on the theology of the body

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  • 8/9/2019 On The Theology of The Body


    In the Beginning

    Genesis 1:27 "In the beginning the Creator made them male and female." Christ also talks about "In the Beginning" when he gives the teaching on divorce; He asks, "Did you not read what the Father said in the Beginning? Where a man leaves hi

    s mother and father and where the woman leaves her mother and father; to come together with the man; which becomes her husband. Then they become one flesh."

    Now, I would like to talk on the Unity of Marriage with this passage from Genesis.

    Now; how can we use this passage for a big subject? Well, we have to go in deeper into the line of Scripture. God created man from dust and breathed the Spirit

    into him.

    God did give cows and other animals to keep Adam company; but something was missing. It was a not suitable partner for the Man.

    So God put the Man into a deep sleep; just like the deep sleep the doctor or dentist puts you in with the gas; but there was no gas.

    God put the man into a sleep and God took out a rib and God formed the woman. With the skin from Adam and Eve skin patched up the place where the rib came from.

    With just a little skin and one rib; God formed the woman.

    After everything was done and everyone was awake; Adam saw the woman and told God; "now the woman is the perfect partner and he named her Eve; mother of all thi

    ngs." After they met; God married them.

    They truly became one body; because the woman was made with Adam's rib and fleshand Eve's flesh healed Adam. So, Marriage is the unity between the husband andbride.

    Yes, they are to come together and create a child to be one flesh; but the unityof them is that they truly become one. Just like Adam and Eve was made one.

    Marriage is not about give and take or the wife have more or the husband has mor

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    e. No, but the Husband and Wife are to have the same amount; give 100% to 100%.

    Give all of each other to each other and to the family. That is the unity of Marriage. Amen.

    On The Theology of the Body

    In the world today they tell us we are nothing and our body we can do anything with. This world is filled with corruption and no hope.

    They do not want us to hope in anything or anyone. To understand the mystery ofthe body which is a gift from God.They want us to hope in our self but we are no

    end, God is our end and hope.

    We are to hope in God and love Him totally. We are to hope in Him and not to worry about anything.God created the body in His likeness and so we are not use thebody as an object but as a gift.

    What does it mean to give our body as a gift? In marriage the man and woman givetheir bodies as gifts to each other.

    They become one flesh and create a child. That is why we are to live a chaste life in whatever vocation you are called to.

    In marriage life you are to live a chaste life; where you do not use each otheras objects.The gift of the body to God to promise you will live your entire lifesingle and chaste.

    Our body, is a gift for us which we receive but then we give it right back to God, in the marriage vocation, single vocation and religious vocation.

    God bless

    As I said in part one the world thinks we are nothing and worth nothing. But theworld has forgotten who made us and why He made us.

    In the Baltimore Catechism it says, "We are created to know, to love, and serve

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    God with our whole heart, mind and soul." We are worth more; Why? Because we arethe adopted sons and daughters of God.

    Our body is a gift from God but is a gift to God. So we are worth so much more than we can imagine; but we need to understand something and let me do the best I

    can for God to teach you. We give our body as a gift; just like Jesus giving ofHimself to do what? To redeem us and to feed us.

    We give of ourself to God to sanctify everything we do and to help us become saints.In True Devotion, St. Louis De Montfort tell us we are "slaves of Christ." We are slaves in a sense where we freely love, serve and follow Christ and we also children of the Father.

    God does not force us to love, serve and follow Him but we freely chose to be His slaves and do all for Him and through baptism we are His children. With baptism we are no longer children of the world but of God.

    When we become children of God; we are no longer to seek what is right here or below but of what is above as St. Paul tells us. The world itself is good becauseGod created it but with all the corruption that is destroying the world and with this the evil one with the corruption will and is corrupting us and our souls.

    We are not to listen to the world but God. Which means we are to live the fullness of the faith and live the virtues. I do believe the devil and his demons arerunning the world and when evil is controling the evil which we produce and create by our sins; then living in the world is very dangerous.

    But we musn't be afraid and keep our hope in God; because He will never forget His children and faithful servants. Finally, do not dress or act like the world.Dress humble and modest and act like a child and servant of God should act.

    God bless

    Genesis 1:26

    "Then God said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."

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    What do I mean the human person was not created to sin? It is just that; we werenot created to sin. When we sin; we become less human. Who is more human? God and Mary. Why those two? One, Mary is sinless and so is God; plus you can't leave

    out Mary; because then Jesus wouldn't be born.

