[organometallic chemistry] organometallic chemistry volume 17 || metal carbonyls

8 Metal Carbonyls BY B. J. BRISDON 1 Introduction The format of this report has been changed slightly from that used last year, both in order to accommodate further space limitations, and simultaneously to recognise recent developments i n metal carbonyl chemistry. As previously, emphasis has been placed on synthetic, structural and general chemical aspects of discrete metal carbonyl entities at the expense of their surface immobilised and catalytic chemistry. Two major reviews concerning gas-phase metal carbonyl species have been published i n 1987.132 In the former, gas-phase transition metal negative ion chemistry has been surveyed and much quantitative data and qua1 i tative reaction chemistry presented on a wide range of metal carbonyl fragments.’ In the latter, studies of coordinatively unsaturated carbonyl derivatives using transient infra- red spectroscopy are highlighted.2 reviews on theoretical calculations of electronegativi ty values ,3 and on the Fe( CO), inter~nediate.~ transition metal complexes includes reference to metal carbonyl~,~ and reviews devoted to anionic transition metal hydrides,6 and the reactions of Ru cluster carbonyls under mild condi tions7 have been published. A comprehensive a r t i c l e on butterfly cluster complexes of the Group 8 transition metals is contained in *ogress in Inorganic @emistryre and a timely review on theoretical models of cluster bonding addresses the analogy between high nuclearity clusters and bulk metals.9 Metal carbonyl fragments also feature i n An article on the photoelectron spectroscopy of organo- 2 General and Theoretical StudSes A general procedure for the reductive coupling of the two CO ligands i n [M(C0)2(dmpe)2C1] (M = Nb, Ta) has been reported and the molecular structures of four of the resulting bi s( trimethylsi 1oxy)ethyne containing products determined.1° Rapid reversible addition of two GO groups to a trinuclear Pt cluster without cluster breakdown has been observed.” detected i n the [0( Ph)C2B10H10]- anion, which consists o f a nido-shaped [PhCBloHlo]’ residue capped with a CO ligand, whose C-0 separation and position relative to the cage C atom on the open carborane face, are readily rationalised by frontier orbital considerations.12 The generation of free or ligated CO from CO:! has received further a t t e n t i ~ n . ’ ~ ’ ~ ~ An unprecedented insertion o f a metal A pentuply-bridging CO group has been [For references see p. 141 135 Downloaded by Pennsylvania State University on 05/12/2014 14:41:32. Published on 31 October 2007 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/9781847554062-00135

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Page 1: [Organometallic Chemistry] Organometallic Chemistry Volume 17 || Metal carbonyls

8 Metal Carbonyls


1 In t roduc t ion

The format o f t h i s repor t has been changed s l i g h t l y from t h a t used l a s t year, both i n order t o accommodate f u r t h e r space l im i ta t ions , and simultaneously t o recognise recent developments i n metal carbonyl chemistry. As previously, emphasis has been placed on synthetic, s t r u c t u r a l and general chemical aspects o f d iscrete metal carbonyl e n t i t i e s a t the expense o f t h e i r surface immobilised and c a t a l y t i c chemistry.

Two major reviews concerning gas-phase metal carbonyl species have been published i n 1987.132 I n the former, gas-phase t r a n s i t i o n metal negative ion chemistry has been surveyed and much quant i ta t i ve data and qua1 i t a t i v e react ion chemistry presented on a wide range o f metal carbonyl fragments.’ I n the la t te r , studies o f coord inat ive ly unsaturated carbonyl der iva t ives using t rans ien t i n f r a - red spectroscopy are highl ighted.2 reviews on theore t ica l ca lcu la t ions o f e lect ronegat iv i ty values , 3 and on the Fe( CO), i n t e r ~ n e d i a t e . ~ t r a n s i t i o n metal complexes includes reference t o metal c a r b o n y l ~ , ~ and reviews devoted t o anionic t r a n s i t i o n metal hydrides,6 and the reactions o f Ru c l u s t e r carbonyls under m i l d condi t ions7 have been published. A comprehensive a r t i c l e on b u t t e r f l y c l u s t e r complexes o f the Group 8 t r a n s i t i o n metals i s contained i n *ogress in Inorganic @emistryre and a t ime ly review on theore t ica l models of c l u s t e r bonding addresses the analogy between h igh nuc lear i t y c lus te rs and bulk metals.9

