one hundred eleventh critical bibliography || back matter

Back Matter Source: Isis, Vol. 77, No. 5, One Hundred Eleventh Critical Bibliography (1986), p. 266 Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science Society Stable URL: . Accessed: 09/05/2014 19:39 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . The University of Chicago Press and The History of Science Society are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Isis. This content downloaded from on Fri, 9 May 2014 19:39:15 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

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Back MatterSource: Isis, Vol. 77, No. 5, One Hundred Eleventh Critical Bibliography (1986), p. 266Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science SocietyStable URL: .

Accessed: 09/05/2014 19:39

Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at .

.JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range ofcontent in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new formsof scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].


The University of Chicago Press and The History of Science Society are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize,preserve and extend access to Isis.

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Leibniz und die Mathematik 300 Jahre ,Nova Methodus' von G. W. Leibniz (1684-1984). Symposium der Gottfried-Wil- helm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft e. V. Hannover in Noordwijkerhout 28. bis 30. August 1984

Herausgegeben von Albert Heinekamp

1986. Etwa 280 Seiten. (Studia Leibnitiana, Son- derheft 14.) Kart., etwa DM 58,-

Aus dem Inhalt: Leibniz und seine ,,Nova Methodus": Y. Belaval, Lecon inaugurale - H. J. Hess, Zur Vorge- schichte der ,,Nova methodus" - H. J. M. Bos, Fundamental concepts of the Leibnizian calculus - H. Breger, Leibniz' Einftihrung des Transzen- denten - H. Freudenthal, Autour du principe de continuit6 de Leibniz - E. J. Aiton, The applica- tion of the infinitesimal calculus to some physi- cal problems - Leibniz' neue Methode inner- halb der Mathematik des 17. u. 18. Jh.: E. Giusti, Le probleme des tangentes de Descartes a Leibniz - K. Andersen, Presentations and interpreta- tions of indivisibles and infinitesimals from Ca- valieri to L. - J. van Maanen, Die Mathematik in den Niederlanden im 17. Jh. - A. Perez de Laborda, Le calcul des fluxions compare avec le calcul infinitesimal de Leibniz - S. B. Engels- man, Orthogonaltrajektorien im Prioritatsstreit zwischen L. und Newton - L. Feigenbaum, L. and the Taylor Series - Die Infinitesimalmetho- de in der Wissenschaft und Kultur des 18. Jh.: L. Pepe, La reception du calcul differential en Italie - M. Petry, The reception of Leibniz' calculus in the Netherlands - D. Laugwitz, Die Weiterent- wicklung durch Euler - G. M. Ross, L. and de Voider on the infinitely small in metaphysics u. a.

Beitrage zur Wirkungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz IV. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongrel3 der Gott- fried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft vom 14. bis 19. November 1983 in Hannover

Herausgegeben von Albert Heinekamp

1986. VIII, 385 Seiten. (Studia Leibnitiana Sup- plementa, Bd. 26.) Leinen, DM 86,-. ISBN 3-515-04350-0

Aus dem Inhalt: H.-J. Engfer, Teleologie und Kausalitat bei L. und Wolff - G. UtermOhlen, L:s Schriften im Span- nungsfeld von Reichsgriindung und Kulturkampf - H.-J. Hess, K. J. Gerhardt - F. Tasche, Be- merkungen zur Leibniz-Rezeption Kants - S. Dietzsch, Marginalien zur Leibniz-Rezeption der Jenaer Romantik - J. Ecole, Rapports de Wolff avec Leibniz dans le domaine de la m6taphysique - J.-G. Rossi, La th6orie monadique de Leibniz - R. Taton, Lagrange et Leibniz - L. Pepe, Manfredi et la diffusion du Calcul diff6rentiel en Italie - A. G. Ranea, Leibniz y Cassirer - W. H. O'Briant, Russell's and Hick's views of Leib- niz - G. MacDonald Ross, Leibniz's role as a type in English-Language philosophy - S. Fab- bri Bertoletti, Schlegel iber Leibniz - G. Zinga- ri, Die L.-Rezeption im dt. Idealismus und bei Hegel - H. Holzhey, Die Leibniz-Rezeption der Marburger Schule - W. G. Jacobs, Theodizee- problematik in der Sicht Schellings - W. Totok, Theodizee bei Leibniz und Lessing - H. Breger, Leibniz, Weyl und das Kontinuum - K. Hama- cher, Zur nachkantischen L.-Rezeption vor- nehml. bei Jacobi u. a.

Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Postfach 347 * D-7000 Stuttgart 1

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Articles appearing in

Journal of

European Studies during 1987 will include

Sartre and Communism M. Adereth

Expressionism in the U.K. and Ireland J. M. Ritchie Rousseau and the Epistemology of 'Sentiment'

Jock Macleod Idealism versus Materialism in the Representation of History in Literature Anthony Grenville Maxims and Generalizations in the Novel Timothy Unwin Heart of Darkness as Creation Myth Deborah Guth

Journal of European Studies is concerned with the literary, intellectual and cultural history of Europe from the renaissance to the present. It is published in quarterly issues of about 80 pages.