    On Web of Faith; the first question was asked about how to help a friend returnto the faith; when he is living in sin with his girl friend; Fr. Jay came out and said it; The Sexual Union is not made for the non-married. Let me come out andsay first; I have taken great heat on using the S word.

    Some have said it that the S word is used to describe male or female; but if they look in a dictionary; it comes up as a bond between the married couple. Gender

    describes the male and female.

    The human person is made for a spousal relationship; both physically and spiritually. Yes they are to have children to complete spousal relationship but those who are called to be a priest or religious; have spiritual children.

    When God created Man in His image and likeness; the human person was perfect; just like everything else God created. But today, people think that since Jesus was human; he had to of sinned; but that is not true. He did not sin. When peoplesay or talk about a virgin and how he or she must of sinned and no way they could be a virgin; well there is a way not to sin. Yes, we have a fallen nature; fro

    m Adam and Eve; called Original Sin; but with baptism; it washes away the stainof sin.

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    Yes afterwards we could sin; but when you are a baby; unless you were born likeJesus; he would not do wrong; because he couldn't; because Jesus is God. But us,when we are babies; we can sin but we wouldn't know that we did sin; because the age of reason is around age 7 or 8.

    Why is sin so bad? Because it removes our share of divine life with God. When wesin; we do not share in the Divine Life. Sin kills; just look at the first parents. But they didn't die? Not physically but spiritually they did; because theyate of forbidden tree and loss the share in Divine Life and became fallen.

    Can we ever get our Divine Life back? It is not our Divine Life; but we share inGod's Divine Life and yes; we can go to confession and restore it.

    When we go to confession and truly confess our sins; we return to the pure state; as if we were baptized; our soul is washed clean. The Human Person was not made with a dirty soul but a pure and clean soul; because God is all Good, All Loving and All Just. He is pure and so we are created pure; how He looked. It wouldbe no sense at all to be created with a fallen nature; means there would be no s


    Our person is created to be with God forever; and to be with God; we must be pure and clean; our soul must be as white as a pure lamb; who is Jesus Christ. Maryis a real person and so is Jesus; but Jesus is God and Man; because He became flesh to redeem us. We have two great models on what it means to be fully human.To be fully human; we must be free from sin. Amen.

    To Understand The Love of God and How Sacred Sex Is

    From True Devotion

    "God the Holy Spirit formed Jesus Christ in Mary but only after having asked herconsent through one of the chief ministers of his court.

    17. God the Father imparted to Mary his fruitfulness as far as a mere creature was capable of receiving it, to enable her to bring forth his Son and all the mem

    bers of his mystical body.

    18. God the Son came into her virginal womb as a new Adam into his earthly parad

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    ise, to take his delight there and produce hidden wonders of grace."

    To understand the love of God and how Sacred Sex is; let me do my best on this t

    o help you understand.

    God the Holy Spirit; is the Love between The Father and the Son; but the Holy Spirit is the comfort; who comes to our aid to help us in tuff times.

    God the Holy Spirit; is said to be like a "water fall" as said on the commercialon EWTN. Why a water fall? Because the graces from the Holy Spirit come to us like the water of a water fall; a great power behind it and never ending. But tohave the graces work in you; you must be cleaned from sin; so you must go to confession.

    God loves us so much; if He needed us to do something; He would ask us or tell us in a way that Mary was told by the Angel of the Highest Court of God the Holy

    Spirit. God didn't just go in and plant God the Son; no; He sent a messenger toask Mary if it would be ok and wanted Mary's response; before He did anything. Ihave heard the Holy Spirit be called a rapist; but those who call Him that; hasnot read True Devotion or just used their head logically.

    No, the Holy Spirit is not a rapist; but a husband to Mary. God the Father; is the first person of Holy Trinity; He married the first couple; the first Eve. Now, He married the second Eve; who is tougher and stronger than the first Eve; I've seen pictures of Mary swinging a twelve inch sword.

    Eve; as Mary; was born without sin but became selfish and turned from God when she was tempted by the devil; I'm sure Mary was tempted but she fought off the temptation and plus the devil knew Mary would give birth to the Savior that woulddestroy him and all his demons.

    Mary, is full of grace; Highly Favored in the sight of God. All the Angels bow down to her; because she is the Mother of God. St. Michael the Archangel; is so excited to go and help those who are consecrated to Mary. That is also why; St. M

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    ichael is not Jesus.

    Now, when the Angel was told yes by Mary for the Holy Spirit to conceive in her

    virginal womb; which is blessed by God and God the Father at the moment Mary says Yes; her and the Holy Spirit became husband and wife.

