pharmaceuticals, health and environment · pharmaceuticals … • used in increasing amounts,...

Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment ISDE, Geneva 18.5.2009 Ingrid Eckerman Swedish Doctors for the Environment [email protected]

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Page 1: Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment · Pharmaceuticals … • Used in increasing amounts, increasing sorts of substances • Sewage plants not made for them • Continuous release

Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment

ISDE, Geneva 18.5.2009Ingrid Eckerman

Swedish Doctors for the Environment

[email protected]

Page 2: Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment · Pharmaceuticals … • Used in increasing amounts, increasing sorts of substances • Sewage plants not made for them • Continuous release

Pharmaceuticals are chemicals …

• Biologically active• Non-degradable• Long life• Often toxic

Page 3: Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment · Pharmaceuticals … • Used in increasing amounts, increasing sorts of substances • Sewage plants not made for them • Continuous release

Pharmaceuticals …

• Used in increasing amounts, increasing sorts of substances

• Sewage plants not made for them • Continuous release• Restrictions on use not plausible• Not possible to prohibit

Joakim Larsson 2008

Page 4: Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment · Pharmaceuticals … • Used in increasing amounts, increasing sorts of substances • Sewage plants not made for them • Continuous release

Examples: effectsFish, frogs, mussels:• Reproductive disturbances• Sex disturbances• Development disturbances• Behavior disturbancesBirds:• Behavior disturbances• Kidneys affectedButterflies:• Blocking of the cholesterol synthesis

in the larvae

Page 5: Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment · Pharmaceuticals … • Used in increasing amounts, increasing sorts of substances • Sewage plants not made for them • Continuous release

Examples: tested products

• Etinyloestradiol• SSRI• Simvastatin• Diclofenac• Klotrimazol

Page 6: Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment · Pharmaceuticals … • Used in increasing amounts, increasing sorts of substances • Sewage plants not made for them • Continuous release

Sewage plants in India• Several broad spectrum antibiotics

found in concentrations toxic to bacteriae and plants

• Ciprofloxacin 30 milligram per liter • Enterococcae in the sewage plants

resistant to all known antibiotics

Larsson J, de Pedro C, Paxby N. Journal for Hazardous Materials 2007;Vol 148 (3):751-755

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Oseltamivir does not break down in sewage plants

The active substance is still in water where birds with influesa viruses are living.

Läkemedelsvärlden 3.10.2007

Page 8: Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment · Pharmaceuticals … • Used in increasing amounts, increasing sorts of substances • Sewage plants not made for them • Continuous release
Page 9: Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment · Pharmaceuticals … • Used in increasing amounts, increasing sorts of substances • Sewage plants not made for them • Continuous release

Medicines in the water plants of Stockholm, 2 april, 2007 (ng/l)

Generic name

Norsborg incoming

Lovön incoming

Görväln incoming

Norsborg outgoing

Lovön outgoing

Görväln outgoing

Atenolol 1.0 0.5 1.5 <0.3 0.3 <0.3

Citalopram <0.3 1.4 0.5 <0.3 <0.3 0.3

Diklofenak 0.6 0.8 1.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.7

Ibuprofen <0.2 0.4 1.2 0.5 0.3 1.3

Metoprolol 1.1 1.5 2.5 0.3 0.5 0.4

Naproxen 1.4 1.4 2.0 0.7 0.2 1.3

Trimetoprim 0.4 <0.3 0.4 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3

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Medicines in liver of perche caught in central Stockholm

Inner station Intermediate station

Outer station

Citalopram 0.1 µg/kg <0.1 µg/kg <0.1 µg/kg

Propoxyfen 0.25 µg/kg 0.16 µg/kg <0.1 µg/kg

Page 11: Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment · Pharmaceuticals … • Used in increasing amounts, increasing sorts of substances • Sewage plants not made for them • Continuous release

Number of medicines found in drinking water

Place of sample Number of detected pharmaceuticals

Perth 14Singapore 8Paris 7Peking 6Edinburgh 4Hamburg, Johannesburg 3Bryssel, Helsingborg, HongKong, Copenhagen, Lyon, Sofia


Dubai, Düsseldorf, Hoorn (NL) 1Manchester, New York, Shipol 0

Page 12: Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment · Pharmaceuticals … • Used in increasing amounts, increasing sorts of substances • Sewage plants not made for them • Continuous release

