pacification of pentagon - · pacification of pentagon ... i gulf war vaccine...

PACIFICATION OF PENTAGON News archives edited by John Lee Executive Producer PIRATE NEWS TV SEPTEMBER 911 SURPRISE Knoxville, Tennessee American Airlines Flight 77? LARRY KING'S ANTI - EULOGY FOR BABS OLSON ESQUIRE I UA93 INTENDED FOR PENTAGON? I HUNT THE BOEING I LA PENTAGATE I INCREDIBLE PENTALAWN I GULF WAR VACCINE GENOCIDE I OPERATION SHAD BIOTREASON I OPERATION NORTHWOODS TERROR TREASON I NORTHWOODS DOCUMENTS I BODY OF SECRETS I HISTORY CHANNEL USS LIBERTY I FOX TV X - FILES LONE GUNMEN I FOX TV X - FILES LONE GUNMEN 2 I US MARINE CORPS WTC X - FILES I USAF ROBOT MUSEUM I THE POWER HOUR PENTAGON RADIO NEWS I AA77 LINKS I INFOWARS RADIO & VIDEO Insanity is ramming a Boeing 757 through a 5-foot round hole Boeing 757-200 superimposed on the section of the building that was hit Can you explain what happened to the wings of the aircraft and why they caused no damage? The four upper floors collapsed one hour after impact. The building is 26 yards high Can you explain how a Boeing 14.9 yards high, 51.7 yards long, with a wingspan of 41.6 yards and a cockpit 3.8 yards high could crash into just the ground floor of this building? Page 1 of 23 Pentagon attacked by hijacked airliner? Not! 22/10/2007

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News archives edited by John Lee Executive Producer PIRATE NEWS TV SEPTEMBER 911 SURPRISE Knoxville, Tennessee

American Airlines Flight 77?




Insanity is ramming a Boeing 757 through a 5-foot round hole

Boeing 757-200 superimposed on the section of the building that was hit Can you explain what happened to the wings of the aircraft and why they caused no damage?

The four upper floors collapsed one hour after impact. The building is 26 yards high Can you explain how a Boeing 14.9 yards high, 51.7 yards long, with a wingspan of 41.6 yards and a cockpit 3.8 yards high

could crash into just the ground floor of this building?

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La Pentagate, by Thierry Meysson, FREE complete text download Banned from order in US bookstores!

Animated sequence from gas station security camera Where's the Boeing 757 airliner?

Why is the camera date and time incorrect? Why does the Pentagon refuse to release its own security videos?

Why is the initial blast WHITE like a high explosive incendiary bomb? Why does this security camera not cover the gas station pumps?

Official Testimony by Secretary of

Transportation Norman Mineta

9-11 Commission self-appointed by Bush Jr. White House

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

The Bush Administration claims the terrorists were successful because the U.S. had faulty intelligence, bad luck, and bureaucratic ineptitude, but that isn't true. Vice President Dick Cheney monitored the flight path of Flight 77, the commercial airliner that crashed into the Pentagon. Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta was in the Presidential Emergency Operating Center with Vice President Cheney as American Airlines Flight 77 approached Washington, D.C. Secretary Norman Mineta testified to the 911 Commission on May 23, 2003:

"When I got to the White House, it was being evacuated. . . . Then the Secret Service escorted me down to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, otherwise known as the PEOC. . . . We did not know how many more attacks might be in progress. . . . During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, "The plane is 50 miles out." "The plane is 30 miles out."

And when it got down to "the plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the Vice President, "Do the orders still stand?"

And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?"

Reposted by Dr. Stan Monteith,, Newsletter - February, 2004 Full Transcript at

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al. sued by 9-11 victims' families for terrorism, racketeering and organized crime for perping the 9-11 massacres.

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The 911 "Stand Down Order"

Jerry Russell March 31 2004

Jim Hoffman has discovered a document which I believe may be very important to the 911 skeptic movement. This document superseded earlier DOD procedures for dealing with hijacked aircraft, and it requires that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld is personally responsible for issuing intercept orders. Commanders in the field are stripped of all authority to act. This amazing order came from S.A. Fry (Vice Admiral, US Navy and Director, Joint Staff) so it appears to me that responsibility for the US armed forces "Failure to Respond" rests directly with Fry for issuing this instruction, as well as with Donald Rumsfeld for failing to execute his responsibility to issue orders in a timely fashion.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction CJCSI 3610.01A (dated 1 June 2001) was issued for the purpose of providing "guidance to the Deputy Director for Operations (DDO), National Military Command Center (NMCC), and operational commanders in the event of an aircraft piracy (hijacking) or request for destruction of derelict airborne objects." This new instruction superseded CJCSI 3610.01 of 31 July 1997.

This CJCSI states that "In the event of a hijacking, the NMCC will be notified by the most expeditious means by the FAA. The NMCC will, with the exception of immediate responses as authorized by reference d, forward requests for DOD assistance to the Secretary of Defense for approval."

