outreach ministry for jesus christ ~ volume one

Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ The Power Of Speaking Positive! Think Generational What Legacy Are You Building For Your Children? Are we willing to give our lives for God? Will we trust God and stay faithful to His Word? Inspirational Poetry, Life Stories, Encouraging Words And More www.outreachministryforchrist.org

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Page 1: Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ ~ Volume One

Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ

The Power Of Speaking Positive!

Think Generational What Legacy Are You Building For Your Children?

Are we willing to give our lives for God? Will we trust God

and stay faithful to His Word?

Inspirational Poetry, Life Stories, Encouraging Words And More www.outreachministryforchrist.org

Page 2: Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ ~ Volume One


I dedicated this entire book to Jesus Christ.

I owe my entire life to Jesus. Without Him I wouldnot be here today.

Without God, I would not know what real Love is.

God has given me His Spirit, His peace, His joy,His blessings, and so much more!

I love Jesus Christ with my whole heart. He ismy everything and I will forever give Him

all the Glory for my life!

I am forever grateful to God~

Page 3: Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ ~ Volume One

LaShunda Nickles, Founder & Youth Pastor

Materials written in this book is rightfully owned bySelf-publisher, LaShunda Nickles unless otherwise noted.

Scriptures marked ESV are taken from the English Standard Bible. Scriptures marked KJV are taken from the King James Version Holy Bible.Scriptures marked NIV are taken from the New International Version Bible.

Email: [email protected]

Copyright © 2014 by LaShunda NicklesAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic

form without permission.

Volume One: [April] [2014]Printed in the United States of America

www.outreachministryforchrist.org www.lashundanickles.org

Page 4: Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ ~ Volume One


My Life Through God's Eyes Things To Think About

The Power Of Speaking Positive *

What Legacy Are We Building For Our Children? (Think Generational)The Favor Of God

Lord Remember Me As I Pray This Is For You

*God's Grace And Favor

I Was Missing Something In My LifeSomething To Remember

The Dream*

The VisionAn Encouraging Word

Be Yourself!Never Give Up

*30 Day Christianity Challenge

30 Day Positive Speaking Challenge30 Day Goal Setting Challenge30 Day Forgiveness Challenge

*I Am Who I Am

Are We Willing To Take Up Our Cross And Follow Jesus*

Page 5: Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ ~ Volume One

My Life ThroughGod's Eyes

Often times, we are more focused on our circumstances rather than on what God is doing behind the scenes. I grew up in a very traditional environment. I faced many challenges in my life and I honestly thought that God was angry with me.

As a child, I was told that I would never amount to anything. There were many negative things that were spoken in my life. I grew up believing these things. To make matters worse, I was molested several times as a child and raped when I was a teenager. I attempted suicide several times in my life. I basically gave up in life.

During this time, I did not see what God saw. God saw the opportunity of making me. I now understandwhy I have faced challenges in my life. Because of the negative things that were spoken in my life, I now have unbelievable faith in God for my life. I trust God fully in everything I do. I know how to reverse any negative words and thoughts into what God said about my life. I would have never been able to walk with this much faith in my life, if I did not go through the negative speaking in my life at a young age.

Honestly, there are so many children who are being molested today. There are so many victims of rape. The truth is, we live in a world of sin where bad things happen. I now use the molestation and rape as astrength in my life. I am sure that you are probably saying that this sounds crazy, but it's true.

I am now able to help many people who have faced molestation and rape. My story has given so many people hope and strength. Regardless of what you have been through, I am here to tell you that your life will get better.

I want you to began speaking blessings into yourlife. You don't have to give up on life and you arenot defined by your past. The enemy has lied to usfor so many years, but now it is time to take astand in our lives. I know that all things work outfor the good, because I am a living witness to it.

Many people tell me that I am a strong individual.I realized that the strength and power I have comes from God. Through my circumstances, I havelearned to completely lean on God. My entire life, my entire heart, my whole mind and soul all belongsto God.

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God has a plan in effect for my ENTIRE life.

I am willing to line up today with God's purpose and plan for my life.

I will feel energized, satisfied and encouraged each day.

I have the joy of the Lord in my heart and his peace rests upon me.

All things are POSSIBLE with God.

I will not put a limit on God starting today.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made in the Lord.

God has given me everything I need to carry out his plan for my life.

I shall love and pray a righteous prayer for EVERYONE.