Miljö och hållbarhet

Examples on low degradable pharmaceuticals (t1/2 , days)

> 365 days amitriptylin ifosfamidbarbitursyrederivat kodeinbezafibrat metyldopacyklofosfamid metronidazoldextropropoxifen naproxenerytromycin sulfametoxazolfluorokinoloner tetracyklin

Page 13: Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment · Pharmaceuticals … • Used in increasing amounts, increasing sorts of substances • Sewage plants not made for them • Continuous release

Medicines reach the human being

• Via consumption of fish, crustaceous animals or other aquatic organisms (bio-ackumulation, medicine residuals)

• Via drinking water (medicine residuals, metabolites)

Page 14: Pharmaceuticals, Health and Environment · Pharmaceuticals … • Used in increasing amounts, increasing sorts of substances • Sewage plants not made for them • Continuous release

Potential effects

• Sub-therapeutical exposure to mixtures under long periods, in all phases of life

• Synergy effects in mixtures (1+1=3)

• Changes in genes• Resistance to antibiotics• Hormone effects• Allergic reactions

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Potential effects• The effects of life long exposure to very low

doses of pharmaceuticals on human receptor mechanisms are not known.

• There are no scientifical methods to evaluate a possible ocurrence of such effects.

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Swedish sewage plants

Less than half of the pharmaceuticals are degraded more than 50%.

Exemple easily purificated: IbuprofenExemple difficult to purificate: Diclofenac,


Läkemedelsprojektet – Stockholm Vatten AB

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We will be more humans on the earth We will eat more medicinesBut ...we will not have more water on the earth!

2005 = 2030 =

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1997- 1998

• ”Medicines and the Environment. What Do We Know Today? A Brief State of the Art Analysis”

• Sent the report to all pharmaceutical companies that sold medicines in Sweden, to authorities and to our professional organisations

• Prepared presentation at ISDE GA in Arezzo • Tried in vain to interest LIF,

the pharmaceutical industry’s organisation

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• Demanded environmental classification in Fass (the directory on medicines)

• Presented the report to the environment director of SLL (Stockholm county council), dr Åke Wennmalm

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2002 - 2004

• Lobbying to get environmental effects of pharmaceuticals included in the EU laws about medicines.

• The government ordered the Medical Products Agency (LMV) to make a report.

• The LMV said “compulsory classification is not possible”.

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• Worked in EU to reduce the environmental effects by pharmaceuticals

• Environmental classification of medicines• Analyses of residuals in water from


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• Two big full day seminars on ”Pharmaceuticals, environment and health”

• Writh concerning the LMV report

• Brought up the question at HCWH

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• Pharmaceuticals NOT included in REACH

• HCWH published a fact sheet

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• Two seminars for the parliament, together with the Green party

• Swedish Medical Association decided to work with environment and health. Pharmaceuticals and climate changes were chosen.

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EU 2008

Pharma package:1. Access to reliable information 2. Safety monitoring of medicines

(pharmacovigilance). Environment NOT included

3. Fake medicines

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Sweden 2007 -• Spreading of the classification system• Support by the Swedish government• Germany and Netherlands have joined • The commission is attended• Working groups• Pharmaceutical Forum (includes the Standing

Committee of European Doctors CPME)• EMEA (European Medicines Agency)• EEA (European Environment Agency)• DG Environment (Directorate General)

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What needs to be done?

• Pharmaceuticals included in REACH?

• Environmental monitoring included in pharmacovigilance

• Environmental classification compulsory

• Professional organizations' working for good choices

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Life habits and the inheritance are the base

Non-pharmaceutical treatments is the next step

Medicines must sometimes be used as a complement


Folkhälsoenheten i Nacka 2005

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WHAT CAN DOCTORS DO?Not prescribe medicines that are not needed• Concider other alternatives• Not slide on indications• Reconcider regularlyNot prescribe medicines that will not be taken• Concordance with the patient• Start packagesChoose the best preparation• Janusinfo, Kloka listan, Fass …• Ask the company consultant!Lobby for more environment friendly medicines• Ask the company consultant!

Folkhälsoenheten i Nacka 2005

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Environmental demands• Do you buy active substances from other

producers?• Do you make environmental demands upon the

contractors?- which demands?- how do you control?

• Do you make environmental demands upon the subcontractors?- which demands?- how do you control?

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