Metal carbonyl fragments a lso feature i n

An a r t i c l e on the photoelectron spectroscopy o f organo-

2 General and Theoretical StudSes

A general procedure f o r the reduct ive coupling o f the two CO l igands i n [M(C0)2(dmpe)2C1] (M = Nb, Ta) has been reported and the molecular s t ructures o f four of the r e s u l t i n g b i s ( t r imethy ls i 1oxy)ethyne conta in ing products determined.1° Rapid revers ib le add i t ion o f two GO groups t o a t r i n u c l e a r P t c l u s t e r wi thout c lus te r breakdown has been observed.” detected i n the [0( Ph)C2B10H10]- anion, which consis ts o f a nido-shaped [PhCBloHlo]’ residue capped w i t h a CO l igand, whose C-0 separation and pos i t ion r e l a t i v e t o the cage C atom on the open carborane face, are r e a d i l y r a t i o n a l i s e d by f r o n t i e r o r b i t a l considerations.12 The generation o f f ree o r l i g a t e d CO from CO:! has received fur ther a t t e n t i ~ n . ’ ~ ’ ~ ~ An unprecedented i n s e r t i o n o f a metal

A pentuply-bridging CO group has been

[For references see p . 141





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136 Organometaliic Chemistry

noi-iy i n t o one C-0 bond o f C02 y i e l d s a complex containing both terminal 0x0 and carbony1 l igands on a mononuclear metal centre,14 whereas in te rac t ion o f C02 w i th [M(C0),J2- (M = C r y Mo, W ) causes reduct ive d ispropor t ionat ion w i th the formation o f M(C0)6 and [C03j2-, probably via the intermediacy of an d - C O 2 c0mp1ex.l~ Electrochemical reduction o f CO t o hydrocarbons a t various metal electrodes i n aqueous so lu t ion has been explored,16 and several studies published on the reductive hydrogenation o f coordinated CO leading t o the formation of f ~ r m y l , ~ ~ , ~ * o r oxymethyl species. l9 the reduct ive cleavage of CO t o C2+ and 02- on surfaces has a lso appeared.20

Further repor ts on molecular compounds used f o r modelling

The synthesis and spectroscopic character isat ion o f the f i r s t b inary zirconium carbonyl complex has been described by E l l i s and coworkers.21 metal naphthalenide reduct ion o f ZrC14.2THF i n the presence o f CO and a crown- ether gives s a l t s o f the [Zr(C0),l2- anion i n 25-35% y i e l d . products are s tab le a t room temperature under an argon atmosphere. accounts o f the formation o f the novel hafnium carbonyl der ivat ives [Hf(arene)2- (CO)]22 and f H f ( n5-C5Mes) ( COf2( d m ~ e ) C l ] ~ ~ have a1 so been pub1 ished.

A l k a l i -

The a i r -sens i t i ve Prel iminary

Fol lowing the recent i s o l a t i o n o f the f i r s t stable, molecular ac t in ide carbonyl complex, the e lec t ron ic s t ruc tu re of Cp3UCO and re la ted species have been invest igated by X,-SW molecular o r b i t a l ca lcu lat ions i n which theore t ica l corroboration fo r extensive U 5f -+ 2~-back bonding i s presented.24 Molecular o r b i t a l ca lcu lat ions based on density funct ion theory have been car r ied out on the i n t r i n s i c mean bond energies and f i r s t CO d issoc ia t ion energies of several binary metal carbonyls. A deta i led discussion o f those e f f e c t s which determine the M-CO bond strengths f o r corresponding 3d , 4d and 5d analogues i s included.25 Other theore t ica l studies per t inent t o metal carbonyl ,26 -carbony1 hydrideZ7 and -carbonylate anions28 have a lso been reported. concerned w i t h the e lec t ron ic s t ructures o f metal atom c lus te rs were published i n 1987. Harmonic Theory have been appl ied t o deltahedral and the same authors have extended t h i s theory t o include capped and r a f t c lusters .30 Analyses o f the e lec t ron ic s t ruc tu re o f Mn (n = 3-6) c lus te rs31 and MqE232 (M = t r a n s i t i o n metal; E = main group atom o r canonical fragment) organometallics have a lso been given.

