oracle osp

<Insert Picture Here> Oracle Shop Floor Management with Contract Manufacturer Integration and USJade !tensions Manoj Rathi, Principal Consultant USJade Corp. Jeff Lin, VP of Backend Operations Silicon Storae !echnolo", #nc. $orCal O%U& !rainin 'a" ( Januar" )*, )++

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Oracle OSP


Contract Manufacturer Integration
USJade Corp.
Silicon Storae !echnolo", #nc.
$orCal O%U& !rainin 'a" ( Januar" )*, )++
*. #ntroductions
3. Silicon Storae !echnolo"4s 5SS!6 Challenes
7. USJade Solutions
Jeff #in  VP of Backend Manufacturin
Silicon Storae !echnolo" 5SS!6 : Project Sponsor L#MO 5;Lon(ter1 #nterated Mf Operations< 6
Mano$ %athi, CSCP Principal Consultant, USJade Corp.
: *8 "ears in Manufacturin, Costin and Suppl" Chain.
: =orked >ith Cu11ins for ?*+ "ears 0efore co1pletin his MB%.
: =orked >ith SS! as lead 1anufacturin consultant for *@ 1onths : #1ple1ented OS/MAB)B and continued supportin SS! as their actin Cost %ccountin Manaer
for ?* "ear.
: Pla"ed epert role i1ple1entin OS/MAB)B at !eleent S"ste1s, #nc.
: Currentl" is Solution %rchitect and Project Mr. for i1ple1entation of Lot Based
Manufacturin Solution at ar Corp.
USJade proDides 1ission critical 0usiness solutions,
deliDerin cost effectiDe, reDenue(i1pactin results
: nterprise S"ste1 #nteration E Consultin fir1
: /ounded in "ear )+++ 0" for1er B#&7 consultants and industr" eperts
: Corporate FeadGuarters2 San Jose, C%
: Offshore ;Center of cellence< in Pune, #ndia
: ;Riht Shore< 'eliDer" Model
: perience >ith &lo0al #1ple1entations
: Certified Oracle Partner
: 'o1ain kno>lede and #ndustr" specialiIation
: Successful track(record of custo1er satisfaction
: Client(focused approach : /ro1 initial strate" to deplo"1ent that 0est 1eet our client4s needs
: Vendor(neutral Methodolo" : =ith a0ilit" to 1ake un0iased reco11endations 0ased eclusiDel" on clients
indiDidual needs, o0jectiDes and technolo" enDiron1ent
: Cost(effectiDe, no co1pro1ise, reDenue(i1pactin solutions
: Unparalleled passion for Gualit", dedication, and innoDation
: Fihl" Gualified and eperienced tea1 : Co11itted to eceedin custo1er epectations
: &lo0al Project Colla0oration Model : UtiliIin cost effectiDe Offshore Consultin resources
USJade Introduction &Cont'(
Ser)ices O)er)iew
Ser)ices O)er)iew &cont'(
*%O* I+,%+",IO+"# P"%,+%S
Some of USJade-s Customers
: /ounded in*@
: Manufacturin outsourced to 7+ Dendors
: Custo1ers include2 %pple, FP, #nfineon, #BM
Motorola $intendo, $C, Philips and Son"
Silicon Storage ,echnolog./ Inc' &SS,(
: &uidance on Best Practices
: #nteration of #! S"ste1s
: Onoin Production Support
SS, 0 USJade1 a Partnership
*. #ntroductions
: '"na1ic 1arket conditions >ith hih fra1entation
on 0oth suppl" and de1and side.
: Ver" short Product Life and !i1e to Market.
: Fih product lead ti1es( ? 3 1onths
: Lo>er 1arins and fierce co1petition
: &lo0all" dispersed operations
: Lot tracea0ilit" issues
: #nadeGuate and dela"ed infor1ation in RP s"ste1s
: =e0 of sundr" s"ste1s and reports outside RP
: =ide rane of Dendor co11unication 5reportin6 needs.
: Various, dispersed co11unication channels
: lo>er inDentor" accurac"
: #nadeGuate controls on OSP chares and Dendor pa"1ents
: Co1ple cost accountin
: Operation ield Costin and =#P %ccountin
: #nadeGuate Dariance anal"sis tools
: Co1ple inDentor" reserDe reGuire1ents
Fa3less Semiconductor Features 0 Challenges &cont'(
: #ntroductions
: SS,-s Challenges
: USJade Solutions
: !oo Man" inter1ediate island of s"ste1s to 1anae
: Ver" co1ple and distri0uted error 1anae1ent
: $ear i1possi0le lot trackin to>ards actual Dendor eDents
: Co1ple and inconsistent reportin
: Separate s"ste1s for Operations and /inancials
: Separate product structures used for operations and
standard costin
: Manufacturin Dariances across staes >ere hard to identif"
: Poor lot tracea0ilit" across Dendors
: #nadeGuate support for d"na1ic chanes to jo0 5e.. Dendor
:  %dditional lot infor1ation 1aintenanceApropaation not supported
SS,-s Challenges &cont'(
:  %dditional lot infor1ation 1aintenanceApropaation
not supported
: Fih discrepanc" 0et>een Dendor and s"ste1 data. Fih P# error rates
: Lot &enealo" and transactions >ere hard to trace
: Re>ork >as paid usin epense POs( no tracea0ilit" to lotAjo0