Reference D refers to Department of Defense Directive 3025.15 (Feb. 18, 1997) which allows for commanders in the field to provide assistance to save lives in an emergency situation -- BUT any requests involving "potentially lethal support" (including "combat and tactical vehicles, vessels or aircraft; or ammunition") must still be approved by the Secretary of Defense. So again, the ability to respond to a hijacking in any meaningful fashion, is stripped from the commanders in the field.

While none of this relieves the Bush Administration from ultimate responsibility from 911, nevertheless there is the possibility that this discovery could somewhat diffuse the power of our movement's message about the "Stand Down", since it is now clear that it was implemented through a routine administrative memo.

If this comes up as an issue at the Washington 911 cover-up commission, it would be interesting if Fry could testify as to the reasoning behind making it bureaucratically impossible for the DOD to respond to hijackings in a timely fashion.

The relevant documents are on the Web at:


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CONspiracy CONfessions

"It's easy to imagine an infinite number of situations where the government might legitimately give out false information. It's an unfortunate reality that the issuance of incomplete information and even misinformation by government may sometimes be perceived as necessary to protect vital interests." —US Solicitor-General Theodore "Ted Bundy" Olson, Jennifer K. Harbury vs. United States, US Supreme Court, 17 March 2002 (Olson's 3rd wife Barbara, an ex-federal prosecutor and CNN pundit, was allegedly murdered on the invisible American Airlines Flight 77 that did NOT crash into the Pentagon). Mrs. Harbury argued her case pro se (without a lawyer) to the US Supreme Court regarding the US CIA torturing and murdering her husband in Central America during Iran-Contra narcoterrorism perped by White House and US government, which the government did not deny. (Iran-Contra treason resulted in dozens of criminal convictions and assassinations of White House staff during the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations.)

"Allow to access your camera and microphone?" —BOEING.COM, Boeing 757, Technical Specifications, "Macromedia Flash Player Settings - Privacy Settings"

"There is no question, there is no doubt what happened that day. And I think it's appalling that anyone might try to put out that kind of myth. I think it's also appalling for anyone to continue to give those sorts of people any kind of publicity." —Department of Defense News Briefing, Pentagon spokesperson Victoria Clarke (now employed by CNN "NEWS"), June 25, 2002

"To even suggest that AA77 did not crash into the Pentagon on September 11 is the ultimate insult to the memory of the 59 men, women and children on AA77 and the 125 dedicated military and civilian workers in the Pentagon who were ruthlessly murdered by terrorists on September 11." —FBI statement, April 2, 2002

"I think even the suggestion of it is ludicrous. And finally, it is just an incredible, incredible insult to the friends and the relatives and the family members of the almost 200 people that got killed here on September 11th and the thousands who were killed in New York." —Department of Defense News Briefing, Victoria Clarke, April 24, 2002

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Pentagon shoots self in foot to bait and switch alibi

Where is the Boeing 757? Why is there no hole in the Pentagon?

"Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filled with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building." —SECDEF Donald Rumsfeld, Pentagon press briefing

"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month." —CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham, editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories, from the book, MOCKINGBIRD — The Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA, and from the article "Tales from the Crypt: The Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's Operation MOCKINGBIRD" by Alex Constantine

"There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows." —Katharine Graham, chairman of the board, The Washington Post Company (inherited after her husband Philip mysteriously died), and member of the "Bilderburger" secret global society

"Without censorship, things can get terribly 'confused' in the public mind." –General William Westmoreland, Commander U.S. forces in South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand Civil War (subserviant to CIA and United Nations (UN) Corporation armies)

"There are no innocent civilians..., so it doesn't bother me so much to be killing innocent bystanders." —General Curtis E. LeMay, US Air Force Chief of Staff (1961 - 1965), Vice Presidential running mate of George Wallace (gunned down), National Journal, 11/26/94

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"Operation Northwoods may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government. Operation Northwoods had called for nothing less than the launch of a secret campaign of terrorism within the United States in order to blame Castro and provoke a war with Cuba." —James Bamford, from Body of Secrets (published April 2001), as seen on the History Channel (USS Liberty attacked by Israel for Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff to blame Egypt)

"Strategic attacks are defined by objective--not by the weapon system employed, munition used, or target location." —Air Force Manual AFM 1-1, Basic Aerospace Doctrine of the United States Air Force, vol. 1, March 1992, 11

The incredible new PENTALAWN repells fire and airplane crashes!

Exclusively tested at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 It even repels aircrash debris!

BTW - Why is there no hole in the Pentagon? Where's that pesky Boeing 757?

