on your bike!...earlsfield primary school tranmere road london sw18 3qq the london borough of...

Earlsfield Primary School Tranmere Road London SW18 3QQ The London Borough of Wandsworth Issue 7 – Tuesday 29th October 2019 Happy Diwali! This term’s RE focus is on Hinduism which matches perfectly with the celebration of Diwali which Hindus celebrated on Sunday 27th October. This week, all the classes will be engaging in lots of different learning activities to find out more about Hinduism. Years 1, 3 and 4 will be taking part in Diwali Dance Workshops with ‘Westendinschools ‘ on Tuesday and Year 2 and Year 5 have their RE trips to look forward to. On your bike! Bikeability is today’s cycle training programme. It’s like cycling proficiency, but better! It’s about gaining practical skills and understanding how to cycle on today’s roads. Bikeability gives everyone the skills and confidence for all kinds of cycling. There are three Bikeability levels, each designed to improve cycling skills, no matter what is known already. Levels 1, 2 and 3 take trainees from the basics of balance and control, all the way to planning and making an independent journey on busier roads. Theme and SDG School Value and Rights Respecting Article Assembly Focus Staff INSET Focus Thought for the week Teamwork makes the dream work! SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals Care: (Article 2) All children have these rights. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis. Mrs Hancock will be leading this Friday’s assembly when each class will share something they have enjoyed learning about during their RE Days. For our INSET on Monday, all the staff took part in Mental Health First Aid Training. If you could spend one day celebrating somebody else’s religion, which would it be and why? Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a restful half term break. We look forward to the second half of Autumn Term, sharing highlights and news with you from our busy school life! This week kicks off with our termly RE Days, focussing this term on Hinduism. Remember to ask your children what they have learned. Thank you to Mrs Hancock, our RE lead, for organising what we hope to be an inspiring and interesting two days of learning. Years 5 and 6 take part in important Level 1 and Level 2 Cycle Training Jessie- “I feel I was safer on the road like looking behind you and how to check your bike before you ride it and how to balance as you signal as you to turn.” Jackson- “I learnt how to be safe whilst cycling and we learnt how to stop in an emergency .”

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Page 1: On your bike!...Earlsfield Primary School Tranmere Road London SW18 3QQ The London Borough of Wandsworth Issue 7 –Tuesday 29th October 2019 Happy Diwali! This term’s RE focus is

Earlsfield Primary SchoolTranmere Road London SW18 3QQ

The London Borough of Wandsworth

Issue 7 – Tuesday 29th October 2019

Happy Diwali!

This term’s RE focus is on Hinduism which matches

perfectly with the celebration of Diwali which Hindus celebrated on Sunday 27th October.This week, all the classes will be engaging in lots of different learning activities to find out more about Hinduism. Years 1, 3 and 4 will be taking part in Diwali Dance Workshops with ‘Westendinschools ‘ on Tuesday and Year 2 and Year 5 have their RE trips to look forward to.

On your bike!

Bikeability is today’s cycle training programme. It’s like cycling proficiency, but better! It’s about gaining practical skills and understanding how to cycle on today’s roads. Bikeability gives everyone the skills and confidence for all kinds of cycling.There are three Bikeability levels, each designed to improve cycling skills, no matter what is known already. Levels 1, 2 and 3 take trainees from the basics of balance and control, all the way to planning and making an independent journey on busier roads.

Theme and SDG

School Value and Rights Respecting Article

Assembly Focus

Staff INSET Focus

Thought for the week

Teamwork makes the dream work! SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Care: (Article 2) All children have these rights. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis.

Mrs Hancock will be leading this Friday’s assembly when each class will share something they have enjoyed learning about during their RE Days.

For our INSET on

Monday, all the staff took part in Mental Health First Aid Training.

If you could spend one day celebrating somebody else’s religion, which would it be and why?

Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a restful half term break. We look forward to the second half of Autumn Term, sharing highlights and news with you from our busy school life! This week kicks off with our termly RE Days, focussing this term on Hinduism. Remember to ask your children what they have learned.

Thank you to Mrs Hancock, our RE lead, for organising what we hope to be an inspiring and interesting

two days of learning.

Years 5 and 6 take part in important Level 1 and Level 2 Cycle Training

Jessie- “I feel I was safer on the road

like looking behind you and how to check your bike

before you ride it and how to balance as you signal as you

to turn.”

Jackson- “I learnt how to be safe whilst cycling and we learnt how to stop in

an emergency .”

Page 2: On your bike!...Earlsfield Primary School Tranmere Road London SW18 3QQ The London Borough of Wandsworth Issue 7 –Tuesday 29th October 2019 Happy Diwali! This term’s RE focus is

Earlsfield Primary SchoolTranmere Road London SW18 3QQ

The London Borough of Wandsworth

Year 4 become Vikings for the day!

If you would like to order Christmas Cards using your child’s design, last

orders must be made by Tuesday 29th

October online. Remember you must return your child’s artwork to the office once you’ve ordered online.

The Curriculum and Attainment Committee held its first meeting of the academic year on Thursday 10th October. The agenda included an in-depth review of the 2018-19 SDP key targets which relate to this committee. We reviewed the targets using evidence collated throughout the year from various sources such as:

• Attainment and progress data for each year group

• External evaluations such as the Guided Peer Evaluation, Early Years work with Laurie-Ann Lamb (Early Years Consultant) and feedback from the ‘Maths Hub’ on Earlsfield’s progress with Maths Mastery

• Governor visits including meeting with phase leaders, subject leads, groups of pupils and also facilitating staff INSETs, visiting classrooms and monitoring the KS2 SATs administration.

