on frontal combustion in a slightly intense large scale turbulent stream

ON FRONTAL COMBUSTION IN A SLIGHTLY INTENSE LARGE SCALE TURBULENT STREAM* V. N. Vilyunov and I. G. Dik UDC 536.46 In a first approximation, the increase in reaction zone motion for turbulent pulsation scales L some- what greater than the laminar flame thickness 6 can be considered due to the increment in the combustion surface. In the limit case L/6 ~ ~, the picture of the phenomenon should not depend on the heat conduction. However, if the heat conduction coefficient a--* 0, then the heat liberation function ~ simultaneously be- comes infinite in a narrow zone outside whose limits it is negligible in magnitude. Such an approach affords the possibility of writing the kinematic equations of combustion front propagation. However, the kinematics is not capable of taking into account the process of rebuilding the heat fields occurring in a statistically de- formable flame. The effect of such nonstationary processes will be more essential the smaller the ratio between the characteristic time of a hydrodynamic mole ~-~ =L/u' and the thermal relaxation time in the flame T o = a/u 2, where u' and u n are the stream velocity pulsation and the normal flame velocity. On the average, nonstationary processes increase the combustion velocity and should be taken into account in a second approximation. 1o If the turbulent pulsations are a low-frequency and large-scale part of the spectrum T 1 > To, L > 6, then the formulation of the problem of the velocity of turbulent combustion, due to Ya. B. ZeUdovich [2], re- duces to the following. The field turbulence velocities V (x, y, z, t) is given, where there exists a true (not averaged) flame surface F (x, y, z, t) = 0 which separates the two phases: fresh (a) and burning q3). At each point the surface F =0 is displaced relative to the burning gas at the normal velocity u n. It is assumed that for anyinitial shape, the surface takes some shape as t -*~o (stationary on the average), and this shape is propagated at the velocity ut which is to be determined. It is essential in such a formulation that the normal velocity be u n r 0. If it is assumed that u n =0, then just diffusion between (~) and (fl) occurs; the domain where there is (~) and (fl) expands as Ct on both sides, i.e., there is no motion of the averaged surface as t -~r Un, directed from (fl) to (a), will produce an asymmetry between them whereupon the averaged surface will also move from (/3) to (a). Hence, it is impossible to calculate ut for any turbulent velocity field V (x, y, z, t) by neglecting the normal velocity; the phenomenon vanishes for u n =0, For simplicity, let us consider the two-dimensional case. Let the equation of the flame surface satisfy the equation F(x, y. t)=0. (1.1) The kinematic equation of propagation of the surface of discontinuity in a coordinate system coupled to the moving gas is OF /[ OF )' [ oF ]' (1.2) o-T=u, y ~,a,,j +lo~j" The ratio OF : OF . . . . u (1.3) Ot ,' Ox * This paper is an elucidation of the report to the Third Scientific Conference on Mathematics and Mechanics of Tomsk State University [1] and to the All-Union School-Seminar on Combustion Theory. Tomsk. Translated from Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 223-229, March-April, 1975. Original article submitted March 26, 1974. 019 76 Plenum Publishing Corporation, 22 7 West 1 7th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission o.f the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $]5.00. 193

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I N T E N S E L A R G E S C A L E T U R B U L E N T S T R E A M *

V. N. V i l y u n o v a n d I. G. D i k UDC 536.46

In a f i rs t approximation, the increase in react ion zone motion for turbulent pulsation scales L some- what g rea te r than the laminar flame thickness 6 can be considered due to the increment in the combustion surface. In the limit case L / 6 ~ ~, the picture of the phenomenon should not depend on the heat conduction. However, if the heat conduction coefficient a--* 0, then the heat l iberation function ~ simultaneously be- comes infinite in a na r row zone outside whose l imits it is negligible in magnitude. Such an approach affords the possibi l i ty of writing the kinematic equations of combust ion front propagation. However, the kinematics is not capable of taking into account the p roces s of rebuilding the heat fields occur r ing in a s tat is t ical ly de- formable flame. The effect of such nonstat ionary p r o c e s s e s will be more essent ial the smal le r the rat io between the cha rac te r i s t i c t ime of a hydrodynamic mole ~-~ = L / u ' and the thermal relaxation t ime in the flame T o = a / u 2, where u' and u n are the s t r eam veloci ty pulsation and the normal flame velocity. On the average, nonsta t ionary p r o c e s s e s increase the combustion veloci ty and should be taken into account in a second approximation.

