oli. morning, strati the new cash store,chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042459/1878-11... ·...

LOS ANGELES. FBI DAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1. 1878 Los Angeles Daily Herald. NO. 132 : Oli. X. Morning Telegrams. I'nfiHPuucrs doing RDUCtI, Mojave, Oct. 81.?E B Taylor, VV B Parsons, Mrs GrafF and fam- ily, A. 1). Hermance, R A Young, J Elsasso, J M Kequo, M H Gross- mayer, It E Arlck, F 0 Brleii, S Dicker, C H Phelps, F Lindquist, Mrs A IJavemeyer, Mrs J 0 Tuck- er, Mrs A Atkinson, Miss Minnie Atkinson, H M Scott. A 4'lllll*Nf< l-'ri-illlililtliu XH.tr. San Francisco, Oct. 31.?The ? steamer Gaelic arrived early this morning from China and Japan. She brings news of a remarkable affair which recently occurred in Hour Kong. On the night of Sep- tember 25th a band of pirates landed and atluckpd the house of a wealthy Chinaman who was supposed to keep a lame amount of treasure on hand. The plans were evidently well laid and the neigh* hood reoonnoltered, but, before the pirates attained their object, they were attacked by the police and a tight ensued in which one of the pirates was killed and many wounded ou both sitles. The free- booters finally made of! In their boats. Great excitement exists over the affair, roiivemntii CoMMttltteti i*"l"bw. Sacramento, Oat. .'list.?The Committee on Laud anil Home* stead Exemption met last night. James MeClatchy made au argu- ment favoring laud limitation, ami Dr. Caples against it. The Committee on Chinese last night adopteil sections as follows: Aliens not eligible to become citi- zens cannot sue ot be sued, and the lawyer appearing for against the same loses his license. (Such aliens shall have no business license and no corporation employing them can have a license. Aliens aro for- bidden to buy or lease property; also a section declaring that foreigners Ineligible to citizenship are dan- gerous lo ibe State, and that our Legislature shall discourage such immigration by all means in Its power anil provide for their exclu,,- sion from the State, and levy a tax tvr provide lines for those who get them here and give , power to (titles lo exclude (hem; also, prohibiting public officials from employing Ihein and desig- nating dismissal from office as the penally; also, disfranchising citi- zens who employ them. These sections Will be reported to-mor- row. All were carried on a simple majority and will probably not i meet with the approval of the Con- vention. Tlie Committee on Education last night decided to have a State Bo'ird of "Education elected instead of appointed. The Committee mi Judiciary met last night J. VV. Dwindle w::s present, aud lead an outline of Ihe system of judiciary proposed hy the K:in Francisco liar Association, lie j argued In favor of the plan which has be en published. He opposed j the idea of having a UommUelouer j of Appeal lo assist the Supreme { Court. He also spoke lv favor of a Probate Court for San Francisco, where business would warrant such Court. The proposition will be ! printed to-morrow, awl consl eretl by Conveniisn. ut,.' ftettSSMNIIi \u25a0*! I'o'tv.'iitiun Sacramento, Oct. 81.?Hogtle presented a memorial in favor of regulating the sale of liquors. [Miller, from the Committee on Chinese, made a recommendation for tlie Constitution as follows. First?The legislature shall enact needful laws ami prescribe neces- sary reyulalions for the protection of "the State, counties, cities and towns from burdens arising from the presence of aliens who are or who may become Vagrants, pau- pers, meudicanls, criminals or in- valids, anil aliens otherwise dang- erous or detrimental to the peace and well being of tbeState, and to Impose conditions upon which such persons may reside therein, and pro- vide a means and mode of removal, provided that nothing contained iv the foregoing shall be construed to limit the power of the Legislature to pass such other police laws as necessary. Second?Any corpora- tion of the State doing business shall forfeit, its franchise end char- ter and all legal rights I' it em- pint-i ftweimers «~* -!?.-'i|« »>\u25a0??. jifhlpsua'! he permitted, alter Mis \u25a0 mcnt during the term nf their of- fice. By McConnell, no corporation organized outside of the limits of the State shall be allowed to trans- act business within tlio State on more favorable conditions than home corporations. By Harries, providing for a judi- cial remedy for parties having claims against the State. By Vacquerel, prohibiting solici- tation for business purposes on board cars or other public convey- ances. By Bowling, providing that neither bigamy nor pollgaiiiyshall ever be tolerated. Martin, of Santa Cruz, offered a resolution requesting the President and Secretary of tho State Univer- sity to furnish information con- cerning that institution. Adopted. Tho Convention went into Com- mittee of the Whole on the preamble and hill of lights, the pending clause being section 0, which Wits passed as adopted yes- terday. On Sections?, 8, 9, 13 and 14 con- cerning juries aud trials, Wilson, of San Francisco, moved that the Committee rise and recommended that these sections be referred to the Judiciary Committee. Along debate followed on the propriety of making the reference and the motion was defeated. Section 7 was then taken up as recommended by the Committee, the jury sys- tem being much modified, It be- ing questionable whether under the Wording the Legislature might not lie able to abolish trial by jury In civil cases, £. O. Smith oflered an amendment that jury trial re- main inviolate, but that the jury may be waived by parlies in all civil eases and criminal cases bo- low felony; a concurrence of two- thirds only, being necessary for a verdict. Herri ukton offered a further amendment permitting tbe waiv- ing of trial by jury in civil cases and misdemeanors, and allowing tho Legislature to determine the i number necessary to secure a ver- dict. Both Smith's and Harrington'sl iproposals were defeated. Tll<!