phenomena magazine - july 2012 - issue 39


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Phenomena Magazine is a free monthly E-Zine covering all things strange, profound and unusual. Currently the most recognised magazine of its type and distributed internationally. If your interested in having your article included, please feel free to contact the Managing Editor at: [email protected] Enjoy...


Page 1: Phenomena Magazine  - July 2012 - Issue 39
Page 2: Phenomena Magazine  - July 2012 - Issue 39

EDITORIAL Unlike many organisations this summer, MAPIT has been run off their feet with

numerous investigations of a paranormal nature throughout Stockport, Wythenshawe and Bury. All of which involve alleged paranormal disturbances in residential homes. We have also had a larger than normal amount of photo-

graphs to analyse, some of which are very interesting and may appear in future issues of Phenomena. Apart from that, I have been busy lecturing and attend-ing conferences. One of which was the ET Communication conference at the

Static Gallery in Liverpool, which was hosted by, none other than our very own Neal Atkinson from Planet X Radio - City Talk 105.9fm. Further events to come

include the 4th Annual Exopolitics Expo on August 4th and 5th at the same location. Television work has been steady, don’t forget to look out for Wild Case Files on the National Geographic. This months issue covers numerous

topics. We hope you enjoy it...

SUB-EDITORIAL Here I am in my refurbished and fully able to use office, surrounded by books to

review and with Rock Radio on my DAB radio, what more could a man want? Again the last month, I have been frequenting the mythological and mysterious

sites of Derbyshire, and luckily the British weather has allowed me to do so. Roll on August and my month off… I’m heading for Rosslyn!!

Still the world of the paranormal, UFOlogical and other related topics have been quiet, with trends throughout the country still significantly lower than normal.

I have been lucky to record a podcast with Paul Kimball


and was invited to join Paul Ripley on his Odd couple show on Manchester Radio Online, A show we are hoping to make regular. (

I did have an occult experience. I went to the Download festival and watched Black Sabbath. They still have it, and the symbology.. 'The Paranormal Review' has been developed to offer a direct location where all book, DVD and

equipment reviews from the world of the paranormal and its related subjects will appear. Related matter will not be the only subjects reviewed and promoted. We would also like to offer reviews for History and Archaeology as well as the paranormal sphere. Mysteries, UFO related,

Cryptozoological, Exopolitics, Esoterical, Beliefs, Ancient Earth, Conspiracy theories, The Occult, Witchcraft, Demonology, Ghosts, Haunting, Poltergeists, Crop Circle Phenomena, Alien Abduc-

tion, Alien Interaction, ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), Time Slips, Missing Time Incidents, Secret Experiments, Secret Facilities, Spontaneous Human Combustion, Astronomy, Animal

Mutilations, Spirituality, Near Death Experiences and much more.... And don’t forget. The same subjects are offered in this very magazine, so lots of areas for

interested authors to submit their articles.

A special thanks to all our contributors. If you would like to contribute yourself, please contact Phenomena Magazine at:

Also... Tune into Planet X Radio Show on City Talk 105.9fm every Sunday evening from 8.00pm to 10.00pm. Featuring guest speakers on all subjects of the strange, profound and unexplained.

Join Neal Atkinson, Dan the Man and Planet Expert Steve Mera. Visit the Planet X Facebook Page, Follow us on Twitter and listen to the show live at:

THIS MONTHS CONTRIBUTORS Steve Mera, Dave Sadler, Richard Holland, Neal Atkinson, Robert Young BSc. Malcolm Robinson,

Dave Hodrien, Matthew Dell, David Sereda, Brian Allan, Craig Jones, Eddie Wrenn, Charlotte Brehaut, Soren Dreier, Lucy Pringle, Bruce Coldbridge, Harry Fletcher, Stephen Hobbs, Michael Saunders, Luke Slatter, Gordon Mongford, William Spencer, Roger Mallard, Peter March,

Stephen Wagner, Phillip Lamy, Cardero, WCCSG, G.S.S, Planet X Radio & KTPF.



[email protected]


Due to UPIA and MAPIT protocols, personal or group promotion will not be accepted. All submit-ted articles to Phenomena Magazine must be 'Original Work'. MAPIT / UPIA are not responsible for articles that appear in the magazine which do not belong to the individuals submitting them.

MAPIT / UPIA do everything in their power to credit individuals work and images. If you are aware of any material featured in Phenomena Magazine that is not credited correctly, then

please inform us as soon as possible. The MAPIT Copyright covers only articles wrote by MAPIT & UPIA investigators and group logos found throughout the magazine. The views and opinions

expressed in any of the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of UPIA, MAPIT or Phenomena Magazine.

Phenomena Magazine is covered under the Creative Commons

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Page 2: The Curse of Poltergeist. It seems that some movies are besieged by unimaginably awful luck, almost unending misery and terrible, terrible events. No, we're not talking about the back catalogue of Rob Schneider, we're talking about so-called 'cursed' films. Such films as the Poltergeist trilogy that was first brought to our screens by none other than Mr. Steven Speilberg. Dave Sadler delves into the so called curse... Page 3: Parapsychology & UFOs. Unfortunately, Parapsychology doesn’t study many aspects of UFOlogy, but perhaps it should? If Parapsychologists read more into the field of UFOlogy they very well may begin to realise that there are parallels between parapsychological and ufological phenomena. On some occasions there does seem to be clear evidence of some sort of connection. Parapsychologist Robert Young BSc. Explains...

Page 5: Rowtor Rocks. If you are looking for a magical place to take the children an interest-ing place can be found behind the Druids Inn located in the pictur-esque village of Birchover in the county of Derbyshire. This gritstone mass of rocks has been altered by the hand of man and transformed into a place with an Alice in Wonderland feel to it. Its most certainly worth the visit. Dave Sadler investigates... Page 9: The Shadowmen at Large. Silhouette men’, I don’t know if they are a seemingly more adventur-ous ‘sub-species phenomena’ than shadow men or shadow creatures or a completely different type of entity that due to its incorporeal nature just happens through chance or deliberate act to look like a silhouette of a human. Sometimes referred to as Scutlers, this phe-nomena continues to baffle the experts. Matthew Dell explains... Page 15: Dissonance and the True Believer. A short time ago I wrote an article called ‘The End of Days…Daze’ which pondered on why obvious and blatant End Times nonsense, the more outrageous the better, is eagerly snapped up and accepted by various groups of ‘true believers’. I wondered why, what was the attraction? Now there seems to be a good reason for it. Is there any true to this common notion? Brain Allan investigates... Page 21: Spookology - Who put the Norm in Paranormal? Among my favourite spooks – ie totally inexplicable ghosts well outside the norm of the paranormal – are a rarely reported type of apparition that turns the popular idea of a haunted house on its head. In these cases the house is not haunted – the house is in fact the ghost. Richard Holland provides an example dating from 1987 and from the article ‘Ghost Go Wild’ by Janet Bord... Page 25: The 2012 Rendlesham UFO Conference. Due to conflicts behind the scenes, the Rendlesham UFO conference nearly didn’t take place this year. Fortunately a group of dedicated individuals not only managed to salvage it, but also organise what was arguably one of the best single day conference line ups ever seen! This conference was filled with well known speakers of the UFO subject. It was an event not to miss. Dave Hodrien reviews... Page 33: The Night Sky. Dave Sadler reveals some interesting facts in regards the Night Sky throughout the month of July. He explains how Vega, Altair, and Deneb, the three bright stars of the Summer Triangle - will be fully up and dominating the skies of the northeast and east. Also, Far to the lower left from Antares, you will find a close pairing of bright stars sometimes called "the Cat's Eyes" - Lambda & Upsilon Scorpii..

Also included:

Latest News Items - Vatican Theologian Claims Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real / UFO Photographed / Keep an eye on the skies for saucers during the Olympics

Games, warns former MoD UFO expert / It's scream tea as cafe ghost is caught on CCTV / Girl Who Can Start Fire With Her Brain Mystifies Scientists. / 'UFO' at the bottom of the Baltic Sea 'cuts off electrical equipment when divers get within 200m'.

Book Reviews: The September 11 Code by William Downie / Haunted Peterborough by Stuart Orme & The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock. Also, Pulse

Magnetic Therapy Devices by David Sereda, 2012 Crop Formations, The ET Com-munication Conference Review, Cannock Chase Skywatch, Spooky Goings On at

G.S.S, Latest events and conferences, Adverts and much more...

Page 1 Phenomena Magazine: July 2012 - Issue 39

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The Curse of Poltergeist By Dave Sadler

We look back at the creepy happen-ings on set of the 'Poltergeist' movies. It seems that some movies are besieged by unimaginably awful luck, almost unending misery and terrible, terrible events. No, we're not talking about the back catalogue of Rob Schneider, we're talking about so-called 'cursed' films. You've probably heard about a few movies that have been besieged by ill fortune before. Films like 'The Exor-cist', 'The Crow', 'Rebel Without A Cause' and 'The Omen'. But perhaps the most cursed motion pictures of all time are the three that make up the '80s hor-ror trilogy, 'Poltergeist'. June 4th saw the 30th anniversary of the release of the first film and it re-minded us of the remarkable and quite disturbing reputation that the Steven Spielberg-produced chiller and its two sequels have ('Poltergeist 2' was made four years later and the third followed in 1988). In the movies, a family is haunted by a host of evil ancient spirits, but it seems that many of the people associated with the films were then haunted by awful luck. Was the produc-tion really cursed? Let's find out... The most remarkable thing about the 'Poltergeist' legacy is the alarming num-ber of cast deaths that occured post-shoot. In the six years between the first movie and the third, four of the main cast had died. Two were slightly older men, so that's perhaps not all that shocking. Will Sampson (who also played the sink-chucking Indian in 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest') died in June 1987 from complications of his heart surgery and Julian Beck (Henry Kane in the sequel) died of stomach cancer in September 1985. The saddest deaths though were those of 22 year-old Dominique Dunne, who played Dana in the original, and Heather O'Rourke, who was little Carol Ann from all three films. Dunne was strangled by her abusive ex-boyfriend John Sweeney (who ended up serving less than four years in prison). Immedi-ately after filming wrapped on the last film, Heather was misdiagnosed with Crohn's disease and died due to toxic shock caused by a bowel obstruction

missed by doctors. She was just 12-years-old. It's fair to say that most people would attribute these sad deaths as mere bad luck or happenstance. Some of the peo-ple that passed were older and had ex-isting conditions. Plus, a lot of people are involved in a movie shoot (not to mention three), so it's not unimaginable that a number may fall ill or die inde-pendently. And with the amount of movies that have been made, sooner or later, there's going to be an 'unlucky' one or two, isn't there? But could there be a more sinister, supernatural expla-nation? Plenty of superstitious Holly-wood insiders think so. Why? For one because the design crew used real hu-man skeletons instead of props in some of the scenes, that's why. Even if that didn't cause the bad luck specifically, it's certainly unsettling! The disturbing events don't end at the untimely deaths of the cast, though. In fact, so many weird and macabre go-ings-on transpired during the three blockbusters, that it's truly frightening... 'Poltergeist': The clown doll that attacks the young boy actually did attack him. Malfunc-tioning robotics caused the red-nosed

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trouble-maker to squeeze Oliver Rob-ins’ neck so tightly he went blue and started choking. Whilst filming, the author writing the film's novelisation, James Kahn, was injured after lightning struck his trailer, causing the air-conditioning unit to explode, fly across the room and hit him, causing damage to his lower back. 'Poltergeist II: The Other Side': Uneasy feelings amongst cast and crew during a scene in a cave reached such levels that filming was halted until an exorcism could be conducted. Who conducted it? The actor who played Taylor the shaman, Will Sampson (who was a real-life shaman). As we know, Sampson died shortly after this. 'Poltergeist III': Actress Zelda Rubenstein (Tangina Barrons) mysteriously became ill dur-ing the shoot and quickly fell into an unexpected and deep depression. That afternoon she received a phone call telling her that her mother had passed away. A scene in which a garage was on fire got out of hand and engulfed the set in flames. All but one of the crew mem-bers on set were injured.

Creepy stuff, we're sure you'd agree. But what do you make of the ‘curse’ of ‘Poltergeist'? Is it just a series of unfortunate oc-currences? Or do you think there might be more to it? Let us know...

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Parapsychology & UFOs By Robert Young BSc.

Page 3 Phenomena Magazine: July 2012 - Issue 39:

Parapsychology is the scientific study of anomalous phenomena associated with the human mind. It incorporates studies in ESP, Psychokinesis,

Precognition, Haunting’s and Poltergeist disturbances as well as other phenomena. UFOlogy is the scientific study of Unidentified Flying Objects

and incorporates studies in Astronomical, Meteorological phenomena along with alleged extraterrestrial and man made flying craft. Unfortunately,

Parapsychology doesn’t study many aspects of UFOlogy, but perhaps it should? If Parapsychologists read more into the field of UFOlogy they will

then begin to realise that there are many parallels between parapsychologi-cal and ufological phenomena...

Page 5: Phenomena Magazine  - July 2012 - Issue 39

We know that memories can be changed and even completely created using hyp-nosis, peer pressure and repeated ques-tioning. Confabulation can often take place. However, there are many reports of conscious recall of abduction experi-ences without hypnosis or multiple inter-views, and the role of false memory is still not clear. Another theory is that the experiencers are mentally ill. This theory receives little or no support from the literature. The late Investigator, Bud Hopkins found that his abductees were above average intelligence and had no signs of serious psychopathology among nine of his subjects. And the psychologist, Parnell in 1988 found no evidence of psychopathology among 225 individuals who reported having seen a UFO, although not having been abducted. More recently another psychologist, Spanos in 1993, compared 49 UFO reportees with two control groups and found that they were no less intelligent, no more fantasy prone, and no more hypnotisable than the controlled group, nor did they show any signs of psychopathology. They did however, believe more strongly in alien visitations, suggesting that, such beliefs allow people to shape ambiguous information, diffuse physical sensations and vivid images into a realistic alien encounter. Temporal lobe lability is also another theory. People with relatively temporal lobes are more prone to fantasy, and more likely to report mystical and out of body experiences, visions and psychic phenomena. However, the psychologist, Spanos found no difference in a temporal lobe lability scale between their UFO reportees and control groups. Psycholo-gist, Cox in 1995, compared a group of 12 British abductees with both a matched control group and, again, found no differ-ence in the temporal lobe lability scale. Like Spanos’s subjects, the abductees were more often believers in alien visita-tions than were the controls. The final theory which I believe is the most plausi-ble is that abductions are elaborations of sleep paralysis.

