pemup, i didn't see you at church yes the rev. dr ... · the news resume events of the fast...

'My . Why He Wasn't There. The Rev. Dr. Fourthly—Mr. Wrap- pemup, i didn't see you at church yes- terday morning. Grocer—No, doctor. So many of your congregation, came to get supplies for their Sunday dinner that I couldn't getaway in time.—Chicago Tribune? Lf ff?" A Hnce Agntnst Fire. The crew of a steamer from Spain discovered in mid ocean, that flames were raging in the hold. For ten days they bravely fought the flames. 1 If men would fight as persistently against dis- orders of the stomach there would be fewer premature deaths. The best •weapon for such a fight is Hostetter's Stoaaeh Bitters. . v " , ' PtJ,' r ^' .2 V;-;" It* KnJoyat>le Finis. ,'\< J ' Bennet—Does Wirteby's new" play S22<i lisppily? Neapass—Oil, yes! An hour earlier ^pan the average.—Puck. : —Save the wrappers around Diamond "C" Soap. They are woi*th money. «V ' The best effort" of the cliairmaker are always being sat upon. PATENTS. List of Patents Isaaed T.nst Week to Northwestern Inventor*. Leroy S. Buttington, Minneapolis, Minn., Acetylene gas lamp: Oluf L. Fjeld, Mayville, N. D., lifting attach- ment for plows; Ole O. Hateli, Foas- ton, Minn, punching and shearing ma- chine; Olaf BToff, Minneapolis, Minn., grain bin; Albert C. Houghland, Greenleaf. Minn., oil can: Artbelow M. Randolph. St. Paul, Minn., pneumatic concentrator; William Smith >and G. H. Davis,* Proctorknott, Minn., car bolster; Waldemar E. Spanier, Devils Lake, N. D., grubbing machine; Free- man P. Wilson, Minneapolis, Minn., bicycle support: John Ziebcr, Fargo, ft. D., coupling for traction engines. Merwin, Lcthrop li Johnsoc, latent Attor- neys, t)10 P.oneer 1'rcSR Building, bt. Puul. r Are you frequently hoarse? ? , Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Would k' y°. u relieved if you could J* raise something? Does your ^ cough annoy you at night, and f ,do you raise more mucus ia the morning? Then you should always keep on hand a bottle of Jsf t> "My friend," said Mr. Stormington Barnes, "you lack experience in play- writing. Your ideas of construction are painfully impractical; painfully so. Why, there is scarcely five min- utes in the piece that the star isn't on the stage." "But I-^-er—I thought a star rather liked that sort of thing." "Not these days. You must leave liim at least twenty minutes in the sec- ond act, so that lie may go around to the box office while the money is being countcd."—Washington Star. Mortifying:. "The case against you is perfectly clear," said the judge. "You stele a package out of an express wagon. It was found in your possession. On be- ing opened it was found to contain campaign circulars. The sentence of the couvt is that you be confined in the county jail sixty days." "Your honor," protested the prison- er, "considerin' the value of the goods, can't you make it one day for stealin' and fifty-nine days fur bein' a durn fool.?"—Ch icago Tribune. . . ^ «s v . If you have a weak throat you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another, and the last one is always harder to cure than the one before It. tt.AICF'scfeerra Pectoral Kts&r protects me im§s from com*. HHelp at Hand. 1 If you have any complaint whatever aad desire the best medical advice you can pos- sibly obtain, write the doctor freely. Yea will receive a; prompt reply. ; r Address, DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass. They Are Reliable. Th* American Farmer is sincere In what it says and whenever it endorses an article, be it machinery, proprietary medicine, or a man individually, we want our readers to believe that what we say we have good reason to under- stand is true. For a year or more there have been endorsements of the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company, of 167 Dearborn street, Chicago, by this paper. People have written us to know if this company is responsible, and if its remarkable remedies, for the cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspep- sia, catarrh, kidney troubles, etc., real- ly had merit. We have therefore been at extra pains to investigate, and once again we add emphasis to our former endorsement of that company. There may be isolated cases here and there which, probably through neglect in fol- lowing directions, or from exposure or some unexplainable reason, the won- derful Five Drops remedy does not do the Work. But it is a case where the exception proves the rule. Mr. Swan- son is a gentleman of character and personal integrity, and, we believe, would no more attempt to deceive the public than the writer of this article. They still offer to send a sample bot- tle of "5 Drops" for 25c or a large bottle, 300 doses, for $1, prepaid by mail or express. Address as above. CURE YOURSELF! Medicine Costing $%000 a Dose. Medical science has been enriched by a great'discovery. Mme. Honoulx, a clever Pariesienne, has found in pre- i cious stones a cure for the whole range of human ills; the only drawback in I her panacea being that a dose of medi- | cine may cost anything from $250 to 83,000, and a complete cure from $12,- 500 to $15,000. The world of wealth and fashion is flocking to her sumptuously-appointed rooms to drink powdered rubies or to, inhale the odor of burnt diamonds. Big « for unnatural discharges, inflammations, irritations or ulcerations mucous membranes? cooucin. pajni#Mi ttnd not astrln- " Sold by Drurefata, pr "B»m In plain wrapper, by express. prepaid, tor f) .00, or 3 bottles, 92 .is. Circalar sent on request. WHISKERS DYED A Natural Blaok by . p? H eents of all draggista or R. P. BaU<t Co., |C wrttoK^NJpnaTAW PENSION IP BICKFORD. Washington.». C.. tbej vrlltTecelveqnlck replies. B-6th N. H. Vols. OttffSOthCorDS. PresecuUnsClaims«fiM*<878> A Conflict of Evidence. The Judge—But the plaintiff identi- fied ybu as the man, who stole the chickens. , The Prisoner (earnestly.)—Fo' de Lawd, Jedge, mah wife'Il identify me as a man what hasn't been near a chicken coop in six mont's.—Truth. ;; Dr. Frank Powell ("White Beaver") Has resigned his commission, and is again practicing medicine, Fourth and Cedar streets, St. Paul, Minn. II f tPMCIAMJOHivw.MOKHis, •braSHl/lV •Washington, ». c! 3jTsinlaatirar, lSa^ludicaUog claims,- (vtty siuoo. f^OrtDCVUEWDISCOVERYlBtw. QtHokveUefsndeuresworst: eases, send for b toic of testimonials and IO days* treatment free. Dr.a. u. gkkiu'B BOKS.uiuu.tiCi 11 —:—— 1 ———r—•— 1 ' . * 2-i WANTED—Case of had health that B-I-P-A-N-S m irill uot benefit./.Send 5 cents to RlpaiiB Chemical £$ Co.