on a class of squarefree monomial ideals of linear...

On a class of squarefree monomial ideals of linear type Yi-Huang Shen University of Science and Technology of China Shanghai / November 2, 2013

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On a class of squarefree monomial

ideals of linear type

Yi-Huang Shen

University of Science and Technology of China

Shanghai / November 2, 2013

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Basic definition

Let K be a field and S = K[x1, . . . , xn] a polynomial ring of nvariables. A monomial xa := xa11 xa22 · · · xann ∈ S is squarefree ifeach ai ∈ { 0, 1 }. Its degree is deg(xa) = a1 + · · ·+ an. An ideal Iof S is squarefree if it can be (minimally) generated by a (finiteand unique) set of squarefree monomials. A squarefree monomialideal of degree 2 (i.e., a quadratic monomial ideal) is a squarefreemonomial ideal whose minimal monomial generators are all ofdegree 2.

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Two ways to connect squarefree monomial ideals to

combinatorial objects

1 I is the Stanley-Reisner ideal of some simplicial complex.

2 I is the facet ideal of another simplicial complex. Equivalently,I is the (hyper)edge ideal of some clutter.


Let V be a finite set. A clutter C with vertex set V (C) = Vconsists of a set E (C) of subsets of V , called the edges of C, withthe property that no edge contains another. Clutters are specialhypergraphs.

Squarefree ideals of degree 2 ⇔ (finite simple) graphs.

Squarefree ideals of higher degree ⇔ clutters of higherdimension.

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Example (1)





〈x1x2, x2x5, x3x5, x1x3, x1x4〉

⊂ K[x1, . . . , x5].

Example (2)



6 9




12 11


1 4F3


F2 G

F1〈x1x2x5x6, x2x3x7x8, x3x4x9x10, x1x4x11x12,

x3x8x9〉 ⊂ K[x1, . . . , x12].

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Interplay between combinatorics and commutative algebra

Commutative algebra ⇒ combinatorics

E.g., Richard Stanley’s proof of the Upper Bound Conjecture

for simplicial spheres bymeans of the theory of Cohen-Macaulay rings.

Combinatorics ⇒ commutative algebra

E.g., if G is a graph and each of its connected components has atmost one odd cycle (i.e., each component either has no cycle, orhas no even cycle), then its edge ideal I (G ) is of linear type.

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Commutative algebra background: the harder way

Let S be a Noetherian ring and I an S-ideal. The Rees algebra of Iis the subring of the ring of polynomials S [t]

R(I ) := S [It] = ⊕i≥0Ii t i .

Analogously, one has Sym(I ), the symmetric algebra of I which isobtained from the tensor algebra of I by imposing thecommutative law.

There is a canonical surjection Φ: Sym(I ) ։ R(I ). When thecanonical map Φ is an isomorphism, I is called an ideal of lineartype.

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Commutative algebra background: the harder way

The symmetric algebra Sym(I ) is equipped with an S-Modulehomomorphism π : I → Sym(I ) which solves the following universalproblem. For a commutative S-algebra B and any S-modulehomomorphism ϕ : I → B , there exists a unique S-algebrahomomorphism Φ: Sym(I ) → B such that the diagram





Sym(I )



is commutative.

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Commutative algebra background: the easier way

Suppose I = 〈f1, . . . , fs〉 and consider the S-linear presentation

ψ : S [T ] := S [T1, . . . ,Ts ] → S [It]

defined by setting ψ(Ti ) = fi t. Since this map is homogeneous,the kernel J =

⊕i≥1 Ji is a graded ideal; it will be called the

defining ideal of R(I ) (with respect to this presentation). Sincethe linear part J1 generates the defining ideal of Sym(R), I is oflinear type if and only if J = 〈J1〉.

The maximal degree in T of the minimal generators of the definingideal J is called the relation type of I .

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Example of defining ideals

Example (3)

Let S = K[x1, . . . , x7] and I be the ideal of S generated byf1 = x1x2x3, f2 = x2x4x5, f3 = x5x6x7 and f4 = x3x6x7. Then thedefining ideal is minimally generated by x3T3 − x5T4,x6x7T1 − x1x2T4, x6x7T2 − x2x4T3, x4x5T1 − x1x3T2 andx4T1T3 − x1T2T4.

Check for x4T1T3 − x1T2T4:

x4T1T3 7→ x4(x1x2x3t)(x5x6x7t),x1T2T4 7→ x1(x2x4x5t)(x3x6x7t).

This minimal generator of the defining ideal is of degree 2 in T .Thus the ideal I is not of linear type. Indeed, its relation type is 2.

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The defining ideal is binomial

The defining ideal of squarefree monomial ideals are alwaysbinomial, i.e., are generated by binomials.