I will quickly forgive those who mistreated me.

I will not let NOTHING nor anyone separate me from God.

I will continue to seek God's face.

I will set a special time apart each day to spend with God.

I will hold on to God's promises for my life.

I will not give up, because God has not given up on me.

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The Power Of Speaking Positive

When God Speak Into Your Life, It Has To Come To Pass! Stand On God's Word And Believe In His Promises. Everything Will Happen In His Timing. Keep In Mind That God Is An On time God And He Loves You Unconditionally.

There is power in the words we speak! Speak blessings over your life

and know that God is always in control. I speak that everything in your life is working out for your good! God has a great plan for your life and I speak it in the name of Jesus! Lord you have opened doors that no person nor anything can shut! Speak opportunities and success in your present and future life!

I speak that you have walked in your new season according to God's plans for your life. I speak against every fear, doubt and worry and replace it with God's peace, love and joy. The Lord is your strength, your strong tower, your shield and through HIM, you are more than a conquer!

I boldly speak God's blessings over your life!

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What Legacy are we building for our children?Think Generational

What Legacy are we building for our children? Our children are our future. It is up to us to show them the right way by being an example of who

God has called us be. Walk into your destiny today so that our children can follow. Teach them the importance of having

God in their lives.

Be strong and courageous in the Lord! Embrace your destiny and potential in Him. You are a child of God! You have been called

anointed by our almighty God!

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The Favor Of God When God rains His favor on us, nothing and no one can get in the way. In the Old Testament of the Bible, the story of Esther (The Book Of Esther), He allowed her to find favor in the king's eyes simply because He had a greater purpose/plan for her.

Although the enemy tried to use two men to assassinate the king, God allowed Mordecai to see what the two men was planning. When Mordecai revealed their plan to kill the king, the two men were stopped in their evil planning.

I want you to know that God is raining favor on you and no matter what evil plans the enemy may have for you, He will shield you

with His favor. The enemy will use whatever and whoever he can to destroy you, but know that God has a greater purpose/plan for your life! He has already wrote the story for your life! He has promised His blessings to all His people! I encourage you to keep the faith and keep pushing forward!

Starting today, Thank Him for His Favor over your life. Speak blessings in your life and rejoice forevermore. I believe I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me! Thank God for the wonderful people He is bringing across your path. Enjoy being who God has made you to be. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the Lord. Continue to using your uniqueness and gifts for God.

All things are possible with God and I am grateful. I serve a God that is much greater than anything else. It is so amazing to know that I serve a God who does not shutdown! God is continuing blessing me and my family each day, and doors of opportunities are constantly being opened!

Please know that God will never leave you nor forsake you. He is an ON TIME GOD! Walk in faith and continue to trust Him through it all. God is bigger than your circumstances.

No more excuses, circumstances, people who are not for me, and negativity will no longer hold me back. I am running my race with God on my side. I will fulfill my full potential for God. His Will shall be done in my life. I am standing my ground! I will accomplish all that God has for me to do! God is removing every stumbling block out of my way! I am on fire for Jesus!

Walk in the favor of God for your life~

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Lord Remember Me As I PrayWritten By: LaShunda Nickles

Lord, remember me as I pray~ I pray that you are in my heart to stay~

Lord, fill us with your love~Send down your Spirit from up above~

It does not take a special time,To make a brand new start~

It only takes the deep desire,To try with all our heart~

Whatever the road may hold,That we must walk today~

May your blessings be among us,Each and everyday~

Lord, you are the only one,Who shed your blood for me~

Lord, you are the only one,Who died to set us free~

I lift my hands to you,For you are the truth and the light~

Lord, you are the one,Whose the shelter of my life~

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This is for you (You know who you are)~

You are not here by accident. You are here to accomplish God's purpose that has been assigned just for you. Stop believing and entertaining the negativity in your life. Never settle for less than

God's best for your life.

You may have been through some hard things in life, but never lose hope. All things will work together for your good. Believe that you are an amazing, inspiring, loving and gifted person of God. You have been wonderfully and fearfully made by God. God did not make any mistakes

when He made you.

From this day forward, forgive your past, forgive those who treated you badly and most

important, forgive yourself. God knows that we are not perfect. This is why He has given His life for us so that we can be forgiven. God has given you the gifts of peace, joy, love, grace and so much more. You are here to accomplish a work that God has assigned to you. Follow God's plans for your life and freely experience the joy, peace and love that God has in-stored just for you.

