older adults and gambling mental health & aging project

Older Adults and Gambling Mental Health & Aging Project

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Page 1: Older Adults and Gambling Mental Health & Aging Project

Older Adults and Gambling

Mental Health & Aging Project

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Older adults have many opportunities to gamble, and often have more free time for gambling than younger people

Casinos offer buses to bring older adults from senior centers and retirement homes; charities offer bingo nights and raffles as older adults' social events

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Seniors’ Vulnerability to Gambling

Often dealing with– Retirement– Death of a spouse– Physical and emotional pain– Loss– Loneliness– Lack of social opportunities– Time on their hands to gamble

Casinos target their marketing strategies to attract more senior patrons

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Gaming Industry

One of the fastest growing industries in the United States

Legalized gambling is a $40 billion a year industry in this country

Utah and Hawaii are the only states not currently participating in legalized gambling

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Gaming Industry cont’d

125 million people in the U.S. are gamblers (The National Gambling Impact Study Commission)

Individuals over the age of 65 represent about 7.2% of this group

Estimates that the country has 1.8 million to 2.5 million gambling addicts

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Elderly Gaming

Studies indicate that gambling participation declines with age

73% of those aged 18-24 gambled in the past year

This figure dropped to 23% for those 65 years of age and older

Older adult casino patrons spent, on average, $53.12 each time they gambled

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More than 500 casinos in operation in 26 states

Concerns have been raised about casino gaming as “economic development” – Of particular concern is the long-term

effect of gambling activities on the development of problem gambling

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Addiction on the Rise

A number of studies indicate that gambling addiction is on the rise among older adults in the United States and Canada

Retired adults with disposable income and extra time are particularly vulnerable to legalized and state sanctioned gambling

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Addiction on the Rise (continued)

Aggressive marketing tactics aimed at older adults by casinos increase their vulnerability

70% of older adults have gambled at least once in the past year– 11% of these gamblers are considered “at risk” of

experiencing financial problems due to excessive gambling

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Addiction on the Rise cont’d

Standard of living for retirees on fixed incomes may become seriously affected by problem gambling

Younger gamblers have time to recover their losses– Older persons who have gambled away their

retirement funds have little or no time to start over

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Why Older Adults Gamble

Gambling may provide:– Social support to older adults who are often

isolated– Excitement– Entertainment– Winnings– Challenge– A way to pass time

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Why the Elderly Gamble (continued)

Older adults may turn to casinos and racetracks to deal with loneliness

Older adults, particularly women, favor slot machines over other games of chance

68% of elderly gamblers preferred slot machines

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Why the Elderly Gamble cont’d

Reports indicate that slots “have the worst odds in the house”

Older gamblers were more interested in the amount of action available, rather than the amount of money won

For about 8% it is an addiction that can cost them their retirement nest egg

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Reasons for Concern

1. Targeting of elderly by the gaming industry• Older people are “courted” by the gambling industry

2. Marketing strategies• Senior citizen discounts• Club cards that give 50% discounts on prescriptions

and over-the-counter drugs• Free transportation and meals• Companionship from group outings

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Reasons for Concern (continued)

3. Advertising• Federal law prohibits casinos from

advertising gaming activities on radio and television

• Exceptions to this rule a. Excludes Indian tribes that operate casinos

b. State-sponsored lotteries

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North Dakota Gaming

No policies in North Dakota to protect elderly gamblers– no policies in place to protect any gamblers in

North Dakota

Four nationally certified gambling addiction counselors serve the entire state of North Dakota

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North Dakota Gaming (continued)

Funding to address emerging gambling problems in North Dakota began in 1997

Funding for Gamblers Choice– Services include:

Treatment program for gamblers and their families AssessmentsGroup and individual counselingFinancial counselingEducation

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North Dakota Gaming (continued)

Five casinos and the State contribute funds to ameliorate gambling problems

Funds are used to:– Provide a toll-free helpline– Train casino employees to identify problem

gambling behavior among patrons– Purchase literature for display in casinos– Fund referral slots for gambling treatment

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Where to Get Help


Lisa Vig, Director

1325 11th St S

Fargo, ND 58103

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: (701) 235-7341

Fax: (701) 235-7359


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Where to Get Help (Continued)

Gamblers Anonymous (GA)


GA Meetings in North Dakota:


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Bjelde, K. & Chromy, B. (2005) Casino gambling among older adults in North Dakota: A policy analysis. Unpublished paper.

