our redeemer lutheran church voter’s...

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assembly April 13, 2015 Meeting Minutes 1. Call to order (Mike Pauluhn) Mike Pauluhn called the meeting to order at 7:37pm. 2. Welcome to Visitors and Members 3. Devotion/Opening Prayer Pastor Hageman opened the meeting with a devotion and prayer. 4. Reading of the mission statement of Our Redeemer The mission of Our Redeemer Lutheran congregation is to make Disciples of Christ by joyfully sharing God’s love with one another, the community, and the world. 5. Attendance: Roster: 39 Members in attendance: 26 Visitors: 2 6. Minutes of Previous Meeting (February 9, 2015): review, changes, acceptance A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the minutes as presented. 7. Approval of membership into congregation: (Gregg Wesche) a) Transfers in: b) Adult Confirmation c) Transfers out of the congregation to LCMS Churches: d) Reaffirmation of faith e) Dropped or released Tina Wechlan; Curtis, Vadie, Lance, Chad, Danielle Kaempfe; and Bill Shaw. 8. Reports of boards and committees a) Elders Gregg Wesche reported that almost all of the offering envelopes have been distributed. b) Principal Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you may have heard, thanks to a grant from the Lutheran Foundation, we are participating in a survey. Graceworks has surveyed over 500 Christian schools in the US. From this survey, we will have a better understanding of volunteer placement. Melissa’s Call: Melissa Pederson, our morning 3 rd & 4 th grade teacher, has received a Call to St. Paul Lutheran School in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Please keep Melissa and her family in your prayers. Cardinal’s Game – July 29, 2015: On July 29, the children along with any alumni will sing God Bless America at Busch Stadium. Tickets are $15. The game is on Wednesday, July 29. The game starts at 7:15pm. Call Sally Day to order tickets. Spring Break 2016: Spring Break will be March 14-18 next year. The children will be available to help with rummage sale set-up on Friday, March 11. Enrollment 2015-2016: There are currently 37 Students enrolled for next year. There are five more families that are likely to transition from preschool to Kindergarten. I will continue to make contact with these families. There are currently 17 students that have not been reregistered. There are an additional 2 families, 4 students, who have called to talk about returning next year. At this time they have not registered and made a financial commitment.

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Page 1: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assembly April 13, 2015

Meeting Minutes

1. Call to order (Mike Pauluhn) Mike Pauluhn called the meeting to order at 7:37pm.

2. Welcome to Visitors and Members 3. Devotion/Opening Prayer

Pastor Hageman opened the meeting with a devotion and prayer. 4. Reading of the mission statement of Our Redeemer

The mission of Our Redeemer Lutheran congregation is to make Disciples of Christ by joyfully sharing God’s love with one another, the community, and the world.

5. Attendance: Roster: 39 Members in attendance: 26 Visitors: 2 6. Minutes of Previous Meeting (February 9, 2015): review, changes, acceptance

A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the minutes as presented. 7. Approval of membership into congregation: (Gregg Wesche)

a) Transfers in: b) Adult Confirmation c) Transfers out of the congregation to LCMS Churches: d) Reaffirmation of faith e) Dropped or released

Tina Wechlan; Curtis, Vadie, Lance, Chad, Danielle Kaempfe; and Bill Shaw. 8. Reports of boards and committees

a) Elders Gregg Wesche reported that almost all of the offering envelopes have been distributed.

b) Principal Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you may have heard, thanks to a grant from the Lutheran Foundation, we are participating in a survey. Graceworks has surveyed over 500 Christian schools in the US. From this survey, we will have a better understanding of volunteer placement. Melissa’s Call: Melissa Pederson, our morning 3rd & 4th grade teacher, has received a Call to St. Paul Lutheran School in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Please keep Melissa and her family in your prayers. Cardinal’s Game – July 29, 2015: On July 29, the children along with any alumni will sing God Bless America at Busch Stadium. Tickets are $15. The game is on Wednesday, July 29. The game starts at 7:15pm. Call Sally Day to order tickets. Spring Break 2016: Spring Break will be March 14-18 next year. The children will be available to help with rummage sale set-up on Friday, March 11. Enrollment 2015-2016: There are currently 37 Students enrolled for next year. There are five more families that are likely to transition from preschool to Kindergarten. I will continue to make contact with these families. There are currently 17 students that have not been reregistered. There are an additional 2 families, 4 students, who have called to talk about returning next year. At this time they have not registered and made a financial commitment.