1o If the turbulent pulsations are a low-frequency and l a rge - sca l e par t of the spec t rum T 1 > To, L > 6, then the formulation of the problem of the veloci ty of turbulent combustion, due to Ya. B. ZeUdovich [2], r e - duces to the following. The field turbulence veloci t ies V (x, y, z, t) is given, where there exists a t rue (not averaged) flame surface F (x, y, z, t) = 0 which separa tes the two phases : f resh (a) and burning q3). At each point the surface F =0 is displaced relat ive to the burning gas at the normal veloci ty u n. It is a s sumed that for anyini t ia l shape, the surface takes some shape as t -*~o (stat ionary on the average), and this shape is propagated at the veloci ty u t which is to be determined.

It is essent ia l in such a formulation that the normal veloci ty be u n r 0. If it is assumed that u n =0,

then just diffusion between (~) and (fl) occurs ; the domain where there is (~) and (fl) expands as Ct on both sides, i.e., there is no motion of the averaged surface as t -~r Un, d i rec ted f rom (fl) to (a), will produce an a s y m m e t r y between them whereupon the averaged surface will also move f rom (/3) to (a). Hence, it is impossible to calculate ut for any turbulent veloci ty field V (x, y, z, t) by neglecting the normal velocity; the phenomenon vanishes for u n =0,

For simplici ty, let us consider the two-dimensional case. Let the equation of the flame surface sat isfy the equation

F(x, y. t)=0. ( 1 . 1 )

The kinematic equation of propagation of the surface of discontinuity in a coordinate sys tem coupled to the moving gas is

OF / [ OF ) ' [ oF ]' (1.2) o-T=u, y ~,a,,j +lo~j"

The ratio

OF : OF . . . . u (1 .3)

Ot ,' Ox

* This paper is an elucidation of the repor t to the Third Scientific Conference on Mathematics and Mechanics of Tomsk State Universi ty [1] and to the All-Union School-Seminar on Combustion Theory.

Tomsk. Transla ted f rom Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 223-229, March-Apri l , 1975. Original ar t ic le submitted March 26, 1974.

019 76 Plenum Publishing Corporation, 22 7 West 1 7th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part o f this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission o.f the publisher. A copy o f this article is available from the publisher for $]5.00.


has the meaning of the instantaneous ve loc i ty of sur face advancement in the x direct ion. with r e spec t to the t ime will yield the veloci ty of turbulent gas combust ion


�9 1 ~ ~gF : OF U t :: hm-7- . ] - ' - - dl'.

t ~.,~ Or" : d x o

Averaging (1.3)


If it is a s s u m e d in a f i r s t approximat ion that u n =const , then the p rob l em b e c o m e s pure ly kinematic . It should be noted that the approach taken is equivalent to applying the H u e y - M i c h e l s o n p r i n c i p l e if the t ime ave raged u t se lec ted here for a given sect ion of the front equals the ave raged value of u t along the y axis pe rpend icu la r to the d i rec t ion of f lame motion for some t ime. Indeed, the complex ~fl + (a F/@y)2/(BF/sx) 2 is a re la t ive inc rease in the f lame sur face . If u n =0 then u t = 0 a n d t h e su r face moves p a s s i v e l y toge ther with the gas.

The turbulent ve loc i ty field can be taken into account by wri t ing (12) in a fixed coordinate s y s t e m

a.F (1.5) at ~" ~ grad F : u . lgrad FI.

