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Expectations from Public Private Partnership such as ABI Bioseed’s perspective Paresh Verma Bioseed Research India Pvt Ltd

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Expectations from Public Private Partnership such as ABI Bioseeds perspectiveParesh Verma Bioseed Research India Pvt Ltd

2. Bioseed

  • Bioseed is part of the DCM Shriram group DSCL
  • Agri-businesses form the core business group in DSCL
  • Two thirds of DSCLs revenue of Rs. 3000 crore comes from Agri-businesses

3. DSCL: Agri inputs Fertilizer plant at Kota 4. DSCL: Sugar Sugar plant in Ajbapur, UP 5. DSCL: Agri retail Haryali Kissan Bazars Agri inputs Agri fuel BankingInformation access Consumer Products Winning customer trust with Quality and Integrity 6. DSCL: Farmer focus Shriram Krishi Vikas Kendras (SKVKs) 7. DSCLs Hybrid SeedBusiness 8. Seed Business

  • Breeding
  • Testing

9. Bioseed: Customer reach 10.

  • Strong breeding
  • programs to develop
  • superior hybrids
  • First seed company
  • to get recognition
  • under sec. 80-IB(8A)
  • of IT Act by DSIR
  • Focus on farmer
  • needs
  • State-of-art
  • infrastructure
  • Strategic Alliances

Bioseed Research Field research station, Philippines Field research station, Hyderabad 11. PPP in Agricultural Research Public sector has strong infrastructure and scientific knowledge base Private sector knows customer requirement and has the focus and resources required to take useful technology to commercialization through product development PPP is a good idea 12. PPPmodels

  • Contract research
  • Knowledge sharing (consulting)
  • Technology licensing / buy out
  • Infrastructure and knowledgesharing (e.g. ABI)
  • Joint technology development
  • Information/knowledge networks

13. Bioseeds experience: Partnership in ICRISATs Agri Business Incubator

  • Partnership started with Bioseeds decision to license-in the technology in cotton
  • We wanted to get started immediately and squeeze the time lines aggressively
  • Development of own infrastructure would have taken time

14. Fast tracking of introgression Spring 2004 Kharif 2007 Nine Bt cotton hybrids based on proprietary genetics approved by GEAC for commercialization 15. Benefits from ABI

  • Jump start on biotechnology projects
  • Access to world class research facilities
  • Access to ICRISATs vast scientific information base and expertise
  • Delayed capital expense in company
  • No risk of carrying idle capacity

16. Bioseeds experience: Partnership with ICGEB

  • Partnership started with Bioseeds decision to develop new traits andtechnology platforms
  • ICGEB has relevant technology at pre-proof of concept stage
  • Bioseed has the capacity to use the potential technology in product development
  • Project is being supported by Govt. of India

17. Bioseeds experience: Partnership with ICRISAT

  • ICRISAT started hybrid parent development consortia
  • Bioseed getting access to unfinished breeding material
  • Bioseed using this material to develop new unique proprietary parental lines
  • Bioseed accessing newly developed material earlier than non-member companies

18. Bioseeds experience: Partnership with IRRI

  • IRRI started Hybrid Rice Development Consortium (HRDC)
  • Bioseed getting access to unfinished breeding material and using this material to develop new unique proprietary parental lines
  • Provision to obtain exclusive rights by auction
  • Bioseed accessing newly developed material earlier than non-member companies

19. Bioseeds experience: Partnership with UNL

  • Partnership with University of Nebraska allows Bioseed to access pre-release breeding material
  • Bioseed is using this material to develop new unique and proprietary parental lines

20. Bioseeds experience: Partnership with CLRRI

  • Scope of partnership is limited to evaluation of hybrids in South Vietnam
  • Bioseed gets very good quality research trial data without having to invest in organization

21. DSCLs experience: Partnership with IRRI/USAID/Gates Foundation

  • Private Sector lead partner in South Asia Cereal Systems Initiative
  • Focus on disseminating technology to farmers
  • Based on the recognition that the research findings in public institutes do not reach the farmer since they are not in touch with end consumers of technology

22. PPP: Status Whilst public-private partnerships offer potentially important opportunities for pro-poor agricultural research, very few examples of successful public-private partnerships have come to light with public sector institutions in developing countries.WHY ? 23. PPP enablers

  • Clear policy framework and guidelines
  • Strong basic research in public sector
  • Vibrant private sector willing to invest inapplied research and take risks
  • Legislative environment conducive to IPRprotection
  • Predictable regulatory process for newtechnology

24. Key success factors

  • Complementarity of partners
  • Professional respect for each other
  • Benefit to both partners
  • Clearly defined roles, milestones and timelines
  • Clarity on Intellectual Property ownership
  • Clarity on Freedom to Operate issues
  • Clarity on benefit sharing

25. AGI BUSINESS INCUBATOR at ICRISAT is an example of a successful model of Public Private Partnernship Weve had too much talk, its time to move some cheese now! 26. Thank You