* New York,tot 10 Mmples and l^OO^testlmonlals. DftTrllT ^CVrcdotB0i>7iRr6(iihirf, Search free. lA I Cffll CoUnmer^Co. 545F D.C. , Thompson's Eye Water. When Answering Advertisements Ki&dly Mention This Paper. . Plain EnottRh. "Mamma wants half a dozen 'em- ons,' said Nellie, the other day, to the grocery man. , "What is it you want?" he Inquired, somewhat puzzled. "I want a half-dozen 'emons," re- plied the little one, wrathfully; "don't you know what a half-dozen is V—it's six."—Truth. - ^ flThe Nervocs invalid. ' v : "lou say your wife is much stronger, but that she is feeling worse. I don't quite understand." "It's simple enough. She can be as sick only as her strength will permit, and, naturally, the mote strength she has the worse she can feel."—Judgei r THE NEWS RESUME EVENTS OF THE FAST "WEEK IS , - ' COKUKKSEIJ FORM. l A General n?mm» of the Most Im- portant Aeira of the Week From All rarta of tlte Globe, llollcd Do it n anil Arranged in Con- venient Form for Rn»iJ Tertian! Dy Diny People. mT W«akInKto» Tnlk.^^&g| The montiily report of th^?fnrm!l-' sionur of lutc-rnsi revenue shows that, during the montli of October the re- ceipts aggregated $21,735,SOT, an in- crease, as comparod with October, 1887, of $7,090,270. Sergcant-at-Arms Russell, disbursing officer of the house, says Gen. Joe Wheeler is the only congressman with an army commission who refused to accept his salary as congressman. The state department is informed that the exports from Germany to the United States during the quarter end- ed Sept. SO amounted to $19,970,719; an increase of $5,115,913 over the ex- ports during the corresponding quarter of tht! previous year. People Tnltced Al»ont. Crowded. If people Ttse. all "[the new-fangled ; bread and butter plates, knives, rests, etc., which are the craze now, there will not be room on the. table for a man to put bis^aelbows^—Atchison. Globe. \,'y, ^ 8. D. . ??. U. o. BO^ 1808. ' Placing It Exactly, "Now that my .money's gone you Jove me no longer," he cried, "Not exactly—I don't love you short- er."—Hal'per's Bazar, Look for it. Here it is. #&*} v-sten , * '• SUs».< - - •• ' St, Jacols Oii CURES Sorwe88, Stiffness! PS" m THERE IS SCIENCE IN BE WISE AND USE; n Lewis A. Bailey, one of the leading dry goods merchants of Cleveland, Ohio, died of nialaijal fever. Gen. ^ J. G. Dupuy. a Confederate general, died in Memphis. He was in all the battles of the Army of the Ten- uessee and was wounded four times. John Taylor Gause, president of the Harlan & Hollingswortli company, died at Wilmington, Del., . of . .pneu- monia. Lillian •Itnsscll disclaims all ac- quaintance with her former husband, John Chatterton, otherwise Signor Perugini. Jacob Bcck, secretary of the Nation- al League of Musicians, was found dead in bed at Cape May, N. J., from heart disease. « Ex-Judge Williem Foster, a well known Hawaiian jurist under th6 monarchy, is dead. Judge Poster has been practicing law in San Francisco for several years. 1-Ie has also Iwsen one of the editors of the Crocker law publications. He was about fitty years of age. On Nov. 14 he suffered a stroke of paralysis while at work in his "office and he never fully recovered C0 ^ ^ SS - ForelRi) Holes. The quarrel between Austria and Germany is becoming serious. It is asserted that a marriage, lias been arranged between Don Jaime, sou of the Spanish pretender, 'and a Bavarian princess. i'iie attempt to unite the states of Nicaragua, Honduras and Salvador under one government, to be known as the United States of Central America, has failed completely. It is reported iu Berlin that the Standard Oil company has made a con- tract with Kussian producers which will giro it control of the world's oil supply. The Mad Mullah who, with 600 men, has been, threatening to pass the Swat frontier, lias crossed the Swat river, and fighting has occurred»between his followers and the Indo-Brltish forces. As a precaution ^agiiinstf^the introduc- tion of the San Jose scale France has prohibited the importation of trees, cte., from the United States, and all fruit will be inspected before landed. The premier and minister of interior, Count Tliun Holienstcin. says Austria will, If necessary, adopt retaliatory measures against the expulsion of •Austrlans from Prussia. According to the official forecast the wheat harvest of New South Wales for 1898 will be 1,590,000 bushels in excess of that of 1S97, and there will be a sui-pJos available for export of 2,250,000 bushels. The Madrid correspondent of the London Standard says the Carlist pro- paganda assumes s«rious proportions and the government, ajjjirehenslve of the effects of the signing of the treaty of peace, maintains a strict censorship. The Home correspondent of the Lon- don Daily News says the anti-anar- chist convention, now in session there, has practically abandoned the proposal to extradite anarchists, which was one of the leading motives of the con- vention. The London Times, in a reeent~ edit- orial in praise of the foresight of the United States government in increas- ing the army, says: "Looking to im- mediate needs, Mr. Alger's estimate of 100,000 is below, rather than above the mark, for considerable force will be re- quired to bring the new population into subjection.''^ America Leads the Wqrld .v.