om thi: state of the militia · 2018. 11. 10. · oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the...


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Page 1: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery








OTTAWA: l'nIN'rED lff 1. U. TAYLOU. :!9, 31 L"\l> 3:3, lUD.t:AIJ STRt-:£T.


Page 2: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery



Active :\iilitin, increased efficiency . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . •.. do Strength and Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . ........... . do do Tietum Xo. 1 ...•.......................• 1l 1 .\nnunl lu.spcction. Brigade Camp, Militnrv l>i!!trirt Xo. 1.... . .... . do do do do Xo. ~ ......... . do 1!0 do do Xo. 3 • ........ .• do do tlo do Xo. 4 •......•.••• tlo i\,1 110 11o Xo. !i ........... . do do do do Xo. t~ •••••••••••• do <lo d > <lo Xn. i..... . . .... do do 1lo do :Xo. "· .••.•.....• 1!0 do do 1\0 ·o. U .••.•....•. uo Expedition to :\Iauitoha. Military Di trict Xo. 10 ......•.........•... clo Re,pectini; Organization, llriti-h Colnmbi , Militlll')" Du!ri t Xo. 11 .•• cl.1 <:rand Trunk Hail way Brig:ide •........•... .. .......• . • · · ·. ·. -··· clo Cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . · .• · .• · .. · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · •lo Artill11ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . . . . • . . . . . • . . • • ....•. · • • • · · · · ·

,;1~ r;,r;~~,~~~'~. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .·:: . : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1\0 'l'argct "Pra.ctice. . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . .. · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · 1\0 ~chool~ of llilit:iry In~n1ctio111 l ufnntn· nnd Gunn"lj" .••.• , •..•..•.•. 1\0 ,\rms, Clothing. nn•l Stores .................• •• ••.......•..... ·.··••· 1fo .i\lcdic.'\l Hcgulations . . . . • . . . . . . • • • . . • . • • . . • • . • • . • . • . • • • • • . . . .•.•••• d11 Gunhoats.... . ................ · · • · · • • • • · · • • · · .... · · • · · · · · ·• • · • · ·

J:.CScne :'llilitia l:nrolment ........... .... .. ..... · · · · · · · ·· · • • · · · · .. · ·• · .... . < !onclnding Hemnrk>< . . . . . . . . . .......•. ·. · · · · · • • • · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · • "· · · · · · · • · · · Strength oi Unite I St.'\tu A r.:11\' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • )fnjor lninc' l{('p~rt . ~[anitol a .......•......•.... · •• · •· · · · ·· · · · · · ·•· · ·· · · · · · · · · ·

do <l, t-treni:tb of l~att.'\lion and !.rl)C:ll et"\ ic l'omp:mi~ . • do <l<• <.'a11tA111 1! ya.l's l: I rt ............ ·..•••.. . · · .. ..

l.i~ut..l'olontl W. O home Smith", Report. M uil.ll!J •..•••••• • -· • ••• - • · • • •• .. •• • • ••• · do <lo 1!0 'Report:m I lJi. ryuf <'npLllinSrott

T:l'port of l', putf . .\1\jutnnt-Gcneml nt H nrl·O :ir , rn hi ~ l ction . 11 l J'utth-· of l:q11i111n• nt :-

l11tl"()(lucton· Hcma1k .......•.....•..•.......••.....•.•.. i\ I g_q ~fal"lU• ud 'J'ent • • . . • • . . . . . • . . . . . .••.. lla\J· s.'\cksanl::S b ............................... . l'lothing On:nt I 'on ............. .... ............ . ... . '1'1\ri;cts ..••.. •. • • • · · · • · · · • • • • • • • • · • · • • • · • • • • • • · • • • • :?ll:utiui-Jh•nri 1:i8~ .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .............. . < '011cludi11g ll ·m rk>; E:qicn ~ • • • • ............ . ..... . ( \ ) :;\[<'Ill"· to 111111 •. Mini ter of Militi:l nutl D fcuce ....... .. (Bl 1l • Hi ht lf n. ~ tr.r.} of ~1.nk for th· l <>fonies (v) .1, • ,, tlo (J)) T.cttcrfrom 1:. r.. W. II rbcrt, 1'!'1J. ••••••••••••••••••• (}') 1\0 to do • . . . • . . • • . . . . . . . . .

l!eport of In.pvi.:t r if Artillery nnrl " "l\rlik • t< l"iel<l A rtillcrv.... . . . • • . . • . • . • ••••••••..•• • •• • · · •

,\ , I •\lnn~n noel Drh ········· ·············· , nil Hnr ..•.....• clo ::S. C'. Office , O:fi d > J:n '1 JI ........ ············

l'A E l !! ~-=\

4 1~11

11-l!J lG-lU ]!)-~

~1-~ :.'G-27 ~i-30 :~ 3.5-:l7 :.i-45 4j.-4G -IG--17 47-48 4 ..;;1

o~ r.::!-.'53 >3-fi5 :..:t-GG

' ;.7 -00 (,()

:...G Gl •

I •

C.7-& ... ....~

G•I G9-i0

':'l 71-i.~

7.1 7J-7f

';'t i-1 I' ... '.

Page 3: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

l \

• Gl\rri n \rtill n ........ . r . <1 E tablishm~t ~£ · n~·tt;;ic's .. · .. · .. · .... .... .

: nt'CJ'S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••• ~;unn ry:::c11 ...... ::::: ......... ...... . . ........... .

nn I "Ji .. Batt ri , Hcy~rl ~·r· · · · · · .. ·.. · · · .. ..... . . . ·················· n port of Gunboat Agent •..•......... Smicc of <;nn~~t· :. i~i~~~- ',\_'lf;~,i :; · · · · · · · ·..... . ....... .

do '· Hcscue" · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . ·················· ..... .

• o. 9. n en

(:· gnm Camp, face l H Ad ;unp ll°'5 foe ,,.. "' A•• ut:mt-C:eneml' H 1~rt ' " "~ • l ('Clldi • rJ


r .Ar.r ss· !10

W-!11 !11-!l:l !l:l-!l.j

!lt>-!J i - !l S !l8-!l!l

2-1 ·l-!1

!1-1:1 H -lt' 18-27 21'-:10 :lt>-:1'2 :;2-37 38-49 :;o...;;1 51-57

214-:l!J~ ~t.i-:~04



DEPART~IE!-i'T OF l{u.1TIA A:SD Dr.rE~CE. OTTAWA, March, 1872.

The undersigned has the honor to forwanl to Your Excellency the accompanying

Report >~lating to tl>e )lilitin of the Dominion of ('nna<ln fo•· isn. whieh i< ...,,pootfolly

!>nhmittecl for Yonr l~xccllency'~ consicleration.

GEO. ET. CARTIER. )I inistcr of Militi:1 Defeni:e.

His 'ExrC'llencY the Ricrht Houornbll" . ::-'l'h<' Gov<•rnor Genera\. &~., &c .. ,h• .

Otta" a.

Page 4: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery


O?i 'l'HB



SlR,-1 n ,,ulnnitting the .\..nnunl Hcport on lhe state of the ,;\Iilitia, I hnYo the honour

to inform you, that many me.:i~ures haYc be n introduced durin!:! the p:u-t year, cnlculntc<l

to incrcas• tho offidcncy of the .Actin1 l\lilitia. nml the )Iilitnry Organisation of the

Dominion; -much remains ye:- lo be 1lone. hut th progress nheady attained, hn been a

11:i.tisfactory, as coulcl 1·easonahly be expected. under the cit'Cllln:-.tnuce-; of the country,

the lin1itecl period of time rllo"e1l for drill, and the mean-; nt command.

Among the mo,,t prominent of the measures adopted, may h meutioned :-

1st. The inau"uration of a uniform nncl S) stomntic modcot carrying out tho Anuunl

Drill of tho Acth·c ,;\Iilitia in " C'nmp~ of Exet'Ci.: •,'' more in ncconlnnco with tho

re:<p1iromcnts of morleru warfare : the gr lt mnjorit) of the troop~ ~,.,emblc<l at t11 c: camp

licin~ concentrate l with rnpiclity. paid nncl supplied if 011 nctu:il sen ice, nml plnecd in

crnry c li .. trict untlel' tlte l'ommnncl of tl10 e ofliC<'r nppointecl for the purpose. '.!11<l. :,\luu: lbttcric<.; of <~nrrison .drtillcr:·, (hith rto pt ctisecl mostly in Infnnt1!'

ox~rdscs) 110.\ e1

nt the time of the ;:\umml 'l'rniniug la t ~ c. 1·1 gono through n short conrso

of i nstrnelion i11 '· (:nu Drill " nt 'nriou Fort nncl JJ ttetitt . fir inti i:rNlita.uly at 'J'nl'get Practil'c the mmmil :Jlo\\ nuce of shot nncl shell. the uctt<>r in,.pection, nnd instruction

mo1'l'O\ 01· of lmth Field mHl Unrrison l~a.ttcrie . being efl'cetcd b~-, Ol' undor the •mlers of

1hc luspedor of .Artiller:v arnl \Ynrlikc :::-to1c. :\nl. The e tnl>lishment of t\rn :-:chool of .A rtillcr). one :i.t l\:iugstou, tho

0lher at Quoliec. urnlcr the commnucl of 8) ccinll: troiuccl officers of tho l~oynl

.Artillcl'y: th•' c .'chools ncting al o ns Battc1-ic, s ne to L>niri on nud guard cc1tnin

Fort.s, Bnn11ck , :l\lnguzitH' ~ml Militnr: torcl:i in the Provini:es of Ontnrio nml

To tho I Io11omhlc l he Minist•r of )iiliti11 and Def'enco, c., l .. c. 8-l

Page 5: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl'

Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery corp~, ns nrc nltad1cd thereto.

4th. The performnnce. by ne•ll'ly the whole of the Infantry, at the Annual

raiuin!!, of a prescribed co111~t' of tnrgrt practict'. with the , 'nitler Hific, under rnibed

rrgnlntions, 5..,t l~o,emmcnt rnoncy J'rize~. with appropriate hadgcs, hcillg awarded to

the sncce sful co111pctit-0r,,.

During tho p:1st year the secontl periodical enrolment of lhc Hcscrvo .. \Iilitia has

hecn lnken, ~hewing :i lnr~e increase in the number of men n.rnihible fo1· lhe defence oflhe

C."lUntry ; two other ~Iilitnry District:> conseqncnt upon the Pro\ inceti of "Manitoba'•

nnd "British Oolmnbia," h:n-ing been admitted int-0 the Dominion were addecl to the

)lilitia system, which now extcn1ls through British Territory from the Atlantic to the Parific Oceau. •

A l\lilitnry Expedition to ~lnuitoLa, to ai.~il>t Her :\Iajesty's 8uLjccts 1·esident in that

l'ro~·iuce, in repelling Fenian l m·asion, was carried out, in a manne1· reflecting great

~red1t ~ot only 011 tho Commnnder. Rre,·ct Lieut-Colonel T. 'cotl, a ·Major in the ·1 ~ud Ifattahon, (at prc..,ent serving as Caphin in the )Janitolm Provisional Battalion.) and the officer,, null men com1io 1' , ti r- · t. J •

i\liJiti:i. generally. ::. n.; 1e w1ce, uut on t 1e cltnracter of tho Canachan

Thi,, ex11e lition 1m<l1lc11I,· 1· · · I l k · ' . equnec -unt erta ·en at. au advanccrl and most trvmg c.i.~on of tac ''ear w·1s ( r<'1n' · , 1 · l 1 i· · . ,, ' • 1 ~' 1z1:1 , e1p11ppct anc 1 1spatd1cd, with marked promptitude,

anil the force without the los" of · · · d · <l • • · · ~ . . ' ., a 111,m, ,1rnve at its estmaL1on m a very short period c•t timr, 111 face of unnsm I l · ·I I · <l l'ffi J · • · • 1 Mil sups an c 1 cu tics, 111c1doutal to thcearly setting in of a i'\ orth American win tel'.

Proof bas thus Ji,.1m co11cl11···,·el . Iii l 1 f I . . . , ,, ... ·'' Y a on c1 o l 1e pract1cab1hty of the "Daw:-011 },out-e for tho passage of troo f 'J'h l • ps rom miter Bny to Fort Uarrv. at ulmo~t. am· scruoon of the year contrary to ti I } . . . • _ ' ' • le sontC\\ iat 1a«ty pm1hcl1011s of i1wxperienceil men.

181 1 has "itncsso<l tho I ·' . t' th l' ' • • . 1 cpa1 ~111"' o e ,egula1· 'lroops, frou1 Qucht'c, thnl trunou' .f ortr" , h:n Ill" hce1 " .· I " , . . , o 1 ,,11r11so11ec 101 more than a centun· liy a portion of llcl' ~faJcst,· s Rerrular\' · (l'k I , · 1

• •• , 0 • ' JS DO\\' 1 ·c t 11~ l<orts at Kingston.) h:i11de1l O\ c1· to the Jomm1on Go,ermcnt.

The Driti h fla , that Jlo,u.s ov •. ti • t . 1 1 • . . . o u1 iosc s 1011g 10 tis, is as 'l"daull\' "ll:tnlo l a111l tlic

t1101'Il111g "Ull, 1\8 re u 1 'I ' fl . I . . . "' . . . o . "' ' h

1 ° g 0 ~ Ile<' h) tl11• Dornuwm iilihtm A rtillc:n· Corps, ,\lio

ave i:_P ace<l tl1c: Jtegulnr 'l'roo1>S nt lltw" s'·nt1"011s r-01· r• . • • ·"" "' 1• v:11T1so11 tlul).

\\1th the exception of two r f t p . I.. t' l J . 11 1111 ry >altaho11s, awl some .. .\ rtillcrv ancl gnuiuc1·r~

'10111'< at fahfnx Xo\"1 Scot' I . .:-JJ . . . : · • ' • ia, t l<'rf' arc: no ll<·gula1· 'l'roo11s at present in the

on11111011, the J\hhtar" cl1:uue tl1 . ,r- . f [ .

1. . " o 1 Ctcwic o nearly the wlwlo l"u1111t1Y tlPnJl\'eS on the

l 1trn. • '

~\ 0'1'1 \' E i\l J L11'LA.

nol The ing 1 et um (lllarkcd K1i. I) I - 8 1cws in a l'<J111lc11,,.,J ti11·111 tl1c strength o1z~11.i::1 un of •h') Ami o 1ilili11 on

3lr;L lJccoml Cl !n:;t, 3hing a touil

including nll ranks, of 13.l H officers and men. Out of this number 31, t14 (ofiicers

and men) hnve pcrforme1l the .Annunl Drill for the Military yeat• 1 il-i2, of

which 2~,5H (otliccrs ancl men,) with 1,!)!)6 horses, 'rnrc a • ..,cmble1l at Dh·ll;ionnl 01·

Brign<le Camp;; of exP-rcise, for sixteen dnys continuous drill, pai<l, supplied, nnrl

innintniued ni:; if on nctnal service. !J,'.!10 (offic1ws nud men) \\ith 3U horse, were

nssemliled in camps which were only in opPmtion for ei~ht day , under the ordina1y reg·

ulations rrlative to pay ancl .supply; the rl'lnaiurl~r of the .\ cti\·1· )lilitin, 11uml ering

8,760 (ofliccr1' and men), pe1fonnetl theit· Anminl })rill l'ithe1· at the Hea•l Qna1ters of

Corps, oi·, ns in th<': c•l"f" of many Baltcl'ics of Garrison Arlillcl'y, at ccdttin Forts" l1c1-e

instmction in "UDncn· could l~c morC> ad rnntagcou ly ntfonlc<l, an<l shot a111l 11hrll t •ra.-ti~f' ;::) ~

IH'operly caniecl out, Three Batteries of Garrison Artillery in the Pro\'ince of Ontario emlia1 ketl iu

rnccession 011 board the Gun-boat "Prince Alfred" for eight tlay~, ::i.nd were practised nt

" Gun Drill," firing shot aucl ::;bell. the vessel clurini! the period cruising 011 !.;f1k1

'· Eric" nnd "Huron.'' 1, 18!) Cavnky and the wholo of the Fiel<l Artillery. (ten B!\tterics with 4 '.? Ficlu Guns,)

have performed their drill for 1811-72 in the different Camps of Exercise.

Page 6: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

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~ 1----~~tiU~n~r:~:r1--~-;;--~~r-1~::-....:...-;~_.;--~-t-i--=:~J_~~I ~ "SU8!'1Un .ro 'liltre I g £.:! 8 ..,. ~ -1rnim1n pao:>~s 's:i;;:i ~ 0 -.1-1-av_a_a-ln_ll_!'..:.l+--=--f~,-;. ~ -;.-

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1rn:1:nvE MILITIA .

The following rotu111. (So. 2) i;hcws t.11c result of the l~nrolmcnt of 1~i1, o! th•

Reserve :;\Iiliti::i., in the :N'inc Military Districts, compri in" tho four Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, NC\\ Ilnmswick, and Sova • cotiR,-from which it will lie seen; tl111t in th ,

fom· P ro,·ince5 alone, there arc nearly i00,000 men, within tho fightin~ ages, liaule by law

to military scn·icc in dcfonce of the Dominion ; th\11 pro~ in[; thnt there is in the country

iU:il'lf at least an n.mplc supply of the most importnn rlmnent of dekncc yjz : men. lly this lletum, it will be s~en that there is n. total increase of 3i,9!~ men in the lle.seno

~Iil itio. sincP tho first emolment under the prc<;ent law, a perio'l of only two yenrs.

- ·

Page 7: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

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AN~UAL I~ PBG"fIO~ or Am'lVE N:ILl'fIA.

:l\hLlT.AllY Dli>flllCT ... o. 1.

The prc..,enL a.11tho1izcd :;trength of the Active • Iilitia, 111 this dii1trict, (which is

under th" command of Licut.-Culoncl Ti~ylor, D. A.G.), is limite<l, to 318 officc1 ,

i,770 uon-co1nmis,ioue1l olficer,; aud men. 'l'he actual number who hM·e 1>erfonl\ctl

the 1um1t:\l drill of 1 '71-i'.?, a.mounts t.-0 311 oflfoers, 3,!)5~ non-oommi iom.-.l

officer:> auJ u1.en, le:wini :t deficiency of 8'.?5 wnnting to complete the ranks of thl'l

r ci>pccti \'C corps. The force in the (li~trict cow prises : X ominnl Slr<:ngth.

3 Troops of Cavalry . . . . ....... . 2 13;\tterie.s of Field ..i. rtillery ... .

(one of which, howe>er, j,, only

complct~. the other being iu

course of formation, !mtl as

yet only provided with :! fichl


:! lliltterie,, Garrison Artiller~ ....

11 U.1ttalions of Infantry, and two

independent comptmies, form·

ing t\ltogcthcr 7.t companie,, ..

Officer;.. X. C. 0. ancl .:'ileu.

ll [(I


133 HO


31S 1,770

:md consist.-; of the following COl'l'": who turned out for the Annual D1·ill in tr •m:tl1,

ac; follows:

~l Thom1\'5 ancl Lomlon C:\\ alr~ ..

)loorctown Troop of Cavalry

Lo111lun l•' icl<l Battery ( 4 gmb)

7 th Battalion ................. .

... ......... .. .... 21th do (withlhcb,oi1Hlcpm-

<lt>nt compa11ic~ ;\ttaclll'<I) .... .

:!.ith Hilll.1\ion . . . . . . . ...... .


:!illi 2 th












'o o o o' 'o e. o o o I Io


. ........ . ..... .

............... .



................ S.'lrni& Ganir.'On A.1 Ville• y C l nu~

Officer . i






.S. C. n. aml Ten. i4: 3<1

:Hl 157



:!i!) :!3s

4GS 3~0



Page 8: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery


Co The. w(hohil~ of tho corp in thi district, "ith the exccptiou of tho • 'arnia Artill mp:m.} • "" ch cmbarke 1 for eight d . I · •ry .Al "red ") IL):; gun ( rill on board the "Unhoat .. P . t • pctformed their nuuunl drill nth\ o Bri,.,...,l.., Cnt f i:~ • o nnce Th =>"' " " up:; o r,x:crcisc

e Loudon :Field llntten· ith nsth 'lfltl 30 l n . infantry, ru sembled in a Hri"nd' C ' - ~ -· ''. t i, 3~11'1, and 33rcl Battalions, of

'I'he "t Th l Lo o e amp at •oclench for sixteen dayi; continuous drill . omas nnt ndun Un,·alrv, l\fooretown Tr J \V II' . .

(attached for purpose of in tr t' t-0 • . 00

11 c mglon Field Battery 24th 25th ,.,Gt! I .,- h uc i~n ~ portion of the Lollllon Field Battery) 22nd

' • - i, mu -1 t Bnttahons Ill B · I , ' ' drill : both camps be' " I . I • n rignc c Camp at Samia, fol' eiirht clays

Tl B . I m,, uni e1 t ic command of Licut.-Colo11el Tnvlol' o lC n ':ll c Cnmp at Ooclerich wns formed • .

of the corps assembled carrie I t . . on the 1 Gth J unc, 18 71, and the drill t ou in nccordauce with the l t ·1 l .

in the G.,ncral Orders of 5tl :\I - cc m ec mstructions contained f 1 • ny. 1811. exprcsslv dr · £ I ·

o commanding officer~; arnl nll ru ~emblr.d ~ . . · · v • :t\\ n up or t lO guidance On tho 2:!nd of June Inst I 1 l oi ~!rill ancl practice nt " Camps of Exercise."

· proceec C< t(I mspect ti on nniml there I found tL . . 16 corps assembled, at Goderich·

' e po:;it10n of th,. cam1) well l t l . ' O\·erlooking the ~lnitluud Ir . ·h· ' se ec ec, situated on a

ner, \\ ich corerecl the f· t f 1 . . '"AS protected b,· Lake II ion u t te posit10n, the right flank • nron. nnd ihc re.w bv thick '. l h' .

at~'lCk, ('·iz. the left flnuk) l<l h • ~ 001 s, w ilst the side most open to ' ' cou nYe been rea lil • l • 1 J protecte( by· cmrenchments.

L ondon Field Battery. The Brwnde here a · · bl l ( 3 7s men. · (-1 wns . ~ '1>sem cc ~trength as per margin,) ;:-una), iii horses ' matuly cornposecl of ti , . . · I . le ) eoumm-y, :1ml u«ncultural

-th n ttal' popu ahon of thP dist1·· t ti' 0

' . a Jon, 2 officen, f . - · ic • a ne body of mun, in the I)l'ime 341 men, o hfe-thcy ·~p1,ea . I t . _ . ' le< o eujoy, nncl. like most Canadians,

2~th Battalion 2.Joffice- sceme1l qt11tc t ) · 2i9 men. ' •• , . . a iomc 111 " Cnmp Lifo." The tent. were - pitched with rcuul· ··t . . l

29th Battalion,llloffice~ (' • "' all)' '1111 surrountlr.d as frcc)\tcntl v seen in 2J;l men. ' anad1an Gnmps with 1J. J • · • rnnc 1cs of tn·cs and evergreens, Ill

30th B ttali:-- such n. m:umcr as t I a on,3lofficen • ' 0 pro< uco n i1iclures11uc effect, whibt 462 men. ' :tffordm,,. conv . h - .. ement s eltcr from the heal.

