opti2 ponsse harvester head

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  • 8/9/2019 Opti2 Ponsse Harvester Head


    Table of Contents

    1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 1

    Intr oduction ....................................................................................................................11.1

    1.2 G en e ra l d es c ri p ti o n o f th e O pt i 2 s y st e m ...........................................................................1

    1.3 O pt i 2 s y st e m a s se m bl y ...................................................................................................2

    Seat module ......................................................................................................... 21.3.1

    1.3.2 H ar v es t er h ea d m o du l e ......................................................................................... 2

    1.3.3 B us d i st r ib ut i on m o du l e ......................................................................................... 2

    1.3.4 Display module ..................................................................................................... 3

    1.4 Terms used ................................................................................................................... 4

    1.5 Measurement method, Continuous measurement of volume, i.e., cubing ........................... 6

    2 Function, harvester head .............................................................................................................. 6

    General ......................................................................................................................... 62.1

    2.2 Feeding ......................................................................................................................... 72.3 Pr eselection ...................................................................................................................7

    2.4 H a n dl e s a n d c o n tr o l b u t t on s ............................................................................................9

    L ef t -h an d h an dl e a nd c o nt r ol b ut t on s ( k ey s e t ti n g 0 ) ................................................ 92.4.1

    2.4.2 R i g ht - h an d h a nd l e , a n d c o n tr o l a n d p r es e l ec t i o n b u t t on s ( k e y s e t t in g 0 ) ................... 9

    2.4.3 L ef t -h an d h an dl e a nd c o nt r ol b ut t on s ( k ey s e t ti n g 1 ) .............................................. 10

    2.4.4 R i g ht - h an d h a nd l e , a n d c o n tr o l a n d p r es e l ec t i o n b u t t on s ( k e y s e t t in g 1 ) ................. 10

    2.4.5 P r es e l ec t i o n b u t t on s ............................................................................................11

    3 Computer interface ..................................................................................................................... 12

    W ri ti ng t ex t i n t he O pt i2 s ys te m ..................................................................................... 123.1

    3.2 U s in g t h e c o nt r ol w h ee l a nd d i sp l ay m od u le b ut t on s 1 5 ................................................. 14

    3.3 Safety lock ................................................................................................................... 154 Harvester head functions ............................................................................................................ 15

    L e f t ha n d h a n dl e .......................................................................................................... 154.1

    F un c ti o n c h an ge , S hi f t1 a nd S h if t 2 ....................................................................... 154.1.1

    4.1.2 Vibrate ............................................................................................................... 15

    4.1.3 Rollers open ....................................................................................................... 16

    4.1.4 Knives toggle ...................................................................................................... 17

    4.1.5 Saw ................................................................................................................... 17

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    4.1.6 Front knives open ............................................................................................... 17

    4.1.7 Fr ont knives close ............................................................................................... 18

    4.1.8 R e ar k n i ve s o pe n ................................................................................................ 18

    4.1.9 R e ar k n i ve s c l os e ................................................................................................19

    4.2 R i g ht h a n d h a nd l e ........................................................................................................ 19

    H ea d o pe n ..........................................................................................................194.2.1

    4.2.2 H ea d c l os e ......................................................................................................... 20

    4.2.3 Reset length ....................................................................................................... 20

    4.2.4 Tilt toggle ........................................................................................................... 21

    4.2.5 Rotator /bucket selector ........................................................................................21

    4.2.6 T op s aw ............................................................................................................. 21

    4.2.7 S l ow f e ed f o rw ar d ............................................................................................... 21

    4.2.8 S l ow f e ed b ac k wa rd ............................................................................................ 22

    4.2.9 Default pr eselection ............................................................................................ 22

    4.2.10 Butt end ............................................................................................................. 224.2.11 C ol o ur m ar k in g a nd s t um p t r ea t me nt .................................................................... 24

    5 Starting the treatment ................................................................................................................. 25

    H a n dl i n g m o d e ............................................................................................................. 255.1

    Activating / deactivating the delimbing knives opening and vibr ation ....................... 285.1.1

    5.1.2 S a w c h a in r e p la c e me n t s eq u en c e ........................................................................ 29

    5.2 Work area .................................................................................................................... 29

    S av in g t he w or k ar ea d at a o n a U SB m em or y st ic k ............................................... 295.2.1

    5.2.2 U si ng t he w or k a re a d at a s av ed o n a U SB me mo ry st ic k ....................................... 29

    5.2.3 V ie wi ng / e di ti ng t he w or k ar ea I D d at a ................................................................. 29

    5.2.4 E nt er in g t he w or k ar ea I D d at a .............................................................................31

    5.3 Calibr ation ................................................................................................................... 31

    Length measur ement calibr ation .......................................................................... 315.3.1

    5.3.2 C al i br at i ng t h e d i am et e r s e ns o r r a ng e .................................................................. 32

    5.3.3 C al i br at i ng t h e d i am et e r c u rv e ............................................................................. 32

    5.3.4 C al i br at i ng t h e r ot a to r h an d le ............................................................................... 33

    5.3.5 C al i br at i ng t h e r ot a to r c o nt r ol v a lv e ...................................................................... 35

    5.3.6 C al i br at i ng t h e f e ed c o nt r ol v a lv e ......................................................................... 35

    5.3.7 E x te ns i on c a li b ra t io n ( i f t h e m ac h in e i s eq u ip p ed w i th a n e x te ns i on ) ....................... 37

    5.3.8 Movement- specific pr essur e calibr ation ( H6, H7, H7euca, H8) ............................... 38

    6 Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 39

    P a ra me t er s a f fe c ti n g t h e p re s si n g p r es s ur es o f t h e f r on t a nd r ea r d e li m bi n g k n iv e s, a s

    w e ll a s th e f e ed r ol l er s ( X 50 , H6 0, H 73 e) ....................................................................... 39


    6.2 P a ra me t er s a f fe c ti n g t h e p re s si n g p r es s ur es o f t h e f r on t a nd r ea r d e li m bi n g k n iv e s, a sw e ll a s t he f e ed r ol l er s ( H 6, H 7 , H7 eu c a, H 8 ) ................................................................. 40

    6.3 P a ra me t er s a f fe c ti n g t h e f e ed ........................................................................................41

    6.4 P a ra me t er s a f fe c ti n g t h e o pe ni n g o f t h e f r on t a nd r ea r d el i mb i ng k n iv e s .......................... 41

    6.5 P a ra me t er s a f fe c ti n g t h e v i br at i on o f t h e f r on t a nd r ea r d el i mb i ng k n iv e s (X 5 0, H 6 0,

    H73) ............................................................................................................................ 42

    6.6 P a r am e t er s a f f ec t i n g r o t at o r m o v em e nt s ........................................................................ 43

    6.7 H y dr au l ic p um p s u s ed t o c o nt r ol v a ri o us a c tu at o rs ......................................................... 44

    6.8 P a r am e t er s a f f ec t i n g h y d ra u l ic p u mp s ........................................................................... 44

    6.9 S a w b l ad e c a li b ra t io n ....................................................................................................45

    7 Other parameters ....................................................................................................................... 46

    Feed ............................................................................................................................467.1

    7.2 Saw ............................................................................................................................. 48

    7.3 C l o s in g d e l ay s ..............................................................................................................50

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    7.4 Tilt ............................................................................................................................... 50

    7.5 Sensors (X50) .............................................................................................................. 51

    7.6 S e n so r s ( H 60 , H 6 , H 7 , H 7 eu c a , H 8 a n d H 7 3 e) ...............................................................52

    7.7 U s e r i n t er f a c e .............................................................................................................. 52

    7.8 Miscellaneous .............................................................................................................. 53

    7.9 Front knives (X50, H60, H73e) ...................................................................................... 53

    7.10 F r o nt k n i v es ( H 6 , H7 , H 7 eu c a a n d H 8 ) ...........................................................................54

    7.11 R e a r k n i ve s ( X 5 0, H 60 , H7 3 e ) ....................................................................................... 54

    7.12 R e ar k n iv e s ( H 6, H 7, H 7e u ca a nd H 8 ) ........................................................................... 55

