parsitic skin diseases

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  • 8/8/2019 Parsitic Skin Diseases





    Assistant prof .of dermatology


    Scabies is an ectoparasite infestation.

    It is caused by the mite Sarcoptesscabieivariety hominisan obligate human parasite that

    burrows tunnels downwards into the epidermis (not deeper than the stratum granulosum).

    Mites of all developmental stages tunnel into the stratum corneum and deposit faeces behind

    them; the female also lays eggs in the tunnels.

    A photomicrograph of an itch mite (Sarcoptesscabiei).

    Photograph of the mite, S. scabiei, seen on a skin scraping from scabetic patient

    In classic scabies, there are only about 11-12 female mites per case.

    Hypersensitivity of both immediate and delayed types to the mite or its products has been

    implicated in the development of lesions other than burrows.

    Mode of transmission


    -Close person-to-person contact.

    -Sexual intercourse .

    -Fomites may transmit the infection.

    Clinical picture

    Itching : Nocturnal , scratching ..

    The affected sites : Delicate skin as ..

    Morphology of the lesion : poly morphic .

    A scabies burrow under magnification

    Clinical variations of scabies

    1-Scabies incognito .

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    2-Scabies in infants and young children .

    3-Nodular scabies .

    4-Crusted ( Norwegian ) scabies .

    5-Animal scabies .

    Crusted (Norwegian) scabies

    This type represents an abnormal host immune response to the sarcoptesscabiei.The condition

    is primarily seen in the following groups:

    1-The mentally retarded ( Down,s syndrome )

    2-Patients with poor cutaneous sensation ( leprosy ,syringomelia ,and tabesdorsalis . )

    3-Patients with severe systemic diseases ( leukemia diabetes )

    4-Patients with severe immunesuppression.

    Crusted scabies in a patient with no overt immunosuppressive illness

    Photograph of patient with hyperkeratotic rash typical of crusted (Norwegian) scabies.

    Crusted scabies in a patient with claw hand

    from past leprosy.

    Bullous Scabies

    -These scabies can be seen in adults over 65 years of age.

    -There is no linkage to an underlying condition or disease.

    -It can mimic bullous pemphigoid clinically, pathologically,andimmunopathologically.

    Diagnosis of scabies



    Investigations : Scraping

    Complications of scabies

    -Bacterial infections

    - Eczematization

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    Treatment of scabies


    -Drugs : Topical and systemic .

    Topical scabicides

    1-Benzyl benzoate 10% and 25% lotions

    2-Pyrethrins: permethrin 5% cream, lotion

    3-Malathion 05% lotion

    4-Sulphur (precipitated) 210% in petrolatum

    5-Crotamiton 10% cream (Eurax )

    6-Gamma benzene hexachloride 1% cream or emulsion .

    Special care fore Infant------ Pregnant

    Systemic drug for scabies

    Ivermectin. (200 g/kg once and repeated after 1-2 weeks) .


    1-The full benefit becomes evident when

    eradication of scabies in epidemic or endemic situations

    2-in nursing homes and prisons is needed since ivermectin leads to reliable disease control.

    3-Along the same lines, crusted scabies has been effectively treated with ivermectin in adults

    and children, sometimes in combination with topical permethrin.

    Mechanism of action

    Ivermectininterrupts the GABA-induced neurotransmission of many parasites.leading to

    paralysis of the parasites.

    Novel drug

    Recently, the essential oil of the tea tree (Melaleucaalternifolia), containing

    oxygeneticterpenoids, was found to have rapid scabicidal and antibacterial activity.

  • 8/8/2019 Parsitic Skin Diseases


    vaccine development

    The multifunctional enzyme glutathione S-transferase ofS scabieicould represent a specific

    target for vaccination against human scabies.


    Pediculosis is an infestation oflice blood-feeding ectoparasiticinsects of the order

    Phthiraptera. The condition can occur in almost any species of warm-blooded animal (i.e.,

    mammals and birds), including humans.Although "pediculosis" in humans may properly refer to

    lice infestation of any part of the body, the term is sometimes used loosely to refer to

    pediculosiscapitis, the infestation of the human head with the specific head louse.

    Pediculushumanuscapitis () Lice are small gray brown,blood sucking insects which crawl among

    the hairs


    Pediculosis may be divided into the following types

    1- Pediculosiscapitis (Head lice infestation)

    2- Pediculosiscorporis (Pediculosisvestimenti, Vagabond's disease) typhus $relapsing fever

    3- Pediculosis pubis (Crabs) STD

    Pediculosis, or louse infestation, remains a

    worldwide problem. The lice that infest human beings are almost always sucking lice that live in

    close association with the host and lay their eggs on hair shafts or in the seams of clothing

    A and B, Identifying characteristics of a head louse.

    Head louse nit attached to hair shaft

    Identifying characteristics of a crab louse


    Malathion o.5 % lotion

    Anti scabetic drugs