Several notable contr ibut ions

Thus Group Theory and pr inc ip les inherent i n Stone's Tensor Surface

3 Chemistry o f Metal Carbonyls

3.1 Mononuclear Carbony1s.-The 13C0 enrichment o f a large range o f mono-, b i - and t r i -nuc lear metal carbonyls a t 25 "C and pressures up t o 1 atmosphere o f 13C0 have been examined using KH and NaBH,, as exchange promoters.33 With the ex- ception of R u ~ ( C O ) ~ ~ , NaFIH4 i s equal ly o r more e f f e c t i v e than KH, and i s therefore preferred i n view of i t s ease of handling. Time resolved i n f r a r e d studies o f gas phase V(CO), (n = 5-3, and poss ib ly 2) have been car r ied out and r a t e constant data evaluated.34 Some assianments are a t variance w i t h c e r t a i n r e s u l t s from




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8: Metal Curbonyls 137

zi:?ix i s o l a t i o n studies. w i th 02,35 and reactions o f the rad ica l anion [Cr(CO),]y w i t h a ser ies o f alkenes and p o l y e n e ~ ~ ~ have been examined, and evidence presented t h a t C r atoms are formed by both d i r e c t and sequential d issoc ia t ion processes i n the mult iple-photon d is - soc iat ion o f C ~ ( C O ) G . ~ ~ (M = C r , Mo, W ) w i t h Me3NO i n the presence and absence o f PPh3 have been ex- plored. 38 Relat ive p a r t i a l photo ion izat ion cross-sections have been measured over the photon range 16-115 eV f o r the valence bands o f f ree CO and M(C0)6 (M = Cr, Mo, W), and the data compared w i th resul ts . f rom theore t ica l calculat ions.39 K ine t ic studies have been performed on competit ive C-H and O-H ox idat ive add i t ion reactions o f the 14e [Mn(CO)3]' anion,4o and on the e lec t ron t rans fer react ions o f Re(CO)5 radicals.41 Radical intermediates have a lso been i d e n t i f i e d i n the formation o f Fe(CO)5 from Fe3(CO)12 and CO.

of F e ( c 0 ) ~ , ~ ~ as wel l as photochemical react ions o f the c a r b ~ n y l ~ ~ and i t s derivative^^^,'+^ under various condit ions have been described.

The ion-molecule reactions o f the [Cr(CO),]- anion

The k i n e t i c s and mechanism o f the reactions o f M(C0)6

The mult iphoton ion isa t ion spectra

3.2 Binuclear Carbony1s.-The h igh ly se lect ive coupling o f anionic carbonylman- ganate( - I ) and carbonylmanganese( I ) cations noted e a r l i e r i n electrochemical redox studies has been examined i n more d e t a i l , and the mechanism of Mn-Mn bond formation by ion-pa i r a n n i h i l a t i o n determined. o f Mn2(CO)lo has been studied us ing laser photo lys is i n conjunction w i t h e lect ron impact ion isa t ion and mass spectrometric determination o f primary photofragments. Exc i ta t ion o f the O* s ta te o f the carbonyl leads t o both bond homolysis and l igand loss, whereas e x c i t a t i o n o f the T* s ta te leads t o j u s t l igand Photolysis o f samples of MnRe(C0)Io enriched s p e c i f i c a l l y w i t h 13C0 on the Re end y i e l d s [Mn(CO)4(~-CO)Re(CO)4] fo l low ing expulsion o f CO from the Mn end of the dimer.49 y i e l d s [Re2(CO)g(N2)] conta in ing N2 i n an equator ia l s i t e . were obtained f o r Mn2(CO)lo and MnRe(CO)lo.5u N.m.r. methods have been used t o invest igate the exchange o f f ree CO i n so lu t ion w i t h c02(co)8, and t o determine rates o f CO d issoc ia t ion and hence a c t i v a t i o n parameters. 51 The d ispropor t ion- a t ion o f CO*(CO)~ induced by pyr id ine i s i n h i b i t e d by CO, and a rad ica l mechanism wi th p a r t i a l chain character i s proposed t o account f o r the react ion orders.52 However, i n hydrocarbon so lu t ion i n the presence o f a moderate amount 0.f pyridine, homonuclear ion p a i r i n g from CO,(CO)~ occurs t o y i e l d [ C o ~ y ~ t C o ~ ( C 0 ) 1 ~ ) ~ ] , which contains two [Co3(C0),o]- u n i t s coordinated via CO O-atoms t o a planar [Copy4] +