«r>*». llnvemHrj l*aee, j Pittsburg, Oct. 3i.?ln the | United Slates Circuit Court, before ! Commissioner Gamble, tlie ease of i tire united States against Samuel |J. Tilden, ol "New York, was ; leached yesterday afternoon. The jonly witness examined was Mr, F. M. Hutchinson, Secretary and Treasurer of (he Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Road, who testified Ihat, between the years ISCI and 1572, the sum of $50,000 had been paid Mr. Tilden for pro- fessional services rendeied thai line. He also testified Ihat Mr. Tilden had from time to time sent different sums of money here to jbe invested in a railroad enterprise, j aud that dividends had been sent ; him from this city. Tlie amount jof Investments and dividends j could not be definitely stated with- ! out books. A.*i(e,suit's Rfolemeot. Philadelphia, Oct. 31.?The Preu to-morrow will publish the sworn statement of James E. An- derson, ex-Supervisor of East Fe- liciana parish, made to-day before a Notary Public of this city, re- specting the authentication of the Sherman-Anderson-We her letter, alleged to have been written by tlie present Secretary of tho Treasury to Anderson and Weber in New Or- leans on the 20th of November, 1878, and other matters connected with the Potter Committee. It sets forth that, in June, 1878, after he had testified before the Potter Committee on Louisiana affairs, he met in Philadelphia E. L. Weber, who, In the course of a long inter- view, stated that he was in posses- sion of said letter, and would testify in favor of the Democrats before tiie Potter Committee for the sum of $10,000, and that Auder- son repeated the conversation to J. R. Sypher, nu attorney of lis ia city, a personal friend and college chum of Clarkson N. Potter, and that, ou tho day following, Weber, Ander- son and Sypher went to Washing- ton City. Weber declined to testi- fy for over two weeks, giv- ing as a reason that the Demo- cratic managers whom ho named would not pay him the sum he demanded. On the 27th that hi 3 conviction was in error. Maltby will review tho testimony for Porter and file his arguments with the Judge-Advocate to enable the latter to prepare his answer. Either Ohoate or Bullitt will con- clude the ease wltb an argument for Pope. 4 |»E.«iiul<d Apnssolle t>< l»cuie. New York, Oct. 31.?Pope Leo has appointed Dr. Oilooly, nine- teen years Bishop of Elphin, to Uie position of Apostolic Delegate from tie Holy See lo theUuited Stales and Canada. The statement that the Pontifical Secretary of State will consult tho British Gov- ern man t before appointing Cardi- nal Culleu'a successor, recalls for- mer reports that an understanding had already beet) arrived at be- tweeu Oreat Britain and the Vati- can, with a view to suppressing the Irish disaffection. Tlio appoint- ment, therefore, is expected to have an Important political significance. §M gj,ng*l#js Strati s.it,ll«\iwt ivei ? rooming; except Mo*-] day, BY \u25a0I OHM t-U D- re**! FOR DAILYHERALD: per .inmiai, i>y to nil or express Pi .nix months " " 5 Thrje months 14 ? Delivered by carriers, per week 85 cents | LO > ANGELES WEEKLY HERALD ... ilshed every Saturday morning. TERMS. One by i,iiitloroxpress,ouacopy..*3l)G Thr c ? " <" Adiri. ilseiireiitn Inserted al renaouoble rat All llludii ol Job-Work done so (..mode with Sum tfranelsno J" Frlce.Ntyl*. nod Klesjaweo ol Work. mmiHlils*. LAWYERS. A B RUN SON. O. WILEY WELLS. Binnson & Wells. ATTORNEYS AT I. AW, BAKER BLOCK. We have connections established ut Washington with Hon. Matt. Carpenter, hy wlxlon we are enabled to give special attention to cases in the Supreme Court ofthe United States and all matters be- fore the Lepartmenls at Washington. oil jTa.obaves, AT lORNEY AND COUNSEL- LOR AT LAW. ROOM No. 1 STRELITZ BLOCK. JvBtf JOHN C. MORGAN, V t'TORMBT AT L.A-W. ml. SANTA MONICA. k K. HOWARD. ft H. HOWARD. J, BRuK-F.Al', Howard, lirossoan & Howard, . ! rORMBYS AND COUNSELLORS * , ' t. \w. Rooms, a,m andMTenV ' '-. ..". i< third Boor, Los Angeles. ' v "s. C. HUBBELL, ? i I UINKY \T LAW, Rooms 3 and 1 A iiueoutinao ? Block, eo**a» Main.* ,-?.. rulal streets, Los Angelas, uiny-^-il 11 AStai L * H- SMITH ii, n inu*. '*\u25a0 »? "Mi? 3LASSELL, CHAPMAN & SMITH'?. ?? ISO UN FYS AT LAW, i\ nffWtt TEMPI.C SI <«'l< 01-stulrs, l.«* > .n'eles.CttUroriiia. ne'J-tlj-- "FTf». Ramirez, A' I I O HNK V A r l' I- A W OFntW? Temple Block, No, Tl, I ns Anno es. \u25a0»" "" PHYSICIANS. ). ii. Smith, 51. D., Lste House SurgeOU aud t nyslelan, Bellevue and Btackwell's [.land Hos- pitals, New York Ctijr. BL' Cit-ttu oc2l-l in Dr. Kirkpatrick. irftk-e and Residence-No. ir,FRANKI.ir< HIBBET. fe2S-lm Or 7h. P. RICHARDSON, i'hj sielsiu ami Pururooii t, .ni. :iee, VortßU!. I Offlce.No. llPew- iiuenn Visia street. I noyßlock.upstalrs. J. HANNON, M. D., ( |>UNW PHYSICIAN. , >,lUMSBA H, LAN FRANCO BLOCK. I \ Kuideiiee Downey avenue. Last j/.s Angeles, n«ar the end ot street rail- " owe* houips lo>m 10 to MA. M.; from I to , i«, "P 2O t f Dr. Joseph Kurtz Has removed his office lo No. B'2 MAIN STREET, over Duller A Bradley's Fuml- '"offloeHpurt-From io to 12, i to 0 and a to ih Resldeneo-Buena Vista street. myltr i Dr. ChinQuong Zin, CIHNKSK DOCTOR. HOTELS. PICO HOUSE, DORMER .MAIN ST. AND TIIEPLAZA Francisco Pico, PropV. This well known and popular holel- hy common consent iho belt appointee 1 and most luxurious in Houthern Califor- nia? hasjust been Refurnished and Renovated, Apaitments single and en suite. The cuisine is unsurpassed ou the roust. Kvery detail of the service, apartment! aud table FIRST CLAMS IN EVERY RESPECT se2nt f United States Hotel, HAMMEL & DENKER, Prop's. Cor. Main and Requena Sts. This hofel I tikes In an entire block fronting 820 feel on itequena street, 100 on Main and i&fe <% on Los Angeles sir. et. THE HOOMH Are airy, and all contain Spring Bed! with tlie latest improvements. TltXB TAULU: la supplied with tho best Uie nuukei alfbrdfi. RaT Kt* mo r> Kit at it:. A Free Omnibus la attached to the ho- tel*and baggage is conveyed gratis to and from the depot. Tho United States Hotel is centrally located, opposite the Court. House, aud U near the roslotlice and Land Offlce, Call and sco us. You will receive good troatment. HENRY HAMMEL, A. H.DENKER. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, I.OS ANGELES, CAI.., S. W. CRAIGUE & CO.. Proprietors. The St. Charles is located In the busi- ness centre ot tho city, and is t.ho largest, most elegant and completely organised Hotel lh Sou thorn California. Free coach to tho house. ur**"Western Union Telegraph In Hotel offloe. Jyiitf MOJAVE HOTEI, Mojave Junollou, Oct I. rpHLS HOUSE IS NOW PEPARED M S, to receive its numerous patronxJtiJL ami the traveling public in general, Be- Ing entirely new aud splendidly tur- nlshed, it affords superior accommoda- tions. ITS TABLE D' BOTE Is secoud to none In Southern California THE DAR la supplied with the choicest brands of wines, liquors and cigars. An elegant BILLIARD ROOM 1. also attached to tho house. All trains stop hero for breakfast an.l supper, it In tnr. \u25a0 --tut.of departure for inty iniucs, viz.? t Gordo and Pan- CO. i ege of c ' solicited. % YD, 'Clt.lv. BUSINESS CARDS. JUDSON, GiLLETTE & GIBSON, EXAMINERS OF TITLE AND CONVEYANGERS, llonius 13 nnd H, Mcdonald Block, Maiu Ht., LOS ANGELES,CaI. septtiU W.H.J, IiHOOKS. OKOROTCJ. Cr.AItKK. W. Hi h. uussull, Att'y at Law. BROOKS, CLARKE Sl RUSSELL, Searchers of Records end Examiners of Titles. wallbs'S huiding, comer Spring and Temple streets. W. M. WILLIAMS. r. THOMPSON, W. M. WILLIAMS & Co., General Forwarding, Storage and Commission Merchants. WAREHOUSE-San Pedro St. depot. OFFICE?Nos. 1 and 3, Downey Block, Wltb Thompson A Ellis. N. B.?We are prepared to make liber- al loans on grain stored Witt) ns at ONE PKlt CENT, pur month. a9lt' §1 to §1000 to Loan, At' THE STAR LOAN AND BROKER OFFICE. Removed to No. 8 COMMERCIAL ST. Will advance on collaterals 81 to $1000, on all kinds of pt-rsonal property, such as watches. Jewelry, diamonds, pistols, guns.eto. Gold, slfver and v. H. Carrey, cy nought and sold. nlltf FIRST CLASS WHGAT LANDS FOR RENT. B3ES UANCHKS . V 6t M.v- FiTT, San WIDKBY. or COL. Anpeiei. . >2m toys; .meats, , s, I sne*; Qc 'Mtiteos lo /est l.iviny Prices > 'ouis 'am xcb. \u25a0 m arenla- ? i EX V. t . fat. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Tho Teachers* instfiuie of Los Angeles county will meet at HALL, Ivthe City of Los Auifcles, MONDAY, Nov. 4th, nntl continue in session live days. Ho*. 12. S. Carr, Superintendent of Public Instruction, ProC A. L. Maun, City SupeiinteudenLSehooLs fcJ:tu Frau- oUco. Prof, H. IS. Norton, ofthe Statu Normal {school, Mrs. Jeanne O. Carr, l>**l»uiy Superintendent Public Instruc- tion aud J. p. Wlduey, M. L>., have been 'uvit .-d and are expeciod to assist In the ! york of Ihe Institute. The attention of teachers employed in I ?' Public Schools In tho couniy is called j :>> Sea/UttOof the School Law, which ro- I outre* t hem to attend the Institute and participate iv its proceeding. i All teachers, school offioors and per- . v ons interested lv ihe oatur oi education . iii-.' inWied to be present. \ VV. P. McDONALI^, j t'OKoi.y Superintendent achoulv. | Los Arnjelrs, Oct. 10. ISTU. olltd NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE NEW CASH STORE, Cor. Main & Temple Sts., Downey Block, OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS! All New! No Old Goods! Good Line of MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS! New Stylo CLOAKS and DRESS COOD3! Dailies and Gentlemen cordially Invited to call and examine goo Is aad prices. Hope to merit a liberal patronage. Very Respectfully, LOS AKGELE3, Oot. 20.1675. o2C-J4w-;'.m B. F. COULTER. ! HAS REMOVED TO HIS ELEGANT NEW STORE AT 64 ST., m THE MASCAREL. BUILDING, Where ho is prepared to show the ladie3 of Los Angeles goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Now la tho timo to come and secure your BARGAINS. NO COMMON TRASH sold at this Establishment. All Goods aa Represented. LOOK A.T OTJK 1»JJMOI-: I.IST! 20 yards of the best American Prints $100 12 yards Lonsdale 1 00 12 yards White Rock 1 00 Cheviot Shirting lOcta. per yard COOO yards Snnwflske Dress Goods 15 cts. per yard 5000 yards French Armlns 25 cts. per yard 51)00 yards Clan Plaids 25 cts. per yard 1000 yard* Black Silk, gros grain $1 per yard 100 Ladles' Dresses of the Latest Styles |T 60 each 100 Ladies' Dresses of the Latest Styles $9 00 each 150 Ladies' Dresses of tlie Latest Styles $12 00 each Ladies' Clonks ?6 00 each Liidioi.' liisnillioroliiofs, lV»ij>lcins, Towels, Embroidery, Howlei-y, Ci!i>vt>!-i, Luces, JVicw Stylo "Voils. 500 pairs of Mission Woolen Mills Family White Blankets at $G 00, from the great sale of Newhill, Hin Francisco. These Blankets always sold at $10. AU Kinds of Fancy Goods at Half tho Usual Prices. ?fir A full line of Ladies', Gentt,' and Children's SHOES. CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS in endless variety and AT BOTTOM PRICKS. Call and examine for yourselves aud bo convinced ' hat this no humbug. REMEMBER THE PLACE, 64 MAIN STREET. _ SPECIAL NOTICE. FOB. THIRTY DATS ONLY. Having to make room for my Winter Qooils, I offer my present Magnificent Stock of BOOTS dfc? BHOESS At Lower Prices Than Ever Sold Before. Tlios ; liavii.a in mind tlio saving of money, would do well to call at once. 1 will give BARGAINS. 1 KEEP NO TRASH GOODS. All are of the best manufacture. AT SLANEY'S, 100 MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES. tN TIIE DRY GOODS IiSBSS. is. 875,000 WOHTH R9 ~OF inGODS ' TO BE POM) AT T IxstXl Cost, To iietirc from Business. Trices no object. Come and examine ray stock, and satisfy yourself. NO HUMBUG. Great reduction in prices at wholesale. E. LAVENTHAL, ITELLMAN BLOCK, cor. Los Angeles & Commercial Sts. TEUTONIA SALOON ST-Vl?