In this ease (1.4) yields the f lame ve loc i ty re la t ive to a fixed o b s e r v e r . The x, y components vl(x , y, t) and v2(x , y, t) of the vec to r ~ , under the assumpt ion of incompress ib i l i ty , sa t i s fy the continuity equation (the influence of t h e r m a l expansion is not considered)

art § &', =0. (1.6) Ox 0~

If at l eas t one component , say vl(x, y, t), is known, then by ass igning some initial shape of the sur face , c o m - putat ions of the nonl inear equation (1.5) can be made and u t can be calculated.

It should be noted that the initial conditions for (1.5) should exe r t no influence on the f lame ve loc i ty u t because of r a n d o m n e s s of the s t r e a m . On the o ther hand, by v i r tue of (1.4) it is suff icient to know just the ra t io between cor respond ing der iva t ives . The expres s ion for u is obtained d i rec t ly f r o m (1.5)

U = u,J/1 + ~ 2 - - v l - - v ~ . (1.7)

Here, the notation r = (OF/Oy)/(OF/Ox) with the sense of the slope to the y axis has been introduced in addi- t ion to u. F o r ~ =0 (plane flame)

Let us introduce the Monge v a r i a b l e s


u-----u.--Vl. (1.8)

OF bF P = - ~ " ; q= a--~-

and let us wri te down the p ro jec t ions of the in tegra l sur face (1.5) on the plane of the v a r i a b l e s f , p, q

dr dp dq

where ~i a r e t he app rop r i a t e de r iva t ives of the functions

8vl. ~o~. 0vi or,. dr, Or,


By v i r tue of the equal i t ies

df = U + au dq = ~ § p a~ - ~ P - ~ - ; . dp dp ,

then by using (I.9) and the re la t ionship between the notation introduced, we obtain

a , L% + , ~ , @s +*~ , ~2 (1.10)

The di f ferent ia l equation cannot be in tegra ted in genera l f o r m since the function ~i is a function of u, r


In the s implest case of a shear flow, we have

v2~-0; cp2=~4~---cp6=~3=0

The equality cp 3 =0 resul t s f rom (1.6). Now, taking account of (1.8),

u = -~ (1.11)

Some mean value ~1/~5 is taken outside the integral sign, and we approximate it by using the turbulent pulsation p a r a m e t e r

(~1/r ~ BL/~:I ~ B u ' . (1.12)

Here and henceforth, u' = ~ , for brevity, and B is a coefficient on the o rder of one. Using (1.12), we obtain f rom (1.11) and (1.7)

Bu" /u,, (1.13) : 2 1 - - (Bu'/'Un)2"

Let us note that the approximation of the der ivat ives ~Pl and q~5 f rom (1.2) is equivalent substantial ly to averaging the hydrodynamic field. Hence, taking account of (1.13) (in the sys t em coupled to the moving gas), we obtain the formula

ut 1 + (Bu' /u.) ' (1.14) U n l -- (Bu'/Un) z"

In par t icu lar , the analog of the Tucker formula (cited in [3])

2_c~ = 1 § ( B u ' / u , f " I~R

follows f rom (1.14) to the accu racy of (u'/un) 4 t e rms . (The B in Tucke r ' s formula depends on the heat of react ion Q in such a way that B ~ o~ as Q --- 0, and is hardly physical ly explainable.)

Another (equivalent) approximation

is obtained when ~ is taken f rom (1.13)

..u-A-t = r l -J- 4B~(-~. ) 2 (1.15)

, = 2 Bu_~' (1.16) U n

The expression (1.15) is a K. L Shchelkin resu l t . Another means to obtain i t is given in [4].

Therefore, in the s imple case considered known dependences of u t on u' have been obtained which were derived f rom simple geometr ic and kinematic es t imates . The method used here may turn out to be prospect ive ly more fruitful in studying a flame in a nonuniform turbulent veloci ty field, where it is diffi- cult to const ruct hypotheses about the behavior of the flame.

It should be noted that a s imi lar formulation of the problem was real ized in [5] to some extent, but a whole se r ies of unjustified assumptions (let us mention the decomposit ion of the root in an equation of type (1.7) real ized there, the introduction of an a p r io r i hypothesis about the nature of the surface s tat is t ics , etc.) resul ted in a doubtful resul t so that a special assumption about the relat ionships between L, T~, and u' or u n for different u ' /ua must be formulated. The final resul t in the paper

u J u ' = 1 + ~-~(u'lu,,)6/5

differs f rom that obtained above.

