opportunities given by density functional theory in

Comptes Rendus Chimie Frederik Tielens, Jelle Vekeman, Dominique Bazin and Michel Daudon Opportunities given by density functional theory in pathological calcifications Online first, 3rd June 2021 <https://doi.org/10.5802/crchim.78> Part of the Special Issue: Microcrystalline pathologies: Clinical issues and nanochemistry Guest editors: Dominique Bazin (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, ICP, France), Michel Daudon, Vincent Frochot, Emmanuel Letavernier and Jean-Philippe Haymann (Sorbonne Université, INSERM, AP-HP, Hôpital Tenon, France) © Académie des sciences, Paris and the authors, 2021. Some rights reserved. This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Les Comptes Rendus. Chimie sont membres du Centre Mersenne pour l’édition scientifique ouverte www.centre-mersenne.org

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Frederik Tielens, Jelle Vekeman, Dominique Bazin and MichelDaudon

Opportunities given by density functional theory in pathologicalcalcifications

Online first, 3rd June 2021


Part of the Special Issue:Microcrystalline pathologies: Clinical issues andnanochemistry

Guest editors:Dominique Bazin (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, ICP, France),Michel Daudon, Vincent Frochot, Emmanuel Letavernier and Jean-PhilippeHaymann (Sorbonne Université, INSERM, AP-HP, Hôpital Tenon, France)

© Académie des sciences, Paris and the authors, 2021.Some rights reserved.

This article is licensed under theCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Les Comptes Rendus. Chimie sont membres duCentre Mersenne pour l’édition scientifique ouverte


Page 2: Opportunities given by density functional theory in

Comptes RendusChimieOnline first, 3rd June 2021https://doi.org/10.5802/crchim.78

Microcrystalline pathologies: Clinical issues and nanochemistry / Pathologiesmicrocristallines : questions cliniques et nanochimie

Opportunities given by density functional theory in

pathological calcifications

Apports de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT)

dans les calcifications pathologiques

Frederik Tielens∗, a, Jelle Vekeman b, Dominique Bazin c andMichel Daudond , e

a General Chemistry (ALGC) – Materials Modelling Group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel(Free University Brussels-VUB), Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel, Belgiumb Center for Molecular Modeling (CMM), Ghent University,Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 46, 9052 Zwijnaarde, Belgium

c Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Institut de Chimie Physique, 91405 Orsay cedex,France

d UMR S1155, INSERM/UPMC, 4 Rue de la Chine, 75970 Paris Cedex 20, France

e AP-HP, Hôpital Tenon, Explorations fonctionnelles multidisciplinaires, 4 Rue de laChine, 75970 Paris Cedex 20, France

E-mails: [email protected] (F. Tielens), [email protected] (J. Vekeman),[email protected] (D. Bazin), [email protected](M. Daudon)

Abstract. Density Functional Theory has made the study of biomaterials feasible in the past yearsleading to better understanding of causes and possible treatments of related pathologies. Althoughit has been successfully applied in many fields, it has not yet consistently found its way into thefield of pathological calcifications. An overview will be given of the studies where this techniquehas been applied in order to outline the important contributions that it can bring in the field ofbiomineralization. More specifically, studies on DFT calcifications from calcium oxalates and calciumphosphates, with relevance to bone formation and kidney stones, will be reviewed. Finally, a shortoutlook on silica mineralization will be presented as well.

Résumé. La théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT) a rendu l’étude des biomatériaux faisableces dernières années, conduisant à une meilleure compréhension des causes et des traitementspossibles des pathologies associées. Bien que la DFT ait été appliquée avec succès dans de nombreuxdomaines, elle ne commence qu’a être appliquée timidement dans le domaine des calcificationspathologiques. Un aperçu sera donné des études où cette technique a été appliquée afin de soulignerles contributions importantes qu’elle peut apporter dans le domaine de la biominéralisation. Plusspécifiquement, les études DFT sur les calcifications à partir d’oxalates de calcium et de phosphates

∗Corresponding author.

ISSN (electronic) : 1878-1543 https://comptes-rendus.academie-sciences.fr/chimie/

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de calcium, en rapport avec la formation osseuse et les calculs rénaux, seront examinées. Enfin, unbref aperçu de la minéralisation de la silice sera également présenté.