3'.?ndBattalion,2-, offic•n He1n~1·1u· fi J"O ~ " ng or &everal cl · ti · - men. ' • ' av1> m 11s camp, I in!!pcctcd and personally mustered ti .l

33rdBattalion,3:iofficcr11 I ie w 1010 of the oJHcers, men, :rnd 4!?9mcn. ' iorses, nsscmhlctl as w lJ · , • 1 e ns -..·itncsi:,e<l anti took p:irl in

Total of all rank.I, 2,st•. scvcrnl Bngndc field 1· . 'f'J ,. , • < •l) s. JC Lo111lo11 l• 1l'l1I Dattl'ry was . m pectcd h\· the Jnspe t . f \ .

effic1enc,r, and favorablv re ·t d • c o1 (1 i rtillc1·y, 1lll to its rt>gimentnl . • pot e on, the i11ot11 • ·u . ·

supenor and ~ ~rviccable d . . '1 '\ai; 111 goorl or1lcr, tlic horiws of a

<l • cscr1pt1011, the men i. 1 . .

uty, the supplv uf se. ·. . . e ongmg to it ''ere w1·ll traiue1l lo tl1cir

h • 'Hee ammumt1on w u; (' I t

:>.ttery 1eflcctecl gicat crert 1

' .oinp c ", and the gcnoml Rtato uf tlw ( t on t ic command. 11· I . officers, nnd men. mg 0 1ce1· .1cut.·Colo11cl ~hanly, his

The infantry battalion .e f: ' ruJ 111r a concerns tJ !. • • actory, their, 'ni<ler Rill • , . le 111!JB1'J11C ol the mc11, was antis-

. c "ero I' h: onnbl I p:lntC3 ~ere b:>.<lly un' fi l Y go0< order, tltc majonty of the co1n-1 orme tho chi ·f 1 fi t . .

want of n proper dcscripti f (<:cc m cqmpmcmt (n :ierious one.) buing the on o boo fi r t l .

The routine of drill . narc nng. com1sted of romrany clrill bcfi 01·0, am! b.'\ti.iliou 1liill after



l1rcakfa t, c;uriccl out rcgim<>ntall~. with litiga•lc 1lrill in the nfc"moon ; there bcin' ns 1.

rule three parades tlaily. Every h:tttalir.n in rmccession "cmt to the rit1e raugc, pcrf011ni11g

the prcscrihe1l conrse of target practi~. ~\ t th" Lriga le p::i.radec:, the combined force

'\ a.s 113u•dlJ pr:i.<;tiscd i11 tbe mode of forming troops for ntttick nml defence, (tl1e

<liffcrc11t :mns atforclin'.! mutual s11pport,) acco~ling to tl1•J natn:·e of the c:rouml, a111l tlie imaginnry p1'Cs,..1we of an enemy. Both vfficers :1u1l men 1lisplayc<l much i11telli1?cnco

anti a.ptitu1le in ac<p1iring iustru1:t.i1m, and C\'incecl great desire to lcnrn thcii· milit.cry

duties. This ";ts vi~itrd by Lie11t.-Gl'ncral Sir Hastings Doyle, K. C. ~f. C: .. com·

manding Her ~L~jcsty's Hc~ula1· Troops in Ikiti!lh North A111"1;ca, who, h:lving

im1pectctl thr l1rigadc, was pleased to cxpl'CS• ;~ high opinion uf the forc.c 01scmlil<:il, an<l particula1 ly complimente1l Lieu!.·Colonrl ~baul.\', on the soltlicrlike nppearu1cc,

and efficient !lnl-0 of th~ fi.eltl battery und••r his con11uanrl. On the occasion of one of the fie],! days, in which the gunboat "Prince ''

look p:i.rt, it '\<\S compute•l that from l~.000 to l.i,000 per.-ou~, chiefly 1-clougiuc; to

the ngl'icnltural popul:i.tion, a~ .... mhletl to witne st.he re\ ie"·· many of wbom ha<l come

long clistances _; the weather was fayorablc, an1I the military clisplay appeared to gratify

all present. Licut.-Coloncl .Attwood, ~6th'\lion, :i.cle I :i.a the supply ofiker at this camp, a111l

Mn.jor ~Ill) th as q11:irtcrmasler, the mu<;kctr.v instr i~ti 11 nml •· t:1r,;et pri'lCticc '' ,,n,

:,upcrintr.nded by Licut.-Colonel ~Iotfo.t, Lieut.·Golo11 •l :S.:rvice perfornml the rlutics of

l1rign.dc major, nnd the tlil,trict paymastl'r, C11pt.1in }'. Jl. Ley~, nttcn<lc<l to tlrn i mi <•f nnd regnh\tions CQnccrning pay. Licut.-Colnnel '..'.<lylor ll'!>lifics to the !>alisfactory manner

in which these officers pcrfol'mc1l tlll'ir 1l11ti1•,,, aud t-0 tho hr.uty s•1pport. rmtl co·

op;1·ntion hi' recl'iYc<l from otfo:cn; of all rauks. Godcrid1 is an exceptionally fa,·or,\hle piace for :~ C:lntl' of exercise, thcrc liciu~

plcnly of op"n gnnuul suit:\l•lc f,_ir the man, .. u,·cring of nil .mns. nnJ one of tl1c \Jest ritlo

rnngl'S in the Dominion ; ample ~upplic:> of nil kin<ls nre e..'lsily procur,\hle, nrnl there j.,

comm\mication both hy r.iil nm! st-0:1mbo. l : moroo' er it is nn importnut ~trnte~ic position.

St. Thom11a an<l Lon•lvn Uav:\lr), 1 ollic1:r~, 14 men.

;\f ooret.c)\m Ca\ ll.ln·, :I ollic~n, 3!1 men. •

" 'rllin;tlln ricld Rr.ttorr (formM nn l.llndnn Hattf'T¥1 in MUTH llf f<'rJAat1on, an•I to bo attached tn :?111! nri;o . ad,.,)<> offil"tro, il nicu.

~.!11rl natt.Alion, 31 officer•. 451 mu.

74ih lhUalion, ~:; c$c!l'l't, 2'1-.c.


The Arti,·r .Militia ~lssemul~l nt. Goc.lc1ich,1.'0usi tctl uf the

:'!nil Hri~ndc. Military Di tt·ict ~o. l. ' ith one Field U tte1y, srnd 01w [tltt.1lio11, from tho hl llrigude, tL > tr.m:iindcr of tla•

1st Hrigntlc, fo1111()(! thr> Hriga1lc CAtmp :lt Snruia. uu the lUth

~cptcmu!'r, the followiug corps 111..•in~ R.<1sc111bl ·1!: (. 1-c11gth '

per m11rgi11 ) );t. Thomas nwl Lo111lon •u,nlr~.

Moorcto" n "n,·nlry. \\'elli110t-011 Field lJ.1ll ry, (funned 0:1 London lll\tlcry)

in <'Our:: of fornm ion, nrl t"' oo ntt.tchc<l to :?nJ



Page 9: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

!!.:>th Ilattaliou, 22 ofliC('r!, 2"lm n.

~(ithil:itWion,~Goffi O'S, 3:?41 en.





<lo clo



~Ith do 'l'his c-nmp lwing only in operation for 2ith Hnt~lion, :?=: ollic r-.,

~ 0 m n. t i0ht cl. J .. md un!fL'l the ordinaa·y sy!,km of pay n11cl .. 11pply, wa~ hJ 110 111ro11 so populn1, '' ith ot1iccr<, or mcu, :1-; tl11· si:xtoc11 1lay.; cnmp at Goclcrich;

the time heiug \Ct,\ Jimi ·d. it \\,\S "ith :.:re.1t tlifficnlt.'· tha t the infantry corp, could Le

put thron~h. even th" shor,..: 1·11'S' t"1'11111 ·k<'try an1l tnl'gct prnctict• prescl'ilJed. T inspcctecl the whole of the cm.• in thi t·.1111 p n11 I !Ith 311 l 2<H h l:it1 pte111 brr.

'l'he itn:i.tio 1 oi th ciunp it~ ·If, (:dtlton!rh a .. well scled1·cl :i-. c·irc11msl:u1c!"s would ndmit,) \l'a' fitr inti·rior to th· u110 :it <!o k1i ·Ii . a111l too clo!,C to tlw town of Hnl'l1ia.

J, 'ol@d 'l'u~ lor, '"ni;: ii;t ·d l•y hi~ Uri:.( tde .Jlajors, Lic11tennat Colonel~ )foffat n1.0. :-.en·i ·e in llflel'i1llencliu~ the dl'ill and 1lmic'> }'Prforn1t·cl.

It \\ill tltu l · t •n, tlmt the ll\ailn1Jie corp-. i:a .\£ilita1·y l>istrid So. 1, hnYe

ht>en drillt'll f.1r J i 1-i:\ in tl1e propurtio t of rather rno1·c lhan one half for ~ixteen days, th· n:'ld fvr ci.d1t 11.l\ . the whole of th(· co!'p" in th1· J>i, t1·i1•f, having performe<l the pre.'-cribed l'Olll e of tal'0d pmctice in c:i.111p. duriu~ tl1e ~\1111ual l>rill.

Theb • shootin~ L1 talion. iu the di trict. '" a.the :!Ith LamlJto11 l3attnlion,its shoot lll'.! fi~ut'C of mct°it b·ill.! }t) !I:!. the he-.t :,hootin~ l'UllljlaU_v in thP tli;;trict was the "\\''idder Comp ll1~. ·or o. :J 1 'omp n.\·, :.!itlt Battalinn. fi'.'.!nl'I uf rncrit :!G-.ii, the heat in.Ji, itlual hot, in tht- ,Jjr;trict. a nong tl1n 11011-co111111i. ~ione1l utli1: 1·~ a11cl rncn, for the

milit.'lr) )t!'ll' hil-i~. 1111 l \lihn ••. or th1• DiHrict l'l'izr>: h Pill'.,! ~l'l'~\!:lllt .T. H. H11rwcll,

Xv •. i l'omp:my (Iona) :..J.11 H tudi•m. \\ 110111ac!1· cl ."i )'oi11rn, out ui a po:>sible ~;core of 69. Li<·u ten. ut f'olu1wl T.1~ J.,r 1· porb. tltat the \d1olr· uf tltt> 111eu, who pc1formecl th"

\.nuual I>i-ill. "ei·e b u _,: l em olle l m· rn 1. ·1-s of tin: tli lll>re11t curp . a ~rPat po1-tiim of them, having joiue I iuc the re e 1rultn•nt, 'liida "n' orclt•1·1•d tu lie ma.Jo within three 111011ths fro1 tb .... 1 t •Lcr. 1 G~: lie t.ll( tl1at he c;11111ot nr::cca'lain what 1111111hcr of

men, n1-c like!) to cl, im their di ·I arg ·• vn tl1 • cou1p],,tiun of their tiu•ct•: e:uii sca'\'iCt'. IJUt f1-oro the en 1uiti · he h. 111.uL lit· doe:> 110t • hink tlt-11 lllOl'C thau one fourth, will !care

the force, p,.o ·',] < ti,,. S!J tem 1," i11fro !tree I q( t/11., s:rt "" l11yi; l,,·iycrde cc1111ps, be ro11· 1 ·1.111•d a 1 l, te. 1- l lo ctll ca 'J ~.

On t11i point Lit 1t..('ol. Ta>lur J ; th. t from the nu<lition ii CXjlfl'ic•111:w ncquirrd, L(• il'> contii me I i11 ti e opini• •I . in "hicl1 hr· i supportod by the r0111111n11cli11g olti1·1·1'1i of

Co1p, "tI t tl C ixtr 11 d.1)" l'llllJ•8 W'fl, th• only r11C'a11 of "i' i11" the fort·•'. prnp1.'r in· tl'u<'tion in tl1eir duti 1m l that tl1 ) :u the n1<1st pop11la1 ''---," :tl~o

that the ruo: th uf ·Jun , i tli IJc,t m1•l 110 CC)ll\ enicnt month iia th"~ ell!', fol' the .\cti,•c liliti, in .!iii r. 111 llct.."u. I, to 0o i11t1 c u•p fortl1c p•rf:.Hnm1weoftli11..\111111nl

Dril · s: j n r11;r~ I tu con a pl" • c..i1>1.i11g • wl's in t hii; (Jistl'icl, :1111! 1.ic ut.-f ol. 'l u. ·l r · of opiui in o d r to maintain cxi Li11g corps 111• t-0 their

s trmgt 1 e.>11 inuou l., r ou1 to tl .: 1Uo i 1u CC'. :u·y, nml that it i clesirnulo upon 'mi.itury bronn1l .'

1'll1.: :r/"•:(o si:1. rth JK ·ca 1 •• any oiiLt? /11to!c ir. t.ltib drnL·id in 1..,;1, "....!:: .tlareo .,


tl · 1~-0 Lc·iw• three . l llll'll; thc1l\·erag"" stt-cn~ 1111 ' ' o 0~·1 ,..f'l'.·, nntl fift.v-tht P.t! • "'.('. o!liC"l"S nnc f l 11

' • d · 1116() thr )C ofiiccrl! nnd or \"-S"\·en · X C' olfo;c.·:; and me:i; :m m ' · • l otllcf't'S, an•l forty nine - . .. . . . ti l'fi"1cultic~ of rcc1ui.tin~ the force >\

I . l ·011s1tl••rm ' ic l t .... ~ C ofii•·c1'S an•l llll'll, w i1c I. c; l l ~'· . 11 itnhl•· l, .. •x11 e . . 1 · ..,• . a \'l"l',\" •as cuu 1 rcas:.1 ·' ~ . \ul1111lc•·nng. I~ ns 11_11 ,\I\ l "l\· fo1· nml Mtg,.. Li nu mct-e:l' c of,

'f I 11 att<:nt;vu to t h• neccs;i1 . ' • ., • Licul.·C<JL n~ •>r en "· • · 1 1 ttion of all tho tro:>ps mlo,

f (' l ·. . tho ili~trid, and l ie atuu ci lUI • throe more troop3 u ,;l.\'3 i: iu . f F11.,i11ee1 one company rn

• l J formation of l wo roinp1mc o ' " ' 1 a. regiment of ( :wn ry-t ic · • . 1 Jf Iufrntrv t•J l'Olll(>letc t 1e

. D' . . I he ruldit ion of :i s11fl1c1omL mun ier ' • . each Brigade l\'l'llOll- . f tl c t,,.

0 indi•ti ·nclent comp:uues. to

] '> t }' tl1e po<;tlll'' 0 I <> Hh 2.:lth, 27th, nncl 29th )at a wns- ,., ie tl1e ''l'l.!'.lt tli1Ucultv, tltnt L::ui - ' 1· u with:t\iPWt(JO\'cl'•--Oll - • the nearc•.t localt'<l hatt \ wn. an , · .

1 . . · ., of

1 ,.e riv hon us of

• • r tJ e L'1'1•1tl n ICl•'l'lC'I, t I>' l!la.lllllo • • : · ·11 111 hor,e111• 1 c · • · I r,,1 al WUY!i lwt'n c·xpti lf'IH 1

" , , I • cl l'P •i tPl' tlt<'ll" 1orse • 1" . • 1 . to tho,e O\\ 11"1'' w11r1 il11h 'mo .m -:i.bo11t sJO 1wr ior,,r·.

s"n·ic·c in tlw lmttcri1·~. 1

tli:i.t the c 'nnilr~ troops, . 1 . • "" ... cion ... -nrnl nl,;o t'l'ev111111e111 • •

1 r (.'Ollf'lll' Ill t 10-.~ ,.. 1--" ' l . t e f,•j t1·!ct Hc21menL to Ill

" • ff ·"·lit Jllllllllf'r, })(' ful'lll"t Ill 0 I.Ill , . •. when tl11·1-e :u-. ,\ ,.,n HI .. l I t . I litionnl co111p3m s of Tn~ulll)'

l' . . t f 0:1"nln nrn t int "o :t( munhere1l the" l st ,c~1111f'n o " • . . . l ,, ti . <''01111t\· B:ittnlion (the 3~nd.)

( ' t f" Brue. ·rncl< v.l II • • • l he raise1l in the -01111 Y 0 • . . t 1 filled np 31111 rnnmtmnec

· thi-; ch«tr1ct. •·1111110 ie If the mnk,., of corps m 1 t the number of men

ti h\· Yoluntnn· 1'111'0 men • ... nt tl1ei1· proper strcng i • . • 'f tl1e <Ii trict l'C'c!i111enlnl din 1011 ' rcquire<l lo complete stwh corp~. can l1n obtamctl nut/ 1' II l

. . 1 l C . t1 e hw 1,, m~nns ot t I•' ,. o. in the mnnne1· prone e1 o1· 111 I , • • • I I l ·1. l sune of till' l "'Jlecti' c corp

, • I • . . ·t to"i·thcr '' H 1 t 1c • 1•1111 1 ' • LiPnt .. Cnl. 'L1y m· s H)>Ol • - • , • • "ill he fou111l in tl1£> .\ pp<'whx.

sulimittl'<l in the 'l'ahnlnr .\n1111al 111pcd1011 J,, t11111 .

~ ·l .'.\f 11.ITAHY l11sTHll"I' • tl.

• . \I iliti' in tl1i:-; 11i ... t1 i ·t, nll trill nml, Tlie nutl101iv• l ,fr<'lt!!ll, <>T the .\Na' t• k I I "1 l rfol'll1cd the Annu.ll D1ill for

1 II n nndr111 s \\ io 1' > j,. i.H:?; tlwnc u.111111111 •er.:l :m . •. . . •tJ 1 401 oftiCf't .md men

I to tl1<-11' I roper i;h e.:11_ a . 1 ~-1 -., ti 011 • lo comp etc eorp'S <l l "3'> X 1 • ofii c1 n111l ~' -1., ' ' • • • • f ixh i•iaht o11ir.i • 1111 •'" .., - • Jo

nrc l'l."<plil'L'<I. I herc "·1111: a I lehclllllC~ 0 • . • c r ("' . 1. tht'C" Field Batteries of · I • •\'Cll ti·o " 0 :I\ l 1 ~'

men. In this cli,tt'IC't t.1c1 .. :ue sc . .r l l'nttnlions ml cne 1n lcJ¥.!lltl ut re • \ till!'r\· 10lll e n > .. Artille1·\· thre<' lhttcric~ of ,,arn,,oa . r •• '

• ' • JI • corps ·-C'om p.m y of lnf1ntl'~'· fo11nin-; the to owm!: .

t'c1 t•afry.

Gonmm· llcucrul'=> D·.xly Gunrd '1'1oop < lak Hidges 'f1 oop,

~.forklrnm tlo

:-:t. I 'ath:i,.i•lt.:S •Iv

t h·imsli. Jo Uurfo1..l du

~uecn ton )JmmtNI Tnfnnhy

U trriP clo Jo

Page 10: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

Staff ! -7 Officen, 4. rutn, Ii hon.~•.

Ca,aln·: Pro' isionnl l~ei:iinent (i troops), ~J • fti n-11, 2'i3 mun, :!S:J lwroei.

.ri..J1( • \ rtillerY : ,:J l1"t t~ri~ with 12 guns, 14 <rtticcrs, ~·~J U•~n, 170 hone11.

Iafnntn•: 11 battllliou,, '.?'.!ii otlio<r&, 3.Pir) mtn, !Hhon1.


Fiel.L 1Jf1.tleric~.

Toronto Field TI:.ttcr;,

TTnmilton rlo do

W cllnnd rlo do

Toronto G:\rrison Batt-0ry, Collingwoo<I tlo

St. C1\thn1;ne..; dn

:ln I Jhttalion (Queen':-. Own)

10th do (Hoyal ) 1 :!th do

l:lth 1!0

1 !lth do

20th Ju !\1st <lo :\4th <lo !l5th do

:JGt!t tlo

3ith do ~~th do :l!ltli do 4lth <lo

•'a ult ~te. ~fa.ri~ lntle1wndent l.'01upuny.

The :!Otl1, 31st and 35th Battalions, the Toronto Gl\nison lhttcry, and Barrie :\Iounfcil Infantry, p<'1fonne1l the Annual

Drill :it thei1· own l11.:atl·rp1:u·ters-tlw Cullingwornl nlHl St.

f'.1thari11P B.1ttcl'i1·~ on ho:u·cl the crnnbo:d. "Prine!' Alfrerl "­

th<' rc111aind1·r of the col'pS \\'l'r<• 1is,;e111 lill'<l in <.':\111 p at Ning11t'ti 011 the lilla .f m11•, 111111 fo1·1nr<l i11to u tlivisio11 (slrt'ngth us p<~r

11rnrgi11) for sixtncn clan;' <'Ontin11ous <ll'ill. The 1livi!lion w11s

11 n<ler th<' r·r111111m w l of Li1•u t,. ('ol. l h11 it•, 1·om n11uuli n~ the

.\fili tin i11.Military r> ist,.if't No. 2. anrl tho Forrl' wns ro11c1•11tm·

Tot.'\l of all rnnlu, l,i~j t<•cl in CT\lll)' at Siucr111-n, 011 tlw imnw1liate fn111ti1·1', i11 n11I! dfl.1/ m~n, 511

hors · (11th .Jun••}, with tl1t.:<'x1·~)'ti >ll 111' 0111• 1•11rp, tho :l!)th lhttnliort <' m·1•_. • • orfolk), v. hirh, lr'l\ in;; l<> C'Olllf' ll)'" 11111K of l :!O milc'S from its 1· .. gi111r11tal Jw,ul -

q '' "·. 1 co•1l1l notjoii th" di' i iou till tl1P f•>ll '" ing d.ty. :\I ost ot' 1 lrc l'orps \11·r1· l1ro11!.{lrt


Page 11: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery


R £ S

A R A R I v £



t .Niagnr:i. by ~·aggou, 111il or iil 011 l, " 1 of th (' " lry Tl'\ th.i I•'i 1rl Art.Ulery, aml Infantry, bowO\"Or, m11r::bing t.o mJ'· l~Hery nmrch•~ a disumcc of h .m y fi\"e mil from l'orl Rouillll lhr. night of th 5th .fono, rc.-nchiug ~mp early in lhe rooming.

this r.lpid conc1mtration wt>re woll planno<l. l\ntl cnrri \ O\lt in tn

C'rl'\lit on Lient.-Col. Durie, his lilaO~ ond comm.anding oilica llpon tho e offic~ni of t.he r'it•\il .Artillery 'l'ihO UlOYCd th ir horses by steamboat tulll 1i1il Yoithout o.ny acciil nl v;hnl '\Cr.

1ravelll>d by the different c:o1 pa t.o i-t:Ach :Singan w up" 11.n<l not only was t.hi!l mi>id concentrnlion of the men clfcctetl e:utily hut al o the ncc1':1J.<ro.ry hu-gc supplies of food 11cl cnmp equip: gc, e<>11si1lr.rnhle liupply of ammunition required for targ t. prnctice c'mc with their proper su11ply of s r\'ictl aromunilion, nnd i force of nearly 5,000 men, wn l'<mccntrftteU in one day. n a t.1 ti

on the immediate frontier, almost in a condition t.o en er up<>n e 1~,ble mOOicine box w.\i; pTO\'i•lcU for every corps, and h.ul th c to undertake operations in the fi lu, it wouhl Jun-e been e:u;y to 1

c~cry oottnlion anu corps for tl10 transport of J>TO' i :on , nm ment, camp cquip.'\ge, &c., ml t.o i ue to the In( nt.rj n p1-ope1 nin.rcbing. On arfrring nt Ni111mrn on the 7 t\1 Jun , 1 founll th~ lt1i<l out nccording to the nnn~·etl pl1U1.