2. A kinematic formulation of the problem cannot naturally touch upon the question of the influence of the flame s t ructure on the combustion p roces s because the charac te r i s t i c scales 5 and L have dropped out.


For L >> 5 the f lame sect ion toge ther with the heating zone is en t ra ined by the pulsa t ions as a whole without rebui lding the i r s t ruc tu re in p rac t ice . If th is inequali ty is not v e r y deep, then the ' n o r m a l " t e m p e r a - tu re prof i le will be de fo rmed more s t rongly (because of the nons ta t ionary convect ive flows) the g r e a t e r the ra t io ~0/Tl" Combustion becom es nons ta t ionary in a local domain. It is imposs ib le to cons ider u n=cons t .

Keeping in mind the case of equali ty of the heat and m a s s t r a n s f e r coeff ic ients a =D, let us just ex - amine the ene rg y equation

OT V grad T = /02T O~T~ - ~ -+- a/o- ~ + 0 - 7 / + (I) (T). (2.1)

The left s ides of (2.1) and (1.5) a re identical. It is natural to take some i so the rm in the f lame Tt =const as the sur face under considera t ion. Now the equation of the sur face is r e p r e s e n t e d as

F(x, g, t )=T~--T(x , y, t)---O.

Let us cons t ruc t the equation

u.[ grad TI =aV2T--{-@(T), (2.2)

f r o m (2.1) and (LS), which d i f fe r s in f o r m for a normal i so the rm veloc i ty re la t ive to the medium f r o m that which i t had obtained in [6] (apparent ly f i r s t ) . The equivalence of these r e su l t s has not yet been shown successfu l ly . Let us note that (2.2) has a s imple meaning: u n should be of such a magnitude that the con- vect ive heat flux would cancel the heat t r a n s f e r by conduction and its l ibera t ion by the chemica l source .

Let us go over to the angle function

or/0V = Og / Ox

so that

OT Igrad TI = -~xV1 + ap 2.

The Laplac ian 02T , Oxi 0 ! OT\ 02T . [ , OT /02T]O~p ) �9 = ~ {I + 4 2

is conver ted analogously. Here x 1 and Yl belong to the i so the rm, hence dx 1/dy 1 = r The ra t io

OT /OST ~ /b-~. =lo,

where l0 equals 5 in o rde r of magnitude, can c h a r a c t e r i z e the heat scale of the f lame. This is a constant for the Michelson profi le ; let us se lec t some mean value in the more genera l case .

Af te r the manipulat ions p resen ted , we will have instead of (2.2)

u . ~ ~ a + +10, 0-~+r (2.3)

If r does not v a r y downst ream, then because of the spat ia l invar iance of the equation fo r the s t a t ionary f lame, the f lame veloc i ty is invariant . Here the nonsta t ionar i ty of the f lame is a s soc ia t ed with the fact that for a fixed f lame e lement , the heat exchange conditions v a r y together with

ai =- a( l @ ~2 + lo~ ~

continuously (and chaotical ly) , which exe r t s influence on u n and i ts a s soc ia t ed quantity

u,=-u.~l+~ 2".

Provid ing a pseudo-one -d imens iona l and s t a t ionary equation resu l t ing f r o m (2.3)

aT O~T ul ~ = ai ~ + (D (T),



by the ord inary conditions of no heat flux far f rom the combustion zone, and giving the initial mixture t e m - pera ture T_, which together with the heat of react ion Q and the specific heat governs the tempera ture of the combustion products T+ in the adiabatic case we formal ly obtain the c lass ica l formulation of the problem about the rate of gas combustion.