* STEKKT. OPENING SATURDAY NIGHT. ?WFIiKB LUNCH. BEER » CENTS A (Jf.AcM. (jive usacali. o.*tf tt. HAIiFKNKB, Proprietor. FOR~BALE. Bjt the Lake Vineyard Land and Water Association, the best Orange nnd Semi. Tropical bruit Land In the Htate. Water right «oe* with the land Apply to the olHoc of 1". Heandry, No. X .New Hlru St. ap!Btf F. W. WOOD. Hoeretnry. REST7uI?ANf~DE T^ARisT Opposite, the IM,o House. A. CUYAS MANAGEU. i MEALS at M) uts. or i hi li'srl'rivate rooms for mm if it**,-r. a j American and 1 rei.uu stvlj. 011-lm O * Vr d »yi »t hum*! *Pe_> «I>4aWV/ * tuples worth 11, free. RviKiort ft Co., Pt<.!land. Me. uiurMd SOCIETY NOTICES. j MasonioNotlc*. », iM Angelea Lodge So. «?, Zrk AA. St. ?The mated meeting* V V of tliia Lodge ere held on «*:? flint MONDAY ofeach ' \u25bc x J:;w j-. m. Members of l>umi-J plm, No. 202, und Mil Master Masoaa ta : stood standing are cordially Invited. 4 by order of the W:* Mi- di as. Smith, Secretary. Los ftntisiet Chapter No. 3), R: - *:? «:\u25a0 Stated con vocations oa tv . MONDAY of each meat*. I/V-A If p ' at Masonic Hall, tlha la'i Sojourning companion* la f\ >* >/ good standing oordiaU> las \u25a0 WrV VI ylted. By order of 8. C.FOY, H. t'M 1 f Sam. Pbaokb, 83 Seoretary. Los Angeles Conncil No. 11, Royal aaa Select Masters, F. km. M., Holds Its slated assemblies on the 4th f Monday of each month at Masonic Hail, - at 7:30 p. m. Sojourning Companions la | good standing are fraternally Invited to -' attend. By order ofthe Th;. Hi!. B. Q. CUNNINGHAM, Recorder. <^?KNIGHTSTEMPLArt \ De UonCennsseeryNe J Holds Us stated conclaves at the Asy I bun In Maeonio Hall, on the Third ' THTJKSDAY ol each month, at TKo'elook I r. M. Sojourning Knights Templar la good standing are cordially Invited to at* tend. By order of the b:- o:- J. C. LiTTi.Brici.D. Recorder. I.uh Augein ISHlge le. SO, I. O. ?.IV. j rtmW'n Regular meeting held oa I WEDN EH DAY K\ ENING Ol ! li week at 7>, o'clock. Str looming brethren In good standing aro cordially invited. J. W. BARD, H. c I A. Frank, R. 8. Orange Grove Encampment, No. 81,1. ?. 0. F. HfißiMa RF.tiULAR MKETINOB held m jf m m m Mi'-'' tb.- Second said Fourth TUESDAY'S of each month ai . iy, p. >t. Sojourning Palrl- arebs lv good .landing are cordially lnvl- 8 ted lo attend. C C. LIPS, v. r i B. Marxsek, Scribe. § Knights of Pythias. OLIVE LODGE, No. M. ' meets every Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock, at tbe Castle -Hall, Downey Block. Ml sojourning Knight* in good standing are cordlaity Invited. I. A. DUNs.VOOB.O. O. C E. Miles, K. ol It. a. Confidence Engine Company No. 2. _ REGULAR MEETINGS Ol /IiBI tb's Company will take place uu f,le rtlst Wednesday eva- | nine of each month, at « o'clock. By order, ' '***' " W. S. MOORE, Secretary PIONEER AUCTION HOUSE Of Los Angeles City and County, First Stale, Couniy and City Lleensa taken out Oct. Ist, IiIUV, and kept up uninterrupted to the present dale. j el "w=. JsroizriES, % GENERAL A JCTIOII*^^! With J. O. DeTurk, No. 1 MARKBI two door* Hbovo Wells, Fargo 4c Co.'s Office. Regular Hale Dttjs for horses, ear- rlages, (urniau-A. etc., Wednesdays au4 % Saturday* no in 10 o'clock A. M. to 4 o'clock p. m. Cash advances made oa consignments. Cash paid for all kinds ' ofgoods.waresand merchandise. Charges > on Ihe "live aud let let live" basis. N. B.?No real estate wold except bjr auction. Charges on real estate sales one per cent. E. W. NOYES, Auctioneer, And General Business Manager for J. <3. DeTurk. nv2l OLDEST AUCTION HOUSE AND Largest Stock of Auction Goods IN THE CITY. HI. ir,. Bi^owisr, I Auction and Commission Merchant, Two doors oa*t of old sts>nd, on Court St., South of Court House. sWUegulfir iSalfs on Saturdays, from ft v a. m. till 4p. v. special sales made at any time ur place. Cash paid for all Ull d* 4 I :.">0(!f. K.'ieniuce, by permission: R. E. Hyde* I it'biiient Bank of Vlsalla; E. F.Spenoe, Cashier Commercial Bank, L. A. 812U H. R.BROWN, Auctioneer. 4sf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A highly-Improved tract of *iO ACHES of j Ttrmsof Sale? ?5,ft00. one-half cash, cold coin, and the other half ptopvrty, real or personal, at i: * pi e*tnt cuuh value. Call and see the proprrtv, vv apply to JUDGE THOMAS li. >.Ml'lH, ot Loa Augeles, or O. H. AI.I.hN, the premises, a>l joini ii»r the I.os Nietos Institute, near Downey City. olOtf SIR ASTLEY COOPER'S VITAL RESTORATIVE I The great English remedy t< * Nervous Debility, Spermatorrhea aud Premature Decline of Physical Force. Tho Vital Restorative Will positively core, thoroughly end permanenl ly, any cuse of VITALITY or Nervous Debility, el thai acute or of long standlug, and In elttier sex, no matter from what cause pro- duced. The Vital Restorative Is a thoroughly selentlfla prescription, Is not a quack n< strum, hence perfectly safe to take; Is pleasant to the taste, supplies to the cerebro-splnal and sym- pathetic system of nerves now fore*. Purifies and Enriches The blood, rejuvenating and retavlgorat- lug both mind aud body. Thousands, both In this country end in Europe, can testify to the great restorative properties of this really greet medicine. Price, $3 per bojf c, or four times th* quantity lor f10. (\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 nt to auy address se- cure irom observaJ on. Address all letters to A. E. MINTIK, M. P., , (Graduate of the University of Penney}* vanla and late Resident Surgeon to the i UrthopoHilc Hospital of Philadei- I phla.) I No. 7ifl Montgomery St., Han Kreneiuco. ; Sole Agent. > P. 8.-DR. MINTIK can be consulted , in relerence to the above complaints dur- ; Insr ofllco hours from 9 a. if. to 8 f. at. I dully, aud from 8 to S in the even lea. Sunday*. It) a. v. to Iv. v. Consul tat f«i i FKJEK. Thorough examination and sd- l vice, $5. Full directions and advice Ire* i with every package of medletne. Ivlsti