When someone criticizes your success in life, your accomplishments, your walk with God or anything in your life that you have chosen to better yourself, simply smile and say God Bless You. These people are NOT tied to your destiny. They are only in your life for a short period of time to push you forward.

Instead of getting upset or feeling hurt, use every criticism as a tool to do your very best. Often times, God allows us to go through things with certain people in order to bring out the best in us. Never give others power over your feelings. Maintain who God has called you to be!

I encourage you to keep your eyes on God and to keep moving forward. No one can get in the way of your destiny unless you allow them. Stay true to who you are in God and allow God to rain His favor on you!

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God's Grace And Favor“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves,

it is a gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9, NIV).

Grace means to get something that we do not deserved. It is unmerited favor from God. God's greatest act of grace is the gift of salvation that is available to all people. The scripture clearly states that it is not by our own works. Grace is a gift from God. Human goodness is nothing compared to God's goodness. Throughout the Bible, God's grace and favor was among many of the people. For example, In the Book of Esther,

“The king loved Esther more than all the women, and she won grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins, so that he set the royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of

Vashti.” (Esther 2:17, ESV).

Esther came from a background where she was a Jew and an orphan. During those times, it was impossible for anyone with Esther's background to become queen. However, because of the works of God by giving her grace and favor, she was made queen. It is not about the the works of human, it is all about the works of God.

“Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said tome, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

(2 Corinthians 12:8-9, ESV).

We do not deserved the grace of God through salvation, however, because His love for all people are unconditionally, His grace shines through our weaknesses. We must understand that human goodness are weakness. It takes the grace of God through salvation to makes us strong. It is by His power and not our own. While it is true that God has made His grace available to all people, we have to make a choice to come to Jesus and receive His gift of grace. We must make the choice to come to God and receive His gift of salvation.

“For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law,

although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of

the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”

(Romans 3:20-24, ESV).

We all have sinned and has fallen short of God's glory. Because of the love of God for all people, He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ so that we may have salvation through God. The grace of God is an unconditional love for all people. Human goodness has no comparison to God's goodness. We are not justified by our own works, we are justified by the grace of God through Jesus Christ. Salvation is saving our souls from sin. We are redeemed through Jesus Christ. God's gift of grace and salvation is through love and His desire to have us with Him.

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I Was Missing Something In My Life

I will never be able to explain to you~Of all the things that Life put me through~

The pain, the hurt, the tears, the fears~Would seem to follow me throughout the years~

I couldn't understand the trials I faced~The heartaches and pain and dreams erased~

It wasn't until I heard God speak~He said, "My face, ye must seek"~

"To trust Him, love Him and give Him my all"~For all along, my name He call~

He said, "Come to me, for I am here"~"I have never left you, I'm always near"~

I began to cry about my trouble~God said, "For your troubles, I'll give you double"~

"Double Blessings, peace, joy and love"~"Just set your affections on ME above"~

I was missing - something in my life~What I was missing was JESUS CHRIST~

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Something To Remember

You don't know my walk, but yet you judge me.

You haven't made it there yourself, but yet you are trying to lead me there.

You already wrote the story for my life, but yet you did not predestine my life.

You say I am weak through my struggles, but yet I'm stronger in Jesus.

You say I will never amount to anything, but yet I have achieved more than I expected.

You said NO, but GOD said YES!

You hated me all my life, but yet I pray for you.

You lied on me and stabbed me in the back, but yet I am able to stand.

Let me explain it to you. All the times you thought you were fighting against me, you were fighting against God. You see I gave my life to God and placed it in His hands. He is in the driver's seat of my life. So every time you try to form a weapon against me, God did not allow it to prosper. No matter

what you say and do, God will always have the last word. HIS WILL shall be done regardless of what the situation may look like. I found a TRUE LOVE in my life and His name is Jesus Christ.

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The DreamThere are going to be some people who will disagree with this. First I would like to say to always respect and honor your leader/leaders.

I had a dream where I saw several leaders leading out many followers. They were teaching the Word of God and living the Word of God. However, the followers had their eyes on their leaders instead of God. They depended on their leaders to get them out of everything. They asked their leaders for prayers for every situation but did not go to God themselves.