Keywords. Oxalates, Phosphates, DFT, Spectroscopy, Microscopy.

Mots-clés. Oxalates, Phosphates, DFT, Spectroscopie, Microscopie.

Online first, 3rd June 2021

1. Introduction

Nowadays, powerful computers and massive paral-lelization of numerical methods in combination withquantum chemical software offers the opportunity toaddress chemical and physical problems which can-not be solved analytically. Indeed, the precise cal-culation of energies, charge distributions and otherproperties in the field of computational chemistrycan lead to a full understanding of molecular pro-cesses observed in experiments with the final aim ofpredicting them. Of course, a close interplay betweentheoretical and experimental methods is needed toguarantee optimal results.

Density Functional Theory (DFT) [1–3] is the mostused approach to reach this goal and is being usedin physics, chemistry, materials science and other re-lated fields [4–6]. Furthermore, in medicine, DFT isa tool which aids in developing new drugs [7] or an-tibacterial materials [8], understanding enzyme ac-tive sites [9], improving the long-term stability of im-plants [10] and dental composites [11] and muchmore. The big advantage of DFT (and other molec-ular modelling tools) is that it allows building a the-oretical model of real-world problems at a molec-ular level that is extremely hard to achieve experi-mentally. Furthermore, the predictive abilities allowto fast-track the experimental design of new materi-als and methodologies.

The big advantage of DFT (in contrast to othermodelling tools) is that it offers a very good com-promise between chemical correctness and com-putational cost. Indeed, it allows the calculation ofvery accurate specific properties (such as spectro-scopic data) as well as a time evolution of the sys-tem through ab initio molecular dynamics. It man-ages this good balance between computational effi-ciency and accuracy by explicitly treating electroniceffects (in contrast to faster, but less accurate meth-ods such as classical molecular dynamics) at an af-fordable computational cost (in contrast to more ac-curate, but more expensive approaches such as wavefunction methods). Obviously this means also thatthere is still a limit on the size of chemical systems

and the time scales that can be studied using DFT,whereby specifically the inclusion of a solvent or bio-logical medium may be problematic as this rendersthe size of the system very large. Aside from thesedirect investigations at the DFT-level, it should benoted that DFT is often used to benchmark or fitlower-level theories for subsequent investigations onsimilar systems [12].

The aim of this publication is then to presentrecent results obtained in the field of physiologi-cal [13,14] and mostly pathological calcifications [15–17] by means of DFT. To attain this goal, we willstart by a brief (more details can be found in dif-ferent excellent books [18,19]) presentation of someof its underlying principles. Afterwards, a selectionof recent publications will be presented, dedicatedto chemical compounds—namely calcium oxalate(COM and COD) and calcium phosphate (apatite andwhitlockite)—that have been identified in patholog-ical calcifications. We will show that the use of DFTis instrumental to obtain a precise assignment of thesignals present in infrared, Raman and NMR spec-tra, to offer important insights in the morphology ofcrystallites present in urine or pathological calcifica-tions and to develop new inhibitors to stop the grow-ing process of crystallites.

2. Main underlying principles of DFT

The existence of a wave function for every measur-able system is one of the fundamental postulates ofquantum mechanics. This function defines the stateof the system in function of 3N variables, with N thenumber of electrons in the system, each having 3 spa-tial degrees of freedom. The knowledge of the wavefunctions of a system allows—in principle—to solvethe fundamental equation of quantum mechanicsformulated by Schrödinger [20] leading to a full un-derstanding of the system

iħ d

dt|Ψ(t )⟩ − H |Ψ(t )⟩ (1)

whereby i is the imaginary unit, ħ is the reducedPlanck constant, Ψ is the wave function, t is thetime and H is the Hamiltonian operator describing

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all possible interactions within the system. Unfortu-nately, solving this equation is impossible for materi-als which contain more than one electron due to thequickly escalating number of variables with increas-ing system size.

A major breakthrough in this problem wasachieved by introducing the so-called Born–Oppenheimer approximation, which significantlyreduces the amount of variables that needs to becalculated [21]. This approximation uses the fact thatthe mass of an electron is very small compared tothe mass of a nucleus and thus assumes that theelectrons react instantaneously to the movement ofthe nuclei. As such, the terms describing the cou-pling between the nuclei and the electrons are dis-carded from the Schrödinger equation, leading to aconsiderable reduction in the computational cost.