un i t .53 I n an i n t e r e s t i n g extension of previous biochemical l a b e l l i n g techniques described i n l a s t year 's S.P.R. on Organometallic Chemistry, b inuc lear metal carbonyl species inc lud ing C02(C0)8 have been used as improved i n f r a r e d b io - l o g i c a l markers f o r the in v i t ro detect ion o f femtamole concentrat ions of est ra- d i o l receptor s i t e s i n lamb u ter ine cytosol.54

Gas phase photodissociat ion

The photosubst i tu t ion o f Re2(CO)lo i n l i q u i d xenon doped w i t h N2 Simi la r r e s u l t s D



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138 Organometallic Chemistry

3.3 Polynuclear Carbony1s.-Preliminary r e s u l t s f o r laser- ion beam photodis- soc iat ion studies o f i o n i c c l u s t e r fragments o f t r a n s i t i o n metal carbonyls have been presented. formed by electron-impact i o n i s a t i o n o f Mn, Fe and Co carbonyls have been measured, as we l l as upper l i m i t s t o bond d issoc ia t ion energies f o r M-M and M-C0.55 pr imar i l y on a l l - te rmina l carbonyl coord inat ion i n l i g h t petroleum solut ion, but i n a frozen CH2C12 so lu t ion the br idg ing l igand s i t e s are subs tan t ia l l y populated.56 Photosubsti tut ion and photofragmentation i n Fe3(C0)12 and and the redox chemistr ies o f Ru3(C0)12 and O S ~ ( C O ) ~ ~ ~ ~ have been explored. The spectral detection, character isat ion and r e a c t i v i t y o f coord inat ive ly unsaturated O s g -

(CO)ll, produced from Os3(COf12, has a lso been recorded.59 A f u l l repor t on the preparation and s t ruc tu re o f 0s4(C0)15 has been published.60 On react ion w i t h COY i t a f fo rds O S , + ( C O ) ~ ~ , which has a puckered OSL, framework and i s a metal carbonyl analogue o f cyclobutane.61 coupling t o natura l abundance 1870~ have been observed i n the 1 3 C and 31P n.m.r. spectra o f osmium carbonyl c l u s t e r complexes, and t h e i r study y i e l d s a new i n - s igh t i n t o the f l u x i o n a l behaviour of these polynuclear compounds.62 measurements show t h a t spontaneously paramagnetic c lus te rs composed o f between 10-40 osmium atoms a l l have magnetic proper t ies reminiscent o f molecules, ra ther than bulk metals.63 c lus te rs have been discussed,64 and the synthesis and s t ruc tu re o f the [ I r 1 2 ( ~ -

co)8(co)l8] anion formed by ox idat ion o f [ I r ~ ( C 0 ) 1 5 ] ~ ' has been reported. The 162 valence e lect ron Ir12 core s t ruc tu re may be represented by superimposition o f three face-sharing octahedral uni ts.65 quadrupole mass spectrometry, on treatment w i t h CO y i e l d an ion ic species [Nin(CO)m]+ and [NinC(CO)l]+ (n = 1-13), w i t h values o f m and 1 which cor re la te extremely we l l w i t h Lauher's electron-counting ru les.66

