phnong indigenous minority of cambodia

P hnong Indigenous គតិចពង ជនតិដើម Minority

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Post on 23-Jul-2016




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A group of students from Liger Learning Center in Phnom Penh traveled to Mondulkiri to study indigenous Phnong culture. In this book, you will learn about Phnong traditional livelihoods, their belief, ceremony, education, and their lifestyle through our interviews. Liger Learning Center in Phnom Penh provides high-potential, economically disadvantaged students with a world-class project-based learning experience – empowering them to become leaders of tomorrow.


Page 1: Phnong Indigenous Minority of Cambodia

Phnong Indigenous

ភាគតិចព្នងជនជាតិដើម Minority

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ពួកយើងទាំងអស់គ្នាសូមសម្ដាងនូវអំណរគុណជាអនាកបាបការដល់អង្គកការគំទាសហគមន៍ជនជាតិដើមភាគតិច(អាយសុីអាសអូ)និងកាសួងអភិវឌាឍជនបទសមាាប់ការសហការជាមួយពូកយើង។We would like to express our deepest gratitude toward Indigenous Community Support Organization (ICSO) and the Ministry of Rural Development for collaborating with us.


ការថ្លែងអំណរគុណ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

បោះពុម្ពនៅខាកញ្ញាឆ្នាំ២០១៥First published in September 2015

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ជនជាតិជាតិដើមភាគតិចតាូវានទទួលស្គាល់ថាជាអ្នកការពារជីវិតធនធានធម្មជាតិរបស់ពិភពលោក។ពួកគត់រស់ៅដោយពឹងផ្អាកទៅលើធម្មជាតិ។យោងទៅតាមគាហទំព័រ Cultural Sur-vival ៅលើពិភពលោកមានកាុមជនជាតិដើមភាគតិចចំនួន៥០០០កាុមដាលមានជនជាតិដើមភាគតិចបាមាណជា៣៧០លាននាក់ហើយ៧០%រស់ៅទ្វីបអាសុី។សព្វថ្ងានាះជនជាតិភាគតិចៅលើពិភពលោកកំពុងបាើបាាស់បាហាល៤០០០ភាសខុសៗគ្នា។




Page 7: Phnong Indigenous Minority of Cambodia

Phnong is the majority indigenous group in Mondulkiri province, but they are known as a minority in Cambodia. They speak the Mon-Khmer language and believe that they have been living in Mondulkiri for around 2,000 years. Their belief is animistic, which means the Phnong believe in the spirits within their natural environment like animals, plants, hills, stones, jars and others.

We, the Phnong Exploration team at Liger Learning Center in Phnom Penh, took a field trip to Mondulkiri to discover about the Phnong. We collected data directly from Phnong people about their cultural traditions, superstitions, education and more. We also took plenty of pictures of the Phnong’s lifestyle, so we can explain to you more about them. With information collected by us and the pictures we took, we hope you enjoy learning more about the Phnong minority in Cambodia.


Indigenous people are known as an important group of people that protect the world’s wildlife. Their lives depend on their nat-ural environments. According to the Cultural Survival website, there are 5,000 different groups with approximately 370 million indigenous people in the world and 70 percents of them are lo-cated in Asia. Today, indigenous people around the world speak 4,000 different languages.

Did you know?

Based on information from the Ministry of Rural Development, there are 24 different groups of indigenous people in Cambodia. The groups with the most population are Phnong, Kouy and Kreung. Most of the groups are located in northeastern Cambodia. The Indigenous Community Support Organization (ICSO) website states that an estimated 160,000 people or 1.5 percent of the Cambodian population are indigenous people. These indigenous people live in 455 communities. They can be authorized as a nation according to their culture, tradition, language, food, identification, how they control their community, and how long they have lived in a place. They speak two main languages: Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian) spoken by the indigenous minorities, Jarai and Rhade; and Austroasiatic (Mon-Khmer) spoken by all Cambodian highlanders, except Jarai and Rhade.


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Belief & Ceremony

BURIAL, PROTECTED & SPIRITUAL FORESTS Through our experience within Phnong communities, we learned there are three types of forests that they believe in: Burial, Protected and Spiritual Forests. Phnong cannot be buried anywhere else besides their Burial Forest. The dead are buried with their personal belongings because they believe that even though they are dead, their spirit still needs some stuff to use. If someone takes these belongings, they will get sick, so they need to make an offer to the spirit to get well again. Every year, the Phnong gather with their family to celebrate the souls of dead relatives, often having a whole pig and drinking wine in their honor. Phnong people believe that the Protected Forest is guarded by spirits and the heart of the spirits. If they are sick from cutting down trees, they need to make an offering at the specific place where they cut the trees. The Spiritual Forest is a forest where Phnong worship when they have a ceremony. Phnong people believe in this forest because they think that there are spirits who live in the forest. So they are not allowed to take anything out of the forest because it belongs to the spirits and if they take anything out the spirits will make them sick.