Page 2: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you

Visiting Churches: Stephanie Hageman and I are working to reach out to the area churches. We are starting with the Overland and St. John churches. Cleaning of Sanctuary: On Wednesday, April 1, the school children participated in a service project. In preparation for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, the children cleaned the sanctuary. All of the pew cushions were removed, the pews were wiped down, the registers were washed, the hymnals and Bibles were straightened, and the attendance folders were stocked. The number of crayons, pens, snacks, old bulletins, and palm branches was amazing. There were even a few palm leaves from Palm Sunday, 2013! Lutheran North: As a part of their Faith in Action day, a group of students from Lutheran North will be on campus this Friday.

c) Stewardship Julia Wesche presented her report to voters: Thank you for your support of our Missions of the Month. January: $195 to LCMS International Missions February: $193 to Apple of His Eye March: $235 to our own GriefShare mission April’s Mission of the Month is our Technology Fund. Our church and school websites are being revised and updated with the help of The Miller Group. There will be a one-time fee due to them at the completion of this project. This includes training for our own people so that we will be able to maintain the websites on our own. It is very important to have an active, current and functional website so that we present ourselves well to the community and folks that are looking for us and what we offer. It is important to keep all of the technological tools that we have functioning well and up-to-date. Thank you to all of the volunteers who contribute to that end. April’s Stewardship emphasis is God’s Word gives guidance in our living and in our giving. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:105). This month summarizes the very purpose of the Effective Stewards “program” that we are using here at Our Redeemer: hearing what God’s Word has to say. Everything in our Christian life is a response to God’s Word. The Holy Spirit works through the Word to show us what God has done for us, what He provides for us, and what He desires for us. We do not measure up to that which the Lord calls us in any area of our life, including stewardship. We too often think that WE are the owners of the created world, when we have only been entrusted with its care. We think we have something to contribute that is uniquely our own and that WE have made something happen or not happen by our own efforts, our contributions or our withholdings. The church does not exist because of us. Its mission does not exist because of us. We are called by our Baptism to be part of the church and its mission. We are not the owners, we are only the stewards. Rachel Luebke will be giving our layperson presentation this month

Page 3: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you

d) Trustees Danny Combs reported that the Board of Trustees suggests that the kindergarten be moved back across the street to lower the heating and cooling costs of maintaining the annex building. There are currently 8 students in kindergarten, and when they were originally moved to that building there were 25 students. A question was asked where the extended care would be moved to, and the response was that there are 2 empty classrooms on the church side. It was suggested that the Board of Trustees meet with the Board of Day School Education to get a better understanding of the wants and needs so that a more organized plan can be put together to present to voters. Danny Combs reported that Mike and Joanne Christianson are planning on redoing the church garden between the office and the chapel. The plan is to fix some of the aging walkways and plant new, lower maintenance plants.

e) Pastor Pastor Hageman reported that the district convention is this summer in June. We just received the convention workbook and Pastor Hageman is sending in his registration. Pastor Hageman is starting work on a new personnel manual because the one we have is very out of date.

f) Church Council Dean Reinitz reported that the council made a motion that the Youth room be designated for the sole purpose of the youth, and any temporary storage for more than 24 hours should be coordinated with a Youth leader.

g) President Mike Pauluhn reported that we have elections coming up for officers and board members whose terms are expiring this year. The election will be held at the June voters meeting. Mike is looking for volunteers who would be part of the nomination committee.

h) Finance Gary Mueller presented the Board of Finance report. (See attached) Julia Wesche informed that in the past, the undesignated memorials would be moved to the endowment fund at the end of the year.

i) Day school education Cheryl Combs reported that the Board of Day School Education is focusing on enrollment and is aware that changes may have to be made. Grant has made a packet that explains to the parents that the tuition that they pay is not covering the full cost of their children’s education. There have been changes to the dress code: khakis, black or blue pants and polo shirts; belts from first grade up; backs on shoes, no open toes. A question was asked about if the board has looked at enrollment and the distribution of the students and the answer was that now that they have passed the second enrollment deadline they will now begin discussing this.

9. New Business a) Budget proposal.

Gary Mueller presented the proposed budget for the next year to be voted on in June. The board of finance requests any boards who have not yet turned in their budget to get that in for review.

b) Undesignated memorial fund resolution from the board of finance Gary Mueller presented a resolution from the board of finance:

Page 4: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you

UNDESIGNATED MEMORIAL FUND RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the current Undesignated Memorial Fund balance is $4535.00. WHEREAS, the Undesignated Memorial Fund is not intended to be a place for monies to stay indefinitely.

WHEREAS, a policy has been put in place for the handling of future undesignated memorials to expedite their distribution.

RESOLVED, any undesignated memorials in the Undesignated Memorial Fund aged 6 months or older be moved to the general fund. Additionally, any undesignated memorials more current than 6 months and totaling less than $250 for an individual be moved to the general fund. Furthermore, the family for any undesignated memorials totaling more than $250 for an individual will be contacted and given 30 days for reply. If no reply the funds will be moved to the general fund.