In the middle of this, there were different leaders teaching the Word of God. All of a sudden, there was a great extremely loud noise upon the earth. The stars began to fall from the sky which cause many explosions. Everyone ran with fear in their hearts. The followers began to call out to their leaders for help, however, the leaders was in the same boat as they were. The leaders was unable to help them, because they were busy trying to save themselves.

The Word of God says to work out our own salvation and to set our affection on the things above. Ask yourself this question, "When Jesus comes back, will I be ready?" We have to get to know God for ourselves. No one can get us into heaven. The leader's job is to be watchmen over his/her followers and to pray for their souls. The leader's job is the teach the Word of God as their followers are hearers of the Word. However, it is up to us to become doers of the Word of God.

No one will face God for you on judgment day. We cannot take anyone with us to plead our case for us. During that day, it will only be you and God. God is looking for us to get close to HIM. Does this mean that you do not have to be under leadership? Of course not, it means that it is okay to ask your leader for prayer, but also make sure you go to God yourself as well. Draw nigh unto God and he will draw nigh to you.

James 1:22 "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only,

deceiving your own selves."

Philippians 2:12 "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in

my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

Colossians 3:2 "Set your affection on things above, not things on the earth".

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The VisionI would like to share a vision that God showed me a couple of years ago. In the vision, God

brought me to the wilderness and drew my attention towards the people trapped in the wilderness. The

many people God showed me was broken-heavyhearted, wicked, prostituting, doing drugs, being abused,

sinning on top of sinning, confused, lost, and some who did not believe in God. I look up to

Heaven and asked God why is he showing me this?

This was His response, "These are my people. I came for the lost souls. Why have you forgotten

about them? I have called you to bring souls to me. I never said it would be easy, but you have

My Power and through Me all things are possible. Don't forget about My purpose and My

Will that none should perish, but all should come to repentance. I want you to do your

part by reaching out to those that others seem to forget about. Don't fear for I

am always with you".

I begin walking into the wilderness towards the people. I begin talking to them and

embracing them. Every single one followed me to a stage full of gifts. God spoke and said, "there are enough gifts for everyone. Receive it

and open it for it is the Gift of My Spirit".

God opened up my understanding to know as a Christian and follower of God, I should be concern about the lost souls, rather than "playing" church. It is not about who can preach, teach, sing, or play the instruments the best. It is not about how well

I can shout and only wanting to be around the "righteous".

It is about loving people and ministering the Word of God to those

who are lost. It is about being completely obedient to God and understanding that God has not given us the spirit of fear and doubt. It is time to get out of self and walk in God's Spirit by reaching out to those who are lost

and have been forgotten about.

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An Encouraging WordGod made all people unique and different. We are all made fearfully and wonderfully

in the Lord. We are all sisters and brothers in Christ. If I say I love God, then my actions towards other people should be of love and kindness. God even taught me

how to speak the truth with love and compassion. I choose to live an authentic and righteous life before God and the world

I want you to know how much God Loves You.

St. John 3:16 says; For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son that

whosoever believe in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

This scripture simply says that Jesus loves you so much that He gave His life for you.

Jesus wants the best for you. I know situations can be hard and can seem hopeless at times, but keep the faith and believe God is going to bring you out.

God changed my life around completely because of his Love. I have done so many things in my life that I am not proud of, but God is a loving and forgiving God.

I thought for a long time since I did the things I've done, there was no place for me to live righteous. I was completely wrong.

When we are at our hardest and weakest moments in life, God steps in and shows us how strong and capable He is able to handle things for us. He shows us that he

had given us the power and ability to live the way God wants us to live when we receive His Spirit.

I want to encourage you to pray everyday and read at least one scripture in the bible each day. This is how you seek God. Watch what God will do for you.

Keep the faith and believe positive things even if everything seem negative. Satan fight us through situations and other people by placing negative situations your way.

Tell Satan that he is a liar and smile through good times and bad times.

Trust God to fight your battles. Receive the gifts of peace and joy from God and walk in faith

knowing that God is working it out for you. All things are possible with God.

Stay strong and be encouraged

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Be Yourself!Have you ever looked in your past and asked yourself, "How could I have possibly let others opinion control how I feel about myself?" I often wonder why did I allow others

to have that much control over my life. I was blinded of who God made me to be. I was blinded of my God-given gifts and potential.