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ការសម្ដែងរបស់ជនជាតិព្នងរាំបាពាណីជនជាតិព្នងពិតជាមានសរសំាន់ចំពោះជំនឿវបាបធម៌និងវត្តុជស័ក្តសិទ្ធរបស់ពួកគាណាស់។ដូច្នាះចាស់ទុំតាូវបងាៀនរាំបាពាណីទៅក្មាងជំនាន់កាាយពួកគាសម្តាងរាំដើមាបីបន់សាន់់អារកាសអ្នកតាដាលៅជំុវិញពួកគា។ពួកគាបាើបាាស់ឧបករណ៏សម្តាងនិងសម្លៀកបំពាក់ផាសាងៗគ្នាអាសា័យតាមការសម្តាង។ការរំបាបបាពាណីតាូវានសម្តាងៅពាលដាលពួកគាបូជាសត្វសមាាប់ពិធីទៅតាមឆ្នាំរបស់គា។ឹឧទាហរណ៏បើសិនជាជនជាតិព្នងបូជាកាបីមួយកាបាលពួកគត់តាូវតាសម្តាងដោយជឿថាកាបីនឹងមិនបង្គកភាពហ្វឹកហ្វរនឹងស្តាប់បង្គាប់។ការសម្តាងខ្លះតាូវានបាារព្វចាើនដងក្នុជងមួយឆ្នាំប៉ុន្តាខ្លះទៀតតាូវានបាារព្វចាើនជាងទៀតដូចជាពិធីផឹកសាាពាងជាដើម។ការសម្តាងតាូវានបាារព្វៅពាលពិធីចូលឆ្នាំរបស់ជនជាតិព្នងនិងដើមាបីស្វាគមន៏ៅពាលមានសមាជិកថ្មីមកតាំងលំៅក្នុជងសហគមន៏។ឧបករណ៏ភ្លាងដាលគាបាគុំមានដូចជាគង់ឃ្មាះកងរាងនិងខ្លុជយ។ផ្នាកមួយដ៏សំាន់ក្នុជងការស្វាគមន៏អ្នកមកថ្មីតាូវកាន់ឈើដាលដោតក្នុជងសាាពាងហើយជនជាតិព្នងផាសាងទៀតបួងសួងទៅដល់អារកាសអ្នកតាដើមាបីឲាយពរជ័យដល់សមាជិកថ្មីនោះ។មានពិធីបុណាយជាចាើនដាលតាូវានបាារព្ធដូចជា: ពិធីសែនសែូវពិធីសានសាូវរបស់ជនជាតិព្នងតាងតាបាារព្ធឡើងបីដងក្នុជងមួយឆ្នាំ។

` ជំនឿនិងពិធីបាារព្ធ


គាចាប់ផ្តើមពិធីសានសាូវពាលពាួសសសាូវម្តងពាលសាូវបាកគុម្ពនម្តងនិងចាូតរួចម្តង។គាតាងបាារព្ធពិធីនាះជារៀងរល់ឆ្នាំដើមាបីឲាយានសាចក្តីសុខពាមទាំងទទួលាននូវភោគផលល្អនិងដំណើរការដំសាូវានរលូន។ ពិធីសែនពែែនការសានពាានឬពិធីសុំកមា្មាោសចំពោះអ្វីមួយគឺជាវបាបធម៍របស់ជនជាតិព្នងតាំងពីយូរយាណាស់មកហើយ។ពាលមាននរណាមា្នាក់ធ្វើខុសឆ្គកងព្នងជឿថាបុព្វបុរសនិងអារកាសអ្នកតារបស់ពួកគត់នឹងខឹងហើយធ្វើាបអ្នកនោះ។ដើមាបីលុបលាងកំហុសគាតាូវបូជាមាន់ឬជាូកហើយសានសាា។ប៉ុន្តាបើសិនមាននរណាមា្នាក់បាពាឹត្តខុសា្លាំងជាងនាះអារកាសអាចធ្វើាបមា្នាក់នោះរហូតដល់ស្លាប់ដូច្នាះពួកគាតាូវបូជាកាបីឲាយទាន់ពាលវាលាពំុនោះទាគានឹងស្លាប់។ ពិធីរៀបការមុនពាលដាលគាធ្វើពិធីរៀបការគាតាូវអោយកូនកំលោះចូលស្តីដណ្តឹងដោយយកជំនូនជាចាើនទៅតាមលទ្ធភាព។ពិធីរៀបការរបស់ពួកគាមិនពឹងផ្អាកទៅលើការសមាាចចិត្តរបស់ឪពុកមា្តាយទា។មុននឹងរៀបការឪពុកមា្តាយតាូវមើលទៅលើអត្តចរិតាងកូនបាុសដោយា្លាចថាកូនបាុសមិនទាន់ចាះថារកាសាកូនសាីគត់។ជនជាតិព្នងគាមិនានកំណត់ពាលាវាលាចាបាស់លាស់ក្នុជងការរៀបកាទាតាគាធ្វើពិធីនាះៅពាលចាូតសាូវរួច។កាាយពាលដាលចាូតកាត់ហើយគាួសសរាងសាីនិងាងបាុសានអញ្ជើញអ្នកភូមិនិង

Page 11: Phnong Indigenous Minority of Cambodia

PHNONG PERFORMANCE Phnong dance performances are important to their culture and animistic beliefs, so the older generation tries to teach traditional dance to the younger generation. They dance to appease the spirits that surround them. Different dances are followed by different instruments and costumes. A traditional dance is also performed when they sacrifice animals for ceremonies throughout the year. For instance, if the Phnong people sacrifice a buffalo, they believe they must perform to calm the buffalo, otherwise the buffalo will be restless and move around a lot. Some performances occur many times a year, but some are held more often such as the wine drinking ceremony. The performance happens when they celebrate Phnong New Year and when there are new settlers to welcome them to their community. Instruments that are played at the ceremony are kung, gong, kareng, and flute. A signifi-cant part of their hospitality, the newcomers hold the stick inside a wine jar, and the Phnong people recite the words to them so that the spirits will bless them with good luck. Phnong cultural celebrations include:



Rice ceremonyPhnong hold a rice ceremony three times per year. The first ceremony is when they start growing the rice. The second ceremony is when the rice starts to grow big, and the last ceremony is when they finish harvesting and gathering the rice. They always celebrate the rice ceremonies every year for happiness and more rice yields.