- %% 1J : 'M '' iii§r "i StrenEti A ? ? i I - - ' 4 fibceUenceJjy An attempt is being made ill Chica- go to form a large sugar trust. Thirty or forty thousand American troops will soon be mustered out. ' - Pennsylvania has a soldiers' home scandal. James Gray, a Cleveland brakemnn, lias fallen heir to $300,000 by the tleath of an aunt. The Hiram S. Maxim suit is "said to have been settled by the payment of $1,000 to Helen Leighton. A business letter containing a bond for $15,000 was found iu a waste-paper file at Newport News, Va. The feat of telephoning fijoih Little Rock, Ark., to Boston, a distance, ot 1,900 miles, has been accomplished. ; > Willie plowing in a field, near Mum- ford, Ohio, William Taj'lor unearthed a large diamond of great value. •Rockefeller is credited witli an at- tempt to gain control of the entire cop- per-mining industry of the country. The stallion Top Gallant was sue" tioneered to W.J.. Alexander of Chi- cago for $20,000. It is believed that Germany will, bid against the United States for the Carolines. . The First regiment of engineers has arrived at New York on the Minne- ' waska from PortO Rico. A $11,000,000 syndicate will absorb all the elevator manufactories "ot-the country. A baby was- attacked and almost killed at Perry, Ok., by a monkey that oscaped from a show wintering in. the The- Afrectbr of^experlment stations reports them more efficient than ever. The $720,000 appropriated by congress was supplemented: by over $100,000 in state funds. The United States collier Aberenda, which recently coaled the Oregon and Iowa at Bahia, Brazil, has arrived at St. Thomas, D. W .I.j and is awaiting orders from the navy department. No report has been received from the agent detailed to investigate the charges of Indian Commissioner Jones against Marshal .O'Connor of Minne- sota. ; George P. Atbury, commissioner of public works of New 1 York, has re> quested . Gov. Black to suspend him from office until after an investigatioQ of charges against him by the courts. The war department has received a second dispatch from Gen. Brooke say- ing the reports of disturbances at points mentioned are unquestionably false. v It was announced at St. Louis by the management of the Columbia; Theater company that an alliance had been formed In Chicago that would practl- cally monopolize all the higb-class vaudeville attractions that came West. The $1,000,000 bequest left to Phil-: adolphia by Thomas W. Evans, the famous dentist, with which to found a dental institute, may be invalidated regardjtss of the effort*: of his relatives* to : brt'ak it. A utnv will has been found, ;-6 v, Forest Saiee, a bell '4>oy formerly employed at the 1'lanters' hote!( at St Ix>uis; is heir to $°5,0o0, left him by .l. T. Spaulding of Chicago, fialee Is a nephew of Mr. Spaulding, who'was wealthy merchant. The boy is now without a position but is, supposed to be somewhere In- St. Louis, j ^ Dr.'B. W. Ivlpsloe and T,/P»'-#ain¥s' ; Dearer mining, men, who, 'with. Col' Hughes of , Itcssiand, have Just re- turned from Alaska, report that a yojft cano is in active eruption about fifty miles fro in Atiin City. y - The highbinders of Sari. Francisco rihow contempt for the pnclamstToi? of the Chinese consul general, bidding them desist in their murderous £t>a<0 The cons.ul'g proclamation has be>ii torn fi-orn the bulletin board infpfoiit of the consulate and in its place a placard referring lq the coiisni Iq un. Jpmpliiuentary terriis was pos^&'-^l. 3' vklQ# ' « J- Accidental Happenings ^ Fatal prairie fires have occurred' In" the Southwest. Forty persons were killed or injured in an explosion at Havana. Fully two hundred lives were lost in the recent storms along the New Eng- land coast. Part of the business district of Cuya lioga Falls, Ohio, was destroyed by fire. The loss will be about ?20,000. The Milton B. Hopkins university building burned at Kokomo, Ind. The loss Is JjMo.O&CLand the insurance $11,- 000 9 I he Cheney block at Manchester, Conn., was burned. The loss is esti- mated at between $150,000-and $00,000, nearly covered by' insurance. By the explosion of a boiler on a riv- er steamer at Stockton, Cal., six per- sons were killed and a number seri- ously injured. At Birmingham, Ala., John W.Thom- as, a drayman, was killed by the ex- plosion of several barrels of torpedoes, known, as "sand poppers," which he was hauling for the Christinas trade. Ralph A. Obleness died at Athens, Ohio, from injuries received from playing football tWo weeks ago. He was the quarter-back on the eleven of Ohio university. He suffered from a head collision. .lames Meecham, a prSniinent at- torney of Pueblo, Colo., thirty-nine years old, fell from a train on the Denver & Rio Grande railway near Swallows while attempting to pass from one car to another. He died in a few minutes.. Crtminn-1 ReW<ji<°d. ^ : John Hoover of Muncie, Ind., was ar- rested at his wedding reception, on a charge of stealing $00.25. Frederick Martzen, a farmer who lived near Green Tree, Scott county, Iowa, shot and killed his wife and himself. No cause is known. Ralph W. .Wireback. convicted at Lancaster, Pa., of the murder of D. U. Landis in April Inst, has been refused a new trial and was sentenced to be hanged. Spanish officer* at Guinea, Havana province, destroyed the' office of La Justica "because of an editorial censur- ing the military commander. The edi- tors fled. Samuel Kennedy is LOW under arrest at Williamson, W. Va., for the assas- sination of Constable Charles Steele. Circumstantial evidence is very strong and there is, threats of lynching. "Grandma" >Vynn, \the richest resi- dent of Brooklyn. III., was recently killed by robbers. - The amount oli taincd by the robbers must bav? been considerable. The London police liere hare arrest- ed two men who had via their posses- sion a considerable quantity of the jewelry recently etc leu on beard a train between Paris .and Calais from the dowager duchess ^f Sutherland. William Franklin, a negro who was formerly employed as a brakeman on the Pennsyironia' railroad, has been arrestert at Boston cliai'ged with st eai- ing'a United States mail-pouch from the Fitchburg railroad. Franklin is iv cripple. -v C^ief ot Polico dsco has sfcured much additional evi- dence against-Amudeo Horace, a clev- er confidence opijratot now at the city prison. In Chicago he was'known as Dr. J. M. Weygand, dentist, 126 State street, which name jippetfred upon tuost of his liueu. The Crowning Glory of the Age. . !i Man's enterprise culminated at the World's Columbian Ex- position." The memory pf it will be a marvel for all time. The feme there acquired will live for years. The manufacturers of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder appreciate the award to them of highest honors at the ExpositiofiV' The significance of the compliment, the splendid character of the endorsement, cannot be underrated. It stamps Dr. Price's as .wiihput a peerj^q^^^ powders. The jury of awards* an exceptionally intelligent body; was headed Tjylh^^dEki' Chem ist of the United States Department of Agriculture. They found « Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder strongest in leavening power, perfect in purity, and of uniform excellence.' "Foremost Baking Powder in ail the World." Surprfaed "I never saw anything more remark- able," said the young man who claims to have spent a great deal of time abroad, "than a little scene I witnessed in Spain. A passenger on one of the cars became obstreperous and behaved with the utmost disregard of imiprle-- ty. But the conductor dldu't pay the slightest, attention to him."' 