office (staff - contacts) main number (770) 923-6633


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Page 2: Office (Staff - Contacts) Main Number (770) 923-6633


Office (Staff - Contacts) Main Number (770) 923-6633 Mily Andrews Administra ve Assistant (bilingual) [email protected] 470-508-9843

Paul Suwak, Communica ons Coordinator [email protected] 470-508-9846 Jim Cur ss Liturgy Coordinator, 470-508-9836 jim.cur [email protected]

Paul Hayes, Business Manager [email protected] 470-508-9845

Mitzi Richardson, Accounts Payable [email protected] 470-508-9844 Tom Hardin Facility Maintenance, 470-508-9838

Kathy Laskodi, Accounts Receivable [email protected] 470-508-9837

Deacon Mike Hayward, Stewardship/Safe Environment Coord. [email protected] 470-508-9842 Maria Tro er, Preschool Director maria.tro [email protected], 470-508-9841

BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS are to be sent to Paul Suwak at [email protected] NO LATER THAN noon on Friday, two weeks prior to the weekend requested for the bulle n. Late submissions may or may not be able to be placed.

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time When someone men ons laws and/or commandments, we usually think of them as burdens that we have to bear to be good ci zens or church members. But if you listen carefully to the first reading from Deuteronomy, you get the sense that the laws Moses presented to the people of Israel were gi from God, something to be proud of. Moses gives two reasons for this. Moses presents the laws as wise and just, so much so that other na ons would praise and envy the Israelites for having such laws. Some of the na ons around at the

me had kings who used the law to keep themselves in power and make them wealthy. The second reason was that they showed how much God cared for his people, that he would guide them in their everyday lives and hear their prayers. Though God is greater than they could comprehend, he is also nearer than we think. This brings us to Jesus, who shows us the Father and who made the law both simpler and more challenging. Jesus simplified the laws by showing us that loving God and loving our neighbors as ourselves was the basis of all God’s laws. The challenge is to do more than simply avoid hur ng or chea ng others. We are to love one another as Jesus loves us. That means reaching out to those in need, forgiving our enemies, caring for the sick or dying. And don’t forget about loving God: How o en do we even think about Him, thank Him for all we have, or take me to listen to Him? Do we love Jesus so much that we want other people to know him too? If we are willing to accept the challenge to love God and neighbor, we will not have to worry about breaking laws. Tom Schmid, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Vigésimo primer domingo del empo ordinario Cuando alguien menciona leyes y/o mandamientos, por lo general pensamos en ellos como cargas que tenemos que soportar para ser buenos ciudadanos o miembros de la iglesia. Pero si escuchas atentamente la primera lectura de Deuteronomio, enes la sensación de que las leyes que Moisés presentó al pueblo de Israel fueron don de Dios, algo de lo que estar orgulloso. Moisés da dos razones para esto. Moisés presenta las leyes como sabias y justas, tanto que otras naciones alabarían y envidiarían a los israelitas por tener tales leyes. Algunas de las naciones de la época tenían reyes que usaban la ley para mantenerse en el poder y hacerlos ricos. La segunda razón fue que mostraron cuánto Dios se preocupaba por su pueblo, que él los guiaría en su vida co diana y escucharía sus oraciones. Aunque Dios es más grande de lo que podrían comprender, también está más cerca de lo que pensamos. Esto nos lleva a Jesús, quien nos muestra al Padre y que hizo la ley más simple y desafiante. Jesús simplificó las leyes mostrándonos que amar a Dios y amar a nuestros vecinos como a nosotros mismos era la base de todas las leyes de Dios. El desa o es hacer más que simplemente evitar las mar o engañar a otros. Debemos amarnos unos a otros como Jesús nos ama. Eso significa llegar a los necesitados, perdonar a nuestros enemigos, cuidar a los enfermos o morir. Y no te olvides de amar a Dios: ¿Con qué frecuencia pensamos en Él, le damos gracias por todo lo que tenemos o nos tomamos el

empo para escucharlo? ¿Amamos tanto a Jesús que queremos que otras personas también lo conozcan? Si estamos dispuestos a aceptar el desa o de amar a Dios y al prójimo, no tendremos que preocuparnos por violar las leyes. Tom Schmid, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Page 3: Office (Staff - Contacts) Main Number (770) 923-6633


