outline of art history

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  • 8/6/2019 Outline of Art History




    1. Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work ofnature.

    2. a. The conscious production orarrangement of sounds, colors, forms,movements, or other elements inamanner that affects the sense of

    beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful inagraphic orplasticmedium.

    b. The study of these activities.c. The product of these activities; human works of beauty considered as a


    3. High quality of conception or execution, as found in works of beauty; aestheticvalue.

    4. A field or category ofart, such as music, ballet, orliterature.5. A nonscientific branch oflearning; one of the liberalarts.6.

    a. A system ofprinciples and methods employed in the performance ofaset ofactivities: the art of building.

    b. A trade or craft that applies such a system ofprinciples and methods: theart of the lexicographer.

    7.a. Skill that is attained by study, practice, or observation: the art of the

    baker; the blacksmith's art.

    b. Skillarising from the exercise of intuitive faculties: "Self-criticism is anart not many are qualified to practice"(Joyce Carol Oates).

    8.a. arts Artful devices, stratagems, and tricks.

    b. Artful contrivance; cunning.

    9. PrintingIllustrative material.

    ETYMOLOGY:Middle English, from Old French, from Latinars, art-; see ar- in Indo-European



    art1, craft, expertise, knack, know-how, technique

    These nouns denote skill in doing orperforming that is attained by study, practice, orobservation: the art of rhetoric; pottery that reveals an artist's craft; political

    expertise; a knack for teaching; mechanical know-how; a precise diving technique.

  • 8/6/2019 Outline of Art History


    Outline of Art History

    PREHISTORIC 30,000 - 3000 BC (BCE)

    Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) 30,000 - 10,000 BC

    Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) 10,000 - 8000 BC

    Neolithic (New Stone Age) 8000 - 3000 BC



    Egyptian Art 3200 - 1070 BC

    Amarna Art 1370 - 1340 BC

    Mesopotamian Art 3500 - 331 BC

    Sumerian/Akkadian 3500 - 1750 BCAssyrian/Neo-Babylonian 1000 - 539 BC

    Persian 539 - 331 BC

    Aegean Art 3000 - 1100 BC

    Minoan (Crete) 3000 - 1475 BC

    Mycenean (Greece) 1650 - 1100 BC

    Greek Art 800 - 323 BC



    Shang Dynasty, China 1766 - 1045 BC

    Zhou Dynasty, China 1045 - 256 BC


    Hellenistic Art 323-150 BC

    Etruscan Art 6th - 5th century BC

    Roman Art 509 BC - 337 AD



    Olmec, Mexico 800 BC - 600 AD

    Zapotec, Mexico 100 - 200 AD

    Gandhara, India 2nd - 3rd century AD


    MIDDLE AGES 373 - 1453 AD (CE)

    Celtic, Saxon, & Hiberno 200 - 732 AD

    Byzantine Art 400 - 1453 AD

    Justinian 527 - 565 AD

    Islamic Art 622 - 900 AD

    Carolingian Art 732 - 900 AD

  • 8/6/2019 Outline of Art History


    Ottonian Art 900 - 1050 AD

    Romanesque Style 1000 - 1140 AD

    Gothic Style 1140 - 1500 AD



    Gupta, India 320 - 647 AD

    Mayan, Mexico 300 - 1500 AD

    Tang, China 618 - 907 AD

    Nara, Japan 645 - 791 AD

    Song, China 960 - 1279 AD

    Kamakura, Japan 1185 - 1333 AD

    Aztec, Mexico 1350 - 1520 AD

    Inca, Peru 1100 - 1532 AD


    RENAISSANCE 1400 - 1800 AD (CE)

    Renaissance: Italy 1400 - 1600 ADRenaissance: Europe 1500 - 1600 AD

    Baroque 1600 - 1700 AD

    Rococo 1700 - 1750 AD



    Ming, China 1368 - 1644 AD

    Muromachi, Japan 1392 - 1573 AD

    Benin, Africa 1550 - 1680 AD

    Edo, Japan 1615 - 1868 AD

    Qing, China 1644 - 1912 AD


    PRE-MODERN 1800 - 1880 AD (CE)

    Neo-Classicism 1750 - 1880 AD

    (USA: Federal/Greek Revival)

    (Canada: Georgian Style)

    Romanticism 1800 - 1880 AD

    (Canada: Victorian)

    Realism 1830's - 1850's AD

    Impressionism 1870's - 1890's AD


    MODERNISM 1880 - 1945 AD (CE)

    Post Impressionism 1880 - 1900 AD

    Expressionism 1900 - 1920 AD

    Fauvism 1900 - 1920 AD

    Cubism 1907 - 1914 AD

    Dada 1916 - 1922 AD

    Bauhaus 1920s - 1940's AD

    Harlem Renaissance 1920s - 1940's AD

  • 8/6/2019 Outline of Art History


    Surrealism 1924 1920s - 1940's AD

    International Style 1920s - 1940's AD


    MODERN & POST-MODERN 1945 AD - Present (CE)

    Abstract Expressionism 1945 - 1960 AD

    Op Art 1960s AD

    Pop Art 1960s AD

    Minimal Art 1960s AD

    New Realism 1970s - 1980s AD

    Conceptual Art 1970s - 1980s AD

    Performance Art 1970s - 1980s AD

    Neo-Expressionism 1980s - 1990s AD

    Computer Art 1980s - 1990s AD

    Post-Modern Classicism 1980s - 1990s AD

    Victorian Revival 1980s - 1990s AD