Dedicating CelebrationDedicating or forgiving celebrations have been a part of Phnong traditional ceremonies since a long time ago. When someone misbehaves or makes mistakes, Phnong believe their ancestors and spirits will get mad and harm that person. In order to fix their wrongdoing, they must sacrifice chickens or pigs and offer wine. But, if someone has misbehaved in a serious way, the spirits could cause them to die, so they need to sacrifice a buffalo to get well.

Wedding CeremonyBefore a couple gets married, the groom’s family is required to bring as many gifts as possible to the bride’s family. Phnong people are free to love and marry whomever they want. The parents are interested in observing the man’s personality before the couple get married because they are scared that he will not take care of their daughter in the future. Usually, Phnong celebrate a wedding ceremony

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` ជំនឿនិងពិធីបាារព្ធ


មាកន្ទាាញមកចូលរួមពិធីរៀបការ។ពិធីនាះានរៀបចំឡើងតាមួយថ្ងាទា។អំឡជុជងពាលរៀបការគាសានអាហារសមាាប់បុព្វបុរសហើយជាមួយគ្នានោះដារភ្ញៀវទាំងអស់ានចងដាដល់កូនកាមំុនិងកូនកម្លាះ។ពួកគានិយមចងដាជាសាាម្ហូបសច់ពាមទាំងសំលៀកបំពាក់សត្វចិញ្ចឹមជាដើមហើយពួកគាសបាបាយទាំងអស់គ្នា។ ពិធីបុណែយសពជនជាតិព្នងមានការបាារព្ធពិធីបុណាយសពនិងពិធីបុណាយ៧ថ្ងាដូចជនជាតិខ្មារដារ។សពដាលគាានធ្វើពិធីហើយគានឹងយកទៅកប់ៅពាាកប់ខ្មាចរួមជាមួយនឹងសមា្ភារៈបាើបាាស់របស់គត់ពាមទាំងដក់ពាងតូចមួយៅាងមុខផ្នូរដើមាបីសានសាា។ព្នងទម្លុជះាតពាងដោយមានមូលហាតុពីរទីមួយគឺមិនឲាយចោរលួចពាងទីពីរគឺឲាយម្ហូបអាហារដាលគាានឧទិ្ទសទៅដល់អ្នកដាលានចាកឋានទៅ។ដំបូលផ្នូររបស់ជនជាតិព្នងធ្វើពីស័ង្កសី។ពួកគាមិនបូជាសកសពឡើយពាាះគាជឿថាវិញ្ញាណក័ន្ធនោះនិងរលាយាត់។ៅកាបារនោះគាមានសាាសច់សំរប់ជប់លៀងដល់អ្នកដាលានចាកឋានអោយទៅកាន់សុខគិតិភព។រួចគាទុកចានឆ្នាំងរបស់របរកាបារនោះដោយគាជឿថាវាជារបស់អ្នកចាកឋានទៅ។ ពិធីសែនអ្នកតាលោកអ៊ំុកាស់ទូវានពិពណ៍នាបាាប់យើងពីទីតាំងអ្នកតាមួយកន្លាងៅជិតផ្នូរដាលពួកយើងានទៅមើល។មួយឆ្នាំគាមានពិធីសានអ្នកតានាះពីរដង។គាបាារព្ធពិធីនាះពាាះគាចង់ានទឹកភ្លៀង

សុវត្ថិភាពសុខភាពល្អនិងសំណាងល្អ។ពិធីនាះគាមានចាស់ទុំក្នុជងភូមិជាអ្នកដឹកនាំ។ពាលគាបាារព្ធពីធីនាះគាបាើជាូកនិងសាា(អាចជាសាាពាងឬសាាស)ដើមាបីសានអ្នកតា។បនា្ទាប់ពីគាធ្វើពិធីសានពាានចប់គាមានពិធីផឹកសុីដើមាបីឲាយានសបាបាយទាំងអស់គ្នា។បើសិនជាមានអ្នកដើរកាត់កន្លាងបាារព្ធពិធីគាឃាត់ឲាយៅចូលរួមដារដើមាបីឲាយានសបាបាយទាំងអស់គ្នា។ អបិយជំនឿរបស់ព្នងជនជាតិព្នងមានអបិយជំនឿចាើនដាលជាគំនិតរបស់ចាស់ទុំដាលសបពាួសសទៅក្មាងជំនាន់កាាយ។មនុសាសគាប់គ្នាៅក្នុជងសហគមន៍ានជឿលើអបិយជំនឿទាំងនោះ។ឧទាហរណ៍ការកាត់កាចកដាជើងរបសពួ់កគាៅក្នុជងផ្ទះពាលយប់បនា្ទាប់មកខ្មាចនឹងចូលផ្ទះរបស់ពួកគា។ហើយនិងការសិតសក់របស់ពួកគាៅលើជណ្តើរៅពាលដាលប្តីរបស់ពួកគាដើរពាានោះពួកគាជឿថានឹងមានសត្វា្លាអាចនឹងយាយីប្តីរបស់គត់ក្នុជងពាា។

Wine distilling ការបិតសាា

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Spiritual CeremonyKas Tov described to us one spiritual shrine near the grave that we visited. Every year they have to do this ceremony twice for their ancestors’ spirits. They hold this ceremony because they want to bring rainfall, safety, good health and good luck. This ceremony is led by elders. When they celebrate this they offer pigs and wine to the spirits. At the end of the ceremony, they drink wine and have fun with each other. If anyone walks past the place while this ceremony is going on, they will call that person to join the ceremony with them to have fun together.