"The plane makes the impact at the ground level of the Pentagon. It actually hit the ground just short of the Pentagon [like a truck bomb], and then plowed into the Pentagon almost simultaneously." —NBC-GE-MS reporter, broadcasting the Pentagon's own security camera video of the alleged crash of American Airlines Flight 77. Video either showed no aircraft, or at most a small white business jet (FLASH video of 4 frames). Pentagon's photos below show a large military truck parked beside the Pentagon fire, with its front half exploded away and its rear half on fire as firemen walk calmly past and doing nothing

"It was like a cruise missile with wings, went right there and slammed into the Pentagon," Mike Walter, an eyewitness, told CNN. "Huge explosion, great ball of fire, smoke started billowing out, and then it was just chaos on the highway as people either tried to move around the traffic and go down either forward or backwards." —CNN.COM, "Up to 800 possibly dead at Pentagon", September 12, 2001

Steve Patterson, 43, said he was watching television reports of the World Trade Center being hit when he saw a silver commuter jet fly past the window of his 14th-floor

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apartment in Pentagon City. The plane was about 150 yards away, approaching from the west about 20 feet off the ground, Patterson said. He said the plane, which sounded like the high-pitched squeal of a fighter jet, flew over Arlington cemetary so low that he thought it was going to land on I-395. He said it was flying so fast that he couldn't read any writing on the side. The plane, which appeared to hold about eight to 12 people, headed straight for the Pentagon but was flying as if coming in for a landing on a nonexistent runway, Patterson said. Eyewitness described a small jet aircraft seating a maximum of 12 passengers and crew, NOT an airliner, flying "like a fighter jet" at high speed below treetop level. —News reports reposted on

"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." -Hermann Goering, NAZI Luftwaffe chief of sssstaff, sentenced to death at Nuremburg warcrimes trials, convicted of setting the Reichstag arson (committed suicide)


American Airlines Flight 77, allegedly bound from Dulles Airport in Washington D.C. to Los Angeles International Airport

Mathematical analysis of alleged Pentagon crash and Photos of what REAL crashes look like

Pentagon surveillance cctv 2001/9/11: Here is the fraud!

by Jean-Pierre Desmoulins, planet Earth citizen

French to American translation

Tiny Turbine of Nuke Crusie Missle recovered from Pentagon - Videos and video frames missing from Pentagon evidence:

An officer of NORAD, who doesn't know that there is a conspiracy going on, or who didn't want to get into it, has sent fighters to intercept the two others hijacked planes (flight 93 and flight 77). The two planes are intercepted. They refuse to obey the visual control signals from the fighters. They are shot down. According to some witnesses, both of them in Pensylvania. More probably in the mountains of Virginia for flight 77. An emergency solution has been setup for the case where these planes would be shot down. A small twin engine plane, with a silouette looking like a 757 (and the more if seen from below) has been prepared. Some rumors say it could be a navy's Vicking S3 (dragonfire). Some pieces of body have been

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added or transformed to disguise it at the best, it has been equiped with a distance piloting equipment (global hawk, radio command), has been painted with the colors of American Airlines and loaded with a BROACH type bomb (as in the cruise missile described above, but perhaps greater size). This plane takes off from an airport close to Washington DC (a witness has followed it in sight from this moment up to it's crash). A C 130 flies in the surroundings, with the pilot of this remotely piloted plane on it's board. It follows closely this plane, taking control of the last part of the trajectory on a video monitor. As the evidences that flight 77 didn't crash on the pentagon and that flight 93 was shot down take more and more importance in the media, George Bush and his team want to maintain their official version of the facts, stacking bullshit over bullshit, just to the point where it represents now a huge heap.

Analyses / links

It is possible to have more technical information about the pentagon crash, surfing on the following web sites :

� Analyses of Eric Bart � Killtown � APFN : Complete analysis, lot of links � John MITCHELL's web site : also lot of links � Dulles airport air traffic controllers Note : the witnessing of Danielle O'Brien, controller at Washington Dulles airport, according to which she understood, seeing the arrival of the plane which crashed into the pentagon over Washington DC zone, that it was "one of ours", regarding it's maneuverability, has been taken off the above web site : too precise and compromising !

� The guardian investigation � The power hour � The 757 theory from cctv analysis � Dave McGowan's analysis � Human Underground site � Gerard Holmgren's analysis � Other geometrical analysis

Political arguments can be found on the following sites, much of them being oriented towards a "conspiracy theory" :

� A nasty smell of petrol � Guerilla news � Top 11 unanswered questions � Testimony of Stan Goff, retired US Special Forces Master Sergeant � The skolnicks report � "" web site (in french).

History now enlightens, with strong evidence, that the japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was foreseen, and that the FBI ordered and organized JF Kennedy murder : see the "magic bullet theory" as advanced by Arlen Specter of the Warren Commission. These cases dont push at all people to give any credit to the administration and government of the US. 9/11 attacks and the cover-up which followed it, including the infamous "U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T. ACT",

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are just like a remake of these scandals and push to think that we are facing a new conspiracy and public opinion manipulation from US officials.