In a typical sleep paralysis episode, a person wakes up paralysed, senses a presence in a room, feels fear or even terror and may hear humming or buzzing sounds or even seeing strange lights. A visible of invisible entity have been known to sit on their chests, shaking, strangling or prodding them.

Again this is also reported in diabolical haunting’s where witnesses are said to have been attacked or raped in their sleep by demonic spirits called incubus or succubi. Attempts to fight the paralysis are usually unsuccessful. It is reputably more effective to relax or try to move the eyes or a single finger or toe. Descrip-tions of sleep paralysis are written in many abduction and haunting books...

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Did the UFO somehow alter their chemi-cal makeup or physiology whist having the encounter? Perhaps the electromag-netic field of a person was somehow altered that then produced psychic phe-nomena to occur (if it is electromagnetic fields that incur paranormal occurrences in the first place). There are also cases of people becoming artistic and musical minded and also people that become psychic healers, al-though never have shown these talents before a UFO encounter. It is worth the parapsychologist studying what hap-pened during a UFO event and why these physiological changes happened to occur to the person as to cause psychic distur-bances. There are parapsychologists who study certain areas of UFOlogy, specifically alien abduction associated with sleep paralysis.

Dr. Susan Blackmore is one and Profes-sor Chris French is another. In the states Dr. Michael Persinger has done much research into the alien abduction phe-nomenon. The experience described usually begins at home in bed asleep or sometimes on a deserted road. In the bedroom, a blinding light is seen through the bedroom window.

On the road, a UFO is often witnessed. In the bedroom scenario, the witness be-comes paralysed and usually just able to move their head or eyes. On the road, the witness is usually found to be driving along the road with a missing time epi-sode. In the bedroom, the witness en-counters small grey creatures about 4ft tall which are seen to enter the room, sometimes through walls other times they are already there. The beings are usually described as having over-larged shaped heads, large black almond shaped eyes, small mouth and just barely a nose.

The witness is then levitated out of bed to an awaiting UFO above and then have medical procedures performed on them. Afterwards, they wake up in bed with usually no memory of the nights event and sometimes they find small scoop marks on their bodies, wondering where they got them from. Later they may re-call strange dreams about being on the craft and then they may want to undergo questionable regressive hypnosis to try and unlock the strange nights encounter.

This is the usual phenomenological char-acteristics of a typical alien abduction case. But are they really being abducted by extraterrestrial or inter dimensional beings? Or are they experiencing a lucid dream associated with sleep paralysis?

Some abductee’s recall their experiences spontaneously whilst some only remem-ber in therapy, support groups, or under hypnosis.

If one looks into both fields of study then they will realise that there are many simi-larities between both types of phenomena which I believe is worthy of any parapsy-chologist studying. I myself am a quali-fied professional parapsychologist and am also a qualified Ufologist and am interested very much interested in the UFO phenomenon as a scientific field of study, In fact there is more scientific and overwhelming evidence then any other paranormal phenomenon to suggest that UFOs and alien entities are real whether they be extraterrestrial of interdimen-sional! If you look into cases regarding parapsychological and UFOlogy then you realise that certain fields of parapsy-chological study and ufology may in fact be one and the same phenomenon, De-pending on the belief system of the wit-ness and experiencer, Perhaps an outside paranormal intelligence manifests itself as a ghost or apparition to one witness and an alien entity to another depending on there religious or personal belief sys-tem. There are cases in UFOlogy where wit-nesses have had a close encounter with a UFO and have afterwards been subjected to a host of parapsychological phenom-ena. There have been reported Psychoki-netic effects around the person who had a UFO experience manifesting poltergeist type phenomena around the home and ESP and precognition warnings about future events. When a UFO experiencer has witnessed an alien entity, some of beings have been reported as almost apparitional in nature. They have been seen to walk through bedroom walls and also vanish at will, almost like a ghost! The beings themselves also seem to pro-duce a telepathic bond between the said entity and witness who state that they can regularly contact the beings they are being abducted by or contacted. In the 1950s and 60s the alien contactee move-ment was rife with alleged people who were said to be in regular contact with alien creatures from another world. In parapsychology this is known as clair-voyance experiences where the alleged psychic is said to contact the spirits of the deceased. When a person experiences an alleged alien abduction, they are said to become paralysed and then seem to levitate through a tunnel of light into a UFO above, this seems remarkably like Out Of the Body experiences or Near Death Experiences where a witness is said to have travelled through a tunnel of light into the spiritual plane where they have been known to communicate with de-ceased loved ones or friends. In the case of UFO abductions they meet alien be-ings. If a witness never experienced psy-chic phenomena before having a UFO encounter but then did so after the inci-dent, then parapsychologists can look for what instigated the phenomena in the first place.

A Connection?

Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, also

theorised that UFOs might have a primar-

ily spiritual and psychological basis.

In his 1959 book "Flying Saucers: A

Modern Myth of Things Seen In The

Sky", he pointed out that the round shape

of most saucers corresponds to a

mandala, a type of archetypal shape seen

in religious images.

Thus the saucers might reflect a pro-

jection of the internal desires of viewers to see them. However,

he did not label them as delusions or hallu-cinations outright; it

was more in the nature of a shared

spiritual experience.

However, Jung seemed conflicted as

to possible origins. At other times he as-

serted that he wasn't concerned with

possible psychologi-cal origins and that at

least some UFOs were physically real,

based primarily on indirect physical evidence such as photographs and radar contact in

addition to visual sightings.

He also considered the extraterrestrial

hypothesis to be viable. In 1958 the AP quoted him as saying, "A purely

psychological expla-nation is ruled out.

If the extraterrestrial origin of these phe-

nomena should be confirmed, this would prove the existence of

an intelligent inter-planetary relation-


That the construction of these machines proves a scientific

technique immensely superior to ours

cannot be disputed."


Parapsychology & UFOsBy Robert Young BSc.

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Rowtor Rocks By Dave Sadler

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If you are looking for a magical place to take the children an interesting place can be found behind the Druids Inn lo-cated in the picturesque village of Birchover in the county of Derbyshire. This gritstone mass of rocks has been al-tered by the hand of man and transformed into a place

with an Alice in Wonderland feel to it...

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Rowtor Rocks By Dave Sadler

To find your way to the rocks simply stand in the car park of the Druids Inn and you will see a stone wall directly in front of the Inn, follow the wall to your left and you will travel down a track which leads to the church, at the end of the wall which is only about 50 yards in length you will come to a small open-ing, follow this and it will lead you up into Rowtor Rocks. Although it has been speculated that Rowtor Rocks has some sort of a con-nection with the Druids apparently this is not the case, it seems that the Druids Inn has been a meeting place in the past of the Ancient Order of Druids and the connection to the rocks probably came about in Victorian times, possibly as a way of making the site more interesting and promoting it to attract more visi-tors. The rocks are riddled with secret paths and carved steps and each turn you make as you explore will reveal some-thing different. However if you are willing to spend more time here and dig a little deeper, there are other secrets to discover. There are an abundance of carvings to find. On one of the rocks of a serpent another has a quartered circle with cup and petal motifs, and I was also able to find more that one if you follow the overgrown path from the end of the Druid’s Inn wall which leads up onto Rowtor Rocks the path will lead you to a cave, this is just one such feature natural and manmade that you can find here which have been created by a man called Thomas Eyre about three hundred years ago, and who used to be the local Parson of the church which Rowtor Rocks overlooks. It is believed that Thomas Eyre who used to live at Rowtor Hall had com-missioned fonts and chairs to be carved out of the gritstone rock and these can still be clearly seen if you wander around and look for them.

It has been speculated that Thomas would sit up on Rowtor Rocks in his carved chair and get inspiration to write his sermons while looking across the landscape, which back in those days wouldn’t have been obscured by the trees which now block the view, how-ever in certain places you can still catch glimpses of the views that would have been seen from here which would in-clude Cratcliffe Rocks and Robin Hood’s Stride. Rowtor Rocks is roughly about 80 yards in length and about 50 ft in height and back in the 19th and early 20th century there had used to be a paid tourist guide to show members of the general public the many secrets that can be found in these rocks. There had used to be a rock which weighed about 50 tons near the end of Rowtor Rocks which could be rocked by hand, however back in 1799 four-teen young men decided to move it, how they achieved this is not known but when it was relocated it no longer was balanced right and now no longer rocks! Luckily my visit was so calm and se-date, no other person around, and only the distant sound of a strimmer to break the tranquillity. There are several areas where severe drops to the woods below are a safety issue, and quite a few trip and slip hazards. This is a location, which cannot be described as well as it can be viewed. There are so many other places to visit within 1500metres, Caves, Cairns, Tu-muli, Stone circles and the scenery is fantastic. Unfortunately, locations such as this do attract the half witted. I have found numerous wild claims of modern occult worship at the site, as well as the Ghost experts photographing orbs and sug-gesting they are the first manifestations of spirit. There is more than one cave to enter, and again, said halfwits have christened them – The Condemned mans cave, the high priests caves and the black magic caves. Something tells me that wasn’t what Thomas Eyre called them. Visit Rowtor Rocks, My words and images cannot do them justice....

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Spooky Goings On... By Craig Jones

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Hello my names Craig Jones - Team member of the G.S.S Gloucestershire Supernatural Seekers. Although we are a small team the members Grant Wiseman, Candy Jones, Sarah Parson, Ken & Debbie Harris have been extremely busy researching and going through evidence from past events. We are finding more and more interesting videos and EVP’s but this article is focused on a photo taken around December 2011. I decided to write in again as the team find this photo very interesting. The picture was taken in a haunted inn in Gloucester. I was using a Nikon 5400 full spectrum camera with fixed infrared lights. I was taking photo’s around the bar area (no flash was used). On the preview screen I could see a collection of colours and a mass that I did not see when taking the photo. After reviewing on the pc the team agree there is a light source forming into a manifestation. The interesting thing about this photo is whilst visiting the Inn three weeks later I spoke to a lady who said a medium had picked up on three ghostly monks, I was shown the area. I then explained that I took the photo in the same area the monks had been sensed by the medium. I have shown the photo to many friends and followers of G.S.S and they have said they can see three faces. I also sent it on to one of the UK’s leading paranormal groups for advice. They also believe the photo has a light form in it and three faces could be seen. We have lots of videos and photo’s on our face book page G.S.S - Gloucestershire Supernatural Seekers so please join us and be part of our journey. Craig Jones - G.S.S

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WE NEED YOUR HELP! Beyond Best Evidence: The UFO Enigma is a feature-length documentary that will take the cases shown in Best Evidence, as well as a couple of new ones that highlight what appear to be some of the more "high strangeness" aspects of the phenomenon, and explore with the three key possible explanations with world's leading experts on the subject, as follows:

1. Extraterrestrial Hypothesis - This explanation maintains that UFO sightings represent proof of visitation to Earth by advanced extraterrestrials from another world, most likely within what propo-nents term of "local galactic neighbourhood."

2. Interdimensional Hypothesis - This explanation maintains that UFO sightings involve visitations from other "realities" or "dimensions" that co-exist alongside our own. It also holds that UFOs are a modern manifestation of a phenomenon that has occurred throughout recorded human history, which in prior ages were ascribed to mythological or supernatural forces and creatures.

3. Psychosocial hypothesis - This explanation maintains that UFO Sightings can be explained by psychological or social means, examples of which include wishful thinking, hallucinations, hoaxes, and misidentification of prosaic objects, such as satellites, aircraft, or natural phenomena.

To learn how you can help and more information, visit:

Many Thanks, Paul Kimball.

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We seek the facts through a scientific and factually evaluative approach and our fully trained team of in-

vestigators are required to pass a thorough course in all types of sightings, whether it is lights in the sky, vehicle

effects or high strangeness cases.


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The Silhouettes that Haunt Man: The Shadow Men at Large. By Matthew Dell

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I recently read Brian Allen’s article in a magazine and I thought I may be able to contribute to the information regarding ‘shadow men’. This is a subject that interests me greatly, I have been researching the his-tory of shadow men and other such shadow creatures as I am writing a book on the very subject. While doing so I came across some witness reports of possible shadow men encounters that seem slightly out of place. Although superficially resembling the ‘typical’ shadow man in appearance their behaviour is markedly different. For this reason I call these creatures ‘Silhouette men’ I don’t know if they are a seemingly more adventurous ‘sub-species phenomena’ or a completely different type of entity that due to its incorporeal nature just happens through chance or deliberate act to look like a silhouette of a human.

