out of the dust vocabulary

Out of the Dust Vocabulary Section by section

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Out of the Dust Vocabulary. Section by section. Bawling (V). Page 3 To cry or wail lustily She started bawling when her husband left for Iraq. Riled (V). Page 11 To irritate or vex; often followed by “up” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Out of the Dust  Vocabulary

Out of the Dust VocabularySection by section

Page 2: Out of the Dust  Vocabulary

Page 3 To cry or wail lustily

She started bawling when her husband left for Iraq.

Bawling (V)

Page 3: Out of the Dust  Vocabulary

Page 11 To irritate or vex; often

followed by “up”

Justin got his brother all riled up when he was hiding his teddy bear around the house.

Riled (V)

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Page 24 To impress deeply

Anyone that can perform any musical talent dazzles me beyond belief because it really impresses me.

Dazzled (V)

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Page 29 A threatening look or expression

She gave him a scowl across the room when she read my note that said, “YOU ARE MEAN!”

Scowl (n)

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Page 39 To stun or stupify with a blow; shock

The hurricane was so intense that it dazed me; I couldn’t take my eyes off of the damage it was doing.

Dazed (v)

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Page 39 A person or thing that is small, delicate, or

barely discernable

Babies’ hair can be described as wisps because they are so fine and delicate.

Wisp (n)

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Page 39 To shrivel; fade; decay To dry up from loss of


Christmas trees often wither very quickly after being cut down from lack of water.

Withered (v)

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Page 40 To murmur or mutter in discontent.

I heard a student grumble under her breath as I told the class that they are going to have a pop quiz.

Grumble (v)

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Page 41 Characterized by intense

antagonism or hostility (hatred)

He was bittering as he watched the person key his car in the parking lot from inside the restaurant.

Bittering (adj)

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Page 41 To shake or tremble from cold, weakness,

anger, etc.

The small dog started to quake form the cold air outside during the blizzard.

Quaking (v)

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Page 41 To be in a state of

restrained activity, development, excitement, anger

The little girl was simmering with excitement as she opened up the gift she wanted on her birthday; She tried hard to not get out-of-control.

Simmering (v)

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Page 49 To complain naggingly or constantly

The beauty pageant winner griped the entire camping trip about the weather, food, and activities.

Gripe (v)

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Page 60 Petroleum used as fuel, cleaning solvent,


Many people used kerosene in order to light their stove for cooking.

Kerosene (n)

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Page 66 To parch or shrivel from the heat

No matter how much I try to stop it, the sun scorches the grass in my yard every summer.

Scorched (V)

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Page 67 To store or hide away

(money or valuables) usually for future use

I’ve been squirrelling away some money for awhile now; I may have enough for a down-payment on a house!

Squirrelled (V)

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Page 67 To satisfy (thirst, desires,

goals, etc.)

Some people say that Gatorade quenches your thirst, but I think it makes me more thirsty.

Quench (V)

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Page 71 Mental torpor; suspension of sensibility

caused by intoxicants.

He was in such a stupor from the anesthesia that he couldn’t remember his name.

Stupor (N)

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Page 73 To twist the body about, or squirm, as in pain

When Lindsay was home with the flu, she writhed in her bed.

Writhed (v)

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Page 73 The dead body of an animal

On the way to school this morning I saw a deer carcass on the side of the road

I don’t have a picture for this word (use your imagination)

Carcassess (n)

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Page 81 Of the cactus family,

having large, white, funnel-shaped flowers

Cereus plants are beautiful, but require a lot of maintenance.

Cereus Plant (n)

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Revue (N)

Page 91 A form of theatrical entertainment in which

recent events are parodied

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Grime (N)

Page 104 Dirt, soot, or other filthy matter

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Page 104 ** Abandoned, forlorn, deserted

Forsaken towns are always pretty creepy; there’s no one around, and they feel like a dust town.

Forsaken (adj)

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Muck (N)

Page 105 Moist farmyard dung, decaying vegetable


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Page 113*** Blurred or dimmed;

indistinct; unclear

The old photograph of the grandparents was so bleary and blurry that I couldn’t tell which was the grandma and which was the grandpa!

Bleary (adj)

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Page 121 A person who moves from place to place to

get work, especially a farm laborer

Migrant (N)

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Page 135 Extremely, excessively,

or completely dry (or thirtsy)

After climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, I was pretty parched from not having enough water breaks. My tongue felt like sandpaper and my lips were cracked.

Parched (adj)

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Page 148 Easily damaged or destroyed; fragile; frail

I always thought it would be funny if a package came and it said “brittle” instead of “fragile” on it. It’s more fun to say.

Brittle (adj)

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Page 157 Burnt or reduced to charcoal;

burn or scorched slightly (an object)

Once graduated from high school, my brother and his friends had a bonfire, turning their notes into charred rubble.

Charred (adj)

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Page 157 Bent or twisted out of


The warped fork was unable to pick up any of my spaghetti noodles since the prongs were no longer in the correct shape.

Warped (adj)

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Page 161 Likely to fall or collapse; shaky; TOTTERY

The rickety rocking chair from the 1500s did not seem like it could hold my weight, so I didn’t even attempt to sit.

Rickety (adj)

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Page 163 The act of moving along in an orderly

succession or ceremonial manner

Walking down the aisle in a wedding procession is something that many girls dream about for their whole lives.

Procession (n)

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Page 164 The state of being in

urgent or dire need of something

Billie Jo’s town was in such a state of desperation, they used the sugar from the moonshiners to make goodies and food.

Desperation (n)

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Page 165 The friendly reception and treatment of

guests and strangers

Phoebe did not think that Sal had exceptional hospitality at her house until Sal offered her own bed for Phoebe.

Hospitality (n)

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Page 195 Resentment; a feeling of

deep anger

The bitterness he felt after his father sold the land out from under him cause the son to not speak to his father for 10 years.

Bitterness (n)

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Page 202 Like a detached thistle blowing in the wind.

The epiphany of a western movie is seeing a tumbleweed blowing across the screen.

Tumbleweed (n)

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Page 209 Of diversifying color or

shade; spotted, blotched

The mottled skin of the young woman showed that she went through a horrific house fire when she was younger.

Mottled (adj)

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Page 226 The act or process of varying or changing

The amount of diversification of a science experiment can change the outcome immensely.

Diversification (n)

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226 Normally a noun, but in the book it is an

adjective. This term is now very outdated. Engagement (gift)

Giving a woman a ring shows the promise to marry or wed that woman. It is also known as a betrothal.

Betrothal (adj)