The position of the l't\mp, in I\ mililnry point. of 'i the front l.eing protocte<\ \,y the ~iognni Rb· r, the le.fl

~iaga.ra and Lake Out.Ario, the ri,.ht. aml roor by thick woodt with regnl:irity iu the insnnl'l' directed in tho Milit.ia Orders nucl

l\l'Pro"ed :Military mctho<l : it fol'mo<l three eid of 1 rg position being co1nmnnded uy the field guns when parked; 60

there being in addition innny large ruo.rtiu used regim nt. me,c;c.<i. J,t.-C1,ol. Durio icport l thnt. h i•coch·cd gi t. •

.from Mnjor aml Brevet 1.l••ut.- "'ol. 'l'. •. Scolilc, 3'i'th n UAlio1

ofiiccr. Cil'cuniJ tnnccs permitted my t~uc the troop were there, nnd l corps, and mu~tcr pcrsonnllJ e,·cry olliccr, Jlll\ll

wt•lch cl0tidy tho working of th Lieut. '1 11, 13t.h oHh.'i:'r, und no mRn oonhl h "• performed his impartant dut

n\1i\ity ; from dRylight. till tl.u\.:. this ofiic •1 wns at. hi wo~ ,

the r:\tion supplic..'>; 1Ji ut..(101. .i:\inck n~i , 35lh llat.talion C the cnmp). acted a." camp qu it.h oqu l 1 ::'llnjor G. H. Da1-t,ncll, 3Hh llat.tnlion, Nu k ry lnstn1ct.o~ his lahono\ts ,luliu : wilh mnrk l uc ; it. m inly o that. the whole of tho COll ,.,ere imt. through tho p rib

within tho time allo"' 0tl ; Lieut. Gcdd , of be H milt.on s-2•a

Page 12: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery





to Niagnra by wnggon, rail or i;t<>nmhoat, sonral of thll C'avalry Troor11.1, anll a 11ortion of

Hui Field Art..ill!'ry, and Infantry, howevor, mar~iog to camp. Tho "~elL'ld Fielcl•ry murchc<l n distnnce of twenty-five mile.'! from Port Robinson to Niagr.ra during

the night. of the :>th .Tuno, rcarhing camp early in the morning. The armngementJi for

t hiH rapid concentration wrre woll planned, nn<l carrie..l out in a manner reflecting much

crf'dit on Licnt.-C'ol. Durie, bis stafl: and commanding o.fficeM of corps, eiJVCCiall1

upon tho!io officers of the Field Artillery who move<l th<:ir gnns, wnggonR, and

borsP!i by stenmbont and rnil without any accident whatever. The 1werago clititanco

travelkd by the clifferent corps to reach Niagnrn was upwnrdR of ninoty ruilcs,

nnd not only was this rapid concentmtion of the men eff<'Ctecl ea.Rily nnd without. confu."ion,

11ut alio the necc>1t.<1a.ry forge supplies of food and camp equipage, together with a very

con.c;idernhle aupply of ammunition required for tnrget practice. TbP Field BntteriP.R

c1mc with their proper supply of service ammunition, and it may he said that lhi

force of nearly 5,000 men, was concentrated in one day, nt a strategic point of importanco

on tl1e immediate frontier, almost in a condition to enter upon a rompnign. A ,;mall por­

table medicine box wa.c; provided for every corp!, ancl had the di,·iRion been callecl on

to operations in the field, it would hnYe been easy to attach a few waggons to

every battalion and corps for the transport of proviRiom1, ammunition, hospi~il equip­

ment, camp equipage, &e., and to issue to the Infantry a proper dei.cription o: boot, for

marching. On arriving at Niagara on the 'ith Jnne, I founcl this camp well fv1mo l nnd

laid out according to the annexed pla.n.

The position of the camp, in a military point of view, wo..<J well choom ;

tho front being protected by the Niagara River, the left. flank by tho t-0wn of

~ingn.ra and L'lke Ontario, the 1;ght and rear by thick woods; the camp wa-; laid out

with regularity in the manner directed in the l\lilitin Orders and Regulations, w:1ich is l\ll :ipproved Milit.try method; it formc<l three sides of a large square, tho fro:it. of the

position being commanded by the field guns when pnrked; 600 bell tentl> were pitched,

there being in addition many large marquees usecl as rcgimenfal c:m ens, or f1r offi~1.'

mcs.c;es. Lt.-Col. Durie reported that he i"CCeived gre.'lt assistance in laying out thi'I <'8mp .from Major and BrcYet Lieut.-Col. T. C. Scoble, 3ith Datt.alion, who is & zealous Militia

officer. Circnmstances permitted my remaining at ~ lll!,'llra during nearly the whole

ti2_nc the troops were there, and I was thus enabl~l not only to inspect c•ery corps, unJ muster personally e,·ery otliccr, mnn nml hor~e present, bu& ali-0 to

wal<:h closely tho working of the system. Lieut. 'Mason, 13th Battalion, ncted as suppl.\·

otliccr, uncl no man could Juwe performed his important clutie::i with greater 1!'nl Ruel

,\hility; from <lnylight till dark this oflicCl wns at his work, receiving and dii;tribntin~

the ration supplies; Lieut-Col. .Mnckeuzic, 35th Datl'llion (hi::; own corps mt IH:1ing in

the camp), acted a.~ c~1mp quarter-master with equal zeal and activity, whilst B1-c,·ct

:Major C:. If. Dnrtnell, 31th Batutlion, ~fusketry Instructor to the division, perfonnc<l

lii11 lnhorious clutit•R 7with mnrkc<l success ; it "as mninly owing to this ollker's energy

thaL Lbe whole of tho corps wcro put through tho pr~ cribed cour . .;o of target practice

within tho time allowoJ ; Lieut. C:edcles, of tho Hamilton field Batt~ry performod the 8-2*a

Page 13: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery


iluli or ortleil) officer, ann wn · mo t useful, tho two l)(lrn1Rnont Brigu1lu-~lnjon; of thll

Di trict, Lieu -Cols. I enison an l Yillicrs. attending with cn11tomury 1•llicieucy tn

Lhrir own lcgit~nato 1lntics, ably suppo~cl Lieut-Col. Durie in his cotumal\ll. l t..ccr\.'linl.\·

"~ most credit. blc to Lhc staff of this rli\ ision. th!'tt n force of the strength aud descrip­

tion n crnblcd, could he conccnlmLe l so rapidly, supplicJ, drilled anrl mainlai11c1l from

day to dny for a period of ix teen days. mul tlwn dispcr.scil to their rcc,pccti ni rorp~' hca1lqunrlcr;-; a<; 1p1ickly. ns they lmll IJCl'll ~ scmbletl, not only without any fuAA 0,.

confo~ion, M frcqm·ntly l11lppe11s on <111ch occasions, 11\tt without ncritlcat or i11j11ry of any

kind occurring. Tho routine of 1lrili cnrriO'l on hy the corps in lhi'I, 118 in all tho olhct· C<\llJl'H, \l'll'i

11iwilnr to thnt obscr,•c<l at. the Gollcrich camp. 1m<l as p1-cscrihC'1l in the Geneml Onlcr~ of

!"ith )lay, 1811. The <'n,·alry Corps as. ... cml1lc<l (I troop~), Wl'ru fo1·mc1l in a pr0Yisio1l:ll

t giment fo:::- 1lrill nucl nd111i11isb-ative purposc.c;, nmler the command of thl' senior <.'a,·alry

ot11r.eJ·. 1: ... ut..Col. :l'lcLeod-both olliccrE and m(;a pre8entc1l a goo.\ appc1u-.111cP, Wlll't'

mount.eel on ~Cr\·iccnblo horses, nn•l cons·d .. 1 in~ that they h:vl n°' er been prc\'iously

bron!:ht. to!! thcr acquitted themsch e» c1-e1li~al1ly on pa1w1t!P. Thr thn·e .Fiel1l Datbrie'!

(l ~ gnrni). "ere lJ!aced under the command of the 1;cniur _ \ rti Hl•vy otlicer JH'CRcnt (< '.11•t•lin

Smith, of the Hamilton B~ttery). and the Inspector of ~\rtillc1·y (who inspected thcM

hattcrics r1'gimentnlly) reports upon them as follows:-" Gnu drill goo1l, driving fair, Lut

S()IDO offic"t'S u.uil non-commis."iow•tl oflicers not wcl! up in tiel<l manrennes ; shot arnl shell

practice gl)()d ; tho batteries goncmlly well horrncl; the \Velland Dn.ttory not ns good at

manreuvri.'lJ ll'l the two, but it has not th1· same a1h·antagcl:i ; this Battery m:1rchr1l>e miles to C:lmp i11 one 1lay, :~rnl nlso marche<l h:u:k to ils local Headquarters in

the same time; the Hamilton Battery m:1rchecl tweh·e miles to ::it. Cath:trinc's, from

thence hy mil. <'apt. Grey who<ls the Toronto Fiel1l B.tttery, iH :t n·ry C'llicicnt

ofticcr." Oft he lnfnn ry llntt.alion.c; ( 11 in nnmlx•r), fonr Uattalio11s were in rifle, the rei;t

in scarlet uuifi rm clot11ing; the nnns, 1rcncrallv s1x:akin" wcrt• in "OO•l order nnn lh11 0 .. ..., 0 '

accoutrements, although of vaiious kin<ls and some (If ohsoletc lK\llern, were yet 111:rvii::1'-

able; mnny Bl iclcs, however, were \\1111tin;, which l was infonnc1l l1:ul h<•en originally

issued hy the De11:irtment, but suuscquently lost. As with tho lirigru.lo at Goderich the most glaring awl serio1n clcf1·ct in tho l'<p1ip·

ment of tlie infantry wns tho want of a suit.ahle <l~riplion of boot for mnrd1ing. The

majority of the men wearing l1igh heeled, nnrrnw sole1l hoots, so11wwhat. i.i111ilnr lo tho~c used liy the citimns of tho United States, arnl \\hich arc 1p1it1~ nns11ital1le for 111archin~ in; many of the men too :ip1ic.:11oil in wl1ile summer hoot.~, ~nch ns arc us!'1l liy \\'Oll\llll.

In this re poet the infantry corps y.010 lamentably <lcfkienL

The appearance or tho wl1ole <li\iF>ion, lioWP.YCr, wllf'll as:icuil1lcd on }>.trade u111h•r

anns wns crcditabl<', most of tho c.'Orps 1lrillod fairly, auwng which I rnny mc11lion, in

paiticular, the ~nd "Queen's Own," under 1·01mnan1l of Licnt.-Col. ( :ill0101·.

The Di,ision parades were wilncsscd l1y nmnorous iipcct.n.tors, an•l tlvi fip)rl ch~y~ hy \Ctal professional officers belonging to lite regular nriny of the neighhol'iug ropuhlic. who

I" '


=-=----====== ====--ex pre~ e<l their 1;urprisc :md app1·ohatiun alt he ucncral uppe.'lnmcc, ancl <lC:!l'CC of •fficic.ncy

att1Lined hy ~hi11 portion of ihc "Active ?.lilitia." .Ai; you were CllllLlcd personally w ,U,it

the iiiagarn C11111p, an uppott1111ity '\as presented to you under favornl 1'1 circumstances

of St'eing the corps th<'1·c ass<'mlilc<l, :ma it affor1ls inc pieasure to i;tntc that. the remark

~on thonght proper to 111:1 kr, a1Hl l11c thanks yon tltrn. on hchnlf of the Go,·emrnen

anrl the co1111try. co11Yey1•1l to the <Jfiicc1:-. an<! 1w11 prcscnl, :ip11cnrcd to h:n-c nn cxcdknt

effect. and sccmr.1l fully appn'Ciatc1l. J lut\ c lo c01wcy my best thanks to Lieut-Colonel )lacphrrson now cmplo~ c<l in the

Finaucial Bmnch of the <lepartmcnl, !,ieut.-l'olonPI Hrunul, late of the 10th•· Royals,"

:md Major T. H.oss of the Otta.wa Drigade of Oarrison A 1-tillcry for the f!cn·ices these

ofticet-s rc11dc1wl mc in connection with my inspection of this ca111p: :'lfnjf)r .\lger, tl1c

1li5tri.ct paymaster wa!i nlso present during the ~·hole time the mmp wa:; in operntion

and attemh•d 1110:-.t carefully to the clischa1·gc of his i111portm1t dutie .

Lieut.Colonel Durie reports that out of the H hatt.1lions in thl' distiict. the n\·cr:igfl

muster of nine "ii.s fifty men per company, th,. n•mainin!! th·c Lnttalion,,. ho\\e,·er. nH•r_

:i;;ing only tltirty-ci~ht men per cornpauy. The :l th Ilatta)iQn mustere1l ... ironge"t in

the cli.~irict, "anting only tivc men to cornpll'tc to its full e; tauli.-hmcnt. hut there ar

110 It,,:, than :>ixt.y-cight otlicers and 1,333 11ien wautin~ to complete corp~ in thi ·

dibtrict to the proper strength. Thcmajori.tyof theoiliccrscommandi.ugcorpsi 11 :'.\lilit.n·y !Ji~tricl i'i o. '.!, appcartocouc;itlcr

it necessary and dcsirahlc to till up the mnks of corps hy mP-ans of lhc B:\llot. 'Vi th ref11rencc to this impol'lant matter, f ·would beg to recall lo yonr memory lhat the fo'l-.t occac;iou on whiclt

the necc ·:-;ity for applying the Ballot system'\ as ln·ou!!ht prominently mu! officially to your

nolicr. oc.:uncd at the :N'i:1~1111\ Cnmp. at thl' leH·o hrld on tht• lGth June, l~il, which

was ntte111lc<l h~ ncnrly thP whole of the· offitt•1-,..; of tl1e militia in camp. nml mnn:r other

gcntlt•u11.:11. On that Ol'l.':\sion se' rral of the commnrnliut: ollicer' of corp,, men of local

expericnt'e and influence, stat eel that. in tlwit- opiuiou . the time had arrini.l "hen. for "military reasons," in order lo maintain tho lliffcrcnt c<n]1S nt their auLho1izt>d proper

i;trcngth, n111l !!ocinlly to c1p1alir:e the prc:,smc of milimr~ l>f'•rvic' ou the rommuuily :1t

hr~r. it wm; llCl'C.s~ary ancl desirable to apply the Ballot, n-; proYiile<l for hy l1nr: s11b­

~C<1'U:"1tly, on thl· occasion of the lcYee hcl1l at the Lapinirie 'amp. "hich wn. ... also

attc111letl hy a gr"·lt m1111licr of oflicer:s, similnr repre.,entatious ns to the propriety of

applying the ballot were made to vou ll\· Lieut-Colonel Lord .A ylmcr. commRmling the . . . ri3nl Ihtt.alion, ~pt'ttking on behalf of thf' wholr. lKJ\ly of th1• otlicers aml men of the

Ai.:ti\'e :'II ili.tia in lhnt dii-tril't l.i.l·ut.·Coloncl Dmiu ron!'liders that a r('liancc 011 tho ~~ ~tr111 of ,·olunlary cn(i,t·

mt>nl 11lolll., will fail lo maintain exi'lling Corr~ of .i:\cti' c :Militia nt their

propel' i.trrnt;tlt. Tho carup nt _·i..1gam for si:-.tC'C'n da~" Nntinuoui. tlrill, with the S.)~tcrn of tuit,tel

practice i11trcxl11cc<l, nnd prizes nwnrdt'1l, }l\'OYe<l of m11d1 b 1wlit to tho force in thi:.

lli Ind :md gaYe much s:it.fafacliou; Lieut.-Coloml Durio K\'Otnwcnd th ii thl' "hole or lho AHi,·c )fili{la in bis clistrict. \Jc a~crnbku n~~t .Junl.! at - 'i?tgur.1 in c.1mp fur ~


Page 14: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

1 Ii

simil \r pcri01! uf ch·ill; lw ""g~~ls the n111nlgn111ntit•ll uf the '1iflcrP11t ( '1mdl'y truul':> into a distiict re"imcnt, nml the nddition uf b;o or fo111· compn.Hics in the County of

\Vcntworth. ~o thnt O\ Cl') count) in the tli,trict " ·mild then hnYe its own lmtt tlion.

The nnnunl inspection returns of nil corps in this district will lie fouJHl in the

.Appendix ; .\s nlren ly state l. ·•the :!0th, 3 lst antl 3:hh hntt ti ions Wl'l'e not prt'scnt

at tlie Xia!?al'a Cump. mul I rc;1·etw1l rnnch their nhscnrc. The Toronto Ganisun

Bilt!ery nt Torunk1, nnil the Kt. Catherines and Collingwood Ba\lcries cmlinrkccl for •·i.,ht davs' "llll drill on hoanl the l!Ulli1o:tl ''Prince .\lfrcd.''

'""~ .. ::::i -

The 3bt H.tttnlion 1,<Jounty Ur •y), made the highest aH~rngc shootiug figlll'e of

merit in the <li!ill'ict nt the nnnnal 1lrill. scurin~ 16·78 points. 'i o. G compn11!, 31st

llnttnlion was the lic~t shuotin!! company in the di.,frict. figure of mc•rit 23·81 points,

nncl pri'mte .101111 Park:., :So. I) Company 3ht Batt.i.lion, the bc:>t shot in the district.

l'ri \ .lte John Parks \\ n, nlso reported the he,..t shot in the .\..cli \'C )riliti:i of the

Dominion for Ute ycar l"il-i2, "coring at the 600 yanls range IS points, at the

100 yniib muge l' point><, nn<l at tht• :!011 yard~ range 1:) points, total .) I points out of

a pos.,ible tl"m·c of (i0 : thus winuiw.! in nd<lition to the comp;my prize of :3.), with

bnd!::C, the batt:tlion prize of:::10. \\ ith h:ulg-c. and the tlist•·ict prize of ~15, the Adjutant­Gencral's priz,.. of ~30, '\ ith n sih·c1· rnerlnl.

The great majority of the men who performed the annual drill in l'ililitary District

~ o. ~. were 1101ul .fide eurolle<l men : it is tlifficult to obtain any rclinblc information as

to the numbers of men likPly to claim their discharge prior to the next annual drill, but

ns n n1le, all battalion:; lose numbers, about on1· fourth or fifth mny he taken ns an avcrnge.

"'ith a vie,., to incre.ising the cfficicnc~- of the force in this 1listrict, I beg to rc­

J'Ccommell(l that the Qucenst-011 an<l Banic ::'1Iounw1l Corps be changed to ( '11valry, t11at nnotl1rr ll'OOJ • of Ca miry h,. rnise<l in t lie County of '\Yella1ul. :mcl thn t all lite c:wnlry troops,

he then formed into a 1listrict re:.:imeut, t-0 ltc 11111111.cre•l the "2rnl Ht'gimcnt of CaTnlry," (the Governor-General's Body Gunrd Troo}'. l1owe\·e1-. "l1ich 1loes not wish to join a (fo;trict

corp . }Jut desire~ to retain it.5 distincfo c appellution. to be cxt.:eptc<l); that three companies

of engineer.; he fonne<l, ont• in c.1ch uf the lirigadc di \·i,,ions: also to point out that if it

b .. fou111l impos.5ihlc to fill anti maintaiu the ranks of ~xisting corps in this district at their propor strm:;th by ,·oluntary c11rol111ent alone, the mnn lic1· of men 1·ccp1ired to com­

plete them cnn ho olJt.ained \,y means of tl1c Ballot ns provided fot· in tho law.

.\ln.JT.!HY JJ1snucT Xv. :l,

'l'lic authorizer! &trr.ngth uf tl1c ,\r.~i"c )[iii tit i11 tliis distrir.t is i,3% (ufli1.,'r:. awl

lllPn,)-3,8 HJ (1lffictn; and men,) 'H)l'(' nctunlly pre PHt al tho 11&11 l1·r and perform1-.J tl1r.

.Annnnl IJrill for l~i 1-12-lca\ ing a d('tici··n• y of 1 i'i (offic('l'S and 1ucn) ~·anting to coin·

plete corps to their prop"'r strength. '!'Ju, F0t'C'~ in tho District cou1>ists of two ~<111n.dro11,, and one troop of C1valry, r·icl I Artill ry OUG .D:itlery, Gnrri' on Artillery four IlattC'l'ics, Tnf.intry ren B 'lt.1lian~, fonniJTg the Mio inrr CCit-'s • -




Northmnherlan<l a111l ~qua<lron .. Frontenac H1p1111iw11. ....... .. . . . . . . . • . King11to11 Fichl llattery . .. .. .. . ......•.. 15th Jlattalion . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . .. llith do . . .. ..... .... .......... . 40th do . ..• •. ........•••...• , .. . 4fith rlo . . • • . •• • • • •• •...... ..•• 47th 110 •••••••••••••••••••••• • •

41lth rla . ••••. .. •••.•• . •••. , •• •.• fiith do .......... ... . . ...•....... 'l'he 14th Battalion joined the Brigade}

at 1lrill on Tu 1day and \\" educsday, !!7th an<l 2 th J une ......... . ..... ..


i "' ...

IE c

11 10 Ii

26 35 35 ~,

29 23 26 19 18

= cc:

3~ ":I

.ES Cl ... E:

~, ..... :::: c:....,

c ~ t:: ;:::

101 lUi (i 110 120 . •. '3" "" ·-260 70

37' G5 438 r,7 S21 \)

:m 5'I 2 J 2;'6 .i4

174 1G2


f t t :::: z: E .... 0

c ~ -... 11 HH lll 10 110 IH

(j "·• ,_ \1.! 2.j :!GO c; 30 375 4 .:! 4H ,, 23 321 4 ~'2 331 4 20 ~ 9 '• 24 :!iG 5

········ ........ .... .... .. ... .. ..... --------


(Pcrforme<i .Annual Drill nt ]fort Henry, Kingston.)

3 5G . ... .. .. 3 3 3G 19 3 .,

4i s 3 "

Garri~on Hattt:ry, Trenton. . . . • . . . . . • .•. do X np1111ee .. ....... . ... . ilo ( 'obourg ............. . do l' ) It U opc .. .. . 47 1 ,

10 186 10

(Performed Annual Drill in Cunp at Coburg, for eight cln) ~-)

v 'l' C' . I I .. ,apanee t"Oop, n~n ry . . .......... ... 1 .i ··th Battalion . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 to 50 !l !?!I 29~ •• •

I th do ..••... . •............. :!G SOl , :.")

1--59- --G461_ (j() 1-124

I 2G 25

fJG I. ....... 30 41 47


46 ·.o !?99 ,; 301

6tG GO

Two 'amp,, of ext•rcise \\ c1'C formed in tLu di ttict und •r the command of tho l ta Li»ni. ('!f.11. .._\lc-x. Patte~on (who, in tllC ab en c of Li ut. Col. ,lnni-, '' sin cornm:m l,

of the ~lilitin, in this ])i-<trid) nt \\hich tl1f.' whole of th l}' hy, fidd .A1tillcry ruul

I 11fa11fry l'orps \\ on· n.sscmhled. for the p •1formunco of the \uuual Drill. l'our

lhitc•ril'" of C,m·isun . \l'!iller). hciug ltrou •ht to King ton for Gun l>iill. untl r

th" Iiuil'i cl<ir of ~'1-tilll'l'). 'l'ho nbo\ n urn ahem tl1c co1 p ns ('tnbled .1t co: h

of tJw l ' uni"': thei r strength, nnrl 111unbe1"l> "nntin to c mplett>. 'l'he Biigad

assc111lilt,l nt Kingsto11 n11mLcred :J.755 offiecrsnnd 111 n "ith 319 H0t ; nnd tl1 c:.amp

w uR in opcmtion for sixteen dnys on th · .un • principl ns tho t God rich nn l • ·i

'l'h · 1•nmp nt Vobo111·g co11 i tec1 of l\\o JnfnnlrJ Bat lion , 'dth on tro p ot ( ' h.,

11m11J.,.ring 10 l officers nnd m u \\ ith GO Horse. nud ' . onl) in 01 rotion t r cicbt days, hein~ .Uso like the one at, l'l'.i undc:- th ordin:iry latfons rebt1-e to ti1 .. I'.',


Page 15: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery


pny nnd supply it wns by no me:ms so populnr with cithor otliccrs or men M the largllr

one nt :Kingston. I in~p<rted the whole of the corps a.«s\•tnhlc1l at these cmnp:; nnd found

tbdr ~cnernl condition to be ou the n' ernge ,·cry similar in degrre of efficiency to those

in the Goderich nmL .. 'ingnra Cnmps. The Nortlnnnberlnnd t itl D 1rhnm scpindrnn of CnYalry

under command of Lieut.-Col. Houlton, joine1l the at Kiugston with a mount<'cl hand

nud together with tho Fronteune ...,qmulrou, under .\Iajor Duff, wa~ fonnccl into n. Provi­

<>ional Regiment ullllt!r tl1c commnu1l of I.ieut.-Col. Boulton. The CaYn.lry assembled

nt this cnmp prcsentecl n nry crc<litablu app~amncc, the majority of the officern and

men being better rno1mte1l than those :n Xi,1g-n1·n, and they rode well ; the arms and

nccoutrernents of tho Cnvnlr~· Wl'rc in govll or11cr. hut the uniform clothing much wom.

f fournl the nrm,.,. nccoutrcments nn1l clothing of the Infantry in a serviceable condition

"ith few exception!'!, nnd wr,s much plca,,etl "·ith the manner in which they drilled

nt several tic Id dn~ s. 'l'hc Kingston Field Battery, under the command of l\la.jor

nmmmond, wns in pcctc1l regimentnlly hy the In~pector of .Artillery, and reported

being in !:(OOd i::en·iccnule order, mnking excellent practice when firing shot nml shell at the tm~et; tl10 conduct of the men at the Kingston Camp Wl\S very good, uo

complaint-. being mn1le by co111m:u1din1? ot1icers, nor by the Civil authorities of Kingston.