    7.13 Automode .................................................................................................................... 56

    7.14 Options ........................................................................................................................ 57

    7.15 F e ed r ol l er s ( H 60 , H 7 3e ) ...............................................................................................57

    7.16 F e ed r ol l er s ( H 6, H7 , H 7e u ca a nd H 8 ) ........................................................................... 57

    7.17 C o l ou r m a rk i n g .............................................................................................................58

    8 Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 58S e t t in g t h e p r es e l ec t i o ns ...............................................................................................588.1

    8.2 Adding and editing tr ee species names .......................................................................... 59

    8.3 Adding and editing assor tment names ........................................................................... 59

    8.4 G e n er a l d i s pl a y s e t t in g s ................................................................................................60

    8.5 R e s t or i n g t h e d e f au l t s e t t in g s ........................................................................................ 60

    8.6 S a vi n g a nd i m pl em e nt i ng t h e d r iv e r' s o w n s e tt i ng s ......................................................... 61

    9 Service ...................................................................................................................................... 62

    M o d ul e f u n ct i o na l i t y ...................................................................................................... 629.1

    9.2 T e st i ng t h e f u nc t io n al i ty o f c o nt r ol a nd p r es e le c ti o n b ut t on s ............................................ 63

    9.3 T e st i ng t h e f u nc t io n al i ty o f t h e c o nt r ol w h ee l .................................................................. 63

    9.4 P u ls e a nd s t at u s o f s e ns o rs co nn ec t ed t o t h e h a rv e st e r h ea d m od ul e .............................. 63

    9.5 P u ls e a nd s t at u s o f s e ns o rs co nn ec t ed t o t h e h a rv e st e r h ea d m od ul e .............................. 64

    9.6 T e st i ng t h e h ar v es t er h ea d f u nc t io ns ............................................................................. 64

    H a r ve s t e r h e ad s X 5 0 , H 6 0 , H 7 3 e ......................................................................... 649.6.1

    9.6.2 H ar v es t er h ea ds H 6 , H 7 , H 7 eu c a a n d H 8 ............................................................. 65

    9.7 Alar m messages sent by the modules ............................................................................66

    9.8 O pt i 2 s y st e m s o ft w ar e u pd at e ....................................................................................... 66

    9.9 S e rv i ce c o de ................................................................................................................ 67

    10 Reports ......................................................................................................................................67

    O ut pu t da ta t o t he d is pl ay /t o p ap er /t o a f il e .................................................................... 6710.1

    10.2 S ys te m s et ti ng s t o p ap er /t o a f il e ................................................................................... 68

    10.3 Me ss ag e l og t o a f il e .....................................................................................................68

    11 Error messages ..........................................................................................................................69S e a t m o du l e a l a rm s ......................................................................................................6911.1

    11.2 H U B m o du l e a l a rm s ..................................................................................................... 71

    11.3 D i s p la y m o d u l e a l a rm s ..................................................................................................73

    11.4 H a rv e st e r h ea d m o du l e a l ar ms ......................................................................................74

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    Read this Owner's Manual before using the Opti2 measure-

    ment device and starting work. The Owner's Manual famili-

    arises the reader with the features and operation of the

    measurement device intended for harvester use. Reading

    and understanding the instructions improves the utilisation

    efficiency of the system and therefore increases work pro-


    Also read the Owner's Manuals for the harvester head andbase machine.

    This Owner's Manual applies to harvester head models X50,

    H60e, H73e, H6, H7, H7euca and H8. If no specific harvester

    head model is indicated in the heading of an instruction, the

    instruction is applicable to all harvester heads.

    General description of the Opti2 system1.2

    The Opti2 is a control and measurement system that has

    been designed for felling and cutting trees, recording output

    statistics, and giving the driver information about the workflow

    and the functionality of the system itself.

    The Opti2 system controls the harvester head, tilt, feedrollers, delimbing knives and saw during the work.

    The measurement device can be installed, for example, in

    an excavator.

    The Opti2 is comprised of four separate modules:seat module,

    harvester head module,

    bus distribution module (HUB),

    and display module,

    as well as a CAN bus and the controls: control wheel, control

    buttons and preselection buttons.

    The modules are connected to each other via the CAN bus.

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    Opti2 system assembly1.3

    1 Seat module

    2 H a rv e st e r h ea d m od u le

    3 B u s d i s t ri b u ti o n m o du l e ( H U B)

    4 Display module

    5 C AN b us

    6 C o n tr o l w h e el

    7 C o nt r ol a n d p re s el e ct i on b u tt o ns

    8 Pr inter

    Seat module1.3.1

    The control wheel, control and preselection buttons are

    connected to the seat module. The seat module identifies

    the buttons pushed and the rotator handle control, as well

    as sends information on buttons to the CAN bus.

    Harvester head module1.3.2

    The sensors and actuators of the harvester head are con-

    nected to the harvester head module. The module controlsthe harvester head and reads the harvester head inputs


    Bus distribution module1.3.3

    The pumps are connected to the bus distribution module

    (HUB) and, furthermore, the module monitors the currents

    and the CAN bus.

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    Display module1.3.4

    The display module compiles statistics and controls the

    handling of logs. With the display module, the user can

    monitor the system status and condition, and make system

    adjustments. The display module collects data in the log file

    regarding the system status and operation. All harvesting

    data collected by the display module can be transferred to

    the system printer, be recorded to a file in the display file

    system, or be transferred as data to a memory stick via the

    USB interface. The default display file system does not cre-

    ate files.

    The display module controls the status of the CAN bus and,if one of the modules is missing, the display informs the user,

    and the system operation is limited.

    The display module is controlled mainly with the control

    wheel and its buttons. The display module's 5 buttons are

    also used and the default functions of the display module

    buttons are the same in all windows. If the function of the

    display module buttons differ in some window, the button

    has an icon at the bottom of the window. All windows have

    an info window, which has a text description of the window

    function and operations. The info window is activated using

    display module button 5.

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    Terms used1.4

    T ab l e 1 T e rm s a nd t h ei r d es c ri p ti o ns .


    A part to be installed to the crane. The

    part is used to fell, delimb and cut a

    tree. The harvester head includes a

    saw, feed rollers, delimbing and grab

    knives, etc.

    Harvester head

    A part to be installed to the crane. The

    part is used for felling a tree. The har-

    vester head includes collecting jaws,

    grabble etc.

    Energy wood har-

    vester head

    Pre-programmed data: tree species,

    assortment, length, tolerance and

    minimum tree top. Based on the

    information, logs are cut to the desired

    lengths and diameters.


    The button used to select preselection.Preselection button

    Cut-to-length started by pressing the

    preselection button.

    Automatic feed

    Buttons used to manually control the

    harvester head functions; for example,

    the sawing button.

    Control buttons

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    By turning the dial, the cursor is

    moved on the screen and control val-ues are changed.

    Control wheel

    Rectangular frame, which is moved

    on the screen with the control wheel.


    A graphic window forming a certain

    entity on the screen, where functions

    are displayed and adjusted.

    Display window

    Icons at the top of the screen that the

    cursor can access by pressing the

    Cancel button. When the cursor is on

    the icon and the confirm button is

    pressed, a new display window opens.

    Main Menu

    The rectangular (or square-shaped)

    frame on the display unit screen where

    the cursor is moved by turning the

    control wheel. There are two types of


    Control button: Pressing Confirmwith the frame on the control button

    activates the control.

    Function button: Pressing Confirm

    opens a new display window or activ-ates a certain function.

    Display button

    Green button on the control wheel.

    The button is used to confirm func-

    tions. For example, with the cursor on

    the display button, the control or func-

    tion is activated depending on the

    button type.

    Confirm button

    Red button on the control wheel.

    The button is used to cancel a function

    in progress. For example, the adjust-ment is not approved with the control

    button, but the old value remains in


    The cursor is moved between the

    Main Menu and display button with the

    Cancel button.

    Cancel button

    When adjusting values, the control is

    activated by pressing the Confirm

    button, in which case a shadow

    appears around the control button.