A second approximation that has led to a large in-crease of system size within computational reach, isthe Hartree–Fock method. In this method, the many-electron Hamiltonian is replaced by a one-electronHamiltonian acting on one-electron wavefunctions(orbitals). Furthermore, the Coulomb interaction be-tween different electrons is only represented as anaverage over the entire system. Although this ap-proach leads to unexpectedly good results in gen-eral, the error margin is too large to describe manyof the chemically interesting systems as the energydifferences at play are often subtle. More precisely, itwas found that Hartree–Fock does not consider thecorrelated motions of different electrons, leading toproblematic descriptions of many systems. Different(partly) solutions exist to overcome these issues andto further enhance the description, but many of themare computationally quite expensive. A radically dif-ferent approach was introduced by the developmentof the density functional theory.

The main idea of DFT is to use an electron densityinstead of a complicated wavefunction, reducing thenumber of variables to only 3 variables instead of3N and thus making the Schrödinger equation mucheasier to handle. Hohenberg and Kohn [1] provedthat this approximation is valid, i.e. all ground stateproperties of a quantum system—in particular theground state total energy—are unique functionals ofthe ground state density.

Finally, it is important to underline that the suc-cess of DFT lies in a further approximation relatedto the calculation of the electron density from a set

of mathematical functions or orbitals introduced byKohn and Sham [22].

ψi (r ) =K∑

v=1cviΦv (2)

The total energy is then decomposed into threecontributions being the kinetic energy, a Coulom-bic energy describing the electrostatic interactionsbetween all charged particles and the so-calledexchange-correlation term describing the many-body interactions. The mathematical form of thelatter term is, unfortunately, unknown and is there-fore approximated by increasingly accurate func-tional forms. Many different approximations exist, inmultiple types and flavours, but the most commonfamily—especially for solids—are the generalizedgradient approximations whereby the exchange-correlation functional depends on the gradient of thelocal electron density of the system.

A further issue of DFT is that it is inherently not ca-pable of well-describing dispersion forces that are re-sponsible for many chemical phenomena of interest.This means that specific corrections need to be intro-duced to circumvent this problem as, although themagnitude of a dispersion interaction is small, theydominate the behaviour of neutral physical systemsat intermediate distance ranges (>0.5 nm).

Again, a plethora of methods and approximationsexist, whereby the pairwise dispersion correction se-ries proposed by Grimme et al. [23–26] are arguablythe most popular. It is an intuitive correction term,based on the interaction between two multipoles,that is orders of magnitudes cheaper to calculatethan DFT itself, making it very suitable for the cal-culation of large systems. The main disadvantage ofthis correction term is that it is empirical and needsto be fitted for every density functional it is com-bined with. Of course, the fitting parameters for themost common density functional are readily avail-able although the end-user should evaluate carefullywhether the fitted parameters apply for the specificsystem of interest.

3. Calcium oxalates

3.1. Characterization of calcium oxalates

Pathological calcifications containing calcium ox-alates have been identified in different organs

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Figure 1. (A) Calcium oxalate monohydratecrystallites in kidney, (B) calcium oxalate dihy-drate crystallites in prostate.

namely kidney [27], prostate [28,29] as well as thy-roide [30,31]. For example in Figure 1, a calcium ox-alate monohydrate crystallite in kidney can be seenas well as a calcium oxalate dihydrate crystallite inprostate. Note the significant differences in the sizeand in the arrangement of the crystallites in thesetwo organs.

Regarding kidney, among the different chem-ical compounds which have been identified inconcretions, calcium oxalate (CaOx) is the maincomponent of more than 70% of all stones thatwere analysed in Western countries [32]. In gen-eral, three different crystalline forms of CaOx existwhich defer in the amount of water molecules thatare present in the crystal structure. The first one,calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM), or whewellite,has a 1:1 ratio between calcium oxalate units andwater molecules: CaC2O4 · H2O. It is the most fre-

quent form and is linked to hyperoxaluria [33,34].Calcium oxalate dihydrate (COD) or weddellitehas a 1:2 ratio between calcium oxalate units andwater molecules (CaC2O4 · 2H2O). It is about twoto three times less frequent than COM and is re-lated to hypercalciuria [35,36]. It should be notedthat, due to the presence of free-ranging watermolecules inside the oxalate, the brute formula isactually CaC2O4 · (2+ x) ·H2O, see below. Finally, theprevalence of the third species, namely calcium ox-alate trihydrate (COT) or caoxite (CaC2O4:H2O = 1:3,CaC2O4 ·3H2O), is rarely observed in kidney stones.