'fhe four Gnrrhon Datterie.:. of .\rtillen· in this district \\ ent into Fort Ilcnrv at

Kin_;aton on the 4th ..;epkmber for eight Jay=>, under the comm:uicl of tho Inspecto;. of

. Artillery, and the rem i11ing corp'i, vit .. the Napanec C\n-alry troop, .f;Jth nnd 48th

Ua.ttnlious of Infantry formeil the lJrigarle asst>111ulcc1 at Cobonrg.

The best shooting hattnlion in the di;;trict \'"as the 4Sth, figm1' of merit 11.53; the

bet shooting company was Xo. 1 Co111p:my, 48th Battalion, figure of merit 2·LO·i; ancl tho

be~t shot in the di$trict was Corporal Frcrlerick Hobbs, Xo. 1 Company, 15th Battalion, who made 51 points.

The whole of the Iuf1mt.i·y corps iu the two camps went through the pre~cribcd course of target practice. The district paymaster was 111·eie11t :1.t hoth camps, ani paid all

· corp1 pcfore they left for home.

I,icut.·Col. Patterson reported Lhal the progre$3 mnclc lJy the troops in the sixtren

cl3ya camp wns \'cry safofactory, \Jut that the eight days camp affor<l'!<l too little time for

instniction in drill and rifle prnctice to Le of 111uch \0 [1}11e; tlrnt the whole of the men

"ere reported as bonufi(le enrollctl mo1ubers of coq !!, lJllt tlml lw <lid not think the

&trength of existill).! Coqis could Lo maiutaincd coutinuously hy tlll' 8) stem of' oluntnry

enrolment alone. He wa.s uuahle to U$CCrtain fro11t co1111111mding tho pro liable

numlicr of men '"ho will claim dischnrge from their nsl'cctive ('orps l1eforc the next

.Ann.ual Drill, but fr~rn v;hnt he could lcnm, tliought tho 11m11l "I' would he large, nn<l conSidcrcd that the tune ha•I nrrhc1l when the liallot shoulcl he applie1l to fill up the mnks when volunteering v;as exlmustctl.

"'ith a view to placing the .t_\eli\ e l\lilitia iu this district. on :1. bettc1· fooli1w and . rd o• m 0 er to rcgul 1te the proporlion of nrms, I beg to recommend thn.t two n1ldilional troops o~ Cavalry bo formed (o · h f J • • • • • ne lll cac o t 10 ur1g.i<lc 1hvi tom1)-tho.t nil tho Cnvalry

troops bo then fol'tncd into one di.atrict rcgi:nont, to be muubcrc<l ''the 3r1l Hcgiment of


Cavalry," thnt a. haLtcry of field artillc1·y be formed i11 the sixth brign le division, and th t.

two companies of engineers be raised, one for ench hrigaclc division in tho district.. Sinc1:

the performance of the Annual Drill, the staff of the ~lilitio. in this district has su.stainecl

grent loss hy the death of Lieut.-Col. Patterson, a ,·ct.-Orrm soldier, trni1Led in the r!!!!ular

army, long rcsidrnt, nnd universally respected in the <li trict.

\irLITAnY DrsTnrcT, No. ·!.

'.l'hc n.uthorizcd sl1·ength of thr Acfo·c ~iilitia in this <liqfrict is ::,226 (oiliccrs :mJ

urnn), exclusive of the Civil Set·vico Rifle Company, which docs not n:•ccivo pay, nllll

nlthougli a corps that would he of n1luc ns a home g11n11l in :m crncrgr.ncy, it. con Id not

easily ho available for active service. The actnnl number who h:\\'e drillc1l for

1871-72 is 2,6·H, shewing a. deficiency of 591,

The force consii;ts of

1 Field Battery of Artillery.

1 Brigade, and 2 Battcri<>s of Garrison Artillery.

(i Battalions nnd 3 In1l<.'pcndent Companies of Infrmtry .

:m.rl is compo~etl of tho following corps :-\\T nnting to complete.

Ott.awn. Fielcl Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . G

Ottn.wa Brigade of Q;irrison Artillery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Onn<lllO<jUO Battery .........................•. . ..

Iroquois do .....................•.•.•....

18th Batt:ilion .........•.•......••.••••........• ! lst ilo ........................•....••...

12ml ClO ................... ................ 43rd do ..... ............................. !'iGth do .................................. !i!'th do ....................... ...........

12 lG 39

19 IGO 5~


Totnl. •... ... ;,94

ln nd1lition to thl' nhon' lhere is tlic nrl)Ck\'illO nnd Oltnwn Rnilwny n.ltt1•1y of

G1wrison _.\rtillc1·y nu111lw1·ing 77. the Ott:lWn Uille Comp:my numbering 3 ol1iccr· nud

3G men, arnl the PPmbroke Infantry <.:omi1any, 2 olliccrs. 3' 11011-commi~ ·ioncd offil."el

nntl 11w11.

9 Battori<'.s of Gnrrio;;ou _.\ l'fillcry (2S ofiicers, 43 i men). wer d1;1Jcd for sixteen da) s

M nrtillerv in Fm·ts Henn· nml Frcdcaick nt ring ton, uudcr the in h,1eLion of J.icut. Colonel F;ench, l n p cto1 .. of .Artillery, "ith mnrkccl nd,· ntag ,- 1 G4 o 'i rs. 1,9 ll men,

with !lO hot"BCS' Crl t\sscmhlcd in n hrigndo cnmp of~- rci at Pro .. cott for ixt '11 days

Page 16: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

.. o

n l th Brock\ ill . n l Ott ' H ih · ' G rii on Artillery corp nlso pcrfo1111e<l

n dn)s d1 ·u.

1G4 offic l,!IU 1 en. ·->lo.:> with flO h

~'er, mnrchcd from

Camp nt l're nott wns forme1l on the 1 :!th

, h force ru;scmblcd (strength us per rnnrgi11,) hoing

i1 to camp d1ielly by railway. stoamboat, ancl waggon.

'!'he Ott." Field J~nttcr~' with fom· guns arnl rm horf:CS how­

)lt:'rn , with the Ott1rnn llitlc Company ns nn e cort, a distance of59

mil , cat"l")ing thch· su1 plies, enmp cquipn~c, ammunition, :uul pro1H·rly c11uippetl for

fi ld &'nice. On th~ 25th • cpteml er l iuspcctc1l this camp, whil'h Wl\fl formed on the

Om crnmcm:. groun 1 nt Pre colt, clo · to Vort \\' ellington, tho Brig:11lo l)(•i1;g unrlcr the comm nd of Li ut. Colon 1 Jnck on, ("ho, in the nusenc0 of Lic11t..Colo11d Atchcrlc·y

connunndcd tho militia of th· di tJ;d,) Major ... cott. 4~nd Battalion acting as supply

off er, ( nptuir1 lilcDonnl l. 59th Bnttnlion, as B1igntle )lajor, Lient.-\V cntherlcy, CiTil

s 1 ice> Hitle'I. . )Juskctry Instructor, and Captaim; ButtcrfiPld nnd \Velis ns Orderly

Officcra. The condition :mcl npp rnnc of tbe Brigade wns satisfactory, the majority of the:mcn

bein" ble-h:xli 1 • nd in tho prim of life; their nrms rm<l accoutrementt-i were in i;ervice­

ble order, and th y h d aClJU. ed con idemble cfilciency in tll'ill. Tho Ottawa Field

Battery w s prncti el in gun drill, driving drill, field manmuwcs, firing with shot, shell

nd case. The in ;pc tion of t11i butt 1y wns made hy the Inspector of Artillery, who

report t11. t "the gun ch ill ". g od. ch;, in~ nrnl mano:uning goo<!, nn1l that the ofiicrr

commnn•Jin!; wns 'H•ll up in fielcl drill. bnt that t11e hattery took fin~ days (including

one Sunrlny) t-0 m rch to camp, anti that the di~tnnce mi3ht h1wc been clonr: in two, or at

rno t three cb;s." A lJntt ry of Horse Arlillerv of the Ilcrrnlnr .Arnn· in En,,laud on ... 0 ... .n '

the conch1>io11 of tic • tttumn m<tn•.uuues lust $cl'teml1cr, marche<l to \V oolwi<'l1 in onr

1 ,., a clistanc of forty four mil .

This camp" 'i ite 11 y Hi Exe lli>ncy the Governor <:<'ncml, uccmnp.uiie<l hy

'' I membc of the Government, ''ho expre eel approbation at the appearance of the

brig l . The whole of U.(' In~ ntry '~ re practised in company, hattalion antl hrig.idc

tirili. and p rfo1mc<l 1h prescribed com of tnrget prnctico. 'l'ho supply nncl tran~port

1 nngements w re well c:u rioo out.

The b t hootin' bntt lion in this di trfot was the 11st, figure> of merit, 11.G 1; the

t hootin 'c m1 ny' a No. 4. C011p uy. 41 st Battnlion; aw! tlu• h<!sl shot in thr

di rict ' s ._'erj nt ""illi m 1cN nughton, ... o. 3 Company, 41 st Dattalion. 'lhC' in pcction of th B1 b il111 and Ott! w.i Hnilway Battery wns rnndc hy Lieut.·

Colon I J k on on 2! t NoH'mb r, \\hoe r port 011 the corps will bo foull(l in the Ap1 ncl" .

H ·fi rri th B 11 t. J.,


to omm

ruit" " co1-p!! in this di tiict "ithout lire n istnnc" of

f o inio 1 th tit. c:mnot 110 dono satisf11ctoril).

p o 1 of 11 in Mili u·y Di trict No. 4, I 1,eg

l of (' ' lry coq , the fo11n tion of 1mvtJ1cr tidrl in th di trict Bnd two companies of onginoers.





)ln.1TAHY D1srnwT No. 5.

Tho nnthori1.ccl str<'ngth of the Active :Militia. in thil! district is :S,2 4 (officers :mu

men), tlic nctnal 11u111her who JK'rformed t111• .1.\111111111 Drill is :l,8G5 (officers nnrl tnt'n),

1N1xi11g 1, 1, !J (ofiiccrn and rncn) wanting, to compl~t<: i the deficiency in the different

nnns being nH follows :-

PrcsPnt tllltl1orizl'd sLrmgtl., Officers.

CaYalry . .... .. ..................... 12

Fi<'lcl Artillery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;;

Garrison Artillery a111l Infantry. . . . . . . . 371

Actual stnmgth inspected.

C:a ,·nlry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

T'i<'l<l Artillery. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Gf\nison Ai;!,iller~· :md'Infantry. . . . . . . 2S4 Tims leaving a deficiency in

CnYalry ............ ............... .

l~ield Artilll'l'Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .

(fa1 rison Artillery ancl Infantry. . . . . . . . ' 81

The force consi1>ts of

2 Sqnn.Jrons of CaYalry.

1 1"icl1l D.1tt-0ry. 1 Bri~ndt\ aml 2 Batteric~ of Garrison Artillery.

2 Companies of Engineers.

10 Bn.ttnlions, ancl

N. C. Officers nncl :i\fon. 220 'i 4


I '"<) I..,

64 3.581




ri Companies of Infantry, n111l is composNl of tl1e following corps:-

Montreal Troop.

~t. Andre\\ 's Troop.


, hPrhrook••

C11 mlr !/·

Pi· Id Artillery.

C<1n·ison .Artillery.

Montreal H1·ign1lc of Gnnic;on .\rLillCL·y.

~t. Joh n's lbttt.!ry

., Engineers.

t C'ompnny of ~lontrcnl EnginN't'i.

~nd .,

Page 17: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery


Ist Battalion (Hifios). Infantry.




5 ht ii 2nd




GO th

" ., "


,. and the Aylmer, Ear!llm-, D

. rnmmonclville, Thurso, nml Wakefield rompanie::. of Infantry. · , independent

Lieut. Col. 0::.bornt> F:mith C ~f G · · • · ., commands the mil't" · ti· 1. . nt pre.,ent emploved 0 • 1 . . · 1 ia. m us < istnct (nlthouah

. n pec111 sernce 111 Manitob ) .th o mnintnininrr the force in this d" . t b : • a , w1 regnrcl to the prospect of

~ tstne \" tmstmrr to ··o]u t 1 states:-" .\s n lar'!o mun be. f ti . . o ' n ary enro ment alone, that officer

" ' o tc men m the district ill I . tl1e conclusion of the J>rcsc t ~ . " comp etc then· sen·ice before

n tmnncml Year I lia>e d 1 muuicatiom; 'l>ith office 'S d" • , ' • en cavourec to ascertain by corn-

1 commnu ID" corps wheth tl . recruits or re-cnlfate<l men rk I o , er iey comml<'1· it prohnblo that


n · nrc l ·c y to fill the rank f tl . . ,, ith ·very f1>w cxcc'>tions tl . . s o icn· respective battalions.

J ic ans\\ e1-s are m the r:r f . exvressecl that the ballot ·) I.' neon 1\ e, and a. stronrr desire is

. ma} .ie cn10rccd " Lieut 0 1 l 0 ,_ ,.., . \\ lnc11 will be found in the \ d. . .· o one suorne Smith, in his report

" " ppcn ix, states:- ' )[y pc1"'<onnl obser\·ntion in1luces Ille t-0

sn.ti t1e<l that unless nn cmcr"cnc'· sh 1.1 . endorse these opinions. Indeed, I feel ti . - .• 011 < arise the 'lctu· J t h

ie ensum!{ drill season be f, 1 ' ' ·l 5 rcngt of the district will at · · ' ourn nt, len.'lt OllC'-t hi rel ] l) · · ' it h pe1fectly and disti1,cth· understood 1 .e1;s i'.m it is nt p1·cscnt, unless that

, · 1 . • t int drafting will I 1 l . re ~en ta districts ,, hicl . f . >c I' nccc m operation in

i may not urmsl1 the auth : l r.orps Cit present ga::.etted." qnotn as est"Ui.q/ied l1y t/1e

With the exce11tion or th .... H l ' e i1foutrcal Garrison \ 'l·11 . • .

c ens Island for the I~ of . .L t i CI)' wluch <'ncnmpccl on St. Ga . . o11nn11ce their Annual Drill l I

n".l.son .\rtillen· which 1 ·11 d . ' anc t ic St. John's Dattery of • 1 • . . • ' < n c nt 1ts own local head ·tc m t ns clistnet were nssembl l t I . . ·<p1a1 111, tho whole of tho corps J I C< n .npmme fol' sixteen <l • l ·11 t IC w wlc of the availaLle co . . :tJS < 1·1 ' tog1·ll1f'1· \\ il11 nearly

rps helongmg to :,\filitnrv Di~trict No G . D" . . l f'nmp 1'1 e ~ 1 • • · , i11 a iv1s101111

• 1 oi·ce 1ero asse1n bl<'cl ( t . 1 wns forme l . t I . s 'eugl I a1 (>Pl' mnrgin)• ti in o t ircc lmr:rn<lcs th ·J I 1· ..

10 command of the senior offi J. 0 '

0 '' w o 1 1• 1s1on b1:i1w under f iccr, Mut.-Ooi Osborne ~ "ti ti l o 0 corp , &h., &c .. is hown in thn tnb 1 . · . - ' '01 1 i w < et.nilr; of th" sfrc1wth

• u lr msp ct1on reti . tt l I " repo1i Ill tl1c appendix. Th t . . 11118 n ic rn to Licut .. ()ol. Smith's 1 mops rn tlu e< mp (" h · 1 t n nuy of tho oth for111 1 in t D . . .'c i Wt more numcrou Iy nttenclc'cl

th · 1 1111 11 c1U1 m..,. tho t S:lmc rce;ulation i L foe t l "' I s11111mcr), were 11n<lcr d }> 0 pay nnc supply tho o nt e l · I T·

nn J'OSCott. The I>h·i.sion:il staff •0 ·nc i, • ingnrn, Kingston was formed 1"b"· th d . '

a. " e ttn ormcntionecl otTicnrs:

Officen nud Men ~,310.



Licnt.-Cul. Gillmor (:2nd Queen's Ow11 Jlifl ) acting ns .ASHistnnt A1ljutnnt General;

Lient.-Col. :McKay ('.\Iontreal Garrison Artiliery}, ns A istunt Quartermaster Gcncrnl;

J,icut.-Col. :Moore (nnnttache<I), ru; Camp C~uartc1 m.1stcr; LieuL-Col. Bacon, l\Iajor, as Musketry Instructor; :\Iajor Dowker, Monlrc:il Ganison .\ rtillery, as :::up:ply Offic('r; Captain )lcKay, :\Iontreal Garrison Artillor,>, ns .Aidc.Jc-C. mp; Lt.. oloncl

Osborne Smith reports that his " warmest 11cknowlndgcu1cnt.s arc due t-0 these ofiic 1'8 for

tho inuofatigablo zeal ancl ability with wLich they performed their ,·arious duties." Ifn, ing

personally wilnesseil lhc manner in which thr1!e olticcrs ach'd, it afl(mh; rnc g1cat plca5uro

to boar l!illlilat· lostimo11y, and to convey to them my owu lie::uty thanks. .A m11cl1

larger number of men than was at first expected, Jun ing joined this camp sudclcnly, :\

i;evero strain was, for two or th1·00 days, put upon the limitc1l supply :111d camp equip­

ment l'OSOnrcc" of the )Iiliti;~ Dep u·tm •nt, but tho staff wero equal to the occasion, :uul

.Mnjo1· Dowker proved himself an ene1·gdic nnd ~1puble supply officer. 'fhe routine of

urill null duties, as prc...,cribed in the General Orders of :ith l\Iny, I i 1, '' ns carried out,

as for ns circum'Stauces and time would ndmit. l "us present. for i;cYcrnl days in thiJJ

camp, ancl not ouly in::.pected but pers01mlly mustered overy otliccr, man, and horse, for

pny and rations.

'fhc )font.real Field B.lttery. unfortunately. (owing to tho difficulty cx11Cricnce<l in

olitaiuing hor,,es), was only able to join the cmnp for four 1lnys, nnd then with horse:~ of

all 1:>orts and sizrs,. not accustomed to <lonhle ham~ -it w~ practi.., ... >tl in !!llll <ldll nml

fidtl malHCllYl'Oi>, the Inspector of Artillery r\!porLc1l tllPir !!llll drill a' rer!J [JOOd1 tho

dri,·ing indifferent. '\"'ith regard to this hattcry, which is C•)lllmauued l1y a Z•"lloui. nud

ene1·getic ofliccr, nrnl composed of nu intelligent nml fine body of men, the O\ or 1"0CmTiag

dit1icully it experience:. in procuring hor;-;e whcuc,·cr rc<r1irml, either for nclnal . en i(e

in defence of the co11nt1-y, or fol' the pcrforn1nncc of tho Ann1111l Drill. practically •em w rendPr it non-effective. In alh11li11_;.( to thi:> battery in his report. the fo,..pcctor of

Artilli•ry says, "In lbiO when the llloutreal Ficltl Il.lttc1·y wn,, 0t"1.le1e<l out to repel n

F1·ninn n1id, this battery, it will he remcmboreu. kf11t n ~i.iucm \\aitin!! for l'CY rol hours, and ''as et'e11t1wlfy « day too la.le fol' the ntfoi1· at Trout Ri,·ei· ;"' thi,, was greatly

lo he rcgrettetl, lmi fo1· the ab:;cnco of hoi. e:-. it 111i~ht ha\ e been wilh the troops 011 lhnt

occaRion, "hen w.mtecl, aucl kul an opportnn t: of th1'0\\ in!! a few :<hot 01· !lhell» nmong

tht- miscreants then in nuling the Dominion, but "ho seemingly would not nJ1pro.i.d1

i10a1· 1·n011gh the troops lo he reached liy nny other de: cription of fo"I.'. The I n"pcctor of Arlillt>IT in his n•porl fnrlhcr nmiarks tlint ''the ,.,,;uuc hattc1y could only tnm out

for four 1la) sat L~1prairic this yea I' (1;:;71 ), the utliccr co111111nnding hin ing to prollli e the

)ll'oplc '' 111.> s11pplie1l him with ho1-,; '"· that. th(•y \\Cro to be rct11rnc1l within thnt time;

imch n. state of alfai1·s is hi!,{hly ulijcctionnulc, nn1l I \\011ld ngniu urgently 1"00omme111l tho cnrol111cnL of d1·uuyl1t hor., s for Fi ul /Jc tt ri s."

'l'he en\',\ 1 t')', co11~hting of b\ o s11 und run . \\ ns form~l i nt-0 n pi O\ i.'ionnl regiment

during lho perio1l the cnmp \\ 1\s in operation. uncle1· tl1c corumnnd of the senior c:wnlry

oilicer, :'ll:~or Hm·,,·u h, of the ~t. .\mlrcw' froop. One of t110 qu 1l1"U11 , ft'Olll U10

I:ttstcm to" us hip murche1l by roa1l «.1 join tho camp from their homes a di:;kmco of 110

Page 18: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

· 1 r nci· '!'he men in these i\\ o i:;11uadro11s, rnil , in thl'\,"C dny~, returning m t 1c same mn 1 • •

I l . · blc horses their arm" nnd nccoutrP111cnts wen• m good order were mountec on goo< sci' 1cea , . · · · l tl · cli \\Ont these men 'vcrc ,•rry lurnuy nt. camp life, an<l hut theu· umtonu c o 1111" urn , . •. . .

I "tl tl t.ofthe h'OO]> on nu open pl:un, m n very short tune, with nlthou"h encampet vol i 1c re 0

• 1 1 . .1 fliordcd or tJ1cy could fintl nt hn111l, tlll'y crt•cteu camp such mnterin n." t 10 g1ou11u n 1 • •

''· · I f 'tnblo descri1ition "lierc tl1l' a111111:1ls Wf'l'l' comfortablv ~·table,; for wen· io1"i;CS o n sm ' .