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    Measurement method, Continuousmeasurement of volume, i.e., cubing


    The harvesting measuring method with this equipment is

    based on continuous volume measurement. The volumeof the measurement batch is measured and calculated by

    short logs and by means of the cylinder or truncated cone

    formula. In practice, thickness readings are recorded in the

    frame vector at one-centimetre (1 cm) intervals when feeding

    a tree. The Opti2 screen module's memory contains a table,

    always providing the volume of a one-centimetre-long trunk

    corresponding to a specific thickness with an accuracy of

    one-tenth of a millilitre. The final result is rounded to the

    nearest decilitre.

    The base of the first log after felling sawing is calculated by

    forming a truncated cone.

    When sawing using the topping saw, the unknown log section

    is calculated on the basis of the prognosis prepared using

    the log's realised narrowing.

    For securing a reliable volume measure, the length and

    thickness measures must be calibrated before starting themeasurement.

    If the diameter is not in use, the measuring device will not

    calculate the volume. Nevertheless, the harvester head must

    be opened and closed before starting the work. This way

    the preselections will function based on length alone.

    Function, harvester head2


    The software of the measurement device assumes that trees

    are felled in the following manner:

    After turning the instrument On, the harvester head must

    be first set to the Open and Close position and the

    movement path must be correct with respect to its range

    (sufficient number of pulses), before the diameter

    reading appears on the screen (if the diameter is used).The measurement device does not calculate the volume

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    if the diameter is not used. Even if the diameter is not

    in use, the harvester head must be opened and closed

    before starting the work. If the diameter is not in use,the preselections will function on length alone.

    The harvester head is to be opened and lifted to a ver-

    tical position, so that the tree to be felled can be caught.

    Perform felling sawing.

    The feeding starts with preselection, and also with

    continuous feed from cut sawing. Using the manual feed

    during the automatic feed will cancel the automatic feed.

    The automatic feed can be restarted at any time by

    pressing the preselection button.

    As the feed is stopped at the correct dimension, sawing

    is carried out (by pressing the button) and if the auto-matic feed is not selected, a new preselection is selec-

    ted. When continuous feed is selected, but the minimum

    diameter condition is not fulfilled, the feed will not start


    The sawing compiles statistics for the trunk's active

    preselection. When a trunk counter is used, the trunk

    is added to the preselection active during the first saw-

    ing. The length reading is reset in sawing.


    The measurement device selects the feed speed between

    fast, medium and slow feed, based on the remaining dis-

    tance. Fast speed is used when far away from the dimension.

    Slow speed is used when close to the dimension. The speed

    selection is affected by the braking distance + stopping

    advance. When the distance to the dimension exceeds the

    braking distance + stopping advance, fast feed is selected.

    The stopping advance is the distance which the trunk moves

    after stopping the control of the feed valves. The braking

    distance defines how far before the target dimension the

    feed is changed to slow speed.


    The tree species and desired preselection table row are

    selected with the preselection button.

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    Preselections are pre-programmed data regarding the type

    of logs desired. The preselection can already be selected

    before carrying out the felling.

    Preselection consists of seven different pieces of information:

    Tree species; the botanical name of the tree in question.

    Timber assortment; the end use of the log (e.g., log,

    pulp or rot).

    Length; the desired length of the logs to be cut.

    Sawing window; the allowed deviation from the desired

    length. A separate parameter for the under- and over-

    shoot of the desired dimension.

    Minimum tree top; the diameter in millimetres belowwhich the tree top diameter of the desired log must not


    Colour marking.

    Debarking (preselection activates the debarking mode,

    if selected).

    Free cutting.

    When pressing Preselection after sawing, the harvester head

    activates the preselection of the trunk feed to inform the

    dimension, taking into consideration the tolerance and tree

    top diameter. If the diameter falls below the tree top dimen-

    sion, the trunk feed is stopped for this preselection. The user

    must select a new preselection or feed manually using the

    Feed forward button.

    The log cut in sawing is statistically compiled during the

    sawing for the active preselection. The running meters and

    number of logs cut for each preselection are counted

    together. The cubic meters are counted if the diameter is in

    use, and the number of trunks is always counted. The num-

    ber of trunks is always added to the preselection, for whichthe first log is made from the trunk.

    A .prd file is made based on the statistical compilation data.

    The user is not allowed to make the wrong preselection.

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    Handles and control buttons2.4

    When installing the program, you can choose from two dif-ferent key settings. The functions of key setting 0 and key

    setting 1 have been described in the following sections. The

    settings are selected during installation. The key settings

    can only be changed at the service level.

    Always before using the machine, check the program's key

    settings as follows:

    Select 5. Service -> Diagnostics -> Handles. In thisselection window, you can test different button functions and

    handle movements.

    Left-hand handle and control buttons (keysetting 0)


    A Lower trigger Shift1B Upper trigger Shift21 Vibrate2 Rollers open3 Knives toggle

    4 Saw5 The Front knives open6 Front knives close7 Rear knives open

    8 Rear knives close

    Right-hand handle, and control andpreselection buttons (key setting 0)


    A Lower trigger, head closeB Upper trigger, head open1 Reset length2 Tilt toggle3 Rotator/bucket selector4 Top saw5 Feed forward6 Feed backward

    7 Default preselection8 Butt end

    In addition, there are three programmed button combinationsfor colour marking and stump treatment:

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    Shift1 + 3 Rotator/Bucket selector = Red colour marking

    Shift2 + 3 Rotator/Bucket selector = Blue colour marking

    Shift2 + 4 Saw = Stump treatment

    Left-hand handle and control buttons (keysetting 1)


    A Lower trigger, Front knives closeB Upper trigger, Front knives open1 All knives open2 Tilt down3 Tilt up

    4 -5 -

    6 -7 Shift18 Shift2

    Right-hand handle, and control andpreselection buttons (key setting 1)


    A Lower trigger, head close

    B Upper trigger, head open1 Top saw2 Rollers open3 Rollers close

    4 Saw

    5 Feed backward6 Feed forward7 Knives vibration8 Reset length

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    Preselection buttons2.4.5

    T ab le 2 Button combinations

    Preselection 1.

    Shift1+1 = Preselection 11.Shift2+1 = Preselection 21.


    Preselection 2.

    Shift1 + 2 = Preselection 12.Shift2 + 2 = Preselection 22.


    Preselection 3.

    Shift1 + 3 = Preselection 13.Shift2 + 3 = Preselection 23.


    Preselection 4.

    Shift1 + 4 = Preselection 14.Shift2 + 4 = Preselection 24.


    Preselection 5.

    Shift1 + 5 = Preselection 15.Shift2 + 5 = Preselection 25.


    Preselection 6.

    Shift1 + 6 = Preselection 16.Shift2 + 6 = Preselection 26.


    Preselection 7.

    Shift1 + 7 = Preselection 17.

    Shift2 + 7 = Preselection 27.


    Preselection 8.

    Shift1 + 8 = Preselection 18.

    Shift2 + 8 = Preselection 28.


    Preselection 9.

    Shift1+9 = Preselection19.Shift2 + 9 = Preselection 29.


    Preset 10.

    Shift1+10 = Preselection 20.Shift2 + 10 = Preset 30.


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    If the Plus/Minus function has been

    activated using the parameter, the

    functionality of the preselection buttons9 and 10 is changed so that preselec-tion button 10 is the Plus button andpreselection button 9 the Minus button.The Plus button is used to change thepreselet value to the preselection of the

    tree species and assortment having a

    length measurement closest to the cur-

    rent length measurement and a target

    length greater than the current length


    The Minus button is used to changethe preset value to the preselection of

    the tree species and assortment having

    a length measurement closest to the

    current length measurement and a tar-

    get length smaller than the current

    length measurement.

    If the Plus/Minus function is activated,

    presets 9, 10, 19, 20, 29 and 30 aredeactivated and therefore shown in grey

    in the Preselection window.

    9 and 10Special functions

    Computer interface3

    Writing text in the Opti2 system3.1

    The text is written using the virtual keyboard.

    1. Move the cursor to the point where you want to write.

    2. Click the green button, the virtual keyboard opens.

    3. Enter the text letter by letter. First move the cursor to

    the letter by turning the control wheel and then press

    the green button.