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So what can we make of these reports? Having more than one witness to a report seems to rule out psychological problems and not all drugs including psychedelic drugs have the same effect on each per-son. Therefore there is no reason to as-sume even if drugs were involved that they would have witnessed the same thing. Often witnesses report a feeling of nausea or headaches. Could this be from an attempt at psychic communication from the silhouette men that we simply cannot understand and our human at-tempt to block whether we are aware of it or not? Is the feeling of dread purely psychological as a fear of the unknown or are these creatures really stalking us? As previously mentioned these creatures are often reported as appearing two di-mensional in our three dimensional world. How? One possible explanation given is that of entities travelling in a different dimension or a fourth dimen-sion. How would we look to a person or creature travelling in a fourth dimension looking at a three dimensional world? Would we look as strange to them as they do to us? Would communication be nigh on impossible? It is equally possible as Brian Allen stated that we could be

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we will accept this as true. Interestingly, some reports are of more than one person seeing the ‘silhouette man’ at the same time and during morning hours when light was good if not at full strength. Another witness report stated that the creature seems to be psychically scream-ing at them. It could be that if this is indeed a type of unknown entity it was either an effort to communicate that went very wrong or it could be an intentional effort to cause distress to the witness. We may never know the reason but fear and terror were the results. The entity was described as floating as it came into view through the door way where the witness was located. When it saw the witness it tried to reach for them by stretching its arms, which seemed to extend to an un-naturally long length as if for some unex-plained reason it couldn’t enter the room in which the person was sitting. In keep-ing with the other witness report after the failed attempt to reach the witness the creature walked away from where it came. Within this report there are sug-gestions that the entity, although clearly not flesh and blood, used doorways and stairs like a solid animal would although it may be assumed that it doesn’t need to.

First let’s look at the similarities between shadow men and silhouette men. Both appear to be humanoid in size and rough dimensions are usually around 5 – 6 feet tall and often with long dangling arms and legs. They are thin with heads that seem slightly too big (often described as looking like a typical ‘grey alien like’ but in silhouette and taller). They are obvi-ously pitch black with no discernable features for the most part although some witnesses have described them as having ‘glowing red eyes’ but whether this is an afterthought imprinted on a already con-fused and scared psyche is not known. These entities or creatures are often de-scribed as looking like a cardboard cut out of a person’s shadow, a two dimen-sional creature that moves in a three dimensional world. They are frequently seen looking or do-ing something else when spotted by the witness who seem to catch them com-pletely off guard. It is interesting to note that it is commonly reported that witness see them first as the silhouette seems unaware of their presence or more com-monly it seems preoccupied with some-thing else and is completely caught off guard by the presence of the person see-ing them. This could suggest that these entities are not expected to be seen and may believe that they are invisible by a means we don’t understand. Here is where much of the similarities end. Firstly they are almost exclusively described as male whereas shadowmen have been reported to appear as either sex. Secondly when these silhouette men have realised that they are being watched they turn round to face the surprised and scared witness/es. Although it is not overtly said that they turn around as they don’t have an obvious front or back in the traditional sense. It is inferred that a mental feeling, a psy-chic shock if you will, is sent out to the witness/es confirming knowledge that they know you can see them. They then make their approach towards the witness/es. Sometimes their movement is de-scribed as shambling or limping other times they appear to be floating. Inevita-bly the witness/es makes a hasty retreat upon which these creatures give chase. Reports have stated that the creatures have even attempted to gain access to the witness/es home if that is where the wit-ness/es ran to. Once, they have even been seen to look into the windows apparently trying to see where these frightened peo-ple have escaped to. After a few minutes the creatures seem to loose interest and wander off never to be seen again. On this particular occasion there were two witnesses to these events which would suggest that a psychological problem was not the cause and according to the report they had not been drinking or using drugs. For the sake of argument and the fact that it would be impossible to prove

Shadow People.

What was that? Some natural shadow? Your heightened imagination? A

ghost? Or was it something that seems

to be a spreading phenomenon - appa-ritions that are com-

ing to be known as "shadow people" or

"shadow beings." Perhaps this is an old

phenomenon with a new name that is now being discussed more openly, in part thanks

to the Internet. Or maybe it's a phe-

nomenon that, for some reason, is

manifesting with greater frequency and

intensity now.

Those who are ex-periencing and study-

ing the shadow peo-ple phenomenon say

that these entities almost always used to

be seen out of the corner of the eye and

very briefly. But more and more, people are beginning to see them

straight on and for longer periods of

time. Some experi-encers testify that

they have even seen eyes, usually red, on

these shadow beings.

The mysterious sightings have be-

come a hot topic of conversion in para-normal chat rooms,

message boards and websites, and it is given widespread

attention on paranor-mal talk radio.

What are shadow people and where do

they come from?

Stephen Wagner.

The Silhouettes that Haunt Man: The Shadow Men at Large.By Matthew Dell

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their usefulness was over. However, there are also stories that the longer they stayed in our world the stronger and less obedient they became. Given enough time they became strong enough to re-fuse their masters and go their own way to decide who the enemy was and who to prey on. Could these ancient creatures and the modern shadow and silhouette men be related or indeed one and the same thing? Will we ever know enough about the world around us and the way our minds interpret the stimuli we are constantly bombarded with to ever find out if these creatures are fact or fantasy? To people who have seen them the answer is clear, to the rest of us and the scientific com-munity the answers could be dimensions away... References : Fortean times magazine, Dennis Publishing. Three men seeking monsters, Nick Redfern.

smell). It is entirely possible that if these creatures, whatever they are, do indeed exist that this humanoid form is just one of many forms they take, maybe specifi-cally when trying to communicate with us. They did however often appear to be an omen of impending ill although not ex-clusively. As with many workings of ancient civilisations myths and folklore were changed and modified by the peo-ple that came after them especially if they have an opposing religious signifi-cance often demonising the old gods and deities and promoting their new gods. But if you look hard enough, there are some tell tail signs that these creatures have been around for a long time in the background, in the dark, in the shadows. Maybe they have always been there, a natural part of our psychic landscape that our ancestors were only too well aware of, and accepted much easier than we do today. Maybe they are entities relegated to the shadows by scientific enlighten-ment that only occasionally get the op-portunity to show themselves or at least a shadow of their former selves. The last point I think worth mentioning is of a group of creatures called Cor-mons. These creatures are little known now but were known at least to the more magical elite of the Druids. Folklore states that they were summoned by our ancient Celtic ancestors as a way of pro-tecting our lands from any enemies. They were brought to ‘life’ by a Druid ritual and were described as dark humanoid creatures that cannot be killed or stopped but can only be cast back into where they came. They would be released when news of danger was received and they would hunt their enemies creating fear to make them more powerful. They could take the shape of anything although always main-tained their shadow-like colouring. It was believed that these creatures were pulled from another plain of existence to do mans bidding and then put back once

The Silhouettes that Haunt Man: The Shadow Men at Large. By Matthew Dell

glimpsing into a different world when the conditions are right, the mind is suscepti-ble and open to such things. The Scole report mentions the contacts it makes with people from a different di-mension which have many of the similar characteristics of shadow men and sil-houette men encounters. This could also possibly explain why some people have reported successfully psychically project-ing a barrier between themselves and the entity, effectively a ‘go away’ statement of a psychic wall. Perhaps this refocuses the mind into seeing only this dimension so to the viewer the silhouette man sim-ply vanishes. It could also be possible that the negative blocking signals being sent out by the person is painful or at least unsettling for the entity upon which it decides to leave. This could explain why sometimes they are said to vanish ‘like flicking off a light’ and other times simply walk away or fade. It may also take a lot of energy from the entity to become visible to us and if it cannot communicate it might just give up and try someone else or try a different ap-proach. It is possible that this is why some people have reported being touched by entities resembling shadow and silhouette men and why many cases seem to happen during the hours of sleep where the mind is more detached from the physical real-ity that it normally encounters. Both theories could be acceptable and that these silhouette men are a physical entity in their dimension but not in ours or at least only semi-corporeal in our world and are for the most part invisible to our senses probably again due to being in a different plain of existence. So they seem genuinely startled when it becomes apparent that you can see them, possibly they themselves become scared and de-fensive, which is what the witnesses may also be feeling. It may also explain why repeated appearances of these entities occasionally happen to the same witness but results in a different outcome as the entities are this time prepared to be seen and therefore don’t acted shocked. The same may not be said for the terrified witness. When examining ancient history these types of encounters have been mentioned by tribes and ancient civilisations for centuries although called many different things and sometimes thought of as de-mons, spirits or ghosts. The Aztecs, Mayans, as well as the Japanese and ancient Greeks and Romans had folklore regarding shadow like or black smoke like creatures. It is common in these ancient civilisations that many of their gods, and demons were regarded as shape-shifters and able to take many forms although there would usually be a common link between them all (glowing eyes, same skin colouring or a distinctive

Shadow People.

The dark countenance and malevolent feelings that are often reported in associa-tion with these crea-tures has led some researchers to specu-late that they may be demonic in nature. If they are demons, we have to wonder what their purpose or intent is in letting themselves be seen in this manner. Is it merely to frighten?

Other references to dark amorphous shapes associated to the paranormal...

Sculters & Mojos.

Stephen Wagner.

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A group chronicling all news from within the paranormal world. Ghosts, UFO's, Cryptozoological, Weird and much more will be added in its

particular area. Due to Facebook rules and regulations and copyright protection, all news will be added as a link with

a header explaining the link.

Please add all links in the correct discussion group. Feel free to invite those you feel may find this tool of use or

add links themselves.

The Other Sides of

Don’t Believe, Don’t Disbelieve, Think!

Paul Kimball is one of Canada’s leading UFO and paranormal researchers, both through his work as an award-winning documentary filmmaker (2005 EBE Awards for Best UFO Film and Best Historical Documentary for Aztec: 1948, 2007 EBE award for Best Historical Documentary for Best Evidence; nominated for a total of seven other EBEs from 2005 to 2007), and as a re-searcher, writer, and speaker. He has appeared on television, radio (Coast to Coast, CBC

Morningside, Binnall of America, Strange Days Indeed, The Paracast) and in person at confer-ences and symposiums in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, to discuss the

UFO phenomenon and the paranormal. Paul also stars with Holly Steven's in the TV series 'Ghost Cases', assisted by UPIA.

Visits Paul’s Amazing Blog Spot at:










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This blog has been developed to offer interested parties a honest and unbi-ased account of modern day paranormal investigation, Analysis of media reports and images and re-education regarding the likes of the 2012 reports. It is also hoped we may change the mindset of most modern day paranormal investigators, and fans of Media driven paranormal tv shows, that all is not as it seems.

Natural, medical, physiological, psychological and other areas of known means can result in most reported Paranormal and UFOlogical instances

Unknown Phenomena Investigation Association

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I would like to inform you that the meetings of local Hastings paranormal research group, Strange Phenomena Investigations, (SPI) will be resuming from Satur-day 16th June 2012 to December 15th 2012.


The nature of holding these meetings is to give you the public, an opportunity to attend meetings such as this and for you to find out what’s going on within the confines of the ‘weird and wonderful’ These meetings also give you a voice, and opportunity to ask any questions, raise any points and essentially participate in what we call the paranormal.

These meetings are also a focus point for you to inform us of any strange paranormal experiences that you might have had. Everything will be treated in the strictest of confidence and hopefully we can find some form of solution to what it was you observed.

These meetings will also comprise of discussions on UFOs, Ghosts, Poltergeists, Cryptozoology, Ancient Astronauts, Conspiracy Theories and many aspects of the paranormal. We will also be showing TV shows on UFOs and the Paranormal. SPI founder Malcolm Robinson will be at a later stage be giving lectures on ghosts, UFOs and all things ‘weird and wonderful’. But in the main, these meetings are ‘For You.’ Share your views feelings and thoughts on subjects which are currently outside science and join like minded people who share the passion for all things weird.


The Cinque Ports Pub, 105 All Saints Street, Hastings Old Town, East Sussex, TN34 3BE.

Dates of lectures:

JULY Saturday 14th July: 12. 30pm till 3:00pm / Saturday 28th July 12. 30pm till 3:00pm

AUGUST Saturday 11th August: 12. 30pm till 3:00pm / Saturday 25th August: 12.30pm till 3:00pm

SEPTEMBER Saturday 08th September: 12. 30pm till 3:00pm / Saturday 22nd September: 12.30pm till 3:00pm

OCTOBER Saturday 13th: 12. 30pm till 3:00pm / Saturday 27th: 12.30pm till 3:00pm

NOVEMBER Saturday 10th: 12. 30pm till 3:00pm / Saturday 24th: 12.30pm till 3:00pm

DECEMBER Saturday 08th 12. 30pm till 3:00pm / Saturday: 15th 12.30pm till 3:00pm


This pub was established in the seventeenth century – formerly called Cinque Port Arms. A splendidly (and appropriately) olde-worlde little pub in the heart of the old town. Everything is just what you'd hope for in such a location - excellent real ales on the hand pumps, exposed oak, beams, old-fashioned ser-vice, locals who could have been there twenty years or twenty minutes and a dark and cosy atmosphere. Apart from the odd bit of the 20th century technology, dotted here and there, you get the feeling that this place has stayed more or less the same over the centuries, let's hope it continues. (Review found on a pub web site) By the way folks, this pub is haunted!


SPI reserve the right to change these dates if other events transpire to make these dates invalid. Always check before travelling. For more information e-mail Malcolm at [email protected] or check Malcolm’s Facebook at



You can get regular South Eastern trains to Hastings from London Victoria and London Charring Cross Train Stations. The train from London is roughly 1 hour and 40 minutes. There is a taxi rank right outside Hastings train station.


There are parking facilities at the Stade (where the Hastings old black fishermen’s huts are at Hastings Old Town) and from there it’s a short walk to All Saints Street.


How to find the Cinque Ports Arms pub. From Hastings train station: head down the hill from the station to the sea front. Turn left (east) and walk along the sea front until you get to the point where the road turns left up the hill and becomes the Old London Road. Walk a little further and the next left is All Saint's Street, walk along here for a short while and you'll soon see the pub on your left. This is the nicer walk from the station, you could

take a sort cut through the shopping area, but what's the point of being at the seaside if you're not actually beside the sea - it's about a 20-25 minute walk from the station.

For more information on these upcoming meetings.

Please contact Malcolm on either of the following: SPI Meetings. Flat 5, Unicorn House, Croft Road, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 3HE. Telephone: 07949 178 835. e-mail: [email protected] Malcolm’s Facebook at If you don’t have a computer then a map can be sent to you on request showing the venue. If you do have a computer, the type in the address of the Cinque Ports pub (details above) for location.

