organ and organ system

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Post on 06-Mar-2016




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organs and organ system


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WELCOMEP. T.M College Of Education MaruthoorkonamBalaramapuramSubmitted to,Mrs.Jayasree S.O,Lecture in charge,Natural Science,P.T.M College Of EducationMaruthoorkonamSubmitted by,Rakhi.R.KOption- Natural Science,P.T.M College Of Education,Maruthoorkonam

Powerpoint Presentation On Organ and OrgansystemOrgan and Organsystem

Cell is the basic unit of the life.All organs are made up of cells.Tissues are group of similar cells that have a common origin and perform specific function.Tissues are combine to form organ.Different type of organs are combine to form organ system.Organ

It is a combination of different tissues meant to perform a specific function in the body.Eg: Stomach, Heart,Intestine,Liver

OrgansystemOrgans are combine to form a complex structure is called organsystem. Eg : Digestive system Circulatory system Respiratory system

OrganOrgansystemHeart,Blood vesselsCirculatory systemNose,Trachea,LungsRespiratory systemKidney,Ureter,Urinary bladderExcretory systemNerves,BrainNerve systemAdvantages Of Organ And OrgansystemFor specific function to take place in the body,a group of organs must work together.For example the alimentary canal which does the function of digestion and absobtion,consist of many organs such as the mouth, stomach, intestine etc.OganismOrganism is a combination of different organ systemsEg: Cow,Dog,cat

Population A group of organisms combine to form populaton.


Asocialgroupofanysizewhosemembersresideina specificlocality,sharegovernment,andoftenhaveacommonculturalandhistoricalheritage.Community


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