    4. If you want to switch between small/capital letters, move

    the cursor to the C-lock button and press the greenbutton. When you want to switch between special

    characters/normal letters, move the cursor to the Extrabutton and press the green button.

    5. Text can be deleted one character at a time using the

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    6. When you have written the text, move the cursor to the

    OK button and press the green button.

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    Using the control wheel and displaymodule buttons 15


    D i s pl a y m o du l e a n d b u t to n s .

    C o nt r ol w h ee l a nd b ut t on s .

    Display module button 1 / control wheel red buttonUse these buttons to cancel the selected function.

    Display module button 2 / turning the control wheelcounterclockwiseUse the button / turn the dial to move the cursor to the

    desired function or to decrease the value of the selected


    Display module button 3 / control wheel green button

    Use these buttons to confirm the selected function.

    Display module button 4 / turning the control wheel

    clockwiseUse the button / turn the dial to move the cursor to the

    desired function or to increase the value of the selected


    Button 5Use this button to open the instruction manual for the active


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    Safety lock3.3

    S a fe t y lo c k sy m bo l a t t he t o p r i gh t .

    The purpose of the safety lock is to disable the harvesterhead controls in connection with the system booting, as well

    as when the driver is not in the cabin. The safety lock symbol

    informing the driver about this is shown as locked in the main

    menu of the display, and access to the Handling screen has

    been blocked. Therefore, all harvester head controls are

    also blocked.

    The safety is activated when

    - The Opti2 system is launched,- The base machine's safety switch/safety mode (usually

    in the seat or cabin door) switches on,- Default settings are restored,

    - The driver's own settings are taken into use,

    - Or the saw chain change in the sequence ends.

    The safety lock is opened, if necessary

    - First by switching off the base machine's safety switch,


    - by simultaneously pressing the Shift1 and Top sawcontrol buttons.

    Harvester head functions4

    The opening movement of the actuator is always dominant.

    That is, if one tries to simultaneously close and open the

    same actuator, the open control dominates and the actuator

    is steered open. This applies to all harvester head functions.

    Left hand handle4.1

    Function change, Shift1 and Shift24.1.1

    Pressed simultaneously with another control/preselection



    The Vibrate button activates the auxiliary vibration of the

    front and rear delimbing knives. With the auxiliary vibration,the vibration of both the front and rear delimbing knives

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    operates for an open extended period of time. The auxiliary

    vibration operates for as long as the button is pressed

    regardless of whether the "automatic vibration" is in use ornot. When pressing the vibration button before the feed, the

    extended open pulse is in use.

    The Shift1+Vibrate buttons activate the "automatic vibration"of the front and rear delimbing knives. The vibration functions

    that are active will operate. The automatic vibration symbol

    of the front and rear delimbing knives appears on the screen.

    The Shift2+Vibratebuttons open a window where it is pos-sible to select which vibration functions are active when the

    automatic vibration is in use.

    Rollers open4.1.3

    When pressing the Rollers open button and the feed is turned

    on, the program's default value is that only the knives will

    open. However, the default value can be changed so that

    the rollers will also open and the feed will be stopped.

    The feed rollers are also steered fully open when the har-

    vester head is steered fully open.

    When felling, the Rollers open button fully opens the feedrollers. The feed rollers are opened for at least the time set

    with the parameters, or for as long as the button is pressed.

    The commissioning time, which lasts from the fully closed

    position of the feed rollers to the fully open position, is

    adjusted as a minimum control time parameter.

    Pressing the Rollers open button briefly in sawing fully

    opens the feed rollers, after which they close automatically.Pressing the Rollers open button for a long time in cuttingmode fully opens the feed rollers and they remain open until

    the user closes them with, e.g., the Head close button or

    Shift1 + Head close button.

    The Shift1+Rollers open buttons open the feed rollers foras long as the control button is pressed.

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    Knives toggle4.1.4

    The front and rear delimbing knives will remain open when

    pressing the Knives toggle button. The knives will be closedwhen the button is pressed twice. In other words, the direc-

    tion of the knife movement will be changed whenever the

    Toggle button is pressed (apart from the feed).

    When the Toggle button is held down when feeding, the

    knives will open until the button is released.

    The Shift1+Knives toggle buttons open/close both the frontand rear delimbing knives to their middle positions. The

    knives will close for as long as the control button is pressed.


    The Saw button saws with the saw in use. For example, ifthe top saw is in use, pressing the Saw button activates the

    top saw. In other cases, sawing is carried out with the regular


    Pressing the Shift1+Saw button with the harvester head in

    the horizontal position starts the change sequence of thesaw chain for the active saw, during which the display

    instructs the driver of actions to be taken.

    The clearing function is activated using the Head open+Sawbutton with the harvester head in a vertical position.

    The Head close+Saw buttons activate forced sawing. Thesaw blade stays out for as long as the Saw button is pressed.

    Front knives open4.1.6

    The front delimbing knives are also steered fully open or to

    intermediate positions when the harvester head is steered

    fully open or to intermediate positions.

    If the saw or top saw stays out simultaneously when the

    "front delimbing knives open" (or "knives open") control is

    activated, the saw is first taken to the saw box and, when

    the "saw home" data is active (saw in the saw box), the

    knives will be opened.

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    The Front kni ves open button opens the front delimbing

    knives completely open. The front delimbing knives are

    opened for the minimum time set with the parameters or foras long as the button is pressed.

    The commissioning time is adjusted as a minimum control

    time parameter, which lasts from the "fully closed" position

    of the knives to the "fully open" position.

    The Shift1+Front knives open buttons open the frontdelimbing knives to intermediate positions. The front

    delimbing knives remain open for as long as the buttons are


    Front knives close4.1.7

    The front knives are steered fully open when feeding and

    sawing. The front knives are also steered fully closed when

    the harvester head is steered fully closed.

    The Front knives close button closes the front delimbingknives for as long as the control buttons are pressed. The

    "Front delimbing knives close" control stays on, even though

    the button is released.

    The Shift1+Front knives close buttons close the frontdelimbing knives to intermediate positions. The front

    delimbing knives close only for as long as the buttons are


    Rear knives open4.1.8

    The rear knives are also steered fully open or to intermediate

    positions when the harvester head is steered fully open orto intermediate positions.

    If the saw or top saw stays out simultaneously when the

    "rear knives open" control is activated, the saw is first taken

    to the saw box and, when the "saw home" data (saw in the

    saw box) is active, the knives will be opened.

    The Rear knives open button fully opens the rear delimbingknives. The rear delimbing knives are opened for at least

    the time set with the parameters or for as long as the buttonis pressed.

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    The commissioning time is adjusted as a minimum control

    time parameter, which lasts from the "fully closed" position

    of the rear knives to the "fully open" position.

    The Shift1+Rear knives open buttons open the rear delimbing knives to intermediate positions. The rear

    delimbing knives remain open for as long as the button is


    Rear knives close4.1.9

    The rear knives are also steered fully closed or to intermedi-

    ate positions when the harvester head is steered fully closedor to intermediate positions.

    The Rear knives close button fully closes the rear delimbingknives. The "Knives close" control stays on, even though

    the button is released.

    The Shift1+Rear knives open buttons close the front orrear delimbing knives to intermediate positions. The knives

    will close for as long as the button is pressed.

    Right hand handle4.2

    Head open4.2.1

    The Head open button fully opens the feed rollers, front andrear delimbing knives for at least the time set with the para-

    meters or for as long as the button is pressed.

    When the Head open button is pressed continuously for a

    long time and the feed rollers are open, the harvester headwill automatically rise to a vertical position. (Only when this

    function is allowed in the parameters located in the settings)

    When the Head open button is pressed during the feed, only

    the front and rear delimbing knives will open for as long as

    the button is pressed. If the feed is active when the Head

    open button is released, the harvester head will automatically


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    The Shift1+Head open buttons open the harvester head to

    intermediate positions. The harvester head remains open

    for as long as the button is pressed.When the Shift1+Head open buttons are pressed during the

    feed, only the front and rear delimbing knives will open for

    as long as the buttons are pressed. If the feed is active when

    the Head open button is released, the harvester head will

    automatically close.