7pm Vida en el


7pm Servidores de Cristo

5pm Ministerio de Música de la Renovación

6pm Taller de Adolescentes

2 Jueves 31 Martes 1 Miércoles 30 Lunes 3 Viernes 4 Sábado 5 Domingo

2 Thursday 31 Tuesday 1 Wednesday 30 Monday 3 Friday 4 Saturday

Eucharistic Adoration

23 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

10am Clases de Crecimiento del grupo de oración

12pm WCBS Facilitator Meeting



7pm RCIA

5 Sunday

Our Parish Week-at-a-Glance: Mon., Aug. 30th- Sun., Sept. 5th, 2021

10am ESL

6:30pm SPROUTS/GIFT Parent Mtg.

7pm Choir Practice;

Special Needs

9:30am Fatima Prayer Group

10am WCBS 2pm Sewing Group

6:30pm SPROUTS/GIFT Parent Mtg.

7pm Lady of Perpetual Help

6pm GriefShare 6:30pm Creation Care


23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

40 Hours Devotion—Thurs. 9:45am—Sat. 8:45am

Nuestra Parroquia La-Semana-en-un-Vistazo: lunes, 30 de Agosto, - domingo 22 de Septiembre, 2021

To donate flowers for your special occasion or to remember a deceased loved one, contact:

Mary Marder at (678) 549-0188 or [email protected]

Thursdays, following the 9:00 am Mass till 9 pm in our Marian Chapel.

Also, Monthly 40 hours Adoration from 1st Thursday after 9 am

Mass until 1st Saturday before 9am Mass.

Devoción de 40 horas—jueves. 9:45am—Sáb. 8:45am

Monday August 30

6:30 am 9:00 am

Deacon Jim O'Brien † Alejandra Torres (Birthday)

1 Thes 4:13-18 Ps 96:1, 3-5, 11-13 Lk 4:16-30

Tuesday August 31

6:30 am 9:00 am

Patricia Waltamath † Oscar Espinoza †

1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11 Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 Lk 4:31-37

Wednesday September 1

6:30 am 9:00 am

Mary Neumann (Birthday) Beatriz Florendo †

Col 1:1-8 Ps 52:10-11 Lk 4:38-44

Thursday September 2

6:30 am 9:00 am

Bill Moreau † Sam Strother †

Col 1:9-14 Ps 98:2-6 Lk 5:1-11

Friday September 3

6:30 am 9:00 am

Souls in Purgatory † Bill Youngblood †

Col 1:15-20 Ps 100:1b-5 Lk 5:33-39

Saturday September 4

9:00 am 5:00 pm

Dennis and Claire Magao † Larry Hodges †

Col 1:21-23 Ps 54:3-4, 6, 8 Lk 6:1-5

Sunday September 5

8:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm

Irene Gordon † Ron Barczykowski † Emily Ríos Reyes (s) 3años presentación Manuel Danlag (s)

Is 35:4-7a Ps 146:7-10 Jas 2:1-5 Mk 7:31-37

Date Time Mass Intention Daily Scripture

† Deceased (s) Special Intention *en español ~Nursery at all weekend Masses.~

10am ESL

6pm Taller de Oracion y Vida

7:30pm La Divina Misericordia

7pm Estudio Biblico

August 22nd Altar flowers were in honor of

“All women who struggle” from Andrew & Shannon Dantzer

Page 4: Office (Staff - Contacts) Main Number (770) 923-6633


Confessions Saturdays, 8:00-8:45 am and 3:30-4:30 pm in the Parish Conference Room

until further notice. Confessions can also be done by appointment.

Saint John Neumann Catholic Church 801 Tom Smith Road, Lilburn, Georgia 30047-2299 Ph: 770-923-6633; Fax: 770-381-7856; Parish Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Religious Educa on Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday, 11:30am - 5:30 pm Fr. Sunny Punnakuziyil, MSFS, Pastor; e-mail: [email protected] Fr. Dairo Rico, Parochial Vicar; e-mail: [email protected] Permanent Deacons: Rev. Mr. Mike Byrne; e-mail: [email protected] Rev. Mr. Mike Hayward; e-mail: [email protected] Rev. Mr. Manuel Echevarria; e-mail: [email protected] Rev. Mr. Joe Odom; email: [email protected] Mass Schedule: Sunday 8:30 am; 11:00 am; 1:00 pm (en Español); 5:00 pm (Life Teen) Monday—Friday 6:30 am & 9:00 am * Wednesday - 6:00 pm (* First Wednesday of the month) Saturday 9:00 am & 5:00 pm Vigil Mass * Nursery is available at all weekend Masses.