Purdue University's simulation of a Boeing 757 crashing into the Pentagon The missile only hit the ground floor

Click graphic for source

Boomerangs, robots and illiterate truck drivers


Col Dennis M. Drew, USAF, Retired Maxwell Air Force Base

In private conversations with the author, Gen Michael Dugan, former Air Force chief of staff, once expressed his frustration over the Air Force's inability to educate its forces on doctrine. Dugan noted that if someone questioned an Army officer on his doctrine, he or she could quote chapter and verse from Army doctrine. Asked the same question, an Air Force officer could tell you when the bar opened at the Officers' Club. Dugan went on to assert that the Air Force was producing what were, in effect, "illiterate truck drivers."

Pentagon Whistleblower targets USAF Chief of Staff Michael Dugan Whistleblower: 1 Chief of Staff: 0

Brainwashing 101: FOX guarding the newshouse - No photos show plane hitting Pentagon in FOX TV story. Photos display wrong time and date

FLIGHT 77: CNN REPORT TODAY Fri Mar 8 00:16:19 2002 From: [email protected] (Patt Latham) To: [email protected]

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Someone must be monitoring your site. Today for the first time, The Pentagon has felt it had to show pictures of a plane ramming their building.

I taped it, as Wolf Blitzer was showing Jamie McIntire's Pentagon pictures allegedly taken off a Pentagon camera. I put it on slow motion and saw no plane. Not only that, it has been 'messed' with. It shows clips. It looks like 3 clips. The same pictures, or shots with Jamie McIntire were shown next on the Moneyline show. The same questions asked with the same answers. Jamie pointing to where you're supposed to see a plane coming along the ground about 2 feet above the ground before it hits the Pentagon. I have yet to see a plane. If there is one, there certainly is not a passenger plane. What it looks like to me is a release of material before an explosion. Like the pressure couldn't hold it any more and spewed it out. This film must have just been doctored for our use. There is no plane in the film. There is not even a semblence of a plane. There only remains the lie.

Patt Latham

Moment of impact at Pentagon

FLASH video sequence of 5 frames

WASHINGTON, March 7 — Never-before-seen photos obtained by NBC News [do NOT] show American Airlines Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon on Sept. 11. NBC's Jim Miklaszewski explains that the sequence of five photos, taken from a Department of Defense security camera, shows the Boeing 757 hitting the ground an instant before it plows into the building and explodes in a deadly fireball. The crash left 189 people dead, including 59 victims and five hijackers who were aboard the aircraft.

Photos Show [Tiny] Plane Hitting Photos Show [Tiny] Plane Hitting Photos Show [Tiny] Plane Hitting Photos Show [Tiny] Plane Hitting

Pentagon on Sept. 11Pentagon on Sept. 11Pentagon on Sept. 11Pentagon on Sept. 11

Friday, March 08, 2002 FOX TV

WASHINGTON — A series of photos has surfaced that show the moment a hijacked

Pentagon security cam displayed wrong time and date and failed to show any aircraft - Not released by government until March 2002 after French website reported American Airlines Flight 77 did not exist (see below)

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American Airlines plane slammed into the Pentagon last Sept. 11.

The photos were taken by a surveillance camera positioned north of the section of the Pentagon destroyed by the impact and the resulting explosion and fire.

The images cover a span of four one-hundredths of a second. The first photo shows a small, blurry white object near the upper right corner — possibly the plane just a few feet above the ground. The second shows a white glow immediately after the impact. In the remaining photos, a mountain of orange fire and black smoke rises above the building.

The photographs were not officially released by the Pentagon, but officials said the images were authentic and had been provided to law enforcement officials investigating the attack. The photographs were obtained Thursday by The Associated Press and other news organizations.

Officials could not immediately explain why the date typed near the bottom of each photograph is Sept. 12 and the time is written as 5:37 p.m. The attack happened at about 9:37 a.m. on Sept. 11. Officials said it was possible that the date and time were added the day after the attack when they may have been catalogued for investigative purposes.

Workers May Have Pentagon Repaired by Sept. 11 Next Year

Workers are rebuilding the Pentagon so quickly that by Sept. 11, Defense Department employees may be working at the spot where a hijacked airliner crashed into the building a year earlier.

"We want them sitting at their desks, doing their work" on the anniversary of the attack, said Walker Lee Evey, program manager of the restoration project.

The back-in-business symbolism of that image inspires hundreds of workers laboring long hours to restore the Pentagon's western flank and the offices inside. So far, the project is months ahead of schedule, Evey said.

"They have tremendous motivation," Evey said Thursday. "Some lost family members" in the crash."

"The Phoenix Project" is already rising fast, but Evey is careful to say that the work will be far from finished by the tragedy's anniversary [named for Operation Phoenix - Pentagon/CIA's infamous assassination operation during Vietnam War that murdered 60,000 of America's allies and has now resurrected to mass-murder Americans on american soil].