I l / . n" eii lci d im1t0 ... sihlc. In this i111portn11t part of tho d\lty of :<CClll'C< , nn< " i;tumpri 171;> 1 t .

l b I I ·'oi·'it)· to the cor1is of that arm a11~wmlilc1l nl the camps 111 tl1c 'a\'a rY t cv s 10wo< supe11 ·

P · • t;O •- · 'l'li • i'ii"ttltl'\' con isled of no less than nineteen lmttalions, most of 1'0\'lllCC o 111.ul'IU. l ll • · .

l I : .... llv YctY wt•nk indt'ed some col'ps 011 par:uh• \\ere nrtually w lOlll iOWC\'Cl' were lllll11CI i(~· • ~ •

lit.tie :norc thai: l\\O cornpanies s;rong in point of appearam·c-the who~c forcr., howcYer,

) l. · · I le nncl <leI>lO\'Cd in one line with tho r•gulttt{!d mte1Tals between w ien on t n·1,,101U\ 1iarm . • · . l l · .,.. · 1,., npi>carnuce eo\'erin" nn extent of about one nnle and-a-half corpc; pre-en ct nn im1,,,~u ,., • • , "'

uf ,,1~uncl. Ou mu,.,tering Ute force, l found nearly the whole of tho 3rd Dri!.(atle to be

"' l f .... 1 .,....kin•v Uanndi m .. nml in the two other lnfande~, although the compo:.e< o x N"nc 1 s1,__.. c • • · · . . srent uiajority of the men wero English ,..peaking, bemg struck with ~he numl.>e: of }'rcuclt Canadian uam~ \\bile calling tlic rolls of the diffcre11t compamcs, I obtamed

an accurate retum of the number of }'t~nch ,.,peaking Canadians in the camp, and they

c.xceecled in number. The nppenmnc.-e and condition of the majority of the iufant1·y corps m thi~ can~p,

in respect to drill, condition of 11nus, accoutrements, and solclierliko hearing, wns mfer~or on tlie whole to \ho majority of the infantry corps assembled in tll<' Province of 011tano,

ruthou«h there were exception~; lmt the rneu, although gr.ncially speaking not so tall,

looked.:. at l"ast r1uitc r..s ]iardy nncl rohtL'>l, irnleed :;omc Jf the nm1l companies, of l~~th French and l3titish descent, looked fit to nnder30 great hard. hip, and the atlaptnbihty

of all to camp life wns mo t striking, indeed in this Yery import.nut part of milit:iry

instruction, not only ha vo both :French and .En!!lish speaking Call:ltlians Ii ttlc to learn from

any anny, but they could tench a lesson lo many.

Lieut.-Coloncl O bomc , ·mith reports thnt .. the ~cncral conduct of tht troops was

excellent," that lie believes" so large a numlJer of men was never ns!wmhle1l for tl1e time

"ith such an entire absence of crime, nnd so litth• irregularity," ancl tlwr1' was no serious

case of sickness; two fatal accitlents 11n\·e, however, \o he 1·egrcttetl, ouc arising frorn

dro\\ nin:! '~ hilc b.~tliing. tlte other from th~ c:u·elcs:; haw Hing of f~ rifle•. TIH' ta rgeti pmc·

tico '' n.5 carried out as far us po iblc. '!'his eamp wa:; 'isitc<l also l1y Lie11t.-Uc11crn.l f'ir

11 nstings Doyle, f'r>ll11l1<'1lding 11 er ..\fajesty's Heg11lar Troops in l:l'i l ish X orlh ~\ mt•ricn.

The Jlonf)l"able the :Mini tcr of illilitin and DL•ft·ncc \', itnt>s e<l a pamdo of th~ cliviRion, nrnl

nftm\wnrd inspected the c.imp, n le:>' co on the occ'lsion hci11g hcl•l \\ hir·h wns nttcwlc<I

Ly tho wh<1lc of the ofiicc11:; in camp.

Jn Order to afford practice in lllOVing troopM1 it WaS al'l'Pllg<.'d to uri11" the whole fon•t• t.o • lontrcal on the 8th .T uly, m<l ft r effecting a junction with cert.tin 1•orps there

r ident, to hold a revfo\\, lla\ in0 1 tt 400 men i11 um11p 1 a guard, the l>h i ion rnon•l

fiom Ln1•rairio during tho nighL of the ith or c:irly on the mo1ning of lho Slli July,


\ I


upon ..\Iontreal, ihe men carrying one days pro,·i ion , the C 'o lry nnq .Artillery marching

to .~t. Lambert's tlwrc crossed the ri,·er :--t. l.awrcucc, tho Infantry proceeding by rood,

mil and stc:unbm1.t. On nn·ival nt.i\Iontrcal, njunction was cffcctc<I \\ith the .Montreal

Carrison .Artillery Co1·ps, an<l two batteries of the Graml Trunk Railway Brigade,

liy 11, a Force of G,l iO men was rnnsse<I in Logan's Farm. '1'110 weather was Yl'l'Y fine, autl a large n1m1be1 of spcct.~t<>l'S witne~se<l with pritlo the

concentration of this portion of tho '· C.madinn ,;\.I-my." Thi> fielcl day provcil very 1mccessful, and the nppe;mmcc of the troops on parade n.s well as when

marching, 1mbseqncntl,r (as a di\'ision) through the principal streets of Monti cal,

was vel'y cl'cditahlc. The Troops from Lnprnirio returned lo camp the '-'UlllO clay wit11out

accitlcnt to man or hor.~e, after ma1·chi11.g an :wemge tlis~'lnce of sixteen miles, nnil tv. ice

effecting the pns,.,age of the river St. Lnwrmtcc; the whole of the armngemcnt.s conm·ctell

with this march were planned by·o.rnl Clll'l'icd out under the order<; of Lieut.·Coloncl

0 liomo milh, C'. :,){. G., that officer lun:ing she'm much nbiliLy on the ocru ion.

"•ith icg1ml to the .~ctiYc :\lilitia in this •lislrict, not only nt'C nil the corpc; more or

les:s i11cornph·tc in men. !mt the proportion of <Ja,·o.lry nnd Field Anillery, ,·cry iusui­ficicut; the tlbtrict (cornpric;ing three Lri:!adc di,·i,..ions) is o.u one, n large portion

of it hcing tu the south of the HiYcr :'t. La,nence. co,·e1iug the ,.,-ealthiebt, most.

populous, aud important city in the Dominion. (.i\lonti·pal,) nnd it j,, moreover , cry

open to att~lck in case of inYa.-;ion on the southtm fro11ticr.

111 order to complete the mnks of corps to thei1· proper :,trcngd1, Lieut.·l'ol. l),,1101 uc

~mith advocaws the Ballot, bnt tbcro ai~ some com111:mdu1~ officers who c;till tlii11k

that th"Y nrny be ah!t• to maintain their corp:s hy Yoluutary l'llrolnwnt : thu co111111n1Hlcrs of the Carnlr~· • .Ficltl B;1ltcl'y, one hat talion au<l l wo illflepcn<ient companies of infantry

arc of this opinion. nut Lieut.-Col. :McKny, COllllilUlldiug the Garrison Artill ry who

t•xpcct-; to lo"ic about 100 men on completing their pcriocJ of :.e1'l'icc : )lajor r cnnecl.',

comuuuHling the Engineer,.; .iO men : Lieut.-Coloncl Bond. oommandin3 l!iL Batt.nlion,

1 GO men ; )£njo1· :Jlni·tin, commnndu1~ Gth Rattnlion. GJ men ; Lieut. E ,tJiorno c"°m­

mamli11g 'l'lnmm l 11fimtry Company. ::!.i men : 'apuiiu Oates, "··Lketielcl Infantry Com

puny l;i men. nil con~ider that the Ballot ~houltl now he npplicd. and Liuut.-Colonel Bl•tl1111w, <·ommnnding the :3rd. Bntt.nlion (Yictorin Hille ), "ho cxpecb that ne:irly

tlic ''hole uf his mm will claim tlwi1· di charge on the t-Ol'minntion of theil' periOll ut'

sen ice, npplics fu1· authorib- to fill tho l'•lllk of his B.1ttalion hy means of tl10 B 1lloL

It ~ct·m~ that, although Yer~ 111:111y men in tho < iity Col'ps of )lontrcal nro de.'>im11., of

,joi11ing 01' l'C·Clll'OJlin~ in the l'Cspt•diYU lJoq1s, they fil'C pmctirolly Jll'C\'cnted fl\llll tloin~ .so i11 1uany instancc:. hy the action of ihc cmployt'l. of lnliol', "ho from .sdfish inoti\t~

1 C•t11ii"· ihoSl' tht•y employ to dnim thci1· di chnl'gc fro111 tho .Acfo c )filitia. he.fore t•11g;1gin~ them fur ci\ ii sc1Ticl'.

I hcg to i·ccommeud thnt the ( 'avnlry in t11i ui tricL he i11c1·ca, ... d l•y six troop , to l>e

ror111cli Ollt Of tlH• ngricultnl'llJ popu!atiOll in the frontier OOUll{ic,-; .)f J11111tingdo11,

;\J issis•t11oi, ~hcfli:ml. H1·om1'. :-;tan. tcad nntl "ompton, and all the troop" ot C'a,-nlry then

fcmn I into one distrid rcgimenL t.o be uumbcrc l tltc .. 5th Hcgiml'nt of Ca\ahy," that. 6-1"

Page 19: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery


• ,. 11 \ .. ·11 • bo formed in that portion of the district south d l. . l batter1e of 1•1c t "' hl en

two n c 1tionn • f to ho a.t Granby of tho other at n· st !Awreuce tho hend quarters o one . ' of the .Hl'Hll • .' • l . of Fn1rinccrs be formed, n.ncl if tho respec-

k th t two ndd1tionn comp::nuc" , " . . :--herhroo e., n l t l b . 'olnnt:n'\" enrolment, as pronclccl for m the . f 11 ms cannot be comp e e< ~ • tn c corps o n ar . t·o in onkr to obtnin the required number of men. lnws, thnt the Ballot he pnt iuto opem I n,

~IILn'.\RY l.>1sTn1cT No. 6.

. f 1 • , •f • ~Iilitii~ in this Dii;trfot (which is nuder the The nuthonze~l trcngth o t ic •>c n t! .i. • • ·l r l) ·, " ·).)1' hnt the actual nnmber :rv:nlablc, and'' io l f r ieut -Colonel l nrwo0t . i,, •',-- ·

l.-Otnmnm 0

• • 1 trill f 1 ,_ 1_ -.1 is 1 :iJ&.!. lcn.ving"l.,il6 w<tnting to coDlplete. The lwrfonned thl' nnnnn < o ' '-, ' l f M . . T 0

. . . f ti It! J'atrolion under the commnnc o .i. il.JOt • • .F -cc in thi ri1-.tr1ct con tst o ic I " . • cl. £ t 01

• tl t' f the .Anmml Drill, only mustered fonr ollicerll an or y J..nbrnnche '' h1ch nt It 1me 0 }' <l . . • (~ciucr nctualh hclow the strength of one company). The 6-ith Batta ion un er

" " men. "' • G • h B tt r L' e 1t Colo1\el Baudry, . C I I Rodicr "3 otliccrs, 1:;4 men; the <>t a n ion, I l . · J.1t>ut.- o one "' ' - . . 1· 1 ~ fti · · 100 men · the

- . 1- ' . th 'l'h1 ea Hh·ers Pronino11al Batta ion, "" o ceus, ' 11 ofi1ccr'. J::> men , e , · h p . · · · l • • 1· i- ffi . 1:1-1: men· the Bt. Hyacmt c 1ov1Slon.1 .loliettc P1·ons1onnl Bnttn ion. ' o cer~, ' . . • •· ·-

1• l' 11 officPl'S 14;1 men: and 1 j independent compames of lnfimti), ·Hz. u tro ion, ' 3 officen; 30 men;

'fho Como Hifle Company, .................................... 2 ' 32

St. ,J can l~aptistc ., .... · · · · "· .... · .. " · ... """ .. ·" " 3

, " cl :) ~' ,t ,, ·1. Eu.«ta IC .................................. .

3 !"t. Benoit ,, · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · .. · .. · · · ·.... 11

:-o-t. Placide ,, ...... · ....... · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · .. · 3 ., [n t • •" ) I. :} l l

Ste. l' lllC ,, I •·•.( ' · '\ ·o·······~~~b·~ """~ Heauharnoi (~.~\J~~. ·~ ··· ............... " '' .... -icolct ,, ·. ·· · · .. · · · · · · · .... · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·.. 3 11

Gen till) ,, · · ·· .. · · · ·· ·· · · · · · · · · .... · · · · · · · · · · 2

Becnuco 11

:--t. Gertnttl ·

Yictori 'ille 't. :K01be1t • L C: regoiro

"olfi town

" " ., II


···························· ..... . 3

··································· :; ................................... 3 .. o o o oo O o o. •••I• I I I I • • •I II I I•• I• I I • I .,

.................................. :J

.................... ·············· :1

~o. I Com1 11~, Hn Hlon ................................... 3

• • 2 ., " ... ...... .. ..... ........ a

" " " " " ., , . JI


:rn " 1:3 " ;l() " ;32 ,,

... ~ ,,, " :JO .,

20 ,, i! ,, :.rn

" :!u ., :!:> ,, .{~

" 1~ II

4i II

\b<lP-r11 r

Th• co111 (11 ml'd in tho 111:11 !!in), "c1-c 1 em bled. l\L

I I i1ie C mp, for their .Annunl Drill, four compiuuc-, k ,;ne Three Riv1;rs, N. Y nlcre de UnUrotlc,

1 1~, ,: e1 nllo" d to perfonn chill nt thei~ Li u t.-Colon 1 H rv. oocl ("ho wn:.

1 tb \uuu I J)rill t. he Laprairie


r '

' I

Inf!\ntry Cnrnpany, St. N orliert<l 'Arthah:LBkl\

Infantry C'omp:i.ny, \Volfe11town.

Infnntry('ornpany,Sk. <lcrtrudc.

Infantry Company, Gl'utilly.

I) " _,

Camp,) informs me that he con iders the n!>plication of the

Ballot necessary to mnintain Corp in this District numerically

dlicient, he, after lmvi11g consulted with the oflice1

co111111a11ding corp in my !Ji.strict, J hn "'come to the conclu ion that tltr. Ballot. must he rosm·recl to. lnfontry · ('om1mn~·.

In~l~~~cour.C'ompany, "Nc,·ernl well-to-du p ·rso11s l1:wc told me tlrnt 11H•y v. 01111!

8t. GrC'l:l"oirt" willingly ~l1oulrlo1· tl1c 11111sket \\ cro they obliged so to tlo, hut Jn fan try C'ompany, Nicolet. that t]wii- occ11p~tions wo11ld not allow thetn t-0 \'Oluntarilj

No.lCompany, lhwclon I I • 1• • I · · I · ,. · No.2Vompany,Rawdon neg ect t 1eu· uu1:1mas~ nn< 1111p:ur t 1e1r 1ortunes, forgettm",

nndonutedly, at that moment, that to conh'ibnte to the clefi·nco of l1is country i n ere!

debt due to e\·e1-y man, therefore, accor1fin~ t-0 IU}' hu111ble opinion. the o!"l}y ju t and legal way to }1ave e\'ery one share e11nnlly is the Ball&l, so 11:· that ll!eans ,,, er) one

will ac'lufre, in rotation. the military knowlcdzo 11ec'1ssat')' now-n-<la.ys t0 C\·ery gooJ citizen.

"I will nl~o adil, that, from what I hc:lr from C'orn111nudiug Officers Qf Co1 p . it j ,

my firm belief thllt two-thirds of the men who Jinn: ""l"\'l•tl their time. will nsk to be discharged."


The antho1·izecl strength of the ActiYc ~Iilitia. in this Distrfrt; is J.1H2 (ofl.itic1i; anti

men). 'I'ltc nuiubet· who h:n·e performf'd the .\1ttrnnl D1·ill for 1::-il-i:!, is :l.iS! (ofiicc~ uncl men), l<'a.\ing 1,228 (ollicers nnd men) w.u1tin~ to complete. This Di ... t1ict is under

the command of f,ieutenant-Co!onel C:1s;mlt, C.i\LCT .. hut nt the time of the Amrnnl Drill.

that otlicer being nb::;ent ou sprcial scnice in the PrO\ incc of M miwba, the <'.Ommnnd

devolved on Licutenunt-Colonel Dnchcsnay, Brigade • fnjor. The Force in the Di trict consllits of :--

l Squ.ull'Ou of l'avnh._,._

l Battery of Field .Artillery.

Brigadl' of Gani on • \. rtillcr.' . i lhtt;dions, nrnl

I lndcpcnde.Dt Compnni<'" of lnfatttr.\-, "ith

:3 ' I ·u·ine ('omp:mics. and is l'Ompr.he•l of the following <'01 ps:

Garnlr!J. Queht'e &1mHlro11 -T\\ o 'froops.

l'iel<l Artill y. Quch<.'c 1!:1tt<.'1·y.

Om-ri801 .A rt ill .·.11.

l~11ehec nl'i~ndc Of I :arJ iSOll .\ rfilll"'l',I.

Page 20: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

l a~nlrv ·­Quebec HU!3ars: 1 S11nnd

ron, 11 Offic n, 110 'froopenr, 12G Hora

rielo 1 ..\rtillery :­Quebec llntury1 & Officers il (;unucr1 ana Drhcrs, GG Hut'lles.

Infar try: 9th H:ittah n, 2G OIFr r1,

248 .Men. 17th B ttalion, 29 Ufficer1

3r.7 '.\!en. !:!rd ll:1ttalion, 230ffiC\7»

310 Mt'll. V!lth :W ttalion, 22 Offa: n1

232 .Men. i'Otb Battalion, 2.i Offi

216 Men.


I l{l nfl'!f·

~th ll.\t alion.

9th do

li'th clo

::!:lnl 1lo

[>:Ith 1\0

G \st 110

ill th 1\0

P.-m·isi1mctl JJattnlious.

Chn1fo, oi.."\'. Bl\ttalion.

norche~ter do

Knmoura~ka dn

Portneuf do

Rimou.::ki do

Tcmi countn do

Quebec County clo

Fox 11iver l 11fantry Company.

<fas pi· clo ,;\lnrin di>

Metapc<liac tlo

Jlfarine Com pa 11iPS.



Sc'' (' rli le. Tlic 8th Dattalion (._trulncona Hilles) c·o11111111ndctl 1.y

Lieutenant.< 'olonel ]{eevc. a111l the dctnel11uent of the Quebec

< :11111 on • ..\ rtilfory at " 01'0 se Ts le," pcl'for1111•cl the Annual

D1ill o.t their own heatl-q11m·te1·s. ccnnpleting tlwil' t'Olll'Se of

instl'ltction in sixteen 1luvs. 'l'lw 8th Battalion. wnR inspccl<'<I Ii) Lieutenant Colonel

(1 :i.ult, ('. LC., at <~ucbPc, who repol't thnt for profici<'ncy •

in dtill nncl smnrt nppe:mmce on pamd(', it is. an•l has lieen

for some tim ·J tho fast <'oq s in the Di t1 ii.:t.

'l'11 • Qu I cc Onn ison A.l'till<•ry

GI t Batt:llion

Cha1lovoix Bnttnlion

o file •111. 1'1 i•n. I:! 18



Dorchester BBttalion, 1G Ofliccm. 180 Men.

f''ounty of llucL c Batta the• remaiuin" a\ lion, lli(llliccm.183\ltn a ,, .Urigad . (' WlJ•,'' fo1111 d

l'ortueuf llnttali•m, 19 Officers, :l29 .Mcu. wltich \\ in opc1 tion f, r ·x

Kruuourn!!lm H:itt.'\liun, rn Ollk• rs, rn1 )tcu. ThiFI 111-igndQ ( trcngth and cor1 s ns pet• mat gin) num-

T1m1iscouatB Hattnlion, l:! otticCl'I.', 108 i\l~n. hel'cd ~. ~~G (oflice1 .md 11t('n) of nil ll'lll , of whom Lieut"nant

mo:fi~~~. 11,~~t1i~,~~1 • l!t Colonel l > 1 ·port 2.GfiS were French spc.,kin , C' n-

acli:ms. I i11spPclccl tli111 wl1ole of the eorp" composiug this Brig. de. The ...,q11ndro11 of

( ':lY:llry ('' Que I.we If nssarn ") was under the • ornm lW l of Lic11lcnnnt.('olonel f<'oni) th.

Tiu• men of this l'<t1iadron }•resented n sol1lier likP appear:mcC', th ir nrms nn1l

accoutl'cnwnts wcro in \'c1y goo•! tJrdc1·, more o thim nny othc1· of tl1e f'avnlry

coq1s in the Dominion. '!'hey \:('I'<' nl o fnirly mountc><l, nml I was glad to remnrk

that ai11011g:;t both ollicer . ., and men thero was n considernble <lc!ITC'.e of'· esprit de co11>S." '1'111• Q11ehec Battery of _\.rtillcry, composed entirely of French speaking Oanndinns,

consisis of n rrood body of mna. Yery soldicrliko in th ii' he uin!!. nncl respectful in their

m:mucr townrcls thcfr ottic0 1 s. 1 v:ns much pleased \\ ith the gcneml condition nnd

efficiency of this Battery, lmt it w1i.s indifforcntl~ l.01 ed. The Pc!!imcutal Inspection

of thi,; Hatte1·y wns rnatle loy the Inspector of .Artillery. ''ho reports upon it tLat "It was pmctisccl in Gun Drill, Dri,iug Drill, nnd J<'ield )fouccunc.-.'' That the "Gun

Drill'' ancl "~Iauu•mTing" we1·c 1·•1·y good. nlso thnt "'Dic • 'nbaltc1 n Officers nrc l>ettt>r

;tccprnintc1l "i th tht·il' duties than those of any of th" others," lint that "The hors nrc thn worst of :lll_\' Bitttl'l')' in the Dominion- e' cml of thC>m mel'c ponies."

'Phis H:tttcry. in arcot'<l:mC\• with the instn1clions i sued for the trnin.illg of Field

Artillery. performed a march of twenty miles (with wnggu11s properly packec.l. cnfrcnching

tools, c;1mp c1ptip:.1._;e, small arms, ,t-c .. stmppe l in tlH•i1· pl tee ,) !)('tween the hom of six

11.m. and fin• p.m.

The Tnfimtry Co1·p~ in this l ':unp "t.rc like tho in the lLLpmiric 'unp ns n gcncrol

rule,. compose< I of good rnntcrial. hut the) lnckecl praclic in •It ill, and in regard to the of a1"111s t11ttl dothi11~, they WC're not ns smart nu I doon ns tJ10 majority of corps

inspedccl by me iu otl1rr districts. l found in this camp, ho\\ c\ er, the only Dt\tfo.lion in the

whole Do111inion thnt tnt'llt-cl out eomplcto in numb •rs for Ute Aunu. l Drill of lSil-7~.

,·iz.: the ::!3nl (Count~· HL"ancc) lhthilion.n •·French spcakingC.m dinn Corp ." Thi Bat­

talion is compos<;-11 of hardy looki1w ~ oung men, brlonginJ to the ngricultuml population •

of ('onnty n a1tl'c. It is l'Omm:mtlc l by I..ieutcnnnt-Colond Duchc nny, nrnl every officer.

no11-1·0111111issione1l oflicer, and private nllo\\ cd on the strength of the co11>s wns present nL

his post. r n l'Cgar<l to appeanrnce on p:tmcle . ml gen m! efficiency ~ho 55th ·1 l<'g1U1tic" B.lltnlion wn the lie tin t.hi camp. r I Jl' tt l to ob l'YC lllltOerous irrcguln1-itics

howe,·c1-. in some of the et•rps, nmo11g which I m iy m ntion that n few of th ofliccrs wcm

act11nlly \lll)'l'Odded with 1:1words, gh ing 1l c ct <' th t tlwy co•1ld not obtain th m in

( 'nnn~ln. If iL i the cnso thnt oflic 1 ' cannot I c purcl1 l in :mada. I would

recommf'IHI thnt n. c rtain number he purch.1 •din J:ugl n l hy th .. liliti Dc1 1 tment,

for i uc on r<'payment to such ofUcers n mn) • 1uit • th m.