The above information provided clear evidence that all SDP key targets have been met.

We also discussed the new Ofsted framework and in particular the 3 Is: Intent, Implementation and Impact. It was agreed that in subsequent meetings, the C&A committee will focus on:

Intent – What is the school aiming to achieve through the curriculum?

Implementation – How is the curriculum being delivered?

Impact – What difference is the curriculum making?

Issue 7 – Tuesday 29th October 2019

Come along to grab a bargain from our Second Hand Uniform Sale this Friday at 3:15pm on the

playground. Lots of uniform in lots of sizes, in good condition!

On Wednesday 16th October, Year 4 went back in time to experience what life was like as a Viking. We practised our drama skills as well as presenting freeze frame as groups (our favourite one was making Viking longboats with our bodies!) We had so much fun and are now eager to learn more about the Vikings after half term.

Page 3: On your bike!...Earlsfield Primary School Tranmere Road London SW18 3QQ The London Borough of Wandsworth Issue 7 –Tuesday 29th October 2019 Happy Diwali! This term’s RE focus is

Earlsfield Primary SchoolTranmere Road London SW18 3QQ

The London Borough of Wandsworth

1R were lucky enough with the weather this week to venture to Paradise Co-op. We searched for

signs of autumn using colour charts and created sculptures to represent the different seasons using natural materials. Before

settling down to toast some marshmallows over a fire we went

searching for different types of leaves, beginning to identify if they were from evergreen or

deciduous trees. Thankfully the marshmallows gave us the energy to get back down the hill. Thank

you to our volunteers who joined us, without you these trips would

not be possible.1W, don’t worry, we’ll reschedule

your visit soon and keep our fingers crossed for dry weather!

Issue 7 – Tuesday 29th October 2019

Year 2 take part in Pedestrian Training On Thursday 17th October, Year 2 took part in Pedestrian Training with Georgie Talbot from Wandsworth Council. We had the opportunity to head out onto Tranmere Road and learn the rules for walking safely on the pavements and crossing the roads using the actions of ‘Stop, look, listen and think’. We also learnt more about the purpose of the road markings outside school and how the metal barrier by the school gate is there to prevent children from running onto the road when it is busy at home time. We also learnt about the bobbles on the pavement at all crossings to help people who have sight difficulties to cross the road safely. Finally, we learnt why it can be unsafe to cross the road between two parked cars and the importance of looking for safe crossings to use (such as a pelican crossing or a zebra crossing). It was great fun and very interesting to find out more facts to make us more aware of our rights and responsibilities as citizens of the community.

Page 4: On your bike!...Earlsfield Primary School Tranmere Road London SW18 3QQ The London Borough of Wandsworth Issue 7 –Tuesday 29th October 2019 Happy Diwali! This term’s RE focus is

Earlsfield Primary SchoolTranmere Road London SW18 3QQ

The London Borough of Wandsworth

RE Days for Y1-Y6 (Hinduism): Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th October

Y4 and Y3 Music and Y3 Swimming starts again: Tuesday 29th October

Y6 French Trip meeting: Tuesday 29th October, arrive at 6:50pm for a prompt 7pm start

Y6 Football Fixture: Friday 1st November at Wimbledon Park (pm)

PTA Second Hand Uniform Sale: Friday 1st November, 3:15pm on the playground

Key dates coming up:

Issue 7 – Tuesday 29th October 2019

Have a good week.


Steve Trow and all the Earlsfield Team

We’re looking for Wellbeing Champions!

These champions will help emotional wellbeing and positive mental health within the school setting and wider community.Before half term, any children interested in becoming one of our champions was given a slip (see left) where they had to think of something they would do as a Wellbeing Champion. These applications are due back to teachers this Wednesday (30th October). The Champions will then be selected shortly afterwards. Mr Reed is looking forward to reading all the amazing ideas that the children have thought of that can help us all as a community!

We are really proud of our

competition winner Evie who has designed a fantastic ’No Idling’ poster. This poster is now being displayed outside the school to remind drivers to switch their engines off and keep our air clean in Earlsfield! Thank you for all your support and entries.

Page 5: On your bike!...Earlsfield Primary School Tranmere Road London SW18 3QQ The London Borough of Wandsworth Issue 7 –Tuesday 29th October 2019 Happy Diwali! This term’s RE focus is

Earlsfield Primary SchoolTranmere Road London SW18 3QQ

The London Borough of Wandsworth

Class Star Student

RM RS 1R 1W 2J

Daisy Siena Grace Alicia Lewis

2W 3B 3J 4S 4H

Louisa Ivy Tymon Ayan Josh

5W 5P 6AH 6G 6K

Tommy W.

Lauretta Raven Joa Ada

Whole School Star of the Week

Robbie (1W)- for showing such a great attitude to learning.

He’s a great role model to all of us. Truly


Phase Stars

Reception Key Stage 1 Lower KS2 Upper KS2

Zach (RS) Ava (1W) Evie (3J) Qadriyah (5W)

Earlsfield All Stars

Issue 7 – Tuesday 29th October 2019








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