    Head close4.2.2

    The Head close button fully closes the feed rollers, front

    and rear delimbing knives.

    When the Head close button is pressed, there are adjustable

    delays (parameters) with the controls of the feed rollers and

    rear delimbing knives. That is, first the front delimbing knives

    are closed and, following the set delay, the feed rollers and

    rear delimbing knives. For example, when pressing the

    Knives close button, there will be no delay and the knives

    will close immediately.

    The Head close control stays on when the button is released.

    The Shift1+Head close button closes the feed rollers, frontand rear delimbing knives to intermediate positions; in other

    words they will remain closed for as long as the button is


    Reset length4.2.3

    The Reset length button resets its current length reading.

    Pressing the button for a long time deletes the output data

    of the last cut log.

    The Shift1+Reset length buttons (= New stem) switch theOpti2 system into a post-felling sawing state, even thoughno felling sawing was actually done. This can be used, for

    example, if one needs to start cutting a trunk that has already

    fallen or has been felled earlier.

    Shift2+Reset length buttons. If the function has beenallowed using a parameter, the target length of the active

    preselection is set as the length measurement. If the lengthmeasurement clearly shows incorrect lengths, the length

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    measurement can be "forced" to the active preset target

    length, which will lead to more accurate statistics. If no

    preselection has been activated, the system will simultan-eously activate the default preselection and set its target

    length as the length measurement.

    In order for the previous function to work, delimbing paramet-

    ers must be active. In addition, the DB section must beselected in the specific preselection. This function is mainly

    used in delimbing harvester heads.

    Tilt toggle4.2.4

    The Tilt toggle button lifts the harvester head to the uprightposition / lowers the harvester head to a horizontal position.

    Rotator/bucket selector4.2.5

    The Rotator/bucket selector button activates the rotatorcontrol when the bucket control is in use. Pressing the button

    when the rotator control is in use activates the bucket control.

    Top saw4.2.6

    The Top saw button changes the top saw as the saw to beused. The selection is cancelled by pressing the button for

    the second time. The selection is automatically cancelled

    when the harvester head is opened and the top saw has

    sawed. (The top saw function requires that the use of the

    top saw is allowed using a parameter.)

    The Shift1+Top saw buttons open the safety lock.

    Slow feed forward4.2.7

    While pressing the Feed forward button, trunks are fed at

    high speed forward.

    The trunk feed speed is limited to a maximum average

    speed, if the trunk is taken in the harvester head during

    felling sawing.

    The trunk feed forward is prevented when the saw or topsaw is out of the saw box.

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    While pressing the Shift1+Feed forward buttons, trunks are

    fed at slow speed forward.

    The trunk feed forward is prevented when the saw or top

    saw is out of the saw box.

    Slow feed backward4.2.8

    While pressing the Feed backward button, trunks are fedbackward at high speed.

    The feed speed is limited to a maximum average speed, if

    the trunk is taken in the harvester head during felling sawing.

    The trunk fast feed backward is prevented when the saw or

    top saw is out of the saw box.

    While pressing the Shift1+Feed backward buttons, trunksare fed at slow speed backward.

    When the saw or top saw is out of the saw box, only a slow

    speed backward of the trunk is allowed.

    Default preselection4.2.9

    The Default preselection button activates the default


    Butt end4.2.10

    Butt end debarking is carried out by pressing the Butt endbutton with the debarking mode active (parameter) or

    debarking allowed in the preselection. In butt end debarking,the harvester head must be in the cutting mode.

    When pressing the Butt end button, the trunk is fed backward

    until the target length is achieved or is undercut.

    Butt end debarking can be aborted with the Feed forward

    and backward buttons, as well as by pressing the Butt end

    button for the second time.

    Butt end delimbing: After cutting, press the Butt end button

    before the first preselection. After the first preselection,automatic butt end delimbing is carried out.

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    In butt end delimbing, the part of the butt end which remains

    outside the delimbing knives in connection with cutting the

    trunk is to be delimbed. In butt end delimbing, the trunk isfed backward to the length defined with the average speed

    parameter, after which the automatic cut-to-length is activ-


    Butt end delimbing is available when the automatic feed or

    preselection feed mode is selected.

    Butt delimbing and the following automatic cut-to-length can

    be aborted with the same buttons with which the automatic

    cut-to-length is aborted. If it is desired to cancel butt

    delimbing in the middle of delimbing but continue the auto-matic cut-to-length, then this is done by pressing the Butt

    end button again.

    The Shift1+Butt end function is used to locate the trunk buttend, that is, the zero point of the length, when the length

    measurement is missing. The function requires that the

    harvester head includes a butt end identification sensor. The

    Butt end function feeds the trunk at average speed.

    If the butt end identification sensor is active at startup of the

    Butt end function, the trunk is fed backward until the identi-fication sensor changes mode, in which case the trunk feed

    direction changes to forward and the speed to slow. When

    the identification sensor changes mode again, the trunk feed

    is stopped.

    If the butt end identification sensor is not active at startup of

    the Butt end function, the trunk is fed forward at average

    speed, until the identification sensor changes mode and the

    trunk feed is stopped.

    Every time the butt end identification sensor changes mode,

    the length display shows the distance from the sensor to the


    The butt end search function is active regardless of the

    selected feed mode.

    The butt end search function can be aborted in the middle

    of the butt end search by pressing the "feed forward" or "feed

    backward" button or by starting the automatic cut-to-length.

    The Butt end search function is automatically aborted whenactivating the slipping identification.

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    Colour marking and stump treatment4.2.11

    When the harvester head is equipped with the colour marking


    By pressing the Shift1 + Rotator / Bucket selection com-bination, the harvester head sprays red ink through the colour

    marking nozzle to the head of the cut trunk.

    By pressing the Shift2 + Rotator / Bucket selection com-bination, the harvester head sprays blue ink through the

    colour marking nozzle to the head of the cut trunk.

    When the harvester head is equipped with the stump treat-ment equipment:

    By pressing the Shift2 + Saw combination, the harvesterhead sprays stump treatment spray on a stump in felling

    sawing. Note! Once a tree has been felled and is inside the

    harvester head, and the Shift2 + Saw combination is pressed,

    the operator can select whether stump treatment spraying

    is performed during next felling sawing.

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    Starting the treatment5

    Handling mode5.1

    Select 1. Handling.

    T ab l e 3 D e sc r ip t io n o f f u nc t io ns

    Current length of the short log in centimetres.

    If the length measurement is available, the

    screen will be yellow unless the saw bar is in

    the sawing window, in which case the screen

    will be green.If the length measurement is unreliable or

    unavailable, the screen will be grey.


    Current diameter of the short log in millimetres.

    If the diameter at saw point is available, the

    screen will be yellow unless the (top) saw blade

    is not within the saw box, in which case the

    screen will be red.

    If the diameter at saw point (e.g., at the butt

    end) is not available, the screen will be grey. If

    the current diameter is smaller than the min-

    imum top diameter defined in the selectedpreselection, the diameter value flashes on the



    Selected preselection.PS

    Tree species according to the selected



    Assortment according to the selected



    Target length according to the selected



    Sawing window according to the selectedpreselection.


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    Minimum top diameter according to the selected



    The selected function; several of these func-tions can be selected simultaneously. The dis-

    play will show the functions as following sym-


    FCCutting is allowed at any point of the trunk.

    DBDebarking selected.

    C1Colour marking in blue.


    Colour marking in red.C3Colour marking in both colours.


    The number of short logs registered for the

    selected preselection in this work area.


    Total length of short logs registered for the

    selected preselection in this work area given in

    running metres.


    The volume of short logs registered for the

    selected preselection in this work area given in

    cubic metres.


    4. Settings -> Parameters-> Other paramet-ers -> Feed -> Feed mode parameter Auto-Start.

    Alarm symbol, the alarm notifications will be

    shown on the status line. Some alarms are only

    registered in the Message log. In some casesthe alarm is only registered in the log file and

    will not show in the Handling window.

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    Attention symbol, the attention notifications will

    be shown on the status line. Some alarms are

    only registered in the Message log.Rotator control taken into use.