Relat ive photodissociat ion cross-sections f o r [Mx(CO)y]+ ions,

An EXAFS study o f Feg(C0)12 i n s o l u t i o n has shown a s t ruc tu re based

Low i n t e n s i t y sate1 li tes r e s u l t i n g from


Factors causing M-M bond shortening i n some Ir carbonyl

Nickel c l u s t e r ions, s ize selected by

It has been shown t h a t CO d issoc ia t ion i s the r a t e determining step i n the subs t i tu t ion react ions of the heterometa l l ic carbonyls Fe2Ru(CO)12 and FeRu2- ( C 0 ) 1 4 , ~ ~ and the Fe s i t e symmetries i n a ser ies o f Fe-containing M5 and M6 metal carbonylates have been i n f e r r e d from Mossbauer studies.68 The synthesis of [PPN][RuRh5(CO)16] has been reported and i t s s t ruc tu re shown t o be isomorphous w i th [PPN][FeRh5(C0)16],69 and i n a pre l iminary communication the revers ib le formation o f two t r i a n g u l a r metal c lus te rs from the puckered r a f t core o f Os4PtZ- (CO)18 fo l low ing treatment w i th CO has been described.70

3.4 Carbonyls conta in ing Main Group Metals.-There has been considerable recent progress i n the f i e l d o f heteronuclear metal carbonyls containing both t r a n s i t i o n metals and main group elements. Si2Co6(C0),,, shown by X-ray analys is t o contain a novel pseuodo-octahedral trans-Si2C04 core, w i t h S i i n a d is to r ted square pyramidal c o n f i g ~ r a t i o n . ~ ~

Reaction o f S i 2 H 6 w i t h Co2(C0)8 y i e l d s





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deta i led paper on the redox chemistry of Ge, Sn and Pb conta in ing i r o n carbonyl c lus te rs has a lso been published, i n which the s t ructures o f [GeFeb(C0)14]2' and [Pb(Fe2(C0)812] are reported. 72 Oxidation of the product o f the react ion between [Fe2(CO)a]2- and SbC13 produces [ {Fe2(CO)8(~4-Sb)}2(Fe2(co)6} ] i n which Sb bridges Fe2(CO)6 and Fe2(CO)a groups.73 The f i r s t example o f a Mn-Bi s ing le bond i s claimed i n [BiIMn(C0)513]. This molecule e x h i b i t s pyramidal geometry about B i , and re l ieves possible s t e r i c in te rac t ions between Mn(C0)5 moieties through cont- r o t a t i o n about Mn-Bi vectors. 74

containing 1, 2 and 4 B i atoms are reported t o be formed s t a r t i n g from BiC13 and [BiiFe(C0)41J3'.75 Further examples o f Bi-Co carbonyl c l u s t e r compounds have been characterised c rys ta l lograph ica l l y by two independent groups o f worker^.^^,^^ Reaction o f NaBi03 w i t h M3(CO)12 (M = Os, Ru) i n MeOH affords the new mixed carbonyl c l u s t e r der iva t ives [M4(C0)12(p4-Bi)2] as wel l as [M3(p-H)3(CO),(~~-Bi)] .78