    But, on earth; she was engaged to St. Joseph. St. Joseph is the most important point in salvation history; because he is the protector of the spouse of the HolySpirit and the Son of God. He is called the terror of demons for a reason. Because he protected the Blessed Mother and Jesus; who were; I would imagine under attack in the secret life we no nothing about before Jesus left home.

    God loves us so much; He sent His only Son to use through Mary; because the world at that time and now; still will not accept Him through the hands of the Father. Mary is the total key to understand Jesus and the love for us. If you say youlove Jesus but yet; you disrespect and hate His Mother; are you in good standing with Him? No, you are on the other list; the people He doesn't like because they hate his mother.

    Do you know about all those momma jokes and how offended people get; just imagine that from Jesus but a little more. Mary loves us so much; that she said Yes tothe Angel for the Holy Spirit to come into her Holy Womb to plant the seed; sothe Son of God will become Man. She is the greatest of all Mothers; she understands our needs as children and we are her children and she is our Mother.

    Sex is so Sacred; that the two spouses should make sure it is ok to give each other as a gift. Mary and the Holy Spirit understood this. Amen.

    Mystery of The Woman Revealed In Motherhood

    Let us do a meditation on Genesis 4:1.

    "The man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, "I have produced a man with the help of the LORD."

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    To understand motherhood; is to understand what it means to be a wife. In this sentence the one who actually knows is the man and the one who is known is the woman-wife. How does he know? The man knows the woman through her determination, body and sex and hid the depth of her femininity.

    But, when they sinned; it was not the woman who first felt the shame but it wasthe man. Why did the woman feel no shame? Was it because she told the truth about what happened and that Adam kept point fingers and he even pointed a finger atGod saying, "well You gave me the woman."

    God kept trying to get a act of contrition out of Adam but Adam never fully caug

    ht on and started blame people and then he said it was the woman and the woman told God, "It was the snake in the garden that tricked me into eating the fruit off the tree." After that; the woman felt shame and knew she was naked.

    But, let us get back to the topic of the writing: Mystery of Woman Revealed in Motherhood.

    Every woman is created for a certain vocation; to be a spouse and a mother. Godcreated the woman to be together with the man to be the spouse and give birth tothe children the Man and Woman create in the Marriage Act.

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    We have so much bad news in the world; different countries are passing homo-sexual marriage; which means they will have to change the mindset of the people on what marriage is; but they can't change the mindset; because it is placed in theheart of all the people; even those who are sick in the brain who are homo-sexual and those who are getting married.

    Man and Woman are made to be together; it is not about feelings; it is how God created them; God gave man a certain part to help create life and God gave womanthe perfect match to help to create life and when Man and Woman put the parts together; they create life and become one. That is why in car parts and some tools; there is tools called a male tool and woman tool or man part and woman part; put both of them together; they fit and work together.

    The Mystery of Woman is that they are made to be with the man; because they arethe perfect match for the Man. Yes, they are to love each other but it means they must be submissive and nothing else. Mary is submissive to the Holy Spirit; her spouse. And the Holy Spirit is submissive to her; gives her reign over all the

    graces; where she could give graces at any time, any where. Yes, the Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity; but it shows that God is masculine; because Jesus called God; First Person of the Trinity; Father.

    The Father gives the Holy Spirit to Mary and Mary gives herself to the Holy Spirit; they become one and the Holy Spirit planted Jesus; God the Son; Second Person of the Holy Trinity; into the Holy womb of Mary; Where Jesus; which he is God;humbled himself and enter the womb of Mary and became totally faithful to MaryHis mother. The Mystery of Woman in motherhood; is answered in the faithfulnessof Mary.

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    When Mary gave birth to Jesus; she fed him, nursed him, cleaned him, comforted him; just like a mother should do. The Mystery of the Woman; is that they are created to be a mother and spouse and nothing less. Yes, they should do some work;but when their child is sick, hurt, or needs them; they are to leave their workand be with them. Because their work is not their vocation; their vocation is amother and spouse.

    That is the mystery of the woman. Amen.

    The Heart Is The Battlefield Between Love and Lust


    O Venerable John Paul II and Cardinal Newman; help to teach Protestants, Non-Christians and Catholics the Sacredness of Sex. Help to write on the battlefield ofthe heart. O God I make this plea to request You to answer my prayer. Amen.


    The human person is made to reproduce; in the sexual form which God gives the command to; Genesis 1:27-28 "God created man in his image; in the divine image hecreated him; male and female he created them. God blessed them, saying: "Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it."