PHNONG SUPERSTITIONSPhnong have many superstitions, which are ideas passed from elders to the younger generation. Everyone in their community believes in these superstitions. Two examples include: cutting their nails in the house at night and combing their hair on the stairs when their husbands go to the forest. They believe if you cut your nails in the house at night, a ghost will haunt you.. They also believe if a husband goes into the forest and his wife combs her hair on the stairs while he is away, a tiger might bite her husband in the forest.

when they finish gathering the rice. Two or three days after harvesting, the couple’s families will start to invite guests and elders to the wedding. Their wedding lasts for one day. During the wedding, they offer food in their ancestors’ honor and guests tie a holy thread on the bride and groom. Participants will bring the hosts gifts such as wine, some food, meat, costumes and some animals to enjoy together.

Funeral ceremonyThe Phnong people have a seven-day ceremony in their culture. When they finish the ceremony, they bury the dead body in their community’s burial forest. They also bury the dead person’s personal things (clothes, jewelry, etc.) along with them and leave a jar in front of the tomb in which to place a wine offering. The Phnong remove the base from this jar for two reasons: one is so that the jar doesn’t get stolen and the second is so the food that they dedicate can go directly to the dead body. The roofs of Phnong tombs are made out of zinc. They don’t burn their dead because they believe that it hurts the spirits. Before finishing the celebration, they have a farewell party in front of the tomb to give the person a good send off to rest in peace. After the party, they leave all the stuff there.

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ទិដ្ឋភាពពីចមា្ងាយនាពាាកប់ខ្មាច។Long distanced view to the Burial Forest.

ជនជាតិព្នងជាចាើនជំនាន់ានបាើបាាស់អណ្តូងទឹកធម្មជាតិនាះដាលមានបាភពចាញពីភ្នំជាចាើនឆ្នាំមកហើយ។Phnong people and their ancestors have been using this natural mountain well water for many years.



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Spiritual Forest

Burial Forest

Protected Forest ពាាអារកាស



Phnong Tomb ផ្នូរជនជាតិព្នង

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លោកតាញាះលាងដាលមានអាយុជិត៨០ឆ្នាំអាចចាៀងលាងខ្លុជយនិងគងដើមាបីបង្ហាញនិងរកាសាវបាបធម៌គត់។Nhel Lang is almost 80 years old. He sings or plays flute and gong to preserve the old Phnong culture.

ោះជាគត់ពិការគត់ៅតាអាចបង្កើតកងរាង(ឧបករណ៌ភ្លាង)ឬបង្កើតទំនុកភ្លាងដោយខ្លួនឯង។Even though this man is blind, he makes his own bamboo instru-ments(Kang Reng) and creates his own songs.


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ពិធីសម្ដាងនិងផឺកសាាPerformance & wine drinking.

ខ្ទមអារកាសអ្នកតាSpiritual Shrine

អ្នកសម្ដាងជាមួយនឺងសម្លៀកបំពាក់បាពាណីPerformers with traditional costume

វត្ថុជកមាផាសាងៗរមាាប់ធ្វើថា្នាំបុរណMixed rare stuff for traditional medicine


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ក្នុជងសម្លនាះគាដក់សច់គោជាមួយនឹងពោះវៀនគោឬសច់កាបីជាមួយពោះវៀនកាបី។ជនជាតិព្នងមានបង្អាមបាពាណីពីរមុខផងដារ។បង្អាមទីមួយគឺនំា៉ាយទឹកឈឹក។គាយកមាសៅទៅកូរជាមួយទឹកឃ្មុជំដើមាបីធ្វើនំមួយនាះ។នំទីពីរគឺនំផានឡាក។នំមួយនាះធ្វើពីអង្ករដំណើបលាយជាមួយទឹកឃ្មុជំហើយយកទៅដុត។ ឳសថបែពែណីព្នងពីអតីតកាលជនជាតិព្នងមិនមានមន្ទីរពាទាយដើមាបីពាយាាលជម្ងឺនោះទាប៉ុន្តាមានគាូបុរណដាលបាើបាាស់ឳសថបុរណដាលធ្វើអំពីធ្មាញសត្វរុក្ខជជាតិកមាឬសឈើពាមទាំងអវៈយវៈសត្វ។ជាមួយគ្នានាះគាក៏មានការពាយាាលតាមបាបធម្មជាតិដទាទៀតផងដារ។សព្វថ្ងាោះបីជាមានមន្ទីរពាទាយៅក្នុជងសហគមន៏ក៏ដោយជនជាតិព្នងក៏ៅតាទៅរកគាូឳសថបុរណដារ។ការពាយាាលបាបបាពាណីរបស់ជនជាតិព្នងអាចធ្វើឲាយអ្នកជម្ងឺធូរសាបើយបើសិនពួកគាមានជម្ងឺគាុនក្តាឈឺពោះឬក៏រករូសជាដើម។