Theorem (Taylor)

Suppose I is minimally generated by monomials f1, . . . , fs . Let Ikbe the set of non-decreasing sequence of integers in { 1, 2, . . . , s }of length k. If α = (i1, i2, . . . , ik) ∈ Ik , set f α = fi1 · · · fik andTα = Ti1 · · ·Tik . For every α,β ∈ Ik , set

Tα,β =f β

gcd(f α, f β)Tα −

f α

gcd(f α, f β)Tβ.

Then the defining ideal J is generated by these Tα,β’s withα,β ∈ Ik and k ≥ 1.

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How to compute?

Q: How to compute the defining ideal? A: Grobner basistheory.

Q: How to check the minimality? A: Grobner basis theory.


Macaulay2 → http://www.math.uiuc.edu/Macaulay2/

Singular → http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/

CoCoA System → http://cocoa.dima.unige.it/

Example (2, continued)

〈x1x2x5x6, x2x3x7x8, x3x4x9x10, x1x4x11x12, x3x8x9〉 ⊂ K[x1, . . . , x12]is of linear type.

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Macaulay 2 codes for Example 2

[10:31:27][2013SJTU]$ M2

Macaulay2, version 1.6

with packages: ConwayPolynomials, Elimination, IntegralClosure, LLLBases,

PrimaryDecomposition, ReesAlgebra, TangentCone

i1 : S=QQ[x_1..x_12]

o1 = S

o1 : PolynomialRing

i2 : I = monomialIdeal(x_1*x_2*x_5*x_6,x_2*x_3*x_7*x_8,x_3*x_4*x_9*x_10,


o2 = monomialIdeal (x x x x , x x x x , x x x , x x x x , x x x x )

1 2 5 6 2 3 7 8 3 8 9 3 4 9 10 1 4 11 12

o2 : MonomialIdeal of S

i3 : isLinearType ideal I

o3 = true

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Singular codes for Example 3

> LIB "reesclos.lib";

> ring S=0,(x(1..7)),dp;

> ideal I=x(1)*x(2)*x(3),x(2)*x(4)*x(5), x(5)*x(6)*x(7),


> list L=ReesAlgebra(I);

> def Rees=L[1];

> setring Rees;

> Rees;

// characteristic : 0

// number of vars : 11

// block 1 : ordering dp

// : names x(1) x(2) x(3) x(4) x(5) x(6) x(7)

U(1) U(2) U(3) U(4)

// block 2 : ordering C

> ker;






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Singular codes for Example 3, continued

> ideal NewVars=U(1),U(2),U(3),U(4);

> ideal LI=reduce(ker,std(NewVars^2));

> LI;






> reduce(ker,std(LI));






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Villarreal’s result

Theorem (Villarreal)

Let G be a connected graph and I = I (G) its edge ideal. Then I isan ideal of linear type if and only if G is a tree or G has a uniquecycle of odd length. This result is independent of the characteristicof the base field K.

Example (4)










The Stanley-Reisner ring of the realprojective plane is Cohen-Macaulay ifand only if the characteristic of thebase field is not 2.

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Fouli and Lin’s result

Definition (Generator graph)

Let I be a squarefree monomial ideal whose minimal monomialgenerating set is { f1, . . . , fs }. Let G be a graph whose vertices vicorresponds to fi respectively and two vertices vi and vj areadjacent if and only if the two monomials fi and fj have anon-trivial GCD. This graph G is called the generator graph of I .

Theorem (Fouli and Lin)

When I is a squarefree monomial ideal and the generator graph ofI is the graph of a disjoint union of trees and graphs with a uniqueodd cycle, then I is an ideal of linear type.

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New idea


Let I be a monomial ideal in S = K[x1, . . . , xn]. Let xn+1 be a newvariable with S ′ = K[x1, . . . , xn, xn+1]. Then I is a squarefreemonomial ideal if and only if I ′ = I · xn+1 is so. And I is of lineartype if and only if I ′ is so. Indeed, I ′ and I will have essentiallyidentical defining ideals. However, the generator graph of I ′ is acomplete graph.

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Leaves and quasi-forests


Let ∆ be a clutter. The edge F of ∆ is a leaf of ∆ if there existsan edge G such that (H ∩ F ) ⊆ (G ∩ F ) for all edges H ∈ ∆. Theedge G is called a branch or joint of F .


A clutter ∆ is called a quasi-forest if there exists a total order ofthe edges { F1, . . . ,Fm } such that Fi is a leaf of the sub-clutter〈F1, . . . ,Fi 〉 for all i = 1, . . . ,m. This order is called a leaf order ofthe quasi-forest. A connected quasi-forest is called a quasi-tree.

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A (simplicial) forest is a clutter ∆ which enjoys the property thatfor every subset

{Fi1 , . . . ,Fiq

}of F(∆) the sub-clutter

〈Fi1 , . . . ,Fiq〉 of ∆ has a leaf. A tree is a forest which is connected.