Let us consider the veloci ty of i so therm motion in a slightly curved flame front to cor respond to the regular i ty u 1 ~ ~ . Here t 1 is the cha rac te r i s t i c t ime of the chemical reaction, which depends only on the t empera tu re cor responding to the given isotherm. Then

u..~i ~ 1 / a l

Let us note that if a line where the maximum heat l iberation is obse rved is taken as the flame line, for example, then this line in a nonstat ionary flame will be related to different i so therms, and then it is cer ta in ly impossible to consider t 1 constant. Let us assume both approaches to be s ta t is t ical ly equivalent. The express ion for ul will be

ul u, V I § ,24 t0, (2.5)

The passage f rom u 1 to u t is accomplished by substituting its mean value instead of r into (2.5). For example, consider ing (1.13) and (1.14) as a f i rs t approximation, it is possible to take r ~ u ' /u n and ~r u ' /Lun, respect ively . Then the formula for the turbulent gas combust ion veloci ty becomes

It is not difficult to extract the K o v a s z n a y - K I i m o v pa rame te r [5, 6] in the last member under the radical (since l0 ~ 6)

r A ~0I~1 - l0/L__ - - u , / u " (2.7)

which indicates the degree o f n o n s t a t i o n a r i t y o f t h e p r o c e s s e s in the flame, cor responding to [7, 8].

The result (2.6) obtained in isotropic turbulence is eas i ly extended to the three-d imens ional case. The fac tors ahead of the member ~ (u'/un) 2 are hence doubled. Indeed, for the three-d imens ional case it is n e c e s s a r y to introduce the additional function 0 = (~F/3z) / (aF /0x) , which is s ta t is t ical ly equal to a i = a [1 +2r 2 +2l 0 r (0 r andul= u n 4~ +2r 2.

A formal compar ison between (2.4) and the s ta t ionary flame equation is understandably not r igorous. For example, according to [6] there is a definite corre la t ion between a 1 and a2T/0~ 2 . Hence, the resul t (2.6) should be considered approximate

The difference between the method of taking account of the nonconstancy of the normal combustion veloci ty and the phenomenological Markstein approach which a s sumes a dependence of u n on the curvature of the front should be noted. If the curvature is retained, then according to Markstein the combustion veloc- ity is invariant . Nonstat ionary equations were used in this paper; the combustion velocity var ies because of the change in slope in the flame to the direction of motion. Such a rotation of a section of the flame oc- cu rs in a turbulent flow under nonsta t ionary conditions, i.e., the heat exchange conditions va ry continuously. If the line of grea tes t heat l iberation is taken as the flame front, then the maximum reaction rate fluctuates all the t ime, so that the Markstein cor rec t ion ref lec ts either fluctuations in the react ion rate or f luctua- t ions in the rate of heat exchange. The fo rmer of the mentioned c i rcumstances was taken as the basis of the cor rec t ion in [9], and the lat ter , which yields a s ta t is t ical ly identical result , was taken as the basis of the cor rec t ion in the present paper.

Questions of the r eve r s e effect of the f lame on the s t r eam were not considered.

In conclusion, the authors a re grateful to Academician Ya. B. Zel 'dovich for formulat ing the problem.



V. N. Vilyunov and L G. Dik, Abstracts of Reports to the Third Scientific Conference on Mathematics and Mechanics [in Russian], Izd. Tomsk. Gos. Univ., Tomsk (1973).



3. 4.


6. 7. 8. 9.

Ya. B. Zel'dovich and D. A. Frank-Kamenetskii, Course in the Theory of Combustion, Detonation, and Explosion [in Russian], Pt. II, MMI, Moscow (1947). F. A. Vii'yams, Combustion Theory [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1971). K. I. Shchelkin and K. Ya. Troshin, Gasdynamics of Combustion [in Russian], Izd. AN SSSR, Moscow (1963). J. M. Richardson, Proc. Aerothermochemistry Gasdynamics Symposium, Northwestern Univ., Evan- ston (1956). A. M. I(2imov, Combustion and Explosion [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1972). L. S. Kovasznay, Jet Prop., 26, No. 6 (1956). A. M. Klimov, Zh. Prikl . Mekh. Tekhn. Fiz., No. 3 (1963). G. I. Barenblatt, Ya. B. Zel'dovich, and A. G. Istratov, Zh. Prikl . Mekh. Tekhn. Fiz., No. 4 (1962).