The 1987 subscription to the four issues of Journal of European Studies is $77.00 post paid in the Americas and Japan, ?33.50 elsewhere ($39.50 or ?18.00 to direct private subscribers).

All volumes from Vol. 6 forward are available from the publishers.

ALPHA ACADEMIC Halfpenny Furze, Mill Lane, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks HP8 4NR

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, From catapults to computers ... -.

Technology and Culture A chronicle of changes in society and changes in technology Exploring world history from antiquity to the present, Technology and Culture investigates the interaction of technology with its social and cultural environment. T&C transcends cultural and geographical boundaries to provide a scope of research extending from examinations of specific devices to analyses of the complex relationship between technology and society.

Historians, engineers, economists, anthropologists, and social scientists have contributed to the pages of T&C during its 27 years of publication, helping to maintain the journal's interdisciplinary approach. Each issue of T&C includes original articles, reviews of current museum exhibitions, conference reports, and extensive book reviews, all addressing a wide range of topics within the realm of technology:

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Sponsored by the Society for the History of Technology

By subscribing to Technology and Culture you automatically become a member of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) -an international association concerned with historical and emerging technologies and their relationship to human culture. SHOT is affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the American Historical Association.

Technology and Culture, published quarterly. Edited by Robert C. Post

One-year rates: Individuals'$26.00; Institutions $45.00; Emeritus $22.00; Students (with copy of ID) $18.00. Outside USA add $6.00 for postage. Visa and MasterCard accepted. Mail complete charge card information, purchase order, or payment to The University of Chicago Press, Journals Division, Dept. SF7GU, P.O. Box 37005, Chicago, IL 60637. CF70ri1 7/IWM

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No. II4, 1985

ARTICLES: Mirko D. Grmek, Danielle Gourevitch - Les experiences pharmacologiques dans l'antiquite; Wilbur R. Knorr - Archimedes and the pseudo-Euclidean Catoptrics: Early Stages in the Ancient Geometric Theory of Mirrors; Anne Tihon - Theon d'Alexandrie et les Tables Faciles de Ptolemee; Reuven S. Avi-Yonah - Ptolemy vs. Al-Bitruji: A Study of Scientific Decision-Making in the Middle Ages; Uta Lindgren - Die Geographie des Claudius Ptolemaeus in Miinchen. Beschreibung der gedruckten Exemplare in der Bayeri- schen Staatsbibliothek; William Newman - The Genesis of the Sum- ma perfectionis; Karin Figala, Ulrich Neumann - Ein fruher Brief Michael Maiers (1568-1622) an Heinrich Rantzau (1526-1598). Ein- fiihrung, lateinischer Originaltext und deutsche Ubersetzung; Mi- chel Blay - Varignon et le statut de la loi de Torricelli; Jean-Paul Guiot - Zur Entdeckung der ultravioletten Strahlen durch Johann Wilhelm Ritter; Erna Lesky - Zur neuesten Semmelweis-Forschung. Skoda und Semmelweis; Helene Gispert - Sur la production mathe- matique franqaise en 1870 (Etude du tome premier du Bullettin des Sciences mathematiques); Tore Frangsmyr - History of Science in Scandinavia.


Executive committee: G. Bernardini, V. Cappelletti (Director), M.D. Grmek, G. Montalenti, J.D. North, G.E. Viola (Secretary). Editor: R. Halleux (Universite de Liege, 32, place du xx - Aout, B-4000 Liege). Assistant editor: A. Postigliola (Italia). Editorial committee: P. Costabel (France), R. Fox (England), S.R. Mikulinskij (S.S.S.R.), J. Murdoch (U.S.A.), J. Sams6 (Espafia), CJ. Scriba (B.R. Deutschland), J. Vernet-Gines (Espafia). Editorial office: Ufficio Attivita Culturali, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, piazza Farnese, 105, 1-00186 Roma. Academie internationale d'histoire des sciences: 12, rue Colbert, F-75002 Paris. Orders and subscriptions: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Ufficio Abbonati, piazza Paganica, 4, 1-00186 Roma.

Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences is published twice each year. Sub- scriptions: $ 40 for individuals and $ 50 for institutions for one year.


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The British Journal

for the History of Science

Edited by Dr D.M. Knight University of Durham

This journal is the official organ of The British Society for the History of Science, but welcomes contributions from members and non- members alike. The journal includes articles and reviews which range over all aspects of the history of science. Many are interdisciplinary in character, encompassing social and economic history, the philosophy and sociology of science, the history of technology and the history of philosophy. A comprehensive book review section is a special feature of the journal. The British Journalfor the History of Science has always striven to maintain the highest scholarly standards while remaining readable and stimulating and eschewing the straitjacket of the traditional boundaries between disciplines.

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