'I don't see anything very wonderful in that." Han TbUl . . '•••• We offer One Hundred Dollars reword for any case of Catarrh that cannot be oured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, a We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney tor the last 16 yearn and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions nnd Ununclally able to carry out any obliga- tions mode by their firm. West&Truaz, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.; Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio. Hairs-Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act- ing directly upon the blood-undmucous surfaces of the nystem. Testimonials sent free. Price J6o per bottle. Sold by all ilruKcist*. r Hall's Family Pills are the bout. r Probably Accepted Her Invitntton, "A conflict of arms," lie said, "is a terrible thing." "Of course," she replied, blushing prettily; "and so inexcusable, too. 1 hold that the disposition a man makes . of his arms is none of a girl's busi- ness,"—Chicago post, •Air. E. M. Davis, biyision Freight Agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Bail Itoad at Clarksburg, W. Va., will be transferred to Cumberland, Md., on Dec. 1st, vice W. It. Mcintosh, re- signed. Mr. F. Fowler, Traveling Freight Agent of the fenltimore and Ohio ltaili Road in West Virginia, will micccedt Mr. Davis as Division Freight Agent,, with headquarters at Clarksburg, W- Ya. " . I ^ Some Aren't Even Then. Mr. Ftiddlesou—I wonder why it is that girls don't get married as young nowadays as they used to? Miss Cutting—It's because they have to wait for the men to grow up. Why,; one rarely sees a fellow now who is ca- pable of earning his own Hying before he is thirty-live or forty.—Chicago News. The Joke on Botga. "Old Beeton has a mighty good joke on Boggs. Beeton bet Boggs a hat on election. See?" ,-ag "Yes," ^ ( "Well, Beeton lest, antlwoggs Went down to the hatter to get a hat and have it charged to Beeton. Catch on?" "Yes." /"Well, the hatter wouldn't charge it, ha, ha, ha!"—Cleveland Plain Dealer; His Booti Weigh a Hundred. Few people are aware of the im- mense weight which - a diver carries with him under the water. The diving boots alone sometimes weigh 100 pounds each.—Philadelphia Record. What some people don't know they are always talking about. A catalogue of 300 prizes, suitable to every taste and condition, mailed on in- quiry. Prizes given for saving Dia- mond "C" Soap wrappers. Address Cudahy . Soap Works, South Omaha, Neb. The* list contains many season- able and suitable holiday gifts. the man Who waits if starvation didtft get there Flirtation is like a piece of chewing gum. the longer you keep it up the testfig* satisfaction you derive from SEWP US 97 C E W t 8 :^g vlll send yotl this HlsUost Grado liobcrts* Sewing Machine by freight e?QJ> a eabject to examination. Examine 1c at your nearest Ir-vAt^leDOt and if found perlcctlr satisfactory, equal to anr tnachlue In t !> markut and •THE BEST BBW1NQ J1ACKINT! ' BAROAlff KVEH KN0WK t,ar voujr banker or express agent Our Special frlce, less the Wo sent with your order. r -Our Spechl Offer Pricj, .O ' $18.60 tor tlifes-drawer ItMUai, 117.60 for fht-iitimt, tsi $18.60 for liTos^river. Ihii la Jart fti. Ttsmt W ti Viit, Meiher u Slater. eh&vosoM thousands ot theM highest grade Kob- ertsSemlngHachlnesand goaranteo thorn to aire Perlest SatUJacHoi THIS, OUR HIGHEST GI1ADS ROBKSTS', AT «16JW TO •18.50, is the greatest rains ever oSorod, the lowest prices eve? named on tho best macblno posslbls to malce. Till! EOllERTa nae every modern lmprorement, every good point ot every high grade machine mide, with the defects ot none. Stada by vubeat maker In America. Solid oak cabinet, bent cover, latest I8W Skeleton frame, plan,o noliuh. finest nloiel drawer pulls, rests on 4 castora, ball beu-lnr adjUBtable treadle, best (jrada Iron stand, finest l^rge hlgli artd-hsaa made, positive foui>motlon f eed, self-threadinK •vibrating shuttle, automatlo bobbin winder, adjustable bearings,- nearestnolsolosamaobine made. Every known attachmont la fnr- nlA^ andour^FnEK INSTRUCTION BOOK teEa just bow any one S?J^ m 4i^„ d ?lf ither ; )1 ^ In ,S rany J Eln ?, w °rk. A M-yEAS GUARANTEE is sent wltb every ma.- Chlng _Tlie machino wefehs 120 pounds. 8end us Vt oents with your oitler. We will Bave you 827. Order at once. FREE ! Th* follmrinf ntolwiH Vll ta wot to Tour *ddr«»i oMn <mf c»ch to p*ypQ,t*««oatbirra: A—Tanltim, J5~,rr ^ B—n*raeM utf T«UelM. C—Stotw 31—Agrlcultontl JmpUTaortfc •*—Brty'carrjacf*. F—ud JHicni -(WpaWilMtrManU, B—Oitna nod 8*w| ng HubbiM. I--nicjc]«. J—Ouiij Bad 8portini;OiK»d^ K—Ltuliw'fcodGcaU'r«r- Dtj Good,. M—IUadTHBuds Ctot^Iax ftrr Keo sad Bvjt. if—Uoots ud Bboea. O—Ls^io*' *rj Ciaik*. had our Unea aoiDPlT C»tAlogTH ooa*J>iaiug ortr 800 Nm ind dret one hundiBd IhwMMiA aim aaS |iwAr*lll *~,J, VkblltsOMd*. t—1 _ _ _ _ li^tl fcod cm larta Sutptr C»tAlogTH ooauiaiug arte 800 r*tt€ OTrr nne hundred thoMm/l mil* M., T. M. ROBERTS' SUPPLY HOUSE, Minneapolis, Minn. Every JWOKELtSS ?< Intensely inferoste^ in -.he z«oeQ*t impvovemont" itudo (a -the manntne- ture of powder, atic X^flln & Bajnd \f I'owdor Co., whose " name hi iaEv-" - llinf-to every lovar of the gun. pre piscine oa the mnrket a snxoUClces: powfler whioli Will' Bpe?dff3 v ^upers^ff the old" style black pomiers. The ac- compahyinB cut shows. the. I.afltn & Kand.Smok«lesa I'ottrdttr previous to j u granulation. It is al)solutcly''water- {ti proof and 10 grains of tijisj powd er wjll "• i -3 do the work of 80 grains of waclt po\r- ,, dor. By usw? tnfl Tallin & Ksind . * Sinokcless_your sun will r&qtijlro ' clconlng. The & RaiiaPowder'-. 'H Co. are ^lvln«r (free fo every ueoler ei''m supply otfihella load^with SnaokelefW' Powder for distrlbu;" mSftsm Ask your doaler for 1 convinoeyou. For free illustrated cat- ena, A trial TyiJl alo(fu«^(jivine full deacriptiOn of tli#"!' 5 ! 0B>ok4»l«M Potrdc«3pr}te tbe l , "fi ,3a«ag$e—: H«ntlon Ibli writing. . ni 1 i nil 'j' ttgrnir in- i >n '::. || ii'i l 1AFLIN & RA POV^DER ^o, CWCAOO. Ilix? > > '