:  %P accrual discrepancies >ere Der" hih. Reconciliation of lia0ilities
>ould span across "ears
: Jo0 close process >as a 0i issue as co1pleted jo0s >ere hard to
identif" due to leftoDer Guantities in one of the operations
: Material =eakness identified in #nDentor" Manae1ent area 0" P=C
:  Mainl" related to P#, ReserDes and standard Costin
: 1plo"ee 1orale >as lo> due to s"ste1 issues
SS,-s Challenges &cont'(
: #ntroductions
: SS! Challenes
: Lo> risk Oracle Shop /loor M1t 5OS/M6 #1ple1entation
: B)B #nterated lot trackin s"ste1
:  %uto1ated and enhanced OSP purchasin and %P s"ste1 : Sinle report OSP Derification fro1 =#P 1oDes to %P inDoice
: nhanced =#P accountin reDie> and jo0(close process
: nhanced Lot &enealo" Report
: Strea1lined and fast standard costin N eas" Dalidations
: Strea1lined #nDentor" reserDes
: Manufacturin Dariance capitaliIation
: Coupled >ith B)B, OSP auto1ation, Part nu10er chanes,
conDersion and chanes to other s"ste1s
: Manufacturin flo> conDerted fro1 ) stae to 8 56 staes
: StandardiIed product structure and part nu10ers
: =#P routins conDerted to $et>ork routins
: Created BOMs for ne> product structure
: Operation ields entered to ena0le "ield costin and accountin
: $e> Su0(inDentories created to allo> for additional staes
: $e> DarianceADaluation accounts created for ranularit"
: Reports created for users to Derif" ite1sA BOMsA Routins load
: Costs rolled up and updated for ne> ite1s
OSFM Implementation Pro$ect O)er)iew
: Old and $e> product cost reports.
: '"na1ic data conDersion 5lot leDel62
:  %ll lots in #$V and =#P conDerted to ne> partsAstaes.
: Child lots created >ith Dendor support >hereDer needed.
: Reports created to co1pare 0efore and after lot Gt"ADalues.
: Lot attri0utes added to lotsAjo0s.
: OS/M interfaces used to process Dendor reported 1anufacturin
eDents 5part of B)B solution6
: OSP auto1ations
OS/M 1oDe transaction to %P inDoice
OSFM Implementation Pro$ect O)er)iew &cont'(
525 6ata3ase
Oracle BS >ith OS/M, %SCP,PO Manufacturin, /inancials, Order Manae1ent
7UI for User "dmin/ Customer and 8endor Mapping/ rror Correction/
and %eporting
525 In3ound9
525 "rchitecture
:  %uto1ation and Sinle rror correction console
:  %uto1ated file processin for 0usiness transactions
5=#P, #$V, SO, PO, %P etc6
: /ile Loader 5Manual, /!P, B)B, '# others6
: Canonical Mappin
: Vendor Reportin &uide
: !he solution can 0e scaled to a full" auto1ated real(ti1e B)BA%#
solution usin 1iddle>are technoloies like2 Oracle SO% Suite, !#BCO,
&entran, =e0 Methods, Oracle '#AML ate>a" etc.
525 ;e. Features
:User rror Manae1ent and Corrections :dit Manual !ransactions
525 7UI4 rror Correction
525 7UI4 %eports and "udits
:ceptional %uditin and Reportin Capa0ilities
525 7UI4 "dmin and Setups
Vendor Manae1ent and %d1in Capa0ilities
: &reater Disi0ilit" into the suppl" chain
: Lot tracea0ilit" 0" 1anufacturin stae 5>afer, sorted >afer, etc.6
: Lot 1oDe1ent 0et>een Vendors easil" traced
: 9uick reportin of Manufacturin !ransactions
: /aster processin of Manufacturin !ransactions
: Realistic Dendor =#P
: StandardiIed reportin for1at
Integrated #ot ,rac:ing S.stem4 525 ;e. 5enefits
: =#P lot 1oDe1ents 1apped and interated >ith Purchasin,
=#P costin and %P in a closed loop s"ste1
:  %uto1atic PO Release functionalit"
:  %uto1atic receiDin on OSP chares in the jo0 0ased on
co1pletion of operation
: Chanes in lot due to split, 1ere or other =#P lot transaction
are auto1aticall" propaated to purchasin.
: Reports to identif" discrepancies in OSP actiDities.
: nhanced Dendor pa"1ent process and auto1ated %P #nDoice
OSP Integrations
: #n depth understandin of Oracle =#P costin and jo0
close process includin esti1ated "ield accountin
: USJade etension to Oracle standard functionalit" to
Dalidate jo0s and anal"Ie Dariance.
: Reports unusual and 1issin epected transactions.
: as" co11unication 0et>een cost(accountin and
and 1ini1iIe errorsAdiscrepancies.
or: In Process &IP( Costing 0
Jo3 Close Process
: USJade lot enealo" : ProDides additional infor1ation in a custo1iIed for1at
: ProDides infor1ation a0out all lots related to Gueried lot >ithin and
across inDentor" ors
: Standard costin Derification Reports
: Operation "ield perfor1ance report
PO Gt".
Contact Us
Manoj Rathi
Principal Consultant
USJade Corp
USJade Corp
San Jose, C% 8**+
*+) 'A, =adaon Sheri,