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Page 1: Oli. MORNING, Strati THE NEW CASH STORE,chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042459/1878-11... · Ineligible to citizenship are dan-gerous lo ibe State, and that our Legislature shall



NO. 132: Oli. X.

Morning Telegrams.I'nfiHPuucrs doing RDUCtI,

Mojave, Oct. 81.?E BTaylor,VV B Parsons, Mrs GrafF and fam-ily, A. 1). Hermance, R A Young,J Elsasso, J M Kequo, M H Gross-mayer, It E Arlck, F 0 Brleii, SDicker, C H Phelps, F Lindquist,Mrs A IJavemeyer, Mrs J 0 Tuck-er, Mrs A Atkinson, Miss MinnieAtkinson, H M Scott.

A 4'lllll*Nf<l-'ri-illlililtliuXH.tr.

San Francisco, Oct. 31.?The? steamer Gaelic arrived early thismorning from China and Japan.She brings news of a remarkableaffair which recently occurred inHour Kong. On the night of Sep-tember 25th a band of pirateslanded and atluckpd the houseof a wealthy Chinaman who wassupposed to keep a lame amount oftreasure on hand. The plans wereevidently well laid and the neigh*hood reoonnoltered, but, before thepirates attained their object, theywere attacked by the police and atight ensued in which one of thepirates was killed and manywounded ou both sitles. The free-booters finally made of! In theirboats. Great excitement existsover the affair,roiivemntii CoMMttltteti i*"l"bw.

Sacramento, Oat. .'list.?TheCommittee on Laud anil Home*stead Exemption met last night.James MeClatchy made au argu-ment favoring laud limitation, amiDr. Caples against it.

The Committee on Chinese lastnight adopteil sections as follows:Aliens not eligible to become citi-zens cannot sue ot be sued, and thelawyer appearing for against thesame loses his license. (Such aliensshall have no business license andno corporation employing them canhave a license. Aliens aro for-bidden to buy or lease property; alsoa section declaring that foreignersIneligible to citizenship are dan-gerous lo ibe State, and that ourLegislature shall discourage suchimmigration by all means in Itspower anil provide for their exclu,,-sion from the State, and levy atax tvr provide lines forthose who get them here and give,power to (titles lo exclude (hem;also, prohibiting public officialsfrom employing Ihein and desig-nating dismissal from office as thepenally; also, disfranchising citi-zens who employ them. Thesesections Will be reported to-mor-row. All were carried on a simplemajority and will probably not

imeet with the approval of the Con-vention.

Tlie Committee on Educationlast night decided to have a StateBo'ird of"Education elected insteadof appointed.

The Committee mi Judiciary metlast night J. VV. Dwindle w::spresent, aud lead an outline of Ihesystem of judiciary proposed hy theK:in Francisco liar Association, lie jargued In favor of the plan whichhas be en published. He opposed jthe idea of having a UommUelouer jof Appeal lo assist the Supreme {Court. He also spoke lv favor of aProbate Court for San Francisco,where business would warrant suchCourt. The proposition will be

!printed to-morrow, awl consl eretlby Conveniisn.

ut,.' ftettSSMNIIi \u25a0*! I'o'tv.'iitiun

Sacramento, Oct. 81.?Hogtlepresented a memorial in favor ofregulating the sale ofliquors.

[Miller, from the Committee onChinese, made a recommendationfor tlie Constitution as follows.First?The legislature shall enactneedful laws ami prescribe neces-sary reyulalions for the protectionof "the State, counties, cities andtowns from burdens arising fromthe presence of aliens who are orwho may become Vagrants, pau-pers, meudicanls, criminals or in-valids, anil aliens otherwise dang-erous or detrimental to the peaceand well being of tbeState, and toImpose conditions upon which suchpersons may reside therein, and pro-vide a means and mode of removal,provided that nothing contained ivthe foregoing shall be construed tolimit the power of the Legislatureto pass such other police laws asnecessary. Second?Any corpora-tion of the State doing businessshall forfeit, its franchise end char-ter and all legal rights I' it em-pint-i ftweimers «~* -!?.-'i|« »>\u25a0??.

jifhlpsua'! he permitted, alter Mis\u25a0

mcnt during the term nf their of-fice.

By McConnell, no corporationorganized outside of the limits ofthe State shall be allowed to trans-act business within tlio State onmore favorable conditions thanhome corporations.

By Harries, providing for a judi-cial remedy for parties havingclaims against the State.

By Vacquerel, prohibiting solici-tation for business purposes onboard cars or other public convey-ances.

By Bowling, providing thatneither bigamy nor pollgaiiiyshallever be tolerated.

Martin, of Santa Cruz, offered aresolution requesting the Presidentand Secretary of tho State Univer-sity to furnish information con-cerning that institution. Adopted.

Tho Convention went into Com-mittee of the Whole on thepreamble and hill of lights, thepending clause being section 0,which Wits passed as adopted yes-terday.

On Sections?, 8, 9, 13 and 14 con-cerning juries aud trials, Wilson,of San Francisco, moved that theCommittee rise and recommendedthat these sections be referred tothe Judiciary Committee. Alongdebate followed on the propriety ofmaking the reference and themotion was defeated. Section 7 wasthen taken up as recommendedby the Committee, the jury sys-tem being much modified, It be-ing questionable whether underthe Wording the Legislature mightnot lie able to abolish trial by juryIn civil cases, £. O. Smith ofleredan amendment that jury trial re-main inviolate, but that the jurymay be waived by parlies in allcivil eases and criminal cases bo-low felony; a concurrence of two-thirds only, being necessary for averdict.

Herriukton offered a furtheramendment permitting tbe waiv-ing of trial by jury in civil casesand misdemeanors, and allowingtho Legislature to determine the inumber necessary to secure a ver-dict.

Both Smith's and Harrington'sliproposals were defeated.