Never allow anyone to control who you are and your destiny. Allow yourself to grow in the Grace of God and let God make you into what He has called you to be. In others words,


Never be tempted to become someone else or like someone else. Allow yourself to grow and live your life for God's Glory!


It is time to take the limits off.

Never allow anyone to stop you from starting something new. Live your dreams and walk into your destiny. There is no one that can live your life for you like you can. Stop letting

others stop you from pursuing your dreams. There is no success in negativity, fear and doubt. It is time to clean house from every negative emotion and replace it with knowing that

all things are possible with God.

Big changes began with small steps. Never look at your present situation and think it is not enough. As long as you have God on your side, doors will began to fly open in His timing. Make every step in the right direction by keeping God your main

focus. He will never lead you astray. It is better to make small steps towards the right direction than big steps towards the wrong direction. Be patient and know

that God has many great blessings for you.

You were fearfully and wonderfully made by God! Love yourself always! God has made you for a special purpose! Seek God for

His Will for your life.

Get in agreement with Jesus Christ concerning your life. Never think less of yourself, because God loves you unconditionally.

I encourage YOU to always be yourself and to always LOVE yourself.

There were many times I held my head down and fell slack concerning my abilities, because I allowed the opinions of others to keep me from reaching my full potential.

I was told that I "think" I "look" better than everyone else. I was told that I "think" that I am "smarter" than everyone else and so on. Because I did not want to step on any toes, I kept myself from moving forward. I finally realized that God made me to live a fulfilled life.

Regardless of what someone may say or do, always know that you are SOMEBODY. You matters!!!! YES YOU!!! Reach for your goals and never stop!!! I pray blessings over your life!!!

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Never Give UpNever give up on your dreams. It is time for

the Kingdom of God to rise up and take a stand against every attack from the enemy. The Power of God lives within you! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! Release

your faith and move forward!

Things to remember:

1. Write the vision and make it plain.2. Keep all of your goals and dreams in front of you.

3. Remove all fear and doubt.4. Never Give Up.

5. Speak positive words into your life.6. Keep God your main focus in all you do.

7. Pray about everything.8. Stay motivated and learn to encourage yourself.

9. Step out on faith with boldness.10. Be patient and Trust God.

Your Destiny Is In Your Decision On Whether You Will Be Obedient To God. Take The Vision That God Has Given To You And

Walk Boldly Into Your Destiny. May God Bless You And May Your Days

Be Prosperous.

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30 Day Christianity Challenge Day 1

1. Daily Prayer

2. Read (1) Bible Verse.3. List (5) Positive things in your life.

Day 21. Daily Prayer

2. Encourage (2) People Today.

3. Read (2) Bible Verses.

Day 31. Daily Prayer

2. Pray For someone

other than yourself3. Smile

Day 41. Daily Prayer

2. List (2) Positive Goals.

3. Read (3) Bible Verses.

Day 51. Daily Prayer

2. Read (4) Bible Verses.3. Encourage

(3) People Today.

Day 61. Daily Prayer

2. List (10) Positive things in your life.3. Smile

Day 71. Daily Prayer

2. Read (5) Bible Verses.

3. List (1) thing to work toward your

goals.Day 8

1. Daily Prayer

2. Read (6) Bible Verses.

3. Smile

Day 91. Daily Prayer2. List (3) things to work toward

your goals.3. Pray for

someone else.

Day 101. Daily Prayer

2. Read (7) Bible

Verses.3. Hug

someone you love.

Day 111. Daily Prayer

2. Make the first step

toward your goals.

3. Smile

Day 121. Daily Prayer

List (15) Positive things in your life.

3. Read (8) Bible Verses.

Day 131. Daily Prayer

2. Encourage (4) People

Today.3. Read (9)

Bible Verses.

Day 141. Daily Prayer

2. Make another step towards your

goals.3. Tell (3)

people that you love

themDay 151. Daily Prayer

2. Read (10) Bible Verses.

3. Smile

Day 161. Daily Prayer

2. Encourage (5) people today.3. Speak (3)

Positive things

Day 171. Daily Prayer

2. Read (11) Bible

Verses.3. Work towards

your goals.

Day 181. Daily Prayer

2. List (20) Positive things in your life3. Smile

Day 191. Daily Prayer

2. Read (12) Bible Verses.3. Speak (4)

Positive things.

Day 201. Daily Prayer

2. Tell (3) people that

you love them.