ផ្ទះបែពែណីផ្ទះបាពាណីជនជាតិព្នងសងសង់ពីឫសាសីសាបូវនិងសមា្ភារធម្មជាតិផាសាងៗទៀត។ជាធម្មតាផ្ទះទាំងនាះចំណាយពាលបីខាដើមាបីសងសង់។កាលពីដើមជនជាតិព្នងជាចាើនរស់ៅក្នុជងទីលំៅបាពាណីប៉ុន្តាសព្វថ្ងានាះវាស្ទើរតាាត់បង់ទាំងសាុងទៅហើយ។ៅក្នុជងផ្ទះភាគចាើនគាមានដក់ពាងសាាមួយចំនួនដើមាបីទទួលទានក្នុជងមួយសា្ដាហ៍ម្ដងឬក្នុជងពិធីបុណាយផាសាងៗ។គាចាកកន្លាងគាងជាពីរផ្នាក។មា្ខាងសមាាប់សាីៗហើយមា្ខាងទៀតសមាាប់បាុសៗ។ជាទូទៅជនជាតិព្នងចម្អិនាយៅកណា្ដាលផ្ទះហើយពួកគត់ដក់ចង្អារសាូវៅាងលើដើមាបីសម្ងួតវាដោយបាើផាសាងភ្លើងចាញពីការចម្អិននោះ។ ម្ហូបបែពែណីជនជាតិព្នងមានសម្លបាចាំតាកូលជាចាើនមុខ។ពួកគត់ធ្វើសម្លបុកបីឆ្នាំម្ដងៅក្នុជងពិធីបុណាយផាសាងៗ។រីឯសម្លល្វាមានលក្ខជណៈសាដៀងទៅនឹងសម្លបាហើរប៉ុន្តាសម្លល្វាាប់ជាងសម្លបាហើរបន្តិច។បើនិយាយពីគាឿងវិញគាដក់ដូចសម្លជនជាតិខ្មារដារមានស្ករអំបិលនិងទឹកតាីជាដើម។ៅក្នុជងពិធីមង្គកលការគាចាើនធ្វើសម្លវុិ។



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use the same ingredients that Khmer people use in their soup, like sugar, salt, fish sauce and others. For wedding ceremonies, they make Vec soup. In this soup, they put beef with cow intestines or buffalo meat with buffalo intestines. Phnong has two trad itional dessert. The first one is Nom Pai Toek Chherk, where they combine flour with honey to make it. The second dessert is Pan Laik. It is made of sticky rice mixed with honey and then roast.

TRADITIONAL MEDICINEIn the past, Phnong didn’t have any hospital to go to when they were sick, but there were some holistic Phnong practitioners who used natural medicine that contains animal teeth, rare plants, herbs, animal organs and other natural cures. Today, even though hospitals exist in these communities, the Phnong still visit holistic practitioners. Their natural remedies can make patients feel better if they have a fever, stomachache or diarrhea.

TRADITIONAL HOUSES Traditional Phnong houses are built from bamboo, thatch and other natural materials. These houses usually take three months to build. In the past, there used to be a lot of traditional houses, but now there are not many left in Phnong communities across Mondulkiri. In most houses the Phnong keep a lot of wine in jars to drink during the week and for ceremonies. They divide their sleeping places into two, one side for females and the other side for males. Phnong who live in traditional houses often cook rice in the middle of their house. They place a natural woven tray of rice above to dry it using the smoke from the fire cooking the rice below.

TRADITIONAL FOODPhnong people have a lot of traditional food. They make Bok soup once every three years for their ceremonies. Lavae soup is similar to Broher (Khmer traditional food) soup, but it is more viscous than Broher soup. Phnong

Traditional Livelihoods


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` ការរស់ៅបាបបាពាណី



ដំបូងគាូបុរណយកវត្ថុជផាសំថា្នាំមកដុសជាមួយថ្មដើមាបីឲាយចាញសរជាតិថា្នាំរួចលាយជាមួយទឹកបនា្ទាប់មកឲាយអ្នកជម្ងឺផឹក។ភាគចាើនការព្យាាលមានបាសិទ្ធភាពប៉ុន្តាៅពាលខ្លះគាូបុរណតាូវបន្ថាមវត្ថុជផាសំផាសាងៗទៀតបើសិនជាវាមិនមានបាសិទ្ធភាពល្អសមាាប់អ្នកជម្ងឺ។ ការដាំដំឡូងមីកៅស៊ូនិងរុករកជ័រការដំដំឡជូងមីកស៊ូនិងរុករកជ័រគឺជារបរទូទៅដាលជនជាតិព្នងកំពុងធ្វើសព្វថ្ងានាះ។ដំឡជូងមីជាដំណាំមួយដាលងយសាួលដំនិងជួយគាូសរព្នងទទួលានបាាក់ចំណូលសមរមាយពីពាាះដំឡជូងមីជាដំណាំមួយដាលមានតម្លា។កស៊ូសព្វថ្ងាកំពុងធា្លាក់ថ្លារហូតដល់តម្លា២០០០៛ក្នុជង១គ.កប៉ុន្តាពួកគាៅតាបន្តធ្វើវា។កស៊ូ១ដើមអាចលូតលាស់ធំានក្នុជងរយះពាល៤ទៅ៥ឆ្នាំមុននឹងវាចាប់ផ្ដើមផលិតចាញជ័រហើយគាអាចជាយកជ័រវាានរហូតដល់៩០ឆ្នាំ។ជនជាតិព្នងក៏អាចយកមាកឈើងប់របស់វាមកធ្វើជាអុសដុតានដារ។