We look forward to seeing you at these discussion meetings. Be there or be forever square.

Malcolm Robinson (Founder Strange Phenomena Investigations)

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Dissonance and the True Believer By Brian Allan.

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A short time ago I wrote an article called ‘The End of Days…Daze’ which pondered on why obvious and blatant End Times nonsense, the more outrageous the better, is eagerly snapped up and accepted by various groups of ‘true believers’. I wondered why, what was the attraction? Now there seems to be a good reason for it. Why do you suppose that a disparate group of people who band together under whatever belief system, be it Ufological, religious or some other off-the-wall cult (although you could argue that they are part and parcel of the same thing) become convinced that they are correct even when they are repeatedly proven wrong? Before looking at the rationale and logic behind this phenomenon we should first look at a few groups that fall precisely within this category.

One of the prime contenders that absolutely typify this mindset originated in the tidal wave of UFO groups that began in the late 1940’s early 1950’s. They were originally called ‘The Seekers’, but later adopted the title (and this is much more impressive) ‘The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays’. With a name like that it is likely that they attracted a wide range of members with a latent pseudo-mystical/quasi-religious bent. The group was founded in 1954 by a Chicago housewife, Mrs Dorothy Martin, although clearly aware of her own divinity she quickly adopted the name, ‘Sister Thedra’. Given her self-appointed mission this title better suited her views of both her abilities and place in the great scheme of things. She was what is commonly referred to as a ‘channeller’ and probably significantly had previously been involved with Ron Hubbard’s system of Dianetics, which was and still is a technique developed to promote mental health. It should be stressed that this is not necessarily directly connected to Scientology, although it obviously has many close similarities. Given Dorothy Martin/Sister Thedra’s background it is scarcely surprising that her group incorporated many of the techniques which later emerged in the Scientology movement....

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of the 1960’s when the New Age had begun to take root and groups such as this sprang up like the macrobiotic food (including hallucinogenic mushrooms) that they consumed.

These groups are lightweights compared to the ‘E-Bible Fellowship’ from the United States (where else?) who loudly proclaim that Jesus Christ, presaged by violent earthquakes and great calamity, will return in all his glory on May the 21th 2011. It might be churlish to suggest that this group are obviously trying to upstage other End Times proponents who put the date a little later at the 23rd of December 2012. This group run by Chris McCann and the 89 year old Harold Camping, both avid Christian evangelical fundamentalists, insist that Jesus dis-owned churches and all they stood for in 1988 and when He returns it’s no good heading to the nearest church for salva-tion because anyone who does is auto-matically doomed. They base their alarming prediction on their own highly individual interpretation of the bible and Pastor Camping goes a far as to say, "Beyond the shadow of a doubt, May 21 will be the date of the Rapture and the day of judgment," Rather more enigmatically, in answer to those who pooh-pooh this idea as one among many end time prophecies, the equally certain Chris McCann says that. “It would be like telling the Wright brothers that every other attempt to fly has failed, so you shouldn't even try,” It has to be said though that other fringe religious group are also joining the gen-eral furor about it and adding their col-lective voices to that of Pastor Camping in awaiting His return. 2008 has also been claimed as the beginning of the end when the first trumpet sounded with the crash of the US economy and the corre-sponding worldwide meltdown of finan-cial markets. Strange is it not that money, the root of all evil, is seen as the precur-sor to the apocalypse, but then again this all starts with cynical affront of Ameri-can evangelical and Pentecostal ‘prosperity ministries’. Typically they all are of the opinion that the return of Christ will herald ‘The Rap-ture’ when everyone reading this article will be doomed, but the thing is that even the Bible says that Christ will return at some unspecified point in the future and the Christian faithful of the W.A.S.P. (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) variety will be bodily raised into heaven. It is groups like the E-bible Fellowship who accept the Bible as the literal, revealed word of God rather than the mixture of history, allegory, metaphor, magick, gnosis and fable that it actually is. Unlikely as it might seem these believers are absolutely convinced that the idea of physical levitation is a given and when the End Times come and the Antichrist

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However, (isn’t there always a ‘however’?), the predicted events did not happen. According to the channelled messages, just before midnight on the 20th of December a representative from Clarion would arrive at the house and lead the believers to the warm sanctuary of a spacecraft that would be conven-iently parked nearby for boarding. Sadly, this representative did not appear: well, catastrophe, what to do? 4 AM came and went and there was still no couier/flight attendant had arrived, quite understanda-bly the group was stunned and Sister Thedra began to cry and lament: but a solution soon (and conveniently) fol-lowed. At around 5PM another chan-nelled message was received by the still weeping Sister Thedra; God had decided to spare the earth from destruction be-cause this little group had kept the faith and ‘spread so much light that He had saved the world from destruction’; much jubilation and joy ensued. There are many other examples of this, although with no corresponding predic-tions of destruction, too many to detail here, but here are a few, ‘The Industrial Church of The New world Comforter’ and ‘The Nation of Islam’. The Industrial Church of The New world Comforter was the 1973 invention of Allen Michael in response to telepathic contact with UFOs. Michael, formerly known by the more prosaic surname of Noonan, had experienced at least two UFO contacts; one in 1947 and another in 1954 at Giant Rock (it stands seven stories high) in the Mojave Desert.

It should come as no surprise to learn that the rock stands on ground once leased by UFO contactee George van Tassel and has been the site of several UFO conferences. Michael also released his vision of salvation in a book entitled ‘The Everlasting Gospel’, which became the standard bible of his group, now styl-ing itself as ‘The One World Family’. We should bear in mind the almost seis-mic changes occurring during this period

Sister Thedra was considered blessed by her followers, mainly because she had (by her own admission) been chosen to receive messages via a mediumistic sys-tem called ‘automatic writing’. This in-volves the person (who is invariably also either a medium or a channeller; al-though in effect there is little or no dif-ference) falling into a slight trance and allowing themselves to become pos-sessed by an external intelligence. The ‘intelligence’ then conveys its message onto a piece of paper via a pen or pencil, which is held in one of the channellers’ hands.

At any rate the good Sister conveyed a series of apocalyptic messages from altruistic aliens on the distant planet ‘Clarion’ prophesying the imminent in-undation of planet Earth by floods (evidently the first biblical attempt was not enough). This is a curious concept, since to inundate the entire planet there would have to be more water on it than was already there in the first place and the only way that might occur would be through global warming, something that was not even thought of at that time. There was even a date set: the early hours of the 21st of December 1954, very precise so you can’t say fairer that that.

She must have touched nerve in some sections of the populace; (mind you there is always ready market among the gulli-ble for this kind of outré stuff), and she attracted many devotees. The general idea was, as with many similar groups, Marshall Applewhite’s ‘Heavens Gate’ was another, but considerably more tragic example, that the chosen few will be swept up in a flying saucer and taken to the home planet of their erstwhile saviours and as we will soon see there are still variants on this belief system around today. Such was their level of certainty of those who flocked to Sister Thedra that they abandoned secure jobs, left their wives and/or husbands and gave away their possessions in the knowledge that they would be saved.


Phillip Lamy, a cul-tural anthroplogist at Castleston College in

Vermont recently wrote

"I really believe that

Ufology is going to be the next world relig-

ion. We live in secular times and Ufology is a

religion that even aethiests might enjoy.

The idea that there are super-evolved

intelligent beings out there is one that

appeals to a lot of people."

What persuaded him to write this? It is a

matter of record that some right-wing

religious zealots and organisations in the

USA have openly expressed vehement

oposition to UFO 'believers', to the point

of suggesting in one particular newsletter

that they should be "stoned to death!"

More recently ABC

news in America listed what they perceived to

be the world's most dangerous cults on

their web site. In-cluded among them

was Stephen Greer's CSETI oragnisation.

What has caused this

anti-UFO hysteria and is it justified? I

would very much like to hear the comments

of some of you free thinkers in this

group...The more controversial, the


Dissonance and the True BelieverBy Brian Allan.

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portrayed as uniformly hideous and un-speakably brutal.

On the other hand those under the protec-tion of Gandalf are seen as naïve, loyal, kindly and well meaning and backed up by elemental forces that for the most part are either semi or wholly magickal. Nei-ther is it an accident that the name, Sauron, is chosen because of its obvious connection to the world of reptiles (saurians) and indeed Satan is often re-ferred to as ‘that old dragon’. In spite of these semantic considerations the only place that hard parallels like this can be made is in the world of allegory and fiction, because representatives of all the mainstream religions balk at the very thought that miracles, because of nega-tive associations, could possibly be de-fined as magick.

Returning to UFO centered belief, there is a third order of phenomena which is rarely mentioned in this context and that is what supposedly happens during alien abduction scenarios when the abductee is ‘levitated’ into, presumably, non terres-trial spacecraft. This gives rise to serious consideration of alleged levitations at-tributed to saints and other assorted holy people and the claims made about the Rapture. This particular area tends to blur the boundaries between religion, magick and some of the more left field versions of Ufology where the believers are sure that levitation and the Rapture are a misinterpretation of their own tech-nology based paradigm. These particular believers are sure that prior to ‘the end’ the human race will indeed be lifted up in its entirety (and not just a chosen few)

demonic possession where the individual who is possessed is levitated into the air then set back down again. Logic suggests that the mechanism must be the same, but one is approved (the power of God) and the other is not, (the power of Satan). In both cases what is demonstrated is clearly an example of magick, but for some reason this is the word that dare not speak its name, although to mark the difference between the two powers, any-thing purporting to come from God might be referred to as ‘white magick’ and from Satan as ‘black magick’.

The same is true in such influential fic-tional literary works as the ‘Lord of The Rings’ trilogy where there is a ‘white wizard’, Gandalf, and his evil (ergo ‘black wizard’) counterpart Sauron. The similarities between the Gandalf/Christ, Sauron/Satan imagery are also striking in that in his efforts to protect his flock he is initially killed by the forces of Sauron, but later returns in all his glory to van-quish the might of the dark empire. It is also notable that the forces of evil are

Dissonance and the True Believer By Brian Allan.

emerges, they, and they alone, will be raised up into the air to remain in safety while the rest of humanity suffers in what they call ‘The Tribulation’. The number designated for salvation is, for reasons best known to the believers, remarkably specific at 144,000. They are always remarkably good at defining pre-cisely who, when and what will occur. They base their beliefs on the following biblical prophesy: Thessalonians 4:16-17 says, ‘And the dead in Christ will rise first: then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord’. They see nothing odd or unusual about this, and actively embrace it as a received truth; in fact it draws a parallel with the Islamic belief that the faithful who die in the service of Allah will live forevermore in Allah’s garden and every whim will be attended to by 70 beautiful virgins. Al-though one fate is rather more pragmatic and earthy than the other, they do both allude to war and strife as the backdrop of their salvation. Despite the fact that the ethos for both belief system is one of humility and peace, they do in fact fea-ture war and combat in their structure, i.e. ‘Onward Christian soldiers marching off to war’ and of course the bloodthirsty and pointless religious battles of the cru-sades.

Continuing on the perverse themes of war and eventual salvation, shortly after The Tribulation comes Armageddon when the armies of heaven battle the forces of Satan and the Antichrist on the plains of Megiddo in Israel. Once the forces of light win, and evidently this is another given that has abundantly clear supernatural and magickal overtones, and Satan is safely locked away, those who had been Raptured will return to live in a ‘heaven on earth’. However there is still more to come and one thousand years after Armageddon Satan escapes from capture and once again challenges the forces of light.

This time the earth itself is destroyed, but a new one descends from the heavens and at long last there is everlasting and eternal peace. After this mayhem with its precursor of mass levitations what was the mechanism that brought it all about? Unfortunately, as with the levitating saints, the answer is ‘the power of God’, which needs no explanation whatsoever. All of this seems to indicate that The Bible, instead of the revealed word of Almighty God, might equally be a trea-tise on magick, which in fact is exactly what it is. The same is also true when one encoun-ters the claims of levitation exhibited by those who are in the thrall of Satanic and/or demonic forces. It is a fairly standard ploy used in cinematic representations of

UFOs & The Occult. As well as scientific advantages it has been well documented that the Nazis were also diligently seek-ing advancement through spiritual powers. Tales of occult research and practices have also found their way in historical books about the Third Reich. One organisation that seemed to fascinate the German hierarchy was a mystical or-ganization called the Vril Society. This Vril Society claimed that they could contact the beginnings of the Aryan Race from extra or ultra-terrestrials. Though the German scientists have claimed to learn a great deal about the manufacturing of cigar and saucer-shaped craft from these contacts with spiritual entities, it was reported that they could never understand “the Vril” (or the force) to propel these con-structions.

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does not matter what the illness is, can-cer, MS, Parkinson’s or whatever, God will heal it. The relief felt by the sufferer is almost always psychosomatic and transient in nature, but that does not mat-ter because it’s a miracle. When the con-dition manifests again, and it will, then the poor sod simply did not have suffi-cient faith hence the miracle did not hap-pen. Healers? No, shameless liars, char-latans and often thieves demanding ‘donations’ to carry on the ‘lords work’. Where cures are effected (always for medical conditions, no arms or legs have ever been regrown) then perhaps the sufferer did not have any ailment in the first place, or perhaps they actually did cure themselves by some misunderstood mechanism, who knows?

Unfortunately for the ‘true believer’ none of this will ever matter and they will continue quite happily on their deluded way falling for fast talking snake oil salesmen promising them everything from miracle cures, to forgiveness and safety for the end times that continually threatens the human race, but never quite arrives.

As long as there are conmen (maybe some of them actually believe what they are preaching) out there, there will al-ways be a ready and willing supply of dupes ready to buy into whatever is on offer. Maybe we actually need it and it’s an instinct hardwired into us all, some type of survival mechanism of sorts, and if it is, be sure that someone out there will always be ready to exploit it for their own ends...

outfit calling itself ‘The Rapture Right’ has likewise decided that the end is nigh and only they will be saved. They won’t of course because the End Times are not coming any time soon, unless the human race brings it about through its own stu-pidity. They are wrong, and they will be proven wrong, but they will still keep plodding on even more determined than before, why? It is called ‘Cognitive Dis-sonance’.