3. Smile

Day 211. Daily Prayer

2. Make a list of what you're

thankful for.3. Smile

Day 221. Daily Prayer

2. Read (14) Bible Verses.

3. Encourage (6) people today.

Day 231. Daily Prayer

2. Speak (5) Positive things.

3. Tell (5) people you love them.

Day 241. Daily Prayer

2. Read (15) Bible Verses.

3. Smile

Day 251. Daily Prayer

2. Pray For Someone

Else.3. Work towards

your goals.

Day 261. Daily Prayer

2. Read (16) Bible Verses.

3. Hug (2) people you


Day 271. Daily Prayer

2. Encourage (7) people

today.3. Smile

Day 281. Daily Prayer

2. Read (17) Bible Verses.

3. Smile

Day 291. Daily Prayer2. Speak (10)

positive things.3. Smile

Day 301. Daily Prayer

2. Read (20) Bible

Verses.3. Hug (3)


Created By: LaShunda Nickles

Page 21: Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ ~ Volume One

30 Day Positive Speaking ChallengeDay 1

1. Daily Prayer2. Read A Bible

Verse About Positive

Speaking.3. Encourage


Day 21. Daily Prayer

2. Encourage (2) People Today.3. Write down

(3) reasons to be happy.

Day 31. Daily Prayer

2. Pray For someone other than yourself3. Look in the

mirror and speak 2 positive things

in your life

Day 41. Daily Prayer

2. List (2) Positive Goals.

3. Read (3) Bible Verses.

Day 51. Daily Prayer

2. Read A Bible Verse About Fear.

3. Face A Fear You May


Day 61. Daily Prayer

2. Write down what you

would like to accomplish.3. Pray over your list for God's Will

Day 71. Daily Prayer

2. Read A Bible Verse3. Look in the mirror

and speak 2 positive things in your life

Day 81. Daily Prayer2. Read A Bible

Verse About Positive

Speaking.3. Encourage


Day 91. Daily Prayer

2. Encourage (2) People Today.3. Write down

(3) reasons to be happy.

Day 101. Daily Prayer

2. Pray For someone other than yourself3. Look in the

mirror and speak 2 positive things

in your life

Day 111. Daily Prayer

2. List (2) Positive Goals.

3. Read (3) Bible Verses.

Day 121. Daily Prayer

2. Read A Bible Verse About Fear.

3. Face A Fear You May


Day 131. Daily Prayer

2. Encourage (4) People

Today.3. Write a list of short and

long term goals.

Day 141. Daily Prayer

2. Make a step

towards your goals.3. Tell (3)

people that you love


Day 151. Daily Prayer2. Read A Bible

Verse About Positive

Speaking.3. Encourage


Day 161. Daily Prayer

2. Encourage (2) People Today.3. Write down

(3) reasons to be happy.

Day 171. Daily Prayer

2. Pray For someone other than yourself

3. Smile

Day 181. Daily Prayer

2. List (2) Positive Goals.

3. Read (3) Bible Verses.

Day 191. Daily Prayer

2. Read A Bible Verse About Fear.

3. Face A Fear You May


Day 201. Daily Prayer

2. Tell (3) people that

you love them.

3. Smile

Day 211. Daily Prayer2. Read A Bible

Verse About Positive

Speaking.3. Encourage


Day 221. Daily Prayer

2. Encourage (2) People Today.3. Write down

(3) reasons to be happy.

Day 231. Daily Prayer

2. Pray For someone other than yourself3. Look in the

mirror and speak 2 positive things

in your life

Day 241. Daily Prayer

2. List (2) Positive Goals.

3. Read (3) Bible Verses.

Day 251. Daily Prayer

2. Read A Bible Verse About Fear.

3. Face A Fear You May


Day 261. Daily Prayer

2. Read A Bible Verse.

3. Look in the mirror and

speak 2 positive

things in your life

Day 271. Daily Prayer

2. Encourage (3) people

today.3. Smile

Day 281. Daily Prayer2. Read A Bible

Verse About Positive

Speaking.3. Encourage


Day 291. Daily Prayer

2. Encourage (2) People Today.3. Write down

(3) reasons to be happy.

Day 301. Daily Prayer

2. Pray For someone other than yourself3. Look in the

mirror and speak 2 positive things

in your life

Created By: LaShunda Nickles

Page 22: Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ ~ Volume One

30 Day Goal Setting ChallengeDay 1

1. Daily Prayer2.Get a clear

image of yourself ten

years from now.3. Visualize this


Day 21. Daily Prayer2. Write down

what you would like to

accomplish in work, home and

social in the next 10 years.