    With this love; Man is able to show his complete love to the Woman who also gives her complete love to the Man; by the pro-creation of the Sexual Union which isto complete the marriage bond.

    In today's time and when Pope John Paul II wrote on this topic in 1980; Communism was rising and Poland was in despair but when he visited Poland; he brought the people hope and courage to stand up to the political party that wanted to remove the Church. We are going through this in our time. Where we lust after power

    and the human heart is feeling the battle between Love and Lust.

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    We have a lust; which is sexual; that we use women and women use men as objectsto get their fill in pleasure. Or we get our fill of Lust for Power and Control;which is what the people in government are doing; they are hurting us; to get their fill of pleasure of being powerful.

    Jesus said in the Gospel according to St. Matthew, "Whoever lusts by looking; already commits adultery in their heart." You could say that about those government people in office who lust by looking at what they could do next or spend on next.

    They have committed a sin by Lusting after power and how to send us into a bigger hole and where our hearts; when we want to learn about politics and what theyare doing to us; we have a hard time showing love for them because we are so filled with hate and disgust on everything. In the world we have so many lusts; pow

    er, greed, sex, abortion, contraception, green movement, lustfulness on extremehealth.

    When I mean they lust on extreme health; I mean where they want to remove the snack machines with fruit; which isn't bad and in some cities out lawing the sugardrinks and sodas and other stuff; just because they believe it will cause people get fat. I say; if they can't control the amount they drink or eat; then whereare the parents?

    Planned Parenthood and a lot of people still lust after giving out the pill or other contraception and get abortions. They want the money; which is their pleasure from using the young women.

    The human heart has to work hard to pump the blood and to keep the body workingbut; it has to go through the fight between love and lust. So the heart does have to work extra hard.

    From Venerable Pope John Paul's writing The Heart is the battlefield between love and lust: "The human heart experiences the degree of this limitation or distortion, especially in the sphere of man-woman mutual relations.

    Precisely in the experience of the heart, femininity and masculinity, in their mutual relations, no longer seem to express the spirit which aims at personal communion. They remain only an object of attraction, in a certain sense as happensin the world of living beings, which, like man, have received the blessing of fertility (cf. Gn 1)."

    When we think of the heart; we think of blood and it keeps the body alive; Whenthe heart goes through this ruff patch of despair and it's limitations; we turn

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    it into a object and remove the personal communion which shows the love that Godtold the man and wife to show to each other.

    When the heart feel and experience more lust than the nuptial love which is theSexual union between Man and Wife. With the heart feeling and experiencing lust

    the heart passes lust off for love; it even changes the mutual friendship profile with people.

    Are we to distrust the heart? Not, really; we must work hard to keep the heart in control. Lust, damages the giving and charity of the heart; which we give ourlove; actual love to our friends and actual love between spouses.

    Without being together with friends or the spouse; the person lusting is by him

    or her-self; "a subject in unity, in the sacramental unity of the bodyman becomesan object for man, the female for the male and vice versa.

    Genesis 3:16 and Genesis 3:7 bear witness to this, with all the clearness of thecontrast, as compared with Genesis 2:23-25." Pope John Paul II Hurting the mutual giving between others; calls into question "the fact that each of them was willed by the Creator "for his own sake."

    Pope John Paul II's 'The Heart is the battlefield between love and lust' With th

    e heart being overtaken by lust; we lose the interior freedom which comes from the nuptial meaning of the human body.

    Man becomes a gift when the man and woman can be together in a relationship of self-giving; if both can control himself. "Together with that, the beauty that the human body possesses in its male and female aspect, as an expression of the spirit, is obscured.

    The body remains as an object of lust and, therefore, as a "field of appropriation" of the other human being. In itself, concupiscence is not capable of promoting union as the communion of persons.

    By itself, it does not unite, but appropriates. The relationship of the gift ischanged into the relationship of appropriation." Pope John Paul II's The Heart is the battlefield between love and lust

    I wish to end right here; because this topic is hard and yet very important. Amen.

    The Heart Is The Battlefield Between Love and Lust: Part II

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    Venerable John Paul II and Cardinal Newman; help to teach Protestants, Non-Christians and Catholics the Sacredness of Sex. Help to write on the battlefield ofthe heart. O God I make this plea to request You to answer my prayer. Amen.


    I would like to come back to this writing and keep going where I left off.

    "Together with that, the beauty that the human body possesses in its male and female aspect, as an expression of the spirit, is obscured. The body remains as anobject of lust and, therefore, as a "field of appropriation" of the other humanbeing. In itself, concupiscence is not capable of promoting union as the communion of persons. By itself, it does not unite, but appropriates. The relationshipof the gift is changed into the relationship of appropriation." Pope John PaulII's The Heart is the battlefield between love and lust.