This is a state of mind where one person, or a group of people, simultaneously maintains two competing and diametri-cally opposed opinions leading to abso-lute turmoil in their thought processes. To avoid this, as in the case of Sister Thedra and her cosy ‘Brotherhood of the Seven Rays’, when the prophecy dra-matically failed she deflected it by chan-nelling the message that all was well because God had stopped it happening. She could also have simply provided another date, but that too would have failed to materialise, so the best thing was to call the whole thing off. It should be noted that all of the followers had invested heavily in the prophecy by sell-ing up their properties etc. so they could not afford to have the prophecy obvi-ously fail; after all how foolish would they look? The other way around this is to recruit as many like minded individu-als as possible to reinforce their belief, after all if they all think the same then it can’t be wrong…right? Wrong!

An identical effect is seen when faith healers claim to heal the sick by suppos-edly using the power of God to heal, it

from the face of the earth, but in a fleet of giant spacecraft. These spacecraft are evidently already here on permanent standby and are cur-rently parked in orbit around the moon, but they are ‘cloaked’ and therefore in-visible. In this version of the myth, rather than the forces of darkness, viz. Satan and the Antichrist ranged against those of light, viz. Christ, there are two races of extraterrestrials fighting over the earth and its population. This is a hypothesis that, when one looks at it, runs accepted wisdom a pretty close parallel, the only differences are in the context and the end results are of course rather different. This version of events has the friendly ET’s (blond, tall, blue eyed ‘Nordics’, a clear parallel with angels) in combat with the non-friendly ET’s (nasty, reptilian be-ings, the comparison with demons is not difficult to make) over the fate of human-ity. However, humanity is conveniently well out of the way aboard these truly gigantic spacecraft and the outcome is a forgone conclusion. The ‘good’ ET’s defeat the ‘bad’ ET’s and humanity ei-ther returns to the earth or travels with the ‘good’ ET’s to their idyllic home worlds (heaven).

Rather worryingly, groups such as the poisonous ‘Westboro Baptist Church’, (membership around 100) which labours along under the spiteful rhetoric of Pastor Fred Phelps who describes himself as a ‘primitive Baptist’, hitches its scruffy dogma to the apocalyptic visions to the E-Bible Fellowship. Not only that, but a similarly narrow minded and vicious

Theories about the Christ.

Turning water into wine? That could be

accomplished by rearranging a few

molecules. Healing the sick? A snap for

someone with an advanced understand-

ing of medicine -- especially an under-

standing that was derived from a highly advanced technologi-

cal society. Walking on water? Probably

basic child's play for a being from another

planet with elemen-tary skills in gravity


What I am implying here is.....could Jesus

"Christ" have been an alien from a different planet or even a time traveler from the far distant future? There

certainly are a lot things that Jesus is

supposed to have done -- miracles -- that

could have been explained as being the

results of the utiliza-tion of an advanced


God? Son of God? Man? or was Jesus an

Alien? What do you think?

Let us know your thoughts: Get in touch

with us at: Phenom-ena Magazine.

Dissonance and the True BelieverBy Brian Allan.

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Spookology - Who Put The Norm in Paranormal? By Richard Holland

In the way-back-when of my time editing Paranormal Magazine, I jokingly coined the term ‘spookology’ in one of my editorials. I’ve started using

‘spook’ as a handy word for any really weird and inexplicable ghostly phe-nomenon. At a time when the supernatural, an area of research in which we still understand very little, is becoming increasingly codified, the bizarre na-ture of the spooks recalled in this column may serve as a reminder that it’s

way too soon to start normalising the paranormal.

Haunting Houses…

Among my favourite spooks – ie totally inexplicable ghosts well outside the norm of the paranormal – are a rarely reported type of apparition that turns the popular idea of a haunted house on its head. In these cases the house is not haunted – the house is in fact the ghost. Here is an example dating from 1987 and from the article ‘Ghost Go Wild’ by Janet Bord in Paranormal Magazine issue42: Donald Watt and George Bruce were very experienced members of the Lochaber Mountain rescue Team. While descending Beinn Fhionnlaidh near Cannich (Highland) they noticed a two-storey cottage on the loch shore below. It was made of granite and looked in good condition, and they decided to head for it. They were puz-zled because they hadn’t seen it on the map and didn’t know of its existence. They kept it in their sights for some time and then lost view of it. They as-sumed they would see it when they got over the crest of a hillock, but when they joined the path along the shore there was no cottage to be seen. Despite their best efforts they were unable to locate it. Afterwards they found that there had been a lodge at the loch, but it was now underwater since the area was flooded and dammed in the 1950s.’ A similar experience has been reported more recently, by ‘Suzan’, a contributor to the Paranormal Phenomena section of She writes: ‘My hus-band was carting wheat in the summer of 1994. He was outside Molong in NSW, Australia, and drove past a “For Sale” sign on a farm gate along with the agents details. Our 12-year-old son was with him. On the return journey, they stopped, climbed through the fence and walked up the circle-shaped drive to have a closer look at the old house. He said he could see through the window and found the old house old and aban-doned. On his return home a few days later, we rang up the agent and asked for further details about the property, as we were interested in purchasing it. The agent had no idea what we were talking about and insisted that he had no properties for sale on that road. A week later, my husband and I drove to Molong to have a look at the farm ourselves.

Richard Holland is the

editor of the ghosts and folklore website Uncanny UK and the former editor of Paranormal Magazine. A journalist of more than

20 years’ experience in newspapers and maga-

zines, he is the author of six books, including

‘Haunted Wales: A Guide to Welsh Ghostlore’ and

‘The Horror of Gyb Farm’. He is currently developing Smart Phone apps, includ-ing Ghost Finder London

and Ghost Finder Edin-burgh. To read more of Richard’s articles, and

those of other authors on the subject of the super-

natural in Britain, please visit

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We drove up and down the whole road until we were almost to the next town. All that he could recognize was a water tank on the hill, a creek and some trees where the house used to be. There was no gate, drive, real estate sign... or house.’ A more elaborate story is told by an unnamed correspondent of the Ameri-can website The woman described how she and a friend were driving on a December evening in rural Missouri when they were driven off the road and into a snow bank by an inconsiderate motorist. No one stopped to help and after an hour, with more snow falling, ‘things were getting des-perate’. Then her friend pointed out that there was a house nearby, with all its lights illuminated, but for some reason neither had noticed it before. So, they left the car, struggled through the snow

and knocked on the door to see whether the occupants had a phone. She continues: ‘The door was answered by a sweet old lady who immediately asked us in, let us call for a tow truck, and gave us tea and cookies. We were-n’t sure where we were so she gave the tow truck driver very specific direc-tions, 2.3 miles west from the turnoff to Highway xxx. She invited us to stay inside until the tow truck got there and went back to bed. ‘A few hours later the truck showed up and we left. She was still in bed so we just wrote a quick thank you note. Later we decided to bake her a batch of cook-ies and take them for a more personal thank you. The next Saturday we drove over to her house. But, it wasn’t there. We drove by where we thought it was and couldn’t find it so we went to the

The cover of Richard’s new book, now available on the Amazon Kindle store, ‘The Horror of Gyb Farm and other True Ghost Stories from the pen of F G Lee’.

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Spookology - Who Put The Norm in Paranormal? By Richard Holland

turnoff to Highway xxx and drove ex-actly 2.3 miles west and still couldn't find it. In desperation we called the tow truck driver who said he had never seen a house when he picked us up. He was wondering why we standing on a hill instead of waiting in the car. Every trip to the mall since then we have looked for that house but have never found it.’ Kathleen Wiltshire offers a similar account in her book ‘Ghosts and Leg-ends of the Wiltshire Countryside’. A Mrs Edna Hedges told Wiltshire that when she was a young girl in the 1930s she got caught in a storm on a lonely stretch of road near Hannington. Notic-ing a cottage a little way away up a country lane, she rode over to it and asked the elderly gentleman who an-swered the door if she could shelter there [gosh, those were innocent days back then, weren’t they?]. Smiling, he led her inside but did not speak, nor could Mrs Hedges recall him speaking throughout the time she spent in the cottage. In fact, there was no sound at all. Mrs Hedges had no recollection of coming out of the cottage; all at once she seemed on her way, the storm well behind her.’ When she arrived at her destination, she was perfectly dry. She told her hostess where she had sheltered from the storm but it transpired the old cottage hadn’t been lived in for years, indeed when she saw it again, it was totally derelict and the roof had long

since fallen in. Now, I know some would label these tales under the phe-nomenon of ‘time slips’, in which people suddenly seem to find them-selves immersed in an earlier period, not only able to see but even interact with the business of a time long gone. However, the best known account of a ‘haunting house’ rather wrong foots that idea. In his book of ‘Apparitions and Haunted Houses’, Sir Ernest Bennett recounts the experience of a young girl and her governess who saw a phantom house in 1926 near Bury St Edmunds. They went for a walk through the hamlet of Bradfield St George and came to a high brick wall broken by imposing gates. Through the gates they could see, set back in leafy grounds, a grand Georgian manor house. They were new to the area and the governess later made inquiries as to the identity of the house. No such house was known to exist, nor had one ever existed there. When she revisited the scene, the puzzled governess was amazed to find that not only was the house no longer in evidence, neither was the wall that had apparently sur-rounded it. One can accept the exis-tence of a long-since demolished cot-tage escaping the memory of the vil-lagers, but not a grand house. It would be impossible then to consider this apparition an example of a time slip – unless it was a Georgian revival manor house from the future?...

The spooky cover of F G lee’s 1885 book ‘Glimpses in the Twilight’ from the author’s collection.

The September-11 Code The Most Enlightening Revelations in 2000 Years. By William Downie.

This book is too religious for New Agers, too occult for Christians, too numerical for spiritual seekers, too mystical for scientific types, was written by a nobody, is addressed to everybody and makes the most outrageous series of statements ever claimed as facts. So read it anyway and have your understanding of the world blown apart. The Septem-ber-11 Code is two things. Firstly, it is a chronicle of one man's dramatic spiritual awak-ening and the education he subsequently received from angelic tutors. Secondly, it is a concise summary of the alphanumerical code he was trained to find and the devastating revelations it contains. The code is found within the NIV Bible (2001 Edition), popular culture and two world-impacting events: the terrorist attacks of September the 11th, 2001 and the funeral of Pope John Paul II in 2005. It insists that 9/11, the first major event witnessed in real time by the entire world, was nothing less than a staged drama, depicting several biblical tableaux and containing the most electrifying news of all time. The book goes on to present further devastating revelations about Karol Jozef Wojtlya and Osama bin Laden. It ends with a message to us all from Jesus Christ.

Phenomena Magazine Editor: Steve Mera... On many occasions I would often say...’You’ve read one 911 book, you've read them all’. But! In this case... That’s not quite true. This is rather a unique 911 book that certainly gets your mind enveloped in mystery, occultism and symbology. A fascinating book that kept me entertained and intrigued. Well worth purchasing, and deserves to be on the shelf next to other well known conspiracy books...

Paperback: 203 pages Publisher: John Hunt Publishing; Reprint edition (May 16, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 1780992017 ISBN-13: 978-1780992013

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Keep an eye on the skies for saucers during the Olympics Games, warns former MoD UFO expert. June 7th 2012 By Eddie Wrenn.

UFO expert Nick Pope says massive summer events like the Olympics would be a prime time for an alien encounter Minis-try of Defence 'has planned for the worst outcomes - attack and invasion'. 'We should be prepared for even the most seem-ingly unfathomable'. One of the UK's top UFO experts has given his views on the likelihood of aliens suddenly appearing in our skies - and how the international community would respond.

Nick Pope, who has more than two decades under his belt at the Ministry of Defence, said mass summer events - like the Olympic Games in London - would be a prime time for crafts from otherworlds to present themselves to man-kind. He warned: 'With the summer of mass events we are all on high alert for terrorism. But we must also cast our eyes further afield and be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathom-able.'' Pope's duties at the MoD included investi-gating reports of UFOs between 1991 and 1994, and says he began his research as a sceptic, be-fore becoming convinced that the sightings raised important defence for national security and air safety issues.

He was particularly interested in cases where the witnesses were pilots, or where UFOs were tracked on radar, and said there were other believers among his former colleagues. He said: 'It has been a widely held belief in Ministry of Defence circles that "aliens" have been able to detect us for decades via TV and radio broadcasts.

'What once seemed like science fiction is steadily being realised by central governing bodies as distinctly real. 'If aliens have studied our psychology, they may choose to appear in our skies on a significant date – the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games is one date being widely circulated by conspiracy groups. 'The atomic bombs detonated in the 1940s, and the rocket technology since developed would unquestionably have alerted nearby alien civilisations to our existence.

'On their arrival it is difficult to say what they would do: explore, help or destroy. Our resources make us quite a special threat.' Hopefully, if aliens do come and introduce themselves to us, they come in a spirit of warmth, friendship and shared learning - but Pope said the government was also prepared for the worst scenarios. He said: 'The government must - and has planned - for the worst-case scenario: alien attack and alien invasion.

'Space shuttles, lasers and directed-energy weapons are all committed via the Alien Invasion War Plan to defence against any alien ships in orbit. 'If UFOs came into our atmosphere, RAF jets such as the Eu-rofighter Typhoons, and missiles such as the Rapiers guarding the Olympic Games would be well equipped to enter the fray. 'And if the aliens landed, in an unprecedented move, I am in doubt that the entire Army would be join the fight. 'The TA and the Reserves would be called out and conscription potentially intro-duced. '

Speaking about the cultural impact of aliens since the first widely-reported cases in the 1940s, he said: 'It is interesting to note that we are all in some ways equipped to deal with alien invasion - games such as Resis-tance: Burning Skies on PlayStation Vita help acclimatise people to the reality of extraterrestrial life - and in particular that they might be hostile.