    Bucket cylinder control taken into use.

    Top saw taken into use.

    Harvester head open in a horizontal position,

    i.e., in the so-called collection mode.

    Felling sawing mode.

    Sawing mode.

    Number of felled trunks. Includes all tree spe-


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    Activating / deactivating the delimbing knivesopening and vibration


    X50, H60, H73e

    FW: F or w a rd f e e d.

    BW: B a ck w a rd f e e d.

    1. Press Shift2 and Vibrate control buttons simultaneouslyin the Handling window.

    2. Start pulse : Select whether or not to use the delimbingknives opening feature when the automatic vibration

    has been activated with Shift1+Vibrate control buttons(symbol shown on the display when active).

    3. Knives vibration : Select whether or not to use thedelimbing knives' directional valve vibration when the

    automatic vibration has been activated with

    Shift1+Vibrate control buttons (symbol shown on the

    display when active).4. Pressure valve vibrate : Select whether or not to use

    delimbing knives' pressure valve vibration. If this box is

    checked, the pressure valve vibration is always in use

    regardless of the automatic vibration activation settings.

    H6, H7, H7euca, H8

    FW: F or w a rd f e e d.

    BW: B a ck w a rd f e e d.

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    Saw chain replacement sequence5.1.2

    Note! The top saw chain is always replaced manually. These

    instructions do not apply to the top saw!

    1. Lower the harvester head to a horizontal position.

    2. Select 1. Handling.3. Press Shift1 and Saw control buttons simultaneously.

    4. Switch constant speed off.

    5. Press the Saw control button to get the saw blade out

    of the saw box.6. Switch off the base machine's engine.

    7. Replace the saw chain according to the instructions in

    the harvester head Owner's Manual.

    Work area5.2

    Saving the work area data on a USB memorystick


    1. Connect a USB memory stick to the Opti2 system.2. Select 2. Work area -> Save.

    3. Press the display module button 3 / control wheel greenbutton -> the work area data will be saved on the USB

    memory stick as two files (.PRD and .OPR).

    Using the work area data saved on a USBmemory stick


    1. Connect a USB memory stick to the Opti2 system.2. Select 2. Work area -> Open.3. Select the desired work area from the list and click the

    green button.

    Viewing / editing the work area ID data5.2.3

    1. Select 2. Work area -> View/Edit.2. Edit the data if necessary.

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    1/4 Work area name

    Name of the work area. Stand identificationIdentification of the stand.

    Stand numberNumber of the stand.

    Sector numberNumber of the sector.

    Lot numberNumber of the lot.


    2/4 Vendor


    Vendor codeVendor code.

    Vendor nameName of the vendor.

    Vendor addressVendor's address.

    Vendor e-mailVendor's e-mail address.

    Vendor phone/faxVendor's phone/fax number.

    3/4 Buyer


    Contract numberContract number.

    Stand description

    Description of the stand. Harvesting method

    Harvesting method.

    4/4 Organisation


    RegionDelivery area.


    District. Work team

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    Area of responsibility.

    Wood pile


    Entering the work area ID data5.2.4

    1. Select 2. Work area -> Start new.2. Enter the necessary ID data.


    Length measurement calibration5.3.1

    This display can be used to correct length measurement

    data. Any incorrect measurement is corrected, or the desired

    length measurement data is calibrated, by measuring the

    last cut short log manually.

    The length measurement calibration must be performed for

    all tree species cut separately.

    1. Make a short log which is over one metre in length. The

    last made log will do, if the device has not been switched

    off in between the functions.

    2. Measure the length of the log using a tape measure.

    3. Go to 3. Calibration -> Length.4. Ensure that the system has suggested the correct tree

    species. If not, select the tree species of the measured

    short log using the control wheel and press the green


    5. Adjust the length if necessary.

    6. Save the calibration by pressing the green button.

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    Calibrating the diameter sensor range5.3.2

    1. Go to 3. Calibration -> Diameter range.

    2. Close (0 pulses) and open the harvester head until the

    maximum pulse value remains almost unchanged

    (between 450 and 550) when the harvester head is fully

    open. Normal variation of the maximum value is +/- 1


    3. Save the maximum value using the control wheel's

    green button. If the value has decreased or changed

    when saving, the calibration must be performed again.

    4. The use of the diameter sensor's new calibration value

    can be prevented by pressing the control wheel's red


    Calibrating the diameter curve5.3.3

    The display will show the length and diameter measurement

    data of the short logs from the last handled trunk as calcu-

    lated by the device. Then measure the same short logs

    manually and compare the data. If the value calculated by

    the device differs from the manually measured data, this is

    to be fixed this using the device. The minimum number of

    measuring points in use is 2 (diameter curve = straight line)

    and the maximum number is 20.

    on/off:The measuring point is enabled by checking the box or dis-

    abled by removing the check mark.

    Length:The measuring points are given in the format x/yyy, where

    number x indicates the sequence number of the short log,

    starting from the butt log whose sequence number is 1.Number yyy indicates the measuring point in centi-

    metres/inches measured from the butt end of the log in

    question. In other words, measuring point 3/482 refers to a

    point which is 482 cm/inches away from the butt end of the

    third log. If the measuring point numbers are replaced with

    a '-' character, the last log has not included that specific

    diameter class.

    Diameter:The diameter used by the system for that specific diameter

    class is indicated in millimetres/inches.

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    D i a me t e r c u r ve .

    The Graphbutton allows you to open a graph representing

    the current calibration curve.

    Before diameter calibration, the operator must ensure that

    the length measurement and diameter sensor range are

    correct. If necessary, these need to be calibrated first.

    1. Cut the whole trunk into short logs, if you have not done

    this already.

    2. Select 3. Calibration -> Diameter curve.3. Use the Print button to print out the measuring points

    and values or write them down on a piece of paper.

    4. Measure the short log diameters with measuring cal-

    lipers at given measuring points.5. If necessary, adjust the diameter values. You can only

    adjust the diameter classes in use. Classes can be

    activated or deactivated by checking or unchecking the

    on/off column.6. The settings will be saved and implemented once you

    exit the screen.

    Calibrating the rotator handle5.3.4

    Handle calibr ation, 2 potentiometer s.

    The rotator control handle must be calibrated whenever therotator pressure sensor has been replaced or the feel for

    the rotator's controls has become strange or different.

    Left/CCW:Extreme left position of the steering handle (= maximum

    voltage value).

    Right/CW:Extreme right position of the steering handle (= maximum

    voltage value).

    Voltage values (V):The voltage values on top of the bars represent "the current

    voltage value" and the voltage values on the bars' pages

    represent the voltage values of the extreme positions, that

    is, the calibration values, when the steering handle is turned

    right or left.

    OK:Saves the adjusted values to the module and the program

    returns to the previous display.

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    Handle calibr ation, 1 potentiometer .

    1. Select 3. Calibration -> Rotator lever.

    2. Move the right hand side handle sideways to both

    extremes several times. The bars on the screen mustmove in the same direction as the steering handle. If

    the bars are moving in the opposite direction, the pres-

    sure sensor channels are crossed. Check the correct

    connection from the electrical diagram (Installation

    instruction, Appendix 4). The voltage values must be

    stable when the handle is in the middle or at either

    extreme position. If the voltage values fluctuate a lot,

    check the sensor wiring, connections and the stability

    of the pre-control pressure.

    3. The settings will be saved when you exit the screen by

    pressing the green button. If you press the red button,the old calibration values will remain in effect.

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    Calibrating the rotator control valve5.3.5


    This display is used to set the minimum PWM percentages

    of the rotator control valve. PWM = value at which the rotator

    starts to rotate.

    Min CW:Set the PWM percentage at which the rotator starts to rotate



    T hi s f un ct io n i s o nl y i nt en de d f or Ponsse s e rvi c e p e rso n n el .

    Min CCW:Set the PWM percentage, at which the rotator starts to rotate


    H60, H6, H7, H7euca, H8, H73e

    This display is used to set the minimum current value of the

    rotator control valve (= the value at which the rotator starts

    to rotate), mA.

    Min CW:

    Set the mA value at which the rotator starts to rotate clock-wise.

