pistoia alliance debates - printing therapeutic nanobots, nanoscale 3d-printing in pharmaceutical...

Sunday 20 March 2022 Printing therapeutic nanobots: Nanoscale 3D- printing in pharmaceutical R&D a Pistoia Alliance Debates webinar chaired by Jim McGurk Partner logo if required

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1. 18 June, 2015 Printing therapeutic nanobots: Nanoscale 3D-printing in pharmaceutical R&D a Pistoia Alliance Debates webinar chaired by Jim McGurk 2. This webinar is being recorded 3. PistoiaAlliance Panellists Nanoscale 3D-printing in pharmaceutical R&D 318 June, 2015 Jim McGurk is Senior Director and Global Head of Data Architecture for Daiichi- Sankyo R&D Informatics. His current position involves development and implementation of master data management and governance for the Global R&D organization. He is also responsible for creating and implementing a 'Big Data' strategy; providing internal capabilities for accessing, managing and analyzing external/public data sources. Jim has more than 20 years experience in software and system development in pharmaceutical discovery and development, as well as developing strategic directions driving architectural, software and hardware decisions. Ahmed A. Busnaina, Ph.D. is the William Lincoln Smith Chair Professor, University Distinguished Professor, and founding Director of National Science Foundations Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC) for High-rate Nanomanufacturing and the NSF Center for Nano and Microcontamination Control at Northeastern University, Boston, MA. Prior to joining Northeastern University in 2000, he was a professor and a director of the Microcontamination Control Lab at Clarkson University from 1983-2000. Dr. Busnaina specializes in nanoscale printing of 2D and 3D structures for devices and sensors. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Nanoparticle Research, and is a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Adhesion Society. Dr. Utkan Demirci is currently an associate professor at Stanford University School of Medicine, Canary Center Early Cancer Detection. He leads a group of 20+ researchers focusing on micro- and nano-scale technologies. The Demirci Bio-Acoustic MEMS in Medicine Labs (BAMM) laboratory specializes in applying micro- and nanoscale technologies to problems in medicine at the interface between micro/nanoscale engineering and medicine. Our major research theme focuses on creating new microfluidic technology platforms targeting broad applications in medicine. In this interdisciplinary space at the convergence of engineering, biology and material science, our goal is to create novel technologies for bioprinting, disposable point-of-care (POC) diagnostics and monitoring of infectious diseases, cancer and controlling cellular microenvironment and microscale tissue engineering applications. 4. Scalable Nanoscale Printing for Sensors, Electronics, Medical and Materials Applications Ahmed Busnaina, William Lincoln Smith Professor and Director, Northeastern University NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing www.nano.neu.edu www.nanomanufacturing.us 5. Printing offers an excellent approach to making structures and devices using nanomaterials. Current electronics and 3D printing using inkjet technology, used for printing low-end electronics, flexible displays, RFIDs, etc. are very slow (not scalable) and provide only micro-scale resolution (20 microns). 20 microns was the silicon electronics line width in 1975. Even with these scale limitations, the cost of a currently printed sensor is 1/10th to 1/100th the cost of current silicon-based sensors. Printed Electronics is a $50B industry projected to reach $290B in 2025. Current Technologies Using Nanomaterials to Make Electronics and Sensors? 6. Directed Assembly of Nanoparticles, Carbon Nanotubes and Polymers 50 nm50 nm 50 nm copper fluorescent PSL fluorescent silica 30 m 5 m Metal II Metal I SWNT Bundles Multiple polymer systems, Rapid Assembly, multi-scales CNTs Rapid, multi-scale Assembly Nanoparticle Rapid, multi-scale Assembly (ACS Nano 2014) 7. WSiO2 Damascene Templates for Nanoscale Offset Printing Silicon-based Hard Templates PEN PIPolymer-based Templates Assembled SWNT Assembled Particles Advanced Materials, 2015 8. 