    Let us go on from this point from Pope John Paul II. The human body is to be beautiful and full of life; and to show God in everything we do; but if the heart is full of lust; greed, sex, power, occult. When our heart is dealing with theselusts and filled with these lusts; there is no way the heart could have the Loveof God to show to others.

    When the heart is filled with the lust and taken over; coming together with people and having a relationship with the people; it would be nearly impossible to promote relationships with people; because the lust only cares for one thing; using people to get your pleasure needs filled and then you throw them away; just like trash.

    Think of Lust as a person drinking a personal size milk jug and once the milk was gone and the person was filled and was everything was good; the person just throws the milk jug away; because the person just wanted the milk to please him; to remove his thirst.

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    Now, if our heart is like that; what will happen to a relationship; either between boy friend and girl friend or married couples or singles as friends; that relationship will not last; because once the heart got what it needed; feelings orwhatever will change for that person and will go after someone else to fill thepleasure that is needed.

    But to have a successful relationship; means the person gives and the other onegives; which is love; the Love of God. The love which must be in the heart. To have the Love in the heart fighting against the Lust that wants to use the people; if we stay true to the Love of God; the Lust won't be able fight back.

    Because if we are so close to God; the Love from God into our heart will alwayshelp defend the heart against the lust which comes from the devil. But, even with the love of God into our heart; the devil will keep on tempting us to lust onsomething and someone.

    To have a successful relationship and be able to promote it; we must use the Love given by God; to use as a promotion and that will show the people God is with

    that person and God will be with them and is with them. They will see God in that person.

    But, our heart will always be the battlefield between love and lust; because temptations will not stop until fifteen minutes after we are dead and in the ground. To keep the fight going and to help keep lust out; prayer and always be with God; Do Not Be Afraid to go to confession and get cleaned up if you fall. Ask forgiveness to those people you use for pleasure. Ask our Blessed Mother to help protect you and be your mother. Amen.


    This means marriage can not be destroyed or dissolved. Now let us talk on it.

    "And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, 'Is it lawful to divorceone's wife for any cause?' He answered, 'Have you not read that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'For this reason a man

    shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shallbecome one flesh'?

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    So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together,let not man put asunder.' They said to him, 'Why then did Moses command one togive a certificate of divorce, and to put her away?' He said to them, 'For yourhardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so'" (Mt 19:3ff., cf. also Mk 10:2ff.).

    We have Pharisees again today; who are so unstable and their will is weak and sothey go and get a divorce. But marriage is not made for divorce; once you say IDo; that means you are married for life. But since we are no longer perfect; because of original sin; we have people who hurt other people either by physical abuse, over drinking or cheating on their spouse.

    For some reason, I knew two married couples who were friends; my one friend was

    the wife and she had a beautiful baby girl and the husband cheated on her with afriend.

    Then another friend; you could say; wanted to cheat on her husband but the man said NO. And the one couple got divorced; because she didn't trust the man anymore but the other person; I have no idea. But, marriage is made to be unbreakableand un destroyable. Because, marriage is not man made; but created by God Himself.

    And what God has joined; let nothing come between. As I said, people just don'tcare and say they are tired of the wife or husband and they go after new peopleand the people they go after; also don't care or if they do; they speak up and say NO and tell them to return back to their husband and family.

    As I was talking about the unity of marriage; it goes with the indissolubility.Because; you and the wife are to be one and let nothing come between you and her. That means you and the spouse are to know each other's needs; to do that; theymust be able to talk to each other freely and be able to talk to their partnerwithout being nervous or scared.

    When you put unity and indissolubility; you should be able to act freely as Adamand Eve did in the garden before they sinned. Should be able to act like the Holy Family. If they want to stay together; they must be able to talk about theirneeds and feelings and concerns with each other; plus also to pray together.

    To have a united and indissoluble marriage; you must have great communication and a great prayer life; be able to be faithful to each other; as St. Paul says todo. When a married couple loves each other as they should, talk to each other a

    nd have a great prayer life and Sacrament life.

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    To make a Holy Hour; but separate; to spend time with Jesus to get their spiritual strength up for their marriage. If the man and woman need a good role model on how to be a married couple; just follow Mary and St. Joseph and Jesus and theChurch. Amen.

    On the Theology of the Body: Volume II: Part II: On the Sacredness of the Family

    As we read that God told Adam and Eve to fill the earth with children.