The motion was seconded. It was suggested that the undesignated memorials should be put into the endowment fund so that it can grow with interest. It was also suggested that since we have need of the money now, it should be used for the general fund. The family of the memorial is given multiple chances to designate to the endowment fund if they would like, and since they do not designate, the needs of the money are for the general fund. The motion was passed.

10. Recognition Thank you to the ladies guild, all of the volunteers, Frank Wood Trucking, Mike Bohlman, and Brad Beffa for everything that was done for the rummage sale. Thank you to the Men’s Club for the work they did at the sausage and pancake breakfast.

11. Announcements The Handbell concert is on April 26th in the gym at around 11:00 am.

12. Next scheduled voter’s meeting: Monday June 8, 2015 13. Adjournment

A motion was made, seconded, and approved to adjourn. 14. Closing Prayer

Pastor Hageman closed the meeting with a prayer at 8:47pm.

Minutes submitted by Zack Affolter.

Page 5: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you

Board of Finance Report April 13, 2015

To the Voters Assembly

1. Monthly Income & Expense report for March, 2015, copies available.

2. Our Annual Budget is being presented at this meeting for review. Additional recommendations

from boards or committees may still be forthcoming. Voting on the final budget will be at the June Voter’s meeting.

a. A special Income / Expense Report is available with four columns indicating: Income and Expenses from Aug 2014 thru March 2015; YTD Budget (or 8 months of budget, or 2/3 yr.); 2014‐15 Budget; and our preliminary 2015‐16 Budget.

b. This preliminary budget incorporates a detailed proposal from the BDSE Please note: The BDSE budget proposal includes a 3% wage increase for all teaching staff, and

3. Our current financial position is less than desirable. We have moved funds from the Expansion Properties bank account to our checking account to cover current expenses. This is simply more internal borrowing from some of our special funds. Please be assured we will not use our “protected” or “Non‐borrowable” funds without prior approval. We must consider that this will become necessary as our summer months are normally very lean in terms of cash flow. Our current cash flow is as follows:

a. March 11, 2015 ‐ $8,000 was transferred to checking from Exp. Properties bank acct. to cover payroll.

b. April 2, 2015 ‐ $8,000.00 was transferred to checking from Exp. Properties bank acct. to cover Concordia Plan Services or Pension, Health and Welfare for the month.

c. On April 3rd we had a checking account balance of $98.00 and only $4,658.00 remaining available to internally borrow from non‐protected funds.

4. You can look back at the Board of Finance report to Voters just two months ago on February 2,

2015 and see a list totaling more than $94,000 of exceptional blessing we’ve received so far this fiscal year. That trend has not continued over the last couple of months and our financial position is changing. Anyone with spending authority is strongly encouraged to make only essential expenditures as we approach the summer months and end of our fiscal year.

5. We can also report to you that we currently have 37 students that have paid their registration

fees for next year.

6. The Board of Finance has adopted the following Policy for Undesignated Memorials If undesignated memorials for an individual total more than $250 in a 60‐day period, the family will be contacted for designation of those funds. The 60‐day period begins from the date of the individual’s passing. A 30‐day period will be given for response from the family. If

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the family replies the funds will be allocated as desired. If no response, funds will be moved to the general fund.

If undesignated memorials for an individual total less than $250 in a 60‐day period and the family has not made a prior request, those funds will be moved into the general fund. The church office will be responsible for contacting the family and will make an effort to ascertain the desire of the family. The funeral planning worksheet available at church will

include a place to denote the wishes of an individual.

7. We have a resolution to bring under New Business. (Undesignated Memorials Fund)


WHEREAS, the current Undesignated Memorial Fund balance is $4535.00.

WHEREAS, the Undesignated Memorial Fund is not intended to be a place for monies to stay indefinitely.

WHEREAS, a policy has been put in place for the handling of future undesignated memorials to expedite their distribution.

RESOLVED, any undesignated memorials in the Undesignated Memorial Fund aged 6 months or older be moved to the general fund. Additionally, any undesignated memorials more current than 6 months and totaling less than $250 for an individual be moved to the general fund. Furthermore, the family for any undesignated memorials totaling more than $250 for an individual will be contacted and given 30 days for reply. If no reply the funds will be moved to the general fund.

Page 7: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you
Page 8: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you
Page 9: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you
Page 10: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you
Page 11: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you
Page 12: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you
Page 13: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you
Page 14: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you
Page 15: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you
Page 16: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Voter’s Assemblyfiles.ctctcdn.com/a57a813f001/a40790b8-627b-4bf7-9cd5-ef0b22d67a7… · Grant McSwain presented his report to voters: Survey: As you