ជ័រគឺជាធនធានធម្មជាតិសំាន់មួយដាលជួយបង្កើតកំណើនបាាក់ចំណូលជនជាតិព្នងសាដៀងទៅនឹងដំឡជូងមីដារ។ៅពាលដាលពួកគត់ទំនារពីដំដំឡជូងមីនិងកស៊ូពួកគត់ចូលពាាដោយបាើបាាស់ម៉ូតូកាច្នាដាលអាចជួយពួកគត់ធ្វើដំណើរានយា៉ាងងយសាួល។ដើមាបីយកជ័រពួកគត់តាូវកាប់រន្ធៅលើដើមជ័ររួចដុតក្នុជងរន្ធនោះហើយជ័រនិងចាញពីដើមរបស់វា។ៅពាលដាលដំឡជូងមីនិងជ័របាមូលផលានពួកគត់នឹងលក់ផលទាំងនោះទៅឲាយឈ្មួញកណា្ដាល។ Rubber ជ័រកស៊ូ

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need to make a hole in a specific kind of tree and burn it so the resin will come out. Once the cassava, rubber and resin are harvested, the Phnong will sell these products to a middle man.

TRUSTPhnong always leave their personal belongings outside of their house because of their trusting culture. When traveling around their communities, you will see motos, cows, chickens and baskets every-where. Their mindset is very honest with the things that they own. But some people in their community still have the idea to steal things. If anyone steals, they will get sick immediately because of a curse. They need to give back the things they stole. But, if they don’t do it and get caught by the leader of their community, they will receive punishment depending on the value of the things that they stole.

First, the holistic practitioners grind the ingredients with a rock to form a powder that they mix with water. Then, they let the patient drink it. Most of the time the remedy is successful, but sometimes the holistic practitioner needs to mix some new ingredients together if it doesn’t work well for the patient.

CASSAVA, RUBBER & RESIN Growing cassava, rubber, and finding tree resin are the most common jobs that Phnong have. Cassava is easy to grow and helps families earn more money since cassava is a valuable crop. Rubber is decreasing in value, now worth about 2,000 riel per kilogram, but many Phnong still have rubber farms. One rubber tree must grow for four to five years before it starts producing rubber, and then it can produce rubber for up to 90 years. Phnong also use the dead branches of rubber trees as firewood.

Resin is one of the main natural resources that helps the Phnong economy similar to cassava. When they have free time from growing cassava or rubber, the Phnong often visit the forests with their invented motorcycle that can travel through thick forests easily. To get resin, they


16Rice cooking ការចំអិនាយ

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` ការរស់ៅបាបបាពាណី


ការបុកសាូវUnhusking rice

របៀបនាការពរកូនThe way of carrying a baby

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ផ្ទះបាពាណីTraditional House

បុកជាម្ហូបបាពាណីមួយBok, a traditional food

ម៉ូតូកាច្នាInvented Moto

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` ការរស់ៅបាបបាពាណី

លោកយាយក្វូវបុឹងគឺជាអ្នកដាលអាចតាបាញកាមានិងភួយាន។Kver Perng is an old woman that makes blankets or Kro-mas to sell.

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លោកយាយក្វូវបុឹងកំពុងតាបាញភួយ។Kver Perng weaves a blanket.

ការហាលសាូវនិងពាងសាា។The way of drying rice and wine jars

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គែូបងែៀនសហគម៍ជនជាតិព្នងកាកសាីអ៊ីនជាគាូបងាៀនសហគម៍ៅសលាបឋមសិកាសាពូទីល។អ្នកគាូបងាៀនសិសាសថា្នាក់ទីមួយពីរភាសគឺខ្មារនិងព្នង។ គោលៅរបស់អ្នកគាូគឺចង់ឱាយបាជាជនៅក្នុជងសហគមន៍របស់ខ្លួនដឹងពីរបៀបរសរសារនិងនិយាយជាភាសខ្មារនិងព្នងចាបាស់លាស់។អ្នកគាូានរៀនពីរបៀបនាការបងាៀនពីអង្គកការឃារ(CARE)។អ្នកគាូុានបងាៀនសិសាសអំពីអនាម័យផា្ទាល់ខ្លួនផងដារឧទាហរណ៍៖បងាៀនពីការលាងសមា្អាតដារបស់ពួកគាឲាយានតាឹមតាូវ។


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COMMUNITY SCHOOLSPhnong has no written language, only a spoken language. Since there is no written language, the government has schools in Phnong communities use the Khmer alphabet to help with the pronunciation and spelling of words. Kids can start school at the age of six. From grades one to three, their learning curriculum is the same as in Khmer government schools but the difference is they speak mainly in the Phnong language. From grades four to six, students learn and speak primarily in Khmer. Phnong community schools end their curriculum at grade nine, so it is rare that students continue on to grade 12. The region’s only high school is far away from many Phnong villages, in the town of Sen Monorom. Only students in grade nine or higher can apply to be a community teacher.