'It is a widely held belief that classified information about weapons and tactics useful in combatting alien occupation are embedded into such gameplay. 'The primary flaw is our lack of knowledge - we are limited in the extent of what we know about the alien species.' Pope's role in the government was once described as 'working on the the X-Files of the UK', and he has since published Sunday Times top ten non-fiction best-sellers, such as Open Skies, Closed Minds. His final role at the MoD, held until 2006, was Directorate of Defence Security, and since leaving he has given lectures and TV interviews about his views on the exis-tence of UFOs.

He added: 'Aliens may possess weapons or advanced technology we’ve no idea of. Aliens may have invisi-bility, a death ray, teleportation, force fields and other things we can't even guess at. 'Beyond this, unity is key, but as history dictates, this is not so easy. 'The logical course is to unite the world against the alien threat, combining our military strength and fighting under the United Nations. But some countries might not fight.

'We saw this type of treachery and cowardice in the Second World War. Though some brave people joined the Resistance, much of France accepted Nazi occupation.

'The final and perhaps biggest flaw is preparation. With the summer of mass events we are all on high alert for terrorism. But we must also cast our eyes further afield and be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable.'

Vatican Theologian Claims Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real.

Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a former insider close to the Pope has gone on national Italian television five times to proclaim,

Extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon.

The prelate announced that the Vatican is receiving much informa-tion about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its

Nuncios (embassies) in various countries, such as Mexico, Chile and Venezuela. Monsignor Balducci said that he is on a Vatican commission looking into extraterrestrial encounters, and how to

cope with the emerging general realization of extraterrestrial contact. Balducci provided the Catholic Church's analysis of

extraterrestrials, emphasizing that extraterrestrial encounters "are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological impairment, they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve

to be studied carefully."

Since is a Vatican expert exorcist, and since the Catholic Church has historically demonized many new phenomena that were poorly

understood, his proclaiming the Vatican's non-censure of these encounters is all the more remarkable. Unfortunately, Monsignor

Balducci passed away but is work is being continued and the Vatican closely follows this phenomenon.

In his testimony Balducci explained that not only the general populous but also highly credible, cultured, and educated people of

high status are recognizing more and more that this is a real phenomenon. He goes on to speak about the extraterrestrial people as part of Gods creation and that they are not angels nor are they

devils. However they are probably more spiritually evolved.

UFOs Photographed.

Spennymoor County, Durham -- A numer of photographs have been taken. Little is known about the circumstances surrounding

these photos that were taken September 27, 2011. No one knows if something unusual was seen or if the anomalies were later found

when viewing the photos. Some of the photos are quite compelling.

The above photo was scanned from one of the photos. The object was thought to be of flying triangle design. The mystery as to what the object was and who took the photos are yet to be discovered.

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It's scream tea as cafe ghost is caught on CCTV By Charlotte Brehaut - July 3rd 2012.

A cafe owner found himself Ghostbuster rather than crime-stopper, when his CCTV camera captured footage of a supernatural intruder.

Dan Clifford, 35, was startled by the images of a ghostly female figure hovering in his locked shop, before disappearing into thin air.

He said: “The first time I saw the shadow moving on the old camera my heart went nuts as I thought there was an intruder in the shop.

"But when I looked closer I realised it couldn’t be a live human being - I could see right through it.”

The apparition is just one of a number of encoun-ters with the other side at the Curiositeaz Vintage Tea Room in Perth, Scotland.

Spooked Dan said, “It’s all been very exciting. Over the past few months all the staff have experi-enced something. Some have heard voices. "Others have witnessed chairs moving and one was pushed forwards and felt a chill right down their spine. "We’ve also had a number of mediums stopping in because they felt something when they walked by. "Some have been told of feeling the presence of a woman, which fits with our newest image.” Dan added “I have always believed in the spirit world but had never experienced anything like this until we opened Curiositeaz less than a year ago.”

Upon finding the spine-tingling footage, Dan contacted Paranormal Investigation Scotland. Experts are now examining the image, which was captured when Dan’s motion sensor cameras were mysteriously activated in the dead of the night. A spokesman for Paranormal Investigation Scotland said: “This is the most convinc-ing image we have seen in almost a decade so we were keen to start looking into it.” Some of Scotland’s most powerful mediums will return to the cafe this month as they attempt contact the phantom with a pen-chant for cream teas.

Girl Who Can Start Fire With Her Brain Mystifies Scientists. By Soren Dreier - June 28th 2012.

Many think this young girl has supernatural abilities and scientists are puzzled by what she has accomplished so far. She is now be-ing called a global scientific phenomenon. According to the fam-ily, their 11-year-old daughter has a bizarre ability to set things aflame by just being near them. The young Vietnamese girl living in HCM City’s Tan Binh District has drawn a great deal of atten-tion from the nation’s media. Her father tells it all started about a month ago when the family home’s electrical network suffered several short circuits, about a month ago.

Electricians were called to fix the short circuit but could not find the cause behind the power failures. He said the girl was taken to other houses where the same phenomenon took place each time. Her mattresses, fans and other equipment have burst into flames. The hotel room where her family stayed two weeks ago during their holiday on Vung Tau beach also suffered burns from a blaze. The girl has been examined by doctors at Cho Ray Hospital and the Children’s Hospital No. 2 but nothing abnormal has been found.But a team of scientists from the Centre of Research and Application for Radio-active Geo-biological Energy at Hong Bang University has also carried out tests on the girl and con-firmed that she is unusual.

Prof. Nguyen Manh Hung, director of the university, said that the girl is capable of burning things around her. “This is a very strange case not only in Viet Nam but for the world,” said Hung. Brain scans discovered an unusual line on the right part of the girl’s brain, said the doctor. “She burned objects that were located near and far from her, so there is no specific distance limit,” said Hung.

Samples of her blood, skin tissue and urine along with objects from the girl’s home have been taken for further analysis, he said. Nguyen Phuc Giac Hai, a scientist at the Research Centre of Human Potential, said the girl was a global scientific phenomenon.

“This case is special because it has lasted for more than one month and fires have occurred wherever she has been,” said Hai...

'UFO' at the bottom of the Baltic Sea 'cuts off electrical equip-ment when divers get within 200m'.

By Eddie Wrenn

Object is raised about 10 to 13ft above seabed and curved at the sides like a mushroom. Hole is surrounded by an strange rock

formation that expedition team can not explain. Stones are covered in something 'resembling soot' which has baffled experts. Divers say phones and some cameras switch off when close to the object The divers exploring a 'UFO-shaped' object at the bottom of the

Baltic Sea say their equipment stops working when they approach within 200m. Professional diver Stefan Hogerborn, part of the Ocean X team which is exploring the anomaly, said some of the team's cameras and the team's satellite phone would refuse to

work when directly above the object, and would only work once they had sailed away.

He is quoted as saying: 'Anything electric out there - and the satellite phone as well - stopped working when we were above the object. 'And then we got away about 200 meters and it turned on

again, and when we got back over the object it didn’t work.' Diver Peter Lindberg said: 'We have experienced things that I really couldn’t imagine and I have been the team's biggest skeptic re-

garding these different kind of theories.

'I was kind of prepared just to find a stone or cliff or outcrop or pile of mud but it was nothing like that, so for me it has been a

missing experience I must say.' Member Dennis Åsberg said: 'I am one hundred percent convinced and confident that we have found something that is very, very, very unique. 'Then if it is a meteorite or an asteroid, or a volcano, or a base from, say, a U-boat from

the Cold War which has manufactured and placed there - or if it is a UFO...

'Well honestly it has to be something.' The quotes were first re-ported at NDTV. The Mail Online has reached out to the Ocean X team for clarification. The object was first found in May last year, but because of a lack of funding and bad timing, they have were not able to pull a team together to see for themselves - just the

strange, metallic outline, and a similar disk-shaped object about 200 metres away. During their visit, the team saw a 985-foot trail

that they described 'as a runway or a downhill path that is flat-tened at the seabed with the object at the end of it'. As it was before the recent dive, the story behind the object is anyone's

guess, from a 'plug to the inner world' to the Millennium Falcon ship from Star Wars.

While the Ocean Explorer team is understandably excited about their potentially earth-shattering find, others are slightly more

sceptical and are questioning the accuracy of the sonar technol-ogy. In the past, such technology has confused foreign objects with

unusual- but natural - rock formations. Part of the trouble they face, however, is that they have no way of telling what is inside the

supposed cylinder- whether it is filled with gold and riches or simply aged sediment particles.

They're hoping for the former, and history seems to be in their favour. The Baltic Sea is a treasure trove for shipwreck hunters, as

an estimated 100,000 objects are thought to line the cold sea's floor. The company have created a submarine that they hope will appeal to tourists and wannabe shipwreck hunters who will pay to

take a trip down to the bottom of the Baltic Sea to see for them-selves. A further dive will take place in the coming weeks...

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The 2012 Rendlesham UFO Conference - Review By Dave Hodrien

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Due to conflicts behind the scenes, the Rendlesham UFO conference nearly didn’t take place this year. Fortunately a group of dedicated individuals not only managed to salvage it, but also organise what was arguably one of the best single day confer-ence line ups ever seen! Living in Birmingham it’s obviously quite a way down to

Suffolk, but after taking a look at who was planned to speak at the conference there was no way I would have missed it for the world.

So early in the morning of Sunday 17th June, I, my father Chris, brother Andrew and friend Adam set off on our way back to Rendlesham Forest for the second time

(We had previously attended the 30th anniversary conference back in December 2010). The roads were pretty clear, and the weather also cut us a lucky break! After

several days of rain the sun had decided to show itself, making the journey very pleasant indeed. We arrived at Woodbridge with only about 10 minutes to spare, and as we pulled into the Community Centre car park we all excitedly anticipated what

the day had in store for us.

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The 2012 Rendlesham UFO Conference - Review By Dave Hodrien

I immediately ran into Sacha Christie having a sneaky cigarette at the back door of the venue. I have known Sacha for a number of years since meeting her at a previous conference, and regularly speak with her regarding cases I am investigating. Sacha is both a contactee and outspoken researcher. She is also a consultant for AMMACH (the Anoma-lous Mind Management Abductee and Contactee Helpline). She was not only billed as the first speaker of the day, but had also been involved in organising the conference.

I also had the chance to briefly catch up with Larry Warren, whistle-blower of the Rendlesham UFO incident and one of the main organisers of the day, and UK UFO researcher Gary Heseltine. I have been friends with both Larry and Gary since they attended my wedding at the famous “black mailbox” on the outskirts of Area 51 back in 2010.

We didn't have long to speak as we had to go and grab some seats before we ended up sitting on the back row! After meeting up with my brother’s associate in parapsychology, Simon, we managed to secure some places near the front. A moment later Larry appeared at the front to welcome everyone and give a brief introduction. It was clear how happy he was that the conference had gone ahead, and he provided some details of what lay ahead.

It was soon time for Sacha Christie to take to the stage. Since her childhood Sacha has had numerous contact ex-periences, and her lecture focused on the incident which started it all. This experience completely changed her life in many different ways. It involved both her and her family while they were

staying at a cottage in Wales. They witnessed a glowing UFO in the sky above them, and another glowing spherical object which landed nearby. There were many odd aspects to the incident and it has troubled her ever since.

Sacha then showed a short video film of her recent return to the cottage where the incident took place. She did not speak with the current owners of the cottage, but did walk around the grounds. This video was both fascinat-ing and touching. It was clear how much the experience had affected her, and how un-nerved she was to return to where it had happened. The remainder of her passionate talk focused on the lack of support that contactees have and how they are generally regarded in a negative light by the public. She be-lieves that contactees need to work together and help each other, rather than continue to search for answers which may never be found.

After a short break it was time for Robert Salas to give a talk on one of the

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most stunning and important American UFO incidents to have ever taken place, an event that he was directly involved with. Back in 1967 Robert was a Dep-uty Missile Combat Crew Commander at Malmstrom AFB in Montana. One morning he was contacted by the NCO in charge of site security, who informed him that a number of unidentified lights had been seen in the vicinity. Minutes later he rang back and informed Robert that there was a red glowing saucer-shaped UFO hovering just outside the front gate! Robert woke his commander and began informing him of what he had been told. A moment later the armed missiles began to shut down one by one in rapid succession. The chance of this happening to so many was near impossible. It appeared that the UFO had sent out a signal which had shut down the missiles. This became known as the Echo Flight incident.

After covering what took place, Robert then spoke of the cover up of the inci-dent. He showed numerous documents released through the Freedom Of Infor-mation Act which proved that this was the case, and that certain people had tried to brush the whole incident under the carpet. Robert also covered many other similar incidents which have taken place at missile launch facilities in numerous countries right up to as recent as 2010! The implications of these incidents are both far reaching and profound.

It was then time for lunch, and during the break an old CNN documentary on Rendlesham was shown. I was in-formed that this was well worth a watch, but I spent the majority of the time chatting with the various speakers.

The next talk was from American crop formation researcher and MUFON field investigator Jennifer Stein.

The Incident.

The Rendlesham Forest Incident is the name given to a series of reported sightings of unexplained lights and the alleged landing of a craft or multiple craft of unknown origin in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England, in late December 1980, just outside RAF Woodbridge, used at the time by the U.S. Air Force.

Dozens of USAF personnel were eyewitnesses to various events over a two- or three-day period. Some ufologists believe it is perhaps the most famous UFO event to have happened in Britain, ranking amongst the best-known UFO events worldwide.

Along with the alleged Ber-wyn Mountain UFO incident, it has been compared to the Roswell UFO incident in the United States, and is some-times referred to as "Britain's Roswell".


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The 2012 Rendlesham UFO Conference - Review By Dave Hodrien

I have seen many lectures on crop for-mations over the years, but I have to admit this was one of the best I have ever seen on this intriguing aspect of

Official Response.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) denied that the event posed any threat to national

security, and stated that it was therefore never investi-gated as a security matter.