Day 31. Daily Prayer

2. Break the habit of

putting things off by setting your mind to

making progress.

Day 41. Daily Prayer

2. Break the habit of negative

thoughts by focusing your mind on the words “it's possible”.

Day 51. Daily Prayer

2. Make up in your mind

today that you will no longer

entertain gossip.

Day 61. Daily Prayer

2. Every morning

change your appearance by

dressing for success.

Day 71. Daily Prayer

2. Spend 30 minutes a day

in quiet, undisturbed


Day 81. Daily Prayer2. Set goals to

get more energy.3. Set goals to get more done

each day.

Day 91. Daily Prayer2. Set goals to

discover the real enjoyment of


Day 101. Daily Prayer2. Show

appreciation and gratitude for the little

things in your life.

Day 111. Daily Prayer

2. Invest in 2 hours a week in reading a professional book in your field of goals.

Day 121. Daily Prayer

2. Compliment

other people's success at

every possible opportunity

you get.

Day 131. Daily Prayer2. Make a goal to meet at least 4 new people each week.

Day 141. Daily Prayer

2. Break the habit of

watching T.V. more than 60 minutes a day.

Day 151. Daily Prayer2. Acknowledge any fears you may have and

write them down.

Day 161. Daily Prayer

2. Action eliminates fear. Eliminate your fears by doing them anyway.

Day 171. Daily Prayer

2. Read one self help book this week to help build

your confidence.

Day 181. Daily Prayer

2. Began researching information about your


Day 191. Daily Prayer2. Try

different routes for

your goals. Do not be afraid

to experiment.

Day 201. Daily Prayer2. Make a list

of your strengths and

weaknesses. Be honest~

Day 211. Daily Prayer

2. Make progress

towards your goal. Every step


Day 221. Daily Prayer2. Make a day

by day effort to work towards

your goals.

Day 231. Daily Prayer

2. Invest in yourself.

Think about extra money

that you spend, that

could go towards YOU~

Day 241. Daily Prayer

2. Give your family an hour

of your undivided

attention each day.

Day 251. Daily Prayer

2. Think progress and

push for progress

towards your goals.

Day 261. Daily Prayer2. Make a list

of your progress

towards your goals since day


Day 271. Daily Prayer

2. Once a week, do

something special for

your family.

Day 281. Daily Prayer

2. Remind yourself daily that growth is


Day 291. Daily Prayer2. Set your self apart from the average. Don't

be afraid to stand out.

Day 301. Daily Prayer

2. Continue to work towards

your goals and NEVER GIVE UP!

Created By: LaShunda Nickles

Page 23: Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ ~ Volume One

30 Day Forgiveness ChallengeDay 1

1. Daily Prayer

2. Find a Scripture

about Forgiveness


Day 21. Daily Prayer

2. Search your heart

for anything that you may

have not forgiven.

Day 31. Daily Prayer

2. Pray For someone

else.3. Make a

goal to forgive


Day 41. Daily Prayer

2. Give your Testimony concerning forgiveness.

Day 51. Daily Prayer

2. Make a step towards

forgiveness by asking God to

help you.

Day 61. Daily Prayer

2. Meditate3. Rest

Day 71. Daily Prayer2. Encourage

others to forgive


Day 81. Daily Prayer

2. Read (3) Bible

Verses3. Ask God

For Forgiveness

Day 91. Daily Prayer

2. Share Your Progress

3. Pray for someone else.

Day 101. Daily Prayer

2. Read (7) Bible Verses.3. List Any Cares You


Day 111. Daily Prayer2. Clear Your

Mind Of Clutter3. Smile

Day 121. Daily Prayer

2. Release Any Grudges.

3. Read (8) Bible Verses.

Day 131. Daily Prayer

2. Meditate3. Rest

Day 141. Daily Prayer2. Release Your Cares In The

Lord's Hands.

Day 151. Daily Prayer

2. Say what God has

placed on your heart.

3. Smile

Day 161. Daily Prayer

2. Share Your Progress

3. Pray for someone else.

Day 171. Daily Prayer

2. Find a Scripture

about Forgiveness.

Day 181. Daily Prayer2. Share Your

Progress3. Pray for

someone else.