COMMUNITY TEACHER Kaek Sreyin is one of the community teachers at Poutil primary school. She teaches grade one students about Khmer and Phnong languages. Her goal is to have all the people in her community know how to write and speak in the Khmer and Phnong language. She learned how to become a teacher from an organization called CARE. Sreyin also teaches her students about personal hygiene, like showing them how to wash their hands properly.

Education & Biography


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English HelloHow are you?Not wellNameWhere are you going?ByeThanksIt’s okayIYouWeBoyGirlLaughCryAngryGoodBadLieBeautifulHandsomeEatThinkTreeHandNose

Phnong Pronunciation Tang vas langvas lang dong perbas dohror nyahah prohnak han erwehmoo jerauKubmay (boy) : eh (girl)punpou clavpou ohnkumta nhomnohwehmerkmerohwehweh nyounchoungror veyderm ch’eydaiytro moh


HeadFoodHurtGrandfatherGrandmotherWeShyScaredBraveShoulderEarNeckYes (girl)Yes (boy)OneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEightNineTen

Phnong Pronunciation

pohdraujeejaeoupel om pulldeeb poupleagpaancherng mlachedolegahrraanhinpou-eyror-payror-paipoanpramprauburpaiichinjet

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` ជីវបាវតិ្ត



Chhin Nak is a 44 year-old Khmer woman who married a Phnong man in 1987. They have three daughters and two sons. She is a farmer who has been living in Krang Tes commune for the past nine years. When she was younger, she lived in Kampong Thom province and went to a government school until grade four. In addition to farming, she is also in charge of the saving group for ICSO and is a representative for issues and equal rights in her community. As a Cambodian, she not only speaks fluent Khmer, but she also speaks very good Phnong. She knows a lot about Phnong traditions after living in their community for so long and believes in preserving the Phnong’s culture.

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Ros Klonh is a 42 year-old Phnong man. In addition to being a farmer, Ros Klonh is a community networker for ICSO (Indigenous Communities Support Orga-nization) in Sen Monorom. Klonh’s family follows an important Phnong cultural tradition about family roles and responsibility. Before Klonh buys something that costs a lot of money, he first discusses the decision with his entire family including the children. His children can make decisions because they help the family by washing clothes, cleaning dishes and taking care of the cows. This is a part of Phnong culture.


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` ជីវបាវតិ្ត


Kas Tov is 65 years old, born in Bousra Commune in 1951. The Khmer Rouge forced him to evacuate from Bousra commune to Krang Tes in 1973 and he moved from Krang Tes to Koh Nhek in 1975. He lived in Koh Nhek from 1975 to 1981, then he came back to live in Krang Tes. During that time (1975), the Phnong didn’t get to celebrate their ceremony until 1979. In the past, the former king encouraged the Phnong to get educated in the same way as Cambo-dians. He was sent to school, but he could only finish primary school. He is one of the literate Phnong people and he’s now is a member of the community council.


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Krem Nhes, at the age of 79, has been making baskets (Kapa) for 40 years, since he was taught by his father. He sells the basket for $25 each. He needs bamboo, timber and three days to finish a basket. Phnong use it instead of bags, normal baskets and plastic. It’s very useful for going to the forest, market and when buy-ing things or selling things. The Kapa basket has been used by the Phnong culture for many centuries. Yet now, almost no one uses it anymore, they use only plastic bags. Also the price of the basket is very high. So it gives the chance only to the high social class that can afford to buy it.


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` ជីវបាវតិ្ត



Kver Perng is 65 years old and has seven children, three boys and four girls. She is the main weaver in Krang Tes village. She weaves bags, backpacks, blankets, skirts, loincloths and towels. Blankets and towels are traditionally made with handspun thread by older Phnong women. Perng learned these skills from her mother. If a villager or foreigner wants to buy her handicrafts then she will weave for them, otherwise she will weave for her family. It takes between 20-30 days to finish one blanket, which costs 60,000 riel. In the past, most Phnong wore tradi-tional clothing, but now not so much. She really wants to teach her daughter how to weave, but her daughter is not interested in learning the craft.

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Krane Chert was born on 10 October, 1979. She didn’t go to school because her family was poor. As a farmer, she grows pumpkin, zucchini, rice, gourds and cassava. Rice and cassava raise the most money for her family, but she still finds other ways to earn money. Every year between February and April when there is no water for farming, she makes colorful beaded necklaces to sell. Her handmade necklaces are made with beads from Vietnam. One necklace costs 10,000 riel and one blanket costs 60,000 riel. Her community also trades in goods. In Krang Tes village, only she and her mother (Kver Perng) make and sell necklaces, blankets and towels.


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សព្វថ្ងានាះជនជាតិព្នងបាឈមមុខនឹងបញ្ហាជាចាើន។បញ្ហាចំបងមានដូចជាការអប់រំនិងសុខភាព។ការអប់រំជាបញ្ហាដ៏សំាន់មួយពាាះអំឡជុជងពាលធ្វើសាាចំការឪពុកមា្តាយតាងទុកកូនឲាយៅជួយដូច្នាះកូនៗមិនានចូលសលាទាហើយចំនួនអនុវិទាយាល័យៅមានកមាិតក្នុជងសហគមន៏របស់គត់។សុខភាពក៏ជាបញ្ហាមួយដារដោយសរតាកង្វះអនាម័យទឹកស្អាតនិងមានជម្ងឺផាសាងៗដោយសរមូសាំ។ៅអំឡជុជងពាលដាលយើងចុះធ្វើកម្មសិកាសាៅសហគមន៍ជនជាតិព្នងយើងានដឹងថាជនជាតិព្នងានផា្លាស់ប្តូរបាពាណីរបស់ពួកគត់។បច្ចបាបន្ននាះជនជាតិព្នងមិនស្លៀកសម្លៀកបំពាក់បាពាណីញឹកញាប់ទាពាមទាំងមិននិយាយភាសព្នងចាើន ជាពិសាសក្មាងៗជំនាន់កាាយ។