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Page 1: pemup, i didn't see you at church yes The Rev. Dr ... · THE NEWS RESUME EVENTS OF THE FAST "WEEK IS , - ' COKUKKSEIJ FORM. l A General n?mm» of the Most Im portant Aeira of the

• 'My

. Why He Wasn't There. The Rev. Dr. Fourthly—Mr. Wrap-

pemup, i didn't see you at church yes­terday morning.

Grocer—No, doctor. So many of your congregation, came to get supplies for their Sunday dinner that I couldn't

getaway in time.—Chicago Tribune? Lf ff?"

A Hnce Agntnst Fire. The crew of a steamer from Spain

discovered in mid ocean, that flames were raging in the hold. For ten days they bravely fought the flames.1 If men would fight as persistently against dis­orders of the stomach there would be fewer premature deaths. The best •weapon for such a fight is Hostetter's Stoaaeh Bitters. . v " , ' PtJ,'

r^' .2

V;-;" It* KnJoyat>le Finis. ,'\<J ' Bennet—Does Wirteby's new" play

• S22<i lisppily? Neapass—Oil, yes! An hour earlier

^pan the average.—Puck. :

—Save the wrappers around Diamond "C" Soap. They are woi*th money.

«V ' — The best effort" of the cliairmaker

are always being sat upon.


List of Patents Isaaed T.nst Week to Northwestern Inventor*.

Leroy S. Buttington, Minneapolis, Minn., Acetylene gas lamp: Oluf L. Fjeld, Mayville, N. D., lifting attach­ment for plows; Ole O. Hateli, Foas-ton, Minn, punching and shearing ma­chine; Olaf BToff, Minneapolis, Minn., grain bin; Albert C. Houghland, Greenleaf. Minn., oil can: Artbelow M. Randolph. St. Paul, Minn., pneumatic concentrator; William Smith >and G. H. Davis,* Proctorknott, Minn., car bolster; Waldemar E. Spanier, Devils Lake, N. D., grubbing machine; Free­man P. Wilson, Minneapolis, Minn., bicycle support: John Ziebcr, Fargo, ft. D., coupling for traction engines.

Merwin, Lcthrop li Johnsoc, latent Attor­neys, t)10 P.oneer 1'rcSR Building, bt. Puul.


Are you frequently hoarse? ? , Do you have that annoying

• tickling in your throat? Would k' y°.u relieved if you could J* raise something? Does your ^ cough annoy you at night, and f ,do you raise more mucus ia

the morning? Then you should always keep

on hand a bottle of

Jsf t>

"My friend," said Mr. Stormington Barnes, "you lack experience in play-writing. Your ideas of construction are painfully impractical; painfully so. Why, there is scarcely five min­utes in the piece that the star isn't on the stage." •

"But I-^-er—I thought a star rather liked that sort of thing."

"Not these days. You must leave liim at least twenty minutes in the sec­ond act, so that lie may go around to the box office while the money is being countcd."—Washington Star.


"The case against you is perfectly clear," said the judge. "You stele a package out of an express wagon. It was found in your possession. On be­ing opened it was found to contain campaign circulars. The sentence of the couvt is that you be confined in the county jail sixty days."

"Your honor," protested the prison­er, "considerin' the value of the goods, can't you make it one day for stealin' and fifty-nine days fur bein' a durn fool.?"—Ch icago Tribune. . . ^

«s v

. If you have a weak throat you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another, and the last one is always harder to cure than the one before It.

tt.AICF'scfeerra Pectoral Kts&r

protects me im§s from com*.

HHelp at Hand. 1 If you have any complaint

whatever aad desire the best medical advice you can pos­sibly obtain, write the doctor freely. Yea will receive a; prompt reply. ;r

Address, DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass.

They Are Reliable. Th* American Farmer is sincere In

what it says and whenever it endorses an article, be it machinery, proprietary medicine, or a man individually, we want our readers to believe that what we say we have good reason to under­stand is true. For a year or more there have been endorsements of the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Company, of 167 Dearborn street, Chicago, by this paper. People have written us to know if this company is responsible, and if its remarkable remedies, for the cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspep­sia, catarrh, kidney troubles, etc., real­ly had merit. We have therefore been at extra pains to investigate, and once again we add emphasis to our former endorsement of that company. There may be isolated cases here and there which, probably through neglect in fol­lowing directions, or from exposure or some unexplainable reason, the won­derful Five Drops remedy does not do the Work. But it is a case where the exception proves the rule. Mr. Swan-son is a gentleman of character and personal integrity, and, we believe, would no more attempt to deceive the public than the writer of this article. They still offer to send a sample bot­tle of "5 Drops" for 25c or a large bottle, 300 doses, for $1, prepaid by mail or express. Address as above.


Medicine Costing $%000 a Dose.

Medical science has been enriched by a great'discovery. Mme. Honoulx, a clever Pariesienne, has found in pre-

i cious stones a cure for the whole range of human ills; the only drawback in

I her panacea being that a dose of medi-| cine may cost anything from $250 to

83,000, and a complete cure from $12,-500 to $15,000.

The world of wealth and fashion is flocking to her sumptuously-appointed rooms to drink powdered rubies or to, inhale the odor of burnt diamonds.

Big « for unnatural discharges, inflammations, irritations or ulcerations

mucous membranes? cooucin. pajni#Mi ttnd not astrln-

" Sold by Drurefata, pr "B»m In plain wrapper, by express. prepaid, tor f) .00, or 3 bottles, Circalar sent on request.

WHISKERS DYED A Natural Blaok by .

p? H eents of all draggista or R. P. BaU<t Co.,

|C wrttoK^NJpnaTAW PENSION IP BICKFORD. Washington.». C.. tbej • vrlltTecelveqnlck replies. B-6th N. H. Vols. OttffSOthCorDS. PresecuUnsClaims«fiM*<878>

A Conflict of Evidence. The Judge—But the plaintiff identi­

fied ybu as the man, who stole the chickens. ,

The Prisoner (earnestly.)—Fo' de Lawd, Jedge, mah wife'Il identify me as a man what hasn't been near a chicken coop in six mont's.—Truth. ;;

Dr. Frank Powell ("White Beaver") Has resigned his commission, and is again practicing medicine, Fourth and Cedar streets, St. Paul, Minn.

II f tPMCIAMJOHivw.MOKHis, •braSHl/lV •Washington, ». c!

3jTsinlaatirar, lSa^ludicaUog claims,- (vtty siuoo.

f^OrtDCVUEWDISCOVERYlBtw. • QtHokveUefsndeuresworst:

eases, send for b toic of testimonials and IO days* treatment free. Dr.a. u. gkkiu'B BOKS.uiuu.tiCi

11—:——1— ———r—•— 1 ' . * 2-i WANTED—Case of had health that B-I-P-A-N-S

m irill uot benefit./.Send 5 cents to RlpaiiB Chemical £$ Co.* New York,tot 10 Mmples and l^OO^testlmonlals.