Page 21: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

Tho routine of drill nncl duties observed in this l'amp ''as Rirnil11r to that ohsoi·vcd in the other sixteen dnys cnmps, nnd I lun-o c,·ery reason to he imtisfieil with t110 manner in "'hich J.ieutennnt.Coloncl Duchesnny exercised his commimd.

~'he position of the rnmp wns well choson, and the soenery st11Tounding at that

"C.'ISOll of tlie ye.w be. utifnl. I eon ider Point Levis ns a most suitable nntl appropriate

pince for the performance of the ,\11n11nl Drill hy the .\.ctive )filitiu of this Diiltl'ict.

In erdcr to pL1ce the force in this District on a proper footing, I bog to recommcncl

thnt the Cavalry he incrt>nse1l Ly four troopti, anti nil the C:1rnlry'l'roops thenfom1ecl into

a District Reginwnt, to be numbC'retl tlw '• ith Regiment of Cavalry," tlmt another battery

of Field .\.rtillcry he orgauise<l in sonw part oft he District south of the Ri vcr St. Lawrence,

that two cornpunie..; of En~inc '1-s be formed, ancl to point out thnt if the ranks of

the re pective corps caunot be completc1l by voluntnry enrolment, the Ballot, cnn be applied. On this point Liet1t.- 'oloncl Duchesnny in his report makes the following obser­,·ations :-

" The three years luwing t>:tpired for the service of companies in the Di.'ltrict, I may

state with ce1tt1inty that t11e h\O thii·J., of the volnnteers enrolled in l!G8 will claim U1eir dischar<,;e.~; l fiurl by the upir!iOnti of the several officers commanding in

the District, thnt they nil concur in stating that it will he impos!;ible to fill up the rolls !\new liy the volnnteer syst.ein only."

?ifn,JTARY D1sTnrcT No. S.

The Force in thi'l Di~trict con~i8t.-; of 1 Regiment of c~walry (7 troops); 1 Field Jlnltery C>f .\.ttilll!ry .: 1 Briga1lc of G.uri~on Artillery ; 1 CJompnuy of Engiueer11 ; .t Battnlions and 9 lndcpcudcnt Companies oflnfantry, composed of the following corps :­

The Xow llrnnswic~ Hegimcnt of Cavalry. N' C\\ castle Ficltl Hnttery.

New Brun wick Btignde of Gan·ison .\rtillcry. ..,t. John Company of Engineers.

G i th Bnltalion of T nfoutry.

llst do 1lo

7 3rd do clo

i 4th clo do

.Uathurst fn~ ntry Compm1y. Onge town d<J rlo Grand Falls do do Petit. 'nult do do :\t .• t<:phcn ilo clo St. .John, lat Jo <lo

do 2nd do 1!0

do :!rd do 1ln l>ON J laurl do do

' /




The militia of the District i~ under tho comman I of Lient.-Colonel l\[ unsell, who in hiti rt>port states that:

"1. The strength authorized fo1· t.he district is 2,M 1 of all r.lnks. "Tho number of officers and nl('Jl who hn,·c performed tlu"\ir .\.nni1al D1·ill for 1 ; 1-i~

as follows :-

Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 i3

Nou~ommissioncd Officers an<l ~fen . . . . . . . . 2,~2~

Total. . . . . . . . '.?, 10~

LcaYing 462 office~ and men \Yruiting to complct<>.

'' 'l'he aver.1ge attendance at the in~pcction of th•' 4 8 corps authorize~ was oT"er 50;

the difference being accounted for chiefly by men temporarily ahscnt from their homes or sick.

Lieut.-Col. :.\faum;ell is of opinion that captains of companies ~houhl have at least I

60 men on their rolls, supplied with GO uniforms, to ensure an average nttenrl:mce of 5t men per company and he further stites:

"The corps above referred to have mostly scrwcl their time of engagemPnt, nuil

although the11e are some praisewodhy instances in which not a mnn is desirous of le:n ing,

ancl many others in which the vacancies created hy men taking their <&charge, will

speedly be filled hy goocl nncl trne men hy tlw vol11nt-0cring system, I am of opinion

that in some few instances, chiefly in cities nnd to" ns, the necessity ;mcl desirnbility, on

military grounds, for completll1g the cleficiencie'S in the mnks liy means of the Dnllot, 1lS

prescribed and authorized by the c:ri!:> militi:\ law, is now apparent.

'' Having placed mytielf in couummieation with officer,, corp", tho

majoritr of these g<>ntlemcn bear me out, and cndorso the nbovc opinion ; and, when

properly understood, I nm convinced that it will produce ~oocl re ul~ if the bo generally adopted throughout the Dominion. in ca.'>es where no more t·olu11turs c.(m be

obtai11ed, to call upon that class of the couununity ·comprisins tho:-e of the age of ei.,hteen years and upwnrcl<;, but under thirty years, \\]10 are umuarriecl or widowers without children,' to tier' e in the Active )Iilitin.

"In the first place a it'ained rescnc force will thus he fonuo<l. 1.:omposod of men

:wail1d1fo to reinforce the Active :\Iilitia in the hour of need. or ngain to form part of iti; quota in time of pet\CC.

"(2.) 'rhos« will be clmwu into tho rnnh who, perlu1p~, for not sufficient reasons, hM o hitherto lnken 110 pa1·t or interc11ot in tho s 'rvicc. lcM ing the "Euthusi.1 u," . o callod, to do all the "ork.

"(:q Hy bringing f,·e.•!. nurt ... riol into the furco 1.'011tiuu01l i11t-01-c.-,t in the ... n·icc

"ill be Sll>;t~1i11ud, and tlw orgnniz.'\tiou more t'' cnly <li. tribnted than heretofore.

'' It i. t-0 he hoped, t-00, ·that lhc pooplc ns n lJo<ly will thus mol'c williudy submit

to those :-.:acl'ifioc!> of thdr time nrnl pcrsoMI liberlics by which nlono tho fol'co of tho

Page 22: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

country c n b m int m l in cffii · u J, , , fail in ' thnt, nil om· eflb1't \\ill bo rcn<lcn.~l nugntorJ .'

"In conclu "on, I m y her quo par of n letter from one of the oflwers command­ing l rps, bo, e r f; tT l to. in\\ hi h I cntircly concur.

'"The fi ct th t the cnpt in of the company has personally, olicite<l the most of the

men in th mnks to join, pince him inn not sutlicieutly indcjtcndt>nt position in regard to tJ1cm, \\hich cc1 t: inly t ncl to undermine tlw di ciplinc of till' force.'

'·Ho ndd,, th 1t 'lie thinks it. cleshi1blc that .all l'l':\Sonablc ordinary dfo1ts should he

exhausted to procurt.> 'oluntccrs, Lefo1·e resort lie ]1ad to a draft 01· Dnllot; lmt, on miJi.

fary "'round,, he think that it i:s de~iml,Je that the Ballot sho11)1l bo hronght into rcqui~i­tion to complete the ken •th of corps nftcr rea,..onnLle cff01 b liavc L1•cn matle to ohtain volunteers.

'· o. I nm of opinion th 1 the \1 J1olt· of the m<>n "ho perfor111cd tl1t·ir .\.nnual Drill \•ere bonajid enrolled m<>mbers of th corps accordin~ to the .Militin ... \ct.

1'wo "Camp of E~ rci e" were formed in thi,, District for tl:e perforuiance of the

'· Aunn I Drill," one ' Predc>1-ictou · the other at ·· Chatham," both camps hcing in

operation for ~i:-..-t n da.) , Lit folio" in~ n lurus !;hew the co1·p~ anti :strc1wlh, \!rilled at tho c cam1 ~.


\ I

· · n''"l offi""t"S au1l men '\"ho 1>erformctl drill b f fl' 'S wm-coumu tu "' "'~ ' ' STATE~lEST of nmn er o o ice1 '. C t F ·cd ricton in ,July 1 i 1. (For Hixteen aml rccci\'ed pay at tho Hngu.dc amp a i ' •

days drill.)

I i-;tren;tb. I I --1 I I . ::-; ~ ·reital.

1 I Officer Comru11uJing. I t . ·~

"' -' -__ \ 3 ~~ --------- I I I

. _ _, S•·ff Lieut.-Col. Maun.sell... . S •.•. Br1gauc "'' · ·•···· · •··· --. --

Sauudcn1 • · ·1 1' • ••• • • X, B. It: Y . C1walry,, ... Licut~uant Crawford.... ~ ln

'l'roop :\o, ~ · · · "· · · '· · · Captain L:mgotroth ... • .~ 4~ JI ~ ••• , ••••• , • , • l'osbay ..... , . • 1 ~ I 40 ,, t) • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,, Pt!nr&OU ......... - •.)C'

4 ' . ' . •.. ..... ' " T' 1 Ill .. •><' ,, .; •. • •. • ...... • , . ut~ 13. . . . . . . . . 3 ;13 " , Bntt:uu .. .. · · · · ., 3'J ~ : : : : : : : : : " " ;: Ht>ndcrson . · · · ·

( 'orps. Hemnrk.

s G

4:1 \Band attached, 43 13 43 40 3G 41

· S ff I i ut -Col U pt.on • · • · ··I li7th IlRttal~on 1 ta · ·' ' ·' Ca~t~n K'ctchum. , . ••. · Company :No . ., · · · · · ·' ·" Ad:ims ... , , ,. · ·

Ii 1 ...... 1 ~:I :1 r .. ._ 11 Uand :ittnch d.

" 1 '· '· .... ,. ., HoTt •... , . · · · -1 ·• :1 :::::::::: :'. Bo~·cr ........ .. " - Bur}icc .... " " ., ~ : : : : : : : : : : :: I. J, ,~inc~ . ..

7 """' ,,., Huttou ••..••.•

, • ff I· ut.-l:ol H.:witson . · · llst Uatts\hon 8ta · · · · · · · ~•c •• · I>. vie ( 'ompany N n, 1 , . · · · · · · · · Cap .... m ~taa l · · · · • · · · •

·• . ~pc' ... , .... ,. :: ·' · · · · · · · · Lic~~tenant Ghri ty · · · · · ·

"j · · · '· · ' ' · : !Captain " ilkin•on · · · · • • r. • • • • • ' • • • B•'Ckwi\h .... • · ;~ · · · ' ·" · · · 1 " \.lcxan<ler . · · · ·

•• T :::::::::: " Llo)d . .... ....•

7 Ith Batt.alion 8tatf . , .. . , Lieut. -Golt. ~eur .• 1 .. · • • • ·

N 1 J i ·nknan .,con · · · · • • • Vomp:111y • o, • • · · · • • • · · ' c • ,. I "t•· :! • , , . , •• • •• Uapt:m1 '·'° Jll "" •..• , .••

•· •1 ,\n1old .... , .••. :1 : : : ': '.:::: ~~umiy. .. · • • ·

J,mrb:iy .... ·· · · Harprr . .. . ···• ::5impson •• • · • ·


;; .. ....... . li "' ..... . , ......... ..

'fut.'\! . • • • • • • • • •

2 -1·1 I ~l :1 ·Ii ,;o :I -It' 51 •) t>4 Of) :I •!:.! -t.i I oo :i 4~1 5:.! '-'t Stephen Companv, attu I•

for batt.alinn drill, &c.

; I· ..... ;: ~~ I :.! Ii :.! I r;:; ;; 4~

31 ;o :l :.!4

. .. n ,, .. •' •)

..... . 40 44 1:1 t~i n



; .: llan l aUaclied. 60 47 .·.; t•l 5:1 27 Dtl('.r 1 lnntl <J-Omp:my. att.chcd

for batt.alion dnll. &c.

-1 T I

I;{ 4-~:, . -:)s I -11

~i !:agc t-0"11 'omP:·myt aU.acl1 ~1 __ for 11:1ttalio11 <111ll, <'\:C.


10j 1,30-l 1,411

Page 23: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

• tnff . .

... ....


OtlicC'r~. ..................... F. ll' nlry ...... , ............... :! 1

Gith lhttnliou ...•....... •.. .. ::5 ilst ................ 26 7 Jth ,, ................ 9-.. 1

-'rotul ..•........... IOi

Mun. Tot,11. H

2b0 :301 3!5i :382 :Hs :n1 ;319 :UG

---1,304 1,411

:-'tat\:Jllt'nL of munlxl' of ulliccr:>, 11on con11nission1iitl ollice1-:-;, and lllcn w110 performed drill

.mcl recch et! pa~· nt the U1·ig.ide l~nup at Chatham, in .July, 1871. (For I G <lny's drill.)


Cori , Oflicu <.:onuuandiu:;.

~~cn:;t~I ;i I C: .§ Totnl. ltcmark>.

-----·--1·---------1 ~ i ~i ------------lieltl Battery Artill~ry .. , C11pt11in <'all ... .

i) .'\3 D. G. A., Il11tte11· 7 .....• ------

G illcspie . • . . . . . 5 li7 72

-:trlD ttali · · 1- --" r a one l::itafi' ..... ]. l~1eut. <.:ol. Fergu on... . G ...... I 1i ,. ompnuy .., < llJ•tair. Hau~bv...... . :; ·!1 41 " ' ii ,, kf ully . . . . . . . ;~ l:i 48 ,, • ,, • ,, Hlaktl... . . . .. . • :s 11 ·14

" I ,, 'l'cmpletou • • . • . :i ,, ;; Wi111bto11 • . . . . . :1 " " ,, llurns.... .. . :1 "

;;:; :n ;j]


.>t l.lath111,;t co1ur.n1~· attru:hed for ---- h.1ttnlfo11 unll.

---~-----!. ________ i--·~~- ·-~~· :: .-.;--~---------~-

Tho detail connected wit! ti .r f I · · · · • 1 IC pm10rmance o t 1e11· Annual D1·ill will l1e found m

L1out.-Oolo11cl Maunsell's ro1lort · ti \ i· l · · · . Ill IC • Jlpellt 1x, w 10.:;C l'CCOlllllll'll(lal10J1 for lllCl'CllSlllg

tl10 efficiency of t11c force under l1is co111111a111J, I hug to snppol't. r w,1.<; ennl1lod to ins11ect tl o ,,, J I f ti n · l ·

• • • • 1

• 10 e o 1e .unga< r. asscnil1l<•cl at, ft'ri·1lcnclon1

lml m pcct101i du t lf!S m \ \•,·sterJt (1· l ] t • · I · · · · ·

.... m.u ::i. a <:r 111 t 10 sc·1so11 t!al noL n1l1111L of 111y vu;ilmg foe 111allcr (' unp at Chatham Of ti J> .• l J•' l · · ·

• 10 >I •g:u •· at 1n PJ'H:lon, the g1·11uml con1ht10n of tho

cu11H "ns '' H•1·y <"rcditnl I " Tl ,. · ) 1 e. 10 """'w Bnmsw1ck Hcgi111c11t of ( ':n ;dry (301 Hlrong u ndcr comma111 l of Lieut .1 'olo •I l · · ·

. . · ne • .rnrn c.n;, is ernnpo f'rl of <·xccllc11t 111HtC'rrnl-th1· m lJOnty of tl1c rnen nm f.ll'lncrs in ... • : . · ·

. . ,,as) < 11c11mst.'lncPS, thi>y 111'1' sti·oug l11mly f11w-look111~ 111 n, in U1e pmuc of life and ,, . • ~~ l · • • ' • l'f.l J11fJ1111.,.:t on goocl useful horse . 'l'ltis n•gunent, it '\Ill he sc ll on refc11 nc ·to I· t <' J J 'I •

• '' 11 • o OllP •' m•n!'lcll fi rt Hort, "march<'<! to t~tmp, :in • \ ta"'• <lt5Laucc uf' .,i..,hty mil · ·I •] 1 · · · · 0

o , cro •nee ou;; .m I lcd10u, fcrnc , Im 011·


\ /


ack1•1l at the '.J c111se~' 011 tho night of th· 2!lth, anJ nn·iH!d nt Frcderi ton on tho

3Uth .J 1111<.," On fhe hnak Ill' of tl11.J c:1mp tho) marched homo in thu same manner.

Tht> infantry coq1s in this camp wm-c large!~· compo eel of a aimilnr cln or men; th ir

al'ms wen· all in fiCr\ icc:iblc 01·der, th<'y w .. ro better dl'ill<'d tlun nny of the nun) corp I

in~pPcH'cl in the Provinc"!'I of Ontm io nnd Quebec; and in point of phyi:ical appt•:imn · folly erprnl to the best of thr. corps in thP,·e 11nmcd provin~~-

'rhc Fredericton Camp was well ait11:1tC'<l and l.\iil out, the 1itfo 1.111ge WM on­

V<'nien1. ancl :di th<' corps pr.rfor1ne1l their 111·l'~c1•ihc·<I course• of tnrgrt pmcticc-.

J~ie11t.-Colonel ~faunst>ll C'.xercise1l hiR co111mm1<l with g1·eat j11ilg111cmt. slto" ing much

ability in hnndling troops, and on two 01· tl111>e occasions. Ln, ing 1livi1leu thn troops into

attacking nncl tlefending torcrs, canied out Yery successfully "slmm l attle " on the n ne

principles observed by the regular army nt the Inst '· nntumn mnnwun'CS," the pmctic th11s nfforde<l 1Jr0Yincr most interestin;: n111l instructive to all cn!!nr;ed.

Tho corps not nsscm bletl at F1·cdericton nrnl Chatham in camp. pe1formed the .\ nnunl Drill nt thrir local hen<l-qunrters. The fort'c of Gnrri~on .\rtill"ry in this Disll ict ia

consiclemble, and composed generally of a Yer~· 1mpe1ior body of men. A.ccomp.micd hy th<' Inspect-Or of .\..rtillery, I inspectc<l four Battcrie,, of the :'t .. John Ganison .\.rtiller~

on the J Sth of .July, nnd was much plc.'lsed nt their geueml co111lition nml nppcamnce ; with regard to tl1C'se batteries I hnvC' no he itation in sayin!! thn were tlwy t·mbodiocl for

nny }('ngth of time, aml opportunity aiforcled for thP m01 • scientific instruction of tl1c

oflicers, they wonltl soon equal in point of e!Hciu11cy tllf' bost hatt<>ricll in the ill',pllnr nrmy.

Licut.-Colonel Jngo, of the Ntw Drnnswick Artillery (who formedy RClTCd in

the Royal Artillery). has been of grcnt service in i111pnrti11~ instrndion t-0 thb arm of the

service, nucl as it is of gn•at importance in connC<"tion with the defence of ~t .. John nnd

thr coast, of New Dnmswick gcne1'lllly, to ha'e the militin rl' ... i<lcnt in the 111a1·itimC'

J10rtion of the pro\·incc tmi1wd to nrtillcr.' xt'rci •s. I wo11l1l Ix-go to 1-ecornml'n•l thnt n "~chool of Gunnery" he C'stnlilislwd nt ::;t. ;Jo)m. 011 the '-i\ll1C pl'inciplC' ns tlio..'-e prod1lC'tl

for the PrO\ inces of Ontario arnl (~nchec, nt Kin!!sto11 nuJ Qncl~c; in ndditiou to

nffor1ling means of instr:1etion. this ~hool uf gmmary woulJ net n.;; a ~mrd to ce1 t:lin

fort.<;, urngnzine~, hat teries, arnl :nmnment recently honr!t l U\'<'1' hy thl' 1 m pcrinl to tlu.•

Dominion Cl0Yer111n"'nt. .\.,; well as in,..pC'ctin~ th• Uo1·ps ns ... cmhled in cmup nt

FrcdC'ricton and nt ~t. .1 ohn. I vi itl•d :::;t • .Andrew,; nml ~t. , tephrn ou tl1~ ~outhrrn ~·l'onliC'r of thf' Pl'oviuc<'. insp<"ding thu .\rlillt·1~ ('orps l'f•sick11t nt tho t> plul'<'~.

~fJT,IT\HY 1)1STRJC"I' .. ·o. fl,

(Nu ·a , '('otia.)

'l'hc 111·i:iscnL st1'{'ngth of thP Arlho i\Hliti.i in thi Di trif't i l.471 (01licc1 :ml

lllP.11), of \\'ho111 :l,._'~3 J1w1· Jlt'lfo1111ctl thr .\nnunl nrill of }sj 1-i:?. l!.':H'ing G4 (ofl1( I

an1l lltt'n) wnntin;; to comp!Ptl'.

Page 24: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery


'l'ho Force;t.c; of- .

lhtt•i v i' Light i\ rtillciy (hn,·iug ~ix po11 1lrr .An1rntrong TMlr1l Guns, hut 110t ·nrtn(\{l or crpiippecl propcrh· n~ n Fidel fbttc1·~·, althou~h a;ailnhlc to net .1 uch.)

~ Drif,!l\d nnd

3 Batt~ric,.. of Unrru on .htillcr.'·· !I ll:i.ttnlion nn1l

:l Iudcpcnclt•nt l'omp:111ie' of r nfnntry, aml 1~ composcll of tho following corp!'> : 1 folifax Light Bnttt'I').

1st awl 21111 Bri~n1lc G.u ii iou .\. l'tillery. ( 'hester Battery of • lo • <lo. Luncnbmv do clo c lo. u:lnl Bnttnlion (Iufimtry.) GGth <lo ilo. G_th <lo do. G9th 1!0 •lo. i~nd do 1lo. i .itl1 do do. ,~th 1lo clo.

('umoorln.111! PJ'o' i ionnl Dnttalion.

Yictoria do tlo. .

Two camps were fomie<l in thi'l I >istrict fo1· the performance of the Annual ~nil, on~ nt _\, Jr,..forll Plains, of three l•attnlions for sixtt-en days, (the three corps muste1:ing 1,0il.>

• • • ) 1. •-1· · .. t'o l only for eight <lays Jn• n). the othc1• nt Lnnenbul."'0, n smg e uat.,., wn calllp, m opc1.1 1 1 . '

the majority of the Force in this J~<itrict pc·1formi11g the .\.nn11nl Drill :lt thrir own local head-quarters. . £

Th~ follov.jnrr r •turn shQ\\"S the nominal nn I t1Ct11nl strength of l'Orp~ at tho tune 0 rJic .Annual Drill. "'ith the numbers wanting in ench imtnnce to complete.

, 'pr.uu. Drigndc U'lmp, Aylei ford Plains (sixteen clays cll'ill.)


<"0111 • I of all rank~

nominal wlio 11 )efici1·n<'y Strl ngth. JlCl formc<l

ltlu·Annunlj Drill.

Place of :\T ust1·r.

------·-----------1----:----- ----1 I h H ttal' 1i1 :l:J:I G8t a 1011... . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • /j:?lj 4:io

ll!lth do ..... • • • •. • • . . • • .. .. • • . • . . • ' . • :I.JG !..'72 ";"'.!11d do • • • .... • ·• · · • · ·• · · •• · .. · "·· __ ----

1 1,35:; 1,03.'J I --------------

('nmp nt Luucnlmrg, Eight Days Drill.

7 ith l~talfou ....... · ...................... , a.;.: I !!,q;I I

l:lR ) !18 l.Ay1Cl4fnnl Pll\inR. RI j




Halifax I'ic!tl Bnltery ....................... I 1 • Halifar. 1st CiarriS<•n Artillery .......... · · · • · · · · · · · .. ··I . '";j ~.:I~ ~lon :Ind do .. ..... .•.. . . .• ... •• ..• .. .. IJ3rd J31~ttnli••n ...............•......•.•...... ·1 :JSl !lO rlo fjlith <lo ••. • "·............... •• l3!! ·Ht~ 2'2 rlo 7!ith do .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . • • • . . Hl!i 4 JO 45 /Tnrro. <'11mberl1rnd Battalion. . ....................... :.1:3:1' lll."i :l8 J n1T11boro'. ( 'hc&kr Hntt<·ry Garr•son Artille1y • . . . . . • . . . . . GR 1.; J.~ Ch t ... r. Lunenl.mri; clo <lo . . . . . . • . . . . . !i.