Tll<!«r>*». llnvemHrj l*aee,

j Pittsburg, Oct. 3i.?ln the| United Slates Circuit Court, before! Commissioner Gamble, tlie ease ofi tire united States against Samuel|J. Tilden, ol "New York, was; leached yesterday afternoon. Thejonly witness examined was Mr, F.M. Hutchinson, Secretary andTreasurer of (he Pittsburg, FortWayne and Chicago Road, whotestified Ihat, between the yearsISCI and 1572, the sum of $50,000

had been paid Mr. Tilden for pro-fessional services rendeied thailine. He also testified Ihat Mr.Tilden had from time to time sentdifferent sums of money here tojbe invested in a railroad enterprise,jaud that dividends had been sent; him from this city. Tlie amountjof Investments and dividendsjcould not be definitely stated with-!out books.

A.*i(e,suit's Rfolemeot.

Philadelphia, Oct. 31.?ThePreu to-morrow will publish thesworn statement of James E. An-derson, ex-Supervisor of East Fe-liciana parish, made to-day beforea Notary Public of this city, re-specting the authentication of theSherman-Anderson-We her letter,alleged to have been written by tliepresent Secretary of tho Treasuryto Anderson and Weber in New Or-leans on the 20th of November,1878, and other matters connectedwith the Potter Committee. Itsets forth that, in June, 1878, afterhe had testified before the PotterCommittee on Louisiana affairs, hemet in Philadelphia E. L. Weber,who, In the course of a long inter-view, stated that he was in posses-sion of said letter, and wouldtestify in favor of the Democratsbefore tiie Potter Committee forthe sum of$10,000, and that Auder-son repeated the conversation to J.R. Sypher, nu attorney of lis ia city,a personal friend and college chumof Clarkson N. Potter, and that, outho day following, Weber, Ander-son and Sypher went to Washing-ton City. Weber declined to testi-fy for over two weeks, giv-ing as a reason that the Demo-cratic managers whom honamed would not pay him thesum he demanded. On the 27th

that hi 3 conviction was in error.Maltby will review tho testimonyfor Porter and file his argumentswith the Judge-Advocate to enablethe latter to prepare his answer.Either Ohoate or Bullitt will con-clude the ease wltb an argumentfor Pope.

4 |»E.«iiul<d Apnssolle t>< l»cuie.

New York, Oct. 31.?Pope Leohas appointed Dr. Oilooly, nine-

teen years Bishop of Elphin, to Uieposition of Apostolic Delegatefrom tie Holy See lo theUuitedStales and Canada. The statementthat the Pontifical Secretary ofState will consult tho British Gov-ern man t before appointing Cardi-nal Culleu'a successor, recalls for-mer reports that an understandinghad already beet) arrived at be-tweeu Oreat Britain and the Vati-can, with a view to suppressing theIrish disaffection. Tlio appoint-ment, therefore, is expected to havean Important political significance.

§M gj,ng*l#js Stratis.it,ll«\iwt ivei ? rooming; except Mo*-]


\u25a0I OHMt-U D-

re**! FOR DAILYHERALD:per .inmiai, i>y to nilor express Pi.nix months " " 5Thrje months 14


Delivered by carriers, per week 85 cents |

LO >ANGELES WEEKLY HERALD... ilshed every Saturday morning.

TERMS.One by i,iiitloroxpress,ouacopy..*3l)GThr c ? " ~» <"

Adiri. ilseiireiitn Inserted al renaouoblerat

All llludii ol Job-Work done so(..mode with Sum tfranelsno J"Frlce.Ntyl*. nod Klesjaweo ol Work.mmiHlils*.



Binnson & Wells.ATTORNEYS AT I.AW,


We have connections established utWashington with Hon. Matt. Carpenter,

hy wlxlon we are enabled to give specialattention to cases in the Supreme Courtofthe United States and all matters be-fore the Lepartmenls at Washington. oil






k K. HOWARD. ft H. HOWARD.J, BRuK-F.Al',

Howard, lirossoan & Howard,. ! rORMBYS AND COUNSELLORS* ,

' t. \w. Rooms, a,m andMTenV' '-. ..". i< third Boor, Los Angeles.


v"s. C. HUBBELL,? i I UINKY \T LAW, Rooms 3 and 1

A iiueoutinao ? Block, eo**a» Main.*,-?.. rulal streets, Los Angelas, uiny-^-il

11 AStai L *H- SMITHii, n inu*. '*\u25a0 »? "Mi?

3LASSELL, CHAPMAN & SMITH'?.?? ISO UN FYS AT LAW,i\nffWtt TEMPI.C SI <«'l< 01-stulrs, l.«*

> .n'eles.CttUroriiia. ne'J-tlj--

"FTf». Ramirez,

A'I I O HNK V Arl' I-A W

OFntW? Temple Block, No, Tl, I nsAnno es. \u25a0»" ""


). ii. Smith, 51. D.,Lste House SurgeOU aud t nyslelan,

Bellevue and Btackwell's [.land Hos-pitals, New York Ctijr.

BL' Cit-ttuoc2l-l in

Dr. Kirkpatrick.irftk-e and Residence-No. ir,FRANKI.ir<

HIBBET. fe2S-lm

Or 7h. P. RICHARDSON,i'hj sielsiu ami Pururooiit, .ni. :iee, VortßU!. IOfflce.No. llPew-

iiuenn Visia street. I noyßlock.upstalrs.

J. HANNON, M. D.,( |>UNW PHYSICIAN., >,lUMSBA H, LAN FRANCO BLOCK.I\ Kuideiiee Downey avenue. Lastj/.s Angeles, n«ar the end ot street rail-

"owe* houips lo>m 10 to MA. M.; from I to,i«, "P2O tf

Dr. Joseph KurtzHas removed his office lo No. B'2 MAINSTREET, over Duller A Bradley's Fuml-

'"offloeHpurt-From io to 12, ito 0 and ato ih Resldeneo-Buena Vista street.


i Dr. ChinQuong Zin,





Francisco Pico, PropV.

This well known and popular holel-hy common consent iho belt appointee 1and most luxurious in Houthern Califor-nia? hasjust been

Refurnished and Renovated,Apaitments single and en suite. The

cuisine is unsurpassed ou the roust.Kvery detail of the service, apartment!aud table


United States Hotel,


Cor. Main and Requena Sts.

This hofel I tikes In an entire blockfronting 820 feel on itequena street, 100 onMain and i&fe <% on Los Angeles sir. et.


Are airy, and all contain Spring Bed!with tlie latest improvements.


la supplied with tho best Uie nuukeialfbrdfi.

RaT Kt* mor> Kitat it:.

A Free Omnibus la attached to the ho-tel*and baggage is conveyed gratis toand from the depot.

