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  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    Project Report on "Performance Appraisal System



    Performance Appraisal System

    Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

    Master of Business Administration


    This is to certify that this Project Report entitled Evaluation of Performance

    Appraisal System is the result of research work carried out by Mr. __________ under

    the guidance and superision of Professor _______________________.






    Human Resource (or personnel) management, in the sense of getting things done through people,

    is an essential part of every managers responsibility, but many organizations find it advantageous

    to establish a specialist division to provide an expert service dedicated to ensuring that the human

    resource function is performed efficiently.

    eople are our most valuable asset! is a clich", #hich no member of any senior management

    team #ould disagree #ith. $et, the reality for many organizations are that their people remain

    under valued, under trained and under utilized.

    erformance %ppraisal is the process of assessing the performance and progress of an

    employee or a group of employees on a given &ob and his ' their potential for future

    development. t consists of all formal procedures used in the #oring organizations toevaluate personalities, contributions and potentials of employees.

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal



    *anaging human resources in todays dynamic environment is becoming more and more

    complex as #ell as important. Recognition of people as a valuable resource in the

    organization has led to increases trends in employee maintenance, &ob security, etc

    *y research pro&ect deals #ith erformance %ppraisal as carried out at +hart anchar -igam

    td. (+-/)!. n this report, have studied 0evaluated the performance appraisal process as it

    is carried out in the company.

    1he first section of my report deals #ith a detailed company profile. t includes the companys

    history2 its activities and operations, organizational structure, etc. this section attempts to give

    detailed information about the company and the nature of its functioning.

    1he second section deals #ith performance appraisal. n this section, have given a brief

    conceptual explanation to performance appraisal. t contains the definition, process and

    significance of performance appraisal.

    n the third section of my report, have conducted a research study to evaluate the process of

    performance appraisal at +harat anchar -igam td.3 this section also contains my findings,

    conclusions, suggestions and feedbac.

    1he forth and final section of this report consists of extra information that related to the maincontents of the report. 1hese annexure include some graphs and diagrams relating to the

    company, graphs relating to the research study and important documents upon #hich the pro&ect

    is based.


    erformance %ppraisal is the important aspect in the organization to evaluate the employees

    performance. t helps in understanding the employees #or culture, involvement, and

    satisfaction. t helps the organization in deciding employees promotion, transfer, incentives, pay




    Human Resource (or personnel) management, in the sense of getting things done through people,

    is an essential part of every managers responsibility, but many organizations find it advantageous

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    to establish a specialist division to provide an expert service dedicated to ensuring that the human

    resource function is performed efficiently.

    eople are our most valuable asset! is a clich", #hich no member of any senior management

    team #ould disagree #ith. $et, the reality for many organizations are that their people remainunder valued, under trained and under utilized.

    1he maret place for talented, silled people is competitive and expensive. 1aing on ne# staff

    can be disruptive to existing employees. %lso, it taes time to develop 4cultural a#areness,

    product ' process ' organization no#ledge and experience for ne# staff members.


    5ollo#ing are the various functions of Human Resource *anagement that are essential for

    the effective functioning of the organization2

    6. Recruitment

    7. election

    8. nduction

    9. erformance %ppraisal

    :. 1raining 0 ;evelopment


    1he process of recruitment begins after manpo#er re

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    important rating of an employees excellence in matters pertaining to his present &ob and his

    potential for a better &ob.!


    6. erformance %ppraisal is a process.

    7. t is the systematic examination of the strengths and #eaness of an employee in

    terms of his &ob.

    8. t is scientific and ob&ective study. 5ormal procedures are used in the study.

    9. t is an ongoing and continuous process #herein the evaluations are arranged

    periodically according to a definite plan.

    :. 1he main purpose of erformance %ppraisal is to secure information necessary for

    maing ob&ective and correct decision an employee.


    1he process of performance appraisal2

    6. =stablishing performance standards

    7. >ommunicating the tandards

    8. *easuring erformance

    9. >omparing the actual #ith the standards

    :. ;iscussing the appraisal

    ?.1aing >orrective %ction


    6. =rrors in Rating

    7. ac of reliability

    8. -egative approach

    9. *ultiple ob&ectives

    :. ac of no#ledge


    1he foregoing list of ma&or program pitfalls represents a formidable challenge, even

    considering the available battery of appraisal techni

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    pitfalls by doing a#ay #ith appraisals themselves is lie trying to solve the problems of life

    by committing suicide. 1he more logical tas is to identify those appraisal practices that are

    (a) most liely to achieve a particular ob&ective and (b) least vulnerable to the obstacles

    already discussed.