    Min CCW:Set the mA value at which the rotator starts to rotate coun-


    Calibrating the feed control valve5.3.6


    This display is used to set the minimum PWM percentagesof the feed control valve. PWM = value at which the feed

    starts to move.

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    Max FW:T hi s f un ct io n i s o nl y i nt en de d f or Ponsse s e rvi c e p e rso n n el .

    Min FW:Set the PWM percentage at which the feed starts to moveforward. T h is f un c ti o n i s on l y i n te n de d f o r Ponsse service


    Off:Set the PWM percentage at which the feed remains station-

    ary. T h is f u nc t io n i s o nl y i nt e nd e d f o r Ponsse s er vi ce p er -


    Min BW:Set the PWM percentage at which the feed starts to move

    backwards. T hi s f un ct i on i s o nl y i nt en de d f or Ponsse service

    personnel.M ax B W:

    T hi s f un ct io n i s o nl y i nt en de d f or Ponsse s e rvi c e p e rso n n el .

    H60, H6, H7, H7euca, H8, H73e

    This display is used to set the minimum current values of

    the feed valve (= the value at which the feed starts), mA.

    Max FW:T hi s f un ct io n i s o nl y i nt en de d f or Ponsse s e rvi c e p e rso n n el .

    Min FW:Set the mA value at which the feed starts to move forward.

    T hi s f un ct io n i s o nl y i nt en de d f or Ponsse s e rvi c e p e rso n n el .

    Min BW:Set the mA value at which the feed starts to move back-

    wards. T hi s f un ct io n i s o nl y i nt en de d f or Ponsse service


    M ax B W:

    T hi s f un ct io n i s o nl y i nt en de d f or Ponsse s e rvi c e p e rso n n el .

    Opti2, version 1.62


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    Extension calibration (if the machine isequipped with an extension)


    Extension calibr ation, 2 potentiomet-

    er s

    The extension is calibrated automatically when taking a new

    harvester head into use. The extension must also be calib-

    rated whenever the pressure sensors have been replaced

    or the feel for the extension's controls has become strange

    or different.

    In:Calibration of the retraction of the extension control handle

    (= maximum voltage value).

    Out:Calibration of the ejection of the extension control handle (=

    maximum voltage value).

    Voltage values (V):

    The voltage values on top of the bars represent "the current

    voltage value" and the voltage values on the bars' sides

    represent the voltage values of the extreme positions, that

    is, the calibration values, when the extension is controlled

    in or out.

    OK:Saves the adjusted values to the module and the program

    returns to the previous display.

    E x t e ns i o n c a l ib r a ti o n , 1 p o t en -

    tiometer .

    1. Select 3. Calibration -> Extension calibration2. Move the extension handle sideways to both extremes

    several times. The bars on the screen must move in the

    same direction as the steering handle. If the bars are

    moving in the opposite direction, the pressure sensor

    channels are crossed. The voltage values must remain

    stable when the handle is in the middle position or oneof the extreme positions. If the voltage values fluctuate

    a lot, check the sensor wiring, connections and the

    stability of the pre-control pressure.

    3. The settings will be saved when you exit the screen by

    pressing the green button. If you press the red button,

    the old calibration values will remain in effect.

    Opti2, version 1.62


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    Movement-specific pressure calibration (H6,H7, H7euca, H8)


    Pressure sensor, i.e., the calibration of the harvester head's

    pressure transmitter, must always be performed before cal-

    ibrating the movement-specific pressure sensors. This action

    can only be performed by the Ponsse service personnel.

    The pressure sensor has normally been calibrated when

    implementing the harvester head.

    Before starting calibration, steer the harvester head to a

    horizontal position, i.e., the grapple must be in the processing

    mode. Make sure that no unauthorised persons are in the

    machine danger zone.

    1. Select 3. Calibration -> Pressures.2. Press the control wheel's green button, and select OK

    = Automatic calibration.

    Front knives (Front knife calibration)

    3. In Front knife, select CALIBRATE .4. Next the program will ask "Has the pressure sensor

    calibrated?" = Has the harvester head's pressure sensor

    been calibrated? Continue by pressing OK, using thecontrol wheel's green button.

    5. The program prompts you to turn on the machine's

    working RPM. After setting the working RPM, press the

    control wheel's green button.

    6. Next, press the handles' Head Close button, i.e., closethe harvester head.

    7. The program starts to prepare the installation. The

    screen displays Preliminary Preparations...8. After the preparation, the program will perform a pres-

    sure measurement for the front knives. CalibratingFront knives... The program measures the front knifepressure using ten increasing currents.

    9. After the pressure measurement, the program asks if

    you accept the measurement. Press the control wheel's

    green button if you wish to use the machine's measure-

    ment results. The front knife pressure calibration is now


    10. If desired, you can view the measurement results in the

    menu using the Pressure calibration CURVE button.

    Opti2, version 1.62


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    The display will show the measurement results in a


    11. You can view a pressure curve by pressing the GRAPHbutton at the top of the table.

    Rollers (Roller calibration)

    See front knife calibration. Roller calibration is performed

    similarly to the front knives.

    Rear knives (Rear knife calibration)

    See front knife calibration. Rear knife calibration is performed

    similarly to the front knives.

    Saw bar (Saw bar calibration)

    See front knife calibration. Saw bar calibration is performed

    similarly to the front knives.


    Parameters affecting the pressingpressures of the front and reardelimbing knives, as well as the feedrollers (X50, H60, H73e)


    1. Select 4. Settings -> Parameters-> Pressure.

    2. Adjust the values the way you like.

    Low:Indicates in milliamperes the cylinder control current used

    when the trunk diameter is the same as or smaller than the

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    diameter set in Diameter limits Low. Diameter limits : The

    operator cannot change the Low value.

    High:Indicates in milliamperes the cylinder control current usedwhen the trunk diameter is the same or greater than the

    diameter set in Diameter limits High.The pressing pressure adjusts linearly between the Low andHigh Pressure values based on the diameter of the treewhen the trunk diameter is between the Low and High dia-meter limits values.Full:

    Indicates in milliamperes the pressing pressure used, for

    example when sawing and pressing the Close harvester

    head button when the tree is in the harvester head.

    Parameters affecting the pressingpressures of the front and reardelimbing knives, as well as the feedrollers (H6, H7, H7euca, H8)


    1. Select 4. Settings -> Parameters-> Pressure.2. Adjust the values the way you like.

    Low:Indicates the pressing pressure used when the trunk dia-

    meter is the same or smaller than the diameter set in Dia-meter limits - Low. Diameter limits : The operator cannotchange the Low value.

    High:Indicates the pressing pressure used when the trunk dia-

    meter is the same or greater than the diameter set in Dia-meter limits - High.

    The pressing pressure adjusts linearly between the Low andHigh Pressure values based on the diameter of the treewhen the trunk diameter is between the Low and High dia-meter limits values.Full:Indicates the pressing pressure used, for example when

    sawing and pressing the Close harvester head button when

    the tree is in the grapple.

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    Parameters affecting the feed6.3

    The feed valve parameters are set in the display window.When adjusting the feed speed, the feed valve is controlled

    with the adjustable speed value.

    Speed:Slow: Slow feed forward.Mid: Medium speed feed forward.Fast: Fast feed forward. (Cannot be adjusted by the oper-ator.)

    Ramps (Feed ramps):

    Acceleration: The time in which the feed motor's rotationspeed increases from its minimum to maximum speed.

    (Cannot be adjusted by the operator.)

    Deceleration: The time in which the feed motor's rotationspeed decreases from its maximum to minimum speed.

    (Cannot be adjusted by the operator.)

    Parameters affecting the opening of thefront and rear delimbing knives


    FW: F or w a rd f e e d.

    BW: B a ck w a rd f e e d.

    The delimbing knives open momentarily when the feeding

    of the trunk begins in the harvester head. This allows easier

    trunk movement.

    1. Select 4. Settings -> Parameters-> Opening pulse.2. Adjust the values the way you like.

    Min open:Indicates in milliseconds the time for which the delimbing

    knives open when the trunk diameter is the same or smaller

    than the diameter set in Min .