PRAYERS FOR OUR MILITARY! Any parish families who have an active military member, please e-mail Joni McClusky at [email protected]. Their name, rank, and branch of service will be listed on our parish bulletin to encourage prayers for them and their families. Air Force: Captain Ben Bourgeois; Airman Andrew Porras; Major Matthew Buscemi; Lt. Lindsay Wallace Marines: Sgt. Padraic McClusky; 1st Lt. Collin Howard Army: Captain Zachary Guyton; 1Lt. Jessica Ecklund; Cpl. Ryan Ross; Sgt. Nick Petroni Navy: PO1 Class Ryan Higgs; Lt Jordan Stephens

Bap sms Prepara on Classes in English are normally held on the third Monday of the month from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in room 6. Contact the Parish Office for further informa on and to register for class. Bap sms are held on the first and third Sundays of each month at 3:00 pm. Bap sm classes in Spanish are held on the second Friday of the month from 7pm to 9pm in room 3. Contact Parish Ofc at 770-923-6633, to Register.

We need help with: Washing, Ironing all linens used at Mass and for Bap sm. We work in teams of two, so your help would be needed 8-9 mes a year Collect and return the items to Church, with a 2-3 day turnaround. Contact Mary Deveau, 770-923-3963 or deveaub@a .net

Altar Linen Ministry Help Wanted

“The Gospel of Luke”: In mately discover God’s heart for you with profound insights into the Prodigal Son and other parables. Go deeper with God than ever before with the new “Living It Out” segment that helps you hear what God is asking and draw closer to Him. Come immerse yourself in the parables of Mercy found in Luke, to uncover God’s Mercy in His own words, and to see how His Mercy is s ll ac ve in the world today. This 18 week study will begin on Monday, September 13, 7:00-8:30 in rooms 1 & 2 on the lower level of St. John Neumann. The fall session will be September 13-November 22 for the lessons 1-11. Lessons 12-18 will begin on January 24, 2022. Registra on forms are on this website. The cost of the book for the evening study is $38.00. It is payable on the first night of class. I encourage you to join us. You will find it enriching and inspira onal! Any ques ons contact Ann Hayes at [email protected] or 770-862-0859.

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COUPLES CELEBRATING 50th AND 60th ANNIVERSARY IN 2021: The Archdiocese of Atlanta would like to honor couples married in 1971 and 1961 with an invita on to a Golden/Diamond Wedding Anniversary Mass on Saturday October 2, at 12:00 noon at Saint Brigid Catholic Church with Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv. This year, jubilarian couples are welcome to bring up to four (4) addi onal guests. Please go to h p:// to RSVP for this event and for addi onal informa on.

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Please come and join us in the monthly Novena

to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, held every first Wednesday of the month.

As always, the Novena is celebrated with Holy Mass and Benediction.

September 1st at 7:00 p.m. in our Marian Chapel

Please join us as we kick off the season of Crea on Care with the following lecture Sept. 7, 7 – 9 pm, Room 4-5 below the church. Refreshments served.

The Earth is the Lord’s: A Chris an Theology of Environmental Stewardship – Taught by Dr. Mark Douglas, Columbia Theological Seminary. This lecture explores environmental ethics from a Chris an perspec ve, taking into account historical documents and current experience of environmental issues, guiding par cipants in shaping an ethical response to today’s environmental challenges. For more informa on, contact Susan Varlamoff, [email protected] or 770-618-9067

The body count of the Sexual Revolu on is enormous, just considering the aborted babies alone.

Add in the suicides, depression, unhappiness, loneliness and all the other consequences of family

breakdown and sexual license. It is a staggering toll.”