~~ I ~ Lunenhnrg. ].f.nhony Bay, .do ,, d•> .• . ..•. • . •. ·I ,.~ "·' ·• J11 Vrctonl\ Bnttnhon,, 111wBr<.'1.on • . . • ...•• . ... ··, ___ !!_.J:_: ___ z_:.:._' _ _:_IIh(lilo k.

Total.......... . i,471 I :l, :?3 t;.j:>

The details conncctNl with the inspection of the coqui assernhhl aml drilled nt ll1c n

caUJps will he found in tl1c repo1·t (· c A 1•pe11dix) of Licut.-Colonel ~inclair '"h•1 ••omm lldR the militia in tlris District.

On the 21st of July, I in~pected a portion of tlic .\cfoe .:'llilitia nt. Halifax, (11 Ti heing pt·l·scnt on paraclr). consi~tiu!.{ of the Hnlifnx six pouudcr .\.nnshon_; Dntt<:I), the

two Brigade·:; of Gnni.,on • \.1-till<·1-,,-, witl1 the G:J1'() nnd GGtl1 Dnttalions of Infnutiy-th •

men compo.o;ing these corp,; prcsentecl a soldierlik(! nppenmnce 011 parude-tl1eir n11us

we1·c cltan and in good order. On the O<:<'.:tsion of tlii<; i11spectio11, a field <ln~ wns h 'Iii

at w11ich the Brigade ac<J.uitte<l itself c1·c·diraulr. ofiicf'1'1'> nnd lll('ll ,-.,·i11ci11g mn<'h inteJ. ligencc and desire to learn tl1eir militrn:y <lutie'. Tim parade wns \\ itn<hst"l liy Lirnt.­

Oeneml ~ir Hustings Doyle, Conun11111ling Hl'l' 2\Iajcsty':; H<•g1tlar 'Troops in British

Nol'th Americn. who was plt>nsed to !'Xp1·t•ss n '<'ry fil\'ornLle opinion of tl1is Il1 ignd1'.

\Vith 1·eg1ml to the Halifax J1att1 l'Y of six II-pounder .\.1·msh1_1n~ Gmi,;. the Ju pcclor

of ~ \. rtillcry has reportell that the men helon~ing to it nr.• efiicicnt and intdligent, nnd he

l'l'COlllUlCJHls that it he snppliecl "'ith four n-pounder ?If. L n. Field Guns. "0 soon ru U10

<lep:n-tmcnt is in a condition to supply tl1em. (p1-o\ iuerl efiiei,,11t horseo; e.ttn be obtained,) nncl thus conwrt it iut-O nn cflcctiYc field hatter_).

1 n mnint.tinin~ the cllicieuc.\· of the militia in thi,; 1 l',frfot great M i'tancC\ 1111 uccn ntliwch·1l l1y Lit·ut-Geneml ~ir Hastings DoylC'. '1'11c :\filitnry • hool for the

infantry is forml'1l on one of the rC'gimcnb of Her lajP.,ty\ J1eg11l:w Army (tlw Glst,

under Colo1wl Hcdmou1l, a~ co1111nnnclnnt.) l \\011111 !I{'" to l"Cl'o1111uend thnt .1 school lf

~11111wry lie fo1·ml'1l also at Jhlifox, nn1l thnt tho 1nilitm-y inst! 11etio11 of nil Militia .\rtilh·r~· C 'uq1s he as mut'l1 as po;;sihk confine..! to ":wtille1y t•Xcl'ei e.-;.''

Lieut.( 'olo1wl >"inclnir recommt'lHls t!H' formation of n tidd battery in Kings Go11nt.,·1 with a tl'oop of hon;c attnch<'tl. wl1id1 n•co1n111en1latio11 I nlso be~ to snppo1 t.

·'fu.tT \RY nrqTr.IC1' Xo. lO.


T n t Ill' rnont lis of l\fn,r nn(l .J 11110, l ~ii. n reduction of tho 1'01"CC on dut) in this

pl'O\ incc loo), pJnet' ; the grent ninjol'it.' of H1r officers. ml nll'll belOn.!in~ to t]1Q h\O

Page 25: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

<t: r1 dth,

of On

v;ho hnd b n, in I iO, sent on :-C'1Tico to )fnnitoha, wcr1' r1•le.'lse1l from

1 hie mun! f'r hcin • hl'ought b wk to their ho111cs , in tho Pl'Oviuces rio nnd Quobcc, 'in the .. n :nv,,on Ronk," most of thl' llH'll, hoW('\'Cl',

remniniug to l>l'ttlo in ;\Inuitoba. '.I\, o t•omp:u1ics ( stn•ngth as

I' r mnrgin) '' et't! r1' taine<l for n fnl'tl11•1· pc1·iocl of serdc<',

und st 1tiom•1l at lJpper Fol't Gnrr,\·. 'I'hP rctum journey of tho men to the ' Prm inc1•s of Ontario and Q11pbc-c wns ac-

C n ·•tin• of 4 Ollie n<, "' Men unt! r COlll· numd of' 1il11Jnr \, G. Jmne.

compli,Jicd (without nccid1'nt 01· any striking incidents occul'l'ing) in 0111• thil'cl of the time occupie1l in going to Fort narr,r the previous )'<':II': the 2rnl Jbttnlion (Qnehec

niiles) left the St-0no Fort on t11t' 7th .J 11111>, in t'rn Bri~ncl1•s of tin• boats c:tch, with thirty <Li)'" rotions, imh·ing nt Toroulo on tl1~ 10th .Jnlr; tl1e h;t Battalion (Ontario

Hille ) left on tho 10th .T mw. in t \\ o l:ri!!'ndc.s of four hoats rach, ;\ )so ran·ying thirty

clays p1-o,·isio11. nnd nrri\cl nt To1011to on tlio 14th .July, hut it wouhl appear

from tho Hepo1t of :'tr r. Dnwson tl1at the toil a111l 1liflicnlties overcome m rctnmin!!' "i'l'C grf'at r t linn thosl' rxpel'ii>ncN] m goin~. Mr. Daw.~Qll in his

Report refcrriu~ t-0 U1is jouniry says ·' The volunteers, olticers, nrnl men, <losrn·o the

highe:.-t credit for tlie manner in "hid1 the jonmc,\• wa1. accomplishecl. In asce>ndiug the \\rinnipe,; they liu1l n much mo1c :u·cl1101h fask to p£·rform than fell to thP lot of the force

compo in.! tlw Hed J:iver Expedition of hiO in going down it. The '\rinnipcg is a ri\er ru lni'!!'c or la1·gcr thnu the !ltt.·rn.1, carrying like the lattf'r the 1lrainagc• of a vast

re-!'ion, and the volunteers had to foci' it in it:> an~1·i'-'st rnoo1l. wl1c11 the Hoods of spring

'• 1 • iu full volumP. t•111l C\ f'ry c•<ltly white with foam, YPry cliffr1·pnt, was its conclilion '\hen tlw Expcditiounry l'1)rcc pas.c;ed downwartls in 18i0, the "a~r was then extremrly

low, nud, with (lt'(llimry care, there wns J111 more of 1langrr than iu a 1l11ck pon<l, not only

011 t11c rDtuni mn1ch hnd th 'olu11t I'S to 1•ass rnu11d hx the 'Vi1111ipe!{ arnl make t ltr ti •t-Our of tht l'inn'\ . but th y b"d t-0 op JI 1ww ' ' portagu;.''

In the h ~iuninti of O~toh•"r b t, this Pr;n-inco (.:Hnnitoba) wns 1list11dJc1l hy

.Fulli 11 m' io 1; "h 1, in 1 pono,; t ') the l .i.c>ut .. (fo~ C'l'llOl''s Pi o.:l:unatio11,

th peopl 1.11lic l n on lllnn in d •ft•n ~ of ilmt portion of If1>1· :\lrlj1·~ty's Em pin" Tlw follo\1 iug I'('LU111 he\\ th cot ps, 11· me of officers, nnd 11umliei'8 of 1m·11 w 110 so prnmptly

t pond I to the 1>ummo1 on that oct>.u1io11. amount in~ to w·:u·ly I ,000, (of :ii I ranks,) out of tl1e ... p 1"!";(• popu I tio11 a' nila I ,lf.


Bllc\,.·1110" stnm0••th of S·l'.\ n:m~s·r • • r.,.. whi ·h enroll I in accordance Oompan1cc;, ~ •.. , "

liy Licut.-Govcl'llor, ~rd October, 1.,' I. l'rnclnlllalion is.'>ne<l

Parish. Ulliccra' :\ nmc•.

I ·--------1- . ---------- · I ieut J.usigu. 1 4 I l 4 ~

C:apt:un. !In ' . ... : .. .. .. Beddnllle .... · · 1

i 1 4

:J l 4~ ...... • "" .. " i•I Yk Jlcmlcfl!On • • • • "" ~t. AndroWil (south) · · · · · ·

)Iapleton-,. · · · · . .. · ·· .. · · l'oplnr Pomt · - • · · · • · • · · · \Vmnipc.r . · · · .. · · · · · ·" ·

6i 53• m•

St. l'irnl• .... · · · · · · · · · · · · Ht. ,Jamco . · · •• · · · · · · '· · · l"t. ,\ n.Irews (north) · · · • · 'Vinni pc"' . · · · · · · · · · · · .. · H. B. e.~. Fort n arry · .. Kilt!onan . · · · · • · · · · · · · · · 1Iea1lingly. · · .. · ·: · .... " Ht . .Andre\\" llap11lo · · · · 'Vinnipc;;. (H onn: Guard~) P oplar Pmnt · · · · · · · · • · · Wliit.: Mud Uiver . · · · · · · )~ tic Ht. P 1ml · · · · · · · · · · · ?>Iountct! Scout~ · · · · · · · · ·

1\0 • ••• •• ••• 1ln ........ .. <Ii• clo .......... rln . · · · · · · · ·

Hcadini;ly Ca.miry Troop.

P 't ' ac · . • · .. .. .. 1 1 1 1 "" 1 on . · · ····· ··\\"I 'l'ny cir .... · · •• · j ., 17 2;• ~ cwcombc · .. " • \ 1SIJ

1\i,'::: .' .' .':.. .. . . .. ... . .. 1 1 " • · 37 41 K .iuncdy .. ..... ~"tc o~ G l\lnunu; . . . . 1 1 l l . . . • 54 .,; " tc\\ al't . u aumx ....... '1,' 't I 1 1 .. . . . ,-, · · .... · Bnmcll . . .. · .. • • &I • • ... " .. • • ] 1 4 4 1 Mi B. urkc . ..... . .. • \ \'1'll'1nrn Youn",P. Ammt .... l 100 103 :s. L. Bed:<0n .. · " ..., Cooper . . . . . l 1 I . · • · · • ::;. )Iulvey .... . • 'irv. J'~:i·r~ .... 1 McJ.enashan i i i -i 4 . . !b ~, D .\. Smith. . • . · ·~'\Ill 0

" · · ' \ • l'o!wm .. . 1 1 1 . . . ' '~ >i. )fc)lnrchie .H. Dl'acon ...... "; \ . }'nnncr. l l 1 l . . . 41 ~

T l ,\Bown-.. .... . I ll 3\l '' ,Jno. ny.or .. · ·:. • , I · .. .'!'. Xo~uay... · · · . . 7 50 T. Sincla1~ .... • I.'! ~y or .. · ... J. ~ b1tt. .. . l 1 1 4 31 ,V. H. Bam ... .. J_. ~y.ct;:um · '\[ Wilton .. . . 1 1

1 t ·

1 "i : ~ii 31 .r. W ilton .. . . .. ~· A' 11j ~~" ""'r 'make .... .. 1 '.!r '.l.

l"d l"iehl ..... ·' ·· Ill~ "" ' • • ... • 1 ... • • · · · • 3:1 Ch: de ) lonti!ffiY ·; ." .... · ·" ""1i~;~1i;~· . ... 1 l l 4 • · .. ~~ 30 L. ilc P lainval. l•llllfra8 .. · • "" • • .. • .. .. • .. 1 ...... · "

9 lO

,y, Dca•c, JUU. .. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . • . !I I ii Xolin ... · · .... · · "· " .. ' ·" .. · .. . .. · .. l ...... " 111 - .................. tl l ,agcmouic · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 1 • · · • · · • · :,:o :!l Parcutenu .. · · · .. · • · " · · "" · l .. · · · • · • · l:! Hi B~rland .. .. ... . . L .. ' 'i'i " " " " \\;;;"i;,~ii. '. :::. 1 1 1 .. • · Cunnin"lmm. . . . Oll8l a c .... • •. . - l-- - -.·• = -;,:;-

., ·~· 1; lG 2i ls • .,,..,.. "" Total strength .. • • .. • · ·" "· · · .. · • --_,..;_ __ _

• l~azdtctl Companie . .\ctirn Militia,

.A. <L lRn:\E, l\ lnjo1·, · T l\1 tn itol 1. 'ommnnding Domimon roop '

·~J,• Octvbcr. 1 il. 1"01i·r UA !Uff I - v~

. . Fe11i·rn outm"C, a ''ell ii-- an acco1111L of tho militmy The <kt.ails connectcil with tl1~s , r~ . fnio1· Tn·inc's repQti, .1s "'-'JI n

·11 I ' fo1111(l i n the nppem 1x m ., I im•asurcs adopk1l, w1 >t 1· ti ~t l 'onifnco troop of c:wnlry. w io,

. (~ t J I' ontl comnrnm mg io • . , t 1 " in the repvl't of :ip . . ~ • ' I . , ;\I •tis :ll'ting us scout.i, pt'O<.'Cede<I t-0 le

l. Frcnch·sp •n 'mg • e · · wit.It :1 moun lcd force o ·

adual fnmtic1· linc. I . )f thi •1ction by thl' . tthoritie'. it " . I l •'th thl' ·~option < , • • • the

:"111111 ;nncous y "1 • l t 1 n milil.;n·' expc ltt1011. ' in ' ent at Oth,,n to l £' pn c I • • 1

clel('r111i1wcl hy th• (.ourmn , . " t t-0 the mnll gnni-..011 there t'Ctnm < ., 1• <..' , !'I' \ " ns n re1111orcc uu:m

" Dawson ltonk. to 'Ort '·' • • k" f tic "anndinn :\l ilitin !:'\ cm 011 n ·11 t"mof thowor·mgo I ••

on iluty : and, t\H an I u s t11\ t.l • •· l l ii tho me \Slll'\ mloptcd nml Uw com . . 1 c mtcrcstmg IA• < c ,\ 0 l ·

fHUlclen cnw1·gcncy. it lilt\) > l (l t b l I heel inslru"tions b~ • 11 I'\ I 111 . of the l ''t ' c o er, l; • • )Htnmctl. 1 Jn the C\ cn1ng -

Page 26: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

military expedition, (stren!!th ns per

tch the m without dcl y to Fort Garry.

tim , I rooeirnd instructions to direct Lieut.­

( I• nel 0 l>orn • mith, C.M.G., Dep. A<lj.-Oen . .Militin, Com­

filita11 }Jistrict ~ • o. <i, to proceed to lanitoba, via

U . ., in nchnncc of the expedition, tl1ere to report ~-"'!~--­

Lieut. -Gov c 111 or of Manitoba, and take comm::m<l

in that l'ro' ince.

L' ut. Colon I 0 born • mith \\(IS nlso to he illhiructcd to nrmn~ for the despatch

of tran pqrt to the nort.l1-" t nngl .. of th Lakl'! of the w· oo<ls, to meet the expc<li ti on

( Iii b ] roe l (' i th "}Jn\\ son ltoutc '') on anival at that point.

1 m Ii I) o 1 r ipt of th• • in ntction , orders were sent by tcle~ph to the 1J p tt) A 1lj t n G n 1 I o Militia, ( mm nclin,; Military Di tricts in the Provinces

n rio n 1 Q 1 I , clir ting th m t fi uni h proportionally continizcut of men from

ll h militinco11 of tb ir r p •j, <li bicts, each Province suppl)ingone hundred

(10 ), tl1• men to be 1 tcd from th e "ho' 0Juntc1-ed for the specinl ,enice required; I ing a 1111 di I t aminntion tO l n ure phj ~ical fitup '• to be attestecl before

tA for ix month ' duty, with a li hility for six month ' further service, if 1uirc<l. The ofil~rs 00111manding th militia. in the di~tricts of Ontario nrul Quehcc

• fu1th1 r iru tructed, after complctiug their quota~ of mc.n, to send them. under cluu·gc

uf L lrlaff ofiic r, to Collinriwoo<l, the port of embarkation, there to report to me

JI 1mlly for inspect.ion Jire' ious to departure.

.Arrnn 'elll"nts were um<lc to conccntmto at CoJliugwooll thr. ncccssary military

proY1 1om, supplie , camp cquipa~c, pe1~onal cqnipmeut, and land

tJ usport, required for the expedition. Steam transport also from CoHingwood

to Thunder Bay \\as pro,·idcd; sixty (GO) "\'oya~em'S" were engaged to

fi ilitau, if rc{1ui1'Cd. the I tg of the force on the inlan!l water~ of the

" I) " u Route." Info1m tiou was ulw 8Cllt to :Mr. l>awson, who was then 1•11,.,agC'tl in

completing the lin of co1mmmication through British Territory by thl! route known as

th "D 1\\ n Jwutc,' of the intended cxpeclition; a request was 1111ulL• to him to CO-OjiCl to in tho en ice, and expedite the Jl.lssagc of the troops.

On the I 1th October, Lieut .. <Jolowil Osbomc (111ith, G.~l.G., reporlPrl him:-;df at

J1ead.qu.u-Wrs, w,1 tluly i1111trnctcd, and lie proceedP.rl without clelny via ~cml.Jinil. Jl.t?,., n ·cornpanied hy l\lnjor P. GcmghLy, (ns l1is Orderly O/Jlcc1") to Fort Garry, to takl' comuuuHl 11f tl1e 111ilitm in :;jJ :mitoba.

On th1• 1 lilh October, tlw oflic rs of the expeclition were appoinlecl in gc>11cml 01·<lc·rK.

'J111 oxpeditio11, when Cti ronle, to be under the cr11nma111l of the 1w11ior e;lptai 11, ('aptain

'l110rnns Scott, (n~ n lit. r,icut.·Colou 1 in tlw rnilitia); th1~ wholt> of tl1c oflk1•18, with

th· exception of ono, l.;cing elected f1orn muomg thoso who had scrvccl \\ ith"thc <\.X)IC·

<lition of the pi iou ) r, who h 1.d air·. lly been for twch•e mo11lhs on 111ilitu;y clutv in

Mauitoh:i, .md 'Who had gained cxpm i II''· therchv. <Ju U1ii; 1lntn nlso, JJi-. .Alf;·~l C~lil, lhc mgoon ~ 1poi111A d to the exp lition, tool: o\•cr tho ficM ho&pit..:tl pmniers an11 ecptip·


rnent, completing the medicines, &:c., required ; n 1 ho proceeded to Collingwood to

await tl1e anival of tl10 men there, and make a scconrl and final xnm tiou

of all previous to embarkation. The ad\·anccd season of the ) at· rcnderin.; it d i le thnt only very robust men should be allowed to proceed.

On tho 17th Octoher, the officers commanding milit..'l.ry districts m Ontario .u11l QuelJec, reporlccl th:tt their !'PSpcctiH) oontingcnta \\Crc icady. nnd the m n <lul)

examined and attei;led, (110 clifliculty what.<ncr was cxpcriencc1l in ohtaining

voluntccr1:1 for the sc1Ticc, mauy ino1·e than w..-•rc c:,Llled for 111n iw• otlcre1l in C..'\ch of tho

military districts;) ab<J that, in accor<lnnce with inst111ctions_, tlwy would he sent,

under charge of a i;taff-offic.;r, to (Jollingwoo1l, so ns to arrive t.hcro on the

19th. .FiYc men, in addition to of tl10 cp1ot: "• being sent ns waiting m 11 from

every military district with tho contingents, to t 1ke t110 pince of any who might be rejoctetl by the surgeon of the expedition on the second and fin,LI medical l'Xlllllination.

Ou the 19th October. I proceeded to Collingwood, and, on arri nil there the followin0

clay, found the whole of the officers and men, with tho nooessn.r) milifo.ry stores, e'luip­

ment, and snpplie,, requirt>d for tho expedition duly t•unceutratcd. Steaw tJansport to conrny the fotco to Thunder Bay abo awaiting. Early on tLc follo\nng momiug tJ10

inspection nnrl embarkation commenced. Eight men were rejected by the medical o~iccr on the final examination, their places being filled by some of tho«e ·· in waiting ; '' nnd, 011

inspection, I fournl the clefachmcntto con. i:st of a flue body of men. npparcutly in nil respects well fitted fo1· the service, some of whom hnd M?rvc<I with the cxpc<lition of the p1-e\ iou

year. The military i;tore:-i, lmggagc, cump cquipngc. ,b.: .. ancl n lnr;u quantity of pr<n ision

supplie:s were placed on hoard, mainly !ty the •· voya~enrs." who worked mo t chc 1fnlly

ancl willingly throughout the <lay. 'Ihe whole of the force. nml mo:st of tho 6Uppli

having been embarked in the steamship'· Chicora," tJ1c expedition sailed nt4 p.m., on th

2bt October, for Thunder Rly, hn\'iug been orgaui7.ed, completely e<pupped, upplicd,

:m<l despatched iii little more titan 011C 1r.ceJ..:ji·o1n tlic dale '!l tlrn i ue of ord rb.

'l'he conduct of the men en route to Collingwood nml whibt in billets thei~. ' 1

cxemplnry, untl I nernr witnes-.ed a more orderly embarkation; prC\ ious to their

1lcpnrt11rc, I tohl off tho force into companil'~ and h:tlf compm1ic appointing tho oilic rs

arnl non-commissinuetl olliccr:s thereto, giving, nl o instructiuru hotli \Crbally n d iu

writing 01.» of detail to the oilicc1· in command. l nl o sa\\ i•1'<•1ier acconuuod tion

provi1lccl fo1· both otlicers and men on honrd tho 'os:.el for tl10 'o~ ge, nncl aft r th

tlcparLm·\• of the " Chicora," the remainder of tl1c supplie; witJ1 tJ1irty hors , hft1; n

waggons uml sleigh~, wero omb::u·kcd 011 hoard the stc .. mship " :\hmitob.1," (there being uo room for t.lio 1snmc on bo:ll\l tho " Uhicom:') mid that ,.t.' cl snik'll nbo for '1'111111d ·1

Bay at. 10 :!O p.m., on the :!1st October.

Tho personal cquipm~nt i,.. ... ut..'<I ro each mnn . ft r emb. rkatio11 "n 'cry full nml

co111plctc, and the~ \\ere amply supplied w.ith \\inter clothih.!; thirty tl ~ pt'O\ i ion,

snpplies of Lho be. t. a111l mo:st d cription \\ ro tnkl'n "ith the cxpcd1ti 11 (but i u

S}'irituou liquo1-s of ll.ll)' kind) and si~ montl1s supply of provi ·ou follO\\OO in 'iuw uf

any poi;lliule c'onti:o,,ency. S-6

Page 27: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

Th camp NJUip 1g", nlthourrh limilod to whnt \\ll:; only nhsolntdy nae· sary, wns

on i<lerccl by ox1 t;I icnc d men '' cll suited for tl1u service, nn<l tho Field Hospitnl c iuipment (which l lso iuspcctc 1,) COJ ~istin" of L wo p:mnicrs, ouo tic I cl comp1mion, one

box of medical comforts, nnd t-ome stretchers, wns very complete, and deemed so, by th m!!Con in medicnl clm~o of tho force. who Wl\.3 one of the snrg<'ons that uccom-1 nied tho e.xpc<lition of tho previous yenr.