    +efore relating the specific techni

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    1o avoid, or to deal #ith, the feeling that they are being &udged by unfairly high standards,

    employees in some organizations are being ased to set @ or help set @ their o#n performance

    goals. Cithin the past five or six years, *+D has become something of a fad and is so

    familiar to most managers that #ill not d#ell on it here.


    5or comparative purposes, particularly #hen it is necessary to compare people #ho #or for

    different supervisors, individual statements, ratings, or appraisal forms are not particularly

    useful. nstead, it is necessary to recognize that comparisons involve an overall sub&ective

    &udgment to #hich a host of additional facts and impressions must someho# be added. 1here

    is no single form or #ay to do this.

    1he best approach appears to be a raning techni

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    *any firms have expanded the idea of up#ard feedbac into #hat the call 8?E@degree feedbac.

    1he feedbac is generally used for training and development, rather than for pay increases.

    *ost 8?E ;egree 5eedbac system contains several common features. %ppropriate parties F

    peers, supervisors, subordinates and customers, for instance F complete survey,

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    *otivates the employee through achievement and feedbac.

    5acilitates assessment and agreement of training needs.

    Helps in identification of personal strengths and #eanesses.

    lays an important role in ersonal career and succession planning.

    >larifies team roles and facilitates team building.

    lays ma&or role in organizational training needs assessment and analysis.

    mproves understanding and relationship bet#een the employee and the reporting

    manager and also helps in resolving confusions and misunderstandings.

    lays an important tool for communicating the organizations philosophies, values, aims,

    strategies, priorities, etc among its employees.

    Helps in counseling and feedbac.

    R.tin/ Errr0 in Per1rm.nce A22r.i0.l0

    erformance appraisals are sub&ect to a #ide variety of inaccuracies and biases referred to as

    Arating errorsA. 1hese errors can seriously affect assessment results. ome of the most common

    rating errors are2 @

    Lenienc3 r 0e-erit34 & eniency or severity on the part of the rater maes the assessment

    sub&ective. ub&ective assessment defeats the very purpose of performance appraisal. Ratings are

    lenient for the follo#ing reasons4

    a) 1he rater may feel that anyone under his or her &urisdiction #ho is rated

    unfavorably #ill reflect poorly on his or her o#n #orthiness.

    b) He'he may feel that a derogatory rating #ill be revealed to the rate to detriment

    the relations bet#een the rater and the ratee.

    c) He'he may rate leniently in order to #in promotions for the subordinates and

    therefore, indirectly increase his'her hold over him.

    Centr.l ten!enc34 & 1his occurs #hen employees are incorrectly rated near the average or

    middle of the scale. 1he attitude of the rater is to play safe. 1his safe playing attitude stems from

    certain doubts and anxieties, #hich the raters have been assessing the rates.

    H.l errr4 & % halo error taes place #hen one aspect of an individualAs performance influences

    the evaluation of the entire performance of the individual. 1he halo error occurs #hen an

    employee #ho #ors late constantly might be rated high on productivity and

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    overall rating. Rating employees separately on each of the performance measures and

    encouraging raters to guard against the halo effect are the t#o #ays to reduce the halo effect.

    R.ter e11ect2 @1his includes favoritism, stereotyping, and hostility. =xtensively high or lo# score

    are given only to certain individuals or groups based on the raterAs attitude to#ards them and noton actual outcomes or behaviors3 sex, age, race and friendship biases are examples of this type of


    Prim.c3 .n! Re/enc3 e11ect04 & 1he raterAs rating is heavily influenced either by behavior

    exhibited by the ratee during his early stage of the revie# period (primacy) or by the outcomes, or

    behavior exhibited by the ratee near the end of the revie# period (regency). 5or example, if a

    salesperson captures an important contract'sale &ust before the completion of the appraisal, the

    timing of the incident may inflate his or her standing, even though the overall performance of the

    sales person may not have been encouraging. Dne #ay of guarding against such an error is to as

    the rater to consider the composite performance of the rate and not to be influenced by one

    incident or an achievement.