Unlike the outermost "E Ring," home to the offices of the most senior Defense Department employees, the "C" and "D" rings that also were damaged will likely not be completed by Sept. 11, he said.

That could happen as early as next year, when the new facade will blend seamlessly with the original, near an outdoor memorial planned by the Army Corps of Engineers.

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Evidence of recovery has edged out signs of disaster.

Gone from the western flank is the jagged hole of blackened concrete ripped open by a rogue jetliner traveling 350 mph, six feet above the ground. In its place is a 100-yard-wide rectangular gap partly filled with five stories of floors in various states of construction. Looming overhead are two 140-foot-tall cranes.

Pentagon officials did not predict such quick progress given the damage and the unique challenges facing rebuilders of the massive building.

American Airlines Flight 77 and its 20,000 gallons of fuel spread destruction, fire and death over 2 million square feet, killing 189 people in the plane and on the ground.

The fire was so hot, Evey said, that it turned window glass to liquid and sent it spilling down walls into puddles on the ground. The impact cracked massive concrete columns far beyond the impact site, destabilizing a broader section of the building than contractors had originally thought.

Several challenges confronted the contractors. Poisonous mold in kaleidoscopic colors climbed the interior walls, fed by millions of gallons of water that had been sprayed at the fire over two days. Gloved, gas-masked workers pumped hot, dry air trough the windows to remove it.

New security measures — from fortifying the structure's windows and walls to improving air flow, sprinklers and escape routes — drove up the price from around $700 million to about $740 million, Evey said. [Original expense to build the entire Pentagon during World War 2 was $50-million.]

And a few employees faced, then cleared, the more personal hurdle of putting a grinding sadness behind them and digging into the renovation.

"Sept. 11 was Sept. 11; It's in the past," Evey said. "Our eyes are all on the future."

A month and a day after demolition began on Oct. 18, workers had cleared a huge rectangular hole down to the concrete floor four weeks ahead of schedule. They filled spiral support columns with concrete to strengthen the structure against future attacks. Workers are now completing the fifth and final floor and preparing to begin work making the new exterior walls match the originals, Evey said.

Of the 4,600 Pentagon workers who were displaced by the attack, some 1,500 are back in their offices while others work elsewhere in the Pentagon or in rented space.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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White hot flame indicates explosives and high-temp incendiary bomb that burns without oxygen

NOT burning kerosine jet fuel which only burns under high pressure inside a jet engine

April Fools - NOT!

US invented air attack on Pentagon, claims French book

Jon Henley in Paris Monday April 1, 2002 The Guardian

A "bizarre" book claiming that the plane that ploughed into the Pentagon on September 11 never existed, and that the US establishment itself was at the heart of the New York and Washington attacks, has shot to the top of the French bestseller lists to indignation on both sides of the Atlantic.

The Frightening Fraud [L'Effroyable Imposture], by Thierry Meyssan, sold out its original run of 20,000 copies within two hours of going on sale [at one


"We've sold 2,500 copies in 10 days, when a blockbuster novel sells maybe 1,500 in a month," a spokesman at Fnac Les Halles, one of France's biggest bookshops, said. "It's a phenomenon."

Mr Meyssan's conspiracy theory argues that American Airlines flight 77, which killed 189 people when it smashed into the headquarters of the US defence department, did not exist, and that the whole disaster was a dastardly plot dreamed up and implemented by the US government.

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The French media has been quick to dismiss the book's claims, despite the fact that Mr Meyssan is president of the Voltaire Network, a respected independent thinktank whose left-leaning research projects have until now been considered models of reasonableness and objectivity.

"This theory suits everyone - there are no Islamic extremists and everyone is happy. It eliminates reality," said Le Nouvel Observateur, while Libération called the book "The Frightening Confidence Trick... a tissue of wild and irresponsible allegations, entirely without foundation."

A Pentagon spokesman, Glen Flood, said the book was "a slap in the face and real offence to the American people, particularly to the memory of victims of the attacks". He said he had not read it and had no intention of doing so.

Mr Meyssan's argument, which started out as a rumour on the internet and has risen to prominence largely thanks to the author's reputation and chatshow appearances, suggests that the plane could not have existed because eye-witness statements are contradictory, there are suspiciously few photographs of the catastrophe and none of them shows any wreckage. Even the rescue workers' accounts, published on the Pentagon website, are not convincing, he says.

He also asks why the facade of the Pentagon did not immediately collapse from the shock of the impact, and questions the fate of the plane's passengers. "What became of the passengers of American Airlines flight 77? Are they dead?"

Both Libération and Le Monde set out to disprove his theory, tracking down photographs that do show debris, and speaking to victims' relatives.

But Le Monde admitted that the information made public by Washington did not entirely add up. "There is no official account of the crash. The lack of information is feeding the rumour," it complained.