DftTrllT ̂ CVrcdotB0i>7iRr6(iihirf, Search free. lA I Cffll CoUnmer^Co. 545F D.C.

, Thompson's Eye Water.

When Answering Advertisements Ki&dly Mention This Paper. .

Plain EnottRh.

"Mamma wants half a dozen 'em-ons,' said Nellie, the other day, to the grocery man. ,

"What is it you want?" he Inquired, somewhat puzzled.

"I want a half-dozen 'emons," re­plied the little one, wrathfully; "don't you know what a half-dozen is V—it's six."—Truth. -

^ flThe Nervocs invalid. 'v:

"lou say your wife is much stronger, but that she is feeling worse. I don't quite understand."

"It's simple enough. She can be as sick only as her strength will permit, and, naturally, the mote strength she has the worse she can feel."—Judgei r



A General n?mm» of the Most Im­

portant Aeira of the Week From

All rarta of tlte Globe, llollcd

Do it n anil Arranged in Con­

venient Form for Rn»iJ Tertian!

Dy Diny People. mT W«akInKto» Tnlk.^^&g|

The montiily report of th^?fnrm!l-' sionur of lutc-rnsi revenue shows that, during the montli of October the re­ceipts aggregated $21,735,SOT, an in­crease, as comparod with October, 1887, of $7,090,270.

Sergcant-at-Arms Russell, disbursing officer of the house, says Gen. Joe Wheeler is the only congressman with an army commission who refused to accept his salary as congressman.

The state department is informed that the exports from Germany to the United States during the quarter end­ed Sept. SO amounted to $19,970,719; an increase of $5,115,913 over the ex­ports during the corresponding quarter of tht! previous year.

People Tnltced Al»ont.

Crowded. If people Ttse. all "[the new-fangled

; bread and butter plates, knives, rests, etc., which are the craze now, there will not be room on the. table for a man to put bis^aelbows^—Atchison. Globe. \,'y,

^ 8. D. . ??. U. o. BO^ 1808.

' Placing It Exactly, "Now that my .money's gone you Jove

me no longer," he cried, "Not exactly—I don't love you short-

er."—Hal'per's Bazar,

Look for it. Here it is.

#&*} v-sten , * '• SUs».<

• - • - •• '

St, Jacols Oii CURES

Sorwe88, Stiffness! PS" m



Lewis A. Bailey, one of the leading dry goods merchants of Cleveland, Ohio, died of nialaijal fever.

Gen. ^ J. G. Dupuy. a Confederate general, died in Memphis. He was in all the battles of the Army of the Ten-uessee and was wounded four times.

John Taylor Gause, president of the Harlan & Hollingswortli company, died at Wilmington, Del., . of . .pneu­monia.

Lillian •Itnsscll disclaims all ac­quaintance with her former husband, John Chatterton, otherwise Signor Perugini.

Jacob Bcck, secretary of the Nation­al League of Musicians, was found dead in bed at Cape May, N. J., from heart disease. «

Ex-Judge Williem Foster, a well known Hawaiian jurist under th6 monarchy, is dead. Judge Poster has been practicing law in San Francisco for several years. 1-Ie has also Iwsen one of the editors of the Crocker law publications. He was about fitty years of age. On Nov. 14 he suffered a stroke of paralysis while at work in his "office and he never fully recovered C0^U£^SS-

ForelRi) Holes.

The quarrel between Austria and Germany is becoming serious.

It is asserted that a marriage, lias been arranged between Don Jaime, sou of the Spanish pretender, 'and a Bavarian princess.

i'iie attempt to unite the states of Nicaragua, Honduras and Salvador under one government, to be known as the United States of Central America, has failed completely.

It is reported iu Berlin that the Standard Oil company has made a con­tract with Kussian producers which will giro it control of the world's oil supply.

The Mad Mullah who, with 600 men, has been, threatening to pass the Swat frontier, lias crossed the Swat river, and fighting has occurred»between his followers and the Indo-Brltish forces.

As a precaution ̂ agiiinstf^the introduc­tion of the San Jose scale France has prohibited the importation of trees, cte., from the United States, and all fruit will be inspected before landed.

The premier and minister of interior, Count Tliun Holienstcin. says Austria will, If necessary, adopt retaliatory measures against the expulsion of

•Austrlans from Prussia. According to the official forecast the

wheat harvest of New South Wales for 1898 will be 1,590,000 bushels in excess of that of 1S97, and there will be a sui-pJos available for export of 2,250,000 bushels.

The Madrid correspondent of the London Standard says the Carlist pro­paganda assumes s«rious proportions and the government, ajjjirehenslve of the effects of the signing of the treaty of peace, maintains a strict censorship.

The Home correspondent of the Lon­don Daily News says the anti-anar­chist convention, now in session there, has practically abandoned the proposal to extradite anarchists, which was one of the leading motives of the con­vention.

The London Times, in a reeent~ edit-orial in praise of the foresight of the United States government in increas­ing the army, says: "Looking to im­mediate needs, Mr. Alger's estimate of 100,000 is below, rather than above the mark, for considerable force will be re­quired to bring the new population into subjection.''^

America Leads the Wqrld .v.- %%1J :

'M '' iii§r "i

StrenEti A

? ?



- - ' 4fibceUenceJjy

An attempt is being made ill Chica­go to form a large sugar trust.

Thirty or forty thousand American troops will soon be mustered out. ' -

Pennsylvania has a soldiers' home scandal. •

James Gray, a Cleveland brakemnn, lias fallen heir to $300,000 by the tleath of an aunt.

The Hiram S. Maxim suit is "said to have been settled by the payment of $1,000 to Helen Leighton.

A business letter containing a bond for $15,000 was found iu a waste-paper file at Newport News, Va.

The feat of telephoning fijoih Little Rock, Ark., to Boston, a distance, ot 1,900 miles, has been accomplished. ; >

Willie plowing in a field, near Mum-ford, Ohio, William Taj'lor unearthed a large diamond of great value.

•Rockefeller is credited witli an at­tempt to gain control of the entire cop­per-mining industry of the country.

The stallion Top Gallant was sue" tioneered to W.J.. Alexander of Chi­cago for $20,000.

It is believed that Germany will, bid against the United States for the Carolines. .

The First regiment of engineers has arrived at New York on the Minne-' waska from PortO Rico.

A $11,000,000 syndicate will absorb all the elevator manufactories "ot-the country.

A baby was- attacked and almost killed at Perry, Ok., by a monkey that oscaped from a show wintering in. the

The- Afrectbr of^experlment stations reports them more efficient than ever. The $720,000 appropriated by congress was supplemented: by over $100,000 in state funds.