    Per1rm.nce !imen0in r!er4 & 1#o or more dimensions on a performance instrument follo#

    each other and both describe or rotate to a similar

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    J ;iscuss #ith the reporting managers on the behavioral traits of all the

    employees for #hom he ' she is the revie#er

    J Chere re

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    o /R%s2 1he 5our erspectives.

    o Ho# is the /R% score calculated for an employee on the basis of the targets

    sets and targets achievedB

    J BEHA%IORAL TRAITS4 ome of the

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    + !pots and anticipates proble,s:

    i,ple,ents solutions

    + !ees and e-ploits opportunities

    + 9eliers ahead of ti,e

    + !ees the wider picture5i,pacts across


    + 3ocuses on what;s good for the business

    + !een as role ,odel by others

    + Recogni

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal




    Human Resource (or personnel) management, in the sense of getting things done through people,

    is an essential part of every managers responsibility, but many organizations find it advantageous

    to establish a specialist division to provide an expert service dedicated to ensuring that the human

    resource function is performed efficiently.

    eople are our most valuable asset! is a clich", #hich no member of any senior management

    team #ould disagree #ith. $et, the reality for many organizations are that their people remain

    under valued, under trained and under utilized.

    5ollo#ing are the various functions of Human Resource *anagement that are essential for

    the effective functioning of the organization2

    6. Recruitment

    7. election

    8. nduction

    9. erformance %ppraisal

    :. 1raining 0 ;evelopment


    1o carry out the study of +-, #e framed the follo#ing ob&ectives

    6. dentification of the techni

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal



    Research ;esign refers to Gframe#or or plan for a study that guides the collection and analysis

    of dataG. % typical research design of a company basically tries to resolve the follo#ing issues2

    a) ;etermining ;ata >ollection ;esign

    b) ;etermining ;ata *ethods

    c) ;etermining ;ata ources

    d) ;etermining rimary ;ata >ollection *ethods

    e) ;eveloping Luestionnaires

    f) ;etermining ampling lan

    8(5 E>2lr.ti-e Re0e.rc? De0i/n4

    =xplorative studies are undertaen #ith a vie# to no# more about the problem. 1hese studies

    help in a proper definition of the problem, and development of specific hypothesis is to be tested

    later by more conclusive research designs. ts basic purpose is to identify factors underlying a

    problem and to determine #hich one of them need to be further researched by using rigorous

    conclusive research designs.

    8onclusive Research tudies are more formal in nature and are conducted #ith a vie# to eliciting

    more precise information for purpose of maing mareting decisions.

    1hese studies can be either2

    a) ;escriptive or

    b) =xperimental

    1hus, it #as mix of both the tools of Research ;esign that is, =xplorative as #ell as >onclusive.


    ample ize M :E =mployees

    ample %rea M ahara %irlines td, ;elhi,

    ;r opaldas +uilding.

    ;uration M 1#o (7) *onths.


  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    Data Sources:

    (i) econdary ;ata through nternet

    (ii) rimary ;ata through Luestionnaire

    (iii) >ontact *ethod

    (iv) ersonal nteraction


    6. +ar graphs

    7. ie ;iagrams

    8. ;oughnuts

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    !#$!#%S A#$ A#A&'S!S

    Employees (pinion as to the Purpose of Performance Appraisal

    Perfor,ance standards 8 yardsticks

    Dptions Response

    $es N9

    -o 6?

    Awareness of techni)ue of Performance Appraisal being followed at BS#& among


    Dptions Response

    $es O7

    -o 7N

    #umber of Employees being appraised during their ser*ice period

    Dptions Response

    $es ?N

    -o 87

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    Employees+ opinion as to the present appraisal system

    Dptions Responses (in P)

    5ully atisfied 7

    atisfied 79

    >ant ay 99

    ;issatisfied 8E

    Employee perception as to the fre)uency of appraisal

    O2tin0 Re02n0e 8in @5

    Dnce ;uring 1he

    ervice eriod


    >ontinuous Q7

    -ever E

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    >ant ay ?

    I1 cntinuu0 .22r.i0.l 7?.t 0?ul! 6e t?e /.2 6et7een t7 .22r.i0.l 2eri!

    O2tin0 Re02n0e 8in @5

    Luarterly 7E

    Half $early 99

    $early 8?

    ,ow Performance Appraisal affects the producti*ity of the employees

    Mti-.te! In!i11erent Demti-.te!




    & Fee!6.c








    -ho should do the appraisal.

    O2tin0 Re02n0e 8 in @ 5

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    uperior 79

    eer E

    ubordinate E

    elf %ppraisal N

    >onsultant 9

    %ll of the above 9N

    uperior eer 6?