Special report on the events of September 11 at

READ OR DOWNLOAD THE ENTIRE UPDATED FOLLOWUP BOOK FOR FREE - MOST BOOKSTORES CENSOR AND OFFICIALLY BLACKLIST THESE BOOKS AND REFUSE TO ORDER THEM FOR CUSTOMERS - The French newspapers which disparaged it concentrated their attacks on the first chapter devoted to the attack of the Pentagon. In the absence of arguments to defend the official version, they blamed the credibility and the sincerity of the author, Thierry Myesson, then the intelligence of the readers. View Myesson's photo by photo analysis at the Pentagon at HUNT THE BOEING.

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Round punched hole in C RING of Pentagon

Cruise missile has armor piercing steel and "depleted" radioactive uranium nose Boeing 757 has a plastic radome nose

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Question: "That seems to indicate that it came to rest in ring C, the nose cone." Evey: "The plane actually penetrated through the ... E ring, D ring, C ring. The nose of the plane just barely broke through the inside of the C ring, so it was extending into A-E Drive a little bit. So that's the extent of penetration of the aircraft." -DoD News Briefing on Pentagon Renovation (((9/15/01)


Note fireman standing to right of turbine, visible from waste down only Rolls Royce Turbine at Pentagon is less than two feet in diameter

BOEING.COM - BOEING 757/767 Family

Boeing 757 Pratt & Whitney engine rotor fan is 10 feet diameter and its exhaust turbine stages are 5 feet diameter

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Does this look like the same size as Rolls Royce engine found at the Pentagon?

Strange how this tiny shred of scrap metal is so far away from the hole in the wall

Just like it exploded outward and backward from a truck bomb And it seems to be the only debris UNTIL LATER AFTER "CLEANUP" BEGINS

CIA planting/hiding evidence of cruise missile debris at Pentagon

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CIA hiding evidence and/or planting debris at Pentagon


Midget powerlifters on steroids or carbon fiber Global Hawk cruise missile Hiding evidence and/or planting debris at Pentagon

NORAD Ran Eerie Plane Drills - Pentagon, WTC

among imagined targets

NORAD had drills of jets as weapons

By Steven Komarow and Tom Squitieri USA TODAY (BANNER HEADLINE) April 18/19, 2004

WASHINGTON — In the two years before the Sept. 11 attacks, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted exercises simulating what the White House says

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was unimaginable at the time: hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass casualties.

In a third scenario, the target was the Pentagon — but that drill was not run after Defense officials said it was unrealistic, NORAD and Defense officials say.

NORAD, in a written statement, confirmed that such hijacking exercises occurred. It said the scenarios outlined were regional drills, not regularly scheduled continent-wide exercises.

"Numerous types of civilian and military aircraft were used as mock hijacked aircraft," the statement said. "These exercises tested track detection and identification; scramble and interception; hijack procedures; internal and external agency coordination and operational security and communications security procedures."

A White House spokesman said Sunday that the Bush administration was not aware of the NORAD exercises. But the exercises using real aircraft show that at least one part of the government thought the possibility of such attacks, though unlikely, merited scrutiny.

On April 8, the commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks heard testimony from national security adviser Condoleezza Rice that the White House didn't anticipate hijacked planes being used as weapons.

On April 12, a watchdog group, the Project on Government Oversight, released a copy of an e-mail written by a former NORAD official referring to the proposed exercise targeting the Pentagon. The e-mail said the simulation was not held because the Pentagon considered it "too unrealistic."

President Bush said at a news conference Tuesday, "Nobody in our government, at least, and I don't think the prior government, could envision flying airplanes into buildings on such a massive scale."

The exercises differed from the Sept. 11 attacks in one important respect: The planes in the simulation were coming from a foreign country.

Until Sept. 11, NORAD was expected to defend the United States and Canada from aircraft based elsewhere. After the attacks, that responsibility broadened to include flights that originated in the two countries.

But there were exceptions in the early drills, including one operation, planned in July 2001 and conducted later, that involved planes from airports in Utah and Washington state that were "hijacked." Those planes were escorted by U.S. and Canadian aircraft to airfields in British Columbia and Alaska.

NORAD officials have acknowledged that "scriptwriters" for the drills included the idea of hijacked aircraft being used as weapons.

"Threats of killing hostages or crashing were left to the scriptwriters to invoke creativity and broaden the required response," Maj. Gen. Craig McKinley, a NORAD official, told the 9/11 commission. No exercise matched the specific events of Sept. 11, NORAD said.

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"We have planned and executed numerous scenarios over the years to include aircraft originating from foreign airports penetrating our sovereign airspace," Gen. Ralph Eberhart, NORAD commander, told USA TODAY. "Regrettably, the tragic events of 9/11 were never anticipated or exercised."

NORAD, a U.S.-Canadian command, was created in 1958 to guard against Soviet bombers.