The United States collier Aberenda, which recently coaled the Oregon and Iowa at Bahia, Brazil, has arrived at St. Thomas, D. W .I.j and is awaiting orders from the navy department.

No report has been received from the agent detailed to investigate the charges of Indian Commissioner Jones against Marshal .O'Connor of Minne­sota. ;

George P. Atbury, commissioner of public works of New1 York, has re> quested . Gov. Black to suspend him from office until after an investigatioQ of charges against him by the courts.

The war department has received a second dispatch from Gen. Brooke say-ing the reports of disturbances at points mentioned are unquestionably false. v

It was announced at St. Louis by the management of the Columbia; Theater company that an alliance had been formed In Chicago that would practl-cally monopolize all the higb-class vaudeville attractions that came West.

The $1,000,000 bequest left to Phil-: adolphia by Thomas W. Evans, the famous dentist, with which to found a dental institute, may be invalidated regardjtss of the effort*: of his relatives* to : brt'ak it. A utnv will has been found, ;-6 v,

Forest Saiee, a bell '4>oy formerly employed at the 1'lanters' hote!( at St Ix>uis; is heir to $°5,0o0, left him by .l. T. Spaulding of Chicago, fialee Is a nephew of Mr. Spaulding, who'was wealthy merchant. The boy is now without a position but is, supposed to be somewhere In- St. Louis, j ^

Dr.'B. W. Ivlpsloe and T,/P»'-#ain¥s'; Dearer mining, men, who, 'with. Col' Hughes of , Itcssiand, have Just re­turned from Alaska, report that a yojft cano is in active eruption about fifty miles fro in Atiin City. y

- The highbinders of Sari. Francisco rihow contempt for the pnclamstToi? of the Chinese consul general, bidding them desist in their murderous £t>a<0 The cons.ul'g proclamation has be>ii torn fi-orn the bulletin board infpfoiit of the consulate and in its place • a placard referring lq the coiisni Iq un.

Jpmpliiuentary terriis was pos^&'-^l.

3' vklQ#

' « J-Accidental Happenings ^

Fatal prairie fires have occurred' In" the Southwest.

Forty persons were killed or injured in an explosion at Havana.

Fully two hundred lives were lost in the recent storms along the New Eng­land coast.

Part of the business district of Cuya lioga Falls, Ohio, was destroyed by fire. The loss will be about ?20,000.

The Milton B. Hopkins university building burned at Kokomo, Ind. The loss Is JjMo.O&CLand the insurance $11,-000

9 I he Cheney block at Manchester,

Conn., was burned. The loss is esti­mated at between $150,000-and $00,000, nearly covered by' insurance.

By the explosion of a boiler on a riv­er steamer at Stockton, Cal., six per­sons were killed and a number seri­ously injured.

At Birmingham, Ala., John W.Thom­as, a drayman, was killed by the ex­plosion of several barrels of torpedoes, known, as "sand poppers," which he was hauling for the Christinas trade.

Ralph A. Obleness died at Athens, Ohio, from injuries received from playing football tWo weeks ago. He was the quarter-back on the eleven of Ohio university. He suffered from a head collision.

.lames Meecham, a prSniinent at­torney of Pueblo, Colo., thirty-nine years old, fell from a train on the Denver & Rio Grande railway near Swallows while attempting to pass from one car to another. He died in a few minutes..

Crtminn-1 ReW<ji<°d. ^:

John Hoover of Muncie, Ind., was ar­rested at his wedding reception, on a charge of stealing $00.25.

Frederick Martzen, a farmer who lived near Green Tree, Scott county, Iowa, shot and killed his wife and himself. No cause is known.

Ralph W. .Wireback. convicted at Lancaster, Pa., of the murder of D. U. Landis in April Inst, has been refused a new trial and was sentenced to be hanged.

Spanish officer* at Guinea, Havana province, destroyed the' office of La Justica "because of an editorial censur­ing the military commander. The edi­tors fled.

Samuel Kennedy is LOW under arrest at Williamson, W. Va., for the assas­sination of Constable Charles Steele. Circumstantial evidence is very strong and there is, threats of lynching.

"Grandma" >Vynn, \the richest resi­dent of Brooklyn. III., was recently killed by robbers. - The amount oli taincd by the robbers must bav? been considerable.

The London police liere hare arrest­ed two men who had via their posses­sion a considerable quantity of the jewelry recently etc leu on beard a train between Paris .and Calais from the dowager duchess ^f Sutherland.

William Franklin, a negro who was formerly employed as a brakeman on the Pennsyironia' railroad, has been arrestert at Boston cliai'ged with st eai-ing'a United States mail-pouch from the Fitchburg railroad. Franklin is iv cripple. -v

C^ief ot Polico dsco has sfcured much additional evi­dence against-Amudeo Horace, a clev­er confidence opijratot now at the city prison. In Chicago he was'known as Dr. J. M. Weygand, dentist, 126 State street, which name jippetfred upon tuost of his liueu.

The Crowning Glory of the Age. • . • !i

Man's enterprise culminated at the World's Columbian Ex­position." The memory pf it will be a marvel for all time. The feme there acquired will live for years. The manufacturers of

Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder appreciate the award to them of highest honors at the ExpositiofiV' The significance of the compliment, the splendid character of the endorsement, cannot be underrated. It stamps Dr. Price's as .wiihput a peerj^q^^ ̂ powders. The jury of awards* an exceptionally intelligent body; was headed Tjylh^^dEki' Chem ist of the United States Department of Agriculture. They found

« Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder strongest in leavening power, perfect in purity, and of uniform excellence.'

"Foremost Baking Powder in ail the World."


"I never saw anything more remark­able," said the young man who claims to have spent a great deal of time abroad, "than a little scene I witnessed in Spain. A passenger on one of the cars became obstreperous and behaved with the utmost disregard of imiprle--ty. But the conductor dldu't pay the slightest, attention to him."'

'I don't see anything very wonderful in that."

Han TbUl . . '•••• We offer One Hundred Dollars reword for any

case of Catarrh that cannot be oured by Hull's Catarrh Cure.

P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, a We, the undersigned, have known F. J.

Cheney tor the last 16 yearn and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions nnd Ununclally able to carry out any obliga­tions mode by their firm.

West&Truaz, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.; Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio.

Hairs-Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act­ing directly upon the blood-undmucous surfaces of the nystem. Testimonials sent free. Price J6o per bottle. Sold by all ilruKcist*. r

Hall's Family Pills are the bout. r

Probably Accepted Her Invitntton,

"A conflict of arms," lie said, "is a terrible thing."