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There are many issues that Phnong people face every day. The main issues are education and health. Education is one of the main issues because kids help their parents during the farming season, so they miss school. There is also a lack of lower secondary schools in their communities. Health is also an issue because of improper hygiene, unsafe water resources, and illnesses caused by mosquitoes. While visiting Phnong communities on our field trip, we noticed that this indigenous minority has changed their cultural customs a lot. They do not wear their traditional costumes as often, their houses are becoming more modern, and they don’t speak as much Phnong language as before, particularly the younger generation.

In conclusion, we would like to motivate all Cambodians to help Phnong people understand the importance of education for their children. The government should build more secondary schools, so students are able to further their education without traveling to other schools that are very far away from their communities. On the other hand, right now, they have public health centers that can take care of them when they are sick and they understand what is good for their health and what is not good for their health. In addition, they have safer water systems. From our perspective, we would like to encourage the older generation to spread awareness of their traditional lifestyles and to speak more of their native language (Phnong) as much as they can.

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` ការរស់ៅបាបបាពាណី

33Some Phnong still use bamboo to cook food (Prong).ជនជាតិព្នងខ្លះៅតាបាើបាាស់បំពង់ឬសាសីដើមាបីចំអិនម្ហូប(សម្លបាូង)

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កាុមសិកាសាសាាវជាាវពីជនជាតិព្នងានទៅលាងទឹកជាាះប៊ូសាាក្នុជងខាត្តមណ្ឌលគីរី។ជាាះប៊ូសាាបាភពដ៏សំាន់ដាលជនជាតិព្នងបាើបាាស់វាជាទឹកពិសរបាើបាាស់ផាសាងៗនិងជាកន្លាងពួកគត់អាចបាកបរបរលក់អាហារសម្លៀកបំពាក់និងវត្ថុជអនុសាសាវរីយន៍ជាចាើនទៀតទៅភ្ញៀវទាសចរណ៍។The Phnong Exploration group visited Bousra waterfall in Mondulkiri province. Bousra waterfall is an import-ant resource for the Phnong, as they use it for water, washing, and as a place for selling food, clothes, and other souvenirs to tourists.

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កាុមសមាសភាពអ្នកសរសារថតរូបភាពនិងរចនាសៀវភៅនាះរួមមាន៖ជួរមុខ(ឆ-ស)ចាន់ដវីត សាងសុផាត យន់សម្ភសាស សាសវនសរ សុភាកញ្ញានីតហាវជីមានជួរកាាយ(ឆ-ស)សុវណ្ណរតនះសៅសូវិសល យឿងមា៉ាយា៉ា ថានន្តសុពណ៍ទាពថាធិនី លឿងផូសាីនាងThe wonderfully hard working writers, photographers and designers of this book are: Front (L-R) Davith Chan, Sophat Seng, Somphors Yun, Vornsar Ses, Kangnaneat Sophea, Chimean HavBack (L-R) Rattanak Sovann, Visal Sou Sao, Maya Yoeung, Sopor Thanann, Tha Thiny Tep, Sreyneang Pho Loeung

Page 42: Phnong Indigenous Minority of Cambodia

សិសាសានុសិសាសសលាអន្តរជាតិឡាហ្គក័រៅទីកាុងភ្នំពាញមួយកាុមានចុះធ្វើកម្មសិកាសាៅខាត្តមណ្ឌលគិរីដើមាបីរៀនបន្ថាមពីវបាបធម៏របស់ជនជាតិដើមភាគតិចព្នង។ៅក្នុជងសៀវភៅនាះអ្នកនឹងយល់ដឹងបន្ថាមអំពីការរស់ៅបាបបាពាណីជំនឿពីធីបុណាយផាសាងៗការអប់រំពាមទាំងជីវបាវត្តិខ្លះរបស់ជនជាតិភាគតិចព្នង តាមរយះការសមា្ភាសន៏ដោយផា្ទាល់របស់ពួកយើង។សលាអន្តរជាតិឡាហ្គក័រៅក្នុជងទីកាុងភ្នំពាញផ្តល់ឲាយសិសាសដាលមានសកា្ដានុពលខ្ពនស់តាមិនមានលិទ្ធិភាពផ្នាកថវិកា នូវការអប់រំលំដប់ថា្នាក់ពិភពលោកហើយជំរុញឲាយពួកគាដើមាបីកា្លាយជាអ្នកដឹកនាំៅថ្ងាអនាគត។

A group of students from Liger Learning Center in Phnom Penh traveled to Mondulkiri to study indigenous Phnong culture. In this book, you will learn about Phnong traditional livelihoods, their belief, ceremony, education, and their lifestyle through our interviews. Liger Learning Center in Phnom Penh provides high-potential, economically disad-vantaged students with a world-class learning experience – empowering them to become leaders of tomorrow.

I never used to worry about the extinction of our culture. But when I think about it over and over again, I notice our culture is fading. – Plang Sin (Phnong man)