Later evidence indicated that there was a substantial MoD file on the subject, which led

to claims of a cover-up; some interpreted this as part of a

larger pattern of information suppression concerning the true nature of unidentified flying objects, by both the United States and British

governments (see the UFO conspiracy theory).

One such person to take this view was eyewitness and

Deputy Base Commander Colonel Charles Halt (see below). When the file was

released in 2001 it turned out to consist mostly of internal

correspondence and re-sponses to inquiries from the


The lack of any in-depth investigation in the publicly

released documents is consis-tent with the MoD's earlier

statement that they never took the case seriously.

Included in the released files is an explanation given by

defence minister Lord Trefgarne as to why the MoD

did not investigate further. Sceptics regard the sightings

as misinterpretation of a series of nocturnal lights – a

fireball, the Orford Ness lighthouse and bright stars.


formations are naturally occurring. In addition to this she discussed the appar-ent military interest in these formations and the fact that black helicopters have often been seen in the vicinity. So far we’d heard about abductions, missile shut downs and crop forma-tions, but it was now time to hear the latest on the incident the conference was themed around. Fortunately the next speaker was Gary Heseltine, one of the key UFO investigators who has looked into the case in depth over re-cent years. Gary’s credentials as a po-lice detective constable means that he looks at the UFO subject in a logical manner, and assesses the evidence as he would do a crime that has been com-mitted. He is extremely impressed with the Rendlesham Forest incident, and believes it to be one of the most impor-tant UFO cases which has ever taken place.

Over the years numerous sceptics and debunkers of the incident have stated that when Colonel Halt and the other soldiers saw lights through the trees, and later a red glowing UFO, they were really just seeing the pulsing light from the lighthouse in the distance. Gary began his talk by completely blowing this theory out of the water. He showed some night vision footage he had taken at Capel Green, the field where the soldiers sighted a glowing red UFO hovering close to the ground. He pointed out the location where Halt had stated the UFO was situated, and then pointed out the location of the light-house. It was clear that these locations were completely different and that there was no way whatsoever that this would have been responsible for what was seen.

The remainder of Gary’s talk focused on what took place over the three nights that make up the incident.

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ufology. A lot of the time this angle of the subject inevitably has a “new age” tinge to it. But Jennifer’s lecture stuck closely to the facts and was presented in a very scientific manner. She pro-vided some fascinating physical evi-dence that seems to suggest that there is much more to crop formations than just cleverly done hoaxes. Her lecture in-cluded many photographs, video se-quences and drawings, and was very enjoyable indeed. Jennifer is well aware that many of the formations seen are hoaxed. However some of them appear to be made by an energy force which has strange effects on both the crop and the soil, and can even be detected in the surrounding area as well as just the formation itself. She presented evidence which link the formations to glowing orbs, but also looked into the possibility that the

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The 2012 Rendlesham UFO Conference - Review By Dave Hodrien

He covered all the key points in the order in which they occurred. He also explained that there are likely to be other witnesses from the base who are yet to come forward. They would cer-tainly have seen the UFO shine lights down into the weapons storage area, and may also have gone up the control tower for a look at what was occurring out in the forest. As always Gary’s lecture was well structured and very interesting.

While Gary knows a lot about the case, nothing beats hearing about it from the people who were actually there at the time. And who better to speak than the original whistle-blower of the case, Larry Warren? The next lecture was a joint talk given by both him and Peter Robbins, UFO researcher and co-author of the book Left At East Gate. Both Larry and Peter have experienced so much over the years, and they spoke passionately about the journey they had been on which had led to this point.

Larry’s claims about what took place on the third night of the incident have always been the most controversial aspect of the entire case – a close en-counter with both a craft and its occu-pants, and a clear indication that the base commander knew this was going to take place. Extraordinary claims of course require extraordinary evidence. And it is exactly this which Peter pre-sented during the talk. Evidence includ-ing medical records proving that Larry’s retinas had been burnt and that he had been exposed to a powerful energy source, documents proving that he was treated unfairly by the military following the incident and details of other witnesses who have also come forward to speak about the third night.

However the most controversial part of the talk was still to come...

Earlier this year there was a special radio programme on the Rendlesham incident. Many speakers appeared on this, including Larry and Colonel Halt. During this show Halt openly admitted that he was present on the third night. Peter began by mentioning Halt’s state-ment on this show. He then displayed some video footage of Halt taken at a recent UFO conference. In this footage, Halt completely dismisses Larry’s claims and accuses him of making it all up. Read into this what you will.

The day had flown by faster than an unidentified blip on the radar. We now had an hour to relax and get some din-ner. Our group decided to head on up the road to the Cherry Tree, a quaint pub just up the road from the venue. I ended up sitting alongside some of the sound crew from the conference. After a decent meal and quick pint it was time to return for the evening lectures.

We sneaked back in just in time for Timothy Good’s highly anticipated talk. Tim is one of the world’s most highly renowned UFO researchers. He has interviewed many high ranking military personnel, astronauts and gov-ernmental figures over the years, and written numerous excellent books on the subject. The majority of Tim’s lec-ture focused on the W56 group. This case involves a race of humanoid aliens who lived on Earth from the 1950s to the 1970s in secret underground bases

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which they constructed using advanced technology.Tim has spoken to numer-ous witnesses involved with this case and believes it to be genuine. As evi-dence for these claims Tim showed a number of black and white photographs reporting to show hovering craft, and even photos apparently showing a cou-ple of these aliens, one of which was close to ten feet tall!

The implications of all of this should it be true are huge, but I was left with a lot of questions and felt that it would have been nice to see some more sub-stantial evidence to back up these claims. However Tim’s credentials in the subject should not be ignored and I’m certain he has good reason to be-lieve the case to be legitimate. There is no doubt much more to this than he had time to cover in his talk, and the case will surely feature heavily in his next book.

After a quick break it was time for the final speaker of the conference, a speaker who will need no introductions for anyone with a good knowledge of the contact subject: retired police con-stable Alan Godfrey. With a back-ground in after dinner speaking, we were in for a thought provoking and at times amusing talk. Alan became fa-mous in the world of ufology when on 28thNovember 1980 he had a close encounter with a UFO while on patrol. This involved a period of missing time, and after a while he decided to go for hypnotic regression to see if he could get these missing memories back. Un-der hypnosis he recalled being taken aboard the craft and undergoing an examination procedure by a number of short beings. Alan talked us through the details of his experience, even alluding to the fact that he was not entirely con-vinced that he had been abducted. I felt that in some ways this gave even more

The Event.

Rendlesham Forest is owned by the Forestry Commission and consists of about 5.8 square miles (15 km2) of coniferous plantations, inter-spersed with broadleaved belts, heathland and wetland areas. It is located in the county of Suffolk, about 8 miles (13 km) east of the town of Ipswich.

The incident occurred in the vicinity of two former military bases - RAF Bentwaters, which is just to the north of the forest, and RAF Wood-bridge which extends into the forest from the west and is bounded by the forest on its northern and eastern edges. At the time, both were being used by the United States Air Force and were under the command of wing commander Colonel Gordon E. Williams.

The base commander was Colonel Ted Conrad, and his deputy was Lieutenant Colo-nel Charles I. Halt. Halt's memo to the Ministry of Defence on the incident, and his personal involvement in the second night of the sight-ings, has given the case credibility.


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weight to his case, as he has clearly considered alternative explanations for what happened to him.

Alan not only spoke of his own experi-ence, he also spoke of Zigmund Adam-ski, a man who had previously turned up dead under very unusual circum-stances. Alan was one of the two offi-cers who were initially called to the scene. Many people feel that Zigmund had been abducted, and that his death was in some way linked to what hap-pened to Alan later the same year. Al-though Alan personally felt that the man had been tortured by someone rather than taken by aliens, he admitted that there were some very strange as-pects to his death.

Alan ended his talk with some humor-ous tales from his job in the police force, followed by a Q&A. This was apparently to be the last time Alan would speak publically about his ex-perience, and it was the perfect way to bring the conference to a close. After a few final words by Larry the Rend-lesham Conference 2012 was officially over. However for our group it was not yet time to travel home. We next had plans to head on out to the forest, which seemed like the right thing to do given the circumstances.

I was pleased to find out that Brenda Butler would be joining us. Brenda is a local investigator; experiencer, author,

and one of the first people to look into the Rendlesham incident. This meant we had our very own forest tour guide!

Good thing too, as although I’d been there before I was still pretty sure it would be easy to get lost. Also along for the adventure was Brenda’s niece Beverley, a man we had sat near to at the conference, a contactee whose case I have investigated, her husband and some other gents who we had not previ-ously met.

Luckily for us the weather was quite clear, although the moon was hidden by cloud cover. We arrived at the Visitors Centre car park in near complete dark-ness, and met up with Brenda, who was already taking photographs hoping to pick up anything paranormal on cam-era. Much to our surprise she asked us to turn our torches off, and we soon realised we would be wandering around the forest with minimal light sources. This would have been creepy enough, but to make matters worse Brenda and

The Events.

The main events of the inci-dent, including the supposed

landing or landings, took place in the forest, which

starts at the east end of the base runway or about 0.3

miles (0.5 km) to the east of the East Gate of RAF Wood-

bridge, where guards first noticed mysterious lights

appearing to descend into the forest. The forest extends east

about 1.0 mile (1.6 km) beyond East Gate, ending at a

farmer's field, where addi-tional events allegedly took


Orford Ness lighthouse, which sceptics identify as the

flashing light seen off to the coast by the airmen, is along

the same line of sight but 5 miles (8.0 km) further east of

the forest edge.

All these locations are shown on the map above. Commen-

tators have published more detailed maps of the location and a modern aerial view of

the region can be found on Google Maps.


Bev started to tell us all about the vari-ous ETs and ghosts they had witnessed in the forest over the years! Needless to say we were on high alert for the slight-est movement from the undergrowth.

Walking along the path that leads up to East Gate, it wasn’t long before we had our first glowing orb sighting. However this glowing orb turned out to be a brightly illuminated glow worm! By the time we reached the gate we’d seen about 20 of them along the edges of the path. It was the first time I’d ever seen glow worms, so this was certainly one of the highlights of our walk.

We soon reached the famous gate where Jim Penniston and John Burroughs had first sighted the lights through the trees back in 1980.

After posing for some photos we made our way back to the car park. From here we headed into the forest in the direc-tion of Capel Green. The forest was extremely still, quiet and atmospheric. We discussed the speakers of the day as we made our way along the tracks.

Our first destination was the official “landing site”, marked out with three wooden posts. It is believed by many to not be the actual location where the triangular craft was situated, but was

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still certainly worth a look. Moving onward, we soon came to the edge of Capel Green, the location of numerous key events of the Rendlesham incident. I was pleased to see the lighthouse pulsing away in the distance, as last time I was at the forest it was extremely foggy and could not be seen. We stayed at the green for about 15 minutes dur-ing which Brenda enthusiastically told us about some of the UFO sightings she had experienced there.

Heading back into the trees, we began our walk back along the tracks to the Visitor Centre, stopping briefly at a tree known to have an Steven Spielberg ET face shaped notch in its trunk. As with most round trips the return walk seemed to take twice as long.

Finally at around 2am we reached the car park bringing our exploration of the forest to a close. We hadn’t had any encounters (unless you count the glow worms), but it had been a superb end to

a truly great day. While my brother, father and friend lay back in their seats and began to snore, I took a quick gulp of Red Bull and began the long drive back to Birming-ham....

What ever happened at Rendlesham forest back in December of 1980 remain a mystery. But it is a mystery that is unlikely to go away. I will leave you with a quote from Lord Hill Norton who attempted to obtain information from the Ministry of Defence... ‘The MoD have remarked upon the fact that the reported incidents at Woodbridge / Bent-waters base had no defence significance... Either we had officers, then in control of a facility that housed nuclear weapons, running around hallucinating, or something very strange did descend upon the facility. In either case... There was most certainly defence significance’...

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The Birmingham UFO Group was established in 2007. In early 2008 Dave Hodrien was appointed the role of Lead Investigator, Due to his hard work, determination and commitment Dave was nomi-nated the position of Group Chairman in 2009 and to this day orchestrates the groups activities and future.

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THE NIGHT SKY By Dave Sadler. JULY ASTRONOMY. The simplest way to discover the stars is to begin as astronomy itself began, using just your own two eyes. If this evening is clear, why not step outside and spot a few star patterns? The backyard offers convenience, while a local park or schoolyard may provide a view of the horizon less cluttered by buildings or trees. July's night sky brings the summer constellations to the fore in the early evening, but these are replaced after midnight by groupings more usually associated with autumn. At dusk, you can hardly miss Vega, Altair, and Deneb, the three bright stars of the Summer Triangle - fully up and dominating the northeast and east. Boundless topics of interest and targets for observation lie among the Triangle's constellations of Lyra, Aquila, and Cygnus. There are grand double stars such as Albireo and Epsilon Lyrae, famous variable stars such as Beta Lyrae, Eta Aquilae, and Chi Cygni, and nebu-lae and supernova remnants including the Ring, the North America, and the Veil. On July evenings, the Milky Way stretches from the northern horizon in Cassiopeia, through the cross-shaped constellation Cygnus overhead, and down to Sagittarius in the south. Also, notice that the Milky Way splits into two parts in Cygnus because a giant rift caused by interstellar dust blocks starlight from beyond. Both Sagittarius the Archer and its neighbor Scorpius the Scorpion lie in the thickest part of the Milky Way, packed with riches for binoculars or small telescopes. These riches include dozens of star clusters, nebu-lae, and double stars. Far to the lower left from bright Antares, the heart of the Scorpion, you will find a close pairing of bright stars sometimes called "the Cat's Eyes" - Lambda and Upsilon Scorpii. Just to their upper left are the giant open star clusters M6 and M7, both easily visible with the naked eye on a clear, dark night. M6, the Butterfly Cluster, is stunning in small telescopes at low magnification, but M7 is so big and bright that binoculars are all you need to see it well. In the southwest are the two brightest stars of spring. Arcturus, a red giant at least 110 times more luminous than the Sun, is sinking and Spica is about to vanish below the horizon. Lesser constellations of late spring and early summer also deserve our attention. One of them is fairly conspicuous because it is small and compact: Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown. Only one moderately bright star adorns its semicircular arc: the Alpha Star, named Gemma or Alphekka. Many other wonders are available in the north. Cepheus, named after King Cepheus in Greek mythology, lies close to the north celestial pole. The constellation resembles a child's drawing of a house pointing down. Look first beneath the base of the house to find Mu Cephei, one of the most strongly coloured stars in the sky. Sir William Herschel called it the Garnet Star because of its deep red tint, which is notable in binoculars or small telescopes...