1 Edge ideals of forests are always of linear type.

2 Edge ideals of quasi-forests are not necessarily of linear type.

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Example (5)








This is a quasi-tree, but not a tree. Its edge ideal

〈x1x2x3x4, x1x4x5, x1x2x8, x2x3x7, x3x4x6〉

is not of linear type.

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Good leaves


An edge F of the clutter ∆ is called a good leaf if this F is a leafof each sub-clutter Γ of ∆ to which F belongs. An orderF1, . . . ,Fs of the edges is called a good leaf order if Fi is a goodleaf of 〈F1, . . . ,Fi 〉 for each i = 1, . . . , s.

It is known that a clutter is a forest if and only if it has a good leaforder.

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Related result

Theorem (Shen)

Suppose ∆ is a clutter which is obtained from the clutter ∆′ byadding a good leaf. If the edge ideal of ∆′ is of linear type, thenthe edge ideal of ∆ also shares this property.

Tools: Grobner basis. This result reproves the fact that the edgeideals of forests are of linear type.

Question: Is the converse true?

Suppose ∆ is a clutter which is obtained from the clutter ∆′ byadding a good leaf. If the edge ideal of ∆ is of linear type, doesthe edge ideal of ∆′ also share this property?

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More details

Theorem (Conca and De Negri)

If I is a monomial ideal which is generated by an M-sequence, thenI is of linear type.


The monomial ideal I is generated by an M-sequence if and only ifthis I is of forest type (in the sense of Soleyman Jahan and Zheng).In particular, when I is squarefree, I is generated by an M-sequenceif and only if it is the edge ideal of a simplicial forest, and thisM-sequence corresponds to the good leaf order of the forest.

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Simplicial cycles


A clutter ∆ is called a simplicial cycle or simply a cycle if ∆ has noleaf but every nonempty proper sub-clutter of ∆ has a leaf.

This definition is more restrictive than the classic definition of(hyper)cycles of hypergraphs due to Berge.


If ∆ is a simplicial cycle. Then

1 either the generator graph of the edge ideal of ∆ is a cycle, or,

2 ∆ is a cone over such a structure.

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Villarreal class


Let V be the class of clutters minimal with respect to the followingproperties:

Disjoint simplicial cycles of odd lengths are in V , withsimplexes being considered as simplicial cycles of length 1.

V is closed under the operation of attaching good leaves.

We shall call V the Villarreal class. When a clutter ∆ is in V , wesay ∆ and its edge ideal I (∆) are of Villarreal type.

Theorem (Shen)

Squarefree monomial ideals of Villarreal type are of linear type (butnot vice versa).

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Example (6)

∆ =3


6 9




12 11


1 4F3


F2 G

F1 ∆ =


6 9


12 11


1 4








∆ is not a simplicial cycle and has no leaves. It is not of Villarrealtype, but its edge ideal is of linear type. On the other hand, theideal of ∆ is not of linear type.

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With a patch?

Example (6, continued)

∆′ =3


6 9




12 11


1 4F3




This ∆′ is a simplicial cycleof length 4. Both ∆ and ∆are obtained from ∆ byattaching new edges. The Gin ∆ introduces a new vertexwhile the Γ in ∆ does not.The Γ is a patch attached to∆′ connecting the adjacentedges F2 and F3.

Theorem (Shen)

Suppose ∆′ is a simplicial cycle of even length and ∆ is obtainedfrom ∆′ by attaching a patch. Then the edge ideal of ∆ is oflinear type.

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1 R. H. Villarreal, Rees algebras of edge ideals, Comm. Algebra23 (1995), 3513–3524.

2 L. Fouli and K.-N. Lin, Rees algebras of square-free monomialideals (2012), available at arXiv:1205.3127.

3 Y.-H. Shen, On a class of squarefree monomial ideals of lineartype (2013), available at arXiv:1309.1072.

4 A. Conca and E. De Negri, M-sequences, graph ideals, andladder ideals of linear type, J. Algebra 211 (1999), 599–624.

5 A. Alilooee and S. Faridi, When is a squarefree monomialideal of linear type? (2013), available at arXiv:1309.1771.

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Further reading

1 Takayuki Hibi, Algebraic Combinatorics on Convex Polytopes,Carslaw Publications.

2 Richard Stanley, Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra,Birkhauser.

3 Ezra Miller and Bernd Sturmfels, Combinatorial CommutativeAlgebra, GTM 227, Springer.

4 Susan Morey and Rafael H. Villarreal, Edge Ideals: Algebraicand Combinatorial Properties, in Progress in CommutativeAlgebra 1: Combinatorics and Homology, De Gruyter.(available in arXiv:1012.5329)

5 Gert-Martin Greuel and Gerhard Pfister, A SingularIntroduction to Commutative Algebra, Springer.

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Thank you!

Yi-Huang Shen ([email protected])

Yi-Huang Shen On a class of squarefree monomial ideals of linear type