"Of course," she replied, blushing prettily; "and so inexcusable, too. 1 hold that the disposition a man makes . of his arms is none of a girl's busi­ness,"—Chicago post,

•Air. E. M. Davis, biyision Freight Agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Bail Itoad at Clarksburg, W. Va., will be transferred to Cumberland, Md., on Dec. 1st, vice W. It. Mcintosh, re­signed.

Mr. F. Fowler, Traveling Freight Agent of the fenltimore and Ohio ltaili Road in West Virginia, will micccedt Mr. Davis as Division Freight Agent,, with headquarters at Clarksburg, W-Ya. "

. I

^ • Some Aren't Even Then.

Mr. Ftiddlesou—I wonder why it is that girls don't get married as young nowadays as they used to?

Miss Cutting—It's because they have to wait for the men to grow up. Why,; one rarely sees a fellow now who is ca­pable of earning his own Hying before he is thirty-live or forty.—Chicago News. •

The Joke on Botga.

"Old Beeton has a mighty good joke on Boggs. Beeton bet Boggs a hat on election. See?" ,-ag

"Yes," ^ (• "Well, Beeton lest, antlwoggs Went

down to the hatter to get a hat and have it charged to Beeton. Catch on?"

"Yes." /"Well, the hatter wouldn't charge it,

ha, ha, ha!"—Cleveland Plain Dealer;

His Booti Weigh a Hundred.

Few people are aware of the im­mense weight which - a diver carries with him under the water. The diving boots alone sometimes weigh 100 pounds each.—Philadelphia Record.

What some people don't know they are always talking about.

A catalogue of 300 prizes, suitable to every taste and condition, mailed on in­quiry. Prizes given for saving Dia­mond "C" Soap wrappers. Address Cudahy . Soap Works, South Omaha, Neb. The* list contains many season­able and suitable holiday gifts.

the man Who waits if starvation didtft get there

Flirtation is like a piece of chewing gum. the longer you keep it up the testfig* satisfaction you derive from

S E W P U S 9 7 C E W t 8 :^g vlll send yotl this HlsUost Grado liobcrts* Sewing Machine by freight e?QJ>a

eabject to examination. Examine 1c at your nearest Ir-vAt^leDOt and if found perlcctlr satisfactory, equal to anr tnachlue In t !> markut and •THE BEST BBW1NQ J1ACKINT! ' BAROAlff KVEH KN0WK t,ar voujr banker or express agent Our Special frlce, less the Wo sent with your order.

r -Our Spechl Offer Pricj, .O ' $18.60

tor tlifes-drawer ItMUai, 117.60 for fht-iitimt,

tsi $18.60 for liTos^river.

Ihii la Jart fti. Ttsmt W ti Viit, Meiher u Slater. eh&vosoM thousands ot

theM highest grade Kob-ertsSemlngHachlnesand goaranteo thorn to aire Perlest SatUJacHoi

THIS, OUR HIGHEST GI1ADS ROBKSTS', AT «16JW TO •18.50, is the greatest rains ever oSorod, the lowest prices eve? named on tho best macblno posslbls to malce. Till! EOllERTa nae every modern lmprorement, every good point ot every high grade machine mide, with the defects ot none. Stada by vu„ beat maker In America. Solid oak cabinet, bent cover, latest I8W Skeleton frame, plan,o noliuh. finest nloiel drawer pulls, rests on 4 castora, ball beu-lnr adjUBtable treadle, best (jrada Iron stand, finest l^rge hlgli artd-hsaa made, positive foui>motlon f eed, self-threadinK •vibrating shuttle, automatlo bobbin winder, adjustable bearings,-

nearestnolsolosamaobine made. Every known attachmont la fnr-nlA^ andour^FnEK INSTRUCTION BOOK teEa just bow any one S?J^m4i^„d?lfither;)1^In,Srany JEln?, w°rk. A M-yEAS GUARANTEE is sent wltb every ma.-Chlng _Tlie machino wefehs 120 pounds. 8end us Vtoents with your oitler. We will Bave you 827. Order at once. FREE ! Th* follmrinf ntolwiH Vll ta wot to Tour *ddr«»i <« oMn <mf c»ch to p*ypQ,t*««oatbirra: A—Tanltim, J5~,rr ^ „ B—n*raeM utf T«UelM. C—Stotw 31—Agrlcultontl JmpUTaortfc •*—Brty'carrjacf*. F—ud JHicni

-(WpaWilMtrManU, B—Oitna nod 8*w|ng HubbiM. I--nicjc]«. J—Ouiij Bad 8portini;OiK»d ̂ K—Ltuliw'fcodGcaU'r«r-Dtj Good,. M—IUadTHBuds Ctot^Iax ftrr Keo sad Bvjt. if—Uoots ud Bboea. O—Ls^io*' *rj Ciaik*. had our Unea aoiDPlT C»tAlogTH ooa*J>iaiug ortr 800 Nm ind dret one hundiBd IhwMMiA aim aaS |iwAr*lll *~,J,

VkblltsOMd*. t—1 _ _ _ _ li^tl fcod cm larta Sutptr C»tAlogTH ooauiaiug arte 800 r*tt€ OTrr nne hundred thoMm/l mil* M.,

T. M. ROBERTS' SUPPLY HOUSE, Minneapolis, Minn.



?< Intensely inferoste^ in -.he z«oeQ*t impvovemont" itudo (a -the manntne-ture of powder, atic X^flln & Bajnd \f

• I'owdor Co., whose " name hi iaEv-" -llinf-to every lovar of the gun. pre

piscine oa the mnrket a snxoUClces: powfler whioli Will' Bpe?dff3 v ^upers^ff the old" style black pomiers. The ac-compahyinB cut shows. the. I.afltn & Kand.Smok«lesa I'ottrdttr previous to j u granulation. It is al)solutcly''water- {ti proof and 10 grains of tijisj powd er wjll "• i -3 do the work of 80 grains of waclt po\r- ,, dor. By usw? tnfl Tallin & Ksind . * Sinokcless_your sun will • r&qtijlro ' clconlng. The & RaiiaPowder'-. 'H Co. are ^lvln«r (free fo every ueoler ei''m supply otfihella load^with SnaokelefW' Powder for distrlbu;"


Ask your doaler for1

convinoeyou. For free illustrated cat­ena, A trial TyiJl

alo(fu«^(jivine full deacriptiOn of tli#"!'5! 0B>ok4»l«M Potrdc«3pr}te tbe l, "fi


H«ntlon Ibli writing. . ni 1 • i nil 'j' ttgrnir in- i >n '::.||ii'i l


CWCAOO. Ilix? > > '