BOOK REVIEW Haunted Peterborough. A chilling and comprehensive investigation into

Peterborough’s supernatural heritage.

Stretching back over 3,500 years, the city of Peterborough has a rich and fascinating history. Now a vibrant place with a new city surrounding an ancient city centre, Peterborough is dominated by the magnificent Norman cathedral. Despite this seemingly tranquil exterior, the city has a spooky and sinister side which is detailed in this new title from the creator and guide of the city’s most popular ghost walks. From one of the country’s most paranormally active buildings, Peterborough Museum, to locations such as RAF Wittering and the Nor-man Cross Gallery, author Stuart Orme delves into the supernatural background to this his-toric city in the most detailed way to date. With stories such as the Girl in the Gallery, the Grey Lady at Thorpe Hall and the Mayor’s Walk Poltergeist, Haunted Peterborough has a terrifying tale or spine chilling story from every corner of the town. Explore the secret, the sinister and the hidden history of Peterborough.

Previously unpublished ghost stories derived from original research.

Includes over 80 black and white photographs from haunted locations across the city.

Stuart Orme has a History degree and an MA in Museum Studies. Since 2011 he has worked for Peterborough Museum. He has a passion for history and is well known in the Peterborough area for delivering talks with enthusiasm and humour to local groups and so-cieties. He also leads guided tours of the city, including the infamous Peterborough Ghost Walk (which he created), and regularly broadcasts on historical subjects on local radio.


Launch and author signing at Waterstones Peterborough Bridge Street, Tuesday 3rd July, 7.00pm. Signing on Saturday 7th July from 11-3pm at the same location.

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Review of "The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations" by David Wilcock. I was already familiar with David Wilcock from watching him on several online documentaries. He is involved in many fields such as Ufology, crop circles, meditation, astral projection and so forth. To be honest my expectations of the book were low; I anticipated many discussions of subjects such as how we all need to "move to a higher vibration" and become part of the "cosmic oneness" and other nice-but-vague-sounding notions. I was therefore surprised to find it quite an interesting read. The book begins with discussions on hypnotism, and relates the interesting tale of a man called Backster who came upon some strange phenomena when he connected a polygraph machine up to one of the office plants. He noticed that when he mentally threatened to burn the plant the polygraph machine went crazy, leaving him with the theory that the plant could read his mind. That would be such a cool con-cept, I just want it to be true. He then moves on to the pineal gland (the so-called "third eye"), many types of psychic abilities; pre-dictions and remote viewing. My interest did start to wane in the chapter on "Pyramid Power" which, despite the many sources quoted, sounds dubious to say the least. Claims that animals and plants placed inside pyramids are healed and grow better and healthier; that energy fields are somehow con-centrated and given out by pyramids. Then some trips into genetics and the possibility that DNA can store photons of light; also that biological entities may communicate energy to each other. The subti-tle of the book is "The Source Field Investigations", and this is the thread that weaves throughout the book. A theory I'm not sure I understand correctly. It seems to be a vague notion that everything is connected by this source field and that matter can be created out of it by psychic power. Some of this relates well to quantum physics; some of it does not. The author then moves on into the well-trodden Mayan Prophecies regarding 2012. This is when he suggests there may be the start of a golden age of peace and enlightenment. To his credit, at least he's not on the 2012 end of the world doom-mongers' bandwagon. The book is very well referenced; this can be shown by the forty-odd pages of referencing notes at the end of the book. The fact remains though, just because something is well referenced doesn't automatically make it correct. And to check out all of the references would take a good long time. But at least they are there, so if you are so in-clined, you may frolic about the internet in search of them, and see how trustworthy they appear.

I like Wilcock; he attempts to bring science into the realm of the paranormal, which is always a good thing. He's also a very positive person and not prone to rage against the machine. I can tell he's spent a long time researching this work and that is to his credit. Whilst Wilcock's critics may label his work pseudo-science, he at least seems to have a good grounding in a broad range of scientific concepts; however I fear that the burden of proof of his theories is still upon him. The fact that almost no research into these subject matters receives significant funding leaves a large hole in our knowledge which will inevitably be filled with less than rigorous scientific research. So before you condemn this book, you should condemn the university research funding systems. So, in conclusion, a very interesting book, with many interesting theories. Most of which, however, for me, remain unproven. I will, however, endeavour to plough on past chapter nine in the hope that there may be a few more gems amongst the rocks. I'm now off to see if I can telepathically scare my cheeseplant. Stephen Boylan: UPIA.


In September of last year BUFOG organized its first official sky watch at Cannock Chase in Staf-fordshire. Despite not actually seeing any unusual aerial objects (other than a helicopter with all its lights switched off), the night was thoroughly enjoyed by all those who attended. Shortly after we arrived the rain stopped and we enjoyed hours under a clear moonlit sky. Cannock Chase is re-nowned for its UFO activity and is believed by some to be one of the UKs UFO hotspots. We fig-ured that as we didn’t see any UFOs last time, maybe a return to the area might yield better results! So on Saturday 28th July 2012 we intend to once again head out for a sky watch on the Chase.

Whether you are an official BUFOG member or not you are more than welcome to join us on our quest! As we did last year, we initially plan to meet at the bar of The Barns Hotel between 7.30-8.00pm. At around 8.30pm when the sun starts to set we will head on out to the same location as before, an area of Cannock Chase with good sky visibility in most directions. There is no set end time, you are free to stay as long as you wish. We will remain there until either everyone decides to head for home, or we get abducted by aliens (Note: Abduction not 100% guaranteed)

Date: Saturday 28th July 2012 / Meet Up Time: 7.30-8.00pm / Meet Up Location: The Barns, Cock Sparrow Lane, Cannock WS12 4PB (about 34 mins drive from Birmingham)

Sky Watch Location: Just off Broadhurst Green Road, Teddesley Hay, WS12 4

Sky Watch Check List: Warm clothing / Waterproofs (Hopefully not to be used)...

- Torch

- Digital/video camera (preferably with night vision

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While the Concept of pulsed magnetic therapy devices is not new, what David Sereda has discovered is a remarkable new breakthrough in pulsed healing and pulsed consciousness expanding technolo-gies! He has developed an amazing new approach to transmission. This is no ordinary transmitter. It is stocked with amazing geometrical coil windings and uses Rubies, Garnet and Tourmaline gems in its oscillator. Instead of pulsing known healing frequencies or whole ranges of frequencies through a transmitter device, he has developed the wand that pulses harmonic sets. These sets include 23 Golden Phi, The NASA Sound of the Sun, Infinities and the Harmonic Codes of the Great Pyramid! When he began transmitting these harmonic sets through the Light Stream Wand, astounding things began to happen!

Firstly, when you transmit any single known healing frequency through a transmitting device, you can hold a ball magnet near the transmitter and feel the vibrations depending on how good your EMF field is. If you set the ball magnets on dishes, you can see them vibrate a little depending on how big your field is. David has witnessed many frequencies cause this vibration to happen. After spending a year decoding the electromagnetic frequencies of the Great Pyramid’s hidden asymmetric dimen-sions, David produced 180 secret differential audio signals based on these numbers and began trans-mitting them through the Light Stream wand. When he watched the ball magnets on the dishes start-ing to move in large orbits, he was astounded. See the video on youtube:

When you consider that pulsed magnetic frequencies vibrate biological cells just like magnets, fre-quencies are limited to stimulating vibration in a cell in a stationary way, whereas the differential numbers of the Great Pyramid frequencies can cause signals in the body to move from place to place. He is now starting up a documentary film about the discovery!

Since the year 2007, David has been studying the asymmetric geometries in nature, from subatomic particle orbits, flowers and crystals, to see if there are preva-lent harmonic ratios other than the known Golden Phi ratio 1 to 1.618. It was Leonardo Fibonacci (c. 1170 – c. 1250) who studied sacred geometry in the Middle East and learned of the now legendary Golden Numbers. It has been previously thought that the Golden Numbers ruled nature. David Sereda has discovered that there are more harmonic codes in nature than there are symphonies recorded on Earth. Mozart would be astounded to learn these harmonies!

Heracleitus (6th Century BC - Greek Philosopher), was deeply mystified by the meaning of the harmonic vibrations of the universe as the true definition of LO-GOS. In John 1, the true meaning of the Greek manuscript describes Jesus as the incarnation of the LOGOS. This would mean that God is truly a perfect harmonic vibration, rather than being limited to the sphere of human consciousness. Is it possible to expand human consciousness by pulsing the human body and aura with these sacred harmonic codes? That was the initial goal. David wanted to see if there was a way to expand meditation states with harmonic pulsed transmissions that are safe to human biology. The wand does not produce any harmful EMF in the Microwave spectrum where cells phones and laptops operate. These pulses are much lower than that. Today, the world of natural healing devices are obsessed with the perfect frequencies that can or may posi-tively heal conditions in the body. Harmonics work on a unique arrangement of frequencies and the geometrical way they vibrate together to open up dimensions of vibration that are not present with any single frequency. David Sereda calls the space between frequencies “Differentials,” the true harmonics of the creation.

Get the wand for $1700 at

Pulse Magnetic Therapy Devices By David Sereda

The ET Communication Conference 2012. The Static Gallery, Liverpool.

An excellent conference put together by Anthony Beckett that featured the following lecturers... Miles Johnston who talked about A.M.M.A.C.H. David Griffin who asks the question, ‘Are visiting ETs re-booting terrestrial language systems’? Also, Dennis Denocla talked of a presence - UFOs, crop circles and exo-civilizations. Mike Oram discusses his new book, ‘Does it rain in other dimensions’? Dan Sherman talked about alien contact and government cover-ups; and finally a speaker panel and question session. The event took place at the Static Gallery in Liverpool, where you were greeted with numerous stalls upon entering. Stalls included books, DVDs and information. Also visiting the event was Richard D. Hall and Larry Warren. An excellent all day event for just £35.00. Beverages and munchies were available at low cost throughout the day. Watch out for the DVDs of the event for sale. Visit the Exopolitics website or get in touch with Anthony Beckett via Facebook if you have any queries... The event was hosted by Neal Atkinson of Planet X Radio - City Talk 105.9fm who has a weekly paranormal talk show every Sunday evening from 8.00pm to 10.00pm. Check the show out by visiting:

Don’t miss out on the next event! THE 4TH ANNUAL EXOPOLITICS EXPO on Saturday & Sunday, August 4th and 5th 2012 at the Static Gallery, Liverpool. Once again hosted by Neal Atkinson of Planet X Radio Show. BOOK NOW!!!

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Manton Drove, Nr Marlborough, Wiltshire. Reported 2nd June.

Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes. Wiltshire. Report 9th June

Silbury Hill, Nr Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 12th June.

Silbury Hill (2), Nr Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 13th June.

Berkley Lane, Nr Frome. Somerset. Reported 17th June.

Wenlock Wood, Nr Little Wenlock, Shropshire. Reported 17th June.

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Golden Ball Hill, nr Alton Barnes. Wiltshire. Reported 20th June.

Milk Hill, Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. Reported 25th June.

Cherhill, Nr Calne, Wiltshire. Reported 25th June.

Stanton St Bernard (2), Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. Reported 29th June.

Waden Hill, Nr Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 1st July.

Wanborough Plain, Nr Liddington, Wiltshire. Reported 1st July.

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PRESS RELEASE New Paranormal EMF Meters available in the UK The Mel Vibe (£129.99) has all the features of the original Mel Meter but is also highly sensitive to measure vibrations. The Mel REM ATDD (£189.99) features a hot and cold spot alarm, red flashlight, EMF radiating antenna and glow in the dark buttons. What makes the Mel REM ATDD Model so uniquely different from other EMF meters is that it can detect AC/DC EMF fluctuations and ambient temperature changes using the special Radiating EM Field (REM) and Ambient Temperature Devia-tion Detection (ATDD).

“TomsGadgets is the paranormal one stop shop for paranormal and ghost hunting equipment and we are the only stockists of the MEL meters in the UK.” Tom Cook, Managing Director of Mel 8704R Pro Navigator, Mel 8740R Vibe and Mel 8704R REM ATDD are available from TomsGadgets is the gadget store with a differ-ence, supplying a full range of quality corporate products all under one roof. For further press information, please contact: Alex Woodfield, TomsGadgets, 0845 456 2370 [email protected]

TomsGadgets is proud to announce the addition of two new models of the Mel Meter to their EMF product range. The Mel 8704R Vibe and the Mel 8704R REM ATDD are made in the USA and are designed exclusively for paranormal use. The original Mel Pro Naviga-tor Meter 8704R (£89.99) is the only meter that can measure both EMF and temperature simultaneously. The Mel Meter 8704R was first developed by Gary Galka of DAS Distri-bution Inc as a way of communicating with his daughter Melissa, following her death. The Mel was even named after her; the year of her birth (87) and the year of her death (04) hence the name Mel 8704.


Page 38: Phenomena Magazine  - July 2012 - Issue 39

What can you do to help! Now working on our 33rd issue, Phenomena Magazine has gone from strength to strength. We can now comfortably say that PM is now

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