personal characteristics (osobní charakteristika)

Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

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Page 1: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

Personal Characteristics

(Osobní charakteristika)

Page 2: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

Personal Characteristic

Introduction (name/age/date and place of birth)

Your family (parents, siblings - name/age/job)

Your appearance (height/face/hair/eyes)

Your good and bad qualities

Your hobbies, free-time activities

Your likes and dislikes

Page 3: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

Personal Characteristic

Your favourite clothes, accessories


Elementary school – favourite subjects

Studying at this school/subjects

Your future job

Your future life

Page 4: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

What is your name, how old are you? When and where were you born? What do you do?

Examples of answers:

My name is Jan Novák, I am 17 years old and I was born on the 27th of January 1995 in Pardubice.

I am a student of the second grade of the Secondary Automotive School Holice in the field Road


Page 5: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

Can you describe your family in short?

Examples of answers

I live with my family the village Horní Ředice.

My mother´s name is Iva, she is 38 years old and she works as a shop-assistant.

Page 6: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

Can you describe your family in short?

My father´s name is Zdeněk, he is 42 years old and he works as a driver.

I have got one older sister, her name is Míša and she studies at the University in Prague.

Page 7: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

How would you describe yourself in short? What do you look like?

Examples of answers:

I am tall and slim, I have got oval face, short brown hair and blue eyes.

I am of medium build, I have got long curly hair and I wear glasses.

Page 8: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

What are you like? What qualities do you have?

Examples of answers:

I am friendly and optimistic, but sometimes I am rather lazy.

I am hard-working and quiet, but sometimes I am a bit shy and stubborn.

I am reliable and responsible, but I am also a bit talkative and quarrelsome.

Page 9: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

What do you do in your free time? What are your hobbies? Do you have any weekend or

summer jobs?

Examples of answers:

I like playing football and volleyball and I also repair my car in my free time. Every Saturday and during

holidays I work in a tire-service.

My hobbies are fishing and hanging out with friends. I sometimes help my father in his shop – he has a

shop with spare parts.

Page 10: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

What do you like? What don´t you like? Is anything you hate?

Examples of answers:

I like swimming and the sea, but I don´t like thundrestorms. And I hate spiders.

I really like chocolate and ice-cream, I hate spinach.

Page 11: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

What do you usually wear? Do you wear glasses/ any accessories?

Examples of answers:

I usually wear a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, and a sweatshirt in colder days.

I wear glasses or sometimes contact lens.

My typical accessory is piercing.

Page 12: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

How and where did you spend your first years? Did you go to the kindergarten? Where did you

attend the elementary school?

Examples of answers:

From the age of three to the age of six I went to the kindergarten and in the year 2001 I started to attend

the elementary school in Ředice.

I never went to kindergarten, I was at home with my mum and at the age of six I started my compulsory

school attendance.

Page 13: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

What were your favourite subjects and teachers? When did you finish your

elementary school?

Examples of answers:

My favourite subjects at elementary school were geography and physics, I didn’t like math, because

our math teacher was very strict.

Page 14: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

What were your favourite subjects and teachers? When did you finish your

elementary school?

Examples of answers:

My favourite teacher was our biology teacher; she was very funny and kind.

I finished elementary school at the age of fifteen, in the year 2010.

Page 15: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

Why did you decide to go study at the school in Holice?

Examples of answers:

I have been interested in cars and motorcycles since childhood.

I visited this school with my parents at „The Open Doors“ and I liked it here very much.

My choice was easy– I live not far from school and I am interested in cars very much.

My parents helped me with the choice.

Page 16: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

Why did you decide to go study at the school in Holice?

Examples of answers:

The first reason was that I am interested in cars; the second one was that this school has a very good


At the basic school I was interested in technical subjects and I had good marks.

I would like to work in automobile (automotive) industry.

Page 17: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

When did you start studying here at this school? Did you have any problems in the


Examples of answers:

I started to study at this school in the year 2010 and at the beginning I had a lot of problems with maths.

The most difficult subject for me was technical drawing.

The biggest problem for me was that I wasn’t used to learn.

Page 18: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

Subject at our school

Czech languague

Technical drawing

English languague



Electrical engineering


Parts of machines

Road vehicles


Measurement checks



Practical training



Page 19: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

What are your favourite subjects here? Are there any subjects that you don’t like


Examples of answers:

I like technical subjects and PE, but I don´t like English – it is too difficult for me.

I like Czech and English language, but I don´t like mathematics and I hate computers – our teacher is

very demanding.

Page 20: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

What would you like to do in the future?

Examples of answers:

After graduation I would like to study at a technical university.

After graduation I would like to travel and visit the biggest European cities.

Page 21: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

What would you like to do in the future?

Examples of answers:

In the future I would like to find a job abroad and earn a lot of money.

I would like to live in a big city – there are more job opportunities there.

Page 22: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

What would you like to do in the future?

Examples of answers:

I would like to live in a village, life in the village is more peaceful (quieter, calmer) and there is beautiful

nature there.

I would like to find a nice and good woman (wife), build a house in a village and have two children – a daughter

and a son.

I would like to find an interesting and well-paid job in automotive industry.

Page 23: Personal Characteristics (Osobní charakteristika)

Useful vocabularyRoad Transport silniční doprava Autotronic autotronik

be used to být zvyklý abroad v zahraničí

of medium build střední postavy field obor

talkative upovídaný job opportunities pracovní příležitosti

shy plachý responsible zodpovědý

stubborn tvrdohlavý reliable spolehlivý

kindergarten školka well-paid dobře placený

attend school chodit do školy reputation pověst

from the age of three od tří let to the age of six do šesti let

Compulsory school attendance povinná školní docházka

The Open Doors Den otevřených dveří