3-D nanostructure manufacturing process using nano-colloids (Northeastern U.) Manufacturing of 3-D nanostructures using directed nanoparticle assembly process. (A and B) NPs suspended in aqueous solution are (A) assembled and (B) fused in the patterned via geometries under an applied AC electric field. (C) Removal of the patterned insulator film after the assembly process produces arrays of 3-D nanostructures on the surface. (D) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of gold nanopillar arrays. Economic approach. MC Roco, Nov 2 2014 ACS Nano, April 2014 9. Leveraging the directed assembly and transfer processes developed at the CHN, Nanoscale Offset Printing has been developed. The ink is made of nanoparticles, nanotubes, polymers or other nano- elements that are attracted to the printing template using directed assembly. Introducing Nanoscale Offset Printing Nanoscale Offset Printing Template Nanoscale Offset Printing System NanoOPS Includes Six Modules: 1. Hexagon Frame Module 2. Template Load Port Module 3. Directed Assembly Module 4. Mask Aligner Module 5. Transfer Module 6. Template Load Port Module 1 2 3 4 5 6 This approach offers faster printing with a 1000 times smaller that inkjet or 3D printing. NanoOPS Videos on Youtube: From Lab to Fab: Pioneers in Nano-Manufacturing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZeO9I1KEec NanoOPS at Northeastern University: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iEjIcog774 10. Nanoscale Science Directed Assembly and Transfer Energy Electronics Flexible Electronics CNTs for Energy Harvesting Assembly of CNTs and NPs for Batteries What Could We manufacture with Mul scale Offset Prin ng? SWNT & NP Interconnects SWNT NEMS & MoS2 devices Multi- biomarker Biosensors 1 0 m m Drug Delivery Antennas, EMI Shielding, Radar, Metamaterials Materials Bio/Med 2-D Assembly of Structural Apps. 11. Bio and Chem Sensors Functionalized SWNTs 4 m 25 0 m Band-Aid Sweat Glucose & lactate sensor Chemical H2S Sensor Cancer and cardiac diseases. Detection is 200 times lower than Current technology Sensors for E. coli bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens Supporting printed electronics for sensor systems 12. Flexible CNT Bio Sensors for Glucose, Urea and Lactate in Sweat or Tears 2 m200 nm Functionalized SWNTs Gold PEN 4 m 250 m 1 m 200 nm CNT Sensors have been also used to detect viruses, bacteria and antibiotics (in Blood, water or air) 13. in-vivo biosensor (0.1 mm x 0.1 mm) Tested for detected with biomarkers for prostate (PSA), colorectal (CEA), ovarian (CA125) and cardiac diseases. Detection limit: 15 pg/ml Current technology detection limit is 3000 pg/ml Publications: Langmuir Journal, 27, 2011 and Lab on a Chip Journal, 2012 US Patents: Multiple biomarker biosensor: (US 2011/0117582 A1), 2 more filed patents Multiple-biomarker detection High sensitivity Low cost Low sample volume In-vitro and In-vivo testing Cancer and Cardiac Disease Optical Biosensors 14. Novel Drug Manufacturing for Oral Delivery of Poorly Soluble Drugs 1) Directed assembly of dissolved drugs into nanorods 2) Delivery of drug in the blood with subsequent tumor targeting 14The eudragit polymer can be dissolved at a specific pH value to release the drugs in the desired region of intestine. Problem: More than 40% of new chemical entities (NCEs) and anti-cancer agents are insoluble in water and cannot be taken orally. Solution: Fabrication of drug-loaded micelles into 3-D nanorods. 15. What is Unique about our Approach? 15 Chauhan V.P. et al., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl . 50, 1141711420 (2011). Ryan M. Pearson et al. MRS Bulletin, 39, 2014. K. Huang et al., ACS Nano 6 , 4483 ( 2012 ). H. Cabral et al. , Nat. Nanotechnol. 6 , 815 ( 2011 ). A. Pluen et al., Biophys. J. 77 , 542 ( 1999 ). Effective penetration of NPs through the tumor is determined by the particle size and shape. Most studies focus on the oral drug delivery of drug in the form of nanoparticles, which have limited penetration into tumors. It has been shown that nanorods would penetrate tumors faster and more efficient than nanoparticles. 