Day 191. Daily Prayer

2. Read (12) Bible Verses.3. Speak (4)

Positive things.

Day 201. Daily Prayer

2. Meditate3. Rest

Day 211. Daily Prayer

2. Make a list of what

you're thankful

for.3. Smile

Day 221. Daily Prayer

2. Share Your Progress

3. Pray for someone else.

Day 231. Daily Prayer

2. Speak (5) Positive things.

3. Tell (5) people you love them.

Day 241. Daily Prayer

2. Read (15) Bible Verses.

3. Smile

Day 251. Daily Prayer

2. Pray For Someone Else.

3. Work towards your


Day 261. Daily Prayer

2. Meditate3. Rest

Day 271. Daily Prayer2. Encourage

(7) people today.

3. Smile

Day 281. Daily Prayer

2. Say what God has

placed on your heart.

3. Smile

Day 291. Daily Prayer

2. Read some Bible Verses.

Day 301. Daily Prayer

2. Share Your

Progress3. Pray for someone


CHALLENGE: Set yourself free by forgiving yourself and others.

LaShunda N.,Youth Pastor

Created By: LaShunda Nickles

Page 24: Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ ~ Volume One

I Am Who I am

I Am Who I AmAccept All Of Me Or None Of Me At All.

I Am Who I AmI Am Beautiful, Strong And Tall.

I Am Who I AmMy Heart Can Light Up The Sky.

I Am Who I AmI Shall Never Pass My God's Love By.

I Am Who I AmI am Strong As I Can Be In Thee.

I Am Who I AmI Will Always Be Who God Made Me To Be.

I Am Who I AmOne Day You Will See It's Me.

I Am Who I AmI Am Me In Jesus Christ And I Am Set Free.

Page 25: Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ ~ Volume One

Are We Willing To Take Up Our Cross And Follow Jesus

Mark 8:34-38When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them,

“Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but

whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?

Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the

holy angels.”

When Jesus Christ walked here on the earth, He showed us by example of some of the things we may go through. Jesus Christ suffered through many things. There was many people who mistreated Him and did not accept Him. However, Jesus Christ was a teacher and loved us so much that He he was

willing to give His life so that we can be save.

Jesus Christ showed us through example on how to be faithful and willing to give up our life for a purpose. In the Book of Mark, Jesus began teaching His followers that He must suffer many things.

Jesus told His followers to stop thinking about themselves and what they wanted. We must realized that we are not here for our own purpose, but we have come here for the purpose of God. Jesus want us to

give our lives to Christ. God's greatest law is to love Him with all our hearts by doing the Will of God.

Jesus told His followers that they could never pay enough to buy their lives back. Jesus paid the ultimate price by dying for us. Our lives belongs to Jesus. In order to do the Will of God, we must

allow God to come into our lives and separate us from sin. God does not like sin in any way, shape or form. Sin can and will get in the way of God's purpose for our lives. We must be willing to allow God

to renew us and remove all sin out of our lives. He told His followers that if anyone tries to save their life will lose it.

In order for us to follow the example of Jesus Christ, we must remain faithful to God. Jesus told His followers that we must be willing to carry the cross that is given to us. Jesus has called us to be willing

and faithful to Him. There were many people who did not accept Jesus, however, He remained faithful through it all. Jesus has called us to do the same.

Are we willing to give our lives for God? Will we trust God and stay faithful to His Word?

Yes, we should. We must be willing to completely turn to Jesus Christ by trusting Him to work in our lives. Jesus told His followers to never be ashamed of Him nor His teachings. Our purpose here

is not about us, it is about the Will of God. Are we willing to give our lives for God and trust that He will save us? Yes, because the good news is that through faith and

trust in Christ, He will save us.

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I'm A Fighter At Heart It Reveals My Soul I'm A Fighter At Heart I've Been Made Whole The Troubles That Came Before Me During This Trying Time I Found Myself Captured In Darkness But The Glory Of His Light Has Shine My God Gave Me His Power And Showed Me A Brand New Way His Spirit Lives Within Me Hear Me As I Say I'm A Fighter At Heart Because Of God Above I'm A Fighter At Heart I'm Consumed With His Love Written By: LaShunda Nickles

Send Prayer Requests & Contributions To: Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ

Attn: LaShunda Nickles P.O. Box 111265

Houston Texas 77293

LaShunda Nickles