3.5 Carbonyls containing Non-metals.-Vibrational studies on carbido carbonyl c lusters containing M5C (M = Ru, O S ) , ~ ~ Re6C and N i a C cores80 have been described, and the c rys ta l s t ruc tu re o f the [Re7C(CO)22]- anion determined.81 the b u t t e r f l y carbido c l u s t e r complex [PPN]2[Fe4C(C0)12] w i t h a v a r i e t y o f a1 ky la t ing agents have been explored,82 and the synthesis o f several heterometal l ic carbido c lus te rs conta in ing three Fe atoms reported.83 [ P P ~ I + ] [ F ~ ~ R ~ C ( C O ) ~ ~ ] under hydroformylat ion condi t ions has been examined, and the synthesis and s t ruc tu re o f [PPh4][Fe3Rh3C(CO)15] described i n the course o f t h i s study.84 Three electrochemical and spectroscopic studies have been c a r r i e d ou t on carbido carbonyl c lus te rs containing ten and eleven 0s atom^.^^"^^ of f i v e ox idat ion s tates were characterised dur ing an electrochemical study on [Os loC(C0)21+]~- .~~ Using v ib ra t iona l parameters obtained from so l id -s ta te X-ray d i f f rac t ion data fo r [PPh&[Rh6C(C0)13], i t has been possible t o show t h a t there i s extensive corre la ted v ib ra t iona l motion o f the seven CO l igands around the Rhh equator ia l plane o f the anion. This so l id -s ta te behaviour i s i n accord w i t h the lowest energy CO migrat ion pathway found by previous n.m.r. studies i n so lut ion. This method o f fe rs a powerful l i n k between thermal motion i n the so l id -s ta te and dynamic rearrangements i n so lut ion.a8 [ C O ~ N ~ ~ ~ C ( C O ) ~ ~ ] ~ - and [Co3Ni9C(C0)2012' have been shown t o be isos t ruc tura l , w i t h the metal core formal ly derived by d i s t o r t i o n o f a tetra-capped t r iangu la ted d o d e ~ a h e d r o n . ~ ~ I n a b r i e f repor t on gold der ivat ives of n i t r i d o c lusters , the s t ructure and 15N n.m.r. spectrum o f [ P ~ ~ P A U F ~ R U ~ N ( C O ) ~ ~ ] have been repor ted and compared w i t h data on [ H F ~ R U ~ N ( C O ) , ~ ] . ~ ~ A new example o f a 14-0x0 l igand con- t a i n i n g metal carbonyl c l u s t e r has been iso la ted from the react ion o f [PPNI2-

[Fe3(u3-O)(CO),] w i t h [Mn(C0)3(NCMe)3]PF6, pos i t ion i n the b u t t e r f l y metal frame a r r a n g e ~ n t . ~ ~ (CO)9 have been prepared from the react ion o f [Fe3H(CO),,]- w i t h S8,92 and some photochemical l y i n i t i a ted reac t ions o f [ FeS( CO), 32 exami ned.93 Th [ Fe2S2 (CO) 6 i 2 '

Another ser ies o f an ion ic i r o n carbonyl species

Reactions o f

The transformation o f

A t o t a l

The new b i m e t a l l i c carbido c l u s t e r anions

The Mn atom occupies a wing t i p Both [FeS(C0)3I2 and Fe3S2-




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140 Organometallic Chemistry

has beirn used as a c l u s t e r precursor i n the formation o f [ M O F ~ ~ S ~ ( C O ) ~ ] ~ - , which can be ox ida t ive ly decarbonylated t o a persul phide bridged MoFe3S4 double cubane d e r i ~ a t i v e . ~ " (E = S, Se, NPh, PPh), undergo rap id e lect ron t rans fer chain ca ta lys is (ETC) of l igand subst i tu t ion. s t rongly modulated by the nature o f the br idg ing ~ a p ( E ) . ~ ~ c lus te r carbonyls conta in ing y4-S bridges have been reported. 96,97

[ R u ~ ( P ~ - S ) ( ~ ~ - C O ) ( C O ) ~ ] w i t h Ru3(C0)12 and water gives low y i e l d s of [Ru~(P-OH)~- (y4-S) (p-C0)2( CO) 1 6 1 which e x h i b i t s in t ramolecular H-bonding. 97 The s tab i 1 i sat ion o f y-Se22t and n3-TeZt l igands has been achieved, and the s t ructures o f [M(n3-Te3)- (C0)4][SbF6]2 (M = Mo, W ) and [Few(Se2)(Co)8][SbF,]2 d e t e r ~ n i n e d . ~ ~ , ~ ~

A ser ies o f i sos t ruc tura l t r i - i r o n c lus te rs [Fe3(~3-E)2(CO)g]

The rate, e f f i c i e n c y and s e l e c t i v i t y of ETC cata lys is are

Reaction o f A ser ies o f Ru

4 Metal Carbonyl Hydrides and Halides

Further invest igat ions i n t o the re la t ionsh ip between carbonyl hydrides and d i hydrogen complexes o f metal carbonyl moiet ies have been car r ied out. l o o

