they grant Listed Building consent subject to the conditions set out in the report.

14. APPLICATIONS DELEGATED TO THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE: The Committee noted the decisions of the Chief Executive determined under delegated powers.

15. PENDING SECTION 106 LEGAL AGREEMENTS: The Committee noted the schedule of pending Section 106 Legal Agreements.

16. SITE VISITS: In respect of the decision taken in Minute 5 above relating to a planning application concerning the use of land for camping and associated facilities at Caffyns Farm, Lynton to hold a site visit, it was RESOLVED that the site visit be held on Friday 11 July 2014 at 9.30am.

17. ANY OTHER BUSINESS OF URGENCY: The urgent business relating to the holding of a site visit to Caffyns Farm having been dealt with earlier in the meeting, there was no other business of urgency.

(The meeting closed at 3.25pm)