    In Scripture we hear of family life where there is one man and one woman who marry and create children.

    But in the world people who don't want God in the world.

    1. Homo-sexual

    Homo-sexual do not want God in the world because everyone would and does see thehomo-sexual acts and condemn the acts; then the homo-sexual would and are screaming "hate crime" because it would and does point out their faults; sins.

    They; the homo-sexual; would and are trying to pass the hate crime law; but it is not to be a fair law but it is only to pass their way of life; promote it andforce it down our throats and if we do not agree; then we are thrown in prison and silenced.

    We have these graphic new teachings in school on sexual education where they teach hetero-sexual acts and how to do them but also homo-sexual acts; another wayto get new homo-sexual members; because no one is born homo-sexual.

    This will and is hurting the American public and few states who have homo-sexualmarriage as law of the land; means you can't sound off about it unless you wanted to be called a fake word homophobic or against homo-sexual and no one can hire you or sell to you because you are against the law.

    These states are like Soviet Union Russia and how they forced things on the people and if people didn't like it; they would silence them in the Gulag or Russian

    prison camps.

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    When the homo-sexual partners get a union or "married" ; they cheat on one another in a year; because they got what they wanted; their political and life stylepassed to be law. Everything about them trying and wanting rights; which they don't have if they want marriage or their radical way of life passed; it is all political to damage and ruin the American government and school system.

    As Cardinal Ratzinger or Pope Benedict XVI says in a writing he did on what Catholics are to do if homo-sexual unions become law of the land: "In no way are Catholics to buy anything from the homo-sexual, no way should we serve them, no wayshould we hire them or speak or support them, no way are we to pass laws if weare city government or judges; we can't marry them, if you are a land lord; we can't rent to them. We are to give a firm and strong stance on Marriage between Man and Woman and the Teachings of the Church."

    When homo-sexual push so they can adopt; it isn't the care of the child but to push and destroy everything natural.

    Homo-sexual can not create life and so it is why they want to destroy the Christian religion to make it fit their life style.

    God created the marriage between Man and Woman so life can be created.

    2. Radical feminists: abortion and contraception

    The second group of people are the radical group of women who poison their bodyand society.

    This group of radical women poison their bodies with different contraception which are toxic and kill life and prevent life from being created.

    Now in the world we have many different type of faiths in these radical women groups who promote these evils which in some providences in Canada; would throw people in prison for speaking against the evils. But these women discriminate theman, woman and the child.

    The evils of abortion and contraception follow the words of Satan "I will not serve!" These women who do these and promote them are disresponsible for their act

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    ions and if they create a child and they kill the child like he or she was nothing. They do not understand the sacredness of the family and they are two things:

    1. The Holy Sacrament of Marriage between Man and Woman

    2. The giving birth and giving life to a child and raising the child to know, toserve and to love God.

    Finally, the sacredness of the family is not political and not trying to force it but to try and help teach those that don't believe or are very hurtful towardsthis way of life.

    We are to live, promote and teach the Sacredness of the family when we are underattack and nothing is more Sacred than a child being born. God bless

    On the Theology of the Body: Part V: On the Respect of the female body

    We have women today disrespecting the female body. Those shows on TV Land for women over thirty five; just horrible what women degrade themselves to. Also the men today aren't much help either.

    The woman is to be more than looks or a piece of meat. The woman is a mystery which is only revealed in motherhood.

    From the start when our first parents were created and filling the earth; the woman is called to be the mother and comfort giver.

    The woman by nature is to be ready at any time to be with their children when they get sick or hurt. Not run off and work; where they care about work than theirchildren.

    So these women who call themselves the professional woman; they are less of a woman for not following their vocation as wife and mother.

    Now, if the woman thinks her vocation is to remain single and live the faith; sh

    e becomes a spiritual mother.

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    Same thing as a normal mother; she has duties as a spiritual mother and that isto take care of her spiritual children's needs in a spiritual sense about the faith.

    A mother is to be with the father; incharge of the children. Both are to teach and live in discipline: "Do not distain the discipline of the LORD." Hebrews 12:5

    If the mother does not live and distains the discipline of the LORD; how will the children live and learn True discipline?

    The mother is a teacher and she is to teach the faith to the kids no matter howold or young they are.

    But if the mother does not live discipline and spends money or does something without discipline; what example is that to the children? Not an example at all; yes I know men are just as bad.

    To wrap up this chapter on Respecting the female and her body: let us talk why her body is sacred.

    As in the first two chapters on the body as a gift:

    The female body goes through a lot when the child is in the womb.