Photolysis o f Group 6 metal carbonyl alkene complexes i n l i q u i f i e d noble gases doped w i t h D2 leads t o very l a b i l e complexes i n which an alkene and D2 are co- ordinated t o the same metal centre.lol dianion and i t s protonated product [Re2H2(y-H)(C0),]- have been described,lo2 and a novel tetrarhenium unsaturated anion [ R ~ I + ( ~ - H ) ( ~ ~ - H ) ~ ( C O ) ~ ~ ] - has been i d e n t i f i e d . l o 3 appears t o be delocal ised on two shor t edges o f the d i s t o r t e d te t rahedra l Re4 core. The s t ructure o f [H2NPr2][Fe3H(C0)11] has been determined i n order t o invest igate CO---H bonds ,lo4 and 'H n.m.r. s p i n - l a t t i c e re laxa t ion studies per- formed on hydridometal carbonyl c lus te rs o f Ru and Os.lo5 exchange w i t h l2C0 i n [M3H(CO),1]- and [M3D(CO),l]- (M = Ru, 0s) have been examined, i n order t o provide fu r ther i n s i g h t i n t o the nature of the ca ta lys is o f the water-gas s h i f t react ion, and reveal a basis f o r the apparent d i f ferences i n a c t i v i t y between these Ru and 0s analogues.lo6 formation of [ R U ~ H ( C O ) ~ ~ ] - by hydrogenation o f [Ru3(CO)11(C02Me)]- have provided an i n s i g h t i n t o mechanistic features of t h i s react ion. Io7 Ac t iva t ion volumes f o r the subs t i tu t ion react ions o f both these anions have a lso been determined.lo8 The two c rys ta l lograph ica l l y independent molecules o f [ R U O S ~ H ~ ( C O ) ~ ~ ] e x h i b i t a wide range o f bent semi-bridging metal carbonyl bond parametersYfog and a l l confirm t o the Crabtree-Lavin empir ica l equation. lo Paramagnetism i n the even-electron c lus te r [ H ~ O S ~ O C ( C O ) ~ ~ ] has been studied,"' and v ib ra t iona l studies car r ied out on i n t e r s t i t i a l hydrides i n the metal carbonyls [Co6H(C0),,]-, [Nil2H(C0)2,l3- and

[N i 12H2(C0)21I2'. l2

clus ters w i t h ca. 40 metal atoms, show t h a t the r a d i i o f metal cores approach the dimensions of m e t a l l i c c r y s t a l l i t e s . An ana ly t i ca l e lec t ron microscopic study o f [Ni38Pt6H(C0)1+8] has now been reported, and a t low elect ron beam i n t e n s i t i e s , the e lect ron micrograph o f t h i s complex deposited as an MeCN so lu t ion on a carbon g r i d

The syntheses o f the [Re2H2(C0)8l2-

The c l u s t e r unsaturation o f t h i s 58 valence e lect ron moiety

The k i n e t i c s o f 13C0

K ine t ic measurements on the

Recent s t ruc tu re determinations on large metal carbonyl




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8: Metal Carbonyls 141

shows apparently uniform s ize spots corresponding t o the rad ius o f the m e t a l l i c core. formation o f a face-centred N i / P t alloy.113

A t high e lect ron beam in tens i t ies , p a r t i c l e agglomeration occurs w i t h the

Iod ina t ion o f [Mo(C0)412]2 a f fo rds a convenient en t ry i n t o mononuclear,

The preparation, octahedral Mo( I I1) complexes,114 and the react ion of [Re(CO)sF.ReFs] w i t h CO i n anhydrous HF has been used t o prepare [Re(C0)6][ReF6]. character isat ion and some reactions o f triosmium carbonyl c lus te rs containing both hydride and ha l ide l igands have been reported,l16 and 1 3 C n.m.r. studies car r ied out on a ser ies o f anionic rhodium carbonyl ha l ide species present i n aqueous s 0 1 u t i o n . l ~ ~ reductive carbonylat ion o f IrC13.3H20, which f i n a l l y y i e l d s Irb(C0)12, p u r i f i e d via the intermediacy o f the [Ir4(CO)1,1]- anion.11e

Carbonyl ha l ide species have a lso been in tercepted i n the

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10

11 12



15 16 17 18 19 20



23 24 25 26




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