photolysis of hydrocarbons

Photolysis of Hydrocarbons Group 13: Josh Mardis, John Lubatti, Greg Smith, Travis Watson Sponsor: Ken Edwards of Eglin Air Force Base FAMU-FSU College of Engineering

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Photolysis of Hydrocarbons. FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. Group 13: Josh Mardis, John Lubatti, Greg Smith, Travis Watson Sponsor: Ken Edwards of Eglin Air Force Base. Background. The United States produces approximately 6 billion metric tons of CO 2 emissions a year. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Photolysis of Hydrocarbons

Photolysis of Hydrocarbons

Group 13: Josh Mardis, John Lubatti, Greg Smith, Travis Watson

Sponsor: Ken Edwards of Eglin Air Force Base

FAMU-FSU College of Engineering

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The United States produces approximately 6 billion metric tons of CO2 emissions a year.

Fig. 1: From Dr. Krothapalli’s Lecture 4 Slides for EML4450

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Carbon dioxide absorbs the long wave radiation that is emitted by the earth’s surface and reemits radiation back to the surface.

An overabundance of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can cause an increase in Earth’s natural average temperature.

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Project Scope

Design a device to dissociate jet fuel into carbon and molecular hydrogen to provide on demand hydrogen production to power a small propulsion system (10hp). The desired process for dissociation of the fuel was photolysis, as requested by the sponsor.

The design should separate and collect the particulate so it can be recovered and sold.

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Project Scope

Photodissociation of JP-8Result:

Carbon Particulate and Molecular Hydrogen


Hydrogen to 10HP Propulsion SystemCarbon Particulate to Collector

for Recovery

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Photolysis (also known as photodissociation) is a method of separating a molecule into smaller parts using light.

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Photolysis of Hydrocarbons

Photolysis of hydrocarbons can render varying products depending on the conditions of the environment and other reactants involved.Other hydrocarbonsPolymers

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Photolysis of Hydrocarbons

Once a molecule has been excited by a photon, it can either emit of photon, dissociate, or lead to other chemical processes.

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If the subject can be dissociated, the products in the mixture can react with each other, creating unwanted byproducts.Environment must be suitable that

encourages molecular hydrogen production. Energy needed to dissociate the subject. High temperatures

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Other Methods of Hydrocarbon Dissociation Steam Reformation

A large amount of hydrogen production comes from steam reformation of methane. Process produces CO2.

Thermal DecompositionRequires a lot of energy.

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Specifics of Dissociation

C-H bond has energy of approximately 413 kJ/mol

Our objective is to break and separate The idea is to use a polymer that is

accepting of the by-products leaving only molecular hydrogen

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413kJ/mol divided by Avogadro’s number gives 6.858E-22 kJ per molecular bond

Convert to wavelengthλ = hc/E = 290 nm

Intensity (photons/time) Lux (intensity/area)

What intensity and lux do we need?

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LasersFrequencies neededPurchasing and costBeam sizeMultiple angles

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Would multiple beams at different angles be necessary?

η = Po/Pi. Is this method efficient? What size of incident laser area is

necessary? Could we keep the dissociated molecules


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Chemical Composition of JP-8 Isooctane ------------------------------------------3.66% Methylcyclohexane ------------------------------3.51% M – Xylene ---------------------------------------3.95% Cyclooctane ------------------------------------- 4.54% Decane ------------------------------------------ 16.08% Butylbenzene -------------------------------------4.72% 1,2,4,5 – Tetramethylbenzene ----------------- 4.28% Tetralin ------------------------------------------- 4.14% Dodecane --------------------------------------- 22.54% 1 – Methylnaphthalene ------------------------- 3.49% Tetradecane ------------------------------------ 16.87% Hexadecane ------------------------------------ 12.22%

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Other Addictives in JP-8

Stabilizers Corrosion

Ice inhibitors Anti – static

Biocides Gum cleaner

Varnish cleaner

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New Project Focus

Using Hydrogen gas in an Remote Piloted Aircraft Engine

Looking at other Alternative fuels for use in I.C.E.’s

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Feasibility of converting a traditional R.P.A. Engine for Hydrogen use.

Determine the Processes involved in the Conversion LA Series OS RC Aircraft Engine

Things To Focus On

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Look at similar processes for use with other alternative fuels, such as Natural Gas, Propane, Biodiesel, etc.

Flammability Ranges For Different Fuels

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Look at the safety issues involved with using these fuels in an I.C.E.

Do a Benefits analysis for these fuels vs. Gasoline

Emphasis On Safety!!

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Design Goal for Next Semester: Convert a small R.P.V. (remotely piloted

vehicle) engine for use with one of the studied fuels.

Evaluate it’s efficiency vs. gasoline Determine it’s cost effectiveness Determine if the emissions are cleaner vs.


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