    .$oes appraisal help in polishing s/ills and performance area.

    O2tin0 Re02n0e 8 in @ 5

    $es O9

    -o 6E

    ome#hat 6?

    #f the process of appraisal does not lead to the i,proe,ent of the skills and

    proficiency of the e,ployees: the ery purpose of appraisal beco,es illogical. #n

    the surey conducted it was obsered that nearly =6 1 of the respondents agree

    that Perfor,ance %ppraisal does leads to polishing the skills of the e,ployees.

    $early /4 1 of the respondents iew that it does not sere this purpose and

    around /> 1 were not able to respond as to whether it sere any such purposes

    or not.

    $oes personal bias creeps0in while appraising an employee

    O2tin0 Re02n0e 8 in @ 5

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    $es N7

    -o 6N

    #n the process of appraising: both the parties are hu,an being: that is: the one

    who is being apprised and the other who is appraising. Thus: there bound to be

    sub?ectiity inoled: be it an ob?ectie way of appraising.

    Thus: when asked fro, a,ong the sa,ple siant ay 79

    Appropriate method of conducting the performance appraisal


  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    A00e00ment Centre

    *+, De/ree

    O2tin0 Re02n0e 8 in @ 5

    Raning *ethod 67

    aired >omparison E

    >ritical ncidents 7E

    *+D :N

    %ssessment >entre 9

    8?E degree ?

    $oes performance appraisal leads to identification of hidden potential

    O2tin0 Re02n0e 8 in @ 5

    $es Q?

    -o 9

    M#T%T#O$! O3 TBE !T(9

    % few li,itations and constraints ca,e in way of conducting the present study: under

    which the researcher had to work are as followsD

    %lthough all atte,pts were ,ade to ,ake this an ob?ectie study: biases

    on the part of respondents ,ight hae resulted in so,e sub?ectiity.

    Though: no effort was spared to ,ake the study ,ost accurate and useful:

    the Fsa,ple !i

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    S2%%ES!(#S A#$ C(#C&2S!(#

    %fter haing analy

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    #deally in the present day scenario: appraisal should be done: taking the iews of

    all the concerned parties who hae so,e bearing on the e,ployee. 'ut: since a

    change in the syste, is reuired: it cannot be a drastic one. #t ought to be gradual

    and a change in the ,indset of both the e,ployees and the head is reuired.

    a) 5ully atisfied b) atisfied

    c* Can;t !ay d* 9issatisfied

    >. !hould the appraisal process beD

    a) Dnce during the service period b) >ontinuous

    c) -ever d) >ant ay

    =. hat in your opinion should be the ti,e period of conducting continuous


    a* Luarterly b* Balf early c* early

    %ny specific reason

    @. 9oes Perfor,ance %ppraisal helps in i,proing the productiity of the e,ployeesK

    Mti-.te! In!i11erent Demti-.te!


    & Fee!6.c


    N. ho in your opinion should appraise the e,ployeeK

    a* !uperior b* Peer

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    c) ubordinates d) elf %ppraisal

    e) >onsultant f) %ll of the above

    /4. 9oes the appraisal syste, helps in polishing the skills or perfor,ance areaK

    a) $es b) -o c) ome#hat

    //. 9o you think personal bias creeps in while appraising an indiidualK

    a) $es b) -o

    /A. #f gien a chance or an opportunity would you like that the current appraisal

    procedure should be reiewedK

    a) $es b) -o c) >ant ay

    /H. hat according to you should be the appropriate ,ethod for conducting

    perfor,ance appraisalK

    a* Rating the e,ployee on nu,ber of traits along with the range of perfor,ance

    for each by the superisor.

    b* 3or eery trait: each subordinate is paired with and co,pared to eery other!ubordinate.

    c* Reiewing e,ployees on the basis of identified specific e-a,ples of good

    Or poor perfor,ance.

    d* !etting specific ,easurable goals with each e,ployee and periodically

    reiewing the progress ,ade.

    e* Reiewing perfor,ance through case studies: presentations: role playing:

    etc. for future perfor,ance.

    f* Receiing feedback fro, people whose iews are considered helpful and

    releant including the appraise hi,self.

    /6. 9oes Perfor,ance %ppraisal leads to identification of hidden potential of the


    a) $es b) -o

    /0. !uggestions and iews...............................

  • 8/10/2019 Pef Appraisal


    Thank you: 9ate 55855855