According to a morpho-constitutional analy-sis [37–39], the etiology of kidney stones is based onthe morphology as well as the chemical compositionof the formed crystals as shown by Fourier Trans-form InfraRed (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Indeed, there isa correlation between the morphology of the kidneystone and the morphology of the crystallite [40,41]and therefore, the morphology of crystallites presentin urine constitutes a key element to determine theunderlying causes of the pathology [42]. Of course,the use of vibrational spectra (IR and Raman) impliesthe full understanding of the origins of the absorp-tion and scattering bands in relation to the chemicalproperties of the material under investigation. Thecalculation of these spectra for well-defined chemi-cal compositions can provide this understanding, en-hancing the ability to interpret difficult experimentalspectra obtained from natural mixed systems. In-deed, several dispersion-corrected DFT studies havebeen performed on calcium oxalate whereby the IRand Raman vibrational spectra were successfully pre-dicted for the three different polyhydrates of calciumoxalate [12,43–47].

Another successful example of a DFT study on cal-cium oxalate was the identification of the amountand distribution of zeolitic water molecules in CODby Petit et al. [47]. Indeed, as mentioned before, thecrystal structure of COD includes empty pores thatcan readily be filled by diffusing water molecules. Be-cause of this, the crystal structure of COD is ratherCaC2O4 · (2 + x) ·H2O than CaC2O4 · 2H2O, wherebyx represents the number of zeolitic water moleculesper calcium oxalate unit. The exact value of x hasbeen under debate for a long time until Petit et al.determined it through DFT studies [48]. By system-atically calculating vibrational spectra for COD crys-tals with different values for x, they were able to show

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that there are at most 4 zeolitic water molecules perunit cell (x = 0.5) and ideally 3.

Another important study [33] helped to resolveissues surrounding the crystal conversion from COD(being metastable) to COM. In these circumstances,the Fourier transform infrared spectra seemed to in-dicate the presence of the latter, while the morphol-ogy of the observed crystallites indicate presenceof the former. As both forms are related to differentetiologies and treatments, this posed importantproblems to clinicians. The DFT study was able toshow, in combination with different experimentaltechniques, that a small amount of a less-orderedform of COM was formed that skewed the IR spectra.This resulted in the understanding that more atten-tion should be paid to the stone morphology, ratherthan the spectra in these specific cases. Further onthis less ordered form of COM, which had alreadybeen proposed in some experimental studies, DFTstudies were needed to fully unravel the involvementof the structural water molecules in the structure andthe related symmetry of the crystal [49].

Finally, we would like to note that, aside fromthe already mentioned experimental results such asIR and Raman spectra, also the calculation of NMRspectra is available. It was applied and validatedspecifically for calcium oxalates by Colas et al. [50].The authors of the paper emphasized that it is yet an-other benchmark against which difficult experimen-tal or clinical samples can be validated and assigned.

3.2. Interaction between calcium oxalates andsmall molecules

DFT has also been used to assess molecular interac-tions occurring on a COD surface which could pro-mote an anisotropic crystal growth. More specifically,Parvaneh et al. [51] found that the crystallographicfaces (100) and (101) of COD are hydrophilic andcan therefore be solvated by a strongly bound layerof water. However, important differences in the re-spective adsorption mechanisms could explain theanisotropic growth of the crystals, which is favouredin the (100) direction, as observed in experiments.Similar results have been published by Debroise etal. [52,53] which further underlined the key role ofwater in the prediction of calcium oxalate morphol-ogy. More specifically, it was shown that the adsorp-tion mechanisms of water onto the different crystal

surfaces, offer the needed stabilization to obtain theexperimentally found crystal morphologies.

