papa's day


Upload: iska375

Post on 05-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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A tribute to my Papa on Father's Day


Page 1: Papa's day
Page 2: Papa's day
Page 3: Papa's day

Papa,This is your day

Page 4: Papa's day

You w i l l a lways b e a spe c i a l pa r t o f me

Page 5: Papa's day

You w i l l a lways be a

spe c ia l memory

Page 6: Papa's day

I’ l l a lways che r i sh wond e r fu l momen t s you hav e g i v en me

Page 7: Papa's day

You ar e in my whe r e v e r I may be

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Al l th e t imes we sha r e d w i l l

a lways b e t o me

Page 10: Papa's day

Songs my hear t w i l l s i ng

r e f r e sh ing me lody

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I’ l l pu t t oge the r a l l o f your laught e r l ike

a symphony

Page 12: Papa's day

I’ l l r emembe r you , whe r e v e r I may be

Page 13: Papa's day
Page 14: Papa's day

Hi Lolo Boy! This is me Dave. I wish you can

hear me play the piano. You’d be proud of me.

Page 15: Papa's day

Lolo Boy, I hope you remember me. I was

just a little baby when you left. I’m


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Lolo Boy, my name is Dane. We haven’t met but I have always wondered if you will recognize me when you see

me…Deep in my heart I know you will.

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Lolo Boy, I’m Franco. I may not be as good as you in Math, but I’m good in

basketball. You should see me play !

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Lolo Boy, I’m Andrei. I’m your cool and

goodlooking grandson. They say I’m most likely to be a “Chickboy”. Kang

kinsa man ko liwat?

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Hello Lolo Boy! I’m Gabgab, your most handsome grandson because they say I look like you. Need

I say more?

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Lolo Boy, my name is Chinchin. I’m cute and

smart. And if you were here, I’m sure you will love me the


Page 21: Papa's day

We’ l l r emembe r you , whe r e v e r we may be

Page 22: Papa's day

We love you Papa