16. Novel Drug Manufacturing for Oral Delivery of Poorly Soluble Drugs 16 100nm Paclitaxel drug loaded micellar nanorod Acetaminophen drug assembled into nanoscale vias Advantages: Poorly water-soluble drugs orally acceptable Small size nanorods (~100nm) high permeability, effective transport through intestines Controlled size and shape sufficiently high and fixed drug dosage Controlled aspect ratio enhanced cell uptake better bioavailability Composite drugs overcome multi drug resistance Before Assembly After Assembly 17. Utkan Demirci, PhD Department of Radiology Stanford University School of Medicine Canary Center for Cancer Early Detection Electrical Engineering (by Courtesy) Scaffold-free 3-D cellular assembly [email protected] 18. Background-Tissue Engineering Strategies Top-down strategy Sculpting a large piece of biomaterial into a well-shaped and size-controllable scaffold for tissue constructs Challenge: Hard to control cell distribution and microenvironment. Bottom-up strategy Assemble microscale cell encapsulating building blocks into large tissue constructs Challenge: Require biocompatible intrinsic/extrinsic mechanism to assemble building blocks Soft Matter, 2009,5, 1312-1319 19. Trends in Biotechnology, 2015 20. 3D Micro-Masonary of Tissue Constructs UV light Photomask Prepolymer Solution Glass Slides TMS/PMA coated glass Hydrogel Unit 21. 3-D Microgel Assembly Technologies Nat. Comm. 2014 Adv. Mater. 2013 Adv. Mater. 2013 Adv. Mater. 2012 Biomaterials 2012 Biomicrofluidics 2012 Can we build complex 3-D constructs that would mimic native tissues, e.g. for applications in drug testing? 22. Glass slide 500um GelMA without neuron Neural Experiments Over Gel Size Control 100um GelMA with neuron axon Control 23. Spatial Size Control 24. Robots to Manipulate Single Gels In collaboration with Dr. Metin Sitti-CMU. 25. Inspiration: Faraday waves (FWs) Faraday waves: Standing waves arise through a parametric instability on the surface of a vertically oscillated uid layer. Wavelengths: micrometer scale to millimeter scale Diverse forms: stripes, squares, hexagons, quasi-periodic forms etc. Easy control of topography by frequency and amplitude Source: Miles et al., Annu.Rev.Fluid Mech,22:143,1990 M Faraday 26. Spheroid Assembly 27. Typical Patterns 28. High throughput assembly system System Throughput Max freq Feature Old 1/ batch 200 Hz New 6/batch >300 Hz Compatible with multiwell plate Old system New system 29. Retrieval of Constructs for Long-term culture 30. Biopreserving Microfluidic Bioprinted 3-D constructs 31. We can grow, maintain and cryopreserve embryoid bodies a microfluidic chip Guven et al, Stem Cell Trans. Med. 2015 Microfluidic Systems: A Platform for Precision Medicine Viability Before cryopreservation After cryopreservation BrdU prolieration assay 32. Osteocalcin GFP HUVEC GFP HUVEC Osteocalcin Bioprinting pre-vascularized osteogenic constructs 100m 200m 100m Mimicking the native histology 33. 3-D bioprinted and patterned EGFR2 mutated (red) and nave (green) lung cancer cells. Migration Studies in Cancer Microenvironment 34. Conclusions & Future Directions (i) Precision bioengineering method to create and analyze development and function of specific neural circuits (ii) Our laboratorys mission is applying nano and micro-scale technologies to real problems in medicine with impact at the clinic. (iii) Non-invasive methods including Magnetic and Acoustic Fields are promising technologies to build more complex 3D architecture to mimic the native tissue microenvironment. (iv) We can preserve function of stem cells on chip differentiated to ovarian (v) We need the ability to preserve FUNCTIONAL vascularized cell, tissue, organs preserving morphology, mechanics, and biology. 35. Panellist debate 36. Audience Q&A Please use the chat / question / hand-raise functions in GoToWebinar 37. PistoiaAlliance We will set up all attendees on IP3 http://ip3.pistoiaalliance.org/ Nanoscale 3D-printing in pharmaceutical R&D18 June, 2015 38. Sustaining translational data for secondary use Join us for the next Pistoia Alliance Debates webinar, Wednesday 15th July @ 11am-midday Eastern https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7562549094912217345 39. [email protected] @pistoiaalliance www.pistoiaalliance.org Thank you for joining us!