.r;, ry mnn of the militnry force proceeding was well armed with n :;hort Rnidm· rifle

llltd HWOrd lJayonct. h!l\ i11g • ixty l'Olll\tiS of hall ammunition in his pouch, and, in

n ldition to thi:-, I handed over to tho oftic1.;r in commn1Hl a supply of rc~c1·ve nuunn­

nition nt the mto of 100 rounds per mnu) there heiug akeacly n considerable impply of

:'nidcr nmmunition nt Fort Gnrry, null it being tlesircal>lo to encumber the expedition

n little ns pos.-,ible ";tJ1 stores, l lliil not llcem it necc:-!'i:lr}· to &md a lnrge1· liltpply of • numwition.

'1110 pro' ision supplies, cunsi ting ·hieily of bui!>cuit, tlom· and pork, were m11harkcd

C-Olliu~,nsoo<l in lmlf ha1 rcl . hut four lnnuh-ell (WO) <:<m,·as bags were fnrnii;hecl in '1 liich the supplies could be mn-icd more COll\'cinently hy th" men acros.'i tho Yarious "J rtages" which int rscct the inland wntcr,, on the ·· D,Lwson Rontc."

Care also wns tnken to send a qunutity of sheet iron to protect, if necessary, the bows

of th small steamers ancl bont..<i, should any ice h;n c formed on the iulnucl waters. .And

ru. the men were supplied with cn?ry rcqu.o;ik>, C\·eu to moca~~ius nnd snow shoes, the

fmcc 1° t Collingwood, prepared to meet any tliflicult.v likely to nrise.

In tho performance of m~ duliea in connection ,..-ith this :-;cn·fre, I rccciYed every

1 ~istancc from Lieut.Col. T. \\Tily, thl· director of stores, who fnruishe<l the military

liUH'e , camp equipage uw.l personal equipment. an<l 1Ir. llalph .Tones, (;i gentleman

c111plo) cd in the clepartmcnt of Public \Yorks . \1 ho lia<l ma< le the supply m1·n11geme11U;

for the Pacific Hail way :::im"\ c~ fog partic ,) uLtained tJie provision 1;11pplies. .From the }'rom pt manner in '~ hich the call to arms "as re.;pondcd to on thi;; occa.'iio11, I have no

doubt but thnt ten times the number of men rcqui1-c<l, coul<l have uecn assembled,

t: 1uippcd1 supplied, and <lespatchod within the §llffiO ll<:rioll, a<X:ompanicd also, if required, hy Field .Artillery.

J{cfc1:c1100 to the report of B1cvct Licnt.-Col. Scott, (who co111mn1vlcd the experlition

• 1 ro1 t ") anrl to of Licut.-Coloncl Osbomc • "mith, who met the fo1·cp on the

I kc of the woo<li; "ith a istancc, sl11rn s how a<lrnimbly the f:H•rvicc was can·ic<l out

1., the ofiicCTS and meu in face of great lmnlsliips awl difficulties. '1'110 «'XJIC<liLion, with

Lore , wn~_gons: 1101-se &c .. It.ft Colli11gwu0<l in Lw1, 1>t~auu.=1·s, on j lst OcLolicr, a1Tiving on tht• 2 Hh (tl1c third rlay) nt. 'l'Jumdcr Bay (a cli!ltnncc· of ;;:3j mill's). Tito troops an<l

nt once 1li emb rkcll, m11l in thi: folio\\ iug two days 111nrche<I l:; mill's to Lak<·

ntlo,~.111, ervountcring SCH~lc '\cathcr a111l hPa\y snow stonns. Twenty teams of

:md wuggans we1 • employ< cl in tr:uu;porting the stores from 'l'hnnd<'r Jby tu

ndo\ 11. The m 11 marched the tlistnncc in }CS) than thirty fonr (:l J) houni, mill ping

ti t night at th :Muta" nu. 1'"'1 ou1 • hcb.uulow Ill to the nol"th-wi.:st nuglti of lhc Luk<- of

of 310 mile , th for<o I roccie le I in lio.1ts, nn"l although oc'casionally




:l.ll.'liat.eil hy some 1rnmll Tug :-itcumers (v. h 1 ., er th 111

<lP criptio11 of linnhhip nnd Jabc111r which \\ c }' •1iew.:ed i11 tho < xp litio iO,

a~ai11 clcvohod npon the 111en. 'l'hc large qu.mlity of stor awl lH"O\ ii;ioa 1 l \ i110 lo

he, and tho !,oats dm;_!';c.'<-1 across the mw1crou Portages; th· toil nn I 11111-d.: hip

on this occa!>ion, however, Wl'l'e grcally increased by the indcm ney of th" '' th r 1 nd tlw tmusmi.lly e.u-ly setting in of n. No1tl1 ~\me1-ican \nntcr . ./ On the 29th Oclohe1·, tho cx:pt·<lition ct"OS3<' l the hoi~ht w1iten1 flowiug into the .A rtic Occau from tho. o which um into the nlley of the • t. Lawrence; at this time tlir.rt> w.1s ,1l1011t eight i11cl1es of snow on the grou11 I, h '¥

snow-i;tonns prevailing: on Kashahoiwic Lnkr., nnd I .ac tit·~ :.\Iillc lac , tho 'l'ug eamu

were useless, pipes lwing fiozeu. On the ~0th Octoher, nt B 1ril Porta~ , n Wi\) for lhe boat'i ha<l to he cut for half a milo t!n'OU..(lt ico three quark-rs of nn inch thi k, 1

moving of the boats and stores ncro"s Baril Portage not h"ing romplct l until aft 1·

milh1ight. On the 31st October, by midnight Fren..:h Porfa~e '~as cro 1. On the

1st November, "Deux Riviere.-;" wns read1Cll, the bo:its nn 1 store:. having] been taken ac1·oss "Pine Portage" during n. tremenclou:; sno\\-Stormy

On the 2nd November, the men were compelled to jum)J into the: hulf-frozen wnt r,

to their bo:tt'> along, owing to tliu hallownes,; of th1: ~tre~ui. On tl1c 4th No,·cmbcr,

n. way through ice had again to he cut, m1cl nt Loon Cre'k th•~ wnt<?r wnc; so shnllo\1 tl1at

it took thirty (30) hour;; to get some of the lioats through. 1lurin~ tho greater portion of

which time the men were ohligcd to bo in the watc1·; Lil(' fit1Jl'C-; 111111 to he lt\ken out nnrl

carried along the shore, while it required not le5s th:m twenty men to pull th" Pmpty

boats through the mud, thus the expedition was pushed on •by and night, its command r

exhibiting personally to the ofiicer:; ancl men nn example ofucfo·ity. energy nml endurnnc ,

most honorable and prniswonhy ; the samo spi1·it with wl1ich he w,\s nuimntcd bcin.!; tlrn

conununicnte<l to those under his commnn1l, nil Yie l with one m1othc1· in the di pl lY of similar <tlrnlitie«.

On lhe 11th X owmber. <.;olonel o~bornc Smith. foll in with the expedition on lit" L:lkc of the \Yoocls (hllving come from Fort Garry, h1ingin!! with him twenty e }' ii n· · l

voyngcms of tlw I fmbon'x Bay Compau~. nnd n . ":.t onable ... upply of provi: ion-) j n poin

was ronchetl within fifteen mile,; of the Xortl1 w '-t :·u~lc, when forth r nch'lln

stoppecl by ice'. the ctunp httYiu~ fu he formed for the night on an i,,}a•ul; n :<:t dl) an

attempt was mtul~ to fo1~te a pa~:«l)!<' wl1ich s111:ceede<l for n C<'l't lin dbtnn , Lut 111 lly

the troops where· bn<lcd 011 tht• ice an1l llllll'Che1l to lhc .Xm·Lh we.-;t. angle. mery 111 m

rnrrying his rille, accoulrt•1ue11ts. kirnp:s:1ck. nnd hl:mkeb. i'l'Om the- Xorth "e"t ·mgl of the Lake of tho \Voodi;, to Fo1·t ll:\rry (nhout 110 mile<;) tho tli-;tnuc wm; m 1~1a J in four nnd a hnlf !lays, (th • c<>ld hPiu~ int ·1is ) mul on tl1 18th .i ~ o'·eml> r, th \\ l1 le

of the c•xpt•1lilion ar1fretl safely nt its ti tin tion "ithout ncci l nt or th l of

in three "f'C•ks from the time of lea' in ' ·"l'lmml r Bn) ." in four f1 1u

:mil in fh c "eeks from U1 • time J H c h l 01-de:-s to de-p h it, the fm

11•c(S in Fort C:nn·!I· complete'!! cq1 • 'P l <t l • a l!J f · · · . th0 lli\t.'\11 f1

of (l<'Jllld111·1' in Ontario bein~ nbout 0110 thou :mcl ( 1000) mil 1 nil of thn m n ho' "'

Page 28: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

, ion Iv tt , 11 l gr1; di anc to the rendezvous. These facts speak for

lll'O\ in • t l <'ffi i nc\' both of thl' men and of the system. ' ,., r 1 \ b tim tho t1'0op left Thtmd£•r I:uy, till thoir nrrhnl al Fort GniTy, the

, h r " unu u lily cold, toni'I ·, i l unh,·oraulc. cm1 in~ con idorahl1) <lclay. Every

ni •h thr> m n h ld to camp out, nn 1 the pri.\-ntious to which ili('Se 11cmly Cnmulinn

soldi I'S w r' expo~ I. mn.y ho imn"in d from the fact. that on thci1· anfral ai; their

1lcsti11ntion, th y m m:hctl ncro tho Ho<l Hin•r an1l tho .i.\.ssinihoinC', on tho icu into Fort Ottrr). and tl!i• dny aftcn\ nrds the ther1110meter had sunk to mnn~· clt•gnws holow zc1·0.

Ml'. i_> wson. of the Dep:u tmont of Public \Yorks. acr.omp:miccl the expedition,

1hroughout thi~ ti·yiu~ m lrch from 'l'l1111ule1· Hay to Fort Garry, 1rncl affo1·dc1l it the

g1 t: po iule n ,;istm1 e, he sp ab in tl1c hi;;hest k1·111s of the conduct of the

ofli 1-s ruul men. of tl1eir chee1folncss under privation, of their harclihoocl nnd energy;

• 11 1 he declnrcs in conjunction with tJ10,,e officer:; who had been with hoth expeditions,

thnt tlic hardships endured. nnd dilliculties overcome in the Expedition of 1871, were

in ompnrnbly !!m\ter than those encountcrecl in 1870.

In point of time there can be no comparison, the c.xpmlition of 18i0 having

occupied about three months in mnking the same journey which thnt of 18 il accomplished i 1 Je,,. th m one.

It i.~ true that upon neither occnsion wa.-; there any enemy to meet or ":Military

L:mrels" to lie gained by the oHicer and men of these two Expcclitions-the soldier:;,

11 ,·erthele;s. who bore so well the hn1dships im;cparaLle from hoth, arc j\lstly entitled

t l honomlilc consillcration; the Expedition of lSTl, composed entirely of C;madian

:\lilitin, commanded by a Onnncli.m oflicer, ancl so promptly carried out, will long be

remembered \\ith foelin rn of pride by PW'ry tJ.maclinn as ono of the 1J1ost rmcccssfnl nn<l n•marknble march of tho kind.

By the rJ izett"' of l Gth October, 1811 .• :Manitoba wns coustitutccl ~lilit.lry District

_.,. o. 10 and already the )lilitin .. ystem of the Dominion has taken root therein.

'J'he acti\"e 1orcc coruil.sts of a Pro' isionnl Battalion of Hillf'lnon, at present on <lnty,

of 31:! officers and men, of whom 200 are stationod at Upper Fort Garry, 2 officers and

.'JO men at the Stone Fort twenty miles lower clown the Reel }{iver, an<l 2 oOicers with

50 men at the Hudson Bny Company's Post, at Pcrnl1ina, on the frontiN· of tho United

tales, whero there is a post and detachment of Unite<l States Troopr;.

In addition to this Batt.'llion, t\\O Cavalry 1'roops, one DQmi-Batt""r,\· of .Artillery,

nd nine Comp.mi of lnfn11t1 y 11nvc hccn nuthoriz,.,l to bu funned. an<l their organ­iz tion i pr-0g1 ing.

J; ut.-Colond 0 born Smit11, ('.:M.G., nt im•scnt com1nnnrling the Miiitill in this

JJi trict, iq Ort th t the " D mi-Battery" of Adillcry is now 01 n.nized, 11r111e1l with

o 110117.e rifle l Mountain Gun (T-poun le1 ), nnd that it will prove a us~ful 1111d

t corp:: ; that. four out of tho niue Infantr) Companies, g .-rotted arc nlso funned,

01 ni.z tiou of the I m ind r pro 'l'C ing, aml that the ( v u1y Troop3 \\ill s11cccccl th ir 01 , nimtio1' • " M ountc 1 llifle ."

Colo el 0 horn mith, in hi HPport on this Di.i;trict, which will he


I '


fomul in th•• .Appeuclix, stat , ' ' th lt tho d ription of fol'ca b t. ad pt I to th" country is )lounte<l !Wies;" that nn cxcellC'ut militnry pirit app r t-0

act11ntc nil classes, nncl their plq;sit1ue i n.dmimblc-p rhaps no bettc1· lillltcrinl for

l\Io11ntecl Hitle111011 coul<l be fournl anywher thnn nmong tho hulfalo hunters of the great \Vcst<>rn Prniri!\c;. T he pop11lation from which the force has been drawn, ax-du

i;iYc of J ndiaus and scatl<:re<l settlers, mny IJ • 1 stimata I nt. ten thousn.n11.

"'l'lw 1>ettlc1l country is wC'll siLttated, googrt1phicnlly, in a 11tmtedcal point of , iow, for the for111ation of Compani~;;.

"1''1·om the p:mLllel of 49° (tlu· l101mdnry lin · of the !Jnitct! :--tate:), tho chief

sottlemeut.-; extend clue 1101·tlt, alon~ tho H c·d Hiww, for about ninety miles; thi line ,,f

settlement is crossed hy another numin!j 11eady eruit. nud we t from P oint 1!1 Ch~ne on

the River Seine, to tho eas tward, to P rairie P ortage to tJie wcstw.lrd, on the .\ iniboinc

River. Both these 1·i\ers conver~e at ·W innipeg (Fort Gnrry}, falling into the He I River.

"The settled country thns fonus n cross. of which Fort Gany mny b considered

tl10 centre, sixty mile8 north of the boundary line nt P embina, with Poin~ de Chene nnd

Pru.ire Portage. dis tant thirty and seventy mile,, re.., pccti,·cly, to the east and west."

The Companies of the P rovi..:iionnl B. ttnliou thnt nrc at present stationed in Upper

Fort Garry are very insufficiently proYicle!l with unrrack nocouuno lation, tho lmilclin~ occupied hy them, in the H udson's Bay Comp my's P ost heing mere shells, nffordinct

ina<lequntt> sl1elter to the men ; the fact of so 11u-gc a. nnrnber of soldiers, morem·er.

occupying these st-0rehomies of tho Ilnclson's lhy Company pub that co1J1mercinl l!Orn­

pnny to cousiclnaulc inconYeuience. If it he intcwle I, therefore. to maintain a portion of

the Active .l\liliti;~ on dut~- for any len~th of time in tho P ro,incc. I ' ' oul<l recom­

mend (that a fort, or defensible Il.LJ"m cks of lo~ huts be con:structed in a uitnulr military position for the proper shelter and nccornmodat.iou of the t roop .

~fILITARY D1~TRrC'l' No. J 1.

British Gol11111bi 1.

The r:a~e([I' of 16th Octolier, 1 Tl. constitu~d this .Province, the mo L distant

of tlw Dominion, into n :Milit:u·y Di:;hict (X o. 11), but ns y t 110 Nfop,; lmrn been tnl.: n toward!> nppointing any f'taff. or t•nrolliug thP militia.

'rhl• tinw, l1owc\'e1·, lt:1s now u rri' cd "hen it i dc.oimblc t-0 do so, nnd I wo 1hl

therefore l'l'l'Olllml•nd the formntion of c •11ni11 t.'orps vf Aetfro 21ili i , comp

partly of Infantry. a1 ul p:u tly of .Artillery. fo1· thi Di t ict · tlui. nit< bl r , clo hiu •

mu! t'cp1ipmc11L for snch hl' ordered nm! d patchc>cl f1 m Engl nd, direct t-0 t 1e Provin

hy i;ca; tlmt. t11f' usual :1,..sistnn..:e in nid of l>l'ill ~hod and l.11uo1i , be llo' I, n

)Iilitriry 'c.hool c t.nbli lied. Otliecrs of the l?e l'\ o Militin nomin t I, to tl1e

l'lll'Ollllt'llt of 111! lllt'll lillblc In· t lio n omiuion Militia A.ct t-0 ilfilitnr.\ ~ l'\ ice, nnd th t

n oompctent :--tnff OHice1·. be appointccl to COP" tl1e "hole of tl1e Mtlitill, in th

Page 29: OM THI: STATE OF THE MILITIA · 2018. 11. 10. · Oucbec, iu nd lition t-0 affording 1netms for the complete tminiug in Artillerl' Exercbc.,, of snch otliccrs a111l men of Artillery

i •.

J)i lrict, th.<ristod by t"o Brignd•• ;\[ ~or~. ono of\\ holll should 110 with his Co111mniul11nt

t Victorin, the other nt i;oml plncc on tho mninlnnd.


'l'hc Gruw1 Trunk Hnihmy Rrig:11le, under the command of Lieutennnl-Coloncl

Bryll~es m1mher:> ::!,2t31 otlicc1'.S anrl men. 'l'h<' following rctum Hhcwi; the present

~trongth nnd distrilmtion of corps in this Brigade.

I Field


-~ ] . i'nmm11n1lin Offkt-ni. I nnd j ~ § f,

Staff E =' -~ Officera ~ .:=: i:

Hatta lions.

Non-Com· mi•~ioned

Officeni and men.

!-----------'---· ~ ~ ~

1st Brigade Artillery ...... Licut.-CoL Hickson ......• I i 6 6 6 44i 2nd do do Spicer. . . . . . . . . 8 6 G 6 3!ll 1st Bsttalien Riflei...... . do B~ilC\" . . . . . . . . i 6 7 7 422 2nd <lo Jo ~he ~den....... i 9 9 !l 502

10r,\ ...

>nl do do o<t~m-on ••••


++i+ -~ ,,,':, ---DISTllIB\;TIO~.

Tho Brigade is distributed tlS follows:-

1st Brigade .Artillery, )fontreal, l lst Battalion Hilles 1 Ilcadquarters ..... ... 14 Companirs.

'.!1111 do f Point Levi~. 1st Bnttalion Rifles, Detachment . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 clo

Hichmond do . herbrooke, do

lkocb;llc, ~nd Bnttnlion Hi!lr~.



Port Hope,



do do



'J'oronto. 2nrl Br:igndc .Artillery, Hea1lqunrter~

Strntfo1d, do Detachment gra11tford, :11~1 lhtt11lio11 ItiHes, U eud1J1rnrters

:trntforJ, clo Dcu1chmcnt





............ 1

....... . .... 1

. . . . . . . . . . . . "

............ 1

... . ........ j

........... l

........... . 4

.... ..... . .. ~ ., . . . . . . . . . . . . •)

............ 1

1 •> ............






do tlo clo do




On tl1e 1st .July J inHpectod n portion of tl1is Brigad•' 011 tho •· < 'hamp·dP·:;\fa11l," in when n RC\·iew WM held, and n fm•·rl"-Jni"- firr<I, it hcing the Anniycn;nry of




\ I

Dominion Jhy, nncl ngnin on the 8th of J nly l inspected nhout 800 men of tl1P. Btignd., who took p:1.1t in the field <hy hel<l at Lo.;a11'11 Farm. On hotli occasions the t>Oldi rhkc

headng a111l clliciency of tho corps pre!>ent was conspioous.

Lioutcnant-Coloncl Brydges Oo111mnn1lin~. has 1>1-ought his "'l'ecinl 1hi"tHl•· to a Ligh st.ate of ofilcicucy, thus rendering great public set"\ ice to U11• countiy. He ii> well 1mpportccl by his officc1s and men, among whom th<•rc i. much C$/;rif-<fo·corz s. 'D1c10

arc many men in the ranks who hnvc sen(•,d in tht• R<'!!Hlar .Au11y, and in point of

general cflicicncy, this Brigade is snp<'rior to n11y in tlio .Activo ~lilitia of tho Dominion. Tho officeri; ancl men are employcs of the Grand Tumk Raih\ny Company, from all

of whom military service is rcquirccl. Jfasing tL>c<·ntly ins11ectecl the A1moury of tho

Corps belonging to this Brigade, \\ho arc stationed in )lontrenl, I found c\cl~thing in excellent order, admirably an.:rngcd, :mcl tl1c .\1 moury itfelf, in point of clcaulim ,

simplicity and convenience, a verfect model.

\Vi th a view to increasing the cftlcicucy oithi:s Bii~mr!., 1 would iecon.incnd tlmt tho

Artillc1·y Cori·~ belonging to it be trained as far as po~i\,lc to .\1 tillm~ Exc1ei&'s, under

the instruction and supervision of the I nspcctor of A itillery. :ind p10,'idcd so soon ru;

the Department is in a condition to do f>O with annarncnt.

~fajor T. , V. 'Yorsley is the Brigade l\fnjor of ll1i~ Brigade, and tl1i,-, Otliccr'i:,,

Report will be found in the Appencli." ~\' S:. , :> '1 -

h4""~ei--."'\ M.~'- ~\..,\~ W ""~\e"f C.AY.\LHY.

'.l'hc prcst"nt strength of the Uarnlry in C'Y<'ry District iti too weak in propo1 tion

to that of other arms, there being but one n•0riment, the squachorn;, nml nim; iud ~­

pendent troops for the whole Dominion. The gmdnnl increase of the "aYahy. nncl iti; org;u1ization into District Regiments is rccommcmlc1l, also thnt nu ndclitionnl

period for thill should be nllowcd, i,o that all CnYall'y Corp!' might he dtillcd nnd paicl for 32 days in the year. 16 of those <lays with the rc~pcctiYe Brign<l<'"· d11ri11g tho :.itmmer S1c'l\SOn, in .. Campl' of ExercisC'," tho othc1· 16 dn~ s duriu.., tl. · '' i11ter, '· HC't;imcn·

tallr,'' at tho Head-Quarters of Corp:;, wht•re, if possihk n Di 11 ~1 l l>houi<l be mndo

!l\ailnl1lc as •~ Hiding ... chool. It is fortl1cr dei,irnblc to adopt tl.e followin"' mc:isurc :

(1st) tliat as for as ]'O~i\.11', nll l\n11hy C011 s I c l:m:::ely wmro~cd of farmui; and tltc·ir 1;011s, who posi,ess horse:;, arc in C'asy l'ircmm;tnntes. nncl reside in the frontier


(2nd) that tlw horses i::houlcl in fut me, in nil cnsc.", ho t•nrolkd ns \\ell as tin• mcu

in tlw resp<'cliYt' troops. (n n•tninin~ fi.'e llf .~10 pu ho1:;~'. per mmum, hciw• paid co

md1 man, on comlitiou of hi:; proYiding a propt.'r description ot m1i11rnl at the time of th

nnmull drill, orfor s1•rvicc when l'C'<ptircd.) (:lnl) that the• present hor~c allownnc:c of i,i cents dnily for cnch cffi.;cthc horse,

at the time of n11mu1.l drill. or~ hen on duty. be i111:rC.'lSC<l to l. ( H h) tlw fo111ge nllo~ nnce of hay, to he iucrt'.nsctl from 14 to l ' )hs. per l101se, on th

ll.'\100 occasioni..