Tho United States Hotel is centrallylocated, opposite the Court. House, aud Unear the roslotlice and Land Offlce,

Call and sco us. You will receive goodtroatment. HENRY HAMMEL,



S. W. CRAIGUE & CO..Proprietors.

The St. Charles is located In the busi-ness centre ot tho city,and is t.ho largest,most elegant and completely organisedHotel lh Southorn California.

Free coach to tho house.

ur**"Western Union Telegraph In Hoteloffloe. Jyiitf

MOJAVE HOTEI,Mojave Junollou, Oct I.

rpHLS HOUSE IS NOW PEPARED MS, to receive its numerous patronxJtiJL

ami the traveling public in general, Be-Ing entirely new aud splendidly tur-nlshed, it affords superior accommoda-tions.

ITS TABLE D' BOTEIs secoud to none In Southern California

THEDAR la supplied with the choicestbrands of wines, liquors and cigars.

An elegant BILLIARD ROOM 1. alsoattached to tho house.

All trains stop hero for breakfast an.lsupper, it In tnr. \u25a0 --tut.of departure for

inty iniucs, viz.?t Gordo and Pan-

CO.i ege of c






llonius 13 nnd H, Mcdonald Block,Maiu Ht., LOS ANGELES,CaI.


W.H.J, IiHOOKS. OKOROTCJ. Cr.AItKK.W. Hi h. uussull, Att'y at Law.

BROOKS, CLARKE Sl RUSSELL,Searchers of Records end

Examiners ofTitles.

wallbs'S huiding, comer Springand Temple streets.



General Forwarding, Storage andCommission Merchants.

WAREHOUSE-San Pedro St. depot.OFFICE?Nos. 1 and 3, Downey Block,Wltb Thompson A Ellis.

N. B.?We are prepared to make liber-al loans on grain stored Witt) ns at ONEPKlt CENT, pur month. a9lt'

§1 to §1000 to Loan,At' THE STAR LOAN AND BROKER


Willadvance on collaterals 81 to $1000,on all kinds of pt-rsonal property, suchas watches. Jewelry, diamonds, pistols,guns.eto. Gold, slfver and v. H. Carrey,cy nought and sold. nlltf



B3ES UANCHKS. V 6t M.v- FiTT, SanWIDKBY. or COL.Anpeiei. . >2m


.meats,, s, Isne*; Qc 'Mtiteos

lo /est l.iviny Prices

> 'ouis 'am xcb.\u25a0 m arenla- ? i

EX V. t.fat.

TEACHERS' INSTITUTE.Tho Teachers* instfiuie of Los Angeles

county will meet at

HALL,Ivthe City of Los Auifcles,

MONDAY, Nov. 4th, nntl continuein session live days.

Ho*. 12. S. Carr, Superintendent ofPublic Instruction, ProC A. L. Maun,City SupeiinteudenLSehooLs fcJ:tu Frau-oUco. Prof, H. IS. Norton, ofthe StatuNormal {school, Mrs. Jeanne O. Carr,l>**l»uiySuperintendent Public Instruc-tion aud J. p. Wlduey, M. L>., have been'uvit .-d and are expeciod to assist In the

! york of Ihe Institute.The attention of teachers employed inI ?' Public Schools In tho couniy is calledj:>> Sea/UttOof the School Law, which ro-Ioutre* t hem to attend the Institute andparticipate ivits proceeding.

i All teachers, school offioors and per-. v ons interested lvihe oatur oi education. iii-.' inWied to be present.\ VV. P. McDONALI^,

j t'OKoi.y Superintendent achoulv.| Los Arnjelrs, Oct. 10. ISTU. olltd


THE NEW CASH STORE,Cor. Main & Temple Sts., Downey Block,

OPEN FOR BUSINESS!Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS! AllNew! No Old Goods! Good Line of MEN'S


Dailies and Gentlemen cordially Invited to call and examine goo Is aad prices. Hope to merit a liberalpatronage. Very Respectfully,

LOS AKGELE3, Oot. 20.1675. o2C-J4w-;'.m B. F. COULTER. !



Where ho is prepared to show the ladie3 of Los Angeles goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Nowla tho timo to come and secure your BARGAINS. NO COMMON TRASH sold at this

Establishment. All Goods aa Represented.

LOOK A.T OTJK 1»JJMOI-: I.IST!20 yards of the best American Prints $100

12 yards Lonsdale 1 0012 yards White Rock 1 00Cheviot Shirting lOcta. per yardCOOO yards Snnwflske Dress Goods 15 cts. per yard5000 yards French Armlns 25 cts. per yard51)00 yards Clan Plaids 25 cts. per yard1000 yard* Black Silk, gros grain $1 per yard100 Ladles' Dresses of the Latest Styles |T 60 each100 Ladies' Dresses of the Latest Styles $9 00 each150 Ladies' Dresses of tlie Latest Styles $12 00 eachLadies' Clonks ?6 00 each

Liidioi.' liisnillioroliiofs, lV»ij>lcins, Towels, Embroidery, Howlei-y,Ci!i>vt>!-i, Luces, JVicw Stylo "Voils.

500 pairs of Mission Woolen MillsFamily White Blankets at $G 00, from the great sale of Newhill, HinFrancisco. These Blankets always sold at $10.

AU Kinds of Fancy Goods at Half tho Usual Prices.?fir A full line of Ladies', Gentt,' and Children's SHOES. CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS

in endless variety and AT BOTTOM PRICKS. Call and examine for yourselves aud bo convinced 'hatthis no humbug.



Having to make room for my Winter Qooils, I offer my present

Magnificent Stock of


At Lower Prices Than Ever Sold Before.Tlios ; liavii.a in mind tlio saving of money, would do well to call at

once. 1 will give BARGAINS. 1 KEEP NO TRASH GOODS. All

are of the best manufacture.






T IxstXl Cost,To iietirc from Business.

Trices no object. Come and examine ray stock, andsatisfy yourself. NO HUMBUG. Great reduction inprices at wholesale.

E. LAVENTHAL,ITELLMANBLOCK, cor. Los Angeles & Commercial Sts.



?WFIiKB LUNCH. BEER » CENTSA (Jf.AcM. (jive usacali.

o.*tf tt. HAIiFKNKB,Proprietor.

FOR~BALE.Bjt the Lake Vineyard Land and WaterAssociation, the best Orange nnd Semi.Tropical bruit Land In the Htate. Water

right «oe* with the land Apply to theolHoc of 1". Heandry, No. X .New Hlru St.ap!Btf F. W. WOOD. Hoeretnry.

REST7uI?ANf~DE T^ARisTOpposite, the IM,o House.

A. CUYAS MANAGEU.iMEALS at M) uts. or i hi

li'srl'rivate rooms for mmifit**,-r.a jAmerican and 1 rei.uu stvlj.