Moreover, for many types of pathological calcifi-cations, but especially in the case of kidney stones,crystal growth inhibitors are at the centre of severalinvestigations. Indeed, it is well known that the grow-ing process of crystals can be stopped or altered byions or molecules. More specifically, the adsorptionof inhibitors on specific crystal surfaces impedes theaddition of surface ions, thereby reducing the rate ofgrowth. Chung et al. [54] have showed by means ofDFT (in combination with in situ atomic force mi-croscopy) that citrate and hydroxycitrate exhibit anadsorption mechanism different from classical the-ory as they induce a dissolution process of the patho-logical crystal instead of a reduced rate of crystalgrowth. Similarly, experimental evidence exists sug-gesting that catechin (as present in green tea) hasa similar effect [55]. A conclusive, explanatory DFTmodel, supporting these experimental findings hasnot yet been developed although a manuscript onthis subject has been submitted by the current au-thors, see also Figure 2.

4. Calcium phosphates

4.1. Characterization of calcium phosphates

In general, it is well known that the chemistry ofbiological apatite is quite complex [56,57] due to alack of Ca2+ and OH− ions at the surface as well astheir replacement by ions with different charges (forexample CO2−

3 substituted for PO3−4 and/or OH−).

Regarding pathological calcification, calcium phos-phate apatites are present in various parts of humanbody [58,59] as well as on medical devices (Figure 3).

Although this makes it hard for a DFT study to cap-ture all properties of an experimental system all atonce (remember the size limit of the calculations),the method allows for a very detailed understand-ing of all the separate processes at work leading toan overall understanding of the system. Among suchdifferent investigations, we can quote the work ofDeymier et al. [60] describing a mechanism by whichcrystal dimensions are controlled through carbonatesubstitution. Another study identified 2 types of car-bonate substitutions and related this to the stabil-ity of the formed crystals [61]. A final example thatwe would like to mention here is the study of the

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Figure 2. A citrate molecule surrounded by water molecules adsorbed onto an oxalate surface of about15 Å × 18 Å. Brown is carbon, cyan is calcium, red is oxygen and white is hydrogen.

mobility of the carbonate anion within the channelsformed by apatite [62]. These results were well in linewith experimental X-ray data and revealed that thecarbonate is able to move almost freely through thechannel. This may have important implications forthe bioactivity of the apatite structure. It is worthto underline that all these results taken together,it is clearly demonstrated that carbonate substitu-tion is sufficient to drive the formation of bone-likecrystallites.

Also a derived material, hydroxyapatite (HAP) wasstudied by means of DFT to unravel its paracrys-talline disorder and chemical composition [63]. Bycombining the theoretical calculations with syn-chrotron X-ray total scattering data, it was possibleto unravel the atomistic structure of the material. Ex-tending the range of possible DFT-compatible tech-niques, Chappell et al. [64] have characterized thematerial by comparing DFT-level and experimentalNMR data opening up the possibility of studyingsurface reactivity.

In the case of kidney infection, it is worth to un-derline that two chemical compounds may be relatedto infection namely struvite and whitlockite [65,66].In that case, bacterial imprints (Figure 4A) can be re-vealed through observations at the micrometer scaleby a scanning electron microscopy of the surfaceof calcium phosphate apatite [67,68]. In whitlock-ite (Figure 4B), a complex structure whereby Ca2+

ions are substituted by Mg2+ ions leads to cationvacancies and protonation of phosphate groups ascan be seen in the DFT model presented in Fig-ure 5. Again, a careful theoretical characterizationis detrimental for the understanding of the forma-tion and removal of these crystals. In that sense, animportant DFT-based contribution was delivered byDebroise et al. [69] who were able to quantify theability of whitlockite to form the mentioned sub-stitutions and vacancies. By relating these defectsto the resulting IR, Raman and XRD spectra, im-portant insights into diagnosis and treatment areavailable.

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Figure 3. Spherical calcium phosphate apatiteidentified in thyroid calcifications (A) and ona medical device very common in urology, a JJstent (B).

4.2. Interaction between calcium phosphatesand small molecules

Most of the DFT studies dedicated to the inter-action between organic and inorganic compoundshave been performed within the context of physio-logical calcifications. As such, several studies wereperformed on the interface between the organic andinorganic parts in bone, namely the collagen proteinand hydroxyapatite (HAP) (the most stable form ofcalcium phosphate in physiological conditions) [66].A very important aspect of bone and teeth growth isthe understanding of the nucleation and prenucle-ation phases of calcium phosphate. In that regard, animportant study using DFT-driven simulations, wasperformed by Mancardi et al. [70] in identifying sta-ble prenucleation clusters in aqueous solution.

