personality development in islam

Personality Development Servants of the Merciful One (Sura al-Furqan 63-76) Topic

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Post on 21-May-2015




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This slide comprises of some indication of those who have groomed their personality well along with the techniques as specified in Islam.


Page 1: Personality Development in Islam

Personality DevelopmentServants of the Merciful

One (Sura al-Furqan 63-76)


Page 2: Personality Development in Islam

The true servants of the Merciful One are those who walk on the earth gently

Walking humbly does not mean walking like a weak or sick person, nor does it imply the gait of a hypocrite who walks ostentatiously to show humility or fear of God.

Servants of the Merciful One

Page 3: Personality Development in Islam

And when the foolish ones address them, they simply say: "Peace to you".

The true servants of the Merciful do not believe in vengeance, even though they may have to deal with the ignorant people who behave rudely and insolently towards them.

Servants of the Merciful One

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Servants of the Merciful One

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Who spend the night prostrating themselves before their Lord and standing

That is, they neither spend their nights in fun and merry making nor in gossips and telling tales, nor in doing wicked deeds

Servants of the Merciful One

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Servants of the Merciful One

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And those who say: "Our Lord! Avert from us the torment of Hell

That is, their worship has not made them vain and proud to presume that they are the beloved ones of Allah and that the Fire of Hell will not touch them. On the other hand, in spite of all their worship and good deeds, they are so filled with the fear of the torment of Hell that they pray to their Lord to save them from it, for they do not depend upon their own work for success in the Hereafter but upon the mercy of Allah.

Servants of the Merciful One

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Servants of the Merciful One

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Those who are neither extravagant nor niggardly in their spending but hold a medium (way) between those (extremes)

According to Islam extravagance is: (1) To spend even the smallest amount of money in unlawful ways. (2) To go beyond one’s own resources in expenditure (3) To spend money in righteous ways not for the sake of Allah but for mere show. On the other hand, one is miserly if one does not spend money for his own needs and requirements and those of his family in accordance with his resources and position, or if one does not spend money for good works.

Servants of the Merciful One

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Servants of the Merciful One

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Who invoke no other deity along with Allah, nor take any life; who do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse

According to Abdullah bin Masud, when someone asked him about the worst sins, he replied, (1) It is to set up someone as equal in rank with Allah, Who has created you. (2) To kill your own child for fear of its sustenance. (3) To commit adultery with the wife of your neighbor. (Bukhari)

Servants of the Merciful One

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Servants of the Merciful One

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Those who do not bear witness to any falsehood

They do not give evidence (in the court of law etc.) in regard to a false thing in order to prove it right, when in fact it is a falsehood, or at best a doubtful thing.

Servants of the Merciful One

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Servants of the Merciful One

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And who, when they pass by meaningless, pass by it with dignity

They do not stay there to enjoy the filth of moral impurity, obscenity or foul language, nor do they intentionally go anywhere to hear or see or take part in any sort of filth

Servants of the Merciful One

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Servants of the Merciful One

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Who, when they are reminded of the revelations of their Lord, do not fall at them deaf and blind

The true servants of Allah do not behave like the blind and the deaf towards the revelations of Allah

Servants of the Merciful One

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Servants of the Merciful One

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Who are prone to pray: "Our Lord! Grant us that our spouses and our offspring be a joy to our eyes, and do make us the leaders of the God-fearing

Our Lord, make our wives and children true believers so that they should practice righteousness and become a source of comfort for us

Servants of the Merciful One

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Servants of the Merciful One

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اللہ حافظ