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Founder, Ruth Ins tute

Page 6: Office (Staff - Contacts) Main Number (770) 923-6633


Offertory Campus Maintenance Total

*Offertory, August 22nd, 2021 $26,872.00 $4,905.00 $31,777.00

This Year - YTD $204,646.00 $34,621.00 $239,267.00

Budget - YTD $253,499.00 $23,756.00 $277,255.00

Thank you for your continued generosity! Our weekly average operating expenses are $34,657.00

Note: Our Fiscal Year Runs July 1 through June 30 If you are an e-Giver, please use your offertory envelope and “I Give Electronically”

Newly baptized! Henry Manning; Daniel Manning;

Mauricio Lopez

Please pray for our sursuffering loved ones:

Godofredo Vidanes, Charlo e Smith-Harris, Bobby Prui , Joyce Prui , Helen Lemke,

Frances Wilkins, Phyllis Slaght, Richard Wise, Joseph Constan no,

Estela Salazar, Mar n Anacleto, Salvador Guerrero, Peggy Mar n,

Dan Maloney, Sonya Powell, John Ruda, Mickaelyn Moon, David Frapwell,

Zachary Sandy, Lea Custer, David Wise, Julio Carranza, Lydia D’Amico,

David B. Andrews; Rosa Ortiz; Oscar Del Aguila; Diane Marczalek; Zenaida Doria; Virgilia Fidelson; Cora Villanueva; Zenaida Pacheco; Leonila Balisi;

Ida-Marie Anton

Please pray for our deceased loved ones: Kelly Marie Huber Vucelich;

Cynthia Tucker; Maureen Morgan; Jesse Alexander Cox; Marianna Saluzzi;

George P. Ulrich; Bruce Evere Babcock; Rosemarie L. Papo o; Cristo Jesús Hernández;

Beth Hein-Butler; Elizbeth Ziegler; Guenther Max Philipp;

Barbara Muck; Greta Michaels; Felix Aguilera; Dominga Rosales; David Andrews;

Nicholas Demetrio Vian III

Newly baptized! James S. McGill

Are you or someone you know looking to learn English? ESL (English as a Second Language) Classes begin on September 7 and con nue un l November 18. Classes will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-8:30 pm. Registra on for all students will be on August 22 from 2-3:30 pm in the lower church. The cost of the class is $35.00 which is the cost of the book used for a year. Nursery will be available for children, babies-10 yrs. For more informa on call/text Aida Galarza at 678-787-3909 or email at [email protected] or come on registra on day.

Walking With Purpose is offering two 2 women’s Bible study op ons this Fall. Keeping in Balance which explores Old and New Testament wisdom and how to apply it to your daily challenges. An in-person group will meet here at the church on Tuesday mornings from 10-11:30 am in the lower Quad area. A virtual group op on will meet Tuesday nights via Zoom from 7-8:30 pm.

Opening Your Heart which is a virtual study perfect for women new to Walking With Purpose (with or without Bible study experience) and who have busy schedules. This group will meet Tuesday nights via Zoom from 7-8:30 pm. The WWP studies begin Tuesday, Sept. 7th. Register online at SJN parish website under Adult Educa on! Registra on closes Aug. 27th.

¿Quieres aprender inglés? Las clases de ESL (ingles como segunda lengua) empiezan sep embre 7 hasta noviembre 18. Las clases se reúnen los martes y jueves de 7-8:30 pm. Matriculación para todos estudiantes será domingo agosto 22 después de la misa hispana de 2-3:30 pm en la parte abajo de la iglesia. Guardería de niños bebe hasta 10 años será disponible. El costo de las clases es el costo del libro, $35.00, que se usa todo el año. Para más información puede llamar/texto a Aida Galarza (678-787-3909) o email – [email protected] o venir el día de matriculación.

The SJN Sewing Group will resume mee ng on September 1st in the church Conference Room at 2p.m. New members are welcome. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. NO special sewing skills are needed. We hand sew bids for the pa ents at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Atlanta. Contact Cay Grant at 770-921-5395 if you have any ques ons. Looking forward to seeing you!

Next weekend Sunday, September 5th, our Second Collec on will be for: Fransalian Missions. Your generosity is truly Appreciated.

Page 7: Office (Staff - Contacts) Main Number (770) 923-6633

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507233 St John Neumann Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240

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