O *Vr d»yi »t hum*!*Pe_> «I>4aWV/ * tuples worth 11,free. RviKiortft Co., Pt<.!land. Me.



MasonioNotlc*.», iMAngelea Lodge So. «?, ?»Zrk AA. St. ?The mated meeting*

VVof tliia Lodge ere held on «*:?flintMONDAY ofeach

' \u25bc x J:;w j-. m. Members of l>umi-Jplm, No. 202, und Mil Master Masoaa ta :stood standing are cordially Invited. 4

by order of the W:* Mi-dias. Smith, Secretary.

Los ftntisiet Chapter No. 3), R: - *:?«:\u25a0

Stated convocations oa tv .MONDAYof each meat*.I/V-AIf p

' at Masonic Hall,tlha la'i Sojourning companion* laf\ >* >/ good standing oordiaU> las \u25a0

WrVVI ylted. By order of8. C.FOY, H. t'M

1 f Sam. Pbaokb, 83Seoretary.

Los Angeles Conncil No. 11, Royal aaaSelect Masters, F. km. M.,

Holds Its slated assemblies on the 4th fMonday of each month at Masonic Hail, -at 7:30 p. m. Sojourning Companions la |good standing are fraternally Invited to -'attend. Byorder ofthe Th;. Hi!.

B. Q. CUNNINGHAM,Recorder.

<^?KNIGHTSTEMPLArt \De UonCennsseeryNe J

Holds Us stated conclaves at the Asy Ibun In Maeonio Hall, on the Third 'THTJKSDAY ol each month, at TKo'elook Ir. M. Sojourning Knights Templar lagood standing are cordially Invited to at*tend. By order of the

b:- o:-J. C. LiTTi.Brici.D. Recorder.

I.uh Augein ISHlge le. SO, I. O. ?.IV. jrtmW'n Regular meeting held oa I

WEDN EH DAY K\ ENING Ol !li week at 7>, o'clock. Str

looming brethren In goodstanding aro cordially invited.

J. W. BARD, H. c IA. Frank, R. 8.

Orange Grove Encampment, No. 81,1. ?.0. F.

HfißiMa RF.tiULAR MKETINOB heldmjfmmmMi'-'' tb.- Second said Fourth

TUESDAY'S of each month ai .iy, p. >t. Sojourning Palrl-

arebs lv good .landing are cordially lnvl- 8ted lo attend.

C C. LIPS, v. r iB. Marxsek, Scribe.

§ Knights of Pythias.

OLIVE LODGE, No. M. 'meets every Thursday evening, at7 o'clock, at tbe Castle -Hall,

Downey Block. Ml sojourning Knight*in good standing are cordlaity Invited.

I. A. DUNs.VOOB.O. O.C E. Miles,K. ol It. a.

Confidence Engine Company No. 2._REGULAR MEETINGS Ol

/IiBI tb's Company will take placeuu f,le rtlst Wednesday eva- |nine of each month, at

« o'clock. By order,

' '***' " W. S. MOORE, Secretary

PIONEER AUCTION HOUSEOf Los Angeles City and County,

First Stale, Couniy and City Lleensataken out Oct. Ist, IiIUV, and kept upuninterrupted to the present dale. j

el "w=. JsroizriES, %GENERAL A JCTIOII*^^!With J. O. DeTurk, No. 1 MARKBI

two door* Hbovo Wells, Fargo 4cCo.'s Office.

Regular Hale Dttjs for horses, ear-rlages, (urniau-A. etc., Wednesdays au4 %Saturday* noin 10 o'clock A. M. to 4o'clock p. m. Cash advances made oaconsignments. Cash paid for all kinds 'ofgoods.waresand merchandise. Charges >on Ihe "live aud let let live" basis.

N. B.?No real estate wold except bjrauction. Charges on real estate salesone per cent.

E. W. NOYES, Auctioneer,And General Business Manager for J. <3.

DeTurk. nv2l


Largest Stock of Auction GoodsIN THE CITY.

HI. ir,. Bi^owisr, IAuction and Commission Merchant,

Two doors oa*t of old sts>nd, on Court St.,South of Court House.

sWUegulfir iSalfs on Saturdays, fromft va. m. till 4p. v. special sales made atany time ur place. Cash paid for allUll d* 4 I :.">0(!f.

K.'ieniuce, by permission: R. E. Hyde*I it'biiient Bank of Vlsalla; E. F.Spenoe,Cashier Commercial Bank, L. A.

812U H. R.BROWN, Auctioneer. 4sfFOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.

A highly-Improved tract of

*iO ACHES of jTtrmsof Sale? ?5,ft00. one-half cash,

cold coin, and the other half ptopvrty,real or personal, at i:* pie*tnt cuuhvalue.

Call and see the proprrtv, vv apply toJUDGE THOMAS li. >.Ml'lH, ot LoaAugeles, or O. H. AI.I.hN,the premises, a>l joiniii»r the I.os NietosInstitute, near Downey City. olOtf


The great English remedy t< *NervousDebility, Spermatorrhea aud PrematureDecline of Physical Force.

Tho Vital RestorativeWill positively core, thoroughly endpermanenl ly,any cuse ofVITALITYor Nervous Debility, elthaiacute or of long standlug, and In elttiersex, no matter from what cause pro-duced.

The Vital RestorativeIs a thoroughly selentlfla prescription, Isnot a quack n< strum, hence perfectlysafe to take; Is pleasant to the taste,supplies to the cerebro-splnal and sym-pathetic system ofnerves now fore*.

Purifies and EnrichesThe blood, rejuvenating and retavlgorat-lug both mind aud body. Thousands,both In this country end in Europe, cantestify to the great restorative propertiesof this really greet medicine.

Price, $3 per bojf c, or four times th*quantity lor f10. (\u25a0

\u25a0\u25a0 nt to auy address se-cure irom observaJ on.

Address all letters toA. E. MINTIK, M. P.,, (Graduate of the University of Penney}*

vanla and late Resident Surgeon to thei UrthopoHilc Hospital of Philadei-Iphla.)INo. 7ifl Montgomery St., Han Kreneiuco.; Sole Agent.

> P. 8.-DR. MINTIK can be consulted, inrelerence to the above complaints dur-; Insr ofllco hours from 9 a. if. to 8 f. at.I dully, aud from 8 to S in the even lea.

Sunday*. It) a. v. to Iv. v. Consul tatf«ii FKJEK. Thorough examination and sd-l vice, $5. Full directions and advice Ire*i with every package ofmedletne. Ivlsti