The work of Cutini et al. [71] focuses on the inter-action between a model of a single-collagen-strand

Figure 4. (A) bacterial imprints at the surfaceof calcium phosphate apatite deposits on aJJ stent. (B) Pseudo cubic whitlockite crystal-lites (blue arrows) and “bacterial imprints” (redarrows).

with the most common dried P-rich (010) HAP sur-face. The authors discovered that the HAP adsorptionprocess leads to a deformation of the polymer in or-der to create a relatively strong electrostatic interac-tion between the PRO carbonyl C=O group and themost exposed Ca ion of the P-rich (010) HAP surface.Other authors have investigated the interaction be-tween water molecules and the HAP surface [69,72].Among them, Peccati et al. [73] have considered a setof HAP surfaces (namely (001), (010), and (101)) andtheir interaction with water using DFT simulations,predicting spontaneous water dissociation on thesesurfaces.

Quite recently, combining multinuclear solid-state NMR spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffraction,and first principles electronic structure, Davieset al. [74] have underlined the fact that citratemolecules form bridges between mineral platelets

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Figure 5. A DFT-based, molecular model for a Whitlockite bulk unit cell containing three Mg substitu-tions per unit cell of 10 Å × 9 Å × 18 Å. Blue is calcium, red is oxygen, pink is phosphorus, white is hydro-gen and orange is magnesium.

in bone. In fact, citrate molecules are well known asgrowth inhibitors and a recent investigation doneby Fernandez et al. [75] has considered a set of theHAP crystal growth inhibitors namely pyrophos-phate, etidronate, citrate and phytate. The completeset of numerical simulation showed that the ad-sorption energies of the inhibitors increased in thesequence: pyrophosphate < etidronate < citrate ¿phytate. Such sequence is in line with the increase offunctional groups of the molecules bounded with theHAP surface as well as the total molecular negativecharge.

Finally, it is worth to note that DFT calculationscan also be used to assess the interaction betweenmetals such as Ag and HAP. Several antimicrobialstudies have clearly shown that Ag-HAp nanoparti-cles have excellent in vitro antibacterial activity withE. coli.

5. Outlook on silica DFT studies

Although rather a mineralisation than a biologicalcalcification, silicon dioxide—or silica—is found inskin in the case of sarcoidosis [76,77] and also in kid-ney [78]. The chemistry of silica has been studied in-tensively due its importance in heterogeneous catal-ysis [79], yet not often at DFT level. Indeed, due toits amorphous nature and its complex solid/liquid

interfaces, relatively little studies have been or areundertaken. Some of the authors of the current pa-per have been specializing in amorphous silica DFTmodelling for over a decade. This resulted in thedevelopment of one of the first hydroxylated amor-phous silica models in 2008 [80], published simulta-neously with the model of the group of Ugliengo [79].Recently, we reviewed the last decade on silica mod-elling with DFT [81,82].

At DFT level, aside from some studies on the in-teraction of small amino acids with the silica inter-faces, no other work has been done related to thesilica mineralisation to the best of our knowledge.This is mainly due to the complexity of the molecu-lar structure and the large size of the models whenlarge biological molecules are investigated. However,with the still increasing computing power we expectthat in a few years more realistic biological/silica in-terface studies will be studied at the DFT level.

6. Conclusion

We have demonstrated, through examples from theliterature, the importance of density functional the-ory calculations in the field of pathological calcifi-cations. Indeed, it is clear that the capability of the-oretical methods—whereby density functional the-ory offers a very good balance between accuracy

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and computational cost—allows to zoom into themolecular level of the system of interest. Especially,the possibility to predict spectroscopic properties fordifferent hypothesized molecular structures, allowsto asses different possible models. Through care-ful comparison with experimental results, the valid-ity of the proposed models can then be assessed. Acareful analysis of the chemical structure of differ-ent surfaces, adsorption sites and geometries (con-formations of functional groups), allows understand-ing and predictions that can have important reper-cussions at the macro level regarding prevention, di-agnosis and treatment.


FT wish to acknowledge the VUB for support, amongother through a Strategic Research Program awardedto his group.


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