Until Sept. 11, 2001, NORAD conducted four major exercises a year. Most included a hijack scenario, but not all of those involved planes as weapons. Since the attacks, NORAD has conducted more than 100 exercises, all with mock hijackings.

NORAD fighters based in Florida have intercepted two hijacked smaller aircraft since Sept. 11. Both originated in Cuba and were escorted to Key West in spring 2003, NORAD said.

"The National Law Enforcement and Security Institute will be holding a conference called 'Homeland Security: America's Leadership Challenge' in Chicago on 6 Sept 2002. The star speaker is Rudolph Giuliani. One of the other speakers is CIA man John Fulton. Here is the crucial sentence from the promotional literature for the conference: 'On the morning of September 11th 2001, Mr. Fulton and his team at the CIA were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building.' NLSI website confesses:'America's Mayor' Rudy Giuliani will lead the day with his presentation 'Leadership in Difficult Times', followed by the amazing story of Captain Dennis Fitch and the crew of United Airlines Flight 232. Mike Zafirovski of Motorola, Inc. speaks about Personal Security & Public Safety Technology.' John Fulton's 25 years in the intelligence community has contributed to his recognition as an expert in risk & threat response analysis, scenario gaming, and strategic planning. He is on staff for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), currently serving as Chief of the Strategic War Gaming Division of the National Reconnaissance Office, and as a member of U.S. Joint Forces Command's Project Alpha - a prestigious "think tank" for advanced concepts related to such issues as homeland security. He formerly served as the mission director for our nation's satellite imagery program as well as replacing Army Astronaut Same Gemar as the Director of the National Security Space Master Plan for the U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence Space Communities under the auspices of the Deputy UnderSecretary of Defense (Space). His counter-terrorism and homeland security responsibilities include advising the Director Central Intelligence Staff for Homeland Security, the U.S. Marshall's Office, and collaboration with the National Security Council. In the private sector Fulton has developed a number of patents related to positioning, 'smart GPS' applications, communications, and audio/video technology. He oversees the development of public & personal safety applications of these capabilities through SafeSTAR projects, and contributes to the strategic planning and conceptual design of the SafeSTAR Homeland Security Command Center." —National Law Enforcement and Security Institute, reposted by The Memory Hole, "On 9/11, CIA Was Running Simulation of a Plane Crashing into a

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"Mayor Giuliani — a former federal prosecutor who won notice for 'pursuing' the Mafia — had relatives linked to organized crime, including a mobbed-up cousin who was gunned down by FBI agents in 1977, a new book says. Lewis D'Avanzo, a son of the mayor's uncle and a guest at Giuliani's first wedding in 1968, was a 'ruthless and widely feared mob associate' who headed a massive stolen car ring, according to FBI documents and interviews detailed in Rudy! An Investigative Biography of Rudolph Giuliani, by Village Voice senior editor Wayne Barrett. Due in stores next week, the book sketches a largely unflattering portrait of the clan, depicting his father, Harold, as a hothead and the "muscle" behind a brother-in-law's loansharking operation, run out of a Brooklyn bar. Along with cracking heads, it says the mayor's father served time in state prison for a stickup, rarely held an on-the-books job and once was a gunman in a mob shootout in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. According to the book, Giuliani's cousin Lewis D'Avanzo was known as "Steve the Blond" and listed as armed and dangerous in FBI bulletins. His criminal record included a 10-year federal sentence for the armed hijacking of a truck loaded with $240,000 worth of mercury. The book alleges that he was suspected of taking part in several murders. D'Avanzo was gunned down by the FBI in October 1977, when he tried to run down an agent after being stopped on a warrant that accused him and two associates of transporting 100 stolen luxury cars. Quoting an unnamed friend of D'Avanzo, the book describes a 1962 shootout pitting a local mobster against the mayor's father and Leo D'Avanzo, Lewis D'Avanzo's father. The book says Leo was later sanctioned by mob bosses for shooting at a Mafia member. Leo D'Avanzo, who was known in family circles as a black sheep, ran loansharking and gambling operations out of a Brooklyn bar where Giuliani's father worked as a bartender. In his role as debt collector, his father 'broke legs, smashed kneecaps, crunched noses.' Joan Ellen D'Avanzo, a cousin who at one time lived with Giuliani when he was a youngster, became a drug addict who was beaten to death in 1973 at age 34. Her cause of death was listed as undetermined, but several family members said she was murdered." —MICHAEL R. BLOOD, New York Daily News, "Rudy's Kin Tied to Mob", July 06, 2000

