past simple -º-an… · simple past: simple present: simple past: positive...

Past Simple was / were

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Post on 04-Jul-2020




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Page 1: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

Past Simplewas / were

Page 2: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

Tom at school


Simple Present:


Tom at home yesterday.was

We at school today.are

are were

We at home yesterday.were

Simple Past:

Simple Present:

Simple Past:

Page 3: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

positive negative

at school yesterday.





was wasn’t



were weren’t

Page 4: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions


at school yesterday?





Page 5: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

Short answers

Was he at home yesterday?

Yes, he was.No, he wasn’t.

Were you at home yesterday?

Yes, you were.No, you weren’t.

Page 6: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

Bob & Bill

Page 7: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

One day, Bill was


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Bob was hungry, too.

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in the park.was

wasn’t hungry.

Page 10: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

Chuck, Ted, Benji, and Beethowen

were also in the park.

They weren’t hungry.

They were happy.

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Ted said:

“There was

a sign, Bill.”

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He also said:


very funny.”


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Soon we in the park, too.were

We were fast and we were

still hungry.

Page 14: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

There a chest in the sandbox.was

It full of bones.wasThere bones for everyone.were

Page 15: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

There a bone for Bob…


…and one for Ted…

… and one for Fred.

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There bones everywhere.were

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The friends never againwere

H U N G R Y!

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NowYOU try!

Page 19: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

were weren’twasn’t

wasn’t werewas

my friends __________ at school, too.

weren’twasn’t were

was weren’twere

They __________ happy, too.

I __________ happy, because

I __________ at school.

I __________ at home yesterday.

wasn’t werewas

Page 20: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

wasn’t werewas

was werewasn’t

He __________ with his dad.

wasn’t weren’twas

was weren’twasn’t

Tom __________ in the playground last week.

wasn’t werewas

He __________ on the swing.

Tom’s mum __________ in the playground.

Tom __________ on the slide.

Page 21: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

wasn’t were weren’t

No, they _______. I ______ with my dog.

Weren’tWas Were

__________ your friends there?

wasn’t werewas

Yes, it __________ great!

Wasn’t WereWas

Really? __________ it good?

wasn’t werewas

I __________ in the park yesterday.

wasn’t werewas

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Page 23: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

CEMP – Centro Educacional Marapendi

Nome: _____________________________________________________ Data: __/__/2020

Professor: ___________ 7o Ano do Ensino Fundamental II Turma: _____

1. Answer the questions below: a. Do you live in a house or an apartment?

b. How many people do you live with?

c. Where do you live?

2. Analyze the images: A. B. C.

D. E. F.

a. Describe each image:

Image A:_______________________

Image B:_______________________

Image C:_______________________

Image D:_______________________

Image E:_______________________

Image F:_______________________

b. Match the numbers to the corresponding word

c. How many floors are there in the house? _______________________________________________________

d. Is there a swimming pool? __________________________________________________________________

e. Is there a living room on the second floor? _____________________________________________________


Page 24: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

3. Answer the questions below based on the text

Page 25: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

CEMP – Centro Educacional Marapendi

Nome: _____________________________________________________ Data: __/__/2020

Professor: Kellen Sampaio 7o Ano do Ensino Fundamental II Turma: _____

A Entrevista é um dos gêneros textuais com função geralmente informativa veiculado, sobretudo, pelos meios de comunicação: jornais, revistas, internet, televisão, rádio, dentre outros. Há diversos tipos de entrevistas dependendo da intenção pretendida: a entrevista jornalística, entrevista de emprego, entrevista psicológica, a entrevista social, dentre outras. Elas podem fazer parte de outros textos jornalísticos, por exemplo, a notícia e a reportagem.

Trata-se de um texto marcado pela oralidade produzido pela interação entre duas pessoas, ou seja, o entrevistador, responsável por fazer perguntas, e o entrevistado (ou entrevistados), quem responde às perguntas. A Entrevista possui uma função social muito importante, sendo essencial para a difusão do conhecimento, a formação de opinião e posicionamento crítico da sociedade, uma vez propõe um debate sobre determinado tema, onde o discurso direto é sua principal característica.

Ou seja, as palavras proferidas pelo entrevistado e o entrevistador são transcritas de maneira fidedigna e, portanto, pode haver muitas marcas de oralidade bem como observações (geralmente entre parênteses) que descrevem as ações de ambos, por exemplo: (risos).

No entanto, é notório um tipo de formalismo nas entrevistas, exposto pela linguagem utilizada entre ambos, com apresentação de um discurso coerente.


Textos informativos e/ou opinativos Presença do entrevistador e do entrevistado Linguagem dialógica e oral Marca do discurso direto e da subjetividade Mescla da linguagem formal e informal

Estrutura Para produzir uma entrevista esteja atento à sua estruturação:

Escolha do Tema A entrevista pode ser um texto em que você vá utilizar para dar consistência a um outro trabalho, ou mesmo, para conhecer melhor o trabalho de outra pessoa.

Seja qual for o tema escolhido, por exemplo, o novo livro do escritor, fica claro que ele deverá comparecer à entrevista.

Elaboração de Roteiro Feito a escolha do tema e do entrevistado, é muito importante a elaboração de um roteiro de forma que o entrevistador o tenha em mãos na hora da entrevista.

Além disso, pesquise, analise e estude sobre o tema, pois como a entrevista garante a presença de alguém, podem surgir outras perguntas durante o processo, a partir das respostas do entrevistador.

O roteiro deverá ter um objetivo claro e ser apresentado em formas de perguntas e cuidado para que não fique muito longo, no entanto, tenha outras perguntas em mente se for necessário.

Gênero textual: entrevista

Page 26: Past Simple -º-an… · Simple Past: Simple Present: Simple Past: positive negative at school yesterday. I He She It was wasn’t We You They were weren’t. questions

Título Se necessário, coloque um título na entrevista. Ele norteará melhor o objetivo delimitando o tema proposto, bem como seduz o leitor à sua leitura. Por exemplo:

Entrevista com Eduardo Pereira: apontamentos sobre sua nova obra.

Se necessário faça uma introdução (que pode ser curta), mas que informe o leitor do que será discutido.

Nesse caso, apresente o assunto que será discutido, bem como o perfil do entrevistado e sua experiência profissional.

Revisão A parte final é tão importante quanto a inicial. Afinal, não adianta ter as ideias e apresentá-las de maneira informal, ou seja, um texto que não abrigue coerência e coesão.