    All the sickness, all the extending of the body when the child grows, the womb and the stomach in larges and when the child tries to get comfortable in the womband kicks the ribs and other body parts and organs.

    Then when it is time to push the child out; all the pains that God put on the woman after the fall.

    The woman; just like the man are Sacred; because they are created in the image and likeness of God.

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    The woman; just like the man are not be used or abused as objects but in a careful way just because they are created in God's image and likeness.

    God bless

    On the Theology of the body: Part VI: The Man

    I have just watched 'Fishers of Men' and I would say hold on for a ride when I write this final part.


    The man who was created by God to have rule over all things created by God on earth. We will talk about the man in many different vocations.

    First: Man: Man has been the provider for the family and been the protector andthe Christ in the domestic church; the home. He is to teach the children; both girls and boys; but mostly the boys; the manly way; the True Man way on how to lo

    ve, how to act in general, how to pray and how to be humble.


    Now let us go and talk on the Priesthood:


    The Priesthood is not for the weak man but the strong. The man must be ready tobaptize, marry and prepare someone for death in a single day.

    The man who has a call to the Priesthood better be ready to give their entire life for Jesus and be ready to give up our life for the Master.

    The Priesthood is not a natural calling but a super natural calling; and the manentering better be ready to follow Jesus all the way to the tomb.

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    You; the man; are the alter Christus; another Christ and the people must see Christ in you. The first vocation a man must be open to is the priesthood.


    Now another vocation is marriage:

    Marriage is between a man and woman.


    The man in marriage must be totally in love with God; if he is; you will have alittle understanding what the Church goes through with Christ as Her Husband: Total Faithfulness or the motto of the Marine Corp: Always Faithful.

    But if the man isn't totally in love with God; well he won't be totally faithfulbut he will try.

    Ladies train them up in the faith and with the help of God; he will be always faithful.

    The man in marriage must love God first; strong love in the Scriptures, Prayer,Mass and the Sacraments.

    The second his wife and kids and third; his job or whatever else there is.


    Third type of vocation: Remaining Single


    Either as layity or in a religious life.

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    All three types must have one thing in common: A zealous love for God and His Church.

    If the man is called to live this life style and vocation; they are to live the

    fullness of the faith and live a chaste life. They likI have just watched 'Fishers of Men' and I would say hold on for a ride when I write this final part.


    The man who was created by God to have rule over all things created by God on earth. We will talk about the man in many different vocations.

    First: Man: Man has been the provider for the family and been the protector andthe Christ in the domestic church; the home. He is to teach the children; both girls and boys; but mostly the boys; the manly way; the True Man way on how to love, how to act in general, how to pray and how to be humble.


    Now let us go and talk on the Priesthood:


    The Priesthood is not for the weak man but the strong. The man must be ready tobaptize, marry and prepare someone for death in a single day.

    The man who has a call to the Priesthood better be ready to give their entire life for Jesus and be ready to give up our life for the Master.

    The Priesthood is not a natural calling but a super natural calling; and the manentering better be ready to follow Jesus all the way to the tomb.

    You; the man; are the alter Christus; another Christ and the people must see Christ in you. The first vocation a man must be open to is the priesthood.

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    Now another vocation is marriage:

    Marriage is between a man and woman.


    The man in marriage must be totally in love with God; if he is; you will have alittle understanding what the Church goes through with Christ as Her Husband: Total Faithfulness or the motto of the Marine Corp: Always Faithful.

    But if the man isn't totally in love with God; well he won't be totally faithfulbut he will try.

    Ladies train them up in the faith and with the help of God; he will be always faithful.

    The man in marriage must love God first; strong love in the Scriptures, Prayer,Mass and the Sacraments.

    The second his wife and kids and third; his job or whatever else there is.


    Third type of vocation: Remaining Single


    Either as layity or in a religious life.

    All three types must have one thing in common: A zealous love for God and His Church.

    If the man is called to live this life style and vocation; they are to live thefullness of the faith and live a chaste life. They likI have just watched 'Fishers of Men' and I would say hold on for a ride when I write this final part.

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    The man who was created by God to have rule over all things created by God on ea

    rth. We will talk about the man in many different vocations.

    First: Man: Man has been the provider for the family and been the protector andthe Christ in the domestic church; the home. He is to teach the children; both girls and boys; but mostly the boys; the manly way; the True Man way on how to love, how to act in general, how to pray and how to be humble.


    Now let us go and talk on the Priesthood:


    The Priesthood is not for the weak man but the strong. The man must be ready tobaptize, marry and prepare someone for death in a single day.