"Did the U.S. government really pay the Mafia protection money during World War II? At the beginning of WWII, America wasn't yet fighting, but her support for the Allies was clear. The 1941 Lend-Lease Act enabled FDR to ship weapons and essential materials to England. But were U.S. harbors being watched? In 1942, fire broke out on The Normandie, a luxury liner turned troop carrier. Was it Nazi sabotage? Decades later, Lucky Luciano claimed the Mafia had burnt The Normandie, and in the aftermath struck a protection deal with the government to prevent further 'Nazi sabotage'. An anonymous interviewee supports Lucky Luciano's story that the mob torched the Normandie. An archival interview with J. Edgar Hoover offers one take on this extraordinary assertion. Modern scholars examine the evidence of wartime ties between the Mob and the government. Officially, the cause was negligence. Unofficially, the authorities suspected it was the

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act of Nazi saboteurs. But when the ocean liner Normandie--recently converted to a troop carrier--caught fire in New York Harbor, the government had to take steps to prevent such setbacks in the future. For decades, rumors have persisted that one of the steps they took was to 'hire' the Mafia to make sure no additional 'accidents' happened. Of course, that looks suspiciously like a famously successful Mafia business model, and there are some who believe that the Normandie fire was actually a shakedown. In fact, Lucky Luciano is said to have boasted as much. Could this really be true? Did the government enlist help from the least likely of sources--and under duress--from an underground enemy? with testimony from military scholars, Mafia experts and an intriguing anonymous eyewitness to the Normandie fire, DEAD MEN'S SECRETS explores one of the most intriguing myths of America during WWII." —, "Dead Men's Secrets: America and the Mob: Wartime Friends", Item Number: AAE-43942

1942, Feb 9 - Normandie burned and sank in New York Harbor during its conversion to an Allied trip transport ship. It was once regarded as most elegant ocean liner ever built. (MC, 2/9/02) 1942, Feb 10 - The former French liner Normandie capsized in New York Harbor a day after it caught fire while being refitted for the U.S. Navy. (AP, 2/10/97) —Timeline of New York City: 1900-1949

"It was the Second World War that set Charlie Luciano free from jail. By 1942, German U-boats had sunk over almost 70 vessels, mainly freighters carrying valuable and essential cargo en route to and from New York to the war effort in Europe. The attacks were exact and final, and it appeared that the Nazis knew every attacked ship's schedule and freight. Naval Intelligence suspected that German and Italian spies were operating along the New York docks and approached Manhattan District Attorney Frank Hogan in order to get connected to Genovese, who controlled the docks, and enlist them in the fight. It was a huge mistake. Sensing the importance of the subject, the Mafia actually created their own sabotage by sinking, in February of 1942, the French luxury liner Normandie, at its berth on a west side pier. The work was apparently carried out by Albert Anastasia on Lucky Luciano's orders. The sinking made international headlines and the Navy placed all its efforts into securing the dock. Its agents, through the District Attorney's Office, contacted Joseph 'Socks' Lanza, a semi-literate hood who controlled the Fulton Fish Market, then the biggest fish wholesale outlet in North America. Lanza agreed to cooperate and offered to help Naval Intelligence agents infiltrate the market and set up listening and communications devices in fishing boats, however, he said, he could only offer to help, he couldn't actually do it. In order to put the plan to work, Lanza said he would need a direct order from the Boss, Lucky Luciano himself and that order would only come with a price. The price was freedom for Lucky Luciano, who was moved from Dannemora, at the extreme northwest east corner of New York State, to Sing Sing Prison, which is about an hour and a half outside of Manhattan. There, at a meeting attended by Costello, Lansky, and Haffenden and a representative

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of Dewey's office, a deal was hammered out. It was agreed that, in return for his help, Charlie would get his parole at the war's end, but also that he had to accept deportation, voluntarily, back to Sicily. On January 3, 1946, Thomas E. Dewey, the onetime racket-busting D.A. who had jailed Luciano in the first place, was now the Governor of New York and he detested his next move, a move that Naval Intelligence had forced him into. That afternoon, Dewey signed an executive order declaring that Charlie Luciano would be set free on parole to his birthplace in Sicily. The country was shocked, and for those not in the know, which was virtually everyone in the world, the whole affair smelled like political corruption." —John William Tuohy,, "The Short Return of Charlie Lucifer (Part 1)", July 2001

"The era of the 1920s had taught organized crime leaders the value of strong political connections and the disadvantages of internecine warfare, but it was not until the 1930s that Lucky Luciano (with Mafia connections) and Louis Lepke Buchalter created a tight interstate criminal organization called the Syndicate. It included many crime figures from all over the country in an invisible government, apportioning territorial boundaries, allocating the profits from crime, and punishing those who violated their decrees. The notorious Murder, Inc. enforced Syndicate decisions. With the trial and the conviction of Luciano, the smashing of Murder, Inc., and the execution of Buchalter, organized crime in the United States appeared to be ended. Luciano was eventually released from prison and deported to Italy, allegedly for services rendered on the New York waterfront during World War II; there, he was reputedly connected with the international drug trade." —, "The Syndicate", The Expanded Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Copyright© 2003. Columbia University Press


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