    Max open:Indicates in milliseconds the time for which the delimbing

    knives open when the trunk diameter is the same or greater

    than the diameter set in Max .The opening time of the delimbing knives adjusts linearly

    between the Min open and Max open values basedon the diameter of the tree when the trunk diameter is

    between the Min (cannot be adjusted) and Max values.The delimbing knives are not opened at all when the trunk

    diameter is greater than the diameter set in Off .

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    Extra opening:Indicates as a percentage by how much the delimbing knives

    opening time is extended when the Vibrate control buttonis pressed before starting the feed.

    Parameters affecting the vibration ofthe front and rear delimbing knives(X50, H60, H73)


    FW: F or w a rd f e e d.

    BW: B a ck w a rd f e e d.

    The delimbing knives vibration refers to the successive

    sequential openings and closures of the front and/or rear

    delimbing knives, which occur several times upon feeding

    the trunk. This allows easier trunk movement in the harvester


    1. Select 4. Settings -> Parameters -> Knives vibration.2. Adjust the values the way you like.

    Min open:Indicates in milliseconds the time for which the delimbing

    knives open when the trunk diameter is the same or smaller

    than the diameter set in Min .

    Max open:Indicates in milliseconds the time for which the delimbing

    knives open when the trunk diameter is the same or greater

    than the diameter set in Max .

    Close:Indicates in milliseconds the time in which the delimbing

    knives close during vibration. The same time is applied to

    all diameters.

    If the diameter of the tree is between the Min (cannot be

    adjusted) and Max values, the opening time used for thedelimbing knives vibration feature adjusts linearly between

    the Min and Max values based on the diameter of the


    The delimbing knives will not vibrate at all if the trunk dia-

    meter is greater than the diameter set in Off .

    Extra opening:Indicates as a percentage by how much the delimbing knives

    opening time is extended during vibration when the Vibrate

    control button is pressed during the feed. The extendedopening time is in effect until the Vibratebutton is released.

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    Parameters affecting rotator movements6.6

    S e tt i ng s f o r h a rv e st e r h ea d X 50 .

    1. Select 4. Settings -> Parameters-> Rotator.2. Adjust the values the way you like.

    The rotator spins counterclockwise.

    The rotator spins clockwise.

    S e tt i ng s f o r h a rv e st e r h ea d s H 60 ,

    H 6 , H 7 , H 7 e uc a , H 8 a n d H 7 3 e

    Speed:Min, not applicable to harvester heads H60, H6, H7,H7euca, H8 and H73e: Increasing the percentage valueincreases the rotator's minimum rotation speed.

    Max: Decreasing the percentage value decreases therotator's maximum rotation speed.

    Ramps:Acceleration: Indicates in milliseconds the time in whichthe rotator's rotation speed increases from its minimum to

    maximum speed.Deceleration: Indicates in milliseconds the time in whichthe rotator's rotation speed decreases from its maximum to

    minimum speed.

    Dead zone: Indicates as a percentage the point where therotator's rotation begins when the right hand side handle is

    tilted right / left. The entire range of the handle from the

    middle position to the extreme position equals 100%.

    Progression: The greater the percentage value, the smaller

    the tilt of the handle will cause the rotator to rotate faster.

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    Hydraulic pumps used to controlvarious actuators


    1. Select 4. Settings -> Parameters -> Pump controls1.

    2. 1 = hydraulic pump 12 = hydraulic pump 23 = hydraulic pump 3The image on the left shows a list of various actuators.

    The check marks indicate which hydraulic pumps are

    used to control which actuators. Only Ponsse service

    personnel can change these parameters.

    Parameters affecting hydraulic pumps6.8

    1. Select 4. Settings -> Parameters -> Pump controls2.

    2. Adjust the values the way you like.

    1 = hydraulic pump 12 = hydraulic pump 23 = hydraulic pump 3

    Control mode:You can select which pumps are used in the machine and

    how the pumps are controlled. T h i s f u n c ti o n i s o n l y i n t e nd e d

    for Ponsse s e rvi c e p e rs on n e l .

    Off delay:Indicates in milliseconds the time for which the hydraulic

    pump keeps pumping hydraulic oil after the actuator is no

    longer controlled. T h is f u nc t io n i s o n ly i n te n de d f o r Ponsse

    s e rvi c e p e rs on n e l .

    Proportional pump levels:Indicate pump output levels as percentage values.

    Low: Low level.Mid: Middle level.High: High level.Full: Full level.

    T h es e f u nc t io n s a r e o n ly i n te n de d f o r Ponsse s er vi ce p er -


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    Saw blade calibration6.9

    1. Select 4. Settings -> Parameters-> Saw bar range.

    2. Make sure that the machine's motor is not running and

    that the harvester head cannot move accidentally. Use

    gloves and follow extreme caution when removing the

    saw chain. Remove the saw chain and select OK. (This

    applies only to the X50 harvester head type.)

    3. Grab a stem in the harvester head.

    4. If the harvester head does not identify the stem thick-

    ness in the saw, an error message will be displayed.

    Press OK to accept, and feed the stem forward until the

    handling screen changes from grey to yellow.

    5. Steer the saw blade out by pressing the saw button until

    the saw blade touches the frame surface.

    6. Save the new saw blade calibration settings using the

    control wheel's green button.

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    Other parameters7

    1. Select 4. Settings -> Parameters -> Other parameters.2. Select the desired parameter by turning the control

    wheel and pressing the green button.


    Feed -> Feed mode Select the mode you wish to use for feeding trees.


    1. The driver presses the Feed backward- / Feedforwardcontrol buttons until the tree has been fedto the desired length according to the preselection.

    2. Thereafter the driver completes the sawing by

    pressing the Saw control button.

    Preselection1. The driver presses the desired preselection button

    and the Opti2 system automatically feeds the treeto the length set for the preselection.

    2. Thereafter the driver completes the sawing bypressing the Saw control button.

    If the driver presses the Saw control button duringthe feed, the Opti2 system will feed the tree to the

    length set for the preselection and automatically

    take care of sawing. If necessary, the automatic

    sawing can be cancelled by pressing the Sawcontrol button again.

    AutoStart1. The driver presses the desired preselection button

    and the Opti2 system automatically feeds the treeto the length set for the preselection.

    2. Thereafter the driver completes the sawing by

    pressing the Saw control button. If the driverpresses the Saw control button during the feed,the Opti2 system will feed the tree to the length setfor the preselection and automatically take care of

    sawing. If necessary, the automatic sawing can be

    cancelled by pressing the Saw control button again.3. The Opti2 system will then automatically feed the

    tree again to the length set for the same preselec-

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    tion. If you wish to use a different preselection, give

    the Saw control button a long press during sawing.

    Feed -> Slipping detection enabled Activate/deactivate slipping detection.

    Feed -> Branch hitting reverse -> Enabled Select whether or not the branch chipper should activate

    automatically. Branch chipper = If an obstacle on the

    trunk (e.g., a thick branch) stops the forward feed, it will

    activate the branch chipper that tries to cut the branch

    by repeatedly feeding the harvester head to the branch.

    Feed -> Branch hitting reverse -> Pressure change - frontknives Set the percentage by which the front delimbing knives'

    pressure is decreased when the branch chipper is act-


    Feed -> Branch hitting reverse -> Pressure change -rear knives Set the percentage by which the rear delimbing knives'

    pressure is decreased when the branch chipper is act-


    Feed -> Branch hitting reverse -> Pressure change -rollers Set the percentage by which the feed rollers' pressure

    increases when the branch chipper is active.

    Feed -> Branch hitting reverse -> Off delay after start The delay that defines for how long the branch chipper

    feature is disabled after starting the feed.

    Feed -> Branch hitting reverse -> Max number of repeats Define how many times the branch chipper will try to

    cut the branch.

    Feed -> Branch hitting reverse -> Reverse distance The reverse distance in millimetres when the branch

    chipper activates.

    Feed -> AutoStart-> Start delay The delay after which the Opti2 system will automatic-

    ally start feeding trees after sawing when AutoStart

    has been selected as the Feed mode parameter.

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