    The man who has a call to the Priesthood better be ready to give their entire life for Jesus and be ready to give up our life for the Master.

    The Priesthood is not a natural calling but a super natural calling; and the manentering better be ready to follow Jesus all the way to the tomb.

    You; the man; are the alter Christus; another Christ and the people must see Christ in you. The first vocation a man must be open to is the priesthood.


    Now another vocation is marriage:

    Marriage is between a man and woman.


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    The man in marriage must be totally in love with God; if he is; you will have alittle understanding what the Church goes through with Christ as Her Husband: Total Faithfulness or the motto of the Marine Corp: Always Faithful.

    But if the man isn't totally in love with God; well he won't be totally faithfulbut he will try.

    Ladies train them up in the faith and with the help of God; he will be always faithful.

    The man in marriage must love God first; strong love in the Scriptures, Prayer,Mass and the Sacraments.

    The second his wife and kids and third; his job or whatever else there is.


    Third type of vocation: Remaining Single


    Either as layity or in a religious life.

    All three types must have one thing in common: A zealous love for God and His Church.

    If the man is called to live this life style and vocation; they are to live thefullness of the faith and live a chaste life. They like priests; give their lifeto God to be a teaching example with their life for others to see and to learnwhat it means to be a Catholic and how to live the faith.

    Finally, the man who has the call for the Priesthood must also love Mary and give your life for her; as her Son Jesus did.

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    God bless and Amen.

    On the Theology of the Body: Volume II: Part III: The First Unity of Man and Woman

    Let us do a meditation on the "sleep of Adam."

    As we read in Scripture; God put Adam into a deep sleep to remove a rib and someflesh to make the woman; Eve. God closes the gap in Adam's side with Eve's flesh. Then they; Adam and Eve; awake and see each other.

    Adam praises God for creating her; "flesh of my flesh." "Bone of my bone."

    Also God says: "It is not good for Man to be alone."

    Let us ask a question;

    Why did God make woman for the man?

    God saw that animals did not give the man perfect compaionship and the man couldnot freely love the animals; because animals can't love.

    Now, God could of made another man; but the two men could only love so much.

    With a woman, the man could freely give himself to her and also the woman couldfreely give herself to the man and both loved each other more the man with the animals or another man could.

    So God gave the man a woman to be his match and also wife.

    Because this way the rest of God's plan would be finished; we be made so we canshare in His Divine Life.

    Let us ask another question;

    Why is it important for the unity of the man and woman?

    To answer this, let us take a look at Adam's falling a sleep.

    We could think of the sleep as in medical terms or in this other term: Adam doesfall asleep but falls asleep looking for the finding a being like himself.

    The importance of the unity of the man and woman; is that God didn't want the man to be alone and to finish the creation.

    The man and woman were made for sex in their nature, however, that man is "body"that belongs to the foundation of this personal topic that is deeper than the fact he is also male or female.

    In the solitude of the man before God made the woman.

    But with the former is based on the man and woman as if two ways of being a "body" but the same human being created "In the image of God." (Gn. 1:27).

    God bless

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    On The Theology of the Body: On The Unity of Male and Female: Part Two

    "With the rib God made the woman"

    Now, let us go on from this on the second body.

    Why did God use the rib of Adam to create Eve?

    God wanted to create a perfect person for Adam; so they both could live together, help each other, but; also create life with God.

    So, God wanted to create a new body but not a new being; but have the same beingas Adam, so with that rib; God created another body but the human being remained the same.

    The Next Part of the Female Body:

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    Well, let us ask why didn't God create Eve from dust?

    Then the man and woman wouldn't be united in the same being. If God decided to c

    reate woman from nothing; then we would of had two beings and two bodies; Man and Woman; instead of Male and Female with two bodies and one being.

    And so God wanted male and female to be in union by having the same being and two bodies; instead of two bodies and two beings.

    Now today we have a division among the radical feminists who don't want anythingto do with the man and they don't need the man. But, the woman wouldn't of beenmade without the rib of the man.

    The Woman does share the human nature but are different because of their own body.

    The woman shares in the human nature; because they are human but they act and live different; because our bodies do not act the same and so the body for the fem

    ale are strictly for the female person and the male body is strictly for the male.

    So, these gender changes are immoral and un-natural; because we are to accept what God gave us and how He made us.

    Finally on this topic:

    The woman is a mystery because they have their own body but each one do not lookthe same. With my past writing on motherhood tells or explains